Weird Deep-sea Game, I Can Fish Without Limit Chapter 117

Weird Deep-sea Game, I Can Fish Without Limit Chapter 117

  Chapter 117 Researching new talents, looking for fishing spots

  【Hunter promotion task: investigate the gargoyle and kill the mother of the gargoyle. 】

  【Mission Tip: Storm's End】

  【Task Reward: On top of the original hunter rank, advance to another rank. 】

  【Acceptable or Rejectable】

  'Gargoyle? '

  In the game world of the endless sea, the moon hangs high.

  In the quiet Baifeng Manor, Li Feng, looking at the task panel, tried hard to recall whether he had ever heard of such a thing as a "gargoyle".

  In my impression, he seems to have seen it in the autobiography of the old player Faranell.

  In the notes of his grandson Gad, it is also mentioned.

   Immediately got out of bed and sat back in front of the desk, Li Feng turned on the gas lamp, then took out two notebooks and looked through them one by one.

   According to Faranell's autobiography, a gargoyle is a disgusting, bat-like monster with wings.

  From his words, Li Feng could see that Faraniel hated gargoyles.

   It is also mentioned in the autobiography that although gargoyles are monsters, their heads are very precious high-level extraordinary materials.

  In many underground trading markets, it is often hard to find one end.

   But unfortunately, the old player only recorded it in his autobiography.

  How did I spend a lot of money at the auction and viciously bid for the head of the gargoyle with two big families.

  The final result was that he raised the price so high that the big families were all cash-strapped and defeated.

  Falanier wrote the process of the auction in great detail, with thousands of twists and turns, which is amazing.

  Even Li Feng, who is a copywriter, felt that this paragraph could be copied into the novel he copied.

   But as a reader, Faranell did not mention the information and source of the Gargoyle that he most wanted to read.

  Looking at Gard's notes again, similarly, as a grandson, Gard didn't record much more than his grandfather.

'Pity. '

  Close the note, Li Feng looked back at the task interface.

   First of all, no matter what the gargoyle is or how powerful the mother of the gargoyle is, the reward for this task is too tempting.

   This reward is not to be promoted to the third rank, but to be promoted to another rank on the basis of the original one.

  So, no matter what level you are in to complete this task, you can get a full level of promotion.

   There is no reason to choose to refuse, Li Feng accepted the task.

   What made him a little bit worried was that the clue to the quest was in Storm's End.

  Why is Storm's End associated with monsters like gargoyles?

  Thinking of Storm's End, Li Feng thought of Governor Penrose Fell.

  If he made it clear that he killed many nobles in Storm's End, then the governor will definitely not spare him.

   But Li Feng also understands that those are not fundamental problems.

  The most fundamental problem still lies in the well-known Faranell notebook.

  Even though he had given the notes to the king, wouldn't a man as shrewd as the governor guess that he had a copy in his hand?

  Or, the governor can get notes from other places, but with the governor's suspicion...

  'Would he think that the notes were altered by me? '

   Li Feng is not without reason to be so skeptical.

   After all, Gard used the notes written by his grandfather's name. Due to translation problems, many important formulas were incomplete, or vague, or even wrong.

  If you haven't seen the original notes, then you may be suspicious and think that Li Feng deliberately altered it is very likely.

   There is a saying that it is a crime to conceive a bi, and for Li Feng, it is also a crime to have conceived a bi.

   Subconsciously, Li Feng always felt that the Governor and him would not live in peace.

   What's more, now in Wind's Breath City, there is another Soul Eater who wants to get the notes and got involved in forbidden spells.

  Thinking of this person, Li Feng immediately took out the letter opener of the relic fortune teller.

  He first picked up the dip pen and dipped it in the dark ink bottle, and then wrote on the letter paper:

  Whether the Soul Eater, who sent three apprentices to assassinate me, conspired with Governor Penrose Fell.

  Fold the letter paper, write your name on the cover as the recipient, then put down the pen and seal it with wax.

  After that, Li Feng picked up the letter opener of the relic fortune teller, and he cut his own hand with the tip of the knife first.

  The letter opener that absorbed the blood beads immediately shone with a scarlet light.


  The letter just written was opened again. Li Feng unfolded the letter paper, and the text on it had changed.

  “Under the dark night, the bright moon and stars will always appear together.”

   Li Feng looked down at the letter paper:

   "Oh, as expected."

  Mold stains climbed up the walls, the basement of the castle was damp and smelled of water, candles flickered on and off.

