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I Raised A Black Dragon Manga

10 Votes
The witch, Eleonora Asil, has fifteen previous convictions. And the transmigrator, Noah Park, had no intentions of being involved in the novels original plot of the dragon beheading the villainess. With that thought in mind, she abandoned her titles as The Wicked Witch and sought to live a long and peaceful life. So she heads down to the countryside wrought with deep remorse for all her misdeeds. And all should be happy… or she thought. “Please raise me!” And so it would seem that she stumbled upon the heroines pet dragon — the black-haired kid that would turn ballistic and obsessive later on — imprinted the villainess as his mother. And to make matters worse, the male lead suspects her as the prime culprit of stealing the dragon. “How long should I keep up with you?” She thought hed arrest her right away, but seems like the male lead was slowly becoming the dragons butler. “Can I hug you?” “No.” “Then… can you hold me?” The villainess believes that the dragon needs a bit of taming. 'Oh, male lead, wont you sign a life contract as a real butler?
10 Votes
The witch, Eleonora Asil, has fifteen previous convictions. And the transmigrator, Noah Park, had no intentions of being involved in the novels original plot of the dragon beheading the villainess. With that thought in mind, she abandoned her titles as The Wicked Witch and sought to live a long and peaceful life. So she heads down to the countryside wrought with deep remorse for all her misdeeds. And all should be happy… or she thought. “Please raise me!” And so it would seem that she stumbled upon the heroines pet dragon — the black-haired kid that would turn ballistic and obsessive later on — imprinted the villainess as his mother. And to make matters worse, the male lead suspects her as the prime culprit of stealing the dragon. “How long should I keep up with you?” She thought hed arrest her right away, but seems like the male lead was slowly becoming the dragons butler. “Can I hug you?” “No.” “Then… can you hold me?” The villainess believes that the dragon needs a bit of taming. 'Oh, male lead, wont you sign a life contract as a real butler?

I Raised A Black Dragon Manga


I Raised A Black Dragon Manga

(10 Votes)
흑막 용을 키우게 되었다
Fantasy;  Romance;  
The witch, Eleonora Asil, has fifteen previous convictions. And the transmigrator, Noah Park, had no intentions of being involved in the novels original plot of the dragon beheading the villainess. With that thought in mind, she abandoned her titles as The Wicked Witch and sought to live a long and peaceful life. So she heads down to the countryside wrought with deep remorse for all her misdeeds. And all should be happy… or she thought. “Please raise me!” And so it would seem that she stumbled upon the heroines pet dragon — the black-haired kid that would turn ballistic and obsessive later on — imprinted the villainess as his mother. And to make matters worse, the male lead suspects her as the prime culprit of stealing the dragon. “How long should I keep up with you?” She thought hed arrest her right away, but seems like the male lead was slowly becoming the dragons butler. “Can I hug you?” “No.” “Then… can you hold me?” The villainess believes that the dragon needs a bit of taming. 'Oh, male lead, wont you sign a life contract as a real butler?
Comments 2
Chapters 75
The witch, Eleonora Asil, has fifteen previous convictions. And the transmigrator, Noah Park, had no intentions of being involved in the novels original plot of the dragon beheading the villainess. With that thought in mind, she abandoned her titles as The Wicked Witch and sought to live a long and peaceful life. So she heads down to the countryside wrought with deep remorse for all her misdeeds. And all should be happy… or she thought. “Please raise me!” And so it would seem that she stumbled upon the heroines pet dragon — the black-haired kid that would turn ballistic and obsessive later on — imprinted the villainess as his mother. And to make matters worse, the male lead suspects her as the prime culprit of stealing the dragon. “How long should I keep up with you?” She thought hed arrest her right away, but seems like the male lead was slowly becoming the dragons butler. “Can I hug you?” “No.” “Then… can you hold me?” The villainess believes that the dragon needs a bit of taming. 'Oh, male lead, wont you sign a life contract as a real butler?
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The series I Raised A Black Dragon Manga contain intense violence, blood/gore,sexual content and/or strong language that may not be appropriate for underage viewers thus is blocked for their protection. So if you're above the legal age of 18.
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