The Villains Need to Save the World? Chapter 64

The Villains Need to Save the World? Chapter 64

Chapter 64

Even in another world’s academy, there were still the typical school legends about strange things that happen during or after midnight . In the school that Bella had attended back on earth, there were also quite a few such legends flying around but were all just baseless rumours . In this world, however, there existed people who could even summon an entire horde of undead, so there should be at least some truth to the rumours in this academy . The inhabitants of this world shouldn’t be scared by undead so easily as they’ve most likely already seen a few undead in their time, so the beings behind the rumours were most likely something even scarier .

The book ‘Strange Happenings of the Olsyvia Academy at Midnight’ was something that Nina had mentioned to her, a book that recorded all of the strange and supernatural things that happened within the Olsyvia Academy . The book was written by the founding president of the News & Information Association and was sealed away as a forbidden book by the St . Louis branch’s high echelons, the reason being that the authour had died an untimely death while in pursuit of something recorded in the book .

The News & Information Association’s founding president was a member of the St . Louis branch’s elite class and would have had a bright future ahead of him after graduation, having the ability to at least become an archbishop . However, the state of his body after death chilled others to the bone, as it seemed like the president had been scared to death with a look of absolute terror still frozen on his face . To be able to scare someone who possessed the ability to become an archbishop to death, whatever had done so was definitely… After the incident, the book was sealed into a sacred item by the first student council president of the St . Louis branch and then handed over to the Olsyvia Academy’s main student council to be locked away .

‘Strange Happenings of the Olsyvia Academy at Midnight’ became one of the 【Four Forbidden Texts】 and gradually faded from the students’ memories and Bella only found out about it after Nina brought it up during a conversation while they were enjoying lunch . The other three books had also been sealed away by the main student council and were most likely kept in the same place .

Bella didn’t want to obtain this book out of curiosity but because she wanted to find a new headquarters for the Rose Society . The association’s previous office wasn’t exactly in a good location, constantly being under the Golden Legend’s supervision . Recorded in the forbidden text were supposedly several locations within the academy that had been purposely hidden from the students and removed from any maps, all sealed away after some unspeakable things had happened within them .

Even now, there was no association that dared to try and incorporate these forbidden areas into their territory, not even those with excessively powerful combat abilities like the Brotherhood or the Iron Cross dared to step foot in these areas . Bella’s aim was to obtain this book and its information on these forbidden locations and use that to help turn these areas into part of the Rose Society’s territory .

Bella was well acquainted with the Church of Light’s four holy maidens so there shouldn’t be much problem with permission from the Church . As for the mysterious evils within those forbidden grounds, well… Bella and the other members of her Dark Sanctuary weren’t exactly human themselves and were most likely even more sinister existences than whatever those forbidden grounds held .

“I’ve already helped everyone in this dorm to sign up for the Rose Association, if anyone doesn’t wish to do so, you can still step out now?”

“Nee-san, I have no problems joining . Ese had asked me to join the Euphemia branch’s student council earlier but I turned her down by saying that I don’t have enough time . ”

“I also have no problems, Bella . The Rose Society’s Marlie is one of my few friends and I’m all for joining her association . ”

Responding to Bella’s inquiry, the two who had arguably the best relations with her, Kriss and Lisha quickly agreed . Elena, Noreya, and Ariel all lacked an association themselves so they also expressed their consent . The rumours about them had scared off most people and no one had invited them to join an association, especially Elena due to her rumour of being cursed, with everyone giving her a wide-berth wherever she went .


Several days later during the Olsyvia Academy’s opening ceremony that was taking place in the central Francis branch . This day was one of the few chances for all of the academy’s students to see each other as well as all of their teachers . Apart from the opening and closing ceremonies as well as the school festivals, there weren’t many chances for students from all five branches to be present in such numbers .

Bella had left quite early with the members of the Rose Society that had moved into the suite next door as all of the girls in her own suite were students of the Euphemia branch for royalty . The students for this ceremony were seated by which branch they belonged to, meaning that they were separated from Bella during this event . Noesha and the other lolis were left behind as well due to their identity as Duchess Bellina’s ‘maidservants’ and weren’t able to attend this event that was only for the Olsyvia Academy’s students .

“Head chair Natasha, you’re following me again? Is their no one else capable of this task within the Disciplinary Committee, but they would have to be even more beautiful than you…”

“I’ve already told you that we just share the same path and nothing else, don’t overthink it, classmate Bellina . ”

As usual, the head chair of the Disciplinary Committee, Natasha had left at the same time as Bella and the others . Following beside her was the student council president Lucia who had a helpless look on her face . Lucia flashed Bella an apologetic look, as she still hadn’t been able to carry out her promise of enjoying afternoon tea together due to the constant interference of Natasha .

Lucia’s promise had been to enjoy afternoon tea with whoever was fortunate enough to obtain the seat of honour but had failed to mention a specific time . Natasha had taken advantage of this loophole to stop Lucia from having a meeting with Bella . Lucia also had quite a few questions that she wanted to ask Bella but because of the fact that she shared a suite with her best friend Natasha, she hadn’t been able to find a chance to talk with Bella alone .

