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Our Ball Begins At Moonrise

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Once upon a time, Iris' greatest challenge as a socially inept mage was receiving the occasional client at her workshop. Little did she know that the nasty woman knocking on her door would change that forever. One violent confrontation later, the two women end up switching bodies and as it turns out, Iris' new body belongs to the kingdom's infamous shrew, Queen Rosemary! With her original body damaged and the real Rosemary dead, Iris must continue living as the queen. But that's easier said than done when the entire royal court hates her, especially her fiery husband the king who Rosemary was conveniently plotting to dethrone with the help of her many lovers. Needless to say, Iris is woefully unprepared for the deadliest ball of her life, and not just because she's a terrible dancer. All she can do is pray that the moon will guide her through these hopelessly dark times!
1 Votes
Once upon a time, Iris' greatest challenge as a socially inept mage was receiving the occasional client at her workshop. Little did she know that the nasty woman knocking on her door would change that forever. One violent confrontation later, the two women end up switching bodies and as it turns out, Iris' new body belongs to the kingdom's infamous shrew, Queen Rosemary! With her original body damaged and the real Rosemary dead, Iris must continue living as the queen. But that's easier said than done when the entire royal court hates her, especially her fiery husband the king who Rosemary was conveniently plotting to dethrone with the help of her many lovers. Needless to say, Iris is woefully unprepared for the deadliest ball of her life, and not just because she's a terrible dancer. All she can do is pray that the moon will guide her through these hopelessly dark times!

Our Ball Begins At Moonrise


Our Ball Begins At Moonrise

(1 Votes)
Drama;  Fantasy;  Historical;  Manhwa;  Romance;  Adaptation;  
Once upon a time, Iris' greatest challenge as a socially inept mage was receiving the occasional client at her workshop. Little did she know that the nasty woman knocking on her door would change that forever. One violent confrontation later, the two women end up switching bodies and as it turns out, Iris' new body belongs to the kingdom's infamous shrew, Queen Rosemary! With her original body damaged and the real Rosemary dead, Iris must continue living as the queen. But that's easier said than done when the entire royal court hates her, especially her fiery husband the king who Rosemary was conveniently plotting to dethrone with the help of her many lovers. Needless to say, Iris is woefully unprepared for the deadliest ball of her life, and not just because she's a terrible dancer. All she can do is pray that the moon will guide her through these hopelessly dark times!
Comments 1
Chapters 50
Once upon a time, Iris' greatest challenge as a socially inept mage was receiving the occasional client at her workshop. Little did she know that the nasty woman knocking on her door would change that forever. One violent confrontation later, the two women end up switching bodies and as it turns out, Iris' new body belongs to the kingdom's infamous shrew, Queen Rosemary! With her original body damaged and the real Rosemary dead, Iris must continue living as the queen. But that's easier said than done when the entire royal court hates her, especially her fiery husband the king who Rosemary was conveniently plotting to dethrone with the help of her many lovers. Needless to say, Iris is woefully unprepared for the deadliest ball of her life, and not just because she's a terrible dancer. All she can do is pray that the moon will guide her through these hopelessly dark times!
Ch34 done
Dec 14, 2023
The series Our Ball Begins At Moonrise contain intense violence, blood/gore,sexual content and/or strong language that may not be appropriate for underage viewers thus is blocked for their protection. So if you're above the legal age of 18.
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