The Wizard Raised Through TRPG is Still the Strongest in the Other World Chapter 71-82

The Wizard Raised Through TRPG is Still the Strongest in the Other World Chapter 71-82

The next day.


The negotiations with Gald-shi, the Chief of Zamuslon [Clan of Rulers], de-facto ruler of Senpu Village went so smoothly that it was almost anti-climatic.


But then again, since Irudo had already done all the preliminary work, I suppose it was only natural.


Both opening a trade route with Jiiteias Castle and entering the anti-Shadow Demon alliance were apparently fully in line with the interests of Senpu Village, so Gald-shi was more than hapy to sign on.


Especially, as they are apparently in short supply of fuel such as wood, he was absolutely delighted when I offered to export the massive stock that we were gathering at Jiiteias Castle due to the large scale reclamation.


As for the alliance, Shadow Demons are equally a problem for the dwarves, so he agreed to join almost immediately.


Apparently, the reports of my previous achievements had had a large effect on this outcome.


Furthermore, when I brought to the table my idea of the trade route extending all the way to Filsand, they gave me a condition but otherwise promised to consider it favorably.




"Without further ado, Magician-dono, please."


"I'm a Wizard, though. Anyways, here I go."


Right now, I am outside of Senpu Village, along with several dwarven authority figures.


In this rock-strewn wilderness that looks completely unsuitable for agriculture, there are numerous curiously-shaped constructions here and there. Of course, the gigantic dwarven statue is also visible in the distance.


As for what we are doing in this wilderness.


"Take a good look with your own eyes and assess how useful my servant would be."


Their condition for extending the trade route to Filsand is to dig an extremely long tunnel through the mountain east of Senpu Village.


In the meeting just now, the dwarves said that they wanted to confirm how useful my wizardry would be in regards to digging tunnels.


"Unlike logging and construction, tunnel digging is not something that can be done just from having giants" is what they said.


Of course, I've already given this thought beforehand.


My imagined self in the Inner World passes through the Door of Wizardry, then descends the spiral staircase until I reach the 8th floor.


While laying my hand on the charged spell resting on the bookrest in the Archive, I think of that gigantic, repulsive yet useful monster, then project it into the chaos.


"By means of this spell, may a Dig Dug Worm be created before my eyes and be under my control for 1 hour. [Create Special Monster]"








"I, I don't feel so well……"


"Upu…… will you stop calling up strange things all of a sudden!"


The dwarves' astonishment and Claura's protest is all too understandable.


After all, what I had just created with my spell is a 30m long, 3m diameter gigantic worm.


"...... Muu."


I had used it relatively frequently in D&B, but this is my first time actually seeing it.


The sight of its long, wetly glistening, purplish body is indeed repulsive.


"So, so this is your magi-...... pardon me, your wizardry. But exactly what does this do……?"


"Don't worry, you'll understand soon enough."


Gald-shi's face color looks a bit bad, but I reply composedly (while suppressing my desire to vomit).


"Well then, Dig Dug Worm. Show us what you are best at."


Receiving my intention rather than my words, the Worm gets down to work.


It stretches itself upwards, bringing its head high up. The circular mouth at the front end of its long body opens wide. Uu, that is disgusting.


Then the Worm slams its head into the ground.




After the shock of what sounded like a loud gunshot, the sound of things being grinded to dust starts to reverberate around.


With its head buried in the ground, the Worm wriggles the rest of its body…… and steadily begins to burrow deeper into the ground.


"Oi, don't tell me this thing……"


"Exactly. This Worm can eat rocks and dirt and whatever else. Digging tunnels is what it does best."


Even while we are talking, the 30m Worm almost seems to be getting sucked into the ground.


It took about 5 minutes before the poisonous needle at its back disappeared from sight.


"I can't believe how fast it can dig……"


"How far can it go?"


Filled with curiosity, the dwarves quickly make their way to the edge of the hole dug by the Worm and peer inside.


"Nn? What is this? It seems that the walls of the tunnel has been coated with something that has hardened?"


So asked a dwarf of the Daroun [Clan of Architects]. Quick on the update, it is exactly as he pointed out. The walls of the 3m wide hole running straight down is paved with a grey, concrete-like substance.


"...... A word with you guys, in private…... This is something that the Worm secreted. After consuming the dirt and rock, it converts all that inside its body into a reinforcement liquid, which then gets excreted through its skin surface."


"Ohh…… this is simply perfect!"


"After all, for tunnels bored through mountains, the strength is always an important issue."


I gave my explanation in a soft voice so that the ladies wouldn't have to hear it, but it turned out to be highly favorable with the dwarves.




In the end, I got enthusiastic approval from the dwarves of Senpu Village in regards to the construction of the trade route to Filsand. They wanted the unique raw materials that could only be imported through Filsand from somewhere else even farther away.


But however, this matter needs approval from the Filsand side as well, so construction will not begin until negotiations are finished with that end too.


I had planned on sending Irudo to visit Filsand, but then Gald told me something completely unexpected.


"Your timing could not have been more perfect. At the moment, the daughter of the Duke of Filsand is here in Senpu Village to discuss a trade with us. How about you meet with her, perhaps even tomorrow, and discuss this matter with her directly?"






"...... So that young girl was the daughter of the Duke of Filsand. That was a spot of negligence on our part." (Claura)


"Unfortunately, her first impression of us might not have been the best……" (Gio)


We are all gathered in my guest room having dinner, and Claura is looking decidedly awkward.


The girl she's talking about is the one that we met at the elevator.


But if Claura's feeling awkward, so am I, because I bet that it's her impression of me that was the worst.


"Elizabel Roni Filsandia is her name. According to the rumors that I've heard, she's a highly talented asset who frequently goes to other countries to conduct business and diplomatic deals."


Though I am thankful for Irudo's new information, it is only making my headache worse…… wait, no.


"If she is as wise as it sounds, then she would not allow personal feelings to affect the negotiations she conducts."


Leid follows up for me at an unexpected moment. Furthermore, it was something that I was going to say myself.


I seriously feel like he and I are getting more and more in sync.


"That's a good point. Well, there's no point moping about it all night. Let's head for the baths and get some rest in preparation for tomorrow."




When I'd told Valbo before that I liked bathing, it was true. Last night, we were introduced to the public bathhouse (it's even a hotspring!), where I fully enjoyed myself for over an hour.


Leid didn't like it at first, but once he submerged himself in the large bath that smelled of sulfur, he became meek as a lamb.




As Leid, Irudo, and I got up to leave the guest room, my door was knocked violently.


"Who is it? This is the room of the Great Wizard Margils-sama. State your name and your business."


Leiha replies as if it's the most natural thing to do, directing her voice sharply towards the other side of the door. A man's voice, drawn tight with anger and tension, comes flying back.


"Apologies for the late hour. We are members of the Filsand Knight Order. Our protection target, the daughter of the Duke of Filsand, Elizabel-sama has gone missing. We request permission to inspect your room."

To get started with Disqus head to the Settings panel.

Chapter 71: Entrance of the Tunnel

Volume 4





Filsand was originally the capital city of a tribe that claims to draw blood from an ancient royal family, the Shulz. However, it was invaded by the country of Feldi, then placed under the rule of the Duke of Filsand.


This happened about 20 years ago.


A great number of the Shulz tribe fled southward. To this day, they still fiercely hold onto the wish of recapturing Filsand. To that end, they have launched numerous attacks on the city, but were repelled every single time.


Fifteen years ago, Elizabel Roni Filsand was born between the Duke of Filsand and the princess of the Shulz.


The princess of the Shulz, Sheira, was captured during the invasion of Filsand.


The Duke took her as his second wife in a move to shore up the legitimacy of his rule over Filsand.


For her mother, her father was someone to hate with her whole being, and it would still not be enough.


Fortunately, her mother did not actively plant that hatred within Elizabel. However, growing up while seeing the discord between her parents up close made it hard for her to see her father in a positive light.


Despite all that, it cannot be denied that her father was relatively loving towards Elizabel and her mother. Their living standards were not significantly inferior in comparison to that of his first wife and her children, and proper education was also provided. Her eldest stepbrother was also especially nice to her.


Due to this, she aspired to work as a diplomat on behalf of the Filsand that she had been brought up in, rather than the Shulz tribe that she had never even seen before. In actual fact, she gave her all towards realizing this aspiration of hers.


Originally, the purpose for which Elizabel came to Senpu Village for is a business deal — the purchase of siege weapons to use against the Shulz, who have barricaded themselves up in a castle.


The dwarves could not care less about the wars between humans. However, due to the Feldians' long-seated contempt of the dwarves, the negotiations went very stormily. In spite of that, she managed to seal the deal.


Despite being only 15 years old, it has already been 3 years since she was entrusted with the full authority to represent the Duke. Having gone to other cities in her home countries, Ran Balt, and even Shulendal, she already has several business and treaty successes under her belt.


Of course, she was not granted the authority for conducting negotiations from the very beginning. At the start, she was no more than a proxy, a figurehead accompanying trade caravans and negotiation parties.


However, she knew how to use her attractive, harmless, innocent appearance to its full potential.


For example, the negotiations with the dwarves that took almost an entire week, mostly went like this.


"In the first place, you people from Feldi and Filsand are contemptuous of us dwarves, aren't you."


"That…… might be true. I'm really sorry…… someone like me being so self-important……"


"Oh, n-, no, we're not really saying that you are the one at fault."


"Thank you…… very much. Even though we say such terrible things, you all are still so gracious about it."


"Well, we're different from humans after all."


Or perhaps like this.


"Three easy-to-assemble siege towers? That's going to place quite a heavy burden on our craftsmen. But that the price you're offering, it's a bit……"


"I, I really don't know anything, do I…… So it's very hard to make siege towers, is it. Exactly how is it made?"


"You don't even know that? Listen carefully, you first take the blueprints……"


Or this.


"Do all dwarves like alcohol very much? I myself don't really drink much, but…… my father is often drinking a strange wine that he gets from taverns in the south."


"Ho ho, what kind of wine is that?"


"Umm, I'm not really sure…… next time, I'll make sure to ask him!"


Her numerous successes were by no means due to a cheat from the gods.


"Make the other party feel good." "Listen well." "Make the other party want to talk to you again." All she did was persistently apply these principles to as many situations, as many people as she could.


Emotional gulfs could mostly be overcome somehow with this approach, after which talks would naturally proceed towards the discussion of reconciliation of interests.


Those who hate her label her methods as 'seduction' or 'persuasion by tears,' but the way she sees it, she was born with these tools, so there's no reason to not take full advantage of them.


Though she worked so hard for the sake of Filsand, the feelings of contempt that those of the conquering side felt towards her due to her blood was deep-seated.


Day and night, the harassment against her never ceased, and she had even been called a savage to her face.


