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Why The King Needs A Secretary Manga

24 Votes
Celestia lives in the back alley of Golddina and has a skill that can dispel magic. She thinks that her skill is useless and supports her talented friend Serengevan instead. “Get that crazy bit*h out!” But he betrayed her and sold her as a s*ave even though they promised to get married. In her inescapable despair, a man who looked to be a nobleman appeared before Celestia and seeing his condition, Celestia proposes a deal to him. “I can heal the disease you are suffering from.” “...Where did you hear about me?” The man's face was getting increasingly scary but Celestia wanted to live. She eventually got what she wanted, and arrives at a place which resembled the imperial palace. “In the future, call me 'Your Majesty'.” “...Your Majesty?” “Of course, I'm the one and only Emperor of the Burg Empire, Van.” Surprisingly, the identity of the man is... The Emperor of the Burg Empire, known as the Red-Eyed Psychopath. Celestia became one of the emperor's subjects. Can she survive safely?
24 Votes
Celestia lives in the back alley of Golddina and has a skill that can dispel magic. She thinks that her skill is useless and supports her talented friend Serengevan instead. “Get that crazy bit*h out!” But he betrayed her and sold her as a s*ave even though they promised to get married. In her inescapable despair, a man who looked to be a nobleman appeared before Celestia and seeing his condition, Celestia proposes a deal to him. “I can heal the disease you are suffering from.” “...Where did you hear about me?” The man's face was getting increasingly scary but Celestia wanted to live. She eventually got what she wanted, and arrives at a place which resembled the imperial palace. “In the future, call me 'Your Majesty'.” “...Your Majesty?” “Of course, I'm the one and only Emperor of the Burg Empire, Van.” Surprisingly, the identity of the man is... The Emperor of the Burg Empire, known as the Red-Eyed Psychopath. Celestia became one of the emperor's subjects. Can she survive safely?

Why The King Needs A Secretary Manga


Why The King Needs A Secretary Manga

(24 Votes)
The Reason Why the King Needs a Secretary; 패왕에게 비서가 필요한 이유
Action;  Adventure;  Drama;  Fantasy;  Mystery;  Romance;  Tragedy;  
Celestia lives in the back alley of Golddina and has a skill that can dispel magic. She thinks that her skill is useless and supports her talented friend Serengevan instead. “Get that crazy bit*h out!” But he betrayed her and sold her as a s*ave even though they promised to get married. In her inescapable despair, a man who looked to be a nobleman appeared before Celestia and seeing his condition, Celestia proposes a deal to him. “I can heal the disease you are suffering from.” “...Where did you hear about me?” The man's face was getting increasingly scary but Celestia wanted to live. She eventually got what she wanted, and arrives at a place which resembled the imperial palace. “In the future, call me 'Your Majesty'.” “...Your Majesty?” “Of course, I'm the one and only Emperor of the Burg Empire, Van.” Surprisingly, the identity of the man is... The Emperor of the Burg Empire, known as the Red-Eyed Psychopath. Celestia became one of the emperor's subjects. Can she survive safely?
Comments 6
Chapters 104
Celestia lives in the back alley of Golddina and has a skill that can dispel magic. She thinks that her skill is useless and supports her talented friend Serengevan instead. “Get that crazy bit*h out!” But he betrayed her and sold her as a s*ave even though they promised to get married. In her inescapable despair, a man who looked to be a nobleman appeared before Celestia and seeing his condition, Celestia proposes a deal to him. “I can heal the disease you are suffering from.” “...Where did you hear about me?” The man's face was getting increasingly scary but Celestia wanted to live. She eventually got what she wanted, and arrives at a place which resembled the imperial palace. “In the future, call me 'Your Majesty'.” “...Your Majesty?” “Of course, I'm the one and only Emperor of the Burg Empire, Van.” Surprisingly, the identity of the man is... The Emperor of the Burg Empire, known as the Red-Eyed Psychopath. Celestia became one of the emperor's subjects. Can she survive safely?
Nov 19, 2024
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Sep 24, 2024
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Jul 07, 2024
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