Following even further behind them were a few shady figures that had currently taken cover behind a large tree . Bella didn’t even need to look back to know that these were members of the Golden Legend . When the members of the Rose Society had moved into Bella’s dormitory building, the president of the Golden Legend had sent a messenger to Bella with an invitation . Inviting Duchess Bellina to a private banquet that Carlos was holding, on the spot Bella had seen that her name had been written over that of a hastily painted over Jarvan .

In response to such an insincere invitation, Bella had naturally rejected it . There was no point in going to such a banquet after making a foe of Carlos back at the auction, she knew that it was best to have as little interaction with him as possible for now .


Bella’s rejection had naturally offended the entire Golden Legend . If it wasn’t for her peerage of Duke, Bella would definitely have already suffered at the hands of the Golden Legend’s close ally, the Dark Mask gang…association . A few students from the Francis Academy who had resisted against Carlos previously had supposedly been forced into quitting school by members of the Dark Mask using unspeakable means . Due to the lack of material evidence, the Disciplinary Committee had been unable to take any meaningful actions towards the Dark Mask .

Bella’s rejection had naturally offended the entire Golden Legend . If it wasn’t for her peerage of Duke, Bella would definitely have already suffered at the hands of the Golden Legend’s close ally, the Dark Mask gang…association . A few students from the Francis Academy who had resisted against Carlos previously had supposedly been forced into quitting school by members of the Dark Mask using unspeakable means . Due to the lack of material evidence, the Disciplinary Committee had been unable to take any meaningful actions towards the Dark Mask .

For the past few days, every time that Bella has left her dormitory, members of the Golden Legend have always attempted to block her path and cause some trouble for her . Coincidentally, due to the stalkerish behaviour of the Disciplinary Committee’s head chair, Natasha, the Golden Legend members didn’t dare to actually show their faces and could only watch Bella from afar and wait for a moment when Natasha left her side .

Due to the fact that Natasha unintentionally spared Bella much pestering, Bella didn’t have any complaints about the head chair’s stalkerish behaviour . She decided that when she had to chance to enjoy tea with president Lucia, she would also thank Natasha for her help .

There were quite a few students on their way to the opening ceremony and Bella’s group pulled a lot of attention . Most of the attention was focused on Nina and the other rich beauties from the Rose Society while Bella was largely ignored . There were loads of beauties in the Olsyvia Academy and Bella’s substitute Felia could only be considered a beauty of normal level, impossible to have attracted so much attention is such a little bit of time .

The other members of the Rose Society could all be considered more beautiful than Felia and honestly, their looks weren’t far behind that of Natasha and Lucia behind them, meaning that they could contest the rankings of the academy’s top 10 beauties . Along with their wealth and position, there was no end to the line of male students that wished for the hearts of the Rose Society’s members .

However, like the Golden Legend’s members, they didn’t dare to approach the girls due to the presence of Natasha . While the Olsyvia Academy didn’t have any rules against student relationships, but they definitely didn’t promote relationships in public and it definitely wasn’t worth getting caught by members of the Disciplinary Committee for .

The large square at the centre of the Francis academy had been divided into five districts to accommodate the five branch’s students . When they arrived at the student reception, a beautiful looking archer received Bella’s group and told them that she would be responsible for taking them to the area occupied by the Filomina branch’s students as it would be rather hard to get around such a large crowd without the directions of someone who knew the way .

“Eh, president Britney, why are you a guide here? Even though this year’s opening ceremony is being hosted by the Francis branch but couldn’t you have sent the other members of your student council to receive this year’s new students? There’s no need for you, the student council president, to come down yourself . ”

“President Lucia, I… we’re a little short-staffed today which is why I’ve come to help, this classmate here is Duchess Bellina, right? You girls can follow me, I’ll take you to where the rest of the Filomina branch is seated . ”

“President Britney, I can show Bellina the way…”

“President Lucia, I insist that you let me be the guide!”

Before Bella could say anything, president Lucia who was behind her spoke to the beautiful archer . Through their discussion, Bella learned the identity of the girl that had been acting as their guide, she was rather surprised that the student council president of the Francis branch, Britney had come down and was working as a mere guide . Britney’s golden hair was done up in a ponytail that was both simple and natural .

Before Bella could say anything, president Lucia who was behind her spoke to the beautiful archer . Through their discussion, Bella learned the identity of the girl that had been acting as their guide, she was rather surprised that the student council president of the Francis branch, Britney had come down and was working as a mere guide . Britney’s golden hair was done up in a ponytail that was both simple and natural .

There were rumours that Britney’s family used to be of the nobility as well but had gotten on the wrong side of someone with power and had their peerage stripped, becoming that commoner that they were today . One of the factors for the rumour was the fact that normal commoner families wouldn’t be able to have children with golden hair, which in this world, was a symbol of nobility .

According to the gossip papers that the News & Information Association and the Aesthetics Research Club pump out, this Britney was also one of the ten top-ranked beauties . As the student council president of the commoners’ Francis branch, Britney gave people a down-to-earth and sincere feel .

Of the beauties that Bella had met so far, apart from Angel and Mia, Britney was probably the most innocent of them all . When she had seen them earlier, Britney’s eyes had stopped on Bella for quite a while, her blue eyes unable to hide her secrets .

Those eyes were that of someone who had a request, Bella had seen the same look when Mia and Angel were acting like spoiled children and asking Bella for more new clothes . Bella didn’t know what this student council president wanted from her, but it seemed as if Britney wanted to wait until they were out of the public eye before showing her true intent .

