Weird Deep-sea Game, I Can Fish Without Limit Chapter 267

Weird Deep-sea Game, I Can Fish Without Limit Chapter 267

  *: "Friends, ask, is there anyone who lives on Guanghui Island? What happened there?"

*:"what happened?"

  *: "Fuck, did anyone in the group hear about that?"

  *: "I don't think it's possible that the abyss scroller did it. It's probably an alien invasion. It's too similar."

  *: "Do you dare to come to someone to explain clearly, don't ask riddlers, everyone!"

  *: "Yeah, tell me quickly, I will be scared out of my guts if I guess randomly!"

  *: "Why don't I talk about it, I heard it is like this.

   Just at the beginning of this game cycle, several robberies occurred in Sun City, the capital of Guanghui Island.

  I heard from people in Sun City that the robbers were organized by gangs. They were not supernatural beings, but they had very powerful weapons, and they caused a lot of damage anyway. Everyone in Sun City is panicking. "

  *: "I'm not an extraordinary person, but I have very powerful weapons, emmmm... I really want to find out something."

  *: "Could it be the abyss camp among us? They have already formed a regiment and then got their weapons over?"

  *: "Wait! There will be a price for breaking the rules of the game! Do they want to destroy the world?"

  *: "That's right, if you do this, the integrity of the world will be reduced again, and then we may be picked again to travel to the third world."

  *: "Three worlds... no, come here again! Seriously, even if there is a beautiful senior sister who loves me in the third world, I don't want to go there!"

  *: "What do you know upstairs, it's not one, it's a group."

  *: "You don't understand! A group of beautiful senior sisters are called the Hehuan Sect. You want to be drained, right?"

  *: "No, I can dress up and join them."

  *: "w(?Д?w)!

  *: "Not everyone, let's get back to the topic, if it's really from the abyss camp, can the official players check it out!"

  *: "Uh, what, I want to tell you a piece of news, I don't know if you still remember me."

  *: "You are anonymous, who knows you, tell me if you have any news, we are listening."

  *: "Uh, it's like this, everyone remember Xinxing, I'm the one who traveled to Xinxing before.

  Because of the new star, the official contacted me, and they learned a lot about the new star from me privately.

   But this is not the point.

  The point is that I heard from the official people at that time that because of the last blood sacrifice, many abyss camps among the players were exposed for the task, and then the official took the opportunity to arrest many people.

  In short, what I want to say is that in the current situation, the abyss camp may not have such great power. "

  *: "Oh—I understand, you mean, the robbery in Sun City on Guanghui Island is not from the Abyss camp, but someone else?"

  *: "...I mean, the integrity of our world will not decline, there will be no third world, we are safe."

  *: "I'm a little relieved, but the question is, if it's not a player in our world, who is it?"

  *: "Is it really people from another world? But why are they robbing Glory Island?"

   Feng Feng rested on the busy road along the coast outside the city, Li Feng turned off the chat channel.

  Because he met Chen Xing, the hidden person of the Black and White Academy, he could no longer continue to pay attention to what happened on Guanghui Island for the time being.

   "Are you leaving too?"

   After a brief chat, Li Feng asked Chen Xingdao.

   "Alas, yes."

  The wood elf shrugged his shoulders, tilted his head helplessly and sighed:

   "I don't want to leave at this time either. Miss Xia's succession ceremony will be held in a few days. I have delicious food and fun here, as well as beautiful girls."

  Because of the previous fight against Lava Lord Cocoon, people from Violet Eye and Black and White Court all came to Wind's Rest.

   Immediately afterwards, the previous governor, Penrose Fell, died.

   When this happened, as the leaders of the great forces, the Chief and the Dean had no reason to leave immediately. They were invited to stay and attend the funeral of Penrose Fell.

  As for the king city, it was probably because of the strangeness of the king's death, or because the king's funeral had to be solemn and there were many preparations, so the king's funeral was postponed.

