The Wizard Raised Through TRPG is Still the Strongest in the Other World Chapter 49-55

The Wizard Raised Through TRPG is Still the Strongest in the Other World Chapter 49-55


Neib Koval was born in a mansion in Lelis 45 years ago.

His father was a noble from the Kingdom of Liuus. However, because he liked the urban life, he spent more than half of his life behind the city's walls. 

When the Kingdom of Liuus, which used to control the area around Lake Liuus, fell apart from civil war, the city of Lelis became the stage for several military clashes. 

The mansion that Neib Koval had lived in since young suffered attacks from both rioters and robbers. Due to his father having been an absolute failure at administering to the people of his fiefdom, he himself was also often showered with resentment on his father's behalf. 


Growing up within such circumstances fostered within him a selfish personality that saw others as nothing but tools. 


In spite of that, if only he had never come across that thing. After Lelis gained its independence, he could very well have turned out a run-of-the-mill noble capable of making realistic decisions every now and then. 


The outbreak of Shadow Demons 10 years ago, though not large enough in scale to be called a Bleed, left deep scars upon the various cities of the Liuus Union. 


At the time, having already succeeded the title of Baron from his father, he participated in the fight against the Shadow Demons as a member of Lelis' defence force.
Of course, he never went to the front lines in person, but he did fulfil the bare minimum of his duty. 


Eventually, thanks to the efforts of the Carbanera Knight Order, the Adventurer's Guild, the Magician's Guild, and the 「War Tribe」, the Shadow Demon nest was destroyed.


A few months after that, the Koval House received a queer offering from one of the villages neighboring Lelis that was, in name, under their control.


"What is this. It's creepy."


The Baron's reaction was only natural, as it was the skull of a Small Demon. Its black surface was so glossy that it almost looked wet. He could not discern whether this was painted on or if it was the skull's actual color.


"Indeed it is. No one would even think of putting something like this up for display, would they."


His faithful, elderly steward's words was common sense and also only natural. However, something in there touched a string in his heart. 


The moment he peered suspiciously into the gaping eye sockets, he thought he saw a faint golden flicker in its depths. 


"Hou, is that so. Then I will purposely leave it on hand. It seems more stylish than a common sculpture, does it not?"


The Baron left the Shadow Demon skull in his bedroom, which led to a small change in his heart. 

He became able to recognize the evil intentions lurking within everybody's gazes. He also became able to hear the malicious gossip being whispered about him in places beyond his sight. 

It took almost no time at all for this small change to bring about great distortion. 


3 days later, he came to view all humans as clumps of malice out to scorn and torment himself. He could no longer believe the fact that he himself was a human. 


7 days later, he had fostered such affinity for the anti-human race of Shadow Demons that he offered his own blood to the skull. 


Finally, 10 days later, he invited a Demonist priest to his mansion. 


"I was convinced that you of all people would understand the Shadow Demons' glorious mission."


"Ahh…… the repulsive beings known as humans must be eradicated, no matter the cost."

The priest was the Village Head of the village that had sent the Shadow Demon skull to the Baron. That village had apparently been completely converted to Demonism ever since the Baron's father's time. 


"However, we still need to gather a far greater amount of power in order to eradicate the humans. To that end, you must seize power in Lelis."


"That goes without saying. So far, I've only thought of securing a safe life for myself. From now on, though, I will seriously aim to kick down those merchant bastards."


"To that end, use these as you please."


What the priest offered to the Baron this time was 5 dark elves. 






Using his dark elves as assassins, the Baron surreptitiously expanded his own power. 

With advice from the priest, the Baron took only the most inconspicuous moves. With that said, though, more than 10 of his political enemies eventually succumbed to accidental deaths. Because he was employing such superior yet completely loyal assassins, even the Thieves' Guild did not notice what he was doing. 


However, even with his barony's history, historic customs, and financial capital, it took him 10 years to rise to the top position of the Noble Faction. In the meantime, he mercifully led every single person in his household, beginning with his steward, down the path to becoming fervent Demonists. 


During that entire time, he never once failed to uphold the monthly ritual that the priest had taught him. The bottom of the underground lake that was the ritual site became filled with countless numbers of human bones. 


Everything was going smoothly. 


When he finally got to starting preparations for wresting the seat of Council Chairman from the eyesore Zatou Braus, he showed up. 


The Baron was ecstatic upon hearing from the priest that a new Shadow Demon nest had appeared close to Yuule Village. 

But a mere few days later, that nest was wiped out by a single man. His joy was immediately replaced by rage and hatred. 


Being able to easily destroy a Shadow Demon nest with that strange 「wizardry」 of his…… such an existence must not be tolerated. 


"Even if we have to stake our lives, we must kill the man, Gio Margils, without fail."


"Say no more. Destroying that which destroys Shadow Demons is the mission of us Demonists."





The first opportunity was when Margils, who had gone to the trouble of coming to Lelis himself, was meeting with the Council Chairman. 

The most excellent pawn in his hand was capable of easily infiltrating the Council Hall. So it seemed a great idea to poison the two of them together. 


If both of them died from that, then that was that. If only the Council Chairman died, he could frame Margils as the culprit. The same went for the other way round. 


In the one in a million chance that they both survived, there would naturally still be friction and distrust between the two of them. Or at least, that was how it was supposed to have panned out. 


The actual result was that both Margils and the Council Chairman survived. But rather than friction, the incident helped the two of them to gain even more trust in each other. 
Taken back at the report from his pawn, he rushed to the Council Hall to look at Margils from afar, but all he saw was a common, mediocre, dime-a-dozen middle-aged man. What kind of a joke was this?! 


Either way, he understood that Margils could not be killed with any conventional method. 


Even though he sent his other pawns in an attempt to take hostage people close to Margils, they failed because of an 'an invisible devil' or 'a female devil made of wind' or some other bullshit. 


If a small number of elites can't finish the job, then how about numbers. So thinking, he hired all of the trash around the streets, but they were obstructed by an even greater number of city guards and adventurers. 


Then he was informed that a female magician that he had already considered an enemy from a while back was also close to Margils. But when he sent his pawns to her, they were once again foiled by adventurers. 


Right when he was laying low, trying to think of a new plan, he received a report that adventurers and city guards are scouring the entire city for information about his pawns. 


Up to now, there had been times when city guards or adventurers had directed gazes of suspicion towards himself, but he had deftly diverted them all. 


This time, however, was different. A strange light burned in their eyes, and they were as persistent and tenacious about it as if they were seeking revenge against a generations-long clan enemy. Furthermore, even the Thieves' Guild, with whom they had a tacit non-aggression relationship, were now also crawling through the underground routes in hot pursuit. 


(T/N: The power of money lol.)


Lelis had been nothing more than a huge canvas for his malicious intellect to freely weave plots and intrigues on. But before he knew it, it had already turned into a cage that locked him in and was trying to corner him. 


By the time he came to that realization, it was too late. The rumor that he was a Demonist had already flooded the streets, and his mansion fell under double and triple surveillance by guards and adventurers and even nosy onlookers. He could not take even a step outside. 


According to the information that his pawns barely managed to get to him, every single one of these movements had been due to orders from that Margils. 


"Baron, now that things have become like this, there is nothing more that we can do. Let us at least perform the last ritual."


"...... Damn you, Margils! Exactly who on earth is that guy?"






Even before they heard the cheers raised by the crowd outside the mansion, he and the priest and his pawns had already reached the ritual site by the underground lake. 

"If we only had five more years, we would have been able to resurrect the Demon God, but……"


"How many hundreds of people do you think we've already sacrificed? This much should be more than enough to wipe them all out."


"Indeed, so we hope."


So mutters the priest regretfully while looking at the skull sitting on the altar beside the lake shore, which had been 'nurtured' to three times its original form. 


However, he still brought himself to kneel before the altar and began to chant in prayer. 


In response to the priest's voice, ripples appeared on the surface of the skull, causing shivers to run down all of their spines.


At that moment.


With city guards and adventurer parties in tow, that man — Gio Margils — showed up.


"...... T-, to think that you yourself would come all the way here, wizard Gio Margils……!"


Seeing the target of his hatred right in front of his eyes, the man who had controlled the guards and everyone else into cornering himself, the Baron's voice trembled slightly.


If he hadn't been wearing a hood, surprise and ecstatic joy would have been clearly visible on his haggard face.


"It seems that we've finally met the Baron, Wizard-dono."


The Baron heard the wizard's adventurer companion whispering to him, but it was of no matter.


For as of just then, the priest had finished his prayer.


"At, at the very end, did you want to deal the final blow yourself? It seems that it is fame that you seek, Margils! But that pride shall be your downfall!"


"A-, ahem. Baron Koval, is it? You already have nowhere to run to. Will you quietly turn yourself in?"


