Hiiragi Seiichi is an ugly, revolting, dirty, smelly fatass; these are the insults hurled at him one after another about his appearance. Such was Seiichis daily school life of bullying, then for some reason, one day when school was out, a voice claiming to be a God said over the PA system to prepare to be transported to another world. Whats more, not Seiichi alone, but the entire school. A fantasy world where game-like elements such as as levels, stats, and skills exist. However, the God still had preparations to complete for the transfer, and would send them over as soon as the hero summoning ritual was ready. The classes all formed groups to wait for the transfer, but Seiichi alone was discluded and as such was summoned to a different area. After being transported the first thing Seiichi ate was the Fruit of Evolution. This would come to greatly change his life...
This story is about how Seiichi went from being severely bullied by his classmates, even not being recognized for his accomplishments, and despite all that staying positive and surviving in this new world. As a result, he somehow becomes one of the champions. (Also the first heroine is a Gorilla?!)
Hiiragi Seiichi is an ugly, revolting, dirty, smelly fatass; these are the insults hurled at him one after another about his appearance. Such was Seiichis daily school life of bullying, then for some reason, one day when school was out, a voice claiming to be a God said over the PA system to prepare to be transported to another world. Whats more, not Seiichi alone, but the entire school. A fantasy world where game-like elements such as as levels, stats, and skills exist. However, the God still had preparations to complete for the transfer, and would send them over as soon as the hero summoning ritual was ready. The classes all formed groups to wait for the transfer, but Seiichi alone was discluded and as such was summoned to a different area. After being transported the first thing Seiichi ate was the Fruit of Evolution. This would come to greatly change his life...
This story is about how Seiichi went from being severely bullied by his classmates, even not being recognized for his accomplishments, and despite all that staying positive and surviving in this new world. As a result, he somehow becomes one of the champions. (Also the first heroine is a Gorilla?!)
Hiiragi Seiichi is an ugly, revolting, dirty, smelly fatass; these are the insults hurled at him one after another about his appearance. Such was Seiichis daily school life of bullying, then for some reason, one day when school was out, a voice claiming to be a God said over the PA system to prepare to be transported to another world. Whats more, not Seiichi alone, but the entire school. A fantasy world where game-like elements such as as levels, stats, and skills exist. However, the God still had preparations to complete for the transfer, and would send them over as soon as the hero summoning ritual was ready. The classes all formed groups to wait for the transfer, but Seiichi alone was discluded and as such was summoned to a different area. After being transported the first thing Seiichi ate was the Fruit of Evolution. This would come to greatly change his life...
This story is about how Seiichi went from being severely bullied by his classmates, even not being recognized for his accomplishments, and despite all that staying positive and surviving in this new world. As a result, he somehow becomes one of the champions. (Also the first heroine is a Gorilla?!)
Comments 3
Chapters 70
Hiiragi Seiichi is an ugly, revolting, dirty, smelly fatass; these are the insults hurled at him one after another about his appearance. Such was Seiichis daily school life of bullying, then for some reason, one day when school was out, a voice claiming to be a God said over the PA system to prepare to be transported to another world. Whats more, not Seiichi alone, but the entire school. A fantasy world where game-like elements such as as levels, stats, and skills exist. However, the God still had preparations to complete for the transfer, and would send them over as soon as the hero summoning ritual was ready. The classes all formed groups to wait for the transfer, but Seiichi alone was discluded and as such was summoned to a different area. After being transported the first thing Seiichi ate was the Fruit of Evolution. This would come to greatly change his life...
This story is about how Seiichi went from being severely bullied by his classmates, even not being recognized for his accomplishments, and despite all that staying positive and surviving in this new world. As a result, he somehow becomes one of the champions. (Also the first heroine is a Gorilla?!)
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The series Shinka No Mi Manga contain intense violence, blood/gore,sexual content and/or strong language that may not be appropriate for underage viewers thus is blocked for their protection. So if you're above the legal age of 18.
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