“Classmate Bellina, I’m warning you . Don’t lead president Britney astray or teach her anything strange, she’s a really innocent girl!”

“Natasha, I’m a good person, so why don’t you believe me!”

“You don’t look like it, just know that I’ll be keeping my eyes on you!”

Britney led Bella’s group to their seats and then left with president Lucia . When she left, Britney had looked at Bella a few more times but could only helplessly leave due to the presence of Natasha .

The students in the Filomina branch all chose to sit around the people that they were close with and away from those who they didn’t like, the relations in the branch were quite evident . Bella had quickly spotted a few familiar faces seated at the back of the noble students . The Golden Legend and their president, Carlos, took up most of the seats at the very back, it wasn’t unnatural as this was already Carlos’ third Olsyvia Academy opening ceremony and he was probably already tired of hearing the same speech over and over .

Apart from Carlos, the more senior students all chose to sit towards the back, leaving the seats closer to the front for the new 1st year students . This was the first time that Bella had seen Carlos, the president of the enemy association who had constantly been taking land from the Rose Society . Bella had left in a rush back at the auction and hadn’t had the time to pay attention to the Golden Legend’s members .

Carlos looked a little different from what Bella had expected, he wasn’t exactly one would think of as being the scum he was at first glance . If one looked at him from a true female’s perspective, Carlos could also be considered quite handsome, after all, he was ranked in the top 10 male students by looks . If only he was also a member of the Brotherhood, then Bella wouldn’t have to make an enemy of him…

Apart from Carlos, the more senior students all chose to sit towards the back, leaving the seats closer to the front for the new 1st year students . This was the first time that Bella had seen Carlos, the president of the enemy association who had constantly been taking land from the Rose Society . Bella had left in a rush back at the auction and hadn’t had the time to pay attention to the Golden Legend’s members .

Carlos looked a little different from what Bella had expected, he wasn’t exactly one would think of as being the scum he was at first glance . If one looked at him from a true female’s perspective, Carlos could also be considered quite handsome, after all, he was ranked in the top 10 male students by looks . If only he was also a member of the Brotherhood, then Bella wouldn’t have to make an enemy of him…

Seeing the arrival of Bella, there was no change on Carlos’ face as he maintained a casual conversation with the members of his association around him . Seeing that Carlos didn’t try and cause any trouble, Bella decided to ignore him for now .

Apart from Carlos, there was another group of students that caught Bella’s attention . At the centre of them was the normal class’ Scout, the youngest son of the Octavian Empire’s Brad family’s current head . Over the past few days, Scout had been secretly fighting against Bella(without her knowledge) to make the headlines of the school papers but had always lost, leaving him rather gloomy .

Scout had already gathered quite a number of lackeys after he had turned his life around following his fall from his mount last month, his power and abilities suddenly skyrocketing, earning himself the chance to attend the Olsyvia Academy after beating his eldest brother in a martial competition .

The young lady who had withdrawn her engagement with Scout due to his previous reputation as useless now seemed as if she wanted to turn back . However, Scout had adopted the ‘ignoring’ method of getting girls and hadn’t spoken a single word to her .

This was the first time that Bella had witnessed one of these cliche main characters rise to the spotlight, she decided to just keep observing him until absolutely necessary . Scout should one of those transmigrators that were arranged to enter this world by another dimension’s male Creator, meaning that he was naturally an enemy of Bella, who was backed by the female Creators led by Vianna . However, now wasn’t the time to fight with Scout .

Scout didn’t pay much attention to Bella either, there were many beauties within the Olsyvia Academy and Bellina could only be considered a typical beauty . Scout’s goal was to make all of the ‘10 schoolyard beauties’ part of his harem and didn’t have any thoughts about the comparatively normal Bella .

The third familiar face that Bella saw was the fake loli, Charlotte, who was currently sitting with members of the Brotherhood . After their last meeting back at the auction hall, for some reason, the fake loli had yet to speak to Bella again .

During the Olsyvia Academy’s opening ceremony, apart from the principals and other high-ranking members of the academy’s staff, the five branches’ student council presidents also made an appearance as VIPs . Beside the central platform, all of the VIP seats had already been filled . Due to the fact that Bella was sitting rather close to the front, it was quite easy for her to see all of the Olsyvia Academy’s student council presidents .

From a glance, Bella noticed that all five branch presidents were female, without a single male mixed in and even more surprising to her was that the main student council president was also quite the beauty . The VIPs made a sharp contrast with the elderly principals and staff on the platform beside them, it was fortunate that there were some beauties to look at during this ceremony, or else quite the number of students would probably ‘use the washroom’ in the middle of the ceremony and never return if they had to look at a bunch of old men the whole time .

