The Demon Against the Heavens 201 A Fantastic Intuition

The Demon Against the Heavens 201 A Fantastic Intuition

"He killed Aiako!" people shouted from the stands.

"How the hell did he do it!"

Achilles's Flaming Throw was not yet at the Master rank, since it was a very deep and difficult Skill to learn. It was already a miracle that Helial had managed to raise it to level 19.

Having being thought that Skill by Alexander himself, it was easy to imagine how terrifying his attack was.

Cesar sprang to his feet, ecstatic. He grabbed the grandstand railing, leaving the mark of fingertips on the marble.

Crispio shook his head: "This time the King really had a fantastic intuition."

Big and Guiccia remained silent to reflect on Helial's move. Although neither of them was at Cesar and Crispio's level, they were both powerful and wise enough to understand what was going on inside the Colosseum.

Atlanta and Margherita did not panic and, furious at the loss of Aiako, suddenly attacked Helial, forgetting that the young man's companions were not in the arena just for show.

Atlanta shot an arrow with the utmost precision, but its course was suddenly blocked by a shield appeared out of nowhere.

Skill Activated:

Shield of the Titan

Lv: 2

Rank: Master

Degree of Knowledge: Devil-Block


Create a shield, the more powerful the more Mana is used.

Current Effects:

5000 Defense/80 MP

Efficiency: 100%

Protecting is sometimes better than attacking.

Before training with Iblis, the characteristics of Shield of the Titan were as follows:

Skill Activated

Lv: 4

Shield of the Titan
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Rank: White

Degree of Knowledge: The Earth is Everything


Create a shield, the more powerful the more Mana is used.

Current Effects:

1000 Defense/100 MP

Efficiency: 100%

Protecting is sometimes better than attacking.

Not only had Shield of the Titan reached Master Rank, but the constant battles against Iblis within Illusions that endangered her life every second had allowed Lumia to discover a new nuance in that Skill.

By aggregating all the Mana in a specific point and making it the core of the shield, the defensive power was not only increased dramatically, but the consumption of Mana dropped proportionately.

In comparison with the experience of Iblis' tyrannical attacks, which had broken her defences over and over again, the arrow just shot from Atlanta did not seem different from a gnat sting, for Lumia.

Although Lumia was only in the Late stage of the Second Phase, her control over Mana and her Skills had reached a terrifying level.

Atlanta's arrow struck Shield of the Titan and disintegrated without leaving the slightest damage on it.

The archer watched the arrow shatter with disbelief and the shield remain motionless and unharmed. There was not even a scratch on it.

It was then that Margherita gritted her teeth and threw three metal spheres into the air as she began to recite different formulas. The metal spheres began to glow dangerously and gave off terrifying pressure.

A few moments later, there was nothing left of those spheres. Three arrows had reached and pulverized them!

Vlad looked at Margherita with a bored look, yawning, but he was chuckling silently.

Lumia's incredible defense was the nemesis of Atlanta's attacks and Vlad's incredible precision and attack speed were the nemesis of Margherita's devices!

Helial had been really shrewd, he had planned everything perfectly!

Medusa's companions were all in the Initial stage of the Third Phase and could easily have crushed a group of kids in the Second Phase, led by a reckless one who was still blocked at the First Phase, but at that moment it seemed that they had collided head-on with an indestructible metal plate.

What kind of situation was that? Was the Team of the Keepers of the Firmament too weak to deal with a handful of ants?

Of course not!

Their enemies had exploited all their weaknesses, including arrogance, to immediately reverse the predictions for the clash.

And now, not only had the Team of the Keepers of the Firmament lost one of its pillars, but it also looked like it was doomed to defeat.

Helial, after tearing Aiako to pieces, did not get carried away with complacency and immediately jumped towards Ceni.

"Frankenstein! Block her right and left, now!" Screamed Helial at the top of his voice.

Atlanta and Margherita were dealing with Lumia and Vlad, unable to intervene in the clash.

Snowflake, meanwhile, was the one feeling the greatest pressure. Although his speed was truly terrifying, Medusa was no ordinary warrior.

"I finally unlocked that shitty Devil's skill, let's see how capable you are, DYKE!" Murmured Snowflake, raising his voice as he said the last word of the sentence, so that Medusa could hear it too.

Skill Activated:

Authority of the Tyrant




Lv: 1

Although Snowflake had finally touched its basic level, he was still far from mastering that Skill. The Devil had wanted to make his life really difficult when he had given him that gift! Despite this, Snowflake was aware of how powerful Authority of the Tyrant was and had tried to train it as much as possible.

