What Happens When the Second Male Lead Powers Up Chapter 104

What Happens When the Second Male Lead Powers Up Chapter 104

Published at 8th of December 2022 06:41:44 AM

Chapter 104
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“Your highness?!”

Christelle's voice cracked as she noticed me from a distance and shouted.

I couldn't help but laugh in this serious situation where Christelle, Vice Captain Élisabeth, and Imperial Prince Cédric were fighting against Sir Geens three on one.

I waved my hand to show that I was okay.

“What the heck?! What happened, your highness?!”

She shouted in a teary voice. But even as she did that…

– Baaaaang!

She made water shoot up from underground to cover Sir Geens' view.

The young Countess did not miss the moment the man hesitated to aim for his legs.

– Shhh!

– Boom!

Sir Geens, who just barely dodged Vice Captain Élisabeth's sword, looked toward me.

There was guilt, shock, sadness, and relief all visible on his face.

His expression made me a bit confused but I was sure that his mind was at least a thousand times more chaotic than mine right now.

The young Countess looked toward me and took a step back and…

– Baaaaang!

There was an extremely loud voice as the Imperial Prince's Sword of Wisdom slammed down on the wind shield.

Crackle! A red flame shot out from the sword.

His opponent instantly cut off the oxygen to calm the flame.

The Imperial Prince's orange eyes were not even shaking while Sir Geens' arms were slightly shaking.

He did not take out his weapon or attack.

He seemed to be focused on defense to find an escape path.

The Imperial Prince launched some splendid attacks that made it look as if he was doing a sword dance. My jaw dropped.

– Baang, baaaang!

– Flap.

The Ark of the Wind Deity on my back gently flapped its wings. It seemed to be cheering for them with this expression of admiration.

I had gasped a bit earlier thinking that it had dug into my skin but thankfully there was about 5cm between my back and the divine item.

I awkwardly petted the Ark's feather and observed the situation.

The air attribute was not affected by other attributes very much and Sir Geens had the physical strength of a Cardinal.

It would not be impossible for him to escape if he focused solely on that. However, he had used his stigmata earlier.

He should have used up a lot of his focus and either so continuing to make him use his power like this might potentially make it not too difficult for them to capture him alive.

“Sir Johann Geens, surrender peacefully. You are already a criminal in her Majesty's Empire!”

Vice Captain Élisabeth calmly mented. Sir Geens' expression shook.

I realized that he was thinking about someone else.

The Holy Knight was already Prince Consort Werner's captive before he was the Empress' prisoner.

It was no different to him whether he was captured in the Empire or in the Holy Kingdom.

It felt as if his thoughts were being transferred to me. My eyes slowly opened wide.


I muttered to myself.

The Prince Consort would get rid of Sir Geens' son if the fact about him being the Empress's prisoner was revealed.

Even if he managed to escape from here, he would not be able to fulfill the Prince Consort's orders as he would not be able to kill me.

If that happened, what the Prince Consort would do to his son……

It felt as if my blood was cooling off. 'That guy is about to give up.'

“Your Royal Highness!”

I shouted. Sir Geens broke his own shield at that moment.

The black tip of a sword that did not allow any light struck down toward him.

– Flap!

The ark helped me to fly up into the sky. I reached my arm but I was too l


A bright light flashed.

– Paaaaat!

A magnificent circle that was too big to see the whole thing appeared in front of me.



The Imperial Prince and Vice Captain Élisabeth were pushed away.

The ark turned into a chimney bird. I felt emptiness under my feet and started to fall.

Christelle quickly rolled over to catch me.


“Eek, aigoo……”

– Piruuuuu

She groaned as we both flailed around.

I was pletely dumbfounded as I had no idea what just happened. Percy sat down on my head.

I thanked Christelle before pushing my aching body up and looking around.

The Imperial Prince and the young Countess were fine. As for Sir Geens…

[You look very tired.]


