The Union 104 Mercenaries

The Union 104 Mercenaries

"Fire!" Kristof shouted the order to his men, a host of a few hundred cavalry.

He himself pressed the trigger of a crossbow. The bolt took flight in a curved trajectory and vanished into the mass of Tulosans. Scattered screams confirmed that some bolts found their mark.

"Retreat!" He bawled. He gripped the reins of his mount and steered the horse around. The others followed. They retreated in haste.

Behind them the Tulosans chased, a force several times their numbers with some armored Knights included.

Kristof bit his tongue so hard that the iron taste of blood filled his mouth. He was hoping for the best. He was hoping that somehow, with some freaky stroke of luck, they would survive this.

He threw a glance behind and fixed his eyes upon their pursuers. A gap of just more than a hundred meters separated his men from the Tulosan swords.

This better be worth it, he thought. Those mercenaries better fight to the death or else this heart-pounding distraction his men are making will be all for naught.

"Prefect, they are stopping!" He heard someone say.

He peeked and confirmed the disappointing words. The mass of Tulosan Cavalry are halting, disturbing the dust on the ground.

Other commanders would have been overjoyed with the sight of Tulosan cavalry ceasing their chase. Kristof was not.

"Reload and fire men! Reload and fire! We must distract them for a few more minutes!"

His host made a sharp turn and fired at the Tulosans again. Some bolts made a hit but most just bounce off from the Knights' armors.

Their actions agitated the Tulosans. It felt like pulling the tail of a bull. The Tulosans again chased and his men again ran.

Kristof gritted hit teeth, accidentally biting part of his already wounded tongue in the process.

This better be worth it, he again thought.


Benedict was looking at the chase from the top of the wall.

Prefect Kristof was doing a splendid job, he thought. Kristof knew when to retreat and when to stir the Tulosans. The laughably small force of Castonian cavalry were drawing the attention of thousands of Tulosan cavalry. This was a feat only his best Prefect could accomplish.

He was well aware of the rivalry between Prefect Kristof and Prefect Ryon. The two were not really enemies but they often compete. But Kristof's success in drawing the attention of the Tulosans had just put him ahead of Ryon. That lanky man Benedict left in Greenwater have some catching up to do.

He turned his eyes towards the mercenaries currently sprinting towards the castle. They were fewer than he expected. Timothy told him in the letter that fifteen companies of mercenaries were coming- a host of fifteen thousand men. The number of mercenaries currently approaching the castle, according to his educated estimation, was barely ten thousand.

The multitude of colorful coat of arms fluttered in the chilly wind of the western region. The coat of arms represented the different mercenary companies King Edmund employed- a force united only by gold if Benedict was to be asked.

He grimaced after he took notice of one of the coat of arms. He was far from pleased that the coat of arms of 'Widow Makers' was included in the mix. The mercenary company was infamous for abandoning their employers a few years back. They routed without even raising a sword.

Another mercenary company he was displeasured seeing was the 'vultures'. The name of the company alone was distasteful enough. Benedict had heard that the Vultures sacked their employer's city in the past because of the late payment. King Edmund mercenaries had quantity but not quality.

" Cowards and criminals." Benedict shook his head "Never in my whole life have I dreamed of fighting with cowards and criminals. Marquis Benedict Connel swinging his sword hand in hand with degenerates. Ha. Must have been a sight eh?"

"But we need them sire. We are lucky to even have reinforcements." Bernie said.

"I know, I know. Ramblings of an old man, nothing more. I am not complaining. Really. I just want to go home to Greenwater with Maria and Erik as soon as possible."

"And you will sire. You will. In a few months you will talk with Master Erik and Lady Maria about what happened here as war stories. In the balcony of the villa, facing the humid but lovely breeze of Greenwater bay, with me serving the three of you cups of tea and my famous smoked tuna. We will laugh and mock the Tulosans for failing in taking Knightsend for the fourth time. Just like how it used to be, sire."

Benedict threw in a laughter. That would be quite the experience, he thought. Bernie's smoked tuna was his shared favorite with Erik and Maria. Whenever Erik would come home to Greenwater from the Palace, he would always request smoked tuna. The three of them would then bury their faces in the food not caring even if their faces were smeared with oily bits of the fish.

"I can't wait for that" he stifled with laughter. "But you know Bernie, I really do have the urge every night to slip away into the darkness and go to Maria and Erik. My wife is under the care of Timothy. And my son, the last I've heard, is a hostage of King Leopold. The three of us are divided. I dream of the day the three of us meet again. Unfortunately I can't. I have a responsibility to defend Castonia."

"After we come back, I will cook for you the biggest, tastiest and juiciest tuna I could find." Bernie said with a grin.