Even in another world s academy, there were still the typical school legends about strange things that happen during or after midnight . In the school that Bella had attended back on earth, there were also quite a few such legends flying around but were all just baseless rumours . In this world, however, there existed people who could even summon an entire horde of undead, so there should be at least some truth to the rumours in this academy . The inhabitants of this world shouldn t be scared by undead so easily as they ve most likely already seen a few undead in their time, so the beings behind the rumours were most likely something even scarier . The book Strange Happenings of the Olsyvia Academy at Midnight was something that Nina had mentioned to her, a book that recorded all of the strange and supernatural things that happened within the Olsyvia Academy . The book was written by the founding president of the News Information Association and was sealed away as a forbidden book by the St . Louis branch s high echelons, the reason being that the authour had died an untimely death while in pursuit of something recorded in the book . The News Information Association s founding president was a member of the St . Louis branch s elite class and would have had a bright future ahead of him after graduation, having the ability to at least become an archbishop . However, the state of his body after death chilled others to the bone, as it seemed like the president had been scared to death with a look of absolute terror still frozen on his face . To be able to scare someone who possessed the ability to become an archbishop to death, whatever had done so was definitely After the incident, the book was sealed into a sacred item by the first student council president of the St . Louis branch and then handed over to the Olsyvia Academy s main student council to be locked away . Strange Happenings of the Olsyvia Academy at Midnight became one of the Four Forbidden Texts and gradually faded from the students memories and Bella only found out about it after Nina brought it up during a conversation while they were enjoying lunch . The other three books had also been sealed away by the main student council and were most likely kept in the same place . Bella didn t want to obtain this book out of curiosity but because she wanted to find a new headquarters for the Rose Society . The association s previous office wasn t exactly in a good location, constantly being under the Golden Legend s supervision . Recorded in the forbidden text were supposedly several locations within the academy that had been purposely hidden from the students and removed from any maps, all sealed away after some unspeakable things had happened within them . Even now, there was no association that dared to try and incorporate these forbidden areas into their territory, not even those with excessively powerful combat abilities like the Brotherhood or the Iron Cross dared to step foot in these areas . Bella s aim was to obtain this book and its information on these forbidden locations and use that to help turn these areas into part of the Rose Society s territory . Bella was well acquainted with the Church of Light s four holy maidens so there shouldn t be much problem with permission from the Church . As for the mysterious evils within those forbidden grounds, well Bella and the other members of her Dark Sanctuary weren t exactly human themselves and were most likely even more sinister existences than whatever those forbidden grounds held . I ve already helped everyone in this dorm to sign up for the Rose Association, if anyone doesn t wish to do so, you can still step out now Nee san, I have no problems joining . Ese had asked me to join the Euphemia branch s student council earlier but I turned her down by saying that I don t have enough time . I also have no problems, Bella . The Rose Society s Marlie is one of my few friends and I m all for joining her association . Responding to Bella s inquiry, the two who had arguably the best relations with her, Kriss and Lisha quickly agreed . Elena, Noreya, and Ariel all lacked an association themselves so they also expressed their consent . The rumours about them had scared off most people and no one had invited them to join an association, especially Elena due to her rumour of being cursed, with everyone giving her a wide berth wherever she went . Several days later during the Olsyvia Academy s opening ceremony that was taking place in the central Francis branch . This day was one of the few chances for all of the academy s students to see each other as well as all of their teachers . Apart from the opening and closing ceremonies as well as the school festivals, there weren t many chances for students from all five branches to be present in such numbers . Bella had left quite early with the members of the Rose Society that had moved into the suite next door as all of the girls in her own suite were students of the Euphemia branch for royalty . The students for this ceremony were seated by which branch they belonged to, meaning that they were separated from Bella during this event . Noesha and the other lolis were left behind as well due to their identity as Duchess Bellina s maidservants and weren t able to attend this event that was only for the Olsyvia Academy s students . Head chair Natasha, you re following me again Is their no one else capable of this task within the Disciplinary Committee, but they would have to be even more beautiful than you I ve already told you that we just share the same path and nothing else, don t overthink it, classmate Bellina . As usual, the head chair of the Disciplinary Committee, Natasha had left at the same time as Bella and the others . Following beside her was the student council president Lucia who had a helpless look on her face . Lucia flashed Bella an apologetic look, as she still hadn t been able to carry out her promise of enjoying afternoon tea together due to the constant interference of Natasha . Lucia s promise had been to enjoy afternoon tea with whoever was fortunate enough to obtain the seat of honour but had failed to mention a specific time . Natasha had taken advantage of this loophole to stop Lucia from having a meeting with Bella . Lucia also had quite a few questions that she wanted to ask Bella but because of the fact that she shared a suite with her best friend Natasha, she hadn t been able to find a chance to talk with Bella alone . Following even further behind them were a few shady figures that had currently taken cover behind a large tree . Bella didn t even need to look back to know that these were members of the Golden Legend . When the members of the Rose Society had moved into Bella s dormitory building, the president of the Golden Legend had sent a messenger to Bella with an invitation . Inviting Duchess Bellina to a private banquet that Carlos was holding, on the spot Bella had seen that her name had been written over that of a hastily painted over Jarvan . In response to such an insincere invitation, Bella had naturally rejected it . There was no point in going to such a banquet after making a foe of Carlos back at the auction, she knew that it was best to have as little interaction with him as possible for now . Advertisement Bella s rejection had naturally offended the entire Golden Legend . If it wasn t for her peerage of Duke, Bella would definitely have already suffered at the hands of the Golden Legend s close ally, the Dark Mask gang association . A few students from the Francis Academy who had resisted against Carlos previously had supposedly been forced into quitting school by members of the Dark Mask using unspeakable means . Due to the lack of material evidence, the Disciplinary Committee had been unable to take any meaningful actions towards the Dark Mask . For the past few days, every time that Bella has left her dormitory, members of the Golden Legend have always attempted to block her path and cause some trouble for her . Coincidentally, due to the stalkerish behaviour of the Disciplinary Committee s head chair, Natasha, the Golden Legend members didn t dare to actually show their faces and could only watch Bella from afar and wait for a moment when Natasha left her side . Due to the fact that Natasha unintentionally spared Bella much pestering, Bella didn t have any complaints about the head chair s stalkerish behaviour . She decided that when she had to chance to enjoy tea with president Lucia, she would also thank Natasha for her help . There were quite a few students on their way to the opening ceremony and Bella s group pulled a lot of attention . Most of the attention was focused on Nina and the other rich beauties from the Rose Society