Star Rank Hunter Chapter 392

Star Rank Hunter Chapter 392

Published at 12th of June 2023 08:48:53 AM

Chapter 392
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Chapter 392: The Third One


The Vanguard members walked toward the exit after the energy shield within the training grounds was shut down. Mogas reached Czedow first and asked, “Are you okay, Czedow?”

Czedow was currently missing a chunk of his shoulder while electricity rippled constantly across his body. He did not look like he was in pristine condition either. His Armor might be tough enough to reflect bullets, but a bomb was a completely different story.

However, as soon as Czedow had withdrawn his Armor, his wounds began healing on their own. It took him mere seconds to recover and look as good as new!

This stunned the A Squad members to say the least. The robot had endured a literal bomb at close range, but he still recovered in just a matter of breaths!

Meanwhile, Shusag and Snowball had already walked up to Czedow and stood protectively beside him. While everyone here was technically an ally, Shusag did not trust the A Squad one bit. He certainly wouldn’t mind engaging them in battle if push came to shove. To Shusag, everyone outside the Eleventh Squad was an outsider.

Instead of answering Mogas’ question, Czedow manipulated the functioning projectors within the training grounds into showing what was going on inside the ship. They could see through the holograms the invisible robots taking out the remaining stragglers and retaking the bridge. They could also see Czedow reactivating the external shields of the starship, though he maintained the same speed at which it was traveling before.

The moment the external shields came up, everyone outside knew that Cillin’s team had succeeded in their mission. Previously, their starship was just passively enduring the bombardment of the fighters. Now, the sentry guns and intelligent weapons were online and annihilating all hostile forces within range.

While everyone was watching the holograms, Czedow beckoned Shusag and Snowball to join him in cleaning up the training grounds. While the robots were already on it, there were some messes that could only be cleaned up annually. At the same time, the robot was scouring the dead bodies for information.

Stanley watched the trio going about their business while wondering how he should break the ice. Should he thank them for saving their lives? He couldn’t quite get over his embarrassment to do that. Should he just greet them as fellow Vanguards then? How should he even begin?

In the end, Stanley remained silent because he was unable to drop his pride. In fact, Mogas was the only one orbiting Czedow like a moon and shooting questions at the robot like no tomorrow.

“Where’s the commander, Czedow? I don’t see him in the holograms. Sir cat must be somewhere on the ship, right? And what about the others?”

“They’re all carrying out their own respective missions…” Czedow explained briefly before looking at Snowball, “Careful, Snowball. We still need that head.”

Snowball was currently toying with Laton’s frozen head. The white bear had already put away its armor and returned to its normal size. Snowball obeyed Czedow’s request and set the head carefully on the floor, but it wasn’t long before it got bored again. It scratched its butt once before it began roaming the training grounds. Specifically, it was collecting the Navigators’ weapons and tools to add to its “toy bin”.

Some A Squad members tensed up when the white bear got close to them. The white bear looked simple, docile and even cute right now, but no one had forgotten how it had flattened most of its enemies into pancakes in one hit. Logically, they knew the white bear probably wouldn’t attack them for no reason. Emotionally, it was impossible not to get nervous in the presence of such a formidable creature.

Snowball paid them no attention. It was solely focused on collecting its new toys until it glimpsed a new rifle an A Squad member was holding. It immediately walked up to the guy and stared at the gun.

The guy holding the rifle felt nervous to say the least. He tried shooting Stanley a soundless plea for help but quickly noticed that the vice admiral was absorbed in thought. Left with no choice, he gulped once before asking carefully, “Do you want my rifle or something?”

Snowball scratched its ear with a fat paw. “I just want to borrow it for a bit. I promise I’ll return it to you later.”

That sounds like what a scam artist would say. Also, can this bear really handle my rifle? What if it misfires or something?

Despite his doubts, the man eventually handed his rifle to Snowball. One of his comrades immediately shook his head in disapproval, but he stayed silent because Shusag abruptly shot him a look almost as if he had eyes behind his back. They had all witnessed how Shusag had slaughtered the Navigators earlier. They did not want to make an enemy out of him unless they had no other choice. They might be fellow Vanguards, but it was clear that there was a vast divide between them.

Not only that, everyone in the A Squad was wondering just how powerful the Eleventh Squad really was. Earlier, Mogas had mentioned that the three strongest combatants in their squad were Cillin, Czedow, and their cat. Shusag was expressly not one of them. They had witnessed Czedow’s prowess with their own eyes, and they were pretty sure they had a feel for Shusag’s limits as well. Assuming Shusag was just the baseline, they would definitely have to revise their opinion on the Eleventh Squad.

