The Last Embrace 63 Threesome

The Last Embrace 63 Threesome

Jessy walked into the study room unannounced. She found the Queen reading a wedding magazine. Margaret was indeed obsessed with the wedding preparation, and the bride to be wasn't interested even a tiny bit about the wedding, Jessy thought wryly to herself.

Margaret surveyed the young woman's face.

"Jessy, you're here?" she smiled.

"M-mother, I need to talk with you regarding your son Zain," said Jessy.

Margaret got interested. "Nice to know that we will be talking about my son. What is it?" she set aside the magazine to give her full attention to her future daughter-in-law.

The Queen motioned Jessy to sit on the sofa beside her.

Jessy obeyed.

"So, tell me, what about my son?"

Jessy beamed with confidence. She was sure that after the Queen know of Zain and Hannah's secret tryst she will be the one to stop the wedding herself.

"Your beloved son was having an affair with his assistant. I saw them naked inside his bathroom yesterday. That is another big reason why I don't want to get married to him. If he loves his assistant then they should be the ones to get married..."

The Queen smiled suddenly amused.

"Are you jealous?" she asked.

Huh? Jessy shook her head vigorously.

"I am not jealous! In fact, I am happy that they had a relationship together so that I won't be married to him at all," she retorted.

The Queen rose to her feet. Her cool demeanor didn't even change at all.

"Don't worry about Hannah, she's not a threat to you. Once you and Zain will get married she no longer appears in the picture."

Whoaaa! Jessy sighed. This isn't the reaction she was expecting from the Queen.

"Mother, do you still want me to go on with the wedding in spite of what I had discovered between them?"

Margaret laughed.

"Why? What's wrong? Men can make mistakes and also women. We all made mistakes one way or another. How about you? You have an affair with Adam as well, right? You and Zain are now even. It's a good thing actually, you both made mistakes outside the marriage. When you get married you will be absolutely perfect for each other, no more mistakes by then."

Aargh! Jessy can't believe what she just heard from her...

"M-mother. You are impossible!"

Margaret continues smiling, to the point of irritating the hell out of the younger woman's ire.

"Come on, Jessy. It's just a minor mistake on Zain's part. If you have been much closer to him and you didn't deny him your time then he and Hannah would not have been intimate right now. It's much as your fault as it is of my son. So, please don't be stubborn, just go on with the wedding for two years, and if nothing happens with you and Zain, then you can go free your way."

Jessy inhaled sharply and groaned.

"Okay fine. I will go on with the wedding!" she finally said.

Margaret's face brightened up with excitement.

"Fantastic! So we're okay now, this is good!"

Jessy gritted her teeth in anger.

"On one condition..."

The Queen's smile vanished instantly.

"What is it again this time?" she's frowning.

Jessy displayed an acidic smile on her face for the Queen's benefit.

"After the wedding, I will take Hannah to live with me and Zain in our new home."

The Queen's eyebrows rose.

"No! You can take anybody as a companion, just not Hannah! What you're up to young lady?" she finally has given up not able to comprehend the girl's intention. It's just so plain absurd.

Then Margaret was silent for a while, the silence stretched to a few more minutes...occasionally she would stare at the younger woman's face and trying to delve into her mind.

Jessy welcomes the silence that engulfed them.

The Queen kept assessing the girls face. No married woman will bring her husband's mistress into their marital home after the wedding. It's so outrageous!

"So, what is really your plan?" Margaret repeated.

Jessy sighed.

"I promise Hannah that she can continue serving the Prince after were married. I don't want to break my promise in spite of knowing their affair. She told to me that she will serve me, the Prince and our kids in the future. I pitied her."

The Queen still don't get it.

She ran her fingers in the surface of her books. There's got to be a hidden reason why Jessy easily agreed to Hannah's offer other than pity. Then it finally dawned on her what was the young woman's intention.

"Ah, you are going to use Hannah as your shield against my son's advances? You have no plan to consummate the marriage. So, you were thinking that if you bring Hannah with you into the marriage their physical intimacy will flourish and you will walk out free within two years time?"

