The Last King of Darkness Chapter 299

The Last King of Darkness Chapter 299

Great scholar Amides said cautiously.

"The truth of the past has always been what we all seek."

"We have a saying here, know what happened in the past, you will know what will happen in the future."

Rhodes said with a smile: "History always repeats, and there is nothing new under the sun."

The great scholar Oberon nodded: "This sentence is very philosophical. Did you see it in the ruins of Fanxing Town?"

Rhodes was stunned, thinking that the influence of history really permeated all aspects. No matter what novel things or theories were, people's first reaction was the history of the past.

"Oh, yes."

In order to avoid trouble, Rhodes admitted directly.

The great scholar Rikal pondered: "It's not necessarily from Fanxing Town, I think it's passed down from a longer age."

The great scholar Amides said: "Yes, the Starry Kingdom has existed for less than a thousand years, and it will not have such a heavy feeling."

"There is one more point." The great scholar Derain added: "The kingdom of stars is in the third era. At that time, the dark fog has obscured the sun. They would not have such a proverb, so it should be seen from a farther distance. See the Second Age of the Sun handed down."

Rhodes sighed in his heart that in this sentence alone, they could infer so much, and it sounded quite reasonable.

If I didn't know it, maybe I would have believed it.

Amides asked again: "How much do you know about history?"

"Well... I know that we are in the Dark Era. There was also the Third Era, the era in which the Starry Kingdom existed. At that time, there were also black mists and monsters, and there were also the Second Era, the ancient gods and so on. It seems to be from that era. "

Amides nodded: "I know enough, much more than the average warrior."

The great scholar Oberon said with a smile: "You are so wise, do you want to transfer to the palace of knowledge? I can accept you as a single disciple."

"do not."

Grand Scholar Amides shook his head.

"His Excellency the Archbishop will go crazy, our little hero of Rhodes is now a big celebrity in the king's city."

Everyone laughed, knowing that it was impossible for Rhodes to change careers.

Knowledge was important, but they also knew that it was an uncertain future.

The fighters are the backbone of the present, and if they can't support it now, there is no future.

Amides continued: "Let me start from the beginning, do you know the creation myth?"

"not sure."

Amides smiled and didn't care.

"It is said that the universe is a boundless sea of ​​fire. One day, when the fire is extinguished, the spiritual world is formed."

Rhode was surprised: "Spiritual world?"

"Yes, it's incredible, right, but we have recently confirmed that among the three worlds, the first birth is indeed the spiritual world, which is boundless until the end of time."

"Then the Sea of ​​Sources was born, which is the underlying logic and rules of the world, the source of all energy generation and annihilation."

"The last to be born is the main material world, which is also our world."

The conference room was silent, and everyone was listening to Amides' speech.

Although they have known it for a long time, every time they listen to it, they can have a different perception and find that they hadn't noticed the details before.

"On the day it was born, there was a huge vibration in the spiritual world. It was divided into four layers, the inner spiritual world, the outer spiritual world, the high spiritual world, and the very high spiritual world. It is extremely difficult to cross the space partition and potential barriers, and the main material world corresponds to the inner spiritual world."

"The sea of ​​​​sources also had a huge vibration. The clear source floated up and became the fundamental rule of new things. The turbid source condensed and became the source substance, scattered all over the world."

"At this point, the way the world works has been roughly determined. This period, we call it the era of chaos, tells the story of the beginning of the heaven and the earth and the beginning of the birth of all things."

"Because it is too old, it does not have a clear timeline, and we can only attribute all the history of 10,000 years ago to it."

Armidus paused, and continued with a leisurely look on his old face.

"After the Chaos Era, it is the legendary Era of Light, also known as the Era of Gods."

"This is our second epoch, about 10,000 to 6,000 years ago."

"It is said that in the early days of this era, every day was a day of fire, sun, and Hanukkah. People could walk on the earth without worrying about being eroded by black fog and attacked by monsters."

"During this period, gods fought side by side with human beings, powerful divine cities spread over the earth, people's main enemy was the abyss, and occasionally they fought monsters, demons, dragons, or evil giants."