But Cillin is just in his early twenties. Can he really be as powerful as Mogas claimed?

The A Squad members were still trying to figure things out when suddenly, a series of shots dragged them back to reality. They turned toward the source of the commotion and saw Snowball holding the rifle it had borrowed and firing at the warped chunk of metal the Navigators had carved out of the entrance earlier. It was standing seventy or so meters away from its target when it fired the rifle, and the resulting bullet holes formed a near perfect circle on the metal!

Sure, shooting with near perfect accuracy at seventy meters away was easy peasy for most of them, but the white bear was no human. That wasn’t all. After the test fire, Snowball scratched its ear again as if confused about something before seemingly twisting the rifle. It took them a second before they realized that Snowball wasn’t ripping the rifle in half, but dismantling it.

The rifle wasn’t made to fit Snowball’s paws as a matter of course, and even if it was, its massive, clumsy-looking paws didn’t look like it was capable of such delicate work at all. And yet, there was no denying that the white bear had dismantled the rifle perfectly.

Snowball studied the rifle’s parts for a bit before assembling them back together. Then, it handed the rifle back to the man as if it had lost interest.

The man was still in shock when he accepted his rifle. It wasn’t until his companion gave him a gentle slap that he jolted back to reality. His first thought after coming back down to Earth—or rather, the starship—was: the fuck, what the fuck was that look of disdain when that fatty gave me back my gun!

Meanwhile, Mogas was still prodding Czedow for more details about the happenings on the ship to no avail. Czedow could sense where the commander was right now, but he didn’t reveal his whereabouts for obvious reasons. Earlier, he didn’t kill the Navigator leader in one hit even though he could because he needed to be sure that the signal was fully jammed. He waited until after the Navigator leader had failed to send the detonation signal before killing him.

On the other side of the starship, a veiled figure was slowly walking along a side passage leading toward the reactor room. The corridor was fully lit since the starship’s lighting system had come back online, but the figure remained shrouded in shadows. They were wearing a long cloak and a big hat that covered them completely.

The figure was currently toying with their wrist device in an attempt to contact the others, but they quickly discovered that the message couldn’t be sent. It was probably because the ship was being jammed somehow. Suddenly, the wrist device vibrated and displayed some sort of warning message that caused the figure to pause in their tracks in disbelief. A second later, they quickened their footsteps as if realizing that their time was short.

They didn’t manage to take more than three steps before stopping again, however. They looked up and stared at the young man standing on the other end of the passage about thirty meters from them.

“Blue Phantom?” Cillin called out to the veiled figure.

He was here for one reason and one reason alone, and that was to stop the third and final Mist killer—also the one who had nearly killed him back then—from accomplishing her objective.

Blue Phantom removed her cloak after Cillin had identified her. She called out in return, “Commander Cillin of the Eleventh Squad?”

Prior to executing the mission, the three of them had reviewed everything they got on the members of the Eleventh Squad. Naturally, Cillin did not escape their notice. Blue Phantom was puzzled because Cillin should not be here. He should’ve surrendered control to Stanley and left the ship a long time ago.

It did not matter though. BAll Blue Phantom wanted to do right now was to destroy the bomb the Navigator leader had installed in the reactor room. Although the mission had already cost them two lives—the warning message she received earlier was about the deaths of her two comrades—nothing was more important than ensuring that the mission was completed. To that end, she was willing to detonate the bomb and destroy the entire ship including herself. She would be dead if she failed the mission anyway. In that case, she might as well take everyone down to the grave with her.

Blue Phantom rushed Cillin as soon as she asked her question, blue laser blades jutting out of her hands in just the blink of an eye. Her eyes were just as cold and merciless as he remembered it. Right now, her only objective was to detonate the bomb in the reactor room, and Cillin was the obstacle to be eliminated!


To her surprise, Cillin pulled out a thin, black blade and blocked both of her weapons because they could carve him into pieces. That surprise turned into shock when she realized what she was looking at.

“It’s you!”

Despite her words, Blue Phantom didn’t actually recognize Cillin as the prey she nearly killed a long time ago. No, it was the blade she wielded that she recognized.

You’re the one who killed Oskulos!

That was what she was trying to say.

Alarm bells rang in Blue Phantom’s head as she mustered her laser blades once more and swung them so fast that it looked as if she was weaving a web of pure light. But unlike an actual web of light, this one would carve Cillin into many tiny pieces if he was even a little careless. Already, her blades had carved many crisscrossing patterns on the walls.

