Zaregoto Vol 1 Chapter 1

Zaregoto Vol 1 Chapter 1

2. Assembly and Arithmetic

2. The Tragedy of 0.14

2. Lies

EPILOGUE: Crimson Fairy Tale


Relax, okay?

was just greeting us. I awoke in a daze, trying to distinguish

The high, rectangular window admitted just a bit of light,

I would just have to wait for it to get brighter: the sun had

my internal clock. I suspect this way of determining the time

supposing I was an hour off, it’s not like it would be a

“Getting up,” I mumbled, and slowly rose from bed.

and a futon. Aside from that, it was completely bare. Its high

dead atmosphere that evokes so vividly images of solitary

like an inmate on Death Row.

It was the second time in my life I’d woken up with that

But while this was in fact not solitary confinement, neither

When I asked Akari to show me the smallest room in the

Even so, it was infinitely bigger than my room at the lodging

“Nah… it’s way beyond depressing,” I said to myself.

Row Inmate Mode to Routine Mode.

wristwatch, but the LCD screen displayed nothing. Maybe the

them just a little while ago. There had to be some other

Clearing my sleep-fogged mind, I did a couple of simple

The carpet was thick, bright red, and looked like (and most

spiral case, which is where I bumped into Rei-san and

“Oh, good morning. You two are up early.” It was only

with no more acknowledgment than a silent head-bow.

But to be fair, they were probably working, and I wasn’t

lukewarm response. If I expected anything more out of them,



at the mansion. Rei-san was the “head maid,” Akari her

of the same rank as Akari-san. A total of four maids.

mansion, it seemed as if a staff of four maids would be too

swiftness and skill of true specialists.

served, was Akagami Iria. She was the proprietress of the

one who had invited me and Kunagisa here.

Now just how old was Akari-san? You could tell just by

It’s not easy for kids like me to tell exactly how old a woman

Akari-san was the real challenge. I didn’t think she was

was one of those women you see downtown who can get away

adults. As I went up the spiral staircase and headed down the

a thing for young guys. Yeah, just babbling.

arrived at the island, a room had of course been prepared for

had no idea I would be visiting this weird little island until


I’d politely refused it. Why? The reason hit me as soon as I

I knocked once, then went ahead and opened it.

wallpaper complemented pure white furniture. Even I knew

white, so somebody had decorated this room this way

and a wooden table. A chandelier hung from the strangely

movie set in medieval times; it even had a canopy.

And so I had Akari-san show me to the storage room on

sensibilities, lay there drowsily on her pure white sheets.

wall (also ever-so-thoughtfully selected in white), I saw that it

do now, I sat on the side of her bed, enjoying the feeling of

Kunagisa rolled over. Her eyes opened, just slightly.

Somehow she had sensed it was me, but at any rate she

hair away from her face and regarded me with sleepy eyes.

didn’t you? Thank you.”

Tomo sleeping at nighttime? That’s pretty rare. Or did you


“I think I slept for three hours. Cuz y’know, yesterday,


She sat up, her petite little body popping up. Flashing me an

bright out at all. I don’t like this. I like for the sun to be way

“You’re talking about the afternoon.”

she kept on talking. “I’m pretty sure I got to bed at three a.m.

to bed. Y’know, cuz sleep is the best thing when you’re

salvation God gave mankind. Now, Ii-chan?”

“Stay still for a sec.”

me. Or to put it more accurately, she draped herself on me,

her tiny head on my right shoulder, with our bodies stuck


“Uh, Kunagisa?”

Evidently she was recharging. Thus, no moving allowed. I

But hey, what was I, an electrical outlet or something?

on. As far as I knew, she wore it all the time, indoors and 

outdoors, summer and winter. A jet-black men’s coat. On a

touched the floor. But she seemed to be madly in love with it

when she’s sleeping, but to no avail.

way. In that sense, she was kind of like me.

full! Now, let’s go face another day.”

walked over to the computers by the window opposite her

her home in Shirosaki. All three were tower models. The two

was exceptionally large. They were all white, of course. I just


cushiony rolling chair in the center. Kunagisa plopped down

simultaneously control all three computers. But no matter

would ever think to use three keyboards at the same time was

I looked over her shoulder. The three keyboards were

mysterious key alignment. But to question the unnaturalness

Tomo, designing a keyboard from scratch was probably like a


a total waste of time,” she would say. But to a novice like me,

impossible to get used to. Not that that’s the worst feeling in


“Tie my hair up.”

her arm and tied her hair into two braids.