Rhode was surprised: "God City?"

Amides nodded slightly: "The cities where gods live, every **** city is the capital of a human kingdom, gods usually live in the temples at the highest point of **** cities, accept people's worship, and protect the people they shelter. fight."

"The ancient city of Sagus, where Doomsday believers obtained the Book of Destiny, is such a divine city."

Rhodes frowned. He remembered that the Book of Knowledge had told him that the regions in the high-level spiritual world were actually the remains of the destroyed kingdom of God.

But Amides said that the city of God was on the ground, and that gods and humans lived together.

This is obviously wrong.

But he didn't interrupt the great scholar, he just kept this question in his mind, intending to ask it after the soul of the book of knowledge recovered.

Amedes continued: "Based on certain clues we have obtained from historical relics, we infer that at some point in the middle of the Second Era, the Black Mist appeared."

"This period of history has a very large fault, and many truths have been annihilated. We only know the results."

"The gods have fallen one after another, or they are destroyed, or they are eroded by the black mist, and they have fallen into monsters. The city of God is completely destroyed, and mankind is completely defeated."

There was silence in the room, people seemed to hold their breath, only the old voice of Amides remained.

"And there are many records about the latter part of history. We have found descriptions of that period in many ruins. Their words are full of pain and despair, and their pessimism about the future and the fear of human beings that are about to be destroyed are all on the paper, even if Thousands of years later, we can clearly feel it."

"It was at this moment that the first fire was lit."

"We are not sure about the exact date of the birth of the first fire, it seems to have existed in the early second era, but it is also possible that the origin of the fire is the demise of the gods. There are many theories about this, but the real history has been sealed in time. In the long river of history, the remaining clues are too long to be verified, and we can only reconstruct what happened in that era in our imagination."

"People ignited the first fire and established the first fire king city of mankind."

Amides paused before spitting out the name.

"Bless the Holy City, the City of Loren, the Sacred Heart of Ameliacas."

"Its appearance brought hope, the firelight dispelled the black fog, wiped out the monsters, and the human beings got a chance to breathe."

"Since then, the Era of God has ended, and mankind has entered the Era of Fire."

Amides' expression came out of his pain, and became high-spirited.

"After Loren City was stabilized, the remnants of human beings gathered in everything, and the power of human beings became stronger again, and they mastered the power of fire, and a new occupational system was born, Fire Holders."

"People cleaned up the monsters near Loren City and built this human settlement bigger and bigger."

"For some reason, the black fog also weakened during this period, and the human expedition team went farther and farther, and once again controlled a large area of ​​land."

"But without fire, humans cannot survive for a long time. Once they leave, monsters will be born again in the black fog."

"After a period of time, people mastered the method of separating the seed of the holy fire from the first fire, so they went to the earth to light the holy fire and established more fire king cities."

"But this can't meet the skyrocketing needs of human beings. They have mastered the method of using the power of the holy flame to create a guardian fire."

"Then the fire quickly ignited on the earth, like the most magnificent starry sky on the clearest summer night."

"Countless human kingdoms have been established, and human beings are unprecedentedly powerful. In the most glorious era, the light of fire shines in all directions, the land is full of human cities, and brave warriors hunted the monsters in the black mist. The black mist can only occupy distant places. A remote area and a small continent."

"Everyone believes that they will overcome the nightmare of this world and usher in a bright future."

Amides' tone became heavy again.

"At this moment, disaster struck."

"Why it came and why it came, we still don't know, this part of history is the history we have lost the most, we can almost only find the destroyed remains, the extinguished holy fire, and fell into the dark king city, And strong human beings who have become monsters."

"It wasn't until the end of it that we found some more traces of history."

"The surviving human beings call that period of history a mass extinction, and they avoid talking about it in any ancient books. We only know that the king's city has been destroyed one after another, the holy fire has been extinguished one after another, and the human heroes who were once regarded as hope have died one after another. Covered the earth once and for all."

"We regard the destruction of the starry kingdom closest to us as the end of the Age of Fire."