The first wife, her second son, and a few other family members all made no effort whatsoever to hide their hatred of her.


Then half a year ago.


Her position, which she had been able to somehow maintain despite being showered in her mother's resentment and other people's hatred, crumbled all of a sudden.


Her mother died of illness, and as if it was all timed, her eldest stepbrother died in battle during an assault by the Shulz tribe.


The only children left to the Duke were her and her second stepbrother.


If Elizabel had been powerless and also detested by her father, then perhaps this would not have happened. However, she had earned her father's trust through her work as a diplomat, and her ability was such that no one could call it into question. Consequently, the first wife and her second son deemed Elizabel a threat.


It did not take many days for the pressure from her second stepbrother, which had previously been on the level of harassment, to escalate to attempted assassination.


After closing her negotiations with the dwarves, Elizabel headed towards a restaurant whose patron base was mostly human.


The two knights sitting together with her as escort are both enjoying a few drinks.


"Still, that Wizard guy, he's quite something."


"No way would I want to have that monster as an enemy."


Despite being in front of Elizabel, the daughter of their master's house, the knights are enthusiastically discussing about what, or rather who, they had seen in the afternoon. Though from far away, they had witnessed the Wizard giving commands to a gigantic worm.


Elizabel does not choose to rebuke them, but instead brings a piece of dwarven-made baked sweet to her tiny mouth and takes a bite, while keeping a cute smile on her face.


The reason is because she had already realized that these guards of her are only for the journey to and the duration of her stay at Senpu Village. They had been ordered by her second stepbrother to eliminate her on the way back to Filsand.


It is not rare for undead or Shadow Demons to show up on the unmaintained road between Filsand and Senpu Village, and the footing at several places is also quite bad. There is no limit to the variety of cover stories that could be cooked up to explain her 'accidental' death.


«To have me eliminated right after I complete the business deal with the dwarves…… how calculating of you, Nii…...»


(T/N: Nii means 'brother.' She's referring to her second stepbrother in this case.)


"Did you also see it, Elizabel-sama? That repulsive monster……"


"Y-, yes I did. Though I didn't really get it, but…… it was quite amazing, wasn't it."


«Regardless of whether he is a Great Wizard or whatever else, but after that, I think I've a general grasp on the kind of person he is.»


So she thinks to herself while recalling the figure of the middle-aged man that she had seen in the elevator just yesterday.


«…… But then again, he did lend a hand to help that lady regain her balance, and his attitude seemed gentle. At the very least, he does not seem to be a high-handed person.»


This girl who had traveled far and away as a representative of the Duke of Filsand makes an amendment to a portion of her mental record of that person…… then sighs.


"Haa…… not that there's any meaning in doing that by this point in time."


"Nn? Elizabel-sama, did you say something?"


"No, it's nothing. Rather than that, we will only be going back to our rooms after this, right? Feel free to order and drink as much as you like, alright?"


"Is that so? Then we'll take you up on your offer."




Several tens of minutes later.


Both knights are lying prostrate on the table, letting out hearty snores.


It seems that the medicine that she had always kept on her person just in case had come into use.


Elizabeth calls a dwarf waitress, courteously telling her that "I'm afraid they had a bit too much to drink, so please let them rest a little while longer" while handing over a gratuity tip.


«Unfortunately, I wasn't able to prepare anything ahead of time, but…… there's no helping it.»


It will take several weeks before the ordered siege towers will be completed.


It is a viable option to spend some more time to work out a more elaborate plan. However, she is afraid that as time passes, her will to live would grow thin, and thus she makes this reckless decision.


Elizabel walks quickly, alone, to the barn where the customers' horses and carriages are stored.


After having the person in charge hand over the reins of the swift horse that had carried her the entire way here from Filsand, she wastes no time in getting out.


Though her recognition plate was indeed checked at the main gate, there was no problem, as she is using her own recognition plate to leave the village on her own will. Without any issues whatsoever, she successfully escapes from Senpu Village…… no, from the Filsand Knight Order.


"Star Wind, I'm really sorry, but I need you to hurry…… {Fire Weapon}!"


She has no time to pay any regard to the fact that she is wearing a dress that exposes her thighs, an outfit extremely unsuitable for riding a horse. Fire envelopes the staff engraved with the stars-and-sword sigil, serving as an impromptu torch lighting the way for her late night full speed dash.


After all, she has no idea if the Filsand Knight Order — for her, they were already nothing more than her assassins — might start coming after her.


«'If'? There's no way they won't come after me…… Doing this is only going to delay my death by an hour, or a day at the most…...»


"This world is truly filled with things that cannot be helped…… It really is as Mother had said……"


While gradually surrendering to despair, she continues her blind dash through the night.

To get started with Disqus head to the Settings panel.

Chapter 72: The Duke's Daughter (3rd Person)

Volume 4





"Apologies for the late hour. We are members of the Filsand Knight Order. Our protection target, the daughter of the Duke of Filsand, Elizabel-sama has gone missing. We request permission to inspect your room."


From the other side of the door comes words beyond anything we had expected.


Reflexively, we exchange looks, but there is only bewilderment on everyone's faces.


"Something like th-......"


As Claura was about to spit out a sharp, noble-like rebuke like her usual self, I raise a hand to silence her.


Then I pose a question in a serious tone, directed at everyone in the room.


"I'm asking this just in case, but…… Is anyone here in possession of the knowledge of the Duke's daughter's current whereabouts?"


" "......" "


Naturally, they all shake their heads in unison. And neither do I have a clue.


Incidentally, Ted and the three newcomer soldiers were assigned rooms on a different floor, so they are not here.


"We are willing to cooperate with your search. However, a thorough explanation of the situation will be provided, yes?"


"Of course."


Based on my reply, everyone inside the room understands that I intend to let these people in. Without any delay, they each lay hands on their weapons and equipment. That is a good reaction.


After receiving the Wizardry Staff that Leiha offers towards me, I nod at her.


"We will open the door now. Pay utmost care that you do not visit any disrespect towards Margils-sama."


"Excuse us."


While replying in a voice almost cold enough to be freeze when touched, Leiha opens the door, at which several knights wearing light armor enters the room.


"...... She's not here."


"Not here either."


"We apologize for the bother."


After the knights check out the bedroom and other rooms in the rear (I am apparently being treated as a VIP, so I was assigned an entire suite), a veteran knight gives us an explanation.


"We are the Stars and Shield Knight Order, belonging to Filsand. I am Adahd, a True Knight. We have been unable to confirm Elizabel-sama's whereabouts as of 1 hour ago. There has been no contact from the two knights that had been on escort duty…… which is why we are searching around like this."


"...... Fumuu."


There isn't much more information than what they had already revealed with their first statement, but perhaps they themselves have yet to fully grasp the details of their current situation.


"With how large this Senpu Village is, is it not too hasty to be worried after going only a few hours without contact?"


So asks Claura with both hands on her waist, looking decidedly irked.


I think she has a point, though. It feels like I'm cooperating with a police investigation, but considering my standing, perhaps I should raise a word or two in complaint.


"That is…… no, Hime-sama is an important person for Filsand. It would not be strange for her life to be targeted at any given moment. Even though we have been given strict orders from the Duke of Filsand to not allow her out of our sight for even a split second……"


The True Knight Adahd must be very worried about Elizabel-jou indeed. I see his face growing pale as his voice lowers into a mutter.


Still, to think that she would be targeted now. I needed to talk with her tomorrow about the trade route to Filsand, so the timing is truly the absolute worst.


On second thought, regardless of that, a young girl's life is in danger. Though I barely know her and have yet to exchange even a proper word, I believe I should offer my aid here.


"Adahd-dono. If it is alright with you, we are also willing to help look for Elizabel-dono. Would that be fine with you?"




Caught off guard, Adahd opens his eyes wide. Is there a need to be that surprised?


"Um, that's…… we have already caused you enough trouble. The safety of Hime-sama is our own duty, so……"




What? Why is he refusing?


Which reminds me, the only knights that I know are in the Carbanera Knight Order, but even I am aware that they are a bit…… unique. Are most other knights in Sedia inflexible like this?


"However, isn't your current top priority to confirm Elizabel-jou's safety? I have a few spells in mind that would be useful for the search, but……"


"That is, umm…… Pardon me for saying this, but I don't see how helping us would benefit you in any way……"


"I actually have a proposal that I wish to bring to her tomorrow, you see. It's problematic for me if she is gone."


"I see. But still……"


What is up with this guy, he seems more and more suspicious by the minute. More like, is this actually the plot twist where the knights that were supposed to protect her turn out to be after her life?


If only I had the ESP Medal in hand. But unfortunately, it's inside my sling bag, which is currently inside the closet.




As I turn reproachful eyes towards Adahd, a new knight flies into the room.


"——t——nd. ———se————her."


"Is that so. Understood."


The new knight whispers in Adahd's ear to make sure we don't hear, but when I look towards Leiha, she smiles and gives me a nod.


"Please pardon us, Margils-dono. We have determined Hime's current whereabouts, and need to make our way to receive her now. We will come again at a later date to offer a formal apology."


He must have been quite uncomfortable. After extending his farewells so quickly that we didn't even have time to say anything in reply, he rounds up all his knights and promptly leaves my room.




"What on earth was that?! I felt like I was watching a jester acting out a skit titled 'Suspicious'!"


"I agree, nothing at all indicated their worry for Elizabel-hime."


It seems that Claura and Irudo are largely in agreement with my opinion. Leid also has a sour look on his face.


" 'The two escorts have been found. It seems they were drugged. Hime-sama has apparently fled Senpu Village on a horse. We are currently making preparations to pursue her.' "




"That is the message passed onto Adahd just now, my lord."


I whip around at hearing the voice of the knight who had come to report just now, but only see Leiha standing there looking slightly proud of herself. Oh right, she's not only got sharp ears, she's also a very convincing actress.


"Well done, Leiha."


"Thank you very much."


But with things like this, how should we move?


It seems that that Knight Order really is after that young lady's life…… or at the very least, we know for sure that they used the term 'flee' to describe her departure.


Though the circumstances has changed a bit, there is still no way I can do nothing while knowing that a child might be killed.


Back when I first transferred over, I was quite hesitant about actively sticking my head into trouble. However, if I am to continue interacting with this world as a Great Wizard, this is no time to balk at something of this degree. But with that said, it's not as simple as just going around acting as 'an ally of justice.'


"Give me your opinions. Do you think it to be beneficial for us to go help Elizabel?"