"Saying such meaningless things!!!!!"



Clack, clack, clack.

As if in response to the Baron's shriek, the jaw of the skull laying on the altar began to rattle furiously, while steam began gushing out of the depths of its eye sockets.


"Wha-, what's going on?!"


"Sha-, Shadow Demon?!"


"It's moving……! You're kidding me, right?"


At the start, it was just a small skull.


But after diligently 'nurturing' it by painting it with the blood and flesh of living sacrifices and offering prayers of hatred to it every single month……


The puny city guards and greedy adventurers alike fell back in fear, flustered.


The thought of sending out his pawns did cross the Baron's mind, but the best thing to do here was of course to offer them all to the Shadow Demon as living sacrifices.


"Right now! Right here! With the Demon God that we had spent 10 years nurturing! All for the sake of destroying you! And this detestable town! And every single human in existenceee!!!!"


Bubbling mud began flowing out from the inside of the altar, taking form as twisting and writhing limbs.


The golden light within the skull's eye socket shone even brighter than the moon in a decidedly ominous manner.


"What the hell, why is a Shadow Demon……"


"Is, is it a golem?"


"Hii…… hiiiiii……"


Within a brief moment lasting less than 10 seconds, it had turned into a grotesque figure resembling neither spider nor crustacean that towered more than twice a human's height.

Buried in its center, naturally, is the skull, which was clearly serving as its core.

At the tip of four of its limbs glittered pincers and claws the length of longswords.


And above all else, it emanated such terrible hatred that even the priest who had nurtured it felt his blood draining from his face.


"KyuOOoooo……! GiRIuuuooo……!"


The high-pitched cry that sounded like pieces of metal grating together seemed almost capable of slicing up people's hearts.


Even that Margils, who had mysterious powers completely beyond his ken, was merely standing stock-still and just muttering to himself.

Neib Koval was sure beyond a doubt.

"This! This Demon God! It is my other self! My real self! With it, I condemn this world that looked down upon me!"




Hearing a thud, the Baron looked over to see that the skull — no, the Demon God — had sliced up the priest from top to bottom with a pair of pincers.

However, the Baron no longer cared about even that……




Margils, who had been struck both immobile and speechless by fear (or so he had been pretending) suddenly raised his staff, from which a small white bead of light flew out. The light touched the Demon God.


Without causing an explosion, the light simply dived straight into the body of the Demon God……


"Kyu…… GyukyUUuu…………?!"


The next instant.


The large body with a grotesque shape and numerous limbs began falling apart from the inside.


No thunderous roar. No shockwave.


Like a ice sculpture that got smashed into smithereens by a giant hammer, the jet black Demon God simply became several tens of fragments, then a thousand, then mere dust, then …… simply disappeared without a trace.




 So ended Baron Neib Koval's secret manipulations within the shadows of the city of Lelis.



To get started with Disqus head to the Settings panel.

Chapter 49: The Lifting of the Fog (Part 2)

Volume 2



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"U, u, UOOOHHHH!!"

"Awesome, awesome, awe~SOME!"


"A single blow against such a gigantic Shadow Demon!"


It looks like [Destruction] worked properly in pulverizing that monster.


What a relief. 

The city guards and adventurers are so hyped that they are roaring out at the top of their lungs. 


That gigantic Shadow Demon had felt several times more dangerous than even the Rock Demons that I had seen in the Shadow Demon nest. Having suddenly been released from that heavy bloodthirst, I can understand the adventurers and guards being a bit high. 


"The power of your magic is every bit as absurd as the rumors claim…..."


"...... I don't know what rumors are out there, but at least what you just saw was real. Though it wasn't magic, but wizardry."


Even the voice of Gad, the experienced adventurer Leader, is filled with heat. The Carbanera knights had responded the same way when we subjugated the Shadow Demon nest. Does this make me seem like someone who likes advertising his own name? Well, I guess I am trying to spread my name, so I suppose there's no helping that. 


But this is not the time to daze out thinking about such things. 



"By means of this spell, may 108 living beings within my field of sight be paralyzed. [Greater Hold]."

I use a spell to paralyze all of the black hooded people, who seem as shocked as Baron Koval. They all fall down due to suddenly being robbed of their movement, but I hope they'll bear with at least this much.


"...... Capture them all! Draw back their hoods!"

Coming back to his senses, the city guards' commanding officer barks out an order. At that, the guards rush towards the black hoods.


"Carefully investigate every inch of the place! There might be escape routes or traps, so stay on your toes!"


"You got it!"


Gad and the other adventurers undertake the searching of the vicinity, making full use of their skills. 


I myself also keep a sharp eye on the surroundings and the remains of the pulverized Shadow Demon statue for a while, but don't notice any particular problems. 






"Uaa….. uaaaghh……"

When all the hoods were removed, the city guards confirmed that the the leader who had been manipulating(?) the gigantic Shadow Demon was indeed Baron Koval.


Just like Jyagul had been after being de-petrified, the Baron was no longer in a state where conversation was possible. Seeing the dim golden flicker within his eyes, I tried to use my ESP Medal on him, but only learned that the Shadow Demon influence had reached very deep into his heart.


I suspect that he did not begin worshipping the Shadow Demons on his own volition.


The city guards did not recognize the man who had been cut up by the gigantic Shadow Demon's pincers. One of the adventurers, however, claimed that he resembled the Village Head of a village under the Koval House's rule. Considering the fact that he had been the one offering prayers in front of the altar, he was most likely one of the main perpetrators as well.



The rest were, as expected, dark elf girls.


With dark tanned skin in common, each and every one of them were young ladies with their own characteristic charm.


All of them were in a completely emotionless doll-like state, exactly like Leiha had been. Their fully golden eyes indicated that they had already been completely brainwashed.


Although I had only prepared 1 charge of [Curse Break], I thought about trying to dispel the brainwashed status of all them with [Dispel Magic]. While [Curse Break] is a single-target spell, [Dispel Magic] erases all effects due to wizardry within a certain radius, so it is very convenient spell.




"What's going on?!"


"Gah…… gafu…… guhooh?!"




Therefore, I tried [Dispel Magic] on Baron Koval and the dark elves all at once.

The very moment the Shadow Demon influence was eliminated from the inside, the Baron's body began twitching so violently that it seemed his spine would almost snap…… then he died.


Based on my knowledge from TRPGs and fantasy works, the Shadow Demon curse must have already fused with his life, such that when the curse was removed, his life also went with it.


But still.


Despite the fact that he was the one who plotted harm against myself and Mora and the rest, I still felt a bit depressed about letting someone die.

Since if I had been able to safely undo his brainwashing, he might have become able to live a normal life again……


As for the dark elves, they merely lost consciousness, but seemed otherwise fine. Judging by the color of their eyes, it seemed like they had even deeper under Shadow Demon influence though. Perhaps the depth of the brainwashing and the strength of the relationship to Shadow Demons are two separate factors.


I'm sorry to the Baron, and I can't say this out loud due to ethical reasons, but…… if I'm honest with myself, I would probably have been much more depressed if it was these girls who died instead of the Baron……






"Per your command, the dark elves will be transferred to the medical center for treatment, after which then they will be imprisoned."


"It seems like there really isn't anything else around here."


Hearing the city guards' commanding officer and Gad's report, I can finally breathe easy.


Though they said there's nothing, there are still lots of things that the city guards will have to dedicate time and manpower to examining later on, such the documents inside the mansion related to Demonism worship and the human remains piled up around the ritual grounds.


Even though Baron Koval and the priest-like man are both dead, we do not know for sure that there are no more Demonists in Lelis. The investigation needs to be thorough and, depending on the situation, my help might be needed again.



Whether everything is truly over will depend on the results of their investigation.


But still, this has now given me a slight bit of peace of mind.






The rest of the time I spent in Lelis were head-spinningly busy.


The very day we failed to apprehend Baron Koval (though everyone calls it 'successfully defeating Baron Koval'), I had to participate in a joint meeting with the Council Chairman, Adventurer's Guild guildmaster, Magician's Guild guildmaster, and the Garrison Commander in regards to our next move.


I personally wish to build a strong friendship with the city of Lelis. The Council Chairman, being who he is, was worried that the scandal of such a well-known personage being revealed as a Demonist would turn into censure against the Council.


The countermeasure that we came up with was to use the trial of the dark elves. I would take that chance to explain the incident to the citizens, and to appeal to them the fact that the Council had done everything in its power to resolve the situation.


When we promised to share some of the credit with the magicians and adventurers, the two guildmasters also agreed to go along with the plan (though I didn't bother digging into Heldol's inner thoughts).



As there were still 10 more days before the trial, I stayed at Irudo's mansion and spent the time cooperating with the investigation and going around greeting the various powerbrokers in the city.


