The Last King of Darkness Chapter 325

The Last King of Darkness Chapter 325

In the ensuing battle, Rhodes thoroughly proved the magic of Annabei and Mephis, leaving everyone stunned.

Annabee's super-fast speed allowed them to quickly support all battlefields, but the commander Tyrion, who was originally going to rescue Rhodes, became the rescued party.

He was going to use his characteristic "Stone Cannon" to turn the tide.

"Stone Cannon" is a long-range attack feature that can launch special psionic missiles. It is slow but powerful. If his troops can gather a large group of demonized ants according to his tactics, there is a chance to complete it. predetermined tactical objectives.

But the problem is that the demonized ants are suddenly stimulated by the queen's spiritual energy and become violent.

Their speed and strength have been greatly improved, their psionic energy is extremely active, and the warriors were caught off guard.

Tyrion was already desperate, and the supporters actually needed support, which meant that the original tactics had been completely bankrupt.

Now, unless a rescuer falls from the sky, the collapse of Lighthouse 20 is a foregone conclusion.

At this moment, Rhodes came.

He rode a centaur and ran a few laps around the ant colony like lightning, and gathered a large group of demonized ants together.

Tyrion was overjoyed, and immediately spewed dozens of "stone cannons", blasting the ant colony into pieces.

This time it turned out to be a desperate situation.

Tyrion's mouth crooked with laughter, and he didn't even notice Rhode's darkened face.

All his mind was on another thing.

"How is your battlefield?"

Rhodes replied briefly: "The monster is gone."

Tyrion couldn't believe his ears, but the living combat power of the next large number of reinforcements made him realize that the absurd thing that the supporter became the supportee really happened.

"This...is this..."

Tyrion shivered and was speechless. The judgment of combat effectiveness is the most basic quality of a commander. Tyrion is quite confident in his ability. It can roughly estimate the range of its combat effectiveness.

There is absolutely no problem with this tactical allocation. Rhodes and his party are facing a group of monsters that they cannot defeat, not to mention destroying them in such a short period of time.

But hall warriors don't lie, Trorian heroes don't have to lie, everything in front of them shows that this is true.

In order to save his three views, Tyrion's eyes suddenly moved to the centaur under his seat.

"Is this your pet? When did the priests of the Order of Life create such a new breed? Their experiment finally succeeded..."

Before he finished speaking, he was slapped in the mouth by the furious Annabe.

"Are you blind? Half a man so big can't see?"

Tyrion quickly took a few steps back, covered his face and said, "Lord Rhodes, this thing is a bit manic, you should take care of it..."

"Believe it or not, I'll kick you to death?"

Rhode said with a smile: "Your Excellency Commander, take a closer look, this is Annabelle, my partner, not a wonderful creature made by the Life Religion, their human-beast experiment has not been successful, and no one has been grafted yet. Coming soon."

Annabee turned her head and looked at him coldly.

"You want to die too, don't you?"

Rhodes wisely shut his mouth.

Tyrion took a closer look and realized that the upper body of the centaur in front of him turned out to be one of the two members of the Black Warband who came to support them.

"It's you? How did you become like this?"

Annabei snorted: "I'm too lazy to talk to idiots."

Rhode coughed and said sullenly: "Your Excellency Commander, this is just a small group of monsters, there are more soldiers fighting, hurry up and arrange a rescue mission."

Tyrion suddenly woke up, hurried back to his post, and began to redistribute his power.

In the ensuing battle, both he and the Lannister were surprised to find that speed could change the battlefield so much.

Rhodes rode on Annabei and would not support any troops for more than a hundred seconds.

Their speed has surpassed the floating psionic carriage, and Annabel's four hooves running on the ground are even faster than the spirit horse flying in the air.

Rhodes sat on a human horse, waving a spear while launching a star shuttle, like a **** of war.

And Annabei can still shoot the spear while running at a high speed, and a group of them will follow after one hit, and can attract a large group of monsters at once.

What's more valuable is another member of the Black Warband, Mephis, who can create a large area of ​​freezing and greatly reduce the speed of the monster group.

The decelerated demonized ants have completely become battlefield dust that can be slaughtered by others. Tyrion has never exploded so neatly before. He fired "stone cannons" endlessly, and every powerful cannonball bloomed in the monster group. , blasting the demonized ant colony to pieces.

Afterwards, it was quickly wiped out under the attack of the team led by Lannister and Sealy.

