Unbeatable! Invincible! Unparalleled! 158 Chapter 157: The scene that shouldn't happened! 2

Unbeatable! Invincible! Unparalleled! 158 Chapter 157: The scene that shouldn't happened! 2

### Notice ###

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### Notice ###

Prak.. prak..

The remnant from the catastrophic impact had left a huge crater in the middle of the enemy ranks, and from the looks of it, any monsters that were caught directly in that blast before, was instantly reduced to ashes!

Even the surrounding monsters that had barely managed to survive the blast were heavily injured, such that they had lost quite a few of their limbs here and there!

All in all, this scene was entirely unexpected to everyone, even in their wildest dream, they dared not imagine such a thing to happen!


"What an unbelieveable amount of force!"

"That one punch alone has just effectively killed more than half of the monsters!"


"Y-You.. when did you get so strong?" Shen Murong asked Duan Li with his mouth still wide agape in disbelief.

"I.. I did not expect this as well.." Duan Li replied as he scratched the back of his head, feeling a little bit embarrassed.

All along, he imagined that his full-charged attack would be several times more stronger than usual, but he did not expect it to be THAT strong!

"Are.. you able to do that again?" Shen Lu asked with his mouth twitching.

They had planned a lot of stuff just for the sake of this battle, such as how to attack and defend, their position and rally point, backup and alternative plan as well as several contingencies for emergency purposes. He even went as far as going 10 steps beyond personally, by burning the midnight oil to repeatedly go through over their battle plan so many times that he could recall them even in his sleep!

If their Lord happened to be able to do that kind of attack for even at least just twice, then it was certain that their enemies would be obliterated completely, leaving them with nothing to do. It would indeed be the most positive outcome as there will be no casualties on their side, but he was stifled as well if that were to happen.

After all, all their previous meticulous preparations and hard work would be for naught and down the drain!

"Eh? Let me see.." Duan Li pulled back his arm and made the same body gesture to punch yet again with his fist art!

"Ahh? Waitt!!" Shen Lu reached out his hand to stop Duan Li, but it was all too late, as the latter swiftly punched out, akin to the hammer being released from the God of judgement..

Unstoppable and devastating!



Although Duan Li's second punch was nothing earth-shattering like the first one, it still managed to take out another few hundreds of the severely injured monsters around the crater.

"Ahh.. as I thought.. even though theoretically I could do the same thing again, the fist art does not seems to be able to charge up this time.. I guess my meridian channels was not yet strong enough to handle its recoil?" he said and then shook his head in disappointment.

This was also the reason why the second punch was faster than his first one - since it doesn't charge at all, why wait needlessly?

Thus he just punched it out!

Meanwhile, Shen Lu could only cry in indignance silently within his heart.

He had asked the other party the question before not for it to be tested out, but so that the uneasiness in his heart would be smothered!

But who could have thought that the other party would instead deployed yet another fist attack?

It was only fortunate that the second punch was just a miniature version of the first one, or he would really spurt out some old blood and faint!

In addition, what is with that look of disappointment on your face?!

It should be us instead having that look!


After all, we haven't even done a single thing at all, and the next thing we knew, close to about 7,000 of the enemy monsters were already being done in by you alone!

Why can't you have the spirit of benevolence and magnanimity in that vast heart of your's?

This isn't fair for us!

The rest of his party was utterly shocked as well, and they couldn't find any sorts of words, much less constructing proper sentences to comment and describe for this kind of outcome.

It was only after a long silence that someone began to speak up.

"Umm.. so.. should we go attack them now? There are still some leftover monsters over there.." a person pointed out to a patch of disabled monsters in the distance, with some crawling on the ground with only one arm left, desperately trying to run away.

It was a pitiful sight and their agonized roars seemed to be crying out full of indignance.

They had come with vigor but before they could even process what was going on, there was a flash ball of fire, and then a loud boom, and suddenly, they were already in such a state!

Oh Heavens! Why did you give us such a fate..

Have you gone blind?

Where was the promised thrills of battle that could send us to valhalla?

Someone then replied, "Uhh yea.. let's check it out.. we should be able to kill at least one or two if we are quick enough, before they die off from their wounds.."

The masses then quickly rushed forward to meet the disorganized monsters, and when they finally arrived, some could not help but to shed a little bit of tears out of pity.