The encounter that left the deepest impression on me was, as can be expected, the talk with Count Andel of the Council's Noble Faction. In other words, Claura's grandfather.


The obese elder who was unlike his granddaughter in every way possible remained in jovial spirits the entire time. Apparently he had had a very bad relationship with Baron Koval, despite being fellow nobles in the same party.


"This is the best that I've felt in the past 10 whole years! Wizard-dono! How about riding this flow and marrying into my family and taking over all of Lelis?!"


"...... I'm afraid I have to respectfully decline."


According to Claura, who I had never seen this vexed, and her younger brother, their grandfather was a typical power grabber who had been at odds with the Council Chairman for long years. Well, as long as it's not related to Demonists or assassins or the like, then he can do as he likes.


The younger brother was a handsome young man who resembled Claura more, but even he displayed a strangely friendly attitude towards me.


"Margils-sama, did my sister also pull your ear? My sister doesn't do that to people that she doesn't care about at all, so……"


He whispered lots of similar such things to me.


Does that mean that in Claura's eyes, I'm unreliable like a younger brother? Even though age-wise, she's young enough to be my daughter……






One more important thing happened: I visited the Manuscriptor's Guild.


In this world without a papermaking industry, almost all written records are on sheepskin (though they do use leather from other creatures).


Of course, the printing industry also does not exist, so all books have to be handmade, and all manuscripts have to be written by hand.


In modern Japan, it is almost impossible to lay eyes on a sheepskin manuscript. Here, though…... the several hundred variations of dyes and leathers, the delicate cover and page decorations utilizing combinations with metals, and the writing techniques with full consideration for ink viscosity and the font of each and every letter…… I was completely fascinated by every aspect of the process of production.


But of course, it's not like a passion for traditional crafts awoke in me. It's for making my backup spellbook.


The ingredients list, which figuratively dripped with chuunibyou with item descriptions like "ink mixed with the shattered fragments of a jewel exposed to the light of a full moon" and "sheepskin cut with a knife blessed by the goddess of fire," made me seriously want to wring the necks of my younger self and my game master. However, everything was successfully gathered, and my request for the production of a blank book was accepted without much issue.


The guildmaster himself took on my job, so it would apparently be finished 3 months later.


He didn't want to charge 'the city's savior' for the job, but I still made sure to pay some remuneration as an expression of my respect for his skills.






While spending my days so, the investigation into the remaining Demonists in Lelis made steady progress.


Naturally, Baron Koval wasn't the only Demonist in town. 2 other nobles, 5 merchants, and several tens of citizens were apprehended.


Also, almost every village under the Koval House had been completely converted to Demonisn. With the guards and adventurers cooperating together, almost every single villager was also successfully apprehended.


From the interrogations of the Demonists and the documents found from the nobles' mansion, more facts about the Demonists came to light.


The man who got cut up by the gigantic Shadow Demon was indeed a priest, and even a leader among them. He had come to the village from somewhere several decades ago, then steadily increased the number of adherents, before finally involving even Baron Koval.


The priest had called the skull that had turned into the gigantic Shadow Demon a 'Vessel of God,' and had apparently been offering living sacrifices to it from a long while ago.

The brainwashing of the dark elves and Baron Koval were more due to the power of this Vessel of God rather than the priest, apparently.


Aside from him, there were a few other brainwashed Demonists, but because they would die from [Dispel Magic], they were all thrown into jail instead.


I felt pity for the brainwashed people, but those who turned to Demonism worship on their own accord were merely reaping what they had sowed. I aided the investigation with [Psycometry], so I believe no one was falsely charged.



Thanks to even the Thieves' Guild having participated in the Demonist hunt, it can probably be said with confidence that their presence in the region has been completely erased. 






Ten days after failing to apprehend Baron Koval. 


I am attending the trial, which is being held at the large plaza before the Council Hall. 


Right in front is the judge. The members of the jury are seated both left and right. To the right is the Garrison Commander as the public prosecutor, and to the left are the 5 dark elf defendants and their counsel. 


My role is to stand guarantee for them. 


Trials in Sedia are, of course, very different from those in modern Japan.


The verdict is still determined by a vote of majority among the jurors, but the greatest influence on their decision is the guarantor.


Furthermore, what is given weight is 'who the guarantor is' much more than 'what the guarantor says.'


I suppose it's along the logic of "if an upright person that everyone trusts is standing guarantee, then that's how trustworthy the defendant's testimony is."


In this case, though I'm the one saying it, I am currently the most upright person that everybody trusts the most in all Lelis. The very instant that the Great Wizard Gio Margils had agreed to be their guarantor, the dark elves had already almost been guaranteed an acquittal.


Now I understand why the Garrison Commander and Council Chairman had acted the way they did when I handed the girls over to the city guards……



"I, wizard Gio Margils of Jiiteias, hereby swear that the judgment sword of Guras, the God of Justice, shall strike true today."


The thought "I seriously shouldn't have underestimated fantasy" flits through a corner of my mind as I stand up to fulfill my duty and my promise to the Council Chairman. While facing both the jurors and all of the gathered citizens, I speak up to testify and provide a synopsis of what had happened.


Incidentally, Count Andel was the one who had proactively instructed me in trial etiquette, even though I never even asked him to.


"...... The cowardly Baron Koval took advantage of these dark elves to kidnap an innocent young girl who had taken good care of me……"


Despite being in front of a fully packed plaza the size of several soccer courts, I don't feel embarrassed or fear like before.


It seems that I am steadily growing accustomed to Great Wizard persona.


"...... The beautiful female magician from the Magician's Guild successfully managed to evade his evil grasp by her own strength. And then…… together with the gallant city guards who had sworn their loyalty to the Council, as well as the adventurers burning with righteous indignation who wanted to serve as a shield for the citizens of the city, we all infiltrated the underground section of the Baron's mansion…..."


Let's not forget to give due mention to each and every source of help that we received.


"...... As a result of our investigation, we realized that the dark elves and a portion of the Demonists had actually been brainwashed by the priest. We know for sure that the terrible acts that they had committed were coerced, with zero regards to their personal will. With the name of the wizard Gio Margils on the line, here I assert that these girls are innocent."


At the start, I did not know that the trial would be like this. But if this is the way of this world, then I feel no hesitation in abiding by — or using, actually — these rules.


In the first place, the Garrison Commander and Council Chairman didn't even want the troublesome issue of the dark elves on their hands. Seeing this as an opportunity to buy a favor from me while washing their hands in the same stroke, there was no chance for the verdict to have gone any other way from the start.


"I shall announce the verdict. Members of the jury have agreed unanimously that the defendants are innocent!"



" " "Our Oluri [Lord of Wanderers]!" " "


The moment the judge uttered the verdict, all of the dark elves shrugged off their handcuffs (like taking off a pair of gloves) and kneeled in a line before me.


…… Not that I didn't expect this, but it seems that even Leiha's subordinates are going to call me their 'Master'……


"We have not the words to express our gratitude for our Master personally testifying on our behalf."


"From this moment on, we will be your Shi [One Who Serves] alongside Leihanaluka-ane, dedicating the rest of our lives to repaying our debt to you."


(T/N: Ane means 'elder sister.')


Amidst the floating confetti and the sounds of bugles and bells and cheers from the citizens, I feel a cold sweat coming over me.


As a man, I would be lying if I denied being happy about having these beautiful ladies in my service. If I let my guard down, my face might just crumble into a broad grin.


Being used to the confident attitude of a Great Wizard? That's fine, I suppose.


But having people kneel to me is going over the line, I think.


I sincerely pray with all my heart that these girls would not turn into a sweet poison for me.



To get started with Disqus head to the Settings panel.

Chapter 50: After the Fog

Volume 2



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"Alright, next is grocery shopping for Gio-san's dinner!"


" "Yes, Mora ojou-sama!" "


"Today we will make a salad with fresh vegetables! Gio-san won't eat vegetables if there's no sauce, so we'll also visit lots of herb stores today!"


" "Yes, Mora ojou-sama!" "


(T/N: Ojou is like 'my Lady,' but has the connotation of being a young, unmarried lady, such as the daughter of the master.)


I still have quite a few things left to do, such as coordinating the personnel procurement for Jiiteias Castle and discussing the finer details of the transfer of guardianship status for the former Magician's Guild magic solder trainees. As such, I am still staying in Irudo's mansion at the moment.


Right now, I am watching the heartwarming scene of a very excited Mora strictly overseeing four of the dark elf girls.


I have yet to speak with them one on one, so I don't know their particulars, but here is a list of their respective appearances and relative ages, in descending order.


