What Happens When the Second Male Lead Powers Up Chapter 74

What Happens When the Second Male Lead Powers Up Chapter 74


{As long as it is not me (4)}

[When you say pig out……]

“It's exactly as I mentioned, your highness. They frequently request ether and want too much at once. It's reeeeeally difficult…… I talked to them about it because I couldn't handle it anymore and the young lady just asked why I couldn't even do this much while his Royal Highness just sighed. Sob……”

Sand buried his face in my handkerchief. I closed my eyes for a moment without knowing what to say.

Basically, Christelle and Imperial Prince Cédric were treating this young Clergy level priest terribly as if he was a public charger and bullying him.

I couldn't believe it.

They openly did something so terrible but acted as if nothing was wrong when I saw them in the palace?

[That, mm. Have you spoken to her Eminence, Cardinal Boutier about it?]

I realized that I made a mistake after asking the question.

Of course Sand would not have been able to tell her.

A Cardinal was called a 'Royal Son or Daughter of Faith' and had authority in the Vatican, however, Aurélie Boutier was more importantly the Imperial Prince's Godmother and the Empress's partner.

Even if we set aside the extremely distant level of authority between a priest and a Cardinal, Sand would never have been able to go up to her to tell her that her godson was a shithead.

“Sooob, how could I……”

Sand's eyes sank low in sorrow as he looked at me.

I awkwardly patted his shoulder while feeling apologetic.

[I understand. But Sir Geens just sits by and lets it happen?]

I had to ask. Sir Johann Geens was the pair's Holy Knight teacher.

If they were doing something inappropriate as Holy Knights, he should have stepped in before anybody else.

It was a partnership between a Holy Knight and a priest and not one side exploiting the other.

“S, Sir Geens, during the lessons……. He doesn't seem very interested in his job……”

Sand's gaze quickly fell as he trailed off.

I suddenly recalled a conversation I had with Ganael in the Juliette Palace's reception room.

'It should be fine since it is a spar. The teacher from the Vatican is there with them. I'm sure that he will take care of things.'

'I thought so at first as well, but I don't think that the teacher is capable of handling them.'

I could see the situation quickly forming in front of my eyes. I had to speak up about the potential what-if.

I thought that this was something that others shouldn't hear and deactivated my Divine Oracle before lowering my voice.

“Then the two of them just spars everyday, sucks out ether they need from you and Sir Geens just sits by and watches?”

“Sob, yes, your highness……”

Sand sniffled and quietly responded. I couldn't help but frown.

I couldn't understand that they had not said anything despite him not teaching anything.

“I never heard about that while in the Imperial Palace. Has the Duke-nim or the young lady not spoken up about it?”

“It has not been very long since Sir Geens or I got here…… They seem to think that he would eventually teach them when the time is right. And the two of them… seem to enjoy sparring?”

The priest, who was maybe twenty years old max, tilted his head before wiping his eyes with the handkerchief.

I barely held myself back from sighing.

I didn't know what Sir Geens was thinking, but the two of them could not be allowed to continue like this.

As someone in the same profession, I did not feel good seeing a priest being treated like this.

“Ah, your highness…… The reason I came to confess… It is because I wanted to run away. I even packed my bags in secret last night. Sniff. I know that I shouldn't do that, but……”

Sand changed the topic to focus on the sacrament.

I quietly nodded my head and listened to his story.

However, I couldn't stop the discomfort filling up inside of me.

It was one thing if I lived with my ears closed forever, but it was hard for me to pretend that I didn't know anything now that I had heard what was going on.

There seemed to be a limit to ignoring things as long as it wasn't happening to me or it wasn't my issue.

Christelle de Sarnez roamed around the Summer Palace without a firm destination after escorting Prince Jesse to the temporary Confessional.

It would have been fun to chat with his attendants, but she had a strong urge to get some fresh air today.

That was the reason she had walked toward the small forest in the back of the Summer Palace.

She was feeling more free than ever because the attendant who came with her from the Duke's Estate was left behind at the Moutet County.

The Prince's pure and warm ether still felt as if it was roaming around her.

Maybe that was the reason.

That was probably the reason she didn't notice that Cédric Riester was already sitting in the pavilion she was headed toward.

“I greet his Royal Highness, Duke Yvelines.”

Christelle became a bit anxious in front of him, which was rare for her, but made it not show as she respectfully greeted him.

The young Duke just received her greeting with a gaze as he always did.

This man always used his pretty face to its max value every time she saw him.

He seemed to have brought the documents from his office to read through them outside.

He must have needed a change of pace as well.

She had no choice but to change directions to the pavilion on the other side.

Neither of them were the type to suppress their ether to be considerate of each other.

'Why should I when he/she doesn't?' That was their thought process.

As a result, avoiding each other other than during their lessons was the best way to maintain peace.

They couldn't cause another incident now when the Empress scolded them not too long ago.