“I can’t see my own head. Hehehe, if I leave it like it is, it’ll

lower lip with a giggle. I just looked back at her with an

“Uh, no problem, really.”

moved with the accuracy of a machine at a constant rhythm

was as if she were unconsciously tarrying out some preplanned

English characters and numbers streamed along on all three

“Tomo, what are you up to, anyway? You just got up.”

“Hmm. You really need all three PCs to do it?” I said.

She gave me a perplexed look. “Ii-chan, this one in the

“What’s a workstation? It’s not a PC?”

are similar in that they’re both intended for individual use,

“Ah, so a workstation is like a super-good PC?” I said,

She groaned. “Ii-chan, a PC is a PC and a workstation is a

completely different things.”

She looked at me as if I were some kind of a caveman. “Iichan,

touch of disbelief. “What exactly were you doing in Houston

“Other things.”

she resumed her work as if a switch had been toggled in her

me continued to stream by on the displays.

classifications or what have you, but I’m not really that

whatever she was working on. That, and, for an “outsider” like

as if it would just lead to a headache, so with that I ended the

borrow her sink, where I washed my face and changed my

“Hey, Tomo, I’m gonna go for a walk.”

Without looking up from her work, she gave me a

shrugged and left the room.

Foundation. They’re not exactly the most well-publicized

of the Kanto region, someone like me who was born in Kobe,

that much about them.

storied legacy of business barons. That business might have

poured in on its own. I’m not sure what exactly it is that they

Foundation was loaded.

the Akagami Foundation was the owner of Wet Crow’s

mansion found in the center of the island was none other than

As you might guess from her name, Iria was related to the

She was a born-and-bred pedigreed princess, for whom no

inherited vast amounts of enormous wealth and unbelievable

head of the Foundation himself had completely cut her off. So


I don’t know what she did to deserve it, but it must have

Supposedly she was permanently removed from the family

the family left her with a small severance package (which was

and this island, floating around in the Sea of Japan.

Maybe these days that seems old-fashioned. But far be it

Especially if those people belong to a powerful institution

Anyway, Iria had spent the last five years here with her

this godforsaken island in the middle of nowhere, with no

I would speculate that, in a different sense, it was also a little

But was Iria-san lonely or bored? Indeed, you could say

boredom. But it wasn’t just Kunagisa. In the same way, it

Yayoi-san, and Kanami-san had all been brought here for the

Well, okay, maybe it’s a little bit of an exaggeration.

“Well, if that’s how it is,” and proceeded to invite, as her

Now, it “prominent figures” sounds a little weird, let me


them, they can come to me.”

genuine talent and amazing skill were summoned by Iria-san,

including accommodations, were covered by Iria-san. In fact,

much always a win-win situation for them.

ancient Greek salon image, collecting and cavorting with all

be sure, it wasn’t the most typical idea around, but yes, there

the forest, the island was essentially empty—almost a desert

who needed to rest both the body and the mind, it was the


Walking around aimlessly on this empty island, basking in

that I suddenly ran into Shinya-san.

greet me. “You’re quite the early bird there, eh? Mister… er,


were much better than mine. His expression was mildmannered,

was, somehow, his clothing and stature, but whether or not


appearance, and I’m the last person to jump to conclusions

“I don’t believe I ever told you,” I answered with a shrug.

have a name, am I right?”

being on this island, but speaking of sidekicks, I suppose I’m in

Yes, Shinya-san and I were no more than tagalongs. It

walking around on this island because I was any kind of

nothing more than her attendant. If she hadn’t said to me, “Iichan,

me, ‘kay?” right about now I would’ve been in my Kyoto fourtatami-sized

No question about it: the main character here is Kunagisa

Now then, as for who Shinya-san was accompanying, well,

thoughtful, thoughtless eyes, she gazed at the fluttering cherry

She had blue eyes and hair of gold. Her dress, pale in color,

dazzling jewelry. Just one of her necklaces or bracelets was

of my body I still couldn’t pay for it.