"Look at them.. they don't even have an ounce of battle intent left in their eyes.."

"Yeah.. and over there.. some was disoriented so much that even laying flat on the ground still have them twitching around constantly.."

"Look at this poor soul.. all its limbs were probably disintegrated from the blast.. its trying to crawl out from here using its tongue.."

"Ahh.. I can't watch such pain.. should we try to heal them first before we do our job?"


This could only be described as an utter tragedy!

One of the group leaders then awkwardly called out to everyone, "Okay guys.. line up properly.. there won't be enough monsters for each of us to slay at this rate.. how about we do a rock-paper-scissor instead? Those who won could pick any monsters laying down over there, and you could also claim their monster cores!"

Immediately after, the other group leaders also turned to their members to discuss on how they should delegate the remaining monsters to be taken care off by their members.

And then, a few moments later, numerous types of competition was decided!

There were an arm-wrestling competition, fastest 100 meter sprinter, long jump, blind-folded javelin throw, blind-folded monster smash with a club, long-range archery competition, lottery, and more!

In fact, some groups had even opened up a stall to sell some beverage to others that were not competing and was just there to watch!

Not forgetting the group of volunteers that patched up some terribly injured monsters just so that they could live long enough to be slayed properly.

For the first time ever, some of these monsters seemed to shed tears of gratitude towards the human cultivators. At least, they would be able to die with a more warrior-like dignity this way!

Or so do they thought..

In fact, unbeknownst to them, these monsters were crying because they were aggrieved and were far more willing to die swiftly rather than being treated like this.

Yes, we do eat humans from time to time because you guys were tasty and full of nutrition, but spare us from this madness please!

Yet, their roars of horror was misunderstood as words of gratitude when the human cultivators heard it.

Smiling softly, the human cultivators wiped off the tears from these monsters gently and caress their head like they were some lovely pets of their's.


How did we not realize they were actually this cute?

After watching the entire situation unfolding before his very eyes, high up above the sky, the Principal's figure had long turned into a stone with a permanent puffer fish-like expression.

If he were to not present here and was somewhere else, and then heard about this matter from another, even if the entirety of his Ancestor's graveyard was being turned over repeatedly, he would never believe even an ounce of it as the truth!

Just what the hell is going on here?!

How has a holy battle between mankind and monsters that was supposed to happen turned into something as such?

This is more like a twisted sports festival!

Meanwhile, Duan Li's party was grounded by the other students and were asked to stay put. Since their Lord had already claimed a lot from just two punches deployed by that formidable fist of his, the entirety of the party members were forbidden to even take single one more!

Right now, each and every one of Duan Li's followers showed a downcasted and dejected expression.

The one that seemed to take the most mental hit from this situation was Shen Lu, as he could be seen crying while laughing at the same time, as if turned into a deranged person and was no longer sane.

On the other hand, Shen Murong keeps on muttering 'my high quality spirit stones' repeatedly, as if traumatized from his life's fortune being taken away just when he was able to smell it in front of him.

As for the others, they also showed a multitude of expression; Xiahou Yu was seen drawing doodles of a fried chicken on the ground with her finger, as if experiencing from a special type of withdrawal symptom, Wei Shang and Wei Wang sat down while pulling their knees close to their face, as if their little hearts were being broken by a maiden they fell in love with, Guo He was playing with pebbles, Fei Longwei stared straight at the sky with his hands in his pocket, and Xu Rong shaking her head repeatedly as if denying something.

The only one who seemed to be quite indifferent to all these was Wang Xiolun, whom just kept his eyes closed with both arms crossed on his chest.

Only now did Duan Li realized just how he had wronged his followers, and he could only let out a long, deep sigh.

"Alright.. alright.. haa.. I know that it is my fault.. I'm sorry.. and to show that I'm sincere in my apology to you guys, I will give each of you some spirit stones when we get back to the residence court.."

Only when he said these, did their mournful countenances alleviated slightly.


Tap! Tap!

The Principal, Zhuge Liang and Duan Li's mother all landed on the ground with a complicated expression on their face.

Meng Yue was the first one to talk, "Young man.. as your mother, I think that you've done really well.. but.." she said as she looked at the rest of his party, ".. next time, try to keep things at the minimum alright?"

Duan Li sighed, and then nodded.