while Bella was largely ignored . There were loads of beauties in the Olsyvia Academy and Bella s substitute Felia could only be considered a beauty of normal level, impossible to have attracted so much attention is such a little bit of time . The other members of the Rose Society could all be considered more beautiful than Felia and honestly, their looks weren t far behind that of Natasha and Lucia behind them, meaning that they could contest the rankings of the academy s top 10 beauties . Along with their wealth and position, there was no end to the line of male students that wished for the hearts of the Rose Society s members . However, like the Golden Legend s members, they didn t dare to approach the girls due to the presence of Natasha . While the Olsyvia Academy didn t have any rules against student relationships, but they definitely didn t promote relationships in public and it definitely wasn t worth getting caught by members of the Disciplinary Committee for . The large square at the centre of the Francis academy had been divided into five districts to accommodate the five branch s students . When they arrived at the student reception, a beautiful looking archer received Bella s group and told them that she would be responsible for taking them to the area occupied by the Filomina branch s students as it would be rather hard to get around such a large crowd without the directions of someone who knew the way . Eh, president Britney, why are you a guide here Even though this year s opening ceremony is being hosted by the Francis branch but couldn t you have sent the other members of your student council to receive this year s new students There s no need for you, the student council president, to come down yourself . President Lucia, I we re a little short staffed today which is why I ve come to help, this classmate here is Duchess Bellina, right You girls can follow me, I ll take you to where the rest of the Filomina branch is seated . President Britney, I can show Bellina the way President Lucia, I insist that you let me be the guide Before Bella could say anything, president Lucia who was behind her spoke to the beautiful archer . Through their discussion, Bella learned the identity of the girl that had been acting as their guide, she was rather surprised that the student council president of the Francis branch, Britney had come down and was working as a mere guide . Britney s golden hair was done up in a ponytail that was both simple and natural . There were rumours that Britney s family used to be of the nobility as well but had gotten on the wrong side of someone with power and had their peerage stripped, becoming that commoner that they were today . One of the factors for the rumour was the fact that normal commoner families wouldn t be able to have children with golden hair, which in this world, was a symbol of nobility . According to the gossip papers that the News Information Association and the Aesthetics Research Club pump out, this Britney was also one of the ten top ranked beauties . As the student council president of the commoners Francis branch, Britney gave people a down to earth and sincere feel . Of the beauties that Bella had met so far, apart from Angel and Mia, Britney was probably the most innocent of them all . When she had seen them earlier, Britney s eyes had stopped on Bella for quite a while, her blue eyes unable to hide her secrets . Those eyes were that of someone who had a request, Bella had seen the same look when Mia and Angel were acting like spoiled children and asking Bella for more new clothes . Bella didn t know what this student council president wanted from her, but it seemed as if Britney wanted to wait until they were out of the public eye before showing her true intent . Classmate Bellina, I m warning you . Don t lead president Britney astray or teach her anything strange, she s a really innocent girl Natasha, I m a good person, so why don t you believe me You don t look like it, just know that I ll be keeping my eyes on you Britney led Bella s group to their seats and then left with president Lucia . When she left, Britney had looked at Bella a few more times but could only helplessly leave due to the presence of Natasha . The students in the Filomina branch all chose to sit around the people that they were close with and away from those who they didn t like, the relations in the branch were quite evident . Bella had quickly spotted a few familiar faces seated at the back of the noble students . The Golden Legend and their president, Carlos, took up most of the seats at the very back, it wasn t unnatural as this was already Carlos third Olsyvia Academy opening ceremony and he was probably already tired of hearing the same speech over and over . Apart from Carlos, the more senior students all chose to sit towards the back, leaving the seats closer to the front for the new 1st year students . This was the first time that Bella had seen Carlos, the president of the enemy association who had constantly been taking land from the Rose Society . Bella had left in a rush back at the auction and hadn t had the time to pay attention to the Golden Legend s members . Carlos looked a little different from what Bella had expected, he wasn t exactly one would think of as being the scum he was at first glance . If one looked at him from a true female s perspective, Carlos could also be considered quite handsome, after all, he was ranked in the top 10 male students by looks . If only he was also a member of the Brotherhood, then Bella wouldn t have to make an enemy of him Seeing the arrival of Bella, there was no change on Carlos face as he maintained a casual conversation with the members of his association around him . Seeing that Carlos didn t try and cause any trouble, Bella decided to ignore him for now . Apart from Carlos, there was another group of students that caught Bella s attention . At the centre of them was the normal class Scout, the youngest son of the Octavian Empire s Brad family s current head . Over the past few days, Scout had been secretly fighting against Bella without her knowledge to make the headlines of the school papers but had always lost, leaving him rather gloomy . Scout had already gathered quite a number of lackeys after he had turned his life around following his fall from his mount last month, his power and abilities suddenly skyrocketing, earning himself the chance to attend the Olsyvia Academy after beating his eldest brother in a martial competition . The young lady who had withdrawn her engagement with Scout due to his previous reputation as useless now seemed as if she wanted to turn back . However, Scout had adopted the ignoring method of getting girls and hadn t spoken a single word to her . This was the first time that Bella had witnessed one of these cliche main characters rise to the spotlight, she decided to just keep observing him until absolutely necessary . Scout should one of those transmigrators that were arranged to enter this world by another dimension s male Creator, meaning that he was naturally an enemy of Bella, who was backed by the female Creators led by Vianna . However, now wasn t the time to fight with Scout . Scout didn t pay much attention to Bella either, there were many beauties within the Olsyvia Academy and Bellina could only be considered a typical beauty . Scout s goal was to make all of the 10 schoolyard beauties part of his harem and didn t have any thoughts about the comparatively normal Bella . The third familiar face that Bella saw was the fake loli, Charlotte, who was currently sitting with members of the Brotherhood . After their last meeting back at the auction hall, for some reason, the fake loli had yet to speak to Bella again . During the Olsyvia Academy s opening ceremony, apart from the principals and other high ranking members of the academy s staff, the five branches student council presidents also made an appearance as VIPs . Beside the central platform, all of the VIP seats had already been filled . Due to the fact that Bella was sitting rather close to the front, it was quite easy for her to see all of the Olsyvia Academy s student council presidents . From a glance, Bella noticed that all five branch presidents were female, without a single male mixed in and even more surprising to her was that the main student council president was also quite the beauty . The VIPs made a sharp contrast with the elderly principals and staff on the platform beside them, it was fortunate that there were some beauties to look at during this ceremony, or else quite the number of students would probably use the washroom in the middle of the ceremony and never return if they had to look at a bunch of old men the whole time .