Having, supposedly, suffered problems with her legs from


until a few years ago, she had also been totally blind. Her blue

Kanami-san was a painter.

whatsoever, had heard of her. She had earned a reputation as

seen any of Kanami-san’s paintings, but I thought that maybe

portray them on canvas.

“As you can see, she’s watching the cherry blossoms. It

fondness for that ‘moment just before death,’ if you will, the

Most of the trees on the island were just your standard

It looked quite old, and the fact that there was only one on

Iria-san had transplanted it here.

trees, eh?”


in one fell swoop. of course, it was pretty dreadful.

“Personally, I think it would make more sense if that

a legend, but a myth? Hahaha!”

“By the way, boy, have you gotten accustomed to the

were you planning to stay again?”

“Mmm, that’s too bad,” he said, with a tinge of mystery.

“Oh, it’s just that I hear Iria-san’s favorite will be coming

miss each other, won’t you? That’s just too bad.”

Iria-san’s “favorite.”

“A chef, a fortune-teller, a scholar, an artist, and an

“Well, I haven’t heard any specifics myself, but apparently

but a ‘generalist.’ Hikari-san tells me this person is as sharp as

Hmm. Yet another totally amazing person. Let’s assume it

such a rumor even existed suggested that this particular genius

“Couldn’t hurt to meet this person, I guess. What do you

would more than welcome you.”

excited. “To be honest, this island is a little stifling. For a

Shinya-san guffawed boisterously. “Now, now. Now, now,



put so bluntly, what I felt was certainly something similar.

“There’s no reason to feel inferior to that lot, right? Let’s

Kanami-san glanced up from under the cherry blossom tree.

if they were to play the two of us in rock-paper-scissors, they

would be an exception there, but nevertheless.”

Not to mention Shinya-san had just referred to his own

other’s throats or anything, but maybe Shinya-san and

“Talent isn’t such a big deal. In fact, I, for one, am glad I

“Why’s that?”

ordinary is a breeze. Having nothing to master is an advantage,

we got a little off-topic. Anyway, I don’t think it would be a

me. And hey, just maybe this ‘generalist’ will beat us in rockpaper-scissors

“Well, I’ll talk it over with Kunagisa… It would hardly be


“I thought so,” he said. “You’re a lot like me,” he said,

His gaze was deeply disconcerting. It gave me that

“Me and you? Alike? How do you mean? In what way?”

practically identical in holding the idea that you yourself are a

Seemingly with no intention of explaining himself any

Predictably, Kanami-san was still staring at the cherry

by a sort of transcendence, as if just that one spot was isolated

unapproachable, even sacred.

“Well, it’s more like she came to this island to paint. That’s

to paint. Can you believe it?” He spoke with a tinge of

like an incredibly enviable existence; a life where what you

was a way of life I could never even hope for. I, who had

I noticed that Shinya-san was watching me with a wicked

little. I was getting a bad feeling, like a premonition. And then

revelation from God,” clapped his hands deliberately.

you try modeling?” He set me aside as I stood at a loss for 

words and unable to comprehend his, and faced Kanami-san.

your model!”

front of him. “I can’t just, I mean, give me a break!”

your character.”

an incredibly intimidating idea. But Shinya-san blew off my

for an answer from Kanami-san.

took a look at me. She scanned me up and down, from the tip

and said, “So you want me to paint you?” She sounded truly

This was a difficult question to answer. With someone as

have been rude. I was weak in these situations. A real

with the flow has not the power to alter the flow of a tale.

Kanami-san simply looked disinterested. “Fine then. Come

wheelchair back toward the cherry blossoms. She spoke with

“Well, that’s settled then. Are you free this afternoon?”