"When their capital, Starry Night, the starry city of Tasnia, was overrun by an indescribable monster 1,500 years ago, the Dark Era began."

Amides said in a low voice.

"We don't know what happened in the early part of this era. According to the records in the city of Trorian, the legendary last human hero, Trorian, took the last seed of holy fire and put it in our city. Rekindled it, gathered the remnants of humanity, and built a kingdom that lasts to this day."

"In honor of this great hero, we named this country Trorian."

"Since then, the Tesrivian Gregorian calendar has begun, and so far, has lasted 1325 years."

The venue was quiet and no one spoke.

Everyone felt this incomparably heavy history, and the heavy feeling that rushed to the face made everyone unable to breathe.

Rhodes felt it even more deeply. For a while, he almost thought that he was going to be invincible, and that any ancient **** was killed by a fist in front of him.

The ancient gods are so fragile, is there anything stronger than the ancient gods?

In the history told today, Rhodes felt stronger than everyone else, because he knew something that everyone didn't know.

The Book of Knowledge once told him that Dreamland had more than one masters in the past, and they were the powerhouses standing at the top of the times in each period.

But in the torrent of history, they didn't seem to make any splash.

And how could he be invincible when he only had a broken dream and ignited a small number of stars?

Amides was silent for a minute before continuing.

"In the middle, we also experienced two major faults and lost a lot of historical data. This is our most regrettable thing."

There was a huge loss in Amides' tone, and the expressions of everyone were the same.

"If these historical materials are still there, we will unlock many unknown secrets, know the historical truth about the occurrence of the Great Fault, and maybe find the cause of such a terrifying disaster, so as to avoid it in the future."

Grand Scholar Oberon nodded slightly.

"Yes, so under my suggestion, we unified the big faults 900 years ago and 400 years ago as the mass extinction, just to remind us that the pressure of survival is always on our heads, and we must not because Dazed by a momentary victory."

The great scholar Derain said: "We attach great importance to history. For the details of every incident, we will record them in detail in the big library and keep them properly for future generations to refer to after thousands of years."

Amides nodded slightly.

"Nothing is more important than history."

He repeated the sentence again.

"When we know the past, we can know the future."

After a pause, Amides continued: "Although there are two faults, the history of Trorian is relatively clear. In the past thousand years, we have also had glory, and now we are expanding. The ruins and towns occupied were all occupied before."

"Of course, with the exception of Fanxing Town, although it was only released by Trorian 600 years ago because of its orientation, it is indeed the first place we occupied that has never been occupied."

"We have taken a step that no one has ever taken before, and the person who made this great deed is right in front of us."

Everyone looked at Rhodes in unison, their eyes filled with scorching heat.

Rhodes smiled reluctantly.

Amides' expression became serious. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com

"Our road is so tortuous, just like the human beings in the past. We have been strong and weak, but in the end, we will become stronger. I firmly believe that we will be able to unlock all the secrets and let the fire light illuminate more earth. Let humanity prosper and find the path to the legendary final light."

Everyone applauded in unison, and the warm atmosphere became active again in the venue.

Rhodes also clapped vigorously to dispel the lingering heaviness.

After the applause fell, Rhode suddenly remembered a question and asked: "Lord Amides, are we really the last Fire King City? From your description, I don't seem to hear that other Fire King cities have survived. ."

Amides replied with a smile: "Your question is also our most controversial issue. Some people think that the world has been destroyed, and we are the last survivors, but some people think that in an unknown distance, there are still The surviving Fire King City exists."

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Chapter end

Chapter 502
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Chapter 500
Chapter 495
Chapter 494
Chapter 493
Chapter 492
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Chapter 490
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Chapter 388
Chapter 387
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Chapter 364
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Chapter 52
Chapter 51
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Chapter 31
Chapter 30
Chapter 29
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Chapter 25
Chapter 24
Chapter 23
Chapter 22
Chapter 21
Chapter 20
Chapter 19
Chapter 18
Chapter 17
Chapter 16
Chapter 15
Chapter 14
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Chapter 12
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