Cillin wasn’t wearing his Armor. He didn’t use his Water Bullet gun or his Purgatory Thunder Snake either. Fighting Blue Phantom with only his blade, he defended every strike while slowly backing away from her.

At first glance, it looked like Cillin was being pushed back by Blue Phantom. However, the killer knew that that was not the case. It was because his blade was always in the perfect position to block her laser blades no matter the number, angle or speed of her attacks.

It’s not the same. The first time he fought Blue Phantom, her blue blades had struck fear into his heart. Back then, he had found no opening he could possibly exploit to overcome them; possessed nothing he could possibly use to even defend himself against the deadly beams. That was no longer the case, however. Forget intimidating him to the point of running, the blue blades now felt as ordinary as a pair of kitchen knives. They could whale on him until the end of time itself, and he was confident that they still wouldn’t be able to harm a hair on his body.

It wasn’t that the blue blades were any less intimidating than they were before. It was just that this level of intimidation was no longer enough to suppress his spirit. Blue Phantom wasn’t aware of this, but Cillin felt like a machine functioning at a level she could not possibly comprehend right now. No matter how fast she swung her blades, no matter how complicated the moves she used, he was able to memorize it all, predict it all, and counter it all in just an instant.

Zzzt zzt zzt zzzt—

The blue blades made this sizzling noise every time they clashed against Cillin’s blade or gouged into the walls. The concentrated energy being emitted by the weapons were no joke either. He could feel his skin prickle every time it got close.

However, Oskulos’ blade was truly incredible. Not even an enhanced plasma blade was able to put a single dent on it.

Cillin blocked both of Blue Phantom’s blue blades again, but unlike usual, he jumped away from her instead of standing his ground. As if on cue, another two pairs of blue blades appeared out of seemingly nowhere and carved deep into the walls of the passage!

Blue Phantom didn’t just have two hands. She just rarely needed to use all six of them. Of course, each one was wielding a deadly laser blade as well.

Blue Phantom was certain that the surprise attack would catch Cillin off guard, but forget killing the commander, it didn’t even burn the fabric of his suit. This made her realize that there was little chance she would be able to defeat Cillin, and that extending the fight would only be a waste of time. She immediately decided to retreat and find another opportunity to infiltrate the reactor room or just destroy the starship another way.

Unfortunately, the thought had just crossed her mind when suddenly, she felt chilled to the core. It was as if the air around had suddenly turned into solid ice. Every nerve in her body was shaking so hard she almost didn’t know how to react. In fact, pure instinct had taken over as she bent all six of her arms to form a defensive web of slashes in front of her. It was a reflex she had formed after countless life-and-death battles.


Blue Phantom’s eyes widened in utter shock as her three left arms were severed from their sockets. The attack was so swift that she had not been able to react to it at all. The laser blades winked out of existence as soon as they clattered against the floor, leaving behind only the severed limbs.


That was all she managed to say before a crack appeared from the right side of her neck and stretched all the way down to her left waist. Blue blood darker than even her blue skin began gushing out earnestly.


Blue Phantom knew she would have to give it her all from the moment she recognized Oskulos’ blade. After all, he was the man who had killed Oskulos, and the resulting fight had only served to strengthen her belief. However, it wasn’t until that final blow that she realized that the commander hadn’t been using his full strength at all. At that moment, she felt as if she was facing Oskulos himself, the man who stood on the same level as her boss, Nebelah.

Why would he drag out the fight until now when he could’ve ended me in one strike? Did he think this a game?!

That wasn’t the only question in her mind. She did not understand why the man who killed Oskulos would willingly rot away in an insignificant B Squadron of Vanguard. She did not understand how no one in GAL had noticed how big of a threat Cillin had become. How was it possible for a Star Rank Hunter to walk among them while remaining under everyone’s radar?

Unfortunately, Blue Phantom would never find out the answer.

If they knew that their target was protected by such a threat, Nebelah himself and combatants stronger than her would’ve carried out the mission. At the very least, they wouldn’t have sent the three of them over to die a dog’s death…

Just like Laton, Blue Phantom had completely forgotten about the young man whom she had given chase and nearly killed back in that level one prison.

But Cillin had never forgotten them.

Cillin put away his blade and made a hand gesture. A robot slowly manifested into view not far behind him.

“Carry her.”

“Acknowledged, commander.”

Blue Phantom’s eyes were wide open with shock and disbelief when the robot went over to carry her. She did not know Cillin was this strong until it was too late, and she never received answers for her final questions before she died. Of course she wouldn’t be able to rest in peace.