Chapter end

Chapter 73
Chapter 72
Chapter 71
Chapter 127
Chapter 126
Chapter 70
Chapter 529
Chapter 528
Chapter 527
Chapter 526
Chapter 525
Chapter 524
Chapter 523
Chapter 522
Chapter 521
Chapter 520
Chapter 519
Chapter 518
Chapter 517
Chapter 516
Chapter 515
Chapter 514
Chapter 513
Chapter 512
Chapter 511
Chapter 510
Chapter 509
Chapter 508
Chapter 507
Chapter 506
Chapter 505
Chapter 504
Chapter 503
Chapter 502
Chapter 501
Chapter 500
Chapter 499
Chapter 497
Chapter 496
Chapter 495
Chapter 489
Chapter 488
Chapter 487
Chapter 486
Chapter 485
Chapter 484
Chapter 483
Chapter 482
Chapter 481
Chapter 480
Chapter 479
Chapter 477
Chapter 476
Chapter 475
Chapter 474
Chapter 473
Chapter 472
Chapter 471
Chapter 470
Chapter 469
Chapter 468
Chapter 467
Chapter 466
Chapter 465
Chapter 464
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Chapter 458
Chapter 457
Chapter 456
Chapter 455
Chapter 454
Chapter 453
Chapter 452
Chapter 451
Chapter 450
Chapter 449
Chapter 448
Chapter 447
Chapter 446
Chapter 445
Chapter 444
Chapter 443
Chapter 442
Chapter 441
Chapter 440
Chapter 439
Chapter 438
Chapter 437
Chapter 436
Chapter 435
Chapter 434
Chapter 433
Chapter 432
Chapter 431
Chapter 430
Chapter 429
Chapter 428
Chapter 427
Chapter 426
Chapter 425
Chapter 424
Chapter 423
Chapter 422
Chapter 421
Chapter 420
Chapter 419
Chapter 418
Chapter 417
Chapter 416
Chapter 415
Chapter 414
Chapter 413
Chapter 412
Chapter 411
Chapter 410
Chapter 409
Chapter 408
Chapter 407
Chapter 406
Chapter 405
Chapter 404
Chapter 403
Chapter 402
Chapter 401
Chapter 400
Chapter 399
Chapter 398
Chapter 397
Chapter 396
Chapter 395
Chapter 394
Chapter 393
Chapter 392
Chapter 391
Chapter 390
Chapter 389
Chapter 388
Chapter 387
Chapter 386
Chapter 385
Chapter 384
Chapter 383
Chapter 382
Chapter 381
Chapter 380
Chapter 379
Chapter 378
Chapter 377
Chapter 376
Chapter 375
Chapter 374
Chapter 373
Chapter 372
Chapter 371
Chapter 370
Chapter 369
Chapter 368
Chapter 367
Chapter 366
Chapter 365
Chapter 364
Chapter 363
Chapter 362
Chapter 361
Chapter 360
Chapter 359
Chapter 358
Chapter 357
Chapter 356
Chapter 355
Chapter 354
Chapter 353
Chapter 352
Chapter 351
Chapter 350
Chapter 349
Chapter 348
Chapter 347
Chapter 346
Chapter 345
Chapter 344
Chapter 343
Chapter 342
Chapter 341
Chapter 340
Chapter 339
Chapter 338
Chapter 337
Chapter 336
Chapter 335
Chapter 334
Chapter 333
Chapter 332
Chapter 331
Chapter 330
Chapter 329
Chapter 328
Chapter 327
Chapter 326
Chapter 325
Chapter 324
Chapter 323
Chapter 322
Chapter 321
Chapter 320
Chapter 319
Chapter 318
Chapter 317
Chapter 316
Chapter 314
Chapter 313
Chapter 312
Chapter 311
Chapter 310
Chapter 309
Chapter 308
Chapter 307
Chapter 306
Chapter 305
Chapter 304
Chapter 303
Chapter 302
Chapter 301
Chapter 300
Chapter 299
Chapter 298
Chapter 297
Chapter 296
Chapter 295
Chapter 294
Chapter 293
Chapter 292
Chapter 291
Chapter 290
Chapter 289
Chapter 288
Chapter 287
Chapter 286
Chapter 285
Chapter 284
Chapter 283
Chapter 282
Chapter 281
Chapter 280
Chapter 279
Chapter 278
Chapter 277
Chapter 276
Chapter 275
Chapter 274
Chapter 273
Chapter 272
Chapter 271
Chapter 270