Typically, Movement Skills were based on the circulation of Mana in the limbs. In contrast, Authority of the Tyrant used all Meridians in the body to generate a terrifying Aura.

The principle behind the Skill was actually quite simple.

Authority of the Tyrant allowed the user to disappear at the last second, just before being hit, and launch a deadly counterattack. It was a Skill born from Iblis's arrogance and sense of absolute superiority. Therefore, in order to use it, in addition to incredible physical requirements, a certain mood was necessary. Snowflake knew that if his mental stability faltered during the confrontation, if he began to doubt, the Skill would not be able to show his true potential.

It was such a profound and mysterious Skill that no matter how well the Mana circulated within his Meridians, without enough meditation and Illuminations about it, no one could ever have exploited even only 1% of it.

To understand how powerful Authority of the Tyrant really was, it was enough to think that Snowflake, after training without stopping, had managed to conquer only the first level and was not even able to see its characteristics.

Medusa's Chakrams came a step away from the cat, which had remained strangely still.

All the spectators gasped and began to raise their hands to shelter themselves from the splashes of blood that would soon arrive. The cat was a lunatic; he had remained motionless and would now be torn to pieces.

How was it possible that the blades had not cut even a single tuft of that cat's raggedy fur, despite having passed so dangerously close to him?!

Increasingly furious, Medusa again launched the Chakrams, which... passed through Snowflake's body!

Medusa frowned.

"A residual image," she growled.

Anger and frustration mounted in her body more and more: not only Aiako, the best fighter of her group after her, had been killed with embarrassing ease, and not only her dignity had been humiliated with words worthy only of Orma's most sordid slums, but now she, one of the heirs of the Sect of the Excellent, could not even succeed in killing that damned cat!

In fury, Medusa glanced at the battlefield and realized that the others were all at a disadvantage. And the fight hadn't been lasting more than five minutes!

The young woman regained her calm and decided to postpone her revenge. Completely ignoring the cat completely, who seemed to have disappeared in mid-air, she launched herself against Helial like a lioness.

But as soon as she turned her back, she saw a blinding light out of the corner of her eye.

"Damn it," Medusa turned suddenly, blocking Snowflake's surprise attack. If she hadn't turned to defend herself, she probably would have suffered a lot of damage.

In a direct confrontation, Snowflake had no hope of beating her. Still, Medusa didn't have a high defense, so a surprise attack by that cursed cat could have hurt her more or less seriously.

The worst part was that if she wanted to get rid of that beast, it would take a long time. Snowflake's speed had really left Medusa speechless.