The Principal next spoke out, "You.. that fist art has long turned into something terrifying in your hands.. the name was supposed to be metaphoric, but you really did caused a meteor-like destruction over here.."

"I never thought that Sir Duan Li are both an excellect doctor and such a strong expert as well! If there are plenty of spare time in the future that we could use, I would like esteemed Sir to guide me in the arts of destruction!" Zhuge Liang bowed his head, his eyes showing deep reverence and respect towards Duan Li.

"Uhh.. yea.. sure?" Duan Li replied, feeling a little bit awkward as the other party was a senior, which was supposed to be way above him.

"Since the situation here has been resolved.. albeit in such an.. unconventional way.. we will head out to the other two fronts and aid them in their battles instead.. but, we will leave Zhuge Liang here, if there are any more 3 Star monsters from those packs of umm.. disabled monsters, he should be able to take care of them all with ease.." the Principal said.

After some small talk, the Principal swiftly left with Duan Li's mother to head towards the next two fronts.


While they were bolting through the skies together, Meng Yue got quite curious, "Was my son always that strong since the beginning?" she asked.

The Principal shook his head, "Well.. he was indeed strong from the start.. but not like this.. that fist attack he just made.. even if it was a Nascent Soul realm expert like me.. I'm not even sure if I would be able to take that head on.."

Meng Yue nodded, "Yeah.. such an attack was like the casual punch of an Escaping Mortality realm state.." she sub-consciously blurted out as she recalled a certain similar scene back in the past.

Hearing this, the Principal turned his head around in shock, "Y-You.. you knew about the names of the Nine Shackles of Mortality realm state?!"

Meng Yue was shocked as well, "Yeah.. but I only blurted that out unpurposely.. how did you come to know about it as well?"

"Well.. it's like this.." the Principal began to retell her the stories about the future with Duan Li as the main character of it all.


"Puuuhhhh!" a certain figure coughed out some sand from his mouth and stood haggardly with his feet on the ground, his entire appearance looking extremely wretched.

This person was with the monster pack before and was riding one of the monsters on its back while being invisible, before a sudden impact from a meteor that literally came out of nowhere came straight at him.

At that time, he was shocked silly and nearly pissed off his pants because the incoming meteor was too sudden and fast that his reaction time was slow by a single breath that he almost died!

Fortunately, in that last moment, he managed to compound the space around him with another barrier that absorbed most of the brunt of the impact!

But he was still blowned off far away into the distance nevertheless, about 5 kilometers away from where he originally were.

The robe that this person wore was supposed to be pitch black with the new moon symbol on it, but now, he looked nothing more than like a homeless beggar in the middle of the desert, as if he had just undergone through some serious robbery by a group of ravaging bandit!

"Curses! What in the name of the holy Demiruke's hell was that?!"

He cussed out in extreme frustrations and anger.

As the most elite and dangerous underground society in the Tian continent, which was the Dark Sect, all their operation was always being updated with the latest information thoroughly, such that even climate change was taken into consideration when they were about to conduct their acitivities.

Just how in the world did such an obvious meteor strike was not inside his briefing files?

The next time I return to the headquarters, I will beat that person whom was in charge of giving out information to us black and blue!

Just you wait!

"Sh*t! Now I'm in no mood to play.. I need to vent this frustration inside me.."

Just as he said this, an idea flashed through his mind as he crept up a sinister smile.

"I just got the perfect sample right over there.. huehuehue.."