   During this period, it happened to be the time for the new Governor of Storm Island to succeed and hold a celebration.

  So it was logical that the chief of Violet Eye and the president of the Black and White Academy were invited to stay and attend the ceremony.

  Li Feng heard from Hai Zan that the chief and the dean are very happy about this, and they also hope to take advantage of the opportunity of Storm Island's new governor to deepen their relationship with Storm Island and cooperate in various affairs.

  Things have been going well, but only a few days ago.

  The dean of the Black and White Institute suddenly received the news, and left in a hurry, leaving only some hidden people, including Chen Xing, to attend the ceremony on his behalf.

  It is normal for the leader of a big power to suddenly have important affairs to deal with.

  Li Feng didn't take it seriously at first, but when he saw some players talking about what happened on Guanghui Island in the chat channel, he suddenly realized:

   Isn't the Black and White Court located on Guanghui Island?

  Although the Black and White Academy is not located in the capital, Sun City, as a powerful force, Governor Luo Yinde of Guanghui Island will not have no friendship with the president, so will it...

   Li Feng thinks it is possible.

  Furthermore, judging from what Chenxing said just now, what happened on Guanghui Island is very difficult. The dean needs manpower now, so Chenxing must be recruited back.

   Figured out this relationship, Li Feng decided to take this opportunity to ask Chen Xing what happened.

  However, just as he was about to ask, Chen Xing spoke first:

   "Hey, my bohemian student doesn't know where to indulge in a gentle place. As a teacher, I need him just now."

  Being a teacher, and being a hidden person who was personally responded to by Stranger in the Shadow, these two points seem to make Chen Xing very proud, and she always wants to show off intentionally or unintentionally.

  But Li Feng was speechless after hearing this, and silently said in his heart, can we stop talking about this.

   "Cough, that..."

   "Oh, by the way, did you see the Weaver Goddess that day?"

  Suddenly, Chen Xing seemed to remember something very important, and mysteriously asked Li Feng about the "Mother Goddess Weaver" who appeared on the day of sealing Cocoon.

   I don't know why Chen Xing mentioned this, but when it comes to his and Xi Ya's fraud, Li Feng seriously replied:

   "Yes, the Weaver Goddess is a giant dragon, but that day was quite chaotic, and I didn't see it clearly."

  In order not to show any flaws, Li Feng added an ambiguous condition.

   "Well, in fact, the Mother Goddess can't be considered a giant dragon at all. The Weaving Mother Goddess belongs to the ancestor dragon, and she is the ancestor of all dragons."

  Chen Xing waved her hand, obviously what kind of dragon the Weaver Goddess is is not the point, so she said again:

   "That's right, it was quite a mess that day, so you must not know the scales on the dragon's skin."

   Not knowing why, Li Feng nodded blankly. He didn't know what Chen Xing was going to say, but judging by her expression, it was very important.

  However, Li Feng recalled the feeling when he touched the scales on Xi Ya's body that night, and felt that he had studied the scales of giant dragons quite well.

   But Chen Xing didn't know this, she continued to popularize science with Li Feng:

   "Let me tell you, whether it is the ancestor dragon or the contemporary dragon, their scales are very hard and very piercing."

  'This is indeed, but their horns are still quite smooth. '

   Added in his heart, Li Feng was really curious why Chen Xing mentioned this, so he asked:

"and then?"


  Seeing Li Feng was very curious, Chen Xing smiled clearly, she moved closer and whispered:

   "Then because the scales all over the body are too hard and pungent, dragons like to turn into humans when they have intimate relationships. They like the soft touch."


   Li Feng was stunned, and his relationship had been paved for a long time. You just wanted to tell me this.

   "Of course, think about it, how inconvenient they are all covered with scales that can be used as weapons, and the dragon is so big, no one wants to be watched by a group of people, right?"

   Chen Xing saw that Li Feng didn't know why, so he explained it again, but Li Feng felt that the two of them were not on the same channel at all.