Aruga is the eldest, with semi-long hair and a gentle disposition. Next is Rashil, the serious one with braids. The taciturn third daughter with very short hair is Gilma. And the energetic girl with short hair is the youngest one, Sasara.


Of course, they're not actually blood-related. However, they were all raised together in the same clan, so they look like real sisters from the side.


Incidentally, all of them have transformed out of their tanned skin and pointed ears. It is because dark elves are generally viewed as an evil race…… not. In actual fact, the main reason is because they've become super famous from the trial, and a huge crowd gathers whenever they go outside.


The acquittal from the trial had set them completely free. But as expected, they insisted on serving me the rest of my life and refused to leave.


From now on, I am aiming to gather together every single country and force in the continent in an alliance against the Shadow Demons. With that in mind, honestly speaking, I would seriously appreciate having such excellent spies, so I officially accepted them as my subordinates. But at this moment in time, I don't really have anything for them to do.


As I myself am still just a freeloader, I can't very well burden my host with 5 more idle mouths.


Which is why all of them are currently serving as maids in Irudo's mansion.


Basic training in the Heikreuz clan apparently also included domestic chores, but they couldn't hold a candle to Mora, who had been running the mansion as the de facto lady of the house for many years. 


On top of which, it seems that it's really obvious that I'm really soft on Mora, so they've been calling her 'ojou-sama' from the offset.


As for their superior, Leiha, she has assigned herself the role of being my bodyguard. She's constantly sticking close to me, but maintaining herself behind me or in other positions out of my sight.






"Everything considered, you were truly a massive help this time."


"Come now, what are you saying."


"No, I'm serious. Without the help of you all, I wouldn't have been able to do anything."


Irudo had resumed his trading work, which had been put on hold during the disturbance. 


Despite being so busy, he's still putting in lots of time into the matter of finding people for me to hire.


Indeed, the incident this time and the various work afterwards had strongly impressed upon me the importance of collaborators. No matter how great a wizard I am, there is a limit to what a single person can do.


As the dark elves and former magic soldier trainees will also be going to stay at Jiiteias Castle, we will definitely need people to run the place. Thinking like that, I realized that we are eventually going to need to gather several tens to hundreds of helpers.


"So, Irudo."


"What may it be?"


"This is my first time telling you this. From now on, I am thinking of gathering nakama at Jiiteias Castle for the cause of protecting the world from Shadow Demons."


"That's….. I see, that's indeed a grand enterprise that only Margils-sama would be capable of undertaking."


"So, because of this, aside from those servants that I had asked you to help me find from before, please also inform me if you can think of anyone who might be likely to join me in my cause."


"...... A pretty difficult request, but I will do everything in my power."


At that time, the discussion had ended like that.


But a few days later, Irudo and Mora came to me with resolve in their eyes.


"Firstly, me as the steward of Jiiteias Castle. Then Mora as the person to serve you at your side. Then please also take in the three servants of my house as your retainers."


"Sorry, what?"


"I beg of you! Gio-san, please take us along with you!"


The steward is someone who manages all of a house's running and finances in place of the master.


If maids and menservants are the hands and legs of a house, then the steward is the brain. Without a steward, no matter the number of servants, the master would have to personally give out detailed instructions and calculate expenditure every day. As I am now trying to found a large organization, the presence of such a person is absolutely crucial.


Having someone as reliable and trustworthy as Irudo take the position would be an absolute godsend. Of course, having Mora at my side — she whose skill at housework I have already confirmed firsthand, she who is already familiar with my temperament, she who knows that my true self is just a normal person — I would be lying if I say that I haven't entertained some hope for such an arrangement.


But still, with that said.


"Wait a moment. You have your current trading business, do you not? And what are you going to do with this house?"


"I am going to hand down both the business and the mansion to my cousin. I have already received permission from the Trader's Guild guildmaster — oh right, you know him better as the Council Chairman."


"But, even Mora? The possibility of being targeted again by people like those Demonists is quite high."


"Please pardon my discourtesy, but I wish to point out that with how deeply we have already become involved, there would be danger regardless of where we are."




"Furthermore, it was actually Mora who first voiced this idea to me. In all likelihood, even if I don't come along, I suspect that Mora would still go with you by herself."


"...... Muu……"


Irudo has a point in regards to the danger. Rather, it might be even more dangerous for us to be split up between Jiiteias and Lelis. 


It's just that…… This father/daughter pair had been living proper lives until I came, but now…… 


"Margils-sama, I have been thinking it over for the past few days already."


Seeing me looking torn and indecisive, Irudo leans forward towards me. 


"I am but a humble merchant. But Margils-sama, what you are about to do is very likely going to go down in history. When I see this as a chance to support, to be a part of something so huge, my heart jumps in delight. This is no longer just me trying to repay my debt to you; this is now my own ambition."

His own ambition, huh. I wonder if what I am about to do would truly be worthy of such words. 

"Lastly, when you increase the number of your subordinates to a hundred, a thousand, or even more, how are you going to look after the livelihood and wages of them all? Just managing the maintenance and stocking of the castle and the repairs of your subordinates' equipment would eat up all of your time. Do you have in mind someone else with the ability that you also know you can trust?"


(T/N: Ooo, that's a low blow. He was the one tasked with the personnel searching. But oh well, Gio needs his butt kicked every once in a while lol.)


"When Gio-san is feeling down, the only one who can give you encouragement is…… well, there's Claura-san and Leiha-san, but I can do it too!"


In the face of the combined attack of Irudo's logic and Mora's tears, I stood no chance at all. 



"Very well. More like, I'm the one who wants to ask it of you two. Irudo. Mora. Please lend me your strength."



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Chapter 51: Steward and Maid and Assassin

Volume 2



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I am currently holding a face-to-face with the servants who want to come along with Irudo and Mora. 

"Since our job is to serve Danna-sama and Ojou-sama. It doesn't matter to us where they go, we will follow."


"Of course, Wizard-sama will become our Oodanna-sama, so we will also serve you to our utmost."


(T/N: Whereas Danna in this context means 'master,' Oodanna means 'great master.' As in, they acknowledge him as the highest authority, since he is the master of their master.)


This smiling couple in the prime of their lives who are bowing to me are Sam and Anna. 


They are the ones who had been accompanying Mora the time of our reunion at the city gate. They are the most senior among all the servants, hearkening from Irudo's father's time, and are the indispensable main force behind all of the mansion's housework and miscellaneous tasks. 


"It'll be my first time working at a castle, but I've give it my all."


The young man with sparkling eyes and a good physique is Zek. 


He, too, is the son of a servant couple who had been with Irudo's family since many long years ago. He is proficient at servicing the carriages used in caravans as well as making repairs to the mansion. 


"It will indeed be a completely different environment. Though the change might require some effort getting used to, I place myself in your care."


In addition to Irudo and Mora, these three people's lives are now also riding on my shoulders. 


Feeling the pressure of that great weight, I naturally found myself bowing deeply before I knew it. 






For the moment, that's enough personnel to handle the interior workings of the castle. 

With that out of my mind, I can now focus on the handing off of the former magic soldier trainees. 


Me taking over their custody is due to the arrangement that I had discussed with the Magician's Guild. 


In exchange for having them give up on training magic soldiers and letting the trainees go, I have to teach them how to make golems. Furthermore, for those who want to come to my place but lack the aptitude, I also need to secure their employment at the Carbanera Knight Order or anywhere else they wish to go. 


Among the 18 3rd generation trainees, only 3 asked to receive training from me at Jiiteias Castle. 


There's Log, that boy who acted like the leader of the 3rd Gens, and his follower and friend Teru. Then there's Daya, who wants to bring down the Shadow Demons that killed her father. 


To be honest, I'm slightly relieved at the low number, because I don't know for sure whether or not I can really teach Sedians how to make golems. 


In regards to the remaining 15, 7 wanted to join the Carbanera Knight Order, and the 8 others wanted to return to a normal life. The latter I entrusted with the Council Chairman, who found merchants and craftsmen able and willing to take them in. As for the former, I will be temporarily bringing them to Jiiteias Castle also, while I find time to go to White Sword Castle in person to host negotiations. 


"To think that there really were Demonists within Lelis…… We of the Magician's Guild will also have to give thought to our own countermeasures on this issue."


So said Heldol, guildmaster of the Magician's Guild, Lelis branch when I paid him a formal visit. As always, his hostility against me is still alive and well on the flip side of that handsome face of his. However, there have been so many changes recently that there's no time to worry about that. 


"There really isn't much that I can do against such people. Although this might be a burden, I wish to entrust this to the Magician's Guild, who will always be standing beside the people of this town."


"...... And such is only natural. From now on, don't think that you'll be able to continue monopolizing the spotlight."


There was strength in his reply and his handshake. That strength made me think that, his feelings towards me aside, I can really trust this man in regards to his vigilance and sense of responsibility against Shadow Demons. 