I just don't know why, Rhode's face became a little dark, and he always seemed to be a little unhappy.

But in the frenzied fighting state, they did not realize this. They eliminated this large group of invading demonized ants with unprecedented efficiency, and completed the mission given by the first commander Herman to the twentieth lighthouse.

This was a real victory. It hit the warriors who fought all over the Trident River like a shot in the arm. The situation on the battlefield finally eased a little bit, and they finally had a chance to breathe.

The first commander Herman breathed a sigh of relief, and while stepping up to seize the opportunity to expand, he also did not forget to issue a huge war honor to the No. 20 Lighthouse. After the war, the War Department will approve their achievements and give them the honor. corresponding award.

The entire lighthouse at No. 20 was full of laughter and laughter, and everyone talked enthusiastically about the joyous victory. The collectors used the ashes of monsters to boil a delicious soul soup for everyone to use.

This delicious soup added a rich sweetness to the victory, and the warriors sat in front of the warm fireplace under the lingering fire, drinking delicious soul soup, discussing the fierce battle and bringing them The hero of the miracle, not to mention how comfortable it is.

This will be a beautiful memory they will never forget in their lifetime.

Rhodes is also very happy. He has long been immune to the harvest of human nature, but the flower of human nature is still somewhat precious. Such a great victory brought him dozens of flowers of human nature, which enriched his exhausted materials.

Including this battle, the harvest during this period is even more abundant.

Although there was a little unpleasantness at the end, those low-level miscellaneous soldiers and monsters were not particularly important. The giant demonized chemical ants and demonized king ants were his main sources of income. Wen Chongpao] has already filled him with a lot of money, and the income in the back is just the leader.

Now he has broken through 20 million soulless souls alone, and there are more than a thousand complete souls, including two great souls (with sources), one near-great soul, and thirty-three very powerful souls .

As long as the book of knowledge wakes up and points him in the direction of the next star, he can instantly become a man with eight stars.


With such a dream, Rhodes continued to fight at Lighthouse No. 20.

The sight distance, which has been dozens of times larger than the original range, did not put too much pressure on them. The huge advantage brought by the three of Rhodes could not be offset by a few more monsters.

What's more, behind them there are Lannister, Celie, Tyrion, and nearly a thousand warriors.

Tyrion's stone cannon is like a duck to water here, and he attacks like a turret that doesn't fall, bombarding the monsters slowed by Mephis.

Lannister is not a vegetarian either. His gust of wind allows him to use countless fighting methods and is extremely flexible.

He compresses the air to form a sharp wind blade, which cuts into the monster group like a razor, killing the monsters in pieces.

Only Silly was a little depressed, and she could only walk around the periphery with a large silver knife, hunting down the lonely monsters.

The No. 20 lighthouse unexpectedly defended nearly half of the eastern battlefield. The changes it brought were extremely obvious. The pressure on the eastern battlefield was reduced, and more fighters could support other directions, further reducing the pressure.

The first commander Herman has rewarded all the staff of the No. 20 Lighthouse three times in a row, but the command post still feels that it is not enough, and plans to formulate a fourth reward.

At Lighthouse No. 20, several leaders are being enthusiastically worshipped, and each of them has a large number of fans.

Of course, Rhodes naturally has the most, but there are also many Lannisters and Sealys.

The two members of the Black Chapter were also enthusiastically sought after, and everyone looked at them with admiration. The role of this never-before-heard Chapter group on the battlefield cannot be ignored.

Among them, the one with the biggest change in attitude was Commander Tyrion, who made a special trip to apologize to Annabei after knowing that she was the holder of the magic liberation characteristic, and strongly praised her for her excellence.

"I'm so stupid, I can't even see that you are a member of the powerful Spirit Girl Group."

"Magic awakening is one of the seven most powerful soul characteristics. Every member who possesses it is destined to become a member of the strong. This is the gift of fire, the elect of light, and the gift of the legendary supreme god. Our blessing."

Tyrion continued talking, completely unaware of Annabe's face.

"Every holder in the royal city today is a genius. They grow quickly and have strong fighting power. They are born warriors, oh yes, except for a waste - you have to understand that there are more people and everything. With such a powerful characteristic, to be able to become a waste is simply a disgrace to the king's city..."


A punch hit the eye socket.

Tyrion covered his eyes and said in amazement, "What's wrong? Why did you hit me?"

"You go to **** ah ah ah ah!"

Bang bang bang!