   And, combined with previous experiences…

  There is a screen, what should I do?


  Li Feng felt quite helpless:

   "Why are you telling me this?"

   "Nothing, just gossip when I think of it."

  Morning Star looks like why are you making such a fuss:

   "Dragon likes the soft touch, and the mermaid's skin gets very hot when it's like that.

  Oh, anyway, they are all hidden from the world, and they are a race that we never see once in our life, and then I am idle and fine, let me gossip with you. "

  Li Feng: …

  'Giant dragons, mermaids, races that you will never see once in your life...

  Hehe, I really don't want to see them now. '

   "Uh... oh."

  Li Feng didn't know how to respond, he only regretted that he should go home by car, and he couldn't learn well from this elf.

   "Hey young~ I see that you are not young anymore, why can't you say that this topic is young."

  Chen Xing definitely didn't know what was going on in Li Feng's mind, but seeing that he couldn't answer the conversation, he thought he was embarrassed to talk about these topics.

   It can be seen that Li Feng is embarrassed, and Chen Xing is particularly happy to spoil the innocent little brother:

   "I'm not talking about you, you're about the same age as my student, but you know better than him... you're far behind~"

   Seems to have some sense of superiority, Chen Xingtuo sighed with emotion like showing off.

   Li Feng:? ? ? What's the matter, why do you still involve me?

   "Then... if you dare to ask Gaotu, what do you know?"

   Putting aside the strange knowledge just added, Li Feng asked.

   "Uh huh."

  Chen Xing was taken aback by the question. She felt that talking about the gossip just now would embarrass Li Feng. He must be embarrassed to ask, so she showed off again.

  But now, why does he look as usual, he understands everything, and feels like he doesn't care.

   "Hey, my student is unruly by nature, so of course he knows a lot. Compared with humans, he prefers cat demons."

  Heads can fall off, but crowns cannot fall off. Chen Xing added some drama to the students he has only met twice.

  Alas, I sigh in my heart, and Chen Xing is also worried.

  Because her student has been missing, many people in the Black and White Academy are now questioning her for lying.

  It is said that in the mortal world, it is impossible for the Stranger in the Shadow to respond to any mortal. The first-level hidden person who does not belong to the Black and White Academy is actually fabricated by Chen Xing.

  Probably dissatisfied with being slandered, Chenxing either intentionally or unintentionally fabricated many deeds about his students to make him look more like a real person.

  Just today, the audience listening to her fictional student, is a bit special.

   "Cat demon? What is a cat demon?"

  Knowing that the wood elves would make themselves outrageous, Li Feng was not surprised, but he did hear something that made him curious.

   "Well, the cat demon—"

   Seeing that Li Feng didn't ask her students, but instead asked about the cat demon, Chen Xing was relieved.

  To be honest, she doesn't know anything about her students, but she does understand the cat demon.

   "Cat demons are an extraordinary race. They are born with extraordinary abilities, but they are similar to ogres. It is difficult for them to go far on the extraordinary road. They are a weak race that is often controlled by others.

  However, unlike the natural strength of ogres, cat demons, regardless of gender, are good at charm.

  Although the cat demon is in the form of a cat, the cat demon can also turn into a human.

   Moreover, after becoming a human, the cat demon will retain the cat's ears and tail. "

  Speaking of this, Chen Xing was very excited, and she introduced in detail:

  “I know that some girls in Oshima Flower Street will also wear fake cat ears and tails when attracting customers.

  But the fake ones are fake, they can't compare to the real cat demon, the cat demon's cat ears and cat tail can move~

  Hmm—their tails are all fluffy, and they have many special functions..."

  Chen Xing narrowed his eyes, as if recalling:

   "In short, if you are with a cat demon, you will have both soft and furry touches at the same time.

  But the only downside is that the cat demons that linger on the human island are very expensive. "

  After listening to Chen Xing's eloquent introduction, Li Feng was silently amazed, it turns out that regardless of the player world or the game world, the xp of human beings is common.