An easygoing voice echoed in a Divine Oracle. It was Cardinal Aurélie Boutier.

She was looking down at Sir Geens, who was plopped down on the ground, inside her Holy Ground that had golden designs shooting up like fountains of water.

The Cardinal's fingertips touched the man's hair in the middle of the radiant and gentle light.

It resembled the motions one would take while blessing someone. I blankly watched them.

[Rest your eyes for a moment.]

Sir Geens' eyes slowly closed.

His body plopped to the side. This was the result of a phenomenal difference in Divine Power.

“Your Eminence.”

“Thank you, François.”

Marquis François Duhem, who had escorted her from the Imperial Palace, took something out of his pocket.

Christelle and I supported each other as we stood up.

The thing in the Cardinal's hand was a black and round……

– Click

She put a thick metal clasp around Sir Geens' neck.

I could see the Imperial Prince flinching on the other side. 'Why?'

“This is an ether restraining tool. He won't be able to use his powers until he is released.”

The Cardinal explained.

Her beige-colored eyes looked past the Imperial Prince and Vice Captain Élisabeth toward Christelle and me.

She had a bitter smile on her face.

“You all worked hard fighting against a Cardinal. Come here.”

She then extended her arm toward us.

Christelle and I staggered over to her and leaned against her.

The Cardinal could not handle our weight and wrinkled her clothes as she sat down on the ground.

I could finally hear the noises around me.

I could hear Christelle crying through the birds chirping, bugs clicking and the middle-aged woman gently chuckling.

“Sooooob, I was really shocked……”

“Yes, I'm sure.”

“I'm not trying to cry but I tend to cry very easily. I'm the type of person who cries even when I am angry, so…… Soooob, so annoying……”

She sniffled and buried her face against the Cardinal's shoulder.

I gently rubbed her back feeling sorry for her.

The Cardinal gave a big hug to Vice Captain Élisabeth once she came over as well.

It was a bit stuffy since all three of us were being hugged but I finally felt as if I could relax.

I turned my head toward the sleeping Sir Geens.

'I hope he can live in peace as well. Let's look for a way to make that happen.'

“Come here as well, your Royal Highness. Why can't you even sense the, soooob, mood……”

Christelle motioned toward the Imperial Prince with her hand.

He scowled but I was surprised that he came over without any plaints.

He didn't join in on the hug but he did stand next to us.

Then Marquis Duhem, who we didn't even invite to this group hug, came over to my side and put his arm around me.

I could hear Sir Michel, who was examining the soldiers out in the field, laughing at us.

He must have seen what we were doing.

“I… My mind has been going back and forth every single day.”

Christelle sniffled before she started speaking. We quietly listened to what she had to say.

“I want to try all sorts of things but if my memories return in the future…… I might hate that I did that. I might be shocked, haaaa…… So it was hard for me to really be passionate about anything. I would enjoy something and then hesitate… I would laugh then bee unfortable……”

The Cardinal gently brushed Christelle's pink hair.

The MC continued to speak in a muffled voice.

“Ugh! But not doing anything made me frustrated. It made me nervous…… I don't want to work hard because it requires so much work but I can't let it go…… It just made me feel like I was wandering without knowing where to go.”

ss! Christelle sniffled before raising her head.

I had heard this before, but hearing it like this made me able to understand how serious this concern had been for her.

The MC and I stared into each other's eyes for a long time with Vice Captain Élisabeth between us.

“But I have set my goal now.”


“I am going to bee stronger. I am going to bee the strongest person on the continent if possible.”

'Hmm?' I blinked in confusion. Christelle's teary eyes were as firm as diamonds.

“Getting stronger shouldn't be an issue. It won't matter even if all of my past memories return. It isn't a bad thing to be strong.”

“Young lady Sarnez.”

“Then I don't have to watch my friend suffer like this.”