Annabei turned and ran away, leaving only Tyrion who fell to the ground and was beaten inexplicably.

Later, he went to Rhodes and asked what was going on. He heard that women's attacks on men were all about love. Annabei liked him so much, but he already had a family background and couldn't accept it, so Rhodes told her.

Rhodes glanced at him with a mentally retarded look.

"Fool, the trash you mentioned is her."

Tyrion was stunned and immediately connected the joints.

Every member of the Spirit Girl Group is so powerful, how could it be possible to join Rhodes' Black War Group?

She must be that special trash.

Tyrion was remorseful, and leaders who did not do well in thought work were usually considered unqualified. Not only did his words not encourage Annabei, but instead gave her a knowing blow.

Rhode held back his laughter and asked casually, "What is the Spiritual Girl Group?"

"Spiritual Girl Group is a member who has awakened this magical characteristic. At the moment of awakening, they automatically become a member of the Spiritual Girl Group. Because they grow too fast and their psionic energy is too powerful, we uniformly call them spiritual. Women, call their group the Spiritual Girl Group, which is one of the few features that has a special course."

Rhode was silent. Judging from the current progress, the probability of Anna trying to catch up with her sisters was no more than 1 in 10,000.

Take time to experience their power.

Rhodes thought.

Let's see how strong the so-called seven characteristics of the king's city are.

Annabelle's good mood was not affected by this unpleasant event, she was almost about to realize her dream, to use her abilities to bring victory to her teammates and fighters, this is her deepest dream, in the realization of it Every day of her life is like a day in heaven, making her smile every day when she goes out.

But Mephis seemed indifferent. The repetition of this curse lasted for a long time. She was always wrapped tightly, not seen, and rarely communicated with people, facing people's worship and passion. , she also just responded with indifference and silence.

However, even so, her admirers still haven't diminished, and many people think that she is standing on the edge of the battlefield, shrouded in blue light, which is particularly cool.

Rhodes doesn't know what brain circuit this is, and this is not what he should care about now.

As the battle progressed, his dream creations became less and less, especially the [Kalles Tongwen Heavy Cannon].

This is a sharp weapon to kill the enemy, and now only the last one is left.

If there is no heavy artillery to destroy the swarms of demonized ants, it is difficult to destroy the pests with their power alone.

How to do?

Before Rhodes could think of a way, another very bad news came from the front-line command post.

The power of the queen of insects once again exceeded the limit, the underground world collapsed on a large scale, and more demonized ants became crazy under the power of the queen of insects, as if they were rushing towards them.

The Trident River region is once again in crisis, and only the Twentieth Beacon area remains relatively calm.

Rhode led the crowd to block the heavy pressure once again~www.mtlnovel.com~ did not let a monster leave the line of sight of Lighthouse No. 20.

But that alone is no longer enough.

Countless demonized ants surged out from the central area, and the psionic field of the queen even expanded to the vicinity of the No. 20 Lighthouse area.

And according to the reconnaissance of the psionic feedback crystal, the psionic power of the insect queen is still rapidly increasing.

It no longer hatches ordinary demonized ants, but king ants.

If so many king ants rushed over, the ending could be imagined.

The first commander Herman made a special trip to conduct a psionic communication with Rhodes and informed them of the real situation.

"If the queen is not killed, the Trident River region will be destroyed."

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Chapter end

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Chapter 326
Chapter 325
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Chapter 254
Chapter 253
Chapter 252
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Chapter 250
Chapter 249
Chapter 248
Chapter 247
Chapter 246
Chapter 245
Chapter 244
Chapter 243
Chapter 242
Chapter 241
Chapter 240
Chapter 239
Chapter 238
Chapter 237
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Chapter 235
Chapter 234
Chapter 233
Chapter 232
Chapter 231
Chapter 230
Chapter 229
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Chapter 223
Chapter 222
Chapter 221
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Chapter 150
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Chapter 140
Chapter 139
Chapter 138
Chapter 137
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Chapter 133
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Chapter 64
Chapter 63
Chapter 62
Chapter 61
Chapter 60
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Chapter 58
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Chapter 55
Chapter 54
Chapter 53
Chapter 52
Chapter 51
Chapter 50
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Chapter 44
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Chapter 38
Chapter 37
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Chapter 34
Chapter 33
Chapter 32
Chapter 31
Chapter 30
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Chapter 25
Chapter 24
Chapter 23
Chapter 22
Chapter 21
Chapter 20
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