'I hope that pavilion has a long couch as well so that I can take a nap.'

Christelle, who was having that thought, oddly stopped walking.

It was because she suddenly recalled the conversation she had with Prince Jesse earlier.

She slowly turned her head to look at the Duke.

That pretty face of his seemed quite serious while reading that piece of paper.

She had no interest in bothering someone who was working, but today was the Prince's special day.

She couldn't hold in her curiosity.

“Your Royal Highness, did you perhaps forget that it is Prince Jesse's birthday today?”

Her pretty voice did not have even the tiniest amount of malice behind it.

However, the Duke completely ignored her as if it was normal. 'Ahhh, this extremely rude son of a bitch.'

'Ham Gin' only swore internally before turning around.

She managed not to say anything vulgar but a bit of her temper ended up bursting out of the tip of her tongue.

“He might start to hate you if you keep going like this.”

There was a bit of malice behind her voice this time. She knew that Prince Jesse would not hate the Duke.

He was kind-hearted by nature and was weak toward animals and children.

The Duke was usually an animal and could turn into a little kid when he is lacking ether, so she was certain that there would never be a day when the Prince would truly treat him terribly.

However, Christelle wanted to say something to this little punk.

She didn't care if it was childish. She was this kind of person.

“I have no need to appease him because I have his weakness.”

She was about to leave before she became even angrier when the man gave a weird response.

To be more specific, it only sounded weird to Christelle.

She turned around to see that the Duke's face was stoic as usual.

“You have his highness's weakness?”

The Duke turned toward the document as if there was nothing else to add.

Come and read on our website wuxia worldsite. Thanks

Christelle was in disbelief and could not remain silent.

“You don't think that you can use that to treat someone as you please, do you, your Royal Highness?”

“I'm sure I can at least make him submit.”

'Wow, fuck. Look at how this bastard is talking.'

Christelle quickly walked and sat down on the couch on the other side of the Duke.

Cédric scowled at this disrespectful act but she ignored it as easily as water flows down.

“I thought you trusted Prince Jesse, your Royal Highness. Wasn't it pretty nice during the Great Clearance of Demonic Beasts? I felt the same way.”

She didn't want to admit it, but it was fun. The Prince, the Duke, and she seemed to work pretty well together.

Her condition always being good because of the Prince's ether played a part as well.

“I'm not sure what that has to do with anything.”

Christelle clacked her teeth together.

This was a subconscious reaction that happened whenever she thought that something or someone was hopeless.

Basically, the Duke trusted the prince but came up with such a shitty method to hold the Prince in his grasp.

Honestly speaking, she wanted to leave the Duke as is and get up.

She had a positive relationship with the Prince and the Duke seemed headed toward the Prince being disappointed in him.


'Oh right, the Ark of the Wind Deity. It was completely different from the keychain I got at the Night Market, wasn't it?'

'I do recall it at least being in the shape of a wing. I will go to my room and check.'

'You brought it all the way here, your highness?'

'I put it on the handle of my travel bag.'

Prince Jesse was someone who even kept the cheap accessory she won at the dagger throwing competition.

Something like that was probably just junk to a man who grew up as a prince, but he was surprisingly easygoing and kind.

Christelle thought that it wasn't right for someone like that to be hurt by someone's ineptness and immaturity.

That was all.

“Please listen carefully, your Royal Highness. I will only explain it once.”


Christelle spoke while gritting her teeth.

She knew that this guy was so young that the ink was probably not even dry after adding him to the family tree, but she never expected that she would need to teach him how to make friends.

“Prince Jesse is a person. In fact, he is a very good person. You will not be able to win him over with such methods.”

“Are you,”

“The divine item in the Bell Tower. It is not even human but it was so difficult to calm it down, wasn't it? It would have been terrible if I wasn't there, right? How do you think it would be with a person?”

“Prince Jesse is a kind person who can understand when you talk to him. You know that well, your Royal Highness.”

The Duke's orange eyes sank down. Christelle continued to speak.

“He's already a Diplomatic hostage. He will only feel anxiety and fear if he is threatened. Do you really want to return Prince Jesse's goodwill with that, your Royal Highness?”

She ended on a happy note.

“Please show him your sincerity. Then you will be able to get closer.”

She then brushed off her dress before getting up.

She thought that she seemed quite cool today.

She felt proud after giving a twenty-four year old a life lesson while feeling frustrated, wondering how this bastard ended up growing up like this.

“Then I will make my leave now, your Royal Highness.”

Christelle bowed elegantly before walking away.

The clean breeze of the north brushed past the forest, the grass, and the man's black satin-like hair.

He looked down at the document in his hand for a moment.

And then the paper lit on fire.

“Doesn't it feel good to wash? It feels refreshing, doesn't it?”

– Screeeech

– Pipipi

I smiled while talking to the divine beasts.