Benedict just smiled and turned his attention to the mercenaries again. Dreaming of the future is good, but they still have work to do.

By now the mercenaries were almost at the gates. Benedict scanned for the Tulosans and saw that Prefect Kristof's distraction was already waning. The enemies were now turning their attention to the mercenaries. Like a buzzing hive of bees, the Tulosans advanced towards the mercenaries.

"They won't make it" Benedict said. Experience was telling him that the Tulosans would reach the rear of the mercenaries before all their allies could enter the castle.

"Open the gate" he ordered.

"Open the gate!" Bernie repeated the order to the soldiers controlling the gate.

In less than a minute the gate opened and the mercenaries entered. They poured into the castle.

The Tulosans by now were only about a hundred meters from the rear of the mercenaries. The front of their column was led by what appears to be lightly-armored horsemen. Benedict smelled blood. He could already imagine losing half of the mercenaries. Thousands will be slaughtered in front of him and the front of Knightsend will soon be bathed with a red hue. He waited for the moment the Tulosans slam against the mercenaries.

It did not happen. The onslaught he was expecting did not happen. Instead of charging at the rear of the mercenaries, the Tulosans halted just a few meters away. They did not move as if they were petrified.

"Ha! Look at them sire. Cowards. Afraid of mercenaries. They've lost their balls sire. We got another funny story to talk about when we return to Greenwater." Bernie said in an almost shouting manner.

"No" Benedict shook his head.

"No" he chanted the word again.

A foreboding feeling enveloped him. The Tulosans had every opportunity to demolish the mercenaries. The rear was open to a charge. If he was the enemy commander, he would order an all out attack without second thought. But that's not how things turned out to be.

His heart started to race. He felt fear. It was sinister, an eerie resonance.

And then a realization occurred to him. It was a cruel realization that could explain everything.

How did the messenger slipped into the castle last night despite the heavy patrols of the Tulosans?

Why are there fewer mercenaries?

Why did the Tulosans not attack the rear of the mercenaries just now?

All of these pointed to a single conclusion.

"Close the gate!" Benedict shouted.

His order was met with confused look from Bernie and the soldiers.

"Close the damn gate!" he poured all his voice into the shout. He was almost pleading for the soldiers to close the gate immediately.

But it was too late. Too late indeed.

It started with a mercenary burying a sword into the neck of a Castonian. The poor man gurgled blood and fell limp on the ground. There was a momentary silence after that as the two sides looked at each other.

And then all of the mercenaries unsheathed their swords.