"As we do not understand the full situation, that would be hard to answer. If she has committed some crime according to Filsand law, then it would hurt us to cover for her. On the other hand, if the Knight Order, or the person behind the Order, is plotting to assassinate her, then we would gain a huge favor from Filsand." (Irudo)


"The way I see it, regardless of the circumstances, it would be greatly beneficial for us to first find her and confirm her safety. That's how important someone related by blood to a ruling authority is, after all." (Claura)


"Don't ask me." (Leid)


"Everything should be as my lord wills." (Leiha)


It really hurts that we don't have all the facts. Judging by the situation and atmosphere, this story seems to be that of a misfortunate young lady and the group of bad guys after her, but if we are talking about possibilities, we don't know that she isn't a serial murderer or a traitor to her country.


In other words, we can't know the young lady's true character if we don't save her.


"Very well. Then allow me to change my question. Do you think we should help Elizabel?"


"Of course we should. She is a young girl around the same age as Mora, right?" (Irudo)


"More like, are you even considering abandoning her as a viable option?" (Claura)


"Do whatever you want." (Leid)


"Everything should be as my lord wills." (Leiha)


Hearing each one of them give the exact answer I had expected, a grin steals across my face.


If I was someone who would actually entertain the option of abandoning a young child, I'm sure everyone here would have already chosen to walk down a wiser path in life.


But of course, if this young lady truly turns out to be a criminal, then we will need to formally apologize to the Duke of Filsand, but…… at that time, we will have to catch her again by ourselves.


"My decision is that we will now all move to save Elizabel-jou."


I immediately begin to mentally search for the skills that would help me to locate a Duke's daughter riding a single horse through the dark night.

To get started with Disqus head to the Settings panel.

Chapter 73: Schrödinger's

Young Lady

Volume 4





I decided to save the Duke of Filsand's daughter, Elizabel.


According to the information that the knight had said, she is currently on a horse, fleeing away from Senpu Village.


The problems are that she has had at least an hour's headstart, and that we do not know the direction she took. We need to figure out a way to track her.


"Currently, there are only two routes leading away from Senpu Village: the northwestern road towards Yuule Village, or the eastern road towards Filsand on the other side of the mountain range in the east." (Irudo)


"If the young lady is truly trying to get away from the Knight Order, then it seems logical to think that she took the northwestern road." (Claura)


With Irudo's and Claura's input as reference, I select several spells. At the same time, I also give thought to the distribution of roles.


"Firstly, Irudo, rendezvous with Ted and the soldiers. Then tell the Knight Order that we will still search for the young lady, of our own accord. It would be a good idea to emphasize that we are doing this 'of our good will.' Furthermore, also inform the dwarves."




"Claura, cooperate with the dwarves in conducting a search inside Senpu Village, just in case. There is a possibility that she only made it seem like she's left."


"I see…… very well, I understand."


"This is also as a precaution, but Leiha, take the eastern route. If there is no trace of a horse having gone that way, then return immediately."


"As you wish."




"What? This has nothing to do with Shadow Demons. I don't need to listen to your orders."


"No, this is not an order, but a request. Can you remain here, and protect everyone if it ever comes to that?"


I briefly lower my head towards Leid, who is sitting on a sofa with his greatsword in his arms.


His mouth distorts sullenly as he sighs.


"I'm just staying here, in my room. If someone comes to bother me, then I'll just handle them as appropriate."


"I'm sorry to ask it of you. Thank you."


Though his words makes it sound dubious whether he has any intention of helping, I'm already giving him thanks, treating his cooperation as a foregone assumption. I know this is forceful, but since I'm covering literally all of his living expenses, he's going to have to bear with at least that much.


"Which leaves you to search the northwestern route, yes? Do you really think you can find a single girl in this dark a night?"


"I've already given that thought."




Several minutes later, I have already left Senpu Village and activated the [Fly] spell.


Senpu Village itself is lit up with countless dots of illumination, but a single minute of flying already brings me so far away that the only thing visible is the pale line below me that is the northwestern road. To have a horse sprint on that road would be quite the reckless driving indeed.


After several more minutes of flying, I catch up with a group of horses running full speed on the road. It seems even they have yet to find their ward.


I push on ahead of the Knight Order, but even with my strengthened sight and hearing from [Physical Boost], I catch no clue of the young lady who had had a headstart.


If Elizabel is serious about getting away from the Knight Order, there is a very real chance that she's chosen to hide behind some rock or inside some thicket. She even used sleeping medicine (or whatever that was), so that degree of strategy is more than imaginable.


An even worse possibility is that she's taken a random branch road and gotten herself lost.


I stop in midair for a beat and glare into the dark night.


Ho, hou.


Without having to wait long, a single owl comes before my eyes. It circles around while crying its unique cry. It is what I have been waiting for.


Of course, it is no normal owl. It is a Level 4 monster, a Moon Owl, that I had created with [Create Monster].


Possessing sharp night vision as well as high intelligence, I had created 9 of them beforehand, then sent them off to search in various directions.


Following the guidance of this Moon Owl, I eventually see a horse and human collapsed on the road. What I thought was a torch from afar turned out to be a staff clad in magical fire, but either way it made for a very conspicuous marker in the night.


I know this is no time to be saying this, but apparently I would have found her just fine simply by continuing to follow the road……


When I hurriedly land and rush over, I am able to identify the person to be a blond-haired young girl.


Identifying is fine and all, but……




Despite having that staff as illumination, it seems that the horse ride through the dark night was reckless after all.


They must have crashed into a rock beside this curve in the road. I see foam around the white horse's mouth, but it is not moving at all. The young girl's limbs are also crooked at unnatural angles, her head is split wide open, and her entire body is covered with blood.


On the ground illuminated by my Wizardry Staff, I see the trail of blood indicating her desperate attempt to crawl on the ground in spite of her broken arms and legs. I cannot help but to shiver at the ghastly sight.


"...... Oi, oii. You there, hang in there!"


As long as she is still breathing…… is what I am praying as I bring my ear towards her half-opened mouth.


Hyu-, hyu-.


I do indeed hear breathing, though it is so faint that it sounds like a mere draft.


"Yes! Then I can save her."


It's been a while since I've been so impatient for the 10 seconds for casting a spell to be over. Fortunately, I am able to activate [Perfect Healing] before she is completely gone.


"Uu?! Ah…… aaahh……"


Although the wounds on her head and all over her body have closed up and her limbs have returned to normal, it seems that she is still gripped by the feeling of being on the verge of death.


While uttering meaningless moans, she clings onto my robe with all her strength.


Her cute face is still all messy with tears and fresh blood. She probably still hasn't recognized who I am yet.


"It's fine, Everything's fine now."


"Uuu, upu. Geho."


Not knowing what else to do, I simply hug her body, which is trembling so badly it is almost like a joke, and rub her back. The clumps of blood clogging up her trachea that she coughs up gets all over me, but I have no time to worry about it at the moment.


"...... Haa…… Haa…… I………… ah."


About a minute passes. The young girl's breathing finally stabilizes, and the light of consciousness returns to her red pupils.


Most likely due to realizing that she is being hugged by a man, she suddenly pushes me away to take some distance.


"...... Y-, you are……"


"If you can move that much, it seems that your body is fine now."


Forget the girl, even I am aware that this situation seems strange. I try my best to address her in a friendly voice.


"If I remember right, you are…… the Wizard…… Margils, sama…… right?"


"Indeed I am. Lord of Jiiteias Castle, Wizard Margils. Am I right to believe that you are the daughter of the Duke of Filsand?"


Despite the wariness, or absolute bafflement rather, on her face, this short exchange with her gives me confirmation of something. This girl really is very sharp. At the very least, despite this being our first meeting, she doesn't call me a Magician, but a Wizard. She must have done some proper looking into me beforehand, and memorized the information that she found.


"Yes…… I am. Elizabel Roni…… Filsandia……"


Looking still half out of it, she grasps the edges of her short dress with both hands and bows…… then comes to a start and looks all around.


"Ah, I, I was! …… Star Wind! Star Wind…… AHH……!"


She notices the white horse collapsed motionlessly on the ground, then raises a short scream. In a fluster, she picks up the staff that she had dropped, then confirms the state of her own body.


"As I'd thought, I really was thrown off of Star Wind…… the bones inside my body…… Why am I still alive?"


Taking out a cloth from the saddlebags attached to the white horse, she wipes her arms and face while churning her mind, before finally remembering everything up to the moment of her accident.


"My head…… doesn't hurt? Could it be that…… you, did something……?"


I nod in reply to the girl, whose face is pale from lack of blood.


"Yes I did. You were gravely injured, after all. Though it might have been unwanted meddling, I took the liberty of healing you."


"Is, that so……"




In sharp contrast to her twintails, a hairstyle that emphasizes her cuteness, a long sigh like that of an old grandmother escapes her lips.


"Margils-sama…… why did you do something like this……?"


Not "why did you help me," but "why did you do something like this," huh. Guess she still doesn't trust me.


But before even that, what catches my attention are her eyes.


Having lived 42 years, no matter how peaceful my life may have been, I've still seen those eyes a few times. My aunt, who had lost her entire family in an accident, had the exact same eyes I see on this girl right now.




What can I say to really help this girl?


In the first place, was she truly trying to run away?


The best thing to do is to be completely honest with each other, but unfortunately, my strengthened sense of hearing tells me that the knights are getting close. We probably do not even have 5 minutes before the Filsand Knight Order is upon us.


"I simply wanted to save you, that's all. But above that, there is something that I needed to tell you urgently."


"What may it be?"


I indicate the direction I came from with my brightly shining Wizardry Staff. The flickering  torches held by the knights are gradually approaching.


Quickly catching on, she gives me a small nod. It seems that I managed to successfully convey that I've a general grasp on her relationship with the Knight Order.


"As the lord of Jiiteias Castle, I think it in my interests to help you here. If you are willing to cooperate with me, then I will do everything in my power to help you."




She nods as if listening to a very familiar song. Considering her experience as a diplomat, it seems I was right in thinking that talking profits and benefits would persuade her best. Though of course, what I'm saying is not a complete lie either.


However, the problem is…… whether she actually wants to be saved.


True to expectation, Elizabel begins fiddling with her hair, a troubled expression clouding her face.


"...... I……"




"As you seem to already know, I am ostracized by my father and second stepbrother, and my life is being targeted. Up to just now, I've been thinking that dying, or being killed…… there was no helping it, there was nothing I could do about it. But now……"


While still looking downwards, she continues as if talking to herself.


"Now I know…… that dying is such a frightening thing……"


The several pinpricks of light are gradually drawing closer. We only have a few minutes left.


In the depths of Elizabel's eyes, I see a faint strand of an emotion other than despair…… I think.


"I…… don't want to just die like this, while bearing my mother's resentment, and without knowing my father's true intentions……"


"...... Is that so."


"Wizard Margils-sama. Though informal, I propose that we form a personal alliance."


I'm sure she has yet to fully trust me. However, she has chosen to use me, fully prepared to be used in return, in order to live on beyond this.