"Oh right, which reminds me. In regards to the magician that we are going to dispatch from our guild to learn those golem production techniques……"






"So it really is you."

"Why do you sound so matter-of-fact about it?!"


As expected, it's Claura. 


With her usual wavy blond hair, almond-shaped green eyes, and great style. She is a magician (a profession worthy of high esteem by this world's standards), and she's the daughter of a Count.


Having a girl with such high specs officially staying under the same roof with me would undoubtedly be something to be happy about.


However, it's just that she is the person closest to me from the Magician's Guild, so there isn't even a shred of the element of surprise about this selection.


Whereas it was exactly as I had expected, frankly speaking, I find myself also a tiny bit disappointed.


"I bet you wanted someone submissive like those dark elves, didn't you? Having pretty and loyal servants kneel to you must have felt quite satis-"


"No, it's the opposite."


"-fying…… Eh?"


Indeed I am both glad and thankful for the dark elves swearing loyalty to me.




"No matter how much I act as a Great Wizard, you and Sedam would never just follow my instructions blindly, right? What I really need from here on are such 'collaborators' who would give me their frank advice and honest opinion."


If there are only people like the dark elves around me as I walk this path that I am on, I can say with certainty that I will ruin myself. Having someone who isn't afraid of my power and who would point out my mistakes to me is highly important to me. 


Which is why I think it very appropriate that she join me not as a subordinate, but with the standing of an outsider.


I think she understood everything that I'm trying to convey.


Looking bewildered, her eyes dart all around.


"A-, actually, I don't really, er, mind, kne-, that's, I mean……"


"Nn? What?"


Her face is uncharacteristically red and she is mumbling unintelligently to herself. I try to peer into her face to see what's wrong.


"Not that I didn't think about it! I approve of the way you think!"


"Uoh…… wait a-"


She suddenly brings her face up, causing our noses to be almost touching.

When I try to draw my head back, her hands shoot out and firmly grasp my collar, stopping me from doing so.


"For the next while, I will be stationed at the castle as a trainee from the Magician's Guild as well as your magic adviser. If I ever catch you being silly like you always are, I'll make sure to give you a thorough scolding. Prepare yourself!"


"Now that's the Claura I know. I'll be in your care."


When she stares straight at me with her usual proud attitude, I think her very beautiful. If only I was 10 or 15 years younger, or if she was older, I might actually have felt conscious about it. 


That aside, I can't help but to smile a little at the very Claura-like response. 


"Wha-, close! You're way too close!"


"Okay, you've got to be able to see how unreasonable that complaint is, right?"


After that, I was immediately slapped with a lecture on 'proper etiquette towards noble-like ladies.'






Despite her official standing as an outsider, Claura has properly become my nakama. 

Which means that now I should go talk to the other person that I really want to join me. 


So thinking, I went to…… Sedam the adventurer's house. 

"It's the real Wizard-sama!"


"You beat all the Shadow Demons together with Dad, is that true?"

"We want to see a meteor!"


"Oh, please pardon the cramped space. To think that you would come all the way here in person……"


A completely unexpected scenery greeted me at Sedam's place. 


The building itself is a pretty generic 3 storey house from among the relatively richer citizens. 


But the three children running around making the place feel even more cramped, and the beautiful lady gallantly trying to take care of them…… 


"I'm really sorry for saying this, but this I did not see coming."


"Yea, I get told that often."


I had totally expected him to live in some removed hut inside the forest, or at least be single. But here he is, smiling wryly at me. 


I mean, he did mention that he's now 32, so it shouldn't be surprisingly for him to have a wife, but…… 


Now it somehow it feels hard to broach the subject. 


"I already heard from Irudo. You've come to invite me to be your nakama, right?"


"Quick on the uptake as ever……"


"I'm fine with it."


It seems that rather than just waiting for my visit, he's already been giving the idea some thought. His wife and kids are not particularly raising a fuss about it (well, his kids are raising a fuss, just not about this). 


"Are you sure you're not being a bit hasty with your decision? I mean, you've a family and all……"


"My wife is totally fine with it. Of course, they can't head over right now, but please think about making it so that my whole family can live there together within the next five years."


"That's something that I would have done even had you not requested it. Very well. I still don't know what shape or form it will take, but I promise to arrange everything as soon as I can to make the place hospital enough for entire families to stay together."


Once I sort out the living environment over at Jiiteias Castle, then I might be able to call them over even before the 5 years are up. 


"That would be a great help. By the way, what will my position be?"


"It'd be bad for you if you don't get your salary, right? Which is why on paper, you will be an adventurer that I'm hiring for the while. However, I personally will be treating you as a 'collaborator' with equal authority as myself."


Just like with Claura, what I hope for from Sedam is someone to keep watch over me so that I don't grow self-conceited. Unfortunately, in his case, my only way to keep him on is by being his employer, but I doubt he'll let that affect him much, for which I am grateful. 


"Now that's quite some role indeed. But well, no problem, I'll take it on. Oh, one more thing. I actually have another request."


"I'll give it every bit of consideration that I can."


"This one is just like a little extra something, since it's related to my dream……"




Hearing this extremely practical and logical person bring up such a word caused me to tilt my head in bewilderment. 


"Don't laugh, alright? So, my dad was actually a relatively famous scholar from Shulendal."


"Hou, is that so. I can totally see it."


That explains his un-ranger-like breadth of knowledge. Since he must have grown up in a house littered with books and scrolls all over. 


"Now he's already dead, but there was something that he was searching for throughout his entire life. To be honest, the reason why I became an adventurer was also to look for that thing."


"What is it? It sounds like something quite amazing."


"Amazing? I mean, yea, I suppose it is, but……"


After Claura, now I get to see an unexpected side to Sedam too. He is embarrassedly scratching his head. 


"Its name is Kadol Bruez [Library of the Age of the Gods]. It was built by the first people who came to Sedia, and is the repository where all the knowledge about the beginning of the world is stored. Of course, the official opinion of the academic world is that it doesn't exist."


"But you believe that it does, don't you."


"I'm not sure, to be honest. But it's just that if either of us ever come across information related to it…… I want to ask for your help with looking into it. Can I ask this of you?"


From his facial expression, it seems that even he does not fully expect to find this Kadol Bruez place. The fact that he is bringing it up must mean that he hopes my wizardry may turn up something, which in turn means that there really is a part of him who still yearns for the thrill of chasing a dream.


"I give you my word. We'll definitely find it, some day."


"Ye-, yea."

To my ears, it sounded more like I was just asked to 'find it and search for the mystery of this world." Although it hasn't come to my mind much recently, this might also give me a hint in regards to the intentions of the 'The Guardian' entity who transferred me here.

I was apparently a bit too enthusiastic while promising to search for Kadol Bruez, to the point where even Sedam drew back a bit. But regardless, we still exchanged a firm handshake over it.



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Chapter 52: Adviser and Student and Adventurer

Volume 2



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For now, I have gathered everyone that I wanted to bring to Jiiteias Castle with me.


Gathering nakama was simply a means and not an end, but it still gave me the feeling of having made some progress.


I actually wanted to set off for the castle immediately, but ended up being held back in Lelis for 3 more days.


Firstly, that was how much time it took to gather enough supplies for 30-odd people to travel to and stay at the castle for the next few months.


But then again, it was Irudo doing almost all of the running around, and all I did was cough up the funds……


The other reason was because I got roped into joining the parade that was hosted to commemorate the eradication of the Demonists and the the city 'entering an alliance with the Great Wizard Margils.'


I had to sit on a specially made boat and make my way down the main canal while being showered with cheers and praise and falling flower petals and wine and water (I was like, 'what the heck?' but then apparently it was something like holy water).


For some reason that wasn't explained to me, Claura was sitting next to me the whole time. She looked embarrassed yet extremely satisfied by the end. All I felt was tiredness.


Almost all of the event went towards gathering popularity for the Council Chairman, but at the end, the terms of the contract that I had signed with Lelis were properly announced to all the citizens. To me, that was the most important part.


The main points are as follows:

The city of Lelis cedes all territorial rights of Jiiteias Castle and its environs to wizard Gio Margils.

The city of Lelis is now allied with wizard Gio Margils in regards to all matters related to the anti-anki cause.

The city of Lelis will do all in its power to convince the other city-states of the Liuus Union to sign the same contract with wizard Gio Margils.


Of course, this was not something decided by the Council Chairman alone. These points were all decided and voted on at a Council meeting.


With this, I will now be able to move much more freely, as least in the area around Lake Liuus. Furthermore, with my relationship with Lelis as a foothold, I have gained a method of communication with Shulendal and the other countries.


Thanks to coming to this city, my aim has become a lot clearer, which seems to bode well for my path from here on.