While the robot was dragging Blue Phantom, Cillin turned around and looked into the reactor room. There, a cat was sitting at the entrance while nodding off as if it could fall asleep at any moment. Scratch that, it was actually asleep.

Tsk. This might be the only cat, no, sentient being in the entire universe who could doze off with a ship bomb right next to it!

Earlier, Cillin had instructed Wheeze to guard the reactor room and ensure that the bomb did not go off. Its ears twitched, and its eyes opened when Cillin walked up to the gray cat. It then let out a huge yawn that revealed some very suspicious-looking substance between its teeth.

“How many did you swallow?” Cillin asked.

“I don’t remember. Two? Maybe three?” Wheeze yawned again before lifting its butt and stretched for a good couple seconds. After giving its fur a good tussle, Wheeze shot Blue Phantom a glance and said, “You’re done? Awesome! Let’s meet up with Czedow and the others already.”

The gray cat could hardly wait.

“Let’s take care of the ship destroying bomb before we go anywhere, hmm?” Cillin said before lifting Wheeze by the nape. Then, he walked back into the reactor room.

With Wheeze’s help, Cillin was able to disarm the bomb in just a short time. For obvious reasons, no one (except a certain cat) could relax until the bomb was fully disarmed.

Half an hour later, Cillin handed the disarmed bomb to another robot. The robot then threw it out of the starship.

“We can demand compensation, right Cillin?” Wheeze asked while stretching its claws.

“But of course.”

At the training grounds, the A Squad members were standing in a circle and discussing something. Czedow and Shusag were still busy tidying up the place, and Snowball was playing happily with itself.

Suddenly, Czedow glanced at the entrance and said, “Cillin’s back.”

As if on cue, everyone in the room turned toward the entrance at the same time.

Footsteps began ringing from the corridor. It was mixed with the incessant chattering of a certain fat cat. A short while later, the duo finally stepped into the light.

Shusag relaxed when he gave the commander a look over and found him to be perfectly fine.

Mogas immediately ran up to Cillin while cheering, “Commander! You sure took your—”

The young man was about to say something when he suddenly noticed that Cillin wasn’t alone. Specifically, there was a robot behind him dragging a corpse he recognized just a second later. He wasn’t the only one who was speechless when the corpse was brought into the training grounds.