She once again rearranges her posture, and gives me a gracious bow.


Despite her hair and dress both being soaked in blood, every single aspect of her is perfectly beautiful.

To get started with Disqus head to the Settings panel.

Chapter 74: Alliance Bound in Blood

Volume 4





Elizabel had said that she "wanted to know her father's true intentions."


Is the Duke of Filsand targeting her life? If so, that's a pretty serious problem in light of our goals.


But well, it's not like I can just abandon her now.


"I wish to confirm one thing first. Have you committed any crime that merits the attempt on your life?"


"Aside from being born, no."


For a 14 or 15 year old girl to say that line not as a joke nor as an affectation, there is something wrong with this world.


"Elizabel Roni Filsandia. As of this moment, I, Wizard Gio Margils, am your ally."




"Well then……"


There is a whole mountain of things that I want to ask and discuss about, but……


"I see her!"




There's no point in hiding the light of our staves. The knights are almost upon us.


"Margils-sama? What shall we do?"


"...... I'm sorry, but I don't have a plan. I can help us both escape, and I can also capture them all. If you have a better idea, I'll be glad to go along with it."


She is the one who understands the situation best. Therefore, she might be able to come up with an idea that could smoothly allow us to get over this situation.


She spends several seconds deep in thought, then nods decisively.


"Thank you very much. I think we should put on an act…… please play along."


So saying, she waits to greet the knights with a dazzling smile on her face.




"Elizabel-sama…… we have been looking for you."


"You can't get awa-...... EH?!"


After having made quite good time despite the journey being at night, the first one to jump off his horse is of course Adahd.


The other knights who are dismounting one by one and spreading out as if to encircle us already have their swords drawn. But upon realizing that I am with Elizabel, all of their faces freeze up.


"Ma-...... Margils……-dono?"


"That's impossible, how did you…… no, why, are you here?"


It seems they are indeed surprised at the fact that I had managed to get here first, but I see a lot more fear than surprise. Let me guess, they probably saw me commanding the Dig Dug Worm in the afternoon.


"...... Why do you think?"


Though Elizabel had mentioned an act, I have no idea how she intends to talk her way out of this one.


Thinking to just focus on giving off the aura of someone important, I smile leisurely (as least, that's my intention) while evading their question.


"Hime…… it is too rash to go outside alone."


Adahd waves a hand to have all the knights sheath their swords, then gets on one knee before Elizabel. Though his words are proper, there is undisguised irritation in his tone and his eyes.


But with that said, it seems he still retains enough reason to not throw all caution to the wind and go after her in front of my eyes.


"Come, please get on my horse. Let us return with haste."


"...... Don't want to."




The girl's words cleanly slice right through the knight's strong voice. Despite having expected some degree of resistance, his mouth involuntarily falls open upon being denied so decisively.


"I am indeed thankful for your concern. Furthermore, I am sorry for having caused you trouble. But……"


She is treating Adahd like a 'loyal knight.'


With me present, the knights are unable to take more forceful measures, and have no choice but to play along. However, I doubt this act this keep those knights far away for any significant period of time……


"I do not want to be separated from this person."




While I was mulling over Elizabel's 'act,' she suddenly clasps my arm with strength.


She doesn't just link arms or grab my arm, she glues herself so tightly to me that I can feel her significant breasts pressing against my arm. For a second, I almost reflexively shake free and jump backwards, but I grit my teeth and stand my ground.


I think I've gotten the gist of her scenario, but…… oi, am I possibly in way over my head?


As can be expected, the knights are looking astonished, even more so than what I'm feeling. Adahd stands back up, unconsciously leaving a hand on the pommel of his sword.


"E-, Elizabel-sama! That's…… what does that mean?! When did you s-......"




'S', huh.


Not 'f' as in 'fall in love,' but 's' as in 'seduce'? If that was truly what he was about to say, then Adadh must also have a relatively thorough grasp of her and her situation, and is able to make conjectures quickly.


…… But unfortunately for him, I am even more of a softie than he could imagine.


"Come on, be not boorish, Adahd. Time is of no consequence when a girl falls in love, you know?"


"Ma-, Margils-dono! What exactly is your intention?!"




Adahd directs his censure towards me.


I know that I've gotten quite bold lately in my role as a Great Wizard, but honestly speaking, I would really like to opt out of the role of being a ladykiller who would even go after a little girl.


But I can't contradict her claim out loud, as that's the only excuse I can make use of to detain her. Seriously, I'm terrible at ad-lib, alright?


"Be silent, Adahd! Margils-sama and I have already exchanged vows of engagement! From now on, we will return to Filsand together to seek permission from my Father!"




" "......?!" "


I can see how this can be passed off as the selfishness of a girl blinded by love. If the knights truly had nothing on their conscience, then they could just scold her and forcefully bring her back, but they can't do that because I'm involved. In the slim chance that they actually try to kill me together with her, then that'd actually be a great opportunity for me.


The thing about the engagement is purely as an excuse to justify me going along with her…… is what she explained at a later date.


But for now, I really want someone to praise me for not having spit out in shock the way all the knights did.

To get started with Disqus head to the Settings panel.

Chapter 75: Lie vs. Lie

Volume 4





"Y-, y-, you! What have you gone and done this time?!" (Claura)


"...... Don't worry, I'll explain." (Gio)


After smashing the knights' morale to dust with her engagement declaration, Elizabel smoothly talked the knights into allowing her to stay together with me — as in, even living in my room — until they return to Filsand. Then we went back to my room together.


The first thing she said when she entered the room was "My name is Elizabel, and I have exchanged engagement vows with Margils-sama."


Which brings us to the present, where Claura is pulling on my ear with the face of a hannya.


(T/N: Hannya is a horned, grinning demoness mask from noh theatre used to depict a woman's rage and jealousy.)


Leiha is anxiously looking between Claura and Elizabel.


Incidentally, Elizabel is still glued to me on my right side, so Claura is on my left…… ok that's enough of that.


"I presume that this engagement was brought up as the pretext to enable Margils-sama to interfere with Elizabel-sama's situation, is that correct?" (Irudo)


"That's exactly right, Irudo-kun." (Gio)


With a pensive look on his face, Irudo manages to guess the exact truth. As expected.


"So the aim is to protect Elizabel-san from assassins by accompanying her as her fiance……?" (Claura)


"That's the gist of it. This would also allow me to brazenly approach the Duke. After I explain the situation to him, the engagement can be voided." (Gio)


"......" (Elizabel)


Elizabel's eyebrows draw together into a frown as she listens to our discussion.


"Every single person here is my ally. They can be trusted. There is no need to worry." (Gio)


"......" (Elizabel)


She bats her red eyes in surprise as she understands what I'm trying to convey.


"Ally……?" (Elizabel)


"Yes. She is not just someone who gets on my case all the time, she is an important ally who has been of great help numerous times up to now." (Gio)


I remove Claura's fingers from my ear, despite her still sharply glaring eyes. Elizabel's gaze roams around in hesitation, then she sighs softly and lets go of my arm.


"Understood. Everyone, everything up to now was an act…… there is no cause for concern." (Elizabel)


"I, I was not really concerned! Margils had a lewd look on his face so I was just giving him some pertinent advice!" (Claura)




"Nn, now I feel all refreshed." (Claura)


"...... To think that the dwarves were enjoying something this good everyday……" (Leiha)


"That's true, I myself have also taken a liking to it." (Elizabel)


The ladies have returned from bringing Elizabel to the baths, as she had been covered with blood from head to toe.


Of course, I already casted the now-familiar [Invisible Demon] spell, and also requested the dwarves to strengthen their security, so there is very little worry about any harm coming to Elizabel here inside Senpu Village.


Rather than that, I am relieved to note that due to the naked socializing or whatsoever, Claura's and Leiha's attitudes towards Elizabel have softened quite a bit.


Now that everyone's calmed down, it's time to exchange information.




"...... So in short, my aim is to decrease the number of casualties from Shadow Demons, and to even cut them off at the source if possible."




In my case, I need her to understand my greatest goal, or else my actions and decisions afterwards would be really hard to explain, so I ended up talking quite a while. Like the true diplomat she is, Elizabel interrupted with appropriate questions here and there and listened earnestly, but it seems that she is still doubtful about the content of what I'm saying.


"You find it hard to believe?"


"I…… suppose so, yes. It just sounds so…… so like a dream. What do you stand to gain from doing this?"


Rather than contempt, her question was posed with true puzzlement.


Which reminds me, when I had helped her earlier, I did mention "my interests as the lord of Jiiteias Castle."


It seems that everyone else also is interested in how I would answer Elizabel's question, as all gazes in the room gather on me.




I close my eyes and do a bit of self-inspection.


I try to organize the vague thoughts that come up and put them into words.


"I apparently have enough power to possibly change the entire world. If I do not pour all of it into doing something righteous, I am afraid that I might be crushed by that power of mine."


I shiver as I recall the temptation I felt to [Charm] Mora when I first met her in the jail cell at Jiiteias Castle.


What comes next to my mind are the words that Claura said in Lelis.


" 'This is a world where Shadow Demons can appear at any moment and kill anybody and their family. If there really is a true hero who can change that reality, I……' "


"...... Furthermore, at the end of the road where I continue to use my power correctly, perhaps, just perhaps, I might be able to do something about all those things in this world that everybody thinks nothing can be done about…… That's what I'm thinking about, I guess."


My resistance towards talking about and thinking about power and the world and the like has gone down a lot.


All the faces around me have their own reactions, but ridicule is not on any one of them. It seems that I myself have also gradually grown to become a resident of this world.


"As I'd thought, it really does sound like a dream…… But I can tell that you and your allies are indeed serious about it."


Elizabel's expression softens up a bit as she nods.


"And it is because you all are like this that I feel safe in forming this alliance. Now it is my turn to explain my circumstances……"




"In other words, you do not know for sure whether your father, the Duke of Filsand, is behind this attempt on your life?"


"That is the case. From what I gathered while eavesdropping on my knights, the order was given directly by my second stepbrother, Agbeil Filsandia. However, it's just that I can't imagine my father not knowing about it……"


From the conversation between Irudo and Elizabel, I've gotten a grasp on the general situation.


The ongoing war between the Duke of Filsand and the Shulz tribe, the deaths of Elizabel's mother and eldest stepbrother, the machinations of her second stepbrother.


To think that I was going to go into the middle of all that to discuss my trade route and alliance……


In the end, the most important point is what the Duke of Filsand intends to do about his daughter.


There isn't much reason for them to decline the trade route itself, but in the worst case scenario, we might have to demand to retain Elizabel with us.


Either way, we wouldn't know anything until we go there in person.


However, we still have the ongoing construction work at Jiiteias Castle and the negotiations with the dwarves of Senpu Village, whereas Elizabel herself still has her mission of purchasing those siege towers.