   "This player...how did he die?"

  Just after midnight, Malthas the Soul Eater looked in surprise at Governor Penrose Fell who was sitting behind him watching the interrogation.

  Mathas, who was showing a surprised expression at the moment because of his involvement in forbidden spells, looked more like a skeleton.

  Faced with this situation, Governor Fell had already expected it.

   He casually stroked the whip in his hand and said:

   “A player once said that they would return to their own world at a fixed midnight.

  They lived there for more than ten days, and then traveled back. "

  Governor Fell stood up and walked to the dead player who was tied to the torture rack.

  His tall and strong body cast a large shadow in the candlelight.

   "Perhaps this person couldn't stand your torture, so he committed suicide when he traveled back to their world."

  Mathus: "??? Governor, the villain doesn't understand."

  Tonight, Marthas met the person whom the governor called "the player".

  Under his evil spell, he heard many incredible things from this player.

   But now, he is even more confused.

  "The players claim that they have bodies in both worlds. As long as one body dies, the other will die as well."

  Governor Fell said, he looked around the player's body.

  This person, no matter how you look at it, is just an ordinary farmer working outside the city.

  If he hadn't come to Wind's Rest recently, inquired everywhere about where to buy secret treasures, and always spoke strange languages, his own people would not have been able to find him.

   "There is still a body in another world? Live in another world for more than ten days?"

  Mathas's blood-red eyes rolled back and forth in the dry eye sockets, and then he asked what he couldn't understand the most:

   "But, Governor, ten days have passed in other worlds, but only one second has passed in our world?"

   "I heard this from other governors, but I don't know the details.

  Listening to them, many of the players who were caught were insane for no reason. "

  Governor Fell replied briefly, and then he asked Marthas again, saying:

   "How's it going? Any ideas?"

  Mathus took a slight breath, and his attitude was respectful:

   "My lord, the villain still thinks this is just some kind of curse.

   Traveling through two worlds, with two bodies, and with different time flows, the villain believes that this is all a cursed fantasy.

   Moreover, the villain boldly guessed that the person who cursed them...maybe just wanted to weaken the rights of the governors. "

   "Weaken the powers of governors?"

  Governor Fell sneered deeply, he narrowed his eyes slightly and thought of the king sitting on the Sea Throne.

   "Then what can you do?"

  Governor Feron lowered his head and said, looking at the groveling Marthas in front of him.

  Hearing the governor's question, Mathas straightened up slightly, his skull face full of flattery:

   "Please rest assured, Governor, the villain is a soul eater, even if this player is dead, I can pull his soul out to ask.


   "Just what?"

  Governor Fell raised his eyebrows slightly.

   "Just ask the governor to catch a few more players to make it easier for the villain to act."

"it is good."

  In the dark and **** basement, the candlelight danced gently.

   When the footsteps are about to sound:

   "Master Governor!"

  Seeing that Governor Fell turned to leave, Mathas immediately called the Governor to stop.

"What's up?"

  Looking back at Marthas, the Governor looked playful.

  Mathus immediately bowed and said:

   "Governor, I don't know what you mentioned last time...Falaniel's notes..."

  Seeing Marthas's servile look, the governor sneered in his heart.

  'This soul eater was full of disrespect to me before.

   And now, he can only get the notes through me, so he starts to make small fuss. '

   Turning his thoughts in his mind, the governor suddenly smiled warmly and said:

   "Don't worry my friend, when I get the notes, I will share them with you."

  At the same time, the governor thought in his heart that Marthas' forbidden spell will be of great use to him in the future, and he can't just kick it away.

   "Thank you my governor, you are as merciful as the seven gods."

  Hearing the governor's promise, Massas immediately bowed to salute.

  The governor nodded in satisfaction. He likes people who bend their knees and bow their heads to him.

  Finally, he glanced at the dead player again, and Governor Fell turned around and left the smelly basement.

   But at this moment, Marthas stopped him again.

   "Anything else?"

  In the dark basement, the governor frowned deeply, and his voice was a little displeased.

  However, Marthas stepped forward and whispered:

   "Governor, that ceremony..."

  Mathas looked past the dead players, looked deep into the basement, and then said cautiously in a smaller voice:

   "For that ceremony, more gargoyle heads are needed."

  Hearing this, Governor Fell couldn't help looking deep into the basement.

   Then he said in a deep voice:


  The morning light in the east dispelled the mist at night, and the endless sea ushered in a new day.

  Although he didn't go to bed until late at night, Li Feng still woke up very early.