That’s the third one…

Chapter end

C70: Arrival At Asteroid C–N976
C397– You Look Like An Old Friend Of Mine
C395– Deserved To Be Kidnapped
Chapter 394
Chapter 393
Chapter 392
Chapter 391
Chapter 390.2
Chapter 390.1
Chapter 389.2
Chapter 389.1
C389– Retaking Control of the Starship
C388– Watch Out For Worms
Chapter 387.2
Chapter 387.1
Chapter 386.2
Chapter 386.1
Chapter 385
Chapter 384
Chapter 383
Chapter 382
C381– You May Join The Squad
Chapter 380
C379– Say What Again?
Chapter 378
Chapter 377
Chapter 376
Chapter 375
Chapter 374
Chapter 373
Chapter 372
C371– Going To Mist Bodhisattva
Chapter 370
Chapter 365.2
Chapter 365.1
Chapter 364.2
Chapter 364.1
Chapter 363.2
Chapter 363.1
Chapter 362.2
Chapter 362.1
Chapter 362
Chapter 361.2
Chapter 361.1
Chapter 360.2
Chapter 360.1
Chapter 360
Chapter 359.2
Chapter 359.1
Chapter 358.2
Chapter 358.1
Chapter 358
Chapter 357
Chapter 356.2
Chapter 356– Who Are They Part 1
Chapter 355– The Virus Descends
Chapter 354– Inferior Test Subjec
Chapter 353
Chapter 352
Chapter 351– Flies Are Very Toxic
Chapter 350– Master and Student Part 2
Chapter 350.1
Chapter 350– Master and Studen
Chapter 349: Our Squad Has an Affair with the Smiley–Face Company
Chapter 348– Our Commander is Good With Technology Too?
Chapter 347– Long Time No See
Chapter 346– I Am a Man With a Disciple
Chapter 345– Decode
Chapter 344– Drag 'Em In
Chapter 343– Told You We're Not Popular
Chapter 342– If They Fail to Meet Expectations, We'll Throw Them Ou
Chapter 341– It Needs Replenishmen
Chapter 340– The Lightning in Space
Chapter 339
Chapter 338
Chapter 337
Chapter 336
Chapter 335
Chapter 334
Chapter 333
Chapter 332– Food King Hara
Chapter 331– He Will Return With a Flee
Chapter 330– He Can Save Him
Chapter 329– Arrogance Is Unbecoming of a Cat!
Chapter 328– Do Mind Your Manners, Young Master!
Chapter 327– Do You Have Cat Lice? Part 2
Chapter 327– Do You Have Cat Lice? Part 1
Chapter 326– I Was Thinking
Chapter 325– Killers
Chapter 324– Not Again!
Chapter 323– Massacre
Chapter 322.1
Chapter 322– Dad, Your Shame
Chapter 321– Show of Strength Part 2
Chapter 321– Show of Strength Part 1
Chapter 320– The New Eleventh B Squadron Part 2
Chapter 320– The New Eleventh B Squadron Part 1
Chapter 319– Time to Go Home
Chapter 318– The Black Box's Signals
Chapter 317– The Odd Father and Son
Chapter 316– Damn Fatty! Part 2
Chapter 316– Damn Fatty! Part 1
Chapter 315– Do You Dare Accept My Apology? Part 2
Chapter 315– Do You Dare Accept My Apology? Part 1
Chapter 314– Which Wheeze and Cillin, Exactly? Part 2
Chapter 314– Which Wheeze and Cillin, Exactly? [Part 1]
Chapter 313
Chapter 312– Pinpointing Targets Part 2
Chapter 312: Pinpointing Targets Part 1
Chapter 312
Chapter 311: Anyone Who's With That Cat Can't Be Good News Part 2
Chapter 311: Anyone Who's With That Cat Can't Be Good News Part 1
Chapter 311
Chapter 310: The Five Brothers
Chapter 309: The Academia Storm
Chapter 308: How Could He? Part 2
Chapter 308: How Could He? Part 1
Chapter 308
Chapter 307: I Am
Chapter 306: Meeting Old Acquaintances Part 2
Chapter 306: Meeting Old Acquaintances Part 1
Chapter 306
Chapter 305: Golden Thread Turtle Part 2
Chapter 305: Golden Thread Turtle Part 1
Chapter 305
Chapter 304: San Calombo Part 2
Chapter 304: San Calombo Part 1
Chapter 304
Chapter 303: Why Is He Here
Chapter 302: Honorary Scholar of the Royal Academy of Sciences
Chapter 301: The Zebra Summi
Chapter 300: You're Lying Again Part 2
Chapter 300: You're Lying Again! Part 1
Chapter 300
Chapter 299: So Worried Meow Could Die!
Chapter 298 part2
Chapter 298 part1
Chapter 298
Chapter 297 part2
Chapter 297: Up Close and Personal With The Zebra Virus Part 1
Chapter 297
Chapter 296
Chapter 295 part2
Chapter 295 part1
Chapter 295: The Zebra Virus
Chapter 294: Prince… Cillin?!
Chapter 293: That Rental Car Driver
Chapter 292: Another Brat That Shouldn't Be Offended Part 2
Chapter 292 part1
Chapter 292
Chapter 291
Chapter 290 part2
Chapter 290: Free Meal Part 1
Chapter 290
Chapter 289 part2
Chapter 289: Those Whose Souls Were Eaten by The Devil Part 1
Chapter 289
Chapter 288: Meeting The “Primogenitor” Part 2
Chapter 288: Meeting The “Primogenitor” Part 1
Chapter 288
Chapter 287 part2
Chapter 287: The Top Decision Maker? Part 1
Chapter 287
Chapter 286 part2
Chapter 286 part1
Chapter 286
Chapter 285 part2
Chapter 285 part1
Chapter 285
Chapter 284: Underground Web
Chapter 283: That Nutcase
Chapter 282: Integration
Chapter 281 part2
Chapter 281 part1
Chapter 281
Chapter 280
Chapter 279: R-B13
Chapter 278: What a Formidable Cat! Part 2
Chapter 278 part1
Chapter 278
Chapter 277 part2
Chapter 277 part1
Chapter 277
Chapter 276
Chapter 275 part2
Chapter 275: Bunch of Weirdos Part 1
Chapter 275
Chapter 274
Chapter 273 part2
Chapter 273 part1
Chapter 273: It Can't be Her?
Chapter 272 part2
Chapter 272 part1
Chapter 272
Chapter 271
Chapter 270
Chapter 269
Chapter 268 part2
Chapter 268 part1
Chapter 268: A Few Strangers and Two Animals
Chapter 267
Chapter 266
Chapter 265 part2
Chapter 265 part1
Chapter 265: Match Begin! Untraceable!
Chapter 264
Chapter 263
Chapter 262