After we rearrange our schedules with Irudo as the focus, it became like this.


Firstly, both our sides will wrap up our negotiations with the dwarves within tomorrow or the day after at the latest. After that, then we will head towards Filsand together, and the single way journey will take about 10 days.


Assuming that the negotiations or whatever else on that side take another 10 days, then 10 more to return to Senpu Village. Overall, it would take roughly a month to get back to Jiiteias Castle.


"Well then, Claura and Ted, I entrust you two with Elizabel's protection. Use the three soldiers as you see fit."


"...... Very well." (Claura)


"Roger!" (Ted)


"Irudo, you and I will be working on the negotiations with the dwarves. Leid, please continue protecting this room." (Gio)


"Yes, sir." (Irudo)


"...... Fun." (Leid)


"My lord. What should I do?" (Leiha)


"Leiha, please investigate the Filsand Knight Order. If possible, we want to use this time to bring them to our side." (Leiha)


"Margils-sama?" (Elizabel)


Elizabel looks doubtful at my instructions for Leiha.


"I'm sure they are fully aware that they have lost all chance of fulfilling the order by Agbeil, right? In that case, they should be amenable to persuasion." (Gio)


"Spoken as if my second stepbrother isn't a popular leader. Not that it's wrong, though." (Elizabel)


Elizabel smiles with a nod.


Despite being the seed of a very thorny problem, she is going to be a very trustworthy ally.

To get started with Disqus head to the Settings panel.

Chapter 76: Night With My Betrothed

Volume 4





The next day.


The results of everyone's efforts bore fruit.


Firstly, Irudo and I completed our negotiations with the dwarves.


After working out the finer details in regards to the trade route between Senpu Village and Jiiteias Castle, such as about the tax rates, the Zamuslon [Clan of Rulers] and I signed contracts on both that and the anti-Shadow Demon alliance.


The plan is to first prioritize the expansion of Jiiteias Castle and the construction of the road up to Senpu Village. Once that is done, and after gaining approval from Filsand, then we will begin the work on extending the trade route. While the work on Jiiteias Castle is going on, Dig Dug Worms will continue boring the tunnel through the eastern mountains, and the blueprints for the route expansion will be drawn up.


As for the trade with Filsand, Senpu Village will also dispatch their own negotiator.


Furthermore, a blacksmith and an engineer, as well as their respective assistants, are going to be deployed to Jiiteias Castle to be garrisoned there. I was given permission to use them as castle staff, for which I am truly thankful.




Leiha was able to make full use of her master intelligence gathering skills.


She caught absolutely everything, from the Star and Shield Knight Order's members' one on one conversations to their mutterings to themselves, and also checked everything in their luggage. All useful information was then conveyed onto Elizabel. Of course, the knights did not notice a thing.


From the information provided by Leiha, Elizabel was then able to guess each of the knights' circumstances and personal relationships, then negotiate with them as needed.


Claura went along with her for protection, so there were no worries on that front.


The conclusion from Leiha and Elizabel's joint investigation revealed that this time's mastermind was indeed the second son of the Duke of Filsand, Agbeil. However, the presence or absence of the Duke's personal involvement remained undetermined.


Furthermore, it came to light that a significant number of the knights in the Order actually feel opposed to the method of assassination or to Agbeil himself. From among them, with consideration to their family lineages and peerage rank, their financial state and other factors that determined their relative distance from Agbeil, we were able to get a couple to defect…… no, to cooperate with us.


"I am truly very sorry!"


"From now on, I will swear my loyalty to Hime-sama!"


There are two young knights prostrating themselves before Elizabel.


From here on, they will feed us information from within the Order, and will take her side in case of any emergency.


Our pretext proved sufficient to prevent any hostile actions from the other knights on the journey back to Filsand.


Just in case, we told the Order to stay behind to transport the siege towers in question, and that we would go to Filsand first, so there shouldn't be any interference on the road or at Filsand.


"Good work, you must be tired."


"Not really…… Since I could bring out Margils-sama's name if I ever needed to, everything became very easy."


Elizabel, who is relaxing in my guest room as a matter of course as my 'betrothed,' shrugs her shoulders.


"Despite that, you don't look very happy."


"Negotiations conducted while having an absolute power at my back is no more than coercion, right? …... It doesn't feel good at all."


"Ahh, I see. And 'do this if you don't want that power to be turned towards you' makes the negotiation sound even more like coercion."


"Ara? Are you sure I can say that? This is your name we're talking about, you know."


In response to the young lady's seemingly teasing tone, this time it is my turn to shrug.


Though I know it is coarse, times when it must be done, it must be done.




"Oh sprite, please use your secret arts to deliver this postcard to mine intimate friend. [Arcane Postcard]"


At the end of my chant, small grains of light gather above the table in front of me, eventually forming a postcard.


On that postcard, I write a report of our current situation, and also ask after the current situation at Jiiteias Castle. After I finish writing, I pick it up and throw it out the window while bringing Sedam's face to mind. Immediately, a small sprite appears out of nowhere, catches the postcard, then flies off into the distance.


"...... That's quite poetic for one of your spells."


"So far, we've only been seeing giants and demons and large worms, so……"


"Oh, leave me alone. Anyways, that postcard should reach Sedam in 2 or 3 days."




Just like that, we each finished everything that we needed to do is Senpu Village.


The next day, with Elizabel-jou and the dwarven negotiator added to our party, we set off for Filsand.




Four days later.


"This…… is much harder…… than I had expected……"


"I, I need a second……"


At the present moment, we have no choice but to take the very twisty road that is the only pass through the eastern mountains standing between Senpu Village and Filsand.


This road runs between two high mountains north and south of us, so the elevation is not too bad, but the tons of rocks on the path makes it very tough going.


It's a given for Ted and the soldiers, who are carrying our camping equipment and all other luggage, but even the light-bodied Elizabel and Claura are struggling quite a bit.


As for me, I have the magic item Traveling Boots that enables me to keep walking without feeling any fatigue. However, I had decided to not wear it earlier on to be healthy, a decision which I am now thoroughly regretting.


"Don't worry, we're almost through the mountains. Going downwards is going to be a lot easier."


"That may be true, but……"


The dwarf composedly walking beside me is Fablu of Rimulon [Clan of Merchants], who had been our guide in Senpu Village and is the representative tasked with conducting the negotiations with Filsand.


On the road, he explained to us that the dwarves' gods are enshrined within these two mountains. This is all the more true for the northern mountain, a dormant volcano, which is regarded as the avatar of the God of Smithing.


While I was recalling that as I continue putting one foot in front of another, Leiha returns from scouting.


"My lord."


"Thank you for your work. So, is there a problem?"


"I'm not sure if it is a problem. It certainly doesn't seem dangerous, but……"


She's right in that it's difficult to determine whether this is a problem or not.


After we proceeded for about one more hour, we have reached what Leiha reported about…… the remains of a small ruined village.


"All clues indicate that this was a human village. To settle our holy ground as they please……"


"But well, the state it's in……"


Exactly, this was clearly a small settlement made by humans, concealed within the large rocks and meagre forest of this mountainous area.


It is located a slight distance away from the road connecting Filsand and Senpu Village.


However, the shabby buildings are either burned or destroyed, and there are corpses all around that we suspect were the residents.


"...... Muu……"


The last time I saw such blatant atrocity was when we went underground on our way to destroy that Shadow Demon nest.


The corpses all seem to be that of normal villages, but they were not simply killed — there are clear signs that they were thoroughly tortured. As I fight down the urge to empty the contents of my stomach, Elizabel draws close to one of the bodies.


"...... This clothing is what Filsand people wear……"


"I don't see any warriors or soldiers. To attack a village like this…… bandits, perhaps? Or else……"


Seeing Elizabel kneeling in shock next to a corpse that had suffered atrocious violence, Claura hugs her to her shoulder.


"Though faint, there is the smell of Shadow Demon."


The normally silent Leid suddenly speaks up.


On one hand, he is holding that orb with Shadow Demon blood sealed inside, the Sight Demon.


"Leiha, investigate the area one more time, more thoroughly."


"Yes, m-......!!"


The moment Leiha nods, several arrows stab into the ground near our feet.

To get started with Disqus head to the Settings panel.

Chapter 77: Ruined Village

Volume 4





The sound of arrows slicing through wind comes from behind us.


Our current position is the plaza of the tiny ruined village. There is nothing nearby that can be used as cover, and the closest building is more than 10 meters away.


On top of which, we don't know where the shooters are lurking.


Actually no, scratch that, I just caught glimpses of quickly moving silhouettes among the burned buildings surrounding the plaza.


After hearing Leiha's report, it took slightly less than an hour for us to get here. More than enough time for these attackers to lay down an ambush.


Along with relief that I had cast protective spells on Elizabel and Fablu beforehand comes regret that my insight had still been too naive.


But now is no time to dwell on that.






Six human figures jump out from the surrounding covered areas and buildings, shouting eccentric war cries.


Leather and fur armor, handaxes and spears in their hands.


With expressions filled with rage, they……


"They are soldiers from the Shulz tribe!"


"They're humans! Do not kill them!"


Before Elizabel's shout, which had been almost a scream, and my instructions, everyone else had already begun moving.


"{Wind Wall}!"


Claura raises her staff and envelopes us in a barrier of wind to protect us from the arrows.


Ted raises his shield, and even the frightened new soldiers take up formation. Their formation is to surround and protect Elizabel, Claura, and Fablu.


Leiha has a dagger in either hand that I do not know whether to describe as dangerous or ominous and is covering me.


Finally, Leid is brandishing his greatsword, stepping in to close the distance to the enemy warriors.




I'm not sure if he heard my shout, but Leid uses the flat of his sword to sweep out the legs of the warrior in front. He is blown away as if a mine had gone off under his feet, then crashes against the ground.






Without stopping, his greatsword continues rotating, smashing into the second warriors's head and the third warrior's torso, taking them out of action with only a single hit each.


The combination of Leid's gigantic body and the length of his greatsword gives him greater reach than even spears, so the warriors are all blown away before being able to get near him.


While noting the terrifying battle prowess of a War Tribe member out of the corner of my eye, I myself select the spell that I should use in this situation.


Claura's magic will not last much longer. Let's first shore up our defense against projectiles.


"Leiha! Protect me for 10 seconds!"


"As you command."


Fablu and Elizabel and Claura are surrounded and protected by Ted and the three soldiers, which might be why they are being left for later as I see no arrows flying in their direction. Only after confirming that did I give my instruction to Leiha.


Leiha adopts a low stance and charges towards the several warriors heading for me. Her figure is like a black panther that has been freed from its chains.


"You Dark Elf!"