   As far as Li Feng knows, in the player world, whether it is two-dimensional or three-dimensional, there are many catgirls who are keen on cat ears and cat tails.

  However, just as Chen Xing said, their ears can't move, and their tails are rigid and won't sway.

  But the cat demon is different. The furry ears of the cat demon can move, and the furry tail can also dangle.


   Speaking of this, Li Feng suddenly became interested in the race of cat demons.

  Back to the present moment, following Chen Xing's words, Li Feng asked:

   "The cat demons who linger on the human island are very expensive. So, your students are financially well off?"

   "Huh? This..."

  Chen Xing was asked Yi Lin, she had never made up this aspect, so she thought about it:

   "You don't know, your student and mine have a very handsome appearance, and he doesn't spend money anywhere!"

  Li Feng: …

  'I knew that following this elf would not teach you well. '

  Secretly made up his mind, Li Feng planned not to use his original identity again, and would never be a student of Chen Xing.

  The afternoon sun was strong, and the busy coastal streets were warm and warm.

  The two of them walked together and chatted about other things. Li Feng remembered the business, so he asked Chen Xing what happened and left in such a hurry.

   "In Sun City, the capital of Guanghui Island, some mysterious people appeared there. They seemed to be planning to steal something."

  Because she believed in Li Feng, Chen Xing did not hide anything from him.

   When Li Feng heard this, he thought of what was mentioned in the player chat channel.

  'It really is because of this. '

   "Have you found out the identities of these mysterious people?"

  Li Feng was very concerned about this, he was worried that those mysterious people might really be players who smuggled in from other worlds.

   "No, everything is unknown now."

  Speaking of business, Morning Star is less frivolous and a little more serious:

   "However, the hidden person in the courtyard has just found out that the mysterious person seems to have something to do with a merchant ship named Discovery, which in turn has something to do with a fire-worshiping cult.

   Unfortunately, the Discovery ship sank in a shipwreck a few months ago. In order to investigate the cult, we are now looking for survivors on the Discovery ship. "

  'The survivors on the Discovery? Cult? '

   There was a wet and salty wind blowing from the sea, and Li Feng was a little dazed.

Chapter end

Chapter 376
Chapter 375
Chapter 374
Chapter 373
Chapter 372
Chapter 371
Chapter 370
Chapter 369
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Chapter 367
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Chapter 89
Chapter 88
Chapter 87
Chapter 86
Chapter 85
Chapter 84
Chapter 83
Chapter 82
Chapter 81
Chapter 80
Chapter 79
Chapter 78
Chapter 77
Chapter 76
Chapter 75
Chapter 74
Chapter 73
Chapter 72
Chapter 71
Chapter 70
Chapter 69
Chapter 68
Chapter 67
Chapter 66
Chapter 65
Chapter 64
Chapter 63
Chapter 62
Chapter 61
Chapter 60
Chapter 59
Chapter 58
Chapter 57
Chapter 56
Chapter 55
Chapter 54
Chapter 53
Chapter 52
Chapter 51
Chapter 50
Chapter 49
Chapter 48
Chapter 47
Chapter 46
Chapter 45
Chapter 44
Chapter 43
Chapter 42
Chapter 41
Chapter 40
Chapter 39
Chapter 38
Chapter 37
Chapter 36
Chapter 35
Chapter 34
Chapter 33
Chapter 32
Chapter 31
Chapter 30
Chapter 29
Chapter 28
Chapter 27
Chapter 26
Chapter 25
Chapter 24
Chapter 23
Chapter 22
Chapter 21
Chapter 20
Chapter 19
Chapter 18
Chapter 17
Chapter 16
Chapter 15
Chapter 14
Chapter 13
Chapter 12
Chapter 11
Chapter 10
Chapter 9
Chapter 8
Chapter 7
Chapter 6
Chapter 5
Chapter 4
Chapter 3
Chapter 2
Chapter 1
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