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Tomb Raider King Manga

206 Votes
The God's Tombs started to appear around the world. Due to the relics within these tombs, many were able to wield these legendary power for themselves, while others became enslaved to these users. However, a Tomb Raider appears with the purpose of robbing these relics. The Tomb Raider King. “God damn it! Did that bastard already loot this place as well?!” What you own belongs to me. What I own definitely belongs to me. This is the story of a revived Tomb Raider who will do whatever he can to claim all the tombs and relics for himself! Résumé Français : Des tombeaux divins dans le monde moderne. Des gens qui utilisent des capacités de héros à laide de reliques, et des gens devenus riches. Et aussi un mystérieux voleur de tombeaux qui est sorti de nulle part. Oh, cest de la folie ! Et là, il a tout vidé aussi ! Ce qui était à toi est à moi. Ce qui était à moi, bien sûr, est à moi ! Le voleur de tombeaux, renaissant de nouveau, se mit à chasser toutes les reliques du monde !
206 Votes
The God's Tombs started to appear around the world. Due to the relics within these tombs, many were able to wield these legendary power for themselves, while others became enslaved to these users. However, a Tomb Raider appears with the purpose of robbing these relics. The Tomb Raider King. “God damn it! Did that bastard already loot this place as well?!” What you own belongs to me. What I own definitely belongs to me. This is the story of a revived Tomb Raider who will do whatever he can to claim all the tombs and relics for himself! Résumé Français : Des tombeaux divins dans le monde moderne. Des gens qui utilisent des capacités de héros à laide de reliques, et des gens devenus riches. Et aussi un mystérieux voleur de tombeaux qui est sorti de nulle part. Oh, cest de la folie ! Et là, il a tout vidé aussi ! Ce qui était à toi est à moi. Ce qui était à moi, bien sûr, est à moi ! Le voleur de tombeaux, renaissant de nouveau, se mit à chasser toutes les reliques du monde !

Tomb Raider King Manga


Tomb Raider King Manga

(206 Votes)
Tomb Raider; 도굴왕 Расхититель гробниц
Redice Studio
Action;  Adventure;  Isekai;  
The God's Tombs started to appear around the world. Due to the relics within these tombs, many were able to wield these legendary power for themselves, while others became enslaved to these users. However, a Tomb Raider appears with the purpose of robbing these relics. The Tomb Raider King. “God damn it! Did that bastard already loot this place as well?!” What you own belongs to me. What I own definitely belongs to me. This is the story of a revived Tomb Raider who will do whatever he can to claim all the tombs and relics for himself! Résumé Français : Des tombeaux divins dans le monde moderne. Des gens qui utilisent des capacités de héros à laide de reliques, et des gens devenus riches. Et aussi un mystérieux voleur de tombeaux qui est sorti de nulle part. Oh, cest de la folie ! Et là, il a tout vidé aussi ! Ce qui était à toi est à moi. Ce qui était à moi, bien sûr, est à moi ! Le voleur de tombeaux, renaissant de nouveau, se mit à chasser toutes les reliques du monde !
Comments 9
Chapters 414
The God's Tombs started to appear around the world. Due to the relics within these tombs, many were able to wield these legendary power for themselves, while others became enslaved to these users. However, a Tomb Raider appears with the purpose of robbing these relics. The Tomb Raider King. “God damn it! Did that bastard already loot this place as well?!” What you own belongs to me. What I own definitely belongs to me. This is the story of a revived Tomb Raider who will do whatever he can to claim all the tombs and relics for himself! Résumé Français : Des tombeaux divins dans le monde moderne. Des gens qui utilisent des capacités de héros à laide de reliques, et des gens devenus riches. Et aussi un mystérieux voleur de tombeaux qui est sorti de nulle part. Oh, cest de la folie ! Et là, il a tout vidé aussi ! Ce qui était à toi est à moi. Ce qui était à moi, bien sûr, est à moi ! Le voleur de tombeaux, renaissant de nouveau, se mit à chasser toutes les reliques du monde !
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