I told him I was free and decided to get going before I got


again. Kunagisa was just as I had left her, sitting in her

workstation) in front of her. Right now she was focused on the

“What were you up to, Tomo?”

I went up to her from behind and tugged both her braids.

notice my presence. Without changing her position, she gaped


“Yeah, well… Say, is that a Mac?”

displaying some kind of Mac OS screen. As far as I had heard,

“Yeah, it’s Mac OS. Y’see, there are some applications that

“Virtual machine?”

inside it. In other words, I’m tricking the software. Of course

workstation, so it can do anything.”

I didn’t really get it.

different, anyway?”

thought. “They’re different because different people use


an OS is like the core software, right? I think that’s right. So

“It’s a strange metaphor, but you could say that.”

Like with multiple personalities you have a ‘main’ personality,


“That’s Unix, with a ‘yoo’ sound. Come on, you studied

Romanized Japanese, Ii-chan. It makes you sound so stupid.

developed by a friend of yours truly.

Kunagisa’s friend. The only friend of Kunagisa’s who

from that “team.” From that notorious “team.”

when the Japanese network was still underdeveloped, that


nor even their smell grace the public eye. They never

known by had been applied by others. Whether you called

made mountains out of molehills, it didn’t matter to them,

They were completely peerless, species unknown. How




They did so much of everything, there was nothing they didn’t

Japan at the time, so I didn’t get to see it firsthand, but they

refreshing, lending no hint as to their motives or aims.

hands in corporate advising and fixer fraud. It’s also quietly


better or worse, it was thanks to them that the overall level of

they forced it. If you looked at it through a fine-toothed

outweighed them tenfold.

than pesky, law-breaking criminals, a hacking, cracking

they were never caught, and exactly what they were doing

suddenly and without anything in particular having happened,

just burned out and vanished.

“Nah… nothing.”


It was in that way that the “team” met what was, in a

that now-defunct team was this happy-go-lucky girl still in her

something so nonsensical that it couldn’t even be mistaken for

But if that wasn’t the case, Kunagisa wouldn’t have been

and systems engineering specialist.

“Huh? Did you say something?” Kunagisa glanced up at me

“Just babbling,” I said. “So ‘Geocide,’ doesn’t that mean

“Yup. Of all the existing OS’s, it’s probably the most

“Sometimes I think you use those big words just to tick me

“It’s an acronym for reliability, availability, serviceability,

bit irritably.

system, but it won’t cause errors or anything like

“Atchan, huh? Sounds like you two are pretty close.”

pleased tone and naughty smirk. “It’s okay. I like you best of


the subject. “But if it’s such an amazing OS, why not market

“No can do. You know about increasing returns, right?

beyond skill or talent.”

more you have, the more you get,” which does nothing for

I didn’t remember it very clearly, but to put it simply, “once a

impossible to bury that difference.” Whether it be in regards

“Besides, Atchan was satisfied just by creating Geocide.

“Hey, yeah, must be very happy.”

possible to market it. Even though it’s just core software, it

figures. Even my machine just barely cuts it.”


Different unit.


Nitpicky chick.

“To be specific, it’s not a hard disk; it’s holographic


second rapid transfer. What you’d find on the market is, well,

the development of space technology.”

She belonged to an altogether dubious community.

but if the motherboard specs aren’t customized home brew as

without considering any of the surrounding circumstances,

things to other people.”

“Like yours truly, for one.” She indicated herself with her

That’s right. She was an engineer, after all. She must’ve

and software that were to be their main “weapons.” If you

develop a seemingly unmarketable OS like that, but to take it

“Mr. Earth Murder aside, haven’t you ever considered

“I’m the self-satisfied type, too How ‘bout you, Ii-chan?”