Jessy laughed a little. She would like to clap her hands to applaud the Queen's brilliance and cleverness. Margaret had guessed perfectly well what she actually has in mind.

"That was actually the plan, no, I mean it was Plan B. I really pity Hannah, she loves your son so much. They should be together. I should not come in between them. Mother, can you please consider it? Marry Zain to Hannah, that would solve all our problem," she pleaded.

Margaret dismissed the girl's plea.

"No. Absolutely not! You and my son had been destined to get married and continue the royal vampires' lineage. It has been written in your destiny since you were a little girl. How could you dismissed it just like that?"

"But Mother...," Jessy whined.

"Jessy, tell me. If you have not fallen in love with my other son Adam, is there any possibility you will fall in love with Zain? Tell me the truth?"

Jessy was taken aback by her question. She hasn't pondered about those possibilities. Before Prince Zain came into her life there was already Adam. It's Adam she was accustomed to seeing every day, it's Adam she falls in love with...

"If Zain has been in Adam's place, would you fall in love with Zain? Instead of Adam?" Margaret repeated her question.

The Queen has realized now the big mistake she and the King had made in the past. It should have been Prince Zain they sent to take care and protect the young Jessy, instead of Adam. The reasons why they sent Adam instead of Zain was because Adam was cursed and bound to die on the same day the crossbreed will turn twenty. They thought it will be handy, what they didn't factor in the equation was the 'love aspect' of it all. But...who would think that love will blossom between two young children through the years? That never cross their mind before. They were so busy fending enemies left and right that they forgot to think things over carefully regarding the children's future situation.

Jessy wasn't interested in answering the damn question.

While the Queen was lost in her own world dwelling in the past...

Jessy decided to think about it. Would she fall for Prince Zain if he was in Adam's place? Maybe yes or maybe not, how will she know?...she tried to shake those thoughts. She doesn't want to betray Adam's love just by dwelling on those absurd thoughts.

"Mother, let's not talk about that anymore. Things happened the way they are. There's nothing we can do to undo the past. While you might be trying to correct mistakes by marrying me to your son. And I am also trying to preserve my love for your other son, Adam. It's a very hard situation I'm facing right now. Falling in love is not as easy as changing clothes. You just can't shove your son to my face. I just can't forget and destroy the love and the beautiful memories I have shared with Adam and then let another guy enter my heart just like that. That's insane!"

The Queen released a deep sigh.

Jessy was already tired with their back and forth bickering.

"Mother we should not drag this situation too far. I agree to the marriage but my one condition stands. I want Hannah to be with me during the duration of the marriage, under the same roof! Take it or leave it!"

Margaret glared at the young woman. "Why you're being stubborn again? That can't be!"

Jessy sighed. "What are you afraid, Mother? That they will continue their illicit affair under one roof with me? That I will get out scratch free after two years and you lose?"

The Queen was annoyed with Jess' provocation. But she held her ground.

"It's an absurd situation the three of you will undergo. I won't let Hannah come into your marriage with Zain. Your asking for an impossible thing!"

Jessy was also persistent. "Why Mother dear? Are you afraid that your son can't get off his hands on his assistant during our marriage? That is a valid reason to get a divorce, infidelity happening right in our home and that would be tons of evidence, isn't that amazing?"

"...besides, if they still do hanky panky behind my back then that would reveal their true colors. I just want to see how far these two can keep their hands off from each other. If they won't respect the marriage then they're not worthy of my trust and affection."

Margaret for some reason got tongue-tied.

Jessy rose to her feet and bowed to the Queen.

"I will take my leave now, Mother. Don't worry I will go through the wedding preparations. I will attend the wedding day and I will have Hannah with me together with my husband under one roof. It would be a nice threesome for sure. I'm looking forward to it." Jessy smiled slyly at her future mother-in-law.

Before Jessy finally opens the door, she left something for the Queen to ponder. "By the way, Mother, do you know the art of successful negotiation? Let me share it with you," she paused for a second. "You can't get what you want unless you give them what they want. It's the true essence of negotiation, it's like give and take situation."