Chapter end

246 Friends or Allies
245 The Equipment created by Phaistos
244 Capture Rabbits on the Battlefield
243 The Whole War on One's Shoulders
242 Despair
241 If You Are Not a Weapon
240 The Prince of Darkness
239 Cold
238 Last Hangover
237 Usurped Titles
236 Unless...
235 A Barrel Full of Trouble
234 Painfully slow
233 Life is a naughty game
232 Against the laws of nature
231 Perfect Foundations
230 Dick fan club
229 No Power, No Love
228 Lumia's Game
227 Los Gatos
226 Pseudonym and Iblis
225 The Slave Seal
224 Playing all his cards
223 Cornerstone
222 Chapter 221 - Bat wings
221 An Interesting Figh
220 The Qilin that dominates the sky
219 A significant variable
218 Epiphany
217 The first year
216 Watch and Learn
215 Black flames
214 Three skulls
213 War Menu
212 Like Frogs on the Bottom of a Well
211 Simplicity
210 Taking Command
209 At War
208 Because of a wink
207 Cursed Monster
206 The wingless green crow
205 Eating blissfully
204 Twenty kilos of lasagna
203 An Unparalleled Experience
202 "Before She Impales Me"
201 A Fantastic Intuition
200 Throwing Skills
199 The Roar of a Heavenly Star Tiger
198 The Plan
197 Waste of Time
196 Running like a Rabbi
195 Sacrificial Lambs
194 "Let's Drink To Ignorance!"
193 Let the Show Begin
192 Time Is Our Enemy
191 The King of Kings
190 Like his King
189 In This Life
188 A Game of Chess
187 On the Summit of Power
186 Someone Great to Remember
185 The Way
184 There is no point in fighting tomorrow
183 The True Chef
182 If You Want to Save Your Life
181 Facing Obstacles
180 His Resolve
179 Humiliation
178 Midges
177 As an Animal
176 Magnetic Field
175 A Battlefield
174 The Flame of Youth
173 An Evil Presence
172 In the Octagonal Room
171 Believe in Yourself
170 Keep on the path
169 The Greatest Cat in the Whole Universe
168 On Top of the Food Chain
167 Fill the Gap
166 Medusa's Team
165 Colored Threads
164 Orma's Symphony
163 Nothing to fear
161 Rice with Butter
160 Caught in Turmoil
159 Arrogance
158 On the wrong side
157 Destiny patches existence
156 A strong man like me
155 Two birds with one stone
154 Strategy
153 On a tree branch
152 Trust tes
151 One life down
150 The fierceness of a true woman
149 Miracle
148 Like breathing for the very first time
147 The neatest glare
146 Sparring partners
145 What would the outcome have been?
144 A bold one
143 Ambush
142 Too good
141 Something new
140 Talent thrived on sheer sloth
139 Damned deadweigh
138 Again
137 A quest to complete
136 The philanthropis
135 Third bes
134 Ideals
133 "Justice is not dead!"
132 A highly painful process
131 What'd be left of our freedom?
130 Tiny sinful demons
129 Don't let anybody tear your life away
128 Let's go
127 Palpable tension
126 An unheard of hunger
125 Win this game
124 A bunch of crooks
123 Engagemen
122 A fly on the blanke
121 Circe
120 Aftermath
119 Burnt fritters
118 A little blood
117 Two dumb whores
116 Innocence thrashed
115 Here comes trouble
114 I will fly away
113 This unfair game of love
112 Iblis
111 A weapon of mass destruction
110 Mop the floor up
109 Strike a balance
108 I will love you in spite of myself
107 A smile
106 Bend your destiny
105 The line between Good and Evil
104 For how dark was the nigh
103 Kind venerable gian
102 A tiny lightning amongst inert swans
101 A terrifying sigh
100 I'm peeing on you, bitches!
99 Salty
98 Memories
97 The secret to the perfect fried fritters
96 Every once in a blue moon
95 Stronger
94 Flee
93 Behind the door
92 Much more than you have ever had
91 A shiver down the spine
90 Rabid Hounds from the Netherworld
89 By himself
88 A little testing
87 Formation
86 Picking a Class
85 Finally
84 Old Spectral Ruins
83 On the road to the Dungeon
82 Information
81 The one I like the most, I guess
80 An unbeaten road
79 The Black Phoenix
78 Roar
77 I don't yearn for the moon nor do I crave the stars
76 Hard-pressed
75 A mangy Supreme Ca
74 As long as you keep going
73 Through the worst of hells
72 Wager
71 Just a matter of persistence
70 Honor
69 In chains
68 Guilty
67 The Orman Law
66 Hold back the instincts
65 The minimum requirement for freedom
64 "Pull the herbs out"
63 Quiet!
62 Training
61 Our sworn enemy
60 Still too weak
59 Someone you'd better not mess with
58 Waste paper
57 The Merchant Guild
56 "We won't make any trouble"
55 Nelia
54 Brewed
53 Herb of the Nine Deaths and Root of the Sacred Phoenix
52 Who's shouting?
51 Death of the Desolate Universe
50 Requirements
49 A very funny story
48 Cripple
47 The end?
46 Prologue
45 A New Beginning
44 Game over
43 Farewell
42 That thing with the fee
41 Lightning Dance
40 Vidio?
39 Shit 2
38 Kitty
37 Shi
36 Caesar
35 How to live the life?
34 Gash
33 A bloodcurdling cry
32 A quick one?
31 Fourth Phase Late stage
30 "Break up the group"
29 Shithead
28 Lame Dragon, stop the tes
27 Time to prove yourself 10
26 Time to prove yourself 9
25 Time to prove yourself 8
24 Time to prove yourself 7
23 Time to prove yourself 6
22 Time to prove yourself 5
21 Time to prove yourself 4
20 Time to prove yourself 3
19 Time to prove yourself 2
18 Time to prove yourself 1
17 A fistful of earth
16 Wings
15 "Do you know what's an Immortal?"
14 Life is no piece of cake
13 What about the hard training?
12 Not again!
11 Fugitive
10 Free
9 Not ye
8 Scared
7 Mana Pistol
6 Black seed
5 Idio
4 Lumia
3 0.05
2 Perception
1 The Curse
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