Chapter 269
Chapter 268
Chapter 267
Chapter 266
Chapter 265
Chapter 264
Chapter 263
Chapter 262
Chapter 261
Chapter 260
Chapter 259
Chapter 258
Chapter 257
Chapter 256
Chapter 255
Chapter 254
Chapter 253
Chapter 252
Chapter 251
Chapter 250
Chapter 249
Chapter 248
Chapter 247
Chapter 246
Chapter 245
Chapter 244
Chapter 243
Chapter 242
Chapter 241
Chapter 240
Chapter 239
Chapter 238
Chapter 237
Chapter 236
Chapter 235
Chapter 234
Chapter 229
Chapter 164
Chapter 125
Chapter 124
Chapter 69
Chapter 315
Chapter 233
Chapter 232
Chapter 228
Chapter 227
Chapter 226
Chapter 225
Chapter 224
Chapter 223
Chapter 222
Chapter 221
Chapter 220
Chapter 219
Chapter 218
Chapter 217
Chapter 216
Chapter 215
Chapter 163
Chapter 142
Chapter 132
Chapter 123.2
Chapter 68
Volume 5 Chapter 231
Volume 5 Chapter 230
Volume 5 Chapter 214
Volume 5 Chapter 213
Volume 5 Chapter 212
Chapter 171
Chapter 162
Chapter 161
Chapter 158
Chapter 150
Chapter 145.2
Chapter 145.1
Chapter 141
Chapter 140
Chapter 131.2
Chapter 123.1
Chapter 114
Chapter 67
Volume 4 Chapter 211
Volume 4 Chapter 210
Volume 4 Chapter 209
Volume 4 Chapter 208
Volume 4 Chapter 207
Volume 4 Chapter 206
Volume 4 Chapter 205
Volume 4 Chapter 204
Volume 4 Chapter 203
Volume 4 Chapter 202
Volume 4 Chapter 201
Volume 4 Chapter 200
Volume 4 Chapter 199
Volume 4 Chapter 198
Volume 4 Chapter 197
Volume 4 Chapter 196
Volume 4 Chapter 195
Volume 4 Chapter 194
Volume 4 Chapter 193
Volume 4 Chapter 192
Volume 4 Chapter 191
Volume 4 Chapter 190
Volume 4 Chapter 189
Volume 4 Chapter 188
Volume 4 Chapter 187
Volume 4 Chapter 186
Volume 4 Chapter 185
Volume 4 Chapter 184
Volume 4 Chapter 183
Volume 4 Chapter 182
Volume 4 Chapter 181
Volume 4 Chapter 180
Volume 4 Chapter 179
Volume 4 Chapter 178
Volume 4 Chapter 177
Volume 4 Chapter 176
Volume 4 Chapter 175
Volume 4 Chapter 174
Volume 4 Chapter 173
Volume 4 Chapter 172
Volume 4 Chapter 170
Volume 4 Chapter 169
Volume 4 Chapter 168
Volume 4 Chapter 167
Volume 4 Chapter 166
Volume 4 Chapter 165
Volume 4 Chapter 160
Volume 4 Chapter 159
Volume 4 Chapter 157
Volume 4 Chapter 156
Chapter 153
Chapter 149
Chapter 147
Chapter 144
Chapter 139
Chapter 137
Chapter 135
Chapter 134
Chapter 131.1
Chapter 122
Chapter 113
Chapter 80
Chapter 66
Volume 3 Chapter 155
Volume 3 Chapter 154
Volume 3 Chapter 153 part2
Volume 3 Chapter 153 part1
Volume 3 Chapter 152
Volume 3 Chapter 151
Volume 3 Chapter 148
Volume 3 Chapter 147 part2
Volume 3 Chapter 147 part1
Volume 3 Chapter 146
Volume 3 Chapter 144 part2
Volume 3 Chapter 144 part1
Volume 3 Chapter 143
Volume 3 Chapter 142 part2
Volume 3 Chapter 142 part1
Volume 3 Chapter 141 part2
Volume 3 Chapter 141 part1
Volume 3 Chapter 140 part2
Volume 3 Chapter 140 part1
Volume 3 Chapter 138
Volume 3 Chapter 137 part2
Volume 3 Chapter 137 part1
Volume 3 Chapter 136
Volume 3 Chapter 135 part2
Volume 3 Chapter 135 part1
Volume 3 Chapter 134 part2
Volume 3 Chapter 134 part1
Volume 3 Chapter 133
Volume 3 Chapter 132 part2
Volume 3 Chapter 132 part1
Volume 3 Chapter 130
Volume 3 Chapter 129 part2
Volume 3 Chapter 129 part1
Volume 3 Chapter 128
Volume 3 Chapter 121