"We can finally set off."


We are gathered in the plaza before Lelis' main gate.


Five carriages, and five horses for riding. I find myself feeling wonder once again while standing before this group of exactly 26 people.


Female magician, Claura Andel.

Adventurer, Sedam.

Sedam's party members: the warriors Jilk and Ted, the scout Fijika, and the warrior priest Torad.

Former trading merchant, now my steward, Irudo.

Irudo's daughter, my new Head of Maids, Mora.

The gardener Sam and his wife, Anna the chef. Carpenter, Zek.

Former assassin, now my Head of Intelligence, Leiha.

The 4 spy/maid dark elf sisters.

Former magic soldier trainees, now students studying golem production techniques: Log, Daya, and Teru.

The 7 other similarly former magic soldier trainees who will be staying with us until I can entrust them to the Carbanera Knight Order.


When I see everyone gathered like this, it is quite a spectacle.


Back during my time as a salaryman, I only had 3 or 4 subordinates……


I was surprised when I heard that Sedam's entire party was also coming along, but apparently no one else has a family, so all of them were cool with it.


"Margils-sama. Before we set off, may we have a word from you?"


When Irudo says that like it's the most natural thing ever, everyone's gazes gathers towards me. That also includes those of the passersby surrounding us at a distance.


I gulp involuntarily.


I will have to shoulder the livelihood of all these people from this moment on.


To make myself feel the full weight of this burden, I look at each person's face, one by one.


Claura, Sedam, Irudo, and Mora look like their usual selves.


In the eyes of the former magic soldier trainee kids, I see anxiety, but also a strong light of hope.


The servants return my gaze with eyes full of trust.


The dark elves are all kneeling with head bowed, so I can't really tell.


A sense of responsibility and of purpose so powerful that I would never have imagined it back in Japan wells up from within me.


I realize that I myself am also being nurtured from their trust.


"Everyone. Once again, I offer my heartfelt thanks for coming along with me."


Maybe this is the bad effect of the Great Wizard mask. Even so, I have something that I really want to say to all these people gathered here — that their choice was the right one.


"We will now be heading for Jiiteias Castle. At the moment, it is but a tiny castle in the middle of nowhere. However! If all of you combine your strength together with mine, I truly believe that it will become the strongest fortress ever, protecting all peoples against the threat of the Shadow Demons!"


" "We are your Shi! We shall follow our Oluri, Margils-sama, even should the land be swallowed by darkness!" "


The ones who abruptly shouted out an oath of loyalty in sync were of course the dark elves.


"In representation of the Magician's Guild, I too will lend you my full strength, wizard Gio Margils-dono."


"Well, let's take care of each other."


Claura plucks the edge of her mantle and makes an elegant bow, while Sedam grins like usual.


The others are also clapping or pumping their fists into the air, so it seems that the reception is good.


However, when even the surrounding citizens begin cheering, it still elicits some discomfort in my heart.


"Alright, let's set off now. Hurry up a bit."


And that's how we departed towards Jiiteias Castle.



There was only Claura and myself leisurely making our way down the Road of Law when I arrived at Lelis. Never did I imagine that I would even have carriages in tow when I left.


There were no bandits foolish enough to attack a group of this size, so we safely arrived at Jiiteias Castle 3 days later.


It wasn't like the trip was entirely uneventful, though.


The most noteworthy problem was the fact that my [Meteor] had collapsed the mountain path between the Road of Law and the castle. I remember that was why the Carbanera knights and I had to take that precipitous side road the last time I came.


The knights had fixed up that side road, but not to the point where carriages could use it.


Which is why I had to use wizardry to forcefully get over the collapsed portions. Specifically, I used a spell to summon an Air Elemental, who carried all the carriages and people across. The kids who were seeing my wizardry for the first time loved it.


Furthermore, when I restored the castle that had been lifted up some tens of meters with [Renovation]...... suffice it to say that they were surprised.


"Awawa…… the castle is……"


"That's unbelievable……"


"We are going to receive training from someone this amazing……"


"We were like that too not long ago, weren't we."


"The human ability to adapt to things is frightening indeed."


The servants and trainees had their mouths so wide open with shock that their jaws seemed about to fall off. In contrast, the 'adapted' group like Mora and Sedam were just casting warm, understanding gazes at the former.



There were no particular problems with Jiiteias Castle due to the short-term vacancy.


As the sun was already setting, it was decided that the serious unpacking would start tomorrow.


"Well done making it here. From tomorrow onwards, I think that getting things all settled at the castle will make you all very busy, but for tonight, have as much fun as you like."


" "OHHH!" "


Though short, this journey was the first job that this group accomplished together. Furthermore, it was also going to be their first night at Jiiteias Castle. With those two things in mind, it became decided that the first thing to do was throw a party.


A huge bonfire was lit in the middle of the courtyard, and benches were brought out for everyone to sit on.


Irudo brought out the sake and cooking and snacks lavishly, and the castle that had fallen still and quiet became filled with energy all at once.


"Alright, shall this oji-san reveal a hidden talent of mine?"


The middle-aged warrior (wait, no, he's around my age) Jilk revealed a truly unexpected skill of his.


Skillfully strumming a stringed instrument similar to a guitar, he began playing a very jovial tune.


"I'll daance~!"


"I'll sing."


"I'll grab my flute!"


"Guess I'll dance too."


Without a moment's delay, the 4 dark elf sisters also began dancing, singing, and playing a flute alongside the music.


"You guys also eat up. Come on, eat up!"


"B-, but……"


"Can we really eat something this good……"


"Gio-san wouldn't say stingy things like that! Eat as much as you can, then grow as quickly as you can, so that you can study as much as you can!"


The young boys and girls who were being reserved in the face of such a feast (by their standards) got a little scolding from Mora, who was acting like a big sister.


Watching all this happening, I felt completely at ease.


It's not like I've lived in this castle for any prolonged period of time, but I've apparently already grown a bit attached to it.


Though that might have been due in part to the sense of achievement from how far my nakama and I have come……


Incidentally, Irudo had already been KOed by the sake since quite a while ago.


"Goodness, why does he become like that after getting only a little sake in him."


"...... Do you have any right to be saying that? You're also pretty drunk, aren't you?"


"Well, tonight is just that sort of night after all. It's important to let off steam every once in a while when it comes to work."


Sedam, Claura, and I are occupying the bests seats for watching the dark elf opera troupe.


This needs not be said, but Leiha is standing behind me, as always.


"Hear, hear! I knew that Sedam would get it!"


I recovered from the boorish counsel of a woman through the passionate friendship between men while repeatedly clapping Sedam on the back.


"...... But with that said, there are a ton of things to do starting from tomorrow. First is getting the castle in order. That collapsed mountain road needs to be repaired, and…… oh, right."


"...... What is it."


Sedam looked annoyed by my extended invitation of passionate friendship as he changed the subject.


That's the limit of what friendship between men amounts to, after all.


"We need to gather soldiers. Whatever we want to do, we are going to need soldiers."


"Furthermore, we will need a strategist who can instruct us on how we should move from here on."





Though my drunkenness was completely blown away thanks to the two's helpful advice, I found my bed as comfortable as if I had been using it for years.


Last time I stayed here, I was all excited about a 'mancave' or whatever, but this time it's completely different.


The instant before I fell asleep, I realized it.


"I see. So this place…… has become my 'home'......"



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Chapter 53: Return

Volume 2



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The morning of the next day, we began the actual work of moving in.


First was cleaning the interior of the castle from corner to corner, and mending all the damaged areas. After that was placing all the furniture, household goods, everyday necessities, and foodstuffs in their respective locations.


The figure of Irudo rapidly delegating tasks and roles to the servants, adventurers, trainee boys, and even the dark elves fully earned my admiration.


Last time during the Shadow Demon subjugation operation, the Carbanera knights only stayed here, so there wasn't much damage. Zek's skill as a carpenter was also better than I had expected, so the repairing went along smoothly.


The cleaning squad was commanded by Mora. She, with the dark elf sisters who kept on calling her 'Ojou-sama' and a few of the trainees, polished the castle up until it was positively gleaming.


Sedam and the other adventurers also played a very active role, being called on for anything ranging from heavy lifting to detailed tasks like mending curtains.


I turn my back on the courtyard from where the lively sounds of teamwork is resonating. Claura and I both let out a groan from the respective sides of the table at which we are seated at.


"For now, can we just put all the children together in the largest room?" (Claura)


"There are 10 of them at the moment. Since 7 of them will eventually be going to the Order, we can let them stay together until then." (Gio)


"Since Sam and Anna are a couple, we can put them together into one servant room. Then how about Mora and Fijika together in the next room?" (Claura)


"Good idea." (Gio)


On top of the table is a rough sketch of Jiiteias Castle that Sedam had drawn for us. And right now, Claura and I are discussing the room distribution.