Chapter end

Chapter 408
Chapter 407
Chapter 406
Chapter 403
Chapter 400
Chapter 399
384 Chapter 376: Descent of Terror!
383 Chapter 375: One above them all!
382 Chapter 374: Destroyer of a dynasty!
381 Chapter 373: What is going on?
380 Chapter 372: I have come!
379 Chapter 371: Clash of the Experts!
378 Chapter 370: Too fast! Too fast?
377 Chapter 369: Wang Feng of the Wang Clan!
376 Chapter 368: Wang Feng!
375 Chapter 367: Lesson learned!
374 Chapter 366: The only one existence!
373 Chapter 365: Battle of the Spring Blossom Village! 2
372 Chapter 364: Battle of the Spring Blossom Village! 1
371 Chapter 363: Bandit Busheng!
369 Chapter 362: The Great Patriarchs!
368 Chapter 361: Bloodline unleashed! 2
367 Chapter 360: Bloodline unleashed! 1
366 Chapter 359: The extinct monster!
365 Chapter 358: Imperial Extermination Knights!
364 Chapter 357: Impending crisis!
363 Chapter 356: Boxing in the bandits!
362 Chapter 355: The secret behind the Superior Quality SS!
361 Chapter 354: The bad egg among them!
360 Chapter 353: Chased!
359 Chapter 352: Flattened!
358 Chapter 351: Unleash your true power!
357 Chapter 350: The prototype transport!
Chapter 356
Chapter 355
354 Chapter 347: Heading over to the Liu Empire!
353 Chapter 346: A Call For Help!
352 Chapter 345: Assemble my minions!
351 Chapter 344: Secret to Immortality!
350 Chapter 343: The power of the sword! 2
349 Chapter 342: The power of the legendary Sword! 1
348 Chapter 341: Play with sand!
347 Chapter 340: Ancient murals!
346 Chapter 339: Limitless! 3
345 Chapter 338: Limitless! 2
344 Chapter 337: Limitless! 1
343 Chapter 336: Veterans of the old era!
342 Chapter 335: Challenge!
341 Chapter 334: The Great Clans of the Jiu Empire!
340 Chapter 333: Accused from the opposite direction!
339 Chapter 332: The mysterious bellow!
338 Chapter 331: Treasure Hunt Sect!
337 Chapter 330: Return to the Seven Saints Culinary restaurant!
Chapter 336
Chapter 335
334 Chapter 327: The Ruckus at the Three fronts!
333 Chapter 326: Great Clans, here I come!
332 Chapter 325: Tragedy of Rong Huan!
331 Chapter 324: The Wailing Platypus!
330 Chapter 323: The Player behind the board!
329 Chapter 322: Which side are you on?
328 Chapter 321: Return of Feng Li!
327 Chapter 320: All followers move out!
326 Chapter 319: Duan Li's gift!
325 Chapter 318: Howling in defeat!
324 Chapter 317: Why don't you give it a try?
323 Chapter 316: Forging the first weapon!
322 Chapter 315: The Forbidden Object!
321 Chapter 314: Fitting them together!
320 Chapter 313: The tales of Na Zem Xi!
319 Chapter 312: Pointed and enlightenment!
318 Chapter 311: They resonated?
317 Chapter 310: Broken into pieces!
316 Chapter 309: As thick as a glacier!
315 Chapter 308: The formidable father and son!
314 Chapter 307: I have come!
313 Chapter 306: Trouble at the marketplace!
312 Chapter 305: Each and their adventure!
311 Chapter 304: Another joined the fray!
310 Chapter 303: Complex friendship!
309 Chapter 302: Misunderstanding!
308 Chapter 301: The fellow who is insane!
307 Chapter 300: The plan!
306 Chapter 299: Secret revealed!
305 Chapter 298: Angry!
304 Chapter 297: Utmost Being!
303 Chapter 296: Indignant!
302 Chapter 295: Where is she?
301 Chapter 294: He is the one?
300 Chapter 293: Cao Tengfei's demise!
299 Chapter 292: Xiqong Wu!
298 Chapter 291: The most evil!
297 Chapter 290: Riled up!
296 Chapter 289: Unveiled!
295 Chapter 288: King of Swindler!
294 Chapter 287: That strange fellow!
293 Chapter 286: The day of coronation!
292 Chapter 285: Fate like Shen Long!
291 Chapter 284: The fall of the great expert!