Axe and spear are thrust towards Leiha's position, but the split second before they land, her tanned body is flying in midair.


For the warriors, it might have seemed like she had just disappeared in thin air.






I think the modern name for it is flying back spin kick.


Her beautifully extended heel smashes into the chin of a warrior holding an axe. The warrior next to him finally reacts to her movements and try to bring his spear to bear, but Leiha effortlessly steps within the range of his spear and unleashes a front kick.




The warrior whose crotch was kicked with full force immediately follows his partner to the ground.


The remaining warriors also thrust and slice and swing their weapons, but they cannot keep up with Leiha's movements, as she doesn't stay in the same place for even a moment.


In return, they are rendered powerless one by one with strikes to their throat or crotch, or accurate cuts on their hands and legs.


I had felt a tinge of worry at giving the 'no killing' order despite the other side coming with full intent to kill, but it seems that my companions have more than sufficient ability to make that happen.


Aside from a true self-defense situation where "we will be killed if we do not kill," I want to try my best to not kill any humans.


"Alright, to my side NOW!"


The moment the Inner World me releases the energy of chaos, I shout towards Leid and Leiha.


They each kick or blow away their respective opponent, then leap back to stand before me like a wall.


"By means of this spell, may there be a dome of force to protect us. [Wall of Force]"


Right after I finish chanting, a transparent force field in the shape of a dome surrounds us.


"You think you can get awaGUH."


Seeing the falling arrows bounce off the dome, Claura lowers her staff and breathes out a sigh.


The warriors pursuing Leid and Leiha also smash full force into the dome, then bounce right back off.


"I was almost in danger of running out of magic power……"


It would be stupid to be trapped inside my own force field, so I'd actually opened up a certain part. But well, the whole construct is invisible, so there's no way for the other side to tell.


"Thank you you two, that was an enormous help."




"I am thankful for your commendation…… However, it was my failure to do my job as a scout properly that got us into this situation. I am deeply sorry."


"No, don't take it to mind……"


While soothing Leiha, who is prostrating herself, I look around at the surrounding warriors…… at the Shulz tribe members.


After knocking on the force field and shooting a few arrows at it, they've understood that it cannot be destroyed, and thus taken to spreading out to surround us.


"Goodness, I wonder if we can even make proper conversation with them……"


"Their aim is me…… I think. What are we going to do?"


Elizabel looks up at me with an ashen face.


If I remember right, the Shulz tribe were the original inhabitants of Filsand, but were chased off by the army of the current Duke of Filsand. And up to this day, they are still throwing attacks against Filsand, and Elizabel's eldest stepbrother was killed while fighting against them.


As expected, there is strong hatred in Elizabel's eyes as she looks at them.


"...... For now, let's try to talk to them. Nothing else can start otherwise."




At that moment, the warriors surrounding us part left and right, revealing a person wearing equipment extravagant enough to identify them as the leader.


Armor decorated with white pelt, longsword at the waist. But what draws my attention……


"I am the Martial Chief of the Shulz, Dianu! There is a guy name Gio among your party, right?! Gio Margils! Give him to us and we'll let the rest of you off!"


This 'Martial Chief' person turns out to be a silver-haired young girl with her hair cut short.


However, those red eyes and facial structure…… Aside from the color of her hair and skin, she is almost a living resemblance of the Elizabel that I am currently protecting.


"Wait a second! Why on earth does Margils' name come up here?!"




Occupied with comparing the two young girls with opposing atmospheres, I finally realize the other thing to be surprised about only when Claura says it out loud.

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Chapter 78: Martial Chief

Volume 4





"What's wrong?! It's Gio Margils that we want! I bet it's that weak-looking guy or that ossan over there, right?!"


(T/N: Ossan means 'middle-aged man,' but in an overly casual way that might be considered rude.)


On the other side of the transparent wall made with [Wall of Force], the fierce-looking female warrior is pointing fingers.


It seems that she's indicating me and Irudo. I wonder who's the ossan, huh.


"Dammit, what is with this wall!"


"So hard……"


There turns out to be a lot more Shulz members here than I'd thought. No, it looks like there are more and more showing up. There are already almost a hundred of them surrounding us.


But whatever they throw at the force field, be it fist or sword or arrow, nothing works.


My mind is slightly confused right now, so let's take this brief moment to organize my thoughts.


Why do the Shulz know my name and are aiming for my life?


Why does the Martial Chief Dianu look like the splitting image of Elizabel?


Finally, what can we do to get out of this situation?


But since everyone's safety is now guaranteed, the third one is honestly of little importance.


"I'm just asking this just in case, but that girl over there is not your sister, right?"


"Not really sure…… I think my mother had siblings, so perhaps she's a cousin?"


So answers Elizabel with a doubtful look on her face. Because Leid's big body is in the way, the other side has yet to notice her existence.


"Alright, then next. Does anyone have any any idea why they are targeting me, by name?"


"That would be the bigger mystery. The only people in Filsand who know your name are only a small minority of merchants and nobles."


That is a clear indication of just how little contact there is between the Liuus Union and the Kingdom of Feldi. And that is the very reason why I think there is value in opening up a trade route to Filsand, but……


"How much longer do you intend to feign ignorance?! Get out here now!"


"Seriously, just do them all in already, Margils! After all, they've attacked us already!"


"...... Muu……"


While enduring the incessant onslaught of high-pitched female voices from both sides of the wall, I somehow manage to finish organizing my thoughts.


"I am the Lord of Jiiteias Castle, Wizard Gio Margils."


Taking a step forward, I name myself to the silver-haired female warrior.


"I knew it was the ossan. Making us waste our time! Just get out of there right now and offer me your head!"


"Before there, may I ask you two questions?"


"Shut up! I have nothing to say to a sneaky coward who is hiding behind a wall!"


Between the daughter of the Duke of Filsand and this warrior of the Shulz, it seems the only thing they have in common is their appearance.


Thoroughly exasperated, Dianu draws her sword from her waist.


"Ooohh. Dianu-sama's Divine Sword……"


"How sublime……"


"That's a demonic sword…… and an extremely high level one at that."


The surrounding warriors raise a stir. Claura swallows her breath.


It's true that the blade of her sword is wrapped by a richly-colored aura, and it looks extremely powerful indeed.


"The Shulz claim to be the descendants of an ancient holy kingdom that was annihilated during the First Bleed more than 500 years ago. Seeing how they are in possession of such a demonic sword, that claim might not be a complete lie after all……"


Still hiding in Leid's shadow, Elizabel conscientiously gives us all a commentary. Ancient holy kingdom? …… Sounds like something else that's going to spell trouble down the road.


"That's right! There is nothing that this Divine Sword of mine, Bloodsucking Snake, cannot…… cut!"


With a shout, the silver-haired female warrior leaps, lands before me, then swings down her demonic — wait, no, divine? — sword.


Her target is the force field standing between me and her.


Before anyone can react, the blade of her sword shines brightly, seemingly splashing rich colors all over the surroundings.




Of course, the [Wall of Force] that couldn't be destroyed by even [Meteor] wouldn't budge to something like a mere demonic sword. The effects looked flashy, but all it did was give Dianu's hands an extreme shock.


The silver-haired female warrior is cradling her sword hand while crouching on the ground.


Me, Claura, and Irudo — basically, the ones who know about my wizardry — are composed, but Elizabel, Fablu, and the new soldiers have their eyes wide open in amazement.


But it was incomparable to the shock on the faces of the Shulz warriors.


"That's a lie, right?!"


"The Divine Sword that can easily cut through rocks and even iron…...?!"


"Is that guy a devil?!"


"SHUT UP!! I just underestimated it a little just now! When I get serious, a wall like this is not worth squat!"


With her face still distorted, Dianu stands up and yells at the buzzing warriors.


The unsettled warriors immediately quiet down with just that, so she must be quite popular among her troops. But when I observe more closely, I see puzzlement bordering on unease flickering on her face.


Looks like she still isn't able to completely control her emotions…… wait, no no no.


I've been around tough women like Claura and Elizabel so I've gotten used to it, but isn't this supposed to be the norm?


"Stop for a second."


"Wh-, what is it."


Smashing the butt of my staff against the ground, I re-tighten the atmosphere that had loosened up a bit from the comical exchange.


I need to properly settle the issue of this village's terrible state and also the issue of their assault.


"Two questions is what I mentioned. If you have business with me, first answer them."


"...... Ask away."


Though she looks reluctant, there is a note of relief in her voice. I'm sure she also wants to avoid the flow of events that would oblige her to make another pass at the wall.


"Firstly, was it you guys who attacked this settlement and massacred all of its inhabitants?"


Oh right, this kind of situation is when I need my ESP Medal. But unfortunately, it's still in my sling bag.


"Hah?! Like we know! Wasn't it just you guys taking revenge on those who managed to flee? Or maybe you were just trying to turn them into sacrifices."


"...... Flee…… It's true that these past few years, there have been citizens fleeing Filsand due to being poor. They might have indeed been those people."


Alongside Elizabel's quiet commentary, I look for markers indicating deception on Dianu's face, but there's nothing. It doesn't seem like Dianu is lying.


"Very well, next question. Why are you targeting my life? Exactly what did I do?"


"Hah! Your secret's been revealed, you Shadow Demon bastard! You're a Demonist, aren't you! There was a proclamation from the Shulz tribe's Mystic!"


…… Is it my imagination, or have I heard a similar line before?

To get started with Disqus head to the Settings panel.

Chapter 79: Divine Sword

Volume 4





"Hey, Leid-kun."


"...... What."


"Is this Shulz tribe a branch family of the War Tribe?"


"Never heard of them before."


"But it seems like the War Tribe's miko and these guys' Mystic are saying the same thing?"


"Like I know. Maybe you really are Shadow Demon or Demonist?"


With the [Wall of Force] in between, the Shulz female warrior Dianu and we are facing each other.


The 'proclamation' that came out of her mouth was almost the exact same content as what I had heard from the War General Kanbelis just recently.


Feeling fed up rather than surprised, I could not help but to poke the large body next to me with an elbow.


Elizabel is still hiding in that Leid's shadow. Although she has a questioning look on her face, she doesn't butt in. In exchange, she is straining her ears, and observing everyone on both sides with wide-open eyes.


"This seems too well down to be a coincidence."


"Eh. Claura-san?!"


"...... Umu……"


Irudo is surprised at Claura's ruminative murmur, but I nod in agreement.


"Based on this, it seems to me that there is an agenda to set Margils up as a Shadow Demon."


"...... That might very well be true."


From the side of this world's common sense, when prophecies and proclamations pop up saying the same thing, then that would be accepted as the truth.


But Claura flatly denies that possibility, then shares what she imagines to be the most likely scenario. Even though I myself am still not sure of my own innocence.