Chapter end

Chapter 291
Chapter 290
289 A New Threa
288 Parting Ways
287 A New Era
286 Malzan
285 Rage
284 Shake the Earth
283 The Message
282 King's Legion
281 Battle of the Bridges 4
280 Battle of the Bridges 3
279 Battle of the Bridges 2
278 Battle of the Bridges 1
277 Dark Days
276 The Last Push
275 Dus
274 Blood, Sweat and Tears
273 Thunder
272 Complications
271 Reinforcements
270 Oarbreaker
269 Credibility
268 Siege of Holm 2
267 Siege of Holm 1
266 Spring Love
265 Lies
264 Invasion
263 A Visi
262 Bells
261 The Rearguard
260 The Cost of Caring
259 Stories
258 The Deser
257 Twelve Minds
256 Under the Rock
255 Madman
254 Defeat and Victory
253 Senseless Blood
252 Thrown Logic
251 Vines
250 The Princess and the Shadow
249 Infiltration
248 Woe to the Innocen
247 Mentor
246 Sacrifice
245 Flee
244 Sick
243 Divide, Surround and Conquer
242 Expense of War
241 Responsibility and Conscience
240 In Flames
239 Smolders of Resistance
238 A Place to Belong
237 Choice of the Many
236 Duty
235 Long Live the Republic
234 Last Attemp
233 Evidence
232 Faults
231 Corruption
230 Words in the Wind
229 Equality
228 A Plebiscite
227 The Reques
226 The Republic
225 Last Orders
224 Anger
223 It Was Fun
222 Tomorrow
221 Advance
220 Dancing Moonligh
219 Betrayal
218 Poisoned Dagger
217 Assassin's Bane
216 The An
215 Spies
Chapter 214
Chapter 213
Chapter 212
Chapter 211
Chapter 210
Chapter 209
Chapter 208
Chapter 207
Chapter 206
Chapter 205
204 Escaped
203 Wolf at the Back
202 Plans in Shambles
201 Monsters in the Dark
200 The Red Bridge
199 Sieges and Plans
198 The Priestess
197 Bloodless Siege
196 Excommunication
195 The Grand Master
194 Retribution
193 God Wills I
192 Poor Little Jimmy
191 The blue flame
190 The Seafarer Knigh
189 Fire and Brimstone
188 Sand and Fire
187 The Fanatic
186 Rules and Morals
185 Emily
184 Mistakes
183 Onto the Walls
182 The Madman
181 Oddities
180 The Ghetto
179 Silent and Discree
178 Bivon
177 Two Heads
176 Spring Offensive
175 Request For Peace
174 Tulosan Situation
173 End of Winter
172 Truth
171 Silver Moon
170 Future Plans
169 The Grand Ball of Vanadis
168 Vanadian Coup 4
167 Vanadian Coup 3
166 Vanadian Coup 2
165 Vanadian Coup 1
164 Brother, Mother, Father
163 Sylvie
162 Arthur
161 William
160 The Day Before
159 Arrival of the Marquis
158 War of Information
157 Easy Life
156 Marquis of Greenwater
155 Trus
154 Training
153 First Vanadian Legion
152 Merchant Kingdom
151 Free Serfs
150 Helios
149 Fervor
148 Peasants' Revol
147 Serfs
146 Chuckle in the Darkness
145 Henry's Coun
144 Attrition
143 Oaths and Promises
142 Lockdown
141 The Earl
140 The Cull
139 Flame
138 Nobles' Revol
137 Sowing Disconten
136 Eastern Problems
135 Enemies From Within
134 Resentmen
133 Side Story 2
132 Commitment and Happiness
131 A Promise
130 Going Home
129 Exhausted
128 Rickard
127 Man Against Chivalry
126 King
125 Castonia
124 Father
123 Leopold's Decision
122 All Hail the Queen
121 Decisions
120 Little Men With Little Marks
119 The Good Allies
118 Stalemate
117 Leopold
116 Side Story 1
115 A Rue Too Late
114 Inferior
113 Battle of the Plains 2
112 Battle of the Plains 1
111 Prelude to the Battle of the Plains
110 Looming Dark Cloud
109 Into the West We Go
108 The Night Before
107 Break
106 Letter of Mockery
105 Fall
104 Mercenaries
103 War Stories
102 Assaul
101 Underground Battle
100 Sappers
99 Dangerous Signal
98 Friend
97 A Night of Confusion
96 Rescue Plan
95 Spectators
94 A Visitor
93 A Treacherous Hear
92 The Choice
91 Freedom's Bitter Irony
90 Purging the Traitors
89 Gossips of the Pas
88 Into the Flame
87 Supply Caravans
86 Lessons From the King
85 Partings
84 Meeting in Secre
83 The Hostage
82 Powerless
81 Old Scars
80 A Lesson
79 War Plans
78 Reunion
77 Hellfire
76 The Pelican
75 Last Meal
74 Battle of Greenwater 2
73 Battle of Greenwater 1
72 Salt and Steel
71 An Agreemen
70 Warmth in a Cold Nigh
69 The Knight and the Maiden
68 Loyalty's Shackle
67 Blood in the Water 2
66 Blood in the Water 1
65 The Two Lions
64 Change
63 Waking Up
62 Justice
61 Responsibility
60 Refugees
59 Run Away
58 The Bonfire
57 The Village
56 The Cold Nigh
55 Hunted
54 Erik's Resolve
53 A Race
52 A Bad News
51 A Forced Alliance
50 The Tunnel
49 Disturbance in the Palace
48 The Assassin
47 The Spy
46 A New Scheme
45 Effects of Victory
44 Aftermath
43 A Monster's Cage
42 Trapped
41 Battle of Knightsend 2
40 Battle of Knightsend 1
39 Prelude to the Battle of Knightsend
38 A Reason to Figh
37 The Calm Before the Storm
36 Burnt Food
35 Escape
34 Saboteurs
33 The Stupid and the Talentless
32 Fake Loyalty
31 Luther
30 Good News
29 Battle in the Forest 2
28 Battle in the Forest 1
27 Erik's Reques
26 Interrogation
25 Decisions
24 Redemption
23 The Oath
22 A Knight's Conscience
21 Mad Men of Knightsend
20 Sally Forth
19 Rooster Prince in Danger
18 A Pragmatic Person
17 Sending Help
16 Don't Kill the Messenger
15 Lucia's Realization
14 Cooperation
13 A Reason to Go
12 The Cost of the Alliance
11 The War Room
10 The Tulosan Invasion
9 Under the Moonligh
8 First Encounter
7 Arrival
6 Freya
5 Nirvana
4 Farewell
3 Lucia
2 Knightsend
1 A Dream and a Letter
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