  Because fishing can restore health, sleep now is just for him to let his brain temporarily forget all the things he needs to face every day.

   As for the rest of the rest, he didn't care.

  After washing up and getting dressed again, Li Feng walked out of his room.

  The Ring of the Earth is stationed in the Baifeng Manor of the Wind's Rest branch, and now everyone is very polite to Li Feng.

  Even the leaders of Baifeng Manor.

  Although Li Feng's rank is not high, he is a free man in front of the Sea Throne proclaimed by the kingdom, and his identity is here.

  Besides that, what those senior elders were more concerned about was that Li Feng found Faranell's notes by himself.

  Everyone knows that the notebook has been spied on by various forces, and it must be extremely dangerous to rush to find it.

  But after Li Feng left without saying goodbye, he came back alive.

   Moreover, he not only survived, but also found the notes, which was beyond the imagination of all insiders in Baifeng Manor.

  For the extraordinary in the extraordinary world, strength always comes first.

   Now that Li Feng has impressive strength, he will naturally be respected accordingly.

   In addition, he is a man of the third generation, he looks young, but he actually understands the ways of the world.

  So even though he didn't come to White Maple Manor for a long time, almost everyone in the manor became friends with him.

  The sun is rising, and the bright morning light shines into the restaurant of the manor.

  During breakfast, Li Feng met Candice the Spellweaver who had participated in the operation of the Mist with him.

   During that operation, she was scratched in the face by the demon on board.

  Li Feng remembered that some time ago, she also said that she wanted to find a pharmacist who could heal scars.

   But now it seems that the pharmacist's anti-scar medicine doesn't seem to have any effect.

   "Ah — it's so sad."

  Sitting across the dining table, Candice, who did not touch the tableware and food, sighed.

  She looked at Li Feng with her chin in one hand, and said in a rather exaggerated tone of regret:

   "The scar makes me ashamed to take off my veil in front of a handsome man like you.

   Without taking off the veil, I am not enjoying the food, alas, seven gods...

  Can't we have dinner together even if we see each other every day? "

   "uh cough..."

   Li Feng was a little embarrassed when asked.


  Hearing Candice's words, the Holy Inquisitor Benjamin put down the tableware, wiped his mouth, and asked Candice:

   "As a handsome man, why can you not wear a veil in front of me?"

  Candice glanced at him coquettishly when she heard this, and said angrily:

   "The only one who can make me feel ashamed of my scars and pay attention to my image is only a handsome man like Rhine. Compared with him, you seem more or less ordinary.

  And you, listen to my advice..."

  Candice suddenly said seriously to Benjamin:

   "In the future, you must never participate in the social season with Rhine, you two stand together, you will suffer~"

  Benjamin: "…"


  Dreamkeeper Jane, who had been eating with empty eyes, suddenly couldn't hold back.

  But soon, she returned to her expressionless face.

   Li Feng was a little embarrassed by Candice, who was mature, intellectual and sociable, but he remembered something immediately.

   Pretending to put his hand into the inner pocket of his jacket, Li Fengshi took out a small brown glass bottle from the dragon's luggage.

  He handed the bottle to Candice and said:

   "I went out this time and accidentally got this bottle of potion. The person who made it said that this potion can remove scars."

   This small bottle was obtained by Li Feng from Gard's cabin.

  Before traveling last night, Li Feng took the time to sort out Gard's extraordinary materials and the potions he made.

   Then he discovered this bottle of potion that can remove scars, and also solved a mystery that has always troubled him.

  Before going to Wood County, Li Feng saw an advertisement for the sale of scar-removing potion in a newspaper 50 years ago.

  He remembered that at the end of that advertisement, there was the name of the inventor of the potion.

   Among the three inventors, the last name is "Falaniel".

   However, through the news in the following two issues of the newspaper, Li Feng found that the potion in the advertisement had no effect at all, and received complaints from many customers.

   Li Feng never understood this matter, and later he thought it was just a coincidence in the name.

   Until last night, among Gard's many items.

  Li Feng found this bottle of scar removal potion, as well as clippings of advertisements in newspapers back then, and Gad's own diary.

   It turned out that Gad, who was impoverished back then, had made some achievements in alchemy, once wanted to change his life through his skills.

  He took his alchemy results to the capital of Wood County, where he met two people.

  The two men saw his talent, invited him to dinner, and called him a friend.

  When Gad expressed his desire to make money, the two told him.