Volume 3 Chapter 120
Volume 3 Chapter 119
Volume 3 Chapter 118
Volume 3 Chapter 117
Volume 3 Chapter 116
Volume 3 Chapter 115
Volume 3 Chapter 112
Volume 3 Chapter 111
Volume 3 Chapter 110
Volume 3 Chapter 109
Volume 3 Chapter 108
Volume 3 Chapter 107
Volume 3 Chapter 106
Volume 3 Chapter 105
Volume 3 Chapter 104
Volume 3 Chapter 103
Volume 3 Chapter 102
Volume 3 Chapter 101
Chapter 100
Chapter 99
Chapter 98
Chapter 93
Chapter 92
Chapter 91
Chapter 90
Chapter 89
Chapter 88
Chapter 87
Chapter 86
Chapter 79
Chapter 65
Chapter 64
Chapter 58
Chapter 55
Chapter 54
Chapter 51
Volume 2 Chapter 97
Volume 2 Chapter 96
Volume 2 Chapter 95
Volume 2 Chapter 94
Volume 2 Chapter 85
Volume 2 Chapter 83
Volume 2 Chapter 82
Volume 2 Chapter 81
Volume 2 Chapter 78
Volume 2 Chapter 77
Volume 2 Chapter 76
Volume 2 Chapter 75
Volume 2 Chapter 74.2
Volume 2 Chapter 74 part1
Volume 2 Chapter 73
Volume 2 Chapter 72
Volume 2 Chapter 71
Volume 2 Chapter 70
Volume 2 Chapter 69
Volume 2 Chapter 68
Volume 2 Chapter 67
Volume 2 Chapter 66
Volume 2 Chapter 65
Volume 2 Chapter 64
Volume 2 Chapter 63
Volume 2 Chapter 62
Volume 2 Chapter 61
Volume 2 Chapter 60
Volume 2 Chapter 59
Volume 2 Chapter 58
Volume 2 Chapter 57
Volume 2 Chapter 56
Volume 2 Chapter 55
Volume 2 Chapter 54
Volume 2 Chapter 53
Volume 2 Chapter 52
Volume 2 Chapter 51
Chapter 50
Chapter 39
Volume 1 Chapter 84
Volume 1 Chapter 50
Volume 1 Chapter 49
Volume 1 Chapter 48
Volume 1 Chapter 47
Volume 1 Chapter 46
Volume 1 Chapter 45
Volume 1 Chapter 44
Volume 1 Chapter 43
Volume 1 Chapter 42
Volume 1 Chapter 41
Volume 1 Chapter 39
Vol 1 Chapter 21
Vol 1 Chapter 20
Vol 1 Chapter 19
Vol 1 Chapter 18
Volume 1 Chapter 17
Vol 1 Chapter 16
Vol 1 Chapter 15
Volume 1 Chapter 14
Volume 1 Chapter 13
Volume 1 Chapter 12
Volume 1 Chapter 11
Volume 1 Chapter 10
Volume 1 Chapter 9
Volume 1 Chapter 8
Vol 1 Chapter 7
Vol 1 Chapter 6
Vol 1 Chapter 5
Vol 1 Chapter 4
Vol 1 Chapter 3
Volume 1 Chapter 2
Vol 1 Chapter 1
Book 10– C534– The Mysterious Visitors of the Alphine Grain Road District in the Snowy Land
Book 9– C533– The Real Ruler of the Gabriel Empire
Book 9– C532– Gabriel's New Political Reform and the Birth of the First Reigning Empress of an Empire in the Human History
Book 9– C531– Prince Angus's Final Compromise and the Unexpected End of the Civil War
Book 9– C530– The Rogue Gambling Game that Decides the Future in the Foggy Night Coup
Book 9 Chatper 498– A Cooperation Invitation From the Hilikas Family and the Demon King Bellas Personal Plans
Book 9 Chatper 478– The End Of An Erotic Journey And Grabriels City Under The Encirclement Of Rebel Forces
Chapter 40
Chapter 38
Chapter 37
Chapter 36
Chapter 35
Chapter 34
Chapter 33
Chapter 32
Chapter 31
Chapter 30
Chapter 29
Chapter 28
Chapter 27
Chapter 26
Chapter 25
Chapter 24
Chapter 23
Chapter 22
Chapter 21
Chapter 20
Chapter 19
Chapter 18
Chapter 16
Chapter 15
prologue 7
prologue 6
prologue 5
Chapter 4
Chapter 3
Chapter 2 part2
prologue 1
Book 5– C246– The Evil Deeds Hidden 10,000 Years Within The St. Mary's Cathedral
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