It took an hour and a half to bathe them and myself.

Unlike Demy who likes water, Rhea and Perry were pouting quite a bit right now.

Percy's feathers were wet so he looked quite skinny, but I guess it wasn't a bad experience as he was busy running around chirping.

I loosely tied the strap of my gown and was drying each of them with a towel.

They were always clean, potentially because they are divine beasts, but cleaning them made them seem even cleaner.

“Perry, come here. I'm not done wiping your tail.”

– Whimper

Perry's black ears twitched before he ran away from me.

Rhea started following behind him as well.

'The night air in the north is cold so I need to dry them properly so that they don't catch a cold……


“Did I leave the door open when I went in?”

I saw that the balcony door was completely open.

I left the divine beasts alone and approached the balcony and the fluttering curtains before closing the door and making sure to lock every lock.

Percy must be planning on spending the day with me since he stayed in my room all day.

'Is it a special birthday favor?'

“……How should I deal with things tomorrow?”

I quietly mumbled.

I had thought about a lot of things after hearing Sand's confession today.

That was the reason I headed directly to the Cardinal's office after hearing people's confessions for about two hours.

I thought that it wouldn't be bad for me to bring it up to the Cardinal now that I knew about it since Sand could not do so.


'Your highness, I am extremely sorry but her Eminence has stated that she has too much work right now. Would it be okay for you to come back in a few hours? I will personally come to escort you.'

'I see. That is okay. I will come again next time.'

That ended up being my conversation with the Cardinal's attendant, Natalie.

She was concerned because the Cardinal wasn't even able to eat properly.

Natalie did not look good either.

I chose to send some of the canelés I received as a present to the Cardinal's office instead of going to visit her.

She was so busy preparing for the Prayer Meeting next month that she couldn't even close her eyes.

To tell such a person that the children are working together to bully another family's precious child was a bit……

– Kiiiiiiiiiii, kiiiiiiiiii.

“What is it? Do you want to go down?”

Demy, who had climbed on top of the bedroom table, was whining.

I picked him up by his belly like I always did when I saw an unfamiliar box where Demy was seated.

There was a small card next to it as well.

The box and the card were both decorated with jewels that they sparkled so much.

I became extremely anxious but calmly opened the card. The message was short.

'Always keep it with you. -C. R.'

Chapter end

Chapter 135
Chapter 134
Chapter 133
Chapter 132
Chapter 131
Chapter 130
Chapter 129
Chapter 128
Chapter 127
Chapter 126
Chapter 125
Chapter 124
Chapter 123
Chapter 122
Chapter 121
Chapter 120
Chapter 119
Chapter 118
Chapter 117
Chapter 116
Chapter 115
Chapter 114
Chapter 113
Chapter 112
Chapter 111
Chapter 110
Chapter 109
Chapter 108
Chapter 107
Chapter 106
Chapter 105
Chapter 104
Chapter 103
Chapter 102
Chapter 101
Chapter 100
Chapter 99
Chapter 98
Chapter 97
Chapter 96
Chapter 95
Chapter 94
Chapter 93
Chapter 92
Chapter 91
Chapter 90
Chapter 89
Chapter 88
Chapter 87
Chapter 86
Chapter 85
Chapter 84
Chapter 83
Chapter 82
Chapter 81
Chapter 80
Chapter 79
Chapter 78
Chapter 77
Chapter 76
Chapter 75
Chapter 74
Chapter 73
Chapter 72
Chapter 71
Chapter 70
Chapter 69
Chapter 68
Chapter 67
Chapter 66
Chapter 65
Chapter 64
Chapter 63
Chapter 62
Chapter 61
Chapter 60
Chapter 59
Chapter 58
Chapter 57
Chapter 56 - TWSB – Chapter 56
Chapter 55 - TWSB – Chapter 55
Chapter 54 - TWSB – Chapter 54
Chapter 53 - TWSB – Chapter 53
Chapter 52 - TWSB – Chapter 52
Chapter 51
Chapter 50
Chapter 49
Chapter 48
Chapter 47
Chapter 46
Chapter 45
Chapter 44
Chapter 43
Chapter 42
Chapter 41
Chapter 40
Chapter 39
Chapter 38
Chapter 37
Chapter 36
Chapter 35
Chapter 34
Chapter 33
Chapter 32
Chapter 31
Chapter 30
Chapter 29
Chapter 28
Chapter 27
Chapter 26
Chapter 25
Chapter 24
Chapter 23
Chapter 22
Chapter 21
Chapter 20
Chapter 19
Chapter 18
Chapter 17
Chapter 16
Chapter 15
Chapter 14
Chapter 13
Chapter 12
Chapter 11
Chapter 10
Chapter 9
Chapter 8
Chapter 7
Chapter 6
Chapter 5
Chapter 4
Chapter 3
Chapter 2
Chapter 1
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