290 Chapter 283: He is lonely!!
289 Chapter 282: Duan Li vs Shen Long!
288 Chapter 281: The final exam starts!
287 Chapter 280: The lecture of a true expert!
286 Chapter 279: Duan Li's cultivation!
285 Chapter 278: Cultivation lecture?
284 Chapter 277: First three exams cleared!
283 Chapter 276: I'll take three!
282 Chapter 275: I'll take the exams!
281 Chapter 274: Let's Go!
280 Chapter 273: Undercurrents!
279 Chapter 272: The Empress enters!
278 Chapter 271: Mission complete!
277 Chapter 270: Child of Tian!
276 Chapter 269: Scheme!
275 Chapter 268: The Champion!
274 Chapter 267: Special stage! final
273 Chapter 266: Special stage! 6
272 Chapter 265: Special stage! 5
271 Chapter 264: Special stage! 4
270 Chapter 263: Special stage! 3
269 Chapter 262: Special stage! 2
268 Chapter 261: Special stage! 1
267 Chapter 260: All according to Plan!
266 Chapter 259: I'm not cheating!
Chapter 265
264 Chapter 257: The tall burly man!
263 Chapter 256: The other four empires!
262 Chapter 255: Competition too good to pass up!
261 Chapter 254: Country bumpkin!
Chapter 260: Chapter 253: Left alone!
Chapter 259: Chapter 252: Warm reunion!
Chapter 258: Chapter 251: Lamentations of the chosen one!
Chapter 257: Chapter 250: Second region completed!
Chapter 256: Chapter 249: Di Rou concoct pills!
Chapter 255: Chapter 248: Duan Li's internal state!
254 Chapter 247: Last man standing!
253 Chapter 246: Who won?
252 Chapter 245: Demon from hell!
251 Chapter 244: Need more spiritual Qi!
250 Chapter 243: Beyond the limit!
249 Chapter 242: Deadlock!
248 Chapter 241: Both at full power!
247 Chapter 240: The one thing it cannot copy!
246 Chapter 239: A world of pain!
245 Chapter 238: The final trial!
Chapter 244
Chapter 243
Chapter 242
241 Chapter 237: Third trial complete!
240 Chapter 236: The frog in the well!
239 Chapter 235: This is too easy!
238 Chapter 234: The one and only unscalable mountain
237 Chapter 233: Inviolable existences in the Universe
236 Chapter 232: Another to the party!
235 Chapter 231: Rage!
234 Chapter 230: Need to escape!
233 Chapter 229: The Queen!
232 Chapter 228: The toughest opponent yet!
231 Chapter 227: The species that nearly drove the world extinct!
230 Chapter 226: Why are they here?
229 Chapter 225: The most familiar person!
228 Chapter 224: Standing at the top!
227 Chapter 223: Not good enough!
226 Chapter 222: Too much free time!
225 Chapter 221: The first puzzle!
224 Chapter 220: The trial begins!
223 Chapter 219: A new fist art!
222 Chapter 218: Unexpected backlash!
221 Chapter 217: The real monster!
Chapter 220
219 Chapter 216: Control technique!
218 Chapter 215: Collision of stars!
217 Chapter 214: Who is actually in charge?
216 Chapter 213: Guardian of second region!
215 Chapter 212: Komodo Vs Iguana! 3
214 Chapter 211: Komodo Vs Iguana! 2
213 Chapter 210: Komodo Vs Iguana 1
212 Chapter 209: Time to march!
211 Chapter 208: Trying to leave?
210 Chapter 207: It's him again..
209 Chapter 206: Bulu's evolution!
208 Chapter 205: Bulu's transformation!
207 Chapter 204: Rally of blood!
206 Chapter 203: I will do it!
205 Chapter 202: Vengeance!
204 Chapter 201: Meeting the chief!
203 Chapter 200: Revenge!
202 Chapter 199: Reunion!
201 Chapter 198: The second threat!
200 Chapter 197: Who?!
199 Chapter 196: Can you swim?
198 Chapter 195: Fighting the sea monsters!
197 Chapter 194: Sea threa
196 Chapter 193: The Guardian of the Second region!
195 Chapter 192: All pets come out and fetch!
194 Chapter 191: Darned bastard! Islands on fire!
193 Chapter 190: The fellow whom likes to cause trouble!
192 Chapter 189: Entering the Eternal Maze once more!
