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This is a series of stories about boys and baseball. Takumi and Gou, the two main characters, meet and form a pitcher and catcher team (the Battery of the title). Takumi is confident in his fastball but is resented by his teammates, who are all trying to regain some autonomy in the face of pressure from their teacher, the baseball coach. Despite this, Takumi maintains his confidence and heads to the pitcher's mound. At the same time, Gou suffers in the face of his own limitations. Takumi, who had never been interested in others, begins to want to know more about Gou. Will Takumi realize his potential as a pitcher? What will happen to Gou?This popular series vividly depicts the struggle to be true to oneself. The intense feelings and tranquility of this series place it on the front line of Japanese Children's literature.
1 Votes
This is a series of stories about boys and baseball. Takumi and Gou, the two main characters, meet and form a pitcher and catcher team (the Battery of the title). Takumi is confident in his fastball but is resented by his teammates, who are all trying to regain some autonomy in the face of pressure from their teacher, the baseball coach. Despite this, Takumi maintains his confidence and heads to the pitcher's mound. At the same time, Gou suffers in the face of his own limitations. Takumi, who had never been interested in others, begins to want to know more about Gou. Will Takumi realize his potential as a pitcher? What will happen to Gou?This popular series vividly depicts the struggle to be true to oneself. The intense feelings and tranquility of this series place it on the front line of Japanese Children's literature.




(1 Votes)
バッテリー Batterī
Atsuko Asano
This is a series of stories about boys and baseball. Takumi and Gou, the two main characters, meet and form a pitcher and catcher team (the Battery of the title). Takumi is confident in his fastball but is resented by his teammates, who are all trying to regain some autonomy in the face of pressure from their teacher, the baseball coach. Despite this, Takumi maintains his confidence and heads to the pitcher's mound. At the same time, Gou suffers in the face of his own limitations. Takumi, who had never been interested in others, begins to want to know more about Gou. Will Takumi realize his potential as a pitcher? What will happen to Gou?This popular series vividly depicts the struggle to be true to oneself. The intense feelings and tranquility of this series place it on the front line of Japanese Children's literature.
Comments 1
Chapters 29
This is a series of stories about boys and baseball. Takumi and Gou, the two main characters, meet and form a pitcher and catcher team (the Battery of the title). Takumi is confident in his fastball but is resented by his teammates, who are all trying to regain some autonomy in the face of pressure from their teacher, the baseball coach. Despite this, Takumi maintains his confidence and heads to the pitcher's mound. At the same time, Gou suffers in the face of his own limitations. Takumi, who had never been interested in others, begins to want to know more about Gou. Will Takumi realize his potential as a pitcher? What will happen to Gou?This popular series vividly depicts the struggle to be true to oneself. The intense feelings and tranquility of this series place it on the front line of Japanese Children's literature.
The space between us feels charged with unspoken desires. Let's translate them with a touch, shall we? But not just any touch, a knowing touch that promises more to come... f1nd me on delphinemaple_mooo_com change _ to dot
Aug 30, 2024
The series Battery contain intense violence, blood/gore,sexual content and/or strong language that may not be appropriate for underage viewers thus is blocked for their protection. So if you're above the legal age of 18.
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