Or so I say, but the large majority of what's going on here is Claura giving out her opinions and me nodding to them, so maybe it's only Claura who's actually working here.


"This room for attendants just happens to be for 5 people, which makes it appropriate to assign to the dark elves."


"There's no need, Okugata-sama. We have no need of a room."


" "............" "


(T/N: Okugata means 'wife of a nobleman.' I can't just use 'my Lady' because that's how ojou is also to be translated, but the latter carries the connotation of being an unmarried, younger lady of the family. To keep the distinction, both will be transliterated only.)


Once again, this needs not be said, but Leiha is currently positioned beside me.


I was under the impression that I had already resolved the misunderstanding that Claura is my wife, but for some reason Leiha's method of addressing hasn't changed.


However, it seems that Claura's already given up trying to correct them, so I'm just treating it as the dark elves' own unique title, just like the way they call Mora 'Ojou-sama.'


Rather, what gave us pause was how low the dark elves' view of themselves are…… to be frank, it's to the point of being demeaning.


Even though everyone has already gotten used to the dark elves these past few days, they themselves have still yet to drop the attitude and behavior of a slave.


"Ah…… Leiha……"


"Leihanaluka-san? If you truly intend to call yourselves this person's attendant — his Shi — then you must not do things that would tarnish your Lord's authority."


Before I manage to find what words to say, Claura speaks up with the tone of educating a child.


"Wh-, what do you mean by that……"


"'The wizard Margils is incapable of even giving his attendants a proper livelihood'…… what would you do if someone scorning him says something like that?"


"......!? Tha-, that's……"


"'By looking at the subordinates, one can know the master. And by looking at the master, one can know the standard of the subordinates.' That maxim is common sense in the world of nobility. If you are truly proud of following this person, then proudly accept the treatment befitting of your station."




Ohhh, as expected of the daughter of a Count. What an impressive logical exposition. It's a way of thinking that I, who had been taught since young that everyone is equal, would never have arrived at.




As I am gazing at Leiha, who is looking downwards with hand pressed to mouth in amazement, I got a kick under the table, right in my shin.


Of course, it was in a position that Leiha couldn't see.


"......! ……!!"


Claura seems to be urging something from me while indicating Leiha with her eyes.


…… This is……


"Ye-, yea, she's right. Leiha. From here on, I am going to need you dark elves to play a very active role. With that in mind, can I also also trouble you all to accept this treatment that befits such a role? After all, there might be other talented people who would come wanting to follow me due to seeing how I treat you all."


I think I was able to put to words something appropriate with the idiom "starting with Wei" in mind (though I think the current generation has a slightly different interpretation). After all, it is true that I want to treat them well.


(C/N: Finally get to explain this chapter's title. It is a Japanese idiom derived from a classical story from the Chinese Warring States period. King Zhao of Yan asked Guo Wei how he can attract wise men to join his court, to which Guo Wei replied, "First treat mediocre people like your subject here with favor. Then wise men will gather on their own accord.")


"My Lord…… Okugata-sama…… I shall accept, though this is too great an honor for this self……!"


Even though we were just talking about not lowering yourself so much…… oh well, I guess we can take it one step at a time.



With this and that, the room distribution was finally finished.


The following was written onto the rough map of the castle.


Main Tower

3rd Floor: Margils


Residential Hall

Room for knights: Sedam / Claura / Irudo

Small room for attendants (x2): the 5 dark elves /

Torad & Ted & Jilk & Zek

Room for servants: Sam & Anna / Fijika & Mora

Large room for soldiers: all 10 of the former magic soldier trainees


To be honest, I wanted to give everybody their own room, but of course I wasn't unreasonable enough to press for it.


Thankfully, there were no particular complaints.





After the afternoon work and dinner, I was relaxing in the bath.


This world also has the custom of using baths (though not to the degree of using it everyday like in modern Japan), so there was already a bathtub in Jiiteias Castle. However, there's no gas heater nor water service, so the tub has to be filled with hot water every single time.


I meant to prepare it myself, as it's just a personal enjoyment, but……


"Gio-san, is the hot water enough?"


"Ye-, yea, it's perfect."


I got found out by Mora when I was carrying the bathtub, who then wrested all the preparatory work away from me.


All 5 dark elf sisters made a bucket relay carrying hot water up, so the bath really is hot and feels absolutely great, but……


"Having girls do heavy labor for the sake of my own bath…… I think it might be better if I just used a spell or two……"


"This isn't heavy labor at all~ From now on, Gio-san is officially my Go-, Goshujin-sama after all. Please allow us to be of more use to you!"


(T/N: Fun fact. Just like danna, goshujin can mean either 'master' or 'husband.')




I just realized that this is the flip side of what Claura said earlier.


Since they truly want to work for me, then I should gladly accept their feelings.


"...... By the way, I want to get out now though."


"Understood! I'll wipe you down then!"


Un. Sorry, but that I can't accept.




"Margils-sama, please take a look at this."


The next morning, Irudo and Sedam showed me a sheet of paper, On it was a point form list of the things that I need to do.


Here they are, all 4 of them:

Repairing the road to the castle

Procuring soldiers to guard the castle and road

Taking control over the villages in the domain

Procuring a steady source of funds


"First of all, you've got it make it possible for people to get in and out of the castle even without the help of your wizardry."


Sedam began his explanation. It's true that only having the shortcut is inconvenient, and it was me who destroyed the mountain road in the first place.


"Next, and I've already mentioned it last night, but you need soldiers. When you're here, we have almost nothing to fear when it comes to fighting, but the responsibility to maintain public order on the mountain road and the nearby territory has now fallen on you. You can't very well wander here and there and everywhere everyday, right?"


"We would need at least 30 soldiers at our current state."


Maintaining public order, huh. I think I remember the Carbanera Grand Cross mentioning something to that effect when he ceded the castle to me. To be honest, I'm a bit reluctant to hire 30 more people on top of our current number, but…… I guess I've got to learn to stop reacting so much to 'merely' 30 people, huh.


"...... That's fine, then. But 'villages in the domain'? What's that? I thought there's only Yuule Village around here."


"Oi oi, the Knight Order guys said that there are 3 villages of hunters and lumberjacks inside the forest, didn't they?"


"...... Did they? And this 'domain' thing…… does that mean that those villages are part of our domain?"


"Please say 'my,' not 'our.' But yes, they are. You can collect taxes and labor from them, but on the other side, you also have the duty to give them protection."


"Wait, wait, wait. The Knight Order only gave me this castle, you know. There was no mention of any villages……"


A cold sweat accompanied my contention, but Sedam and Irudo merely looked at each other. What is with those puzzled faces.


"Margils-sama, castles are built for the purpose of defending land. So it naturally follows that the area around the castle would also belong to the lord of the castle."


"Didn't Lelis already proclaim that they've ceded 'all territorial rights of Jiiteias Castle and its environs' to you? So there's no problem at all."


"More like, that in itself is a problem……"


Mu mu……


I feel like I can no longer just say "I don't really want the territorial rights~" by this point in time.


The amount of responsibility seems to have gotten a ton heavier all of a sudden……


"My Lord!"


Though it needs not be said, Leiha is stationed beside me. It is extremely rare for her to proactively join a conversation not related to her.


"What is it, Leiha?"


"Please pardon my forwardness. However, it is this one's humble opinion that every single person blessed with the privilege of living inside the domain of the Great Wizard whose greatness can be hidden by neither heaven nor earth would feel naught but sheer delight for the fact."




I think that Leiha speaking out her opinion like this is her way of processing what she was told yesterday.


…… Saying all that about me, is she trying to imply that I should also stop lowering myself?


More like, isn't this "the person who said it should do it first," the modern interpretation of "starting with Wei"?


"Oh alright. Then in the near future, I'll give each of those villages a visit, tell them that they can be relieved about having a new feudal lord."


At that moment, I did not yet realize it.


Actually, no, maybe I was just trying to not see it.


The fact that it was the first step towards the task of 'founding a nation.



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Chapter 54: Starting with Wei

Volume 2



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"Well then, what's this about funds procurement?"


I was still a bit shell-shocked from having suddenly become a feudal lord with responsibility over 3 villages. But I gathered myself back together and turned towards Irudo.


I'm now inquiring about the fourth item on the list that he and Sedam had made of pending issues I need to address.


"So far, all of our funds had been coming from Margils-sama's own pocket, but we can't continue doing that indefinitely."


"Hmm, that's true."


"Even if we start collecting taxes from our villages and the caravans that use our roads, the total would not amount to much. We need to create a source of revenue."