191 Chapter 188: Defeated! Crying to Ancestor!
190 Chapter 187: Trembling! Revelation!
189 Chapter 186: Seven Saints Chefs!
188 Chapter 185: Decryption combo!
Chapter 187: Not a chapter.
186 Chapter 184: I won't give up!
185 Chapter 183: Competing for food!
184 Chapter 182: Rich? can you compare to me?
183 Chapter 181: Culinary Seer!
182 Chapter 180: VVIPs at the restaurant!
181 Chapter 179: Restaurant!
180 Chapter 178: Duan Li's Weakness!
179 Chapter 177: Father's origin! 2
178 Chapter 176: Father's origin! 1
177 Chapter 175: Possessed!
176 Chapter 174: Duan Li's student!
175 Chapter 173: Gifts!
Chapter 174
173 Chapter 172: You wished to enter again?
172 Chapter 171: Shen Long's anger!
171 Chapter 170: The Virus's Potency,n
170 Chapter 169: Celestial Beings!
169 Chapter 168: Heading to Greenplains!
168 Chapter 167: Beating up Cao Tengfei! 5
167 Chapter 166: Beating up Cao Tengfei! 4
166 Chapter 165: Beating Cao Tengfei! 3
165 Chapter 164: Beating up Cao Tengfei! 2
164 Chapter 163: Beating up Cao Tengfei! 1
163 Chapter 162: Prepare for battle!
162 Chapter 161: Summoned in an awkward state!
161 Chapter 160: Cao Tengfei! 3
160 Chapter 159: Cao Tengfei! 2
159 Chapter 158: Cao Tengfei! 1
158 Chapter 157: The scene that shouldn't happened! 2
157 Chapter 156: The scene that shouldn't happened! 1
156 Chapter 155: An existence you couldn't comprehend!
155 Chapter 154: Curing his mother!
154 Chapter 153: That guy is finished!
153 Chapter 152: 25 years ago.. 2
152 Chapter 151: 25 years ago.. 1
151 Chapter 150: Two hidden royal members?!
150 Chapter 149: Becoming bestfriend!
149 Chapter 148: Duan Li is a medical expert?! 3
148 Chapter 147: Duan Li is a medical expert?! 2
147 Chapter 146: Duan Li is a medical expert?! 1
146 Chapter 145: Well met!
145 Chapter 144: Routed and forced to retreat!
144 Chapter 143: Airship departure!
143 Chapter 142: Another formidable background!
142 Chapter 141: Dealing with schemer!
141 Chapter 140: Trouble and mastermind!
140 Chapter 139: Move out!
139 Chapter 138: Who am I you asked?
138 Chapter 137: A pair of Observing eyes..
137 Chapter 136: Mother?
136 Chapter 135: Two Top-Notch existences!
135 Chapter 134: A Mother's Wrath!
134 Chapter 133: Duan Li going solo-lo-lo~ 2
133 Chapter 132: Duan Li going solo-lo-lo~ 1
132 Chapter 131: Arriving at the Blastwinter desert!
131 Chapter 130: Heading out!
130 Chapter 129: Plan changed?!
129 Chapter 128: A gift and a problem!
128 Chapter 127: King of Chickens!
127 Chapter 126: Deciding their roles!
126 Chapter 125: Battle Strategy!
125 Chapter 124: Peculiar-looking creature?
124 Chapter 123: Past, Present and Future!
123 Chapter 122: The secrets and limitations revealed!
122 Chapter 121: The Second agenda!
121 Chapter 120: The First agenda!
120 Chapter 119: Making a deal with the Emperor!
119 Chapter 118: The Emperor of Jiu Empire!
118 Chapter 117: Party assembled!
117 Chapter 116: Preparation!
116 Chapter 115: Artifacts of Time!
115 Chapter 114: Making an appointment with the Emperor!
114 Chapter 113: The true Ruler!
113 Chapter 112: Jiu Bank company!
112 Chapter 111: Crushing defeat!
111 Chapter 110: Chased!
110 Chapter 109: The chosen 5!
109 Chapter 108: 10 vs 1 3 end!
108 Chapter 107: 10 vs 1! 2
107 Chapter 106: 10 vs 1 1
106 Chapter 105: They've all been had!
105 Chapter 104: All the way to the Semi-Final!
104 Chapter 103: The Third Battle!
103 Chapter 102: The Second Battle!
102 Chapter 101: The First Battle!
101 Chapter 100: Duel start!
100 Chapter 99: Prelude to new companions!
99 Chapter 98: Concocting the pills!
98 Chapter 97: The battle of tongues!