  If you can make a potion that makes scars disappear, you will definitely earn a lot of money from beauty lovers.

  Gade wrote in his diary that he trusted the two men at the time and followed their advice.

  After countless experiments, Gard finally made a satisfactory scar removal potion.

   Afterwards, the two showed Gad the contract and told him that he could share 2% of the profit for each bottle of potion.

  The young man from the small town didn't know that he had met a liar. Although he was suspicious, Gad felt that the two were very kind to him, so he agreed without asking anything.

   Afterwards, the two registered the company and advertised the scar-removing potion in the newspaper.

  In order to commemorate his grandfather, Gard used the name of "Falaniel" as the inventor of the potion.

  But when Gard happily got the newspaper and read the advertisement on it.

  But I was shocked to find that the names of those two people were also written in the column introducing the inventors of the potion.

   Gad, who had almost never dealt with outsiders, couldn't figure it out.

  The potion was developed by myself after more than 100 days and nights, why did the inventor add those two people.

  In terms of the research and development of the potion, they clearly did nothing.

what is this?

  Gade couldn't understand this matter. He felt that he had been deceived, and he also felt that those two people had insulted his noble alchemy profession.

   Unable to listen to the explanations of those two people anymore, one night, Gad secretly got on the train and fled back to his hut on the mountain of Alvin Manor.

  The two men had no potions to sell because of Gad's departure, so they sold fake products as cheap ones, and eventually received complaints from customers and refunded them.

   Although those two were punished, Gad has been hit since then.

  He stubbornly would rather be poor forever than leave Wood County, go to a big city to meet strangers, and sell his alchemy results.

  Looking at Gad's diary and the only remaining bottle of scar-removing potion he made, Li Feng couldn't help sighing.

   Gard is not his grandfather who traversed after all.

  With Gard's knowledge, character, and disposition, he will never be able to spend a lot of money at the auction like Faranier did.

  From this incident, Li Feng also figured out why Gad was a very accomplished alchemist, but he was isolated from the world all his life and was poor.

  In Gard's diary, he once looked forward to the user, who was amazed by the miraculous expression after using his potion.

  He also longed for the user to look happy and happy after getting rid of ugly scars.

   It was just this longing, and Gad never got his wish in his life.

  Giving the potion for removing scars to Candice, Li Feng suddenly felt.

  After 50 years, the potion made by Gard finally had its first user.

  Although Gad couldn't see Candice's amazed and happy expression, in the end, to some extent, it helped him get what he wanted.

  After breakfast, Li Feng bid farewell to Candice and the others, and went to the dock area of ​​Wind's Rest.

  Gade, Faraniel, all the mysteries on them have finally been solved, and it's time for Li Feng to concentrate on his own affairs.

  Because of system rewards, he now has a new evolutionary talent—finding fishing spots.

   This new talent can only be used once every 24 hours, but it can help him find places where extraordinary creatures can be fished near him.

  For Li Feng, as long as the type of supernatural creature is suitable, it can be hunted, fused with the secret treasure flint, and promoted to the resource of the hunter rank.

   So he definitely has to take advantage of it.

   Silently using the talent of finding fishing spots in his heart, a picture suddenly appeared in Li Feng's mind.

  Thinking carefully, he discovered that this place was exactly an uninhabited reef coast in the dock area of ​​Storm's End.

   Bring your own special fishing rod from the player world, Li Feng found it here.

  The wind and waves are not strong today, and the sea water gently slaps on the reef.

   After searching, Li Feng came to the place he perceived in his mind.

  He stood on the rough weather-beaten reef and cast his long fishing line into the sea.

  The sun is warm and the sea breeze is slightly salty.

   not long.

   There was a "crash" sound in the sea in front of him.

  Li Feng felt that the fishing rod in his hand sank suddenly, and something bit the hook.

  //Some explanations for this chapter are in the author's words.

   This chapter has a lot of words, but I was actually going to give up the part about Gard (because it's not the main story line, the rhythm will be slowed down)

   But I also thought that the previous newspaper advertisements had dug holes, and Candice's scars were paved a long time ago. Although it may be too long and everyone doesn't remember, let's fill it in.

   Furthermore, when telling that story, I also wanted to complete this tragic character, so that his motives of experience seemed more real.

   The reason why he is so good at alchemy, but still poor, is actually because of experience and character.

   So I thought about it for a few days. Although the rhythm was slowed down, I still wrote this paragraph. I hope everyone can forgive me.

  (end of this chapter)

Chapter end

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