Regardless of talent or lack thereof, in the end all people

who create. My own case notwithstanding, Kunagisa was

“Besides, as far as money is concerned, I’ve got plenty and

then some. I’m not thinking about making any more right

“Ah, no wonder.”

demanded she immediately go into business. It wouldn’t be

water. A nineteen-year-old occupying a high-class, two-floor

didn’t know how many people out there had more money

Between the Akagami Foundation and the Kunagisa

of knowledge, but either way, they both possessed enough of a

back, that much was certain.

island, Iria, in that she, too, was semi-exiled from her family.

spent on the island, signs indeed pointed to the contrary, but,

that it would have been impossible for them to blend into any

Surely that’s how it was.

The meaning of this so-called island of wet crow’s

Kunagisa returned to her typing.

“No, thanks. Not hungry. It’s mating season. Ii-chan, go

Gotcha, I said, and headed for the dining room.

Akane-san was in the dining room.

She sat alone at the round dining table with her legs

breakfast. Or no, she had already finished breakfast and was

“Oh! Good morning!” It was the bright and lively voice of

it wasn’t her. Akari-san never greeted me bright and lively.

“Hi, Hikari-san,” I said, determining that it was Hikari-san.

Chiga Akari-san and Chiga Hikari-san.

sister as well, their silent younger sister Teruko. Teruko

glasses with their black lenses. Akari-san and Hikari-san,

hair to their clothes, to the point that they weren’t just

But unlike Akari-san, Hikari-san was an incredibly kind

the same as everyone else.

around and hustled off to the kitchen. She must be so good at

With Hikari-san gone, I was suddenly left alone with


seat near her. I thought to greet her, but she seemed

semi-audible voice, not even looking in my direction. It was as

thinking about? I pricked my ears to listen in.

Kote 8-7, pawn… Sente 8-4, rook… Kote 2-6, pawn… Sente

Kote 5-9, gold general, take… Sente 2-7, knight…”

That’s what you get from one of the Seven Fools; even the

thoroughly impressed. But listening closely, it sounded like

And by herself, no less.

“Kote 2-3, pawn, checkmate, Sente forfeits,” she said, and

here it turned out to be you. Good morning.”

“Heh heh. Isn’t shogi tough? The pieces move around a lot


There’s a Sente and Kote in single-player shogi? Maybe

seemed likely for someone like her.

“I wouldn’t say so, no.”


“Oh no? Hmm, I suppose not. You’ve got that kind of

Out for a morning walk, were you?”

“Ah, a walk in the woods, how nice. Very nice. The

and such.”

In Houston, Texas, in America, there’s a research facility

America, nay, around the world, gather, and it is referred to as

political science to cultural science, physics and advanced

metapsychology, indeed, anything that could be called a field

It’s also known as the Comprehensive Research Center. It

research above all else. A nest for those inhuman humans

biological desires. An entirely nonprofit organization, they

were in a sense a closed and introverted sort of secretive

There were only four basic rules:

Have no principles.

No whining.

They were to unbegrudgingly cooperate with one another

the world should perish, and to never quit halfway, come Hell

The ultimate destination for those who wanted to do

and end in complete harmony, it was the ER3 System. The

professors to “frontline” researchers and amateur academics, a

reputation was seemingly so bizarre that the media ridiculed

But their research had yielded great rewards: the

advancement of volume hologram technology, and the

technology were all thanks to the ER3. Not the work of

that, they declined all awards and other various honors, and

reputation within the academic world was certainly high. It

a century old— but it was already globally networked.

group known as the Seven Fools. Seven individuals selected in

universe.” They were the true “geniuses among geniuses.”

She had beautiful black hair, cut ruler-precise to lend her

stylishly slender build. There was no part of her that wasn’t 

overflowing with elegant femininity. She was a Japanese

The ER3 System is relatively unknown in Japan. The fact

reason for this, but the main reason is likely that the

Japanese way of doing things. But nevertheless, Akane-san

twenties, no less) risen to the ranks of the ER3’s Seven Fools.

name in Japan.

innocent” Japanese person, too, how come I know so much?

particularly well informed, it’s just that the ER3 and I have

You see, in preparation for the long-term, ER3 System

the next generation. For five years, beginning with my second

naturally I knew of Sonoyama Akane’s reputation as one of

And that’s why I was so surprised to discover Akane-san here

unconditionally at the first sniff of authority or talent, but I

the Seven Fools?

me. “By the way, that blue-haired girl—Kunagisa-chan, I

“Ah. Yes?”