"Oi you bastard! How long are you going to continue whispering among yourselves! I answered your questions already so get out here already!"


On the other side, the Martial Chief earnestly pounds on the wall.


From her point of view, because I'm a Shadow Demon or Demonist, so she probably wants very much to kill me as soon as possible.


However, from my point of view, I had originally intended on just peacefully chasing them away, but now I cannot do that anymore.


By all possible means, I now want to have a detailed talk with her. To be honest, I want to go straight to that 'Mystic' that she mentioned and question that person in detail, but I can't very well dive into hostile territory with Elizabel and Fablu in tow.


"Aniki, why doesn't Margils-sama just call giants or meteors and just get rid of these guys?"


"I know, right. Margils-sama can do it in just one blow, right?"


While I am thinking quickly as Dianu continues being noisy, I also hear the conversation between Ted and the three soldiers protecting Fablu.


"What are you guys saying. Margils-sama has his own thoughts, alright?"


"What are his thoughts, then? They only have numbers, it's like a fight between an adult and a child……"


"And I'm saying that that's a really shallow way of thinking. When an adult fights with a child, the adult won't suddenly use his full strength, right?"


…… Fumu, I see, adult and child huh. Not just age-wise, but also in terms of our respective fighting strength.


When an adult fights with a child, he either purposely loses to the child, or else he uses the pressure of an adult to shut the child up without even getting into the same ring. When having a fair fight is not an option, I mean.


"I've had just about enou—"


With blood vessels becoming visible on her forehead, Dianu seems about to draw her sword again. At that moment, I raise a single hand.


"I have a proposal. This will be the last."


"............ Let's hear it. If it's something stupid, I'll smash you along with this wall."


"You, me, one on one duel."


"...... Hah?"


"Wai-, Margils?!"


My allies seem even more surprised than the Shulz.


As Claura is about to say something, I raise a palm to stop her.


"If you win, then you can have my head. If I win, you will become my prisoner."


"Me…… and you? Not that big lump, or that sexy lady?"


"That's right, I will be your opponent."


Big lump and sexy lady…… Leid and Leiha look respectively look irked and raring to go, but I shake my head.


"...... Sure, alright! When I win, I'll have your head! I'll at least let your friends run away, so you can let yourself be cut by me with peace of mind!"


"That would be a great help. I, too, promise to not lay hands on your friends."


"Is that guy an idiot? Does he really think that he can win against Hime…… against our Martial Chief?"


"He's just going to become rust on the Divine Sword's blade……"


The silver-haired female warrior agrees delightedly…… more like, relievedly.


The surrounding Shulz warriors must also have a lot of faith in her strength, as they are also acting like the fight was already won in their favor.


After confirming the terms of the fight, I stoop so as to get out of the [Wall of Force] through the prepared opening. As I do so, I accidentally exchange glances with Elizabel, who is peering out from Leid's shadow.


"...... You, will be fine, right?"


She only knows a small portion of my power. Her face tells me that she is struggling with whether she should be worried or not.


Come to think of it, she's currently entrusting her life to someone who she barely knows who is jumping straight into the tiger's mouth. Must be pretty hard for her too.


"Don't worry, this'll be over soon."




Without thinking, I reach out with a hand and pat her head a few times. I can't really call this the gentlemanly attitude of an ally of equal standing, though.


"Ah, sorry, sorry. Anyways, just stay there and enjoy the show."


"He's right. When it comes to this man, it's only a waste of time to worry about him losing or dying."


"......! ……!"


Claura kindly hugs Elizabel from behind, drawing her backwards.


…… Is what I think is supposed to happen, as I'm sure that Claura's arms being positioned strangely close to Elizabel's respiratory tract is just me overthinking things.


"Sorry for the wait."


"......Yea, I've been waiting……"


As the force field is transparent, she has no way of knowing whether I've actually left the area of its effect. However, after I have taking sufficient distance from my allies, she addresses me with what almost sounds like a purr from her throat.


Gio Margils has Mid Rank in Quarterstaff fighting. By D&B standards, this is about the same proficiency as that of a Level 4 to 12 Warrior.


Of course, this ranking is purely in terms of proficiency with a quarterstaff — my hitpoints and armor points are far from that of an actual Warrior.


As for myself, I have absolutely zero knowledge of actual martial arts. However, after being made to participate in practice sessions with the Carbanera Knight Order, and also from seeing Leid and Leiha fighting from up close, I believe I have cultivated a fairly discerning eye for warriors.


According to this eye of mine, the skill of this Shulz female warrior is…… well, she's weaker than Leid and Leiha. Which means it'll be fine.


"Sorry about that. Alright, let's get started. Come at me any time."


I simply stand in place without taking any stance, but beckon with my hand to provoke her.


"The likes of a magician…… looking down on me……"


She draws the Divine Sword from its scabbard, holding it upright.


The rainbow-colored aura covering the silvery white blade is shining stronger and brighter than before. The light reaching towards the skies in what looks like a swaying dance indeed conjures up thoughts of a snake.


"...... By means of this spell……"


Considering the moment she drew her sword to be the start of the duel, I immediately begin chanting.


It will take 10 seconds until the spell activates.


Of course, that's enough time for her to hit me with that rainbow-colored Divine Sword more than ten times over.




Shouting the warcry unique to the Sulz, she kicks the ground.






Her sword's downward swing is stopped by something roughly 30cm above my head.


[Invisible Demon].


Normally, this spell is for attacking purposes, such as to pursue a fleeing enemy or to kill a target. However, as the usage is to "bind an invisible demon to my will for an extended period of time and have it obey one order," it is still extremely effective when used defensively like this.


This time, my order is to "block any attack that would hit me."


Incidentally, before we arrived at this ruined village, I've cast this spell not only on myself, but also on Elizabel and Fablu.


"You bastard! This! What the hell is this?!"


The silver-haired female warrior brandishes her sword with an expression of rage, releasing cutting attacks from above and below and every which way.


However, the Divine Sword does not touch me even once. Every time it gets close, the invisible demon blocks or repels it.


The demon is Level 14. Attacks from any normal warrior wouldn't be able to deal even a tiny bit of damage to it, however amazing the sword they use. Conversely, against someone like Leid, the demon would be annihilated after receiving only the first blow.


In this case, the demon is gradually being weakened, which speaks to how Dianu's strength is actually quite a ways beyond common sense.


In actual fact, it's taking a bit out of me to withstand that beast-like glare and killing intent.


If I hadn't seen a top-notch warrior like Leid and the exceptional hatred of the Shadow Demons up close, my feet trembling would have been the least of my worries here.


"...... avatar of lightning and storms and the sea…… and be under my control for 30 minutes. [Create All Monster]"


However, I have finished chanting.


An extraordinary sense of oppression suddenly begins emanating from quite a ways above my head.


In actual fact, there is a huge shadow covering me, Dianu, and even all the Shulz warriors.




A roar that is high-pitched, heavy, and causes everyone to quiver in their shoes. It seems to be coming down from the sky.


"What…… on…… earth……?!"


Dianu looks upward. The Shulz warriors look upward. Even my allies look upward.


What they see reflected in their eyes is an enormous blue figure crashing down behind me, causing a small earthquake with its landing.




Dianu's line of sight drops to a spot behind me, then gradually rises again.


What her eyes, and that of everyone present except for mine, behold……


…… is the silhouette of a Level 32 monster, Huge Blue Dragon of Purple Lightning.

To get started with Disqus head to the Settings panel.

Chapter 80: One on One Duel

Volume 4





On the Sedia continent, the country with the longest civilized history is Shulendal [Kingdom of the North].


Or so believes the majority of people living in the continent's central and western areas, but there are many who hold a different opinion.


According to them, the credit of being the founder of civilization belongs to the Shuzlus Holy Kingdom, which was located east of Shulendal, where present-day Feldi is.


The kingdom ruled by kings inheriting the blood of the Snake God of Creation prospered for several thousand years, but was erased 500 years ago during the First Bleed.


The citizens of the holy kingdom were scattered into hundreds of small tribes and small countries.


The blood of the lineage of the holy kings flows thick in the Shulz tribe, blessing them with powerful and charismatic leaders generation after generation. In 200 years, they managed to build up Filsand to its current size.


During the Second Bleed 150 years ago, they managed to protect their city, despite suffering significant losses. However, they were unable to do the same in the face of the next invasion.


In other words, the invasion of the Kingdom of Feldi, roughly 20 years ago.


The general Damund, who had led Feldi's vanguard in vanquishing several countries, killed the Shulz's Tribe Chief of the time, and successfully drove out all the Shulz people from Filsand. He eventually was granted peerage and authority over the city, becoming the Duke of Filsand.


The Shulz people fled to the barren lands in the south.


Mainly composed of rocky mountains and wastelands, the south was indeed a harsh place to live in. However, the new Tribe Chief led the tribe to raise mountain goats, catch fish, and cultivate small farms.


Though burning with ambition, the Duke of Filsand showed no interest in the barren, worthless lands in the south, so a few cold, quiet years passed.


The change came from the Shulz tribe side.


Roughly 5 years after being chased out of Filsand.


The wife of the Tribe Chief, a woman named Sheiru who was one of the daughters of the previous Tribe Chief, gave birth to a child.


The red eyes of the child that signifies that the blood of the holy kings flows strong in her caused the people of the tribe to remember their pride and their anger.


It can also be said that they realized that this land could not support their numbers, which had begun to grow again.


The males of the tribe took up weapons in between going hunting and farming, and began attacking Filsand.


At the time, the surviving population of the Shulz was about 3,000. In the middle of developing due to maritime trade, Filsand had a population of about 30,000. There was no comparing.


Despite that, the Shulz still attacked trade caravans and frontier settlements, aiming to hurt Filsand's wealth and power however much they can.


The daughter between the Tribe Chief and Sheiru, Dianu, was already mixed in with the boys by age 10, running around the mountains and joining in the hunts.


With red eyes and silver hair, she was expected to become a stunning beauty in the future. However, she loved hunting more than singing, weapons more than sewing needles.


"You are actually the princess of Filsand. The princess of that huge, brightly shining, wealthy city. That's why you must kill that hated Duke and my elder sister, who shook her tail at that Duke, and reclaim that wonderful Filsand."


Considering how every single night, Dianu was repeatedly made to listen to her mother's pent-up resentment in place of lullabies, she actually grew up relatively well.


"The reason because mother and the Shulz people got chased from the city was because they were weak! I will become incredibly strong, then take everything back!"


So saying, she poured her energy into learning martial arts, leading the boys in her surroundings to do nothing but train to fight.


She was 10 years old when she experienced a real battle for the first time.


Her opponent was not soldiers from Filsand, but a monster.


It was a gigantic bat called a Rock Bat that was active at night, preying on small, solitary animals, such as humans.