Jessy took another bow in front of the Queen and left the premises, the smile of triumph never leaving her face.

Margaret was left alone in the study room, astounded and shaken to the core!

Her mouth closed and opened without making any sound. Her face was flushed with rage.

That girl!

Chapter end

472 The End
471 Meeting The Men In Uniform
470 Welcome To A New Day!
469 We'll Get Married!
468 Time For Plan B!
467 Don't Worry!
466 The Day Has Come
465 Free At Last!
464 Slaughter House
463 Ground Zero
462 LifeLong Commitmen
461 Green Fields
460 Visiting You!
459 Most Wanted
458 Tears In Their Eyes
457 Behind The Door
456 The Night Watch
455 Shall We Go In?
454 Missing Girl
453 Just In Time
452 Our Guy!
451 Are You Kidding Me?
450 Great Responsibility
449 You Know Why
448 Crash Landing
447 Never Grow Old
446 I Know Your Secrets!
445 Success!
444 Immobilized
443 What Is Your Plan?
442 Secrecy
441 I Got It!
440 Greater Good
439 Let's Get Started!
438 Few Options Lef
437 Sacrificial Lamb
436 Greater Good
435 I'm Here!
434 Forever Indebted To You
433 What About Us?
Chapter 432
431 Good News To All!
430 Wonderful Day!
429 The Game Begins
428 Ruined Fun
427 Addicting!
426 New Toy!
425 I Won't Share My Bed!
424 Fixing The Mess
423 Bring Me Along
422 Are There Other Reasons?
421 It's Better This Way
420 Just Keep It!
419 Wait For Me!
418 Something New
417 Budget Wise Motel
416 Time To Say Goodbye
415 Go Away!
414 That Made Her Day!
413 Where Am I?
412 Get Me Out Of Here!
411 Offer A Solution
410 Hidden Power
409 One Moment In Time
408 United As One
407 What's Going On?
406 Are You Angry?
405 We Will Die With You!
404 Volatile Situation
403 You're The Best!
402 I'm Sorry
401 Have Mercy On Us!
400 Peace Not War!
399 Hostility
398 Bended Knee
397 Betrayed!
396 The Ritual
395 The Search Begin
394 Impending Doom
393 Are You Serious?
392 Don't Touch That Bottle!
391 Genie In The Bottle
390 Special Trea
389 Welcome To The World!
388 Like An Angel!
387 Soulful Voice
386 My New Girlfriend
385 Back To Reality
384 World War 3
383 Daughter Of Wonder Woman
382 Tacos & Bullies
381 Magical Toy
380 Sky Is Not The Limi
379 Something Is not Right!
378 What A Sight!
377 Life's Journey
376 Good Times
375 Out In The Open
374 Journey Back Home
373 Absolute Deligh
372 Family Picnic
371 I'm Going Home
370 Worry No More!
369 Where Is The Justice?
368 What's Going On?
367 By Hook Or By Crook
366 Falling!
365 Passive Or Bold?
364 Mysterious Voice
363 Bastards! Get Off Her!
362 Brilliant Idea!
361 This Is Not Good!
360 Light Is Ou
359 Secret Plan!
358 Come With Us!
357 Let's Go!
356 I'm Not Guilty!
355 He's Not Tarzan?
354 Granting Your Wish
353 Coming Home!
352 Swift Death Or Prolong Agony?
351 It's Gone!
350 We're All Going To Die!
349 Beautiful Fantasy!
348 I Will Help You
347 Decision!
346 Disturbing Sight!
345 Anything Can Happen!
344 Minor Glitch
343 Teach Her A Lesson!
342 What The Hell!?
341 Watching You!
340 Wicked Plan!
339 Stranger!
338 Stunning!
337 Found You!
336 It's Missing!
335 Let's Have A Feast!
334 No Regrets!
333 Car Chase!