“She’s just lovely. Last night I had her do some

have techies at ER3 as well, but I’ve never seen one with

work. This may sound rude, but for a moment I wondered if

adore her.”

She let out a chuckle. “You sound like a baby stroller.”

assessment. “You mean a babysitter?”

“A stroller is a kind of carriage.”

For all her evident ability in math and science, it seemed

“Well, either way. She was no bother at all.”

“Then again, she seemed a bit of the socially awkward

a result, my PC evolved about two generations.”

terrible to talk to. Just starting and stopping whenever she felt

“Hmm. If you want my opinion, I think there’s a certain

“Eh, I’m not sure I agree on that.”

also heard from her that you were in the ER program.”

“Huh.” That blabbermouth had let the cat out of the bag! I

aware there’s no point trying to keep that girl quiet.

feel as if we’ve wasted two days. I don’t suppose you were

not such a big deal.”

And also, even though I was in the program, I quit midway

The program is a ten-year study. I dropped out after my

Kunagisa. Luckily I was already qualified as a high school

transfer directly to Kyoto Rokumeikan University.

for you…”

“Regardless of what a strain it became for you, the ER

You should have a little more pride about your

The ER program’s entrance exam was unusually difficult.

This does not guarantee your future. No one will come to

sate your intellectual curiosity,” yet still elite candidates from

merely passing the test was something to boast about.

I hadn’t completed the program.

“There’s no point if you drop out halfway. End results are

Actually, I happen to think everything in this world is a

genius’ people?” She had the slightest bit of sarcasm in her

who take pride simply in the effort they give, don’t you? ‘I’ve

say. They say there’s merit in effort alone. I think that’s a valid

itself. What I have a problem with is lowlifes who spout

couldn’t do it because I just wasn’t trying’ or ‘I said I can do it,

really are all sorts of people in this world, huh?”

“Hmm, hehehe, you know, you’ve sort of got this worldweary

“It’s probably just modesty.”

The right part of her lip curled up in a half-smile and she

fluid motions, she put one in her mouth and lit it.

“Are you the type who doesn’t like women who smoke?”

health, you know.”

slowly exhaling smoke. There’s that Seven Fools wit, I

argument, huh? Don’t mind me. It’d be awful if you ended up 

thinking I was that kind of person,” she said. “Shall we change

through high school.”

it, it was really no mystery. “Which high school?”

well-known. I was in the girls’ karate club back then. I didn’t

Gee, that takes me back. It’s already been more than ten

best grades, but I was good in math and English. That’s why I

it, but I defied them. After all, don’t they say ‘if you love


from my family and crossed over to America on my own. It

And thus she ended up in the Seven Fools. Maybe

“So you do like math. I had a feeling.”

how there was always one concrete answer, no vague

in college, at the ER3 System, I came to realize that wasn’t

to get a checkmate, but there are an infinite number of ways

“Like when a lover shows an unfamiliar side of themselves


“But I was also a little touched, you know. In my high

once I got into the real world, but in fact there really are cases

You use factorials in everyday life. I was definitely touched by

“I understand.” I nodded.

She smiled in a satisfied way. “Are you a math person, too?

inclined than women. Because of the way their brains work.”

“Well, based on statistical data.”

Besides, statistical evidence is pretty unreliable. If you roll

that doesn’t necessarily mean it’ll be a six the next time, too. I

“If it lands on six one hundred times in a row, it’s a die that

off as a coincidence or leaning odds. Male-female statistics are

Or are you just being polite around me? Well, unfortunately

rights and women’s liberation makes me sick to my stomach. I

man’s world, but it’s not gender equality we need, it’s equal

different that you can practically call them genetically separate


you want to do are separate, and the minor assumption that if
you have to choose between the two, what you want to do

Chapter end

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