In this new action-comedy, everything about a young man named Saitama screams AVERAGE, from his lifeless expression, to his bald head, to his unimpressive physique. However, this average-looking fellow doesnt have your average problem... Hes actually a superhero thats looking for tough opponents! The problem is, every time he finds a promising candidate he beats the snot out of them in one punch. Can Saitama finally find an evil villain strong enough to challenge him? Follow Saitama through his hilarious romps as he searches for new bad guys to challenge!
In this new action-comedy, everything about a young man named Saitama screams AVERAGE, from his lifeless expression, to his bald head, to his unimpressive physique. However, this average-looking fellow doesnt have your average problem... Hes actually a superhero thats looking for tough opponents! The problem is, every time he finds a promising candidate he beats the snot out of them in one punch. Can Saitama finally find an evil villain strong enough to challenge him? Follow Saitama through his hilarious romps as he searches for new bad guys to challenge!
In this new action-comedy, everything about a young man named Saitama screams AVERAGE, from his lifeless expression, to his bald head, to his unimpressive physique. However, this average-looking fellow doesnt have your average problem... Hes actually a superhero thats looking for tough opponents! The problem is, every time he finds a promising candidate he beats the snot out of them in one punch. Can Saitama finally find an evil villain strong enough to challenge him? Follow Saitama through his hilarious romps as he searches for new bad guys to challenge!
Comments 9
Chapters 407
In this new action-comedy, everything about a young man named Saitama screams AVERAGE, from his lifeless expression, to his bald head, to his unimpressive physique. However, this average-looking fellow doesnt have your average problem... Hes actually a superhero thats looking for tough opponents! The problem is, every time he finds a promising candidate he beats the snot out of them in one punch. Can Saitama finally find an evil villain strong enough to challenge him? Follow Saitama through his hilarious romps as he searches for new bad guys to challenge!
❤️ Come in, I'll show you my tits:
Sep 21, 2024
Trace a constellation on my skin with your fingertips, completely present in the moment. I'll do the same for you. f1nd me on cherylely_mooo_com change _ to dot
Aug 08, 2024
Try reading from 'FreeNovel' instead. You're almost guaranteed to find the same Manga there😊
The series ONEPUNCH-MAN contain intense violence, blood/gore,sexual content and/or strong language that may not be appropriate for underage viewers thus is blocked for their protection. So if you're above the legal age of 18.
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