The Shulz did not have sufficient resources to arrange for sufficient guarding, so every month, the Rock Bat would take away 2 to 3 children or elders.


Possessing a certain amount of intelligent, it wouldn't show up when the security was tight. But when the soldiers grew tired, it would attack from an unexpected direction.


Hiding a short sword dipped in poison in her breast, the 10 year old girl crouched, alone, on a large rock at night.


The last attack had been 10 days ago. It was a night when no one else was about, when "it's almost time for the next one" was on everyone's mind.


As expected, the hungry demonic beast attacked the little girl.


True to its name, it was a bat with grey skin as hard as rock. However, it was a lot larger than any ordinary bat, and it possessed claws and fangs that gave it the ability to kill its prey.


Right when the bat with a wingspan of almost 2m tried to grab onto the young girl with both its legs……




The young girl rolled to a face up position, grabbed one of the bat's legs and stabbed it with her short sword…… or not. Instead, she used all her strength to draw the bat's body towards herself.


"Giii! Giii!"


The demonic beast possessed overwhelmingly greater strength, but as it was in the middle of a dive, it could not help but to be pulled along.


The grey bat and little girl were almost close enough for their noses to touch.






The bat opened its mouth widely to sink its fangs into the little girl's throat, but the little girl was faster in plunging her sword into that mouth.


"GyaAHH! OW! It HURTS damn you!"


"Giii! GIGIGii!"


Of course, the little girl did not go unscathed. The hand that was grasping onto the Rock Bat's leg was stabbed and gouged by its other claw. She still has the scar from this wound.


The bat mustered all the strength in its wings to clobber her and wildly flailed its claws, trying desperately to tear her off.


Despite that, the little girl hung on, pushing the short sword deeper and deeper into the bat's mouth, twisting it the entire time.


In the end, the death match was over after several minutes.


The one who eventually rose from that rock that was covered in a sea of blood was the girl.


After that, she tried to sneak back into her own room the way she had sneaked out, planning to put on an innocent face while waking up the next morning……. 'planning' being the operative word.


Because of course, she was caught by her parents, everything came to light, and she was berated from head to toe.


It turned into one of those very rare instances when her father, who believed in letting sleeping dogs lie and rarely raised his voice, and her mother, a prideful person who only ever spoke of their tribe's past glory, came to be in sync. To this time, the girl still remembers how they hugged her after the harsh scolding was over.


For the Shulz people, this episode became a beacon of hope.


For this people who was growing wearing from the harsh life in the hinterlands and the fruitless fighting against Filsand, the appearance of a hero was what they desired for the most.


Furthermore, several years later, she became selected to be the wielder of the Divine Sword. More and more people came to adore her, and to entrust her with their dream…… the dream of returning to the bountiful Filsand.

To get started with Disqus head to the Settings panel.

Chapter 81: Princess of the Shulz (Part 1) (3rd Person)

Volume 4





After being chased out of Filsand by the Kingdom of Feldi's army, the Shulz tribe fled southwards, and built a 'fort' on top of a precipitous, rocky plateau.


Dianu, and the other children near her age, spent the majority of their childhood living in that fort.


However, as the tribe's population gradually grew, they attempted to settle lands even further south.


Settling the desolate south proved to be extremely tough going, but along the way, they discovered the 'Garden of the Gods.'


Garden of the Gods was an ancient stone ruin the size of a medium-sized city, which could easily accommodate 1,000 of the Shulz. As such, the entire tribe moved to Garden of the Gods, and their fort became merely the base of operations for their attacks against Filsand.


The young girl spent almost all of her time in the fort, together with her father, the Tribe Chief.


She had very little contact with her mother, who led the people living in Garden of the Gods.


All she focused on was the sword, spear, bow, horseriding, and short sword. She also learned how to lead troops from the Martial Chief of the time, seeing off the warriors leaving to attack Filsand with cheers of joy.


Every single person believed with their whole heart.


That the Shulz tribe was the side that had been stolen from, and that they were nurturing their power to seize back what was rightfully theirs.


Around when the young girl defeated the Rock Bat and began gathering her people's hopes, there was change on the Filsand side.


Beginning with the fort, they started to aggressively attack the Shulz people's lands.


Though it could be said that this was only natural after suffering from so many years of attacks, what motivated them was actually much more profit than retribution.


What they were doing, in short, was 'hunting for slaves.'


There was no way the Shulz could understand this.


All they knew was that periodically, Filsand would send soldiers to the south and seize people from settlements.


If they hadn't arranged to move more than half of their entire population live in Garden of the Gods, then the losses might have been even higher.


However, Garden of the Gods was also by no means completely safe. Casualties from stray Shadow Demons and man-eating monsters never ceased.


Within such a life, the young girl received a summons from her mother.


It was 4 years before now, when she was 12.


Her mother was waiting for her in the temple in Garden of the Gods, accompanied by the tribe's Mystic, who she had never met before.


"You have been chosen by the Divine Sword. You are the one who is the Warrior of the Holy Kings."


"Dianu, you must use that sword to destroy Filsand and fulfill the Shulz people's dearest wish, alright?"


"...... Yes I will."


With a smile, the Mystic gave the jewel-encrusted sword to the young girl.


Though her mother's words were no different from the usual, the amount of hatred lurking in her blue eyes was much, much, much thicker than before. Noticing this, the young girl could not help but to shiver.


At first, the young girl thought the Divine Sword slightly eerie, but once she got used to wielding it, she realized that that was simply an indication of the sword's power.


But of course, to her, that was the only thing that mattered.


Use strength to push through her will. If she wants something, then use strength to seize it by force. If something is taken from her, then use strength to seize it back.


From when her father gave her permission to join the raiding parties when she turned 13 up until now, she had been completely faithful to that philosophy.


"Eeehh?! No wait, how can I duel with a girl?!"


Which is why she was so completely surprised when she attacked that trade caravan from Filsand half a year ago.


"Hah?! Are you an idiot? I'm the Shulz's Martial Chief! I'm saying that if you win against me, I'll let all the guys not holding weapons get away!"


It seemed to be a caravan carrying raw materials from a nearby mine.


The unwieldy caravan had several tens of carts and more than a hundred knights. Normally, the Shulz warriors would not attack a force of this size and this well-equipped, but for a certain reason they had set up an ambush.


Probably because the other side had let down its guard, the ambush was successful, and the knights were taken down one by one.


The young girl — no, by now she had grown into Dianu, a proper female warrior — identified the knight with the best physique and wearing the most extravagant armor and challenged him to single combat…… but to her shock, was declined with a single word.


"We won't resist anymore and just quietly retreat, so just let us go, alright? We'll leave all our weapons and the ores here, alright?"


"You bastard, and you still call yourself a knight?!?!?!"


The knight, who removed his helmet, turned out to be a young man with fair skin and a round face.


Dianu, who firmly believed in strength but wasn't particularly an evil person, was taken aback at the truly troubled-sounding entreaty. She was taken back, but that was it.


"I never offered to let the knights and soldiers go. Even if they throw away their weapons, I'm still going to kill them of course!"


"Hii. Alright, then how about I'll be your prisoner! I'm the eldest son of the Duke of Filsand, Balzard! Just having me as a prisoner would give you enormous leverage, alright?"




And so that was how Dianu managed to capture the Duke of Filsand's eldest son. Either way, during the exchange between Dianu and Balzard, most of the other knights had already managed to run away.


A prisoner as important as the heir of the Duke was sent to her mother at the Garden of the Gods instead of being kept at the fort.


Dianu wanted to keep him in the fort to drag information out of him, but this time's ambush was a success due to the Mystic's 'proclamation.' Her mother used that as a shield to forcefully seize custody, and there was nothing Dianu could do about that.


The Mystic that she had met 4 years ago had lately begun to give out information on the Filsand army and trade caravans in the form of 'proclamations.'


By following those 'proclamations,' they've managed to conduct numerous successful attacks and raids. As a result, the Shulz warriors' fighting spirit was fanned even higher. Dianu herself had never gone back to Garden of the Gods even once after receiving her sword, but it seemed to her that her mother was growing to place quite a lot of faith in that Mystic.


Her father was the only one who found it strange that the Filsand side never issued a demand for the return of Balzard, despite him being the Duke's heir. Dianu, however, did not think it strange.


After all, if the Duke wanted his son back, he simply had to come in person to seize him back.


Then, several days earlier.


A new 'proclamation' reached the fort.


" 'The man Gio Margils, who will come from the west, is the emissary of the Shadow Demons who is coming to bring ruin upon the Shulz. Set up an ambush on the western road and erase him, at all costs.' "




"What…… on…… earth……?!"


For the first time ever, Dianu felt her Divine Sword to be as untrustworthy as a tiny tree branch.


When she had thought the black-robed man to be muttering something to himself, suddenly this gigantic something had already appeared in front of her.


A gigantic dragon covered with dark blue scales.


Just its front leg was almost twice her own height. Its mouth was the size of an entire house, and looked wide enough to eat five of her in one bite.


In all 16 years of her life, Dianu had relied on her own strength to break through any and all obstacles in her way.


However, she knew instinctively that that meagre strength of hers would do absolutely nothing against the gigantic creature in front of her.


How did things before like this?


Wasn't this Margils person a mere Demonist?


Confusion welled out together with waves of terror.




"...... Hiii……"


Her teeth chattered, and she felt the area around her groin becoming wet.


The Shulz warriors that had been stationed all around have also either collapsed with pure despair or have run away while screaming.


For the first time in her life, Dianu felt terror in the face of an absolute power.


«Anything, is there anything that I can do?»


Feeling like crying, Dianu searched within herself for something to cling onto.


Both the hatred that she had received from her mother and the sense of responsibility that she had learned from her father seemed like nothing before the overwhelming fear.


«What is this…… I, to think that I'm actually this empty inside…...»


The realization of her hollowness actually enabled her to resume being able to think and move. Or perhaps she was just imitating what the heir of Filsand, who she had seen in a similar situation, did.


"Oi, ossan."


"...... My name is Margils. So, what is it?"


With the enormous dragon behind him obediently awaiting his orders, the man calmly replied to Dianu.


Black hair and black eyes. Thought this combination is not that rare in the east, his demeanor that is absolutely absent of killing intent and hatred actually made him that much more eerie.


"I just want to confirm, even if I lose, you'll let these guys go, right?"


"Indeed, that is my intention. Of course, even when I take you prisoner, you will not be ill-treated. This I promise."


"Then I'm re…...lieved!"


It wasn't that she had any particular tactic in mind.


She simply chose the most appropriate action from among all the techniques that she had learned.


After moving to the angle where Margils became positioned right in between herself and the dragon, she unleashed a slice aimed straight at him.

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Chapter 82: Princess of the Shulz (Part 2) (3rd Person)

Volume 4





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