332 Take You Outside!
331 Getting To Know Her Better
330 Proud Of What You Become
329 I'm Divorcing You!
328 Something Is Wrong!
327 I Missed Going Outside!
326 Green Thumb
325 I Will Make You Mine!
324 Something Wrong With My Face?
323 The End Justify The Cause
322 Rest In Peace!
321 The Culprit!
320 Forgiveness & Acceptance
319 Let Go of The Pain
318 Presents For You!
317 The Owner Is Back!
316 The Final Hours
315 Desolation
314 Ultimate Betrayal
313 Intruder Of The Nigh
312 I Won't Settle For Less!
311 The Rabbi's Manor
310 Tender Moments
309 I'm Back!
308 Catching The Bigger Fish!
307 Prepare For The Wors
306 Future Bride
305 Ruggedly Handsome
304 You Will Be Mine!
303 Captivating
302 Descendan
301 The Bell Rings!
300 I Will Hate You For Life!
299 Accept My Offer!
298 Undo My Mistakes!
297 Milestone Celebration
296 Boys Next!
295 Brainstorming!
294 Manipulation
293 Mama!
292 Lot's Of Tickets!
291 Miracle Needed!
290 Play To Win!
289 Absolute Kindness
288 Secret Sideline
287 Escape Route
286 Little Indians
285 You Killed Them?
284 Everything Was Heavenly!
283 Love Or Pity?
282 Was That Baby, Yours?
281 Coming Of Age
280 Too Complex!
279 Going Bonkers!
278 The Good & The Bad
277 You Don't Have To Feel lonely!
276 Choices People Make
275 Danger Zone
274 Tragedy
273 Charming Smile
272 This is a goodbye then?
271 Babe! I'm back!
270 He married another woman!
269 Feels Like A Dream!
268 She's Back!
267 Good News From Home!
266 Birthday Gif
265 Start Caring!
264 Respect Given & Earned
263 Naked Bodies
262 Gavin's Charm Perfume
261 Casualties
260 Rescue
259 Slow Rock Music
258 Reminiscence
257 Beautiful!
256 Outing!
255 Home Finally!
254 Solution
253 Grow Old With You!
252 Beating Around The Bush
251 Brother Talk
250 Dreamland
249 Very Sad!
248 Where's The Children?
247 Excited To Go Home!
246 Morning Loving
245 Danger
244 Harem
243 Wait For Eternity
242 The Older Brother
241 Attack Plan!
240 Show Me Yourself!
239 I Will Stay!
238 Missing Couple!
237 A New Purpose
236 Worry Not!
235 Truly Belong
234 Countryside Trip
233 Adventure!
232 Rest & Relax!
231 Galaxy
230 Heavy Responsibility
229 I'm Sorry
228 Restrictions
227 Spying?
226 Enough!
225 Brother
224 I Care!
223 Couple
222 Freedom!
221 Never Ending Killing!
220 Runnnnn!
219 Descending
218 Rescue & Kill
217 Best Solution
216 Alive But Captive!
215 Sharp Cry Of Pain
214 Cages!
213 The Mysterious Guy
212 Low Profile
211 Silhouette
210 Yes To All!
209 New Companion!
208 That Girl Is Loaded!
207 Decent Meal
206 Join Us!
205 Bonding Time!
204 Romancing In The Lake
203 Collapsed
Chapter 202
Chapter 201
Chapter 200
Chapter 199
Chapter 198
197 Eight Point Star Symbol
196 Time Is Running Out!
195 I'm Happy For You!
194 Finding Hannah!
193 Where Is She!?
192 Aaargh! Women!
191 Find A Vampire Pig!
190 Guinea Pig
189 Erasing Jessy's Memory
188 Incredible Experience!
187 Trust No One!
186 Glittering Gold
185 Baby Clothes
184 Just In Time!
183 Please Forgive Me!
182 Sorry, I Tried My Bes
181 Please, Save My Wife!
180 Sick Society
179 The General's Revenge
178 End My Life!