She motioned with her eyes toward me. I opened and closed my mouth without being able to say anything. 'So, what she is saying, because of me……'

“I'll bee the single strongest person here. That'll solve everything.”

“How admirable. It is a wonderful plan.”

The Cardinal warmly mented. Vice Captain Élisabeth nodded her head.

I looked up at the Imperial Prince with a blank look on my face.

His eyes that had calmed down were now burning with a new flame.

'Wait, why are you feeling petitive?'



I slowly opened my eyes.

The light of the summer sunset came in through the window and tickled the curtains by the bed.

My mind slowly started to boot like the puter I used when I was young.

'Okay, so this is the Imperial Palace and my bedroom in Juliette Palace.

I was just in a group hug in the forest-'


I jumped up.

– Squeeeeee

– Squeeeee.

– Squeak!

The three red pandas who were on my chest fell off like chestnuts and became buried in the blanket.

I urgently grabbed them back. I didn't forget to put my forehead on each of theirs as well.

“I'm sorry. I didn't know that you guys were there again. I missed you guys.”

– Cruuuuuuuuu……

Demy quietly responded and bit one of my pajama buttons. 'Huh?'

“I'm wearing pajamas.”

I mumbled in shock. It wasn't just my clothes that had changed.

I looked at the mirror on the side table and saw that my face was fine without any scratches.

I pulled my sleeves and pants up to check but I had no injuries anywhere else either.

I was certain that Cardinal Boutier either did it herself or had a healing priest look me over.

I must have fainted after my shocked body stopped being tense. 'I don't remember anything at all.'

“The bell. The bell is here.”

The crystal bell that had been in my pocket until a few hours ago was on the side table.

I quickly opened the second drawer.

Benjamin and Ganael usually put my notebook here if I lost consciousness and was unable to change my own clothes.

“The notebook…… Is safe and sound too.”

The item that had protected my heart from Sir Geens' attack looked pletely fine as if nothing had happened.

It looked pletely fine as if nothing had happened despite my seeing it being dented in the center.

I was certain that it was a magic tool but this was not the time to think about that.

“Let's go see their faces and e back.”

I put a gown on and got up while holding the divine beasts at my side.

The fact that the notebook was there should mean that Benjamin and Ganael were fine as well, but I wanted to check on them with my own eyes.

I also had to ask what happened to Sir Geens and had a lot of thoughts to organize.

Percy, who had been sitting On the couch, flew over and sat on my head.

“You talk to big bro later too.”

– Pi pi piiiii?

The chimney bird nonchalantly chirped. I chuckled and opened the bedroom door.

Then I saw a lot more people than usual. There was a confusing silence in the hallway.

“Uhh…… Have you all eaten?”

I ended up asking first. The attendants, royal servants, and soldiers looked pletely stunned as they bowed.

“Your grace, you've woken up!”

“Prince Jesse!”

“Oh Almighty God, thank you very much……”

'Your grace?' I was bewildered as I accepted their greetings. Some of their eyes were red with tears.

It felt both as if they were a bit excited but also sad.

'Something has definitely happened. Do they know that I was almost killed by Sir Geens?'

“You were sleeping for a whole day. Ganael-nim and Benjamin-nim were so worried about you, your highness.”

“For a day?”

I calmly calculated the time.

I had not fainted in the middle of the day and woken up in the evening. I had been asleep almost as if I was dead for over 24 hours.

Perry, who was dangling on my shoulder, started flailing because there were so many people, but I could not just go back to my room like this.

I calmed him down as I continued to ask.

“Where are the two of them? Are they okay?”

“The two of them are fine. You were the one who was carried in unconscious yesterday, your highness.”

'They must have all been really shocked after seeing that.'

“Your precious clothes were all ripped and covered in dirt that even the gardeners gasped and ran over. We were told that you will probably not wake up for a few days but to see you wake up so soon…… It is a blessing from the Almighty God.”

One of the soldiers took out a handkerchief and wiped his eyes.