97 Chapter 96: The Red Herb!
96 Chapter 95' Herbalogist class!
95 Chapter 94: The true master!
94 Chapter 93: The Twin Intruders!
93 Chapter 92: Creatures in one room!
92 Chapter 91: Depictions of a monster!
91 Chapter 90: As if things never happened!
90 Chapter 89: The Tribulations strikes!
89 Chapter 88: The Heaven's Will committee!
88 Chapter 87: The voice of Heaven!
87 Chapter 86: The capabilities of Duan Li!
86 Chapter 85: Stop making trouble for me!
85 Chapter 84: Massive increase in power!
84 Chapter 83: Trouble!
83 Chapter 82: Tempering their body!
82 Chapter 81: Resolving the affliction! 2
81 Chapter 80: Resolving the affliction! 1
80 Chapter 79: Guiding the disciple!
79 Chapter 78: One more follower!
78 Chapter 77: The Combat Class! 3
77 Chapter 76: The Combat Class! 2
76 Chapter 75: The Combat Class! 1
75 Chapter 74: The Appraiser class!
74 Chapter 73: Recruitment day!
73 Chapter 72: The three-staged plan!
72 Chapter 71: The life of wealthy people!
71 Chapter 70: The coming battle!
70 Chapter 69: Creating a stir at the cafeteria!
69 Chapter 68: Recruiting followers!
68 Chapter 67: Choosing Occupations!
67 Chapter 66: The treatment 3
66 Chapter 65: The treatment 2
65 Chapter 64: The treatment 1
64 Chapter 63: Return to the Academy!
63 Chapter 62: One heaven-defying abilities after another!
62 Chapter 61: The barrier was lifted!
61 Chapter 60: The Final Boss 3
60 Chapter 59: The Final Boss 2
59 Chapter 58: The Final Boss 1
58 Chapter 57: Elemental Origin Spirit!
57 Chapter 56: Miraculous elixirs!
56 Chapter 55: Full-Burst Mode!
55 Chapter 54: The third route!
54 Chapter 53: Hello! I am back!
53 Chapter 52: A weird encounter!
52 Chapter 51: Wait for me!
51 Chapter 50: Heading to the third maze!
Chapter 50
49 Chapter 49: Tempering the body! 2
48 Chapter 48: Tempering the body! 1
47 Chapter 47: Plop! The unsettling sound!
46 Chapter 46: Overpowered Fella!
45 Chapter 45: Prelude to become the strongest man!
44 Chapter 44: The Nine shackles of mortals!
43 Chapter 43: Powerful existence!
42 Chapter 42: An encounter with the Mythical beast!
41 Chapter 41: Little Buddy, are you okay?
40 Chapter 40: The Eternal Maze!
39 Chapter 39: Departure!
38 Chapter 38: Show me your power! 3
37 Chapter 37: Show me your power! 2
36 Chapter 36: Show me your power! 1
35 Chapter 35: Meng Yue and Subjugation Squad!
34 Chapter 34: Spatial Ring!
33 Chapter 33: Nine Fist Shattering Meteor!
32 Chapter 32: Magnanimity!
31 Chapter 31: What should I choose?
30 Chapter 30: Qi Condensation Realm!
29 Chapter 29: Against the Heavens!
28 Chapter 28: Modifying efficiency level!
27 Chapter 27: The Gossiping Juniors!
26 Chapter 26: The Ronin Samurai!
25 Chapter 25: Being Human and what it means.
24 Chapter 24: The fourth trial!
23 Chaoter 23: Pitiful Wang Guozhi!
22 Chapter 22: The Principal's anxiety!
21 Chapter 21: Duan Li's bizarre trial! 3
20 Chapter 20: Duan Li's bizarre trial! 2
19 Chapter 19: Duan Li's bizarre trial! 1
18 Chapter 18: Xiahou Yu's trial! 2
17 Chapter 17: Xiahou Yu's trial! 1
16 Chapter 16: Duanlu Qi!
15 Chapter 15: The prophecy!
14 Chapter 14: Rebirth!
13 Chapter 13: The Millennium Yidara Tree!
12 Chapter 12: Finally arrived!
11 Chapter 11: Trials to enter!
10 Chapter 10: Ling Yu's horizon widened!
9 Chapter 9: Farewell Mother!
8 Chapter 8: Congratulatory Feast!
7 Chapter 7:The All-Seeing eye!
6 Chapter 6: Ability Over-used!
5 Chapter 5: The guest arrived!
4 Chapter 4: Sparring with mother!
3 Chapter 3: Time.. slowed down?
2 Chapter 2: State of the world.
1 Chapter 1: Fate Changed!
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