177 Cunning Ladies!
176 Shame On Him!
175 Stunning View!
174 I Want More!
173 I Want To Help You!
172 Reveal The Truth
171 Nice Feeling
170 The Habita
169 Welcome To Your New Home!
Chapter 168
Chapter 167
Chapter 166
Chapter 165
Chapter 164
Chapter 163
Chapter 162
Chapter 161
Chapter 160
Chapter 159
158 The Gathering & The Planning
Chapter 157
Chapter 156
Chapter 155
Chapter 154
Chapter 153
Chapter 152
Chapter 151
Chapter 150
Chapter 149
Chapter 148
147 The Victims!
146 Mission-XXX
145 The Future Lies In Your hands
144 Peace Of Mind
143 Can She Trust her?
142 Spotligh
141 Brown Envelope
140 Victim #25
139 End Your Life
138 Warplanes
137 Falling!
136 Terrifying Scream
135 I'm Going Crazy!
134 So In Love!
Chapter 133
Chapter 132
Chapter 131
Chapter 130
Chapter 129
Chapter 128
Chapter 127
Chapter 126
Chapter 125
Chapter 124
Chapter 123
122 Not Everyone Can Be Happy
121 I Will Marry You!
120 Am I Worth It?
119 Daily Goal
Chapter 118
117 Locked Lips!
116 The Questions
115 There She Is!
114 Full Moon
113 The New Adam
112 Feeling Guilty
111 Solution
110 Friction
109 Nooooo!
108 Restoring Your Memory
107 Father & Son
106 Acceptance
105 Revelation
104 Be Selfish!
103 Confused
102 A Gif
101 Old Woman
100 Blood Transfusion
99 Stop The Scheming!
98 Why Oh Why?
97 Die By His Side
96 Drink Your Blood!
95 Fixing A Broken Hear
94 You Want More?
93 Last Minute!
92 Wedding Day!
91 Pre-Wedding Jitters
90 Bygone Era
89 Demanding Wife!
88 Drop Everything
87 Agreemen
86 Pay Back!
85 Pretty Face
84 Love No One
83 Worth Saving
82 Empty Space!
81 Cage And Traps!
80 You Are Not Invited!
79 Hello Gavin Sanders!
78 Magnetic Eyes
77 Skeleton!
76 Real State Business Or Modeling?
75 Who Are You?
74 Catch Me If You Can!
73 Real Or Fake?
72 How Do You Feel?
71 Back To Life!
70 Anything You Wan
69 Culmination
68 Invisible Man
67 Sexy Ladies!
66 New Home!
65 Wanna Bet?
64 Lap Dance
63 Threesome
62 Naked Ambition
61 Lock Up!
60 So Close Yet So far!
59 Bloody Red!
58 Hannah
57 Mother Knows Best!
56 Come With Me!
55 Visitors!
54 Caden
53 Princess Abigail
52 Moan My Name!
51 The Pervert Guy~II
50 The Pervert Guy~I
49 Reunion
48 Terrible Mistake!
47 Stranger!
Chapter 46
45 Degree Of Separation
44 Silver Dus
43 The Queen
42 Prince Zain
41 Vampires Descending!
40 Transformation!
39 Pain and Pleasure
38 Scent of Death
37 25 Best Position
36 Sexedule
35 Tsunami
34 The Silent Hero
33 Borrowed Face!
32 Preparation
31 Rescue 101
30 Twelve Children
29 Halloween Party!
28 The Facility
27 Point Of No Return
26 Tormented
25 Adam Is Back!
24 Going Home
23 Jessy's 16th Birthday
22 Fun Times In The Park
21 Playing With Fire!
20 Meditation
19 Up Up In The Sky
18 Harmless Mistake
17 The Woods
16 Jealousy and Frisbee!
15 Lady Of The Lake!
14 Passion and Destiny
13 The Aftermath!
12 Guns and Knives!
11 Finding Jessy!
10 Future Husband!
9 Sealed With A Kiss!
8 Magic Of Love
7 The Saddest Revelation Ever!
6 Vampire Essence
5 Black Marke
4 The Fallen Vampire Kingdom
3 Adam's Birthday!
2 Need Some Answer
1 Adam and Jessy
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