I felt so apologetic and was at a loss for words thinking that I made them all worry like this even though it wasn't my first time fainting.

'It wasn't that I wanted to faint but it just happened……'

“Oh right, we heard that you are now an Archbishop, your highness. Congratulations on the happy occasion!”

“Congratulations, your highness!”

“Thank you very much.”

The tension went up all of a sudden. I smiled as best as possible and looked toward the hallway.

'Is Ganael really busy?'

:Her Eminence was quite worried but also extremely happy. It would be good if you could have a meal with her, but……”

“I know right. Sadly his highness is confined for some reason.”


“Pierre, watch your words.”

Benjamin solemnly quieted the crowd as he appeared.

I was happy to see him and relieved to see that he was okay that I grabbed his shoulders.

“Benjamin, are you okay? You're not hurt, right?”

“Of course, your highness. It is a much greater joy to me that you are okay, your highness.”

He smiled benignly and grabbed my hand.

However, his blue eyes distinctly showed that there was some sort of issue. I did my best to suppress the anxiety in my heart.

“Pierre was joking, right? I heard a serious word just now.”

“……It is not a joke, your highness.”

Benjamin responded with his voice full of sorrow. I couldn't help but question my hearing.

“Her Majesty has decreed for you to be confined in Juliette Palace. Indefinitely.”

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Chapter end

Chapter 135
Chapter 134
Chapter 133
Chapter 132
Chapter 131
Chapter 130
Chapter 129
Chapter 128
Chapter 127
Chapter 126
Chapter 125
Chapter 124
Chapter 123
Chapter 122
Chapter 121
Chapter 120
Chapter 119
Chapter 118
Chapter 117
Chapter 116
Chapter 115
Chapter 114
Chapter 113
Chapter 112
Chapter 111
Chapter 110
Chapter 109
Chapter 108
Chapter 107
Chapter 106
Chapter 105
Chapter 104
Chapter 103
Chapter 102
Chapter 101
Chapter 100
Chapter 99
Chapter 98
Chapter 97
Chapter 96
Chapter 95
Chapter 94
Chapter 93
Chapter 92
Chapter 91
Chapter 90
Chapter 89
Chapter 88
Chapter 87
Chapter 86
Chapter 85
Chapter 84
Chapter 83
Chapter 82
Chapter 81
Chapter 80
Chapter 79
Chapter 78
Chapter 77
Chapter 76
Chapter 75
Chapter 74
Chapter 73
Chapter 72
Chapter 71
Chapter 70
Chapter 69
Chapter 68
Chapter 67
Chapter 66
Chapter 65
Chapter 64
Chapter 63
Chapter 62
Chapter 61
Chapter 60
Chapter 59
Chapter 58
Chapter 57
Chapter 56 - TWSB – Chapter 56
Chapter 55 - TWSB – Chapter 55
Chapter 54 - TWSB – Chapter 54
Chapter 53 - TWSB – Chapter 53
Chapter 52 - TWSB – Chapter 52
Chapter 51
Chapter 50
Chapter 49
Chapter 48
Chapter 47
Chapter 46
Chapter 45
Chapter 44
Chapter 43
Chapter 42
Chapter 41
Chapter 40
Chapter 39
Chapter 38
Chapter 37
Chapter 36
Chapter 35
Chapter 34
Chapter 33
Chapter 32
Chapter 31
Chapter 30
Chapter 29
Chapter 28
Chapter 27
Chapter 26
Chapter 25
Chapter 24
Chapter 23
Chapter 22
Chapter 21
Chapter 20
Chapter 19
Chapter 18
Chapter 17
Chapter 16
Chapter 15
Chapter 14
Chapter 13
Chapter 12
Chapter 11
Chapter 10
Chapter 9
Chapter 8
Chapter 7
Chapter 6
Chapter 5
Chapter 4
Chapter 3
Chapter 2
Chapter 1
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