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Giant Ojou-sama

1 Votes
I cant believe my ojou-sama is so huge! Fujido Oriko is the buxom young head of the Fujido Zaibatsu, a group that has a monopoly on Japans vending machine industry. And serving at her side is her personal butler, the eccentric Dr. Sebastion. When a monster suddenly attacks the city, Dr. Sebastion slips his ojou-sama an experimental energy drink his team in R&D has been developing. As a result, she quickly finds herself growing into a giantess, matching the attacking kaiju in size! Will she be able to stop his rampage, or at the very least, keep her dignity intact? [i][Winner of Shounen Jumps Dec 2020 Bronze Rookie Award][/i] [*][url=https://twitter.com/nikukaiQ]Authors Twitter[/url]
1 Votes
I cant believe my ojou-sama is so huge! Fujido Oriko is the buxom young head of the Fujido Zaibatsu, a group that has a monopoly on Japans vending machine industry. And serving at her side is her personal butler, the eccentric Dr. Sebastion. When a monster suddenly attacks the city, Dr. Sebastion slips his ojou-sama an experimental energy drink his team in R&D has been developing. As a result, she quickly finds herself growing into a giantess, matching the attacking kaiju in size! Will she be able to stop his rampage, or at the very least, keep her dignity intact? [i][Winner of Shounen Jumps Dec 2020 Bronze Rookie Award][/i] [*][url=https://twitter.com/nikukaiQ]Authors Twitter[/url]

Giant Ojou-sama


Giant Ojou-sama

(1 Votes)
Award Winning;  Comedy;  Monsters;  Sci fi;  
I cant believe my ojou-sama is so huge! Fujido Oriko is the buxom young head of the Fujido Zaibatsu, a group that has a monopoly on Japans vending machine industry. And serving at her side is her personal butler, the eccentric Dr. Sebastion. When a monster suddenly attacks the city, Dr. Sebastion slips his ojou-sama an experimental energy drink his team in R&D has been developing. As a result, she quickly finds herself growing into a giantess, matching the attacking kaiju in size! Will she be able to stop his rampage, or at the very least, keep her dignity intact? [i][Winner of Shounen Jumps Dec 2020 Bronze Rookie Award][/i] [*][url=https://twitter.com/nikukaiQ]Authors Twitter[/url]
Comments 1
Chapters 158
I cant believe my ojou-sama is so huge! Fujido Oriko is the buxom young head of the Fujido Zaibatsu, a group that has a monopoly on Japans vending machine industry. And serving at her side is her personal butler, the eccentric Dr. Sebastion. When a monster suddenly attacks the city, Dr. Sebastion slips his ojou-sama an experimental energy drink his team in R&D has been developing. As a result, she quickly finds herself growing into a giantess, matching the attacking kaiju in size! Will she be able to stop his rampage, or at the very least, keep her dignity intact? [i][Winner of Shounen Jumps Dec 2020 Bronze Rookie Award][/i] [*][url=https://twitter.com/nikukaiQ]Authors Twitter[/url]
Trace a hidden message on my skin. I bet I can decipher it with just a touch. f1nd me on carolyncampbell_mooo_com change _ to dot
Jul 11, 2024
The series Giant Ojou-sama contain intense violence, blood/gore,sexual content and/or strong language that may not be appropriate for underage viewers thus is blocked for their protection. So if you're above the legal age of 18.
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