Inside my Infinity Bag is enough to comfortably feed everyone here at the castle for 10 to 20 years, but I get Irudo's point.


After all, if an organization cannot earn enough to sustain its own operating costs, then it cannot be called healthy by any standards.


"Fortunately, I have friendly relations with Senpu Village. How about let's make a trade route connecting that place, Jiiteias Castle, and Lelis?"


"I see. Making this castle the relay stop between Senpu Village and Lelis, huh."


Isn't Yuule Village currently serving that role?


I nod while recalling the large map that I had hung up in my study in the tower.


"If we do so, at least 5 or 6 caravans would come by the castle, allowing us to earn quite a bit from passage toll and lodging fees."


"If it's you saying so, then I'm sure it will be like that. Let's move towards that direction, then."


"Thank you very much. Aside from this, actually, I had something that I wanted to consult with Margils-sama on."


"Nn, speak."


His question turned out to be whether I had any spells at my disposal that could be of help in regards to the construction of the trade route.


"U—n, I don't think there are any such convenient spells……"


"Is that so? I apologize for asking for something impossible. In this case, then it seems we have no other choice but to again rely on Margils-sama for the funds…… We are going to need an enormous amount of laborers and materials, so……"


"I don't mind. Actually, no, wait a second……"


'Laborers' made the connection for me.


"No worries. I have the perfect spell for this. Labor costs is something that we won't have to worry about. Hmm, no, we'd still need people to do detailed work as well as the actual architectural designing."


"Is that so! As expected of Margils-sama. Things like the designing we can commission the dwarves to do, so there's no problem."


And thus, because of this discussion, Irudo promptly headed towards Senpu Village to make the negotiations. Of course, besides we trade route, we'd also need help with the restoration of the mountain path.


I have confidence that he would get great results for me. For his escort, I assigned all of Sedam's party members, so there are no worries on that end.



Without Irudo present, there is no point in me visiting the villages by myself, as I cannot do the necessary coordinating by myself.


Which is why I went to White Sword Castle to hand over the former magic soldier trainees in the meantime.


The running of the castle I left to Mora, and the security I left to the 4 dark elf sisters.


On the day of departure, the 10 kids all gathered in the central courtyard, and there were a lot of tears and hugs as the 3 who are staying and the 7 who are leaving said their farewells.


I was worried that there would be a lot of suppressed crying on the road to White Sword Castle, but my fears turned out to be unfounded. These are kids who had managed to live through the terrible conditions of that place. By the time the majestic appearance of White Sword Castle came into view, all of them were already back to their normal selves.


When I was making the journey from Lelis to Jiiteias Castle, I had already sent a messenger to White Sword Castle explaining everything, so the reception of the young boys went smoothly.


They are apparently going to be assigned miscellaneous tasks and also given basic training for the next 5 years. Those who turn out to have the aptitude would then be accepted as knight trainees.



"I am deeply thankful for accepting my request. If any issues come up, please contact me immediately."


"It's been a long while since we last had young ones joining us, so we're the ones who are thankful. We of the Carbanera Knight Order will take responsibility and look after them."


It feels like it's been ages since I last saw the Grand Cross. He's smiling like a good-natured old man at the children, all of whom are petrified from nerves. But still, the color of his face is bad.


"That aside, it seems that your health has taken a turn for the worse……"


"Fufu. I heard that you have the power to heal illnesses, don't you."


So he already knows about me saving the Council Chairman from being poisoned. Poison and illness are separate things…… but well, it's true that I can heal illnesses too.


"Unfortunately though, this is merely old age. I probably only have about a year left."


"I'm still not going to be Arnogia-dono's backer, though."


"What a pity."


While we were having that sort of conversation—




"It's been a while!"


"Th-, thank you for making the trip here."


The siblings Gillion and Lioria, as well as Arnogia, all came in.


"Wizard-dono, I have an earnest request to make!"


"Please listen to our request!"


"Y-, you two, no need to be that rushed……"


These three are getting along a lot better since last time, aren't they? And the Grand Cross too, there's quite a bit more warmth in his eyes when he looks at them, even with Gillion there.


The request from these three turned out to be "please summon the same ogres as last time for us to train against."


It is true that the Carbanera Knight Order is going to have to get a lot stronger to fight properly against the Shadow Demons.


"I don't mind, of course. Wait, rather than that……"


My [Create Ogre Platoon] creates 6 ogres that continue to exist for 3 days.


So, I offered to come to White Sword Castle once every two weeks to resummon ogres for training use. They immediately accepted happily.


Then they got worried for me, asking if it was alright for me to be away from Jiiteias that frequently. When I explained that I can use [Teleport] when I am alone, which is a spell that enables me to instantaneously travel to any place I am familiar with, I got three very different responses:


"It seems that there's no point at all in worrying about Wizard-dono."


"I wouldn't have minded coming out to greet you though……"


"Do you have a spell that can make it quick and easy for me to become the strongest?"


That last one, oi.







Since I'm here, they also had me sit in on their training. And to my surprise, it seems that both Gillion and Lioria have gotten strong enough to defeat an ogre 1 on 1. Last time, Lioria was already able to beat an unarmed ogre, so her opponent this time was armed. Gillion's was unarmed, but he had gotten markedly better than before.


No surprise, they were both completely exhausted afterwards. But at this rate, the day when they are capable of facing off against 2 at the same time might not be that far off.


"Platoon 1, switch to defense! Platoon 2, circle around from the right, then attack!"


" "Ohh!" "


Unfortunately, Arnogia's combat strength hasn't changed much from last time. His ability as a commander, however, has been making smooth progress. With 10 knights, he is able to go toe-to-toe with 2 ogres, which is very impressive when compared with how it went last time.


"Ohh, well done indeed."


I expressed my honest praise along with applause.


If there is ever a 'next time,' I would be able to trust them with my back.



The night I returned to Jiiteias Castle.


The cleaning and repair work of the castle has been completely finished, and everybody is resting inside their respective rooms. Irudo's group is scheduled to return two days later.


I am currently deep in thought sitting here in the study. The room is illuminated by the [Light] spell that I had attached to the ceiling earlier.


What can I do to earn funds?


Just like what Irudo had said, if we can establish a trade route to Senpu Village, then it would indeed generate a certain amount of revenue.


However, what we stand to earn is at most only what Yuule Village is currently earning. That might possibly be enough for Jiiteias Castle in its current state, but if I am to continue gathering allies and expanding the scale of my operations, then I'm no longer so sure.


While I sip at my cup of cooled-down Shil tea, my mind races on.


The fastest way is probably me creating some magic item and selling it.


Healing Potions, Antidote Potions, magic arms and armor, or perhaps even the aforementioned golems.


I have yet to see one of this world's magic items. It other words, they are that rare. Consumables that lose effect after a single use, such as potions and scrolls, are apparently being produced by the Magician's Guild in small numbers.


The production of and ownership over those so-called magic swords and magic armors are limited solely to royalty, great nobles, and people on the level of being called heroes or great magicians.


With that in mind, if I make potions and sell them, I would be able to earn a lot.


However, there are two problems with this idea: 1) it takes me 3 days to make a single potion, and 2) I would be stealing the Magician Guild's profit.


(T/N: And he's not worried about stealing Yuule's profit?)


I suppose there is also the option of crafting a very small number of super powerful items beyond what the Magician's Guild can make, and then selling them to extremely wealthy people.


"But that's no good. I become nothing more than a magic item craftsman."


The idea seemed good at first, but had to be scrapped almost immediately. More like, if the method still needs me in the end, then it misses the point.


Leiha is currently on standby in the neighboring room per my order, so I can freely talk to myself (it was only later that I learned that the single wall separating the rooms did almost nothing in the way of soundproofing).




My current self is like a businessman who has the funds to start up a venture business but has no prospect of making it profitable.


"...... My hip hurts……"


I turn my upper body without standing up. What comes into my line of sight is the 'Continent of Sedia, Central Area' map that I had hung on that wall.


The name 'Jiiteias Castle,' as well as the villages that are part of my 'domain,' are all properly marked on there.


When I look at it like this, my castle looks like it's situated quite close to the middle of this Central Area……


"A trade route reaching up to Senpu Village would be……"


On the map, the lines representing highways radiating from Lelis towards Shulendal and Reind'Dal and Ran Bolt look all connected, like an aorta.


(T/N: Countries to the north, east, and south.)


One of those lines stops at Yuule Village.


I tentatively tried penciling in the Lelis ⇔ Jiiteias Castle ⇔ Senpu Village trade route that we are about to build.


"...... This line, wouldn't it become something amazing if it reached all the way here?"


Mentally, I continuing extending the line that had stopped at Senpu Village westward, through the mountain range in that location…… until it reached the metropolis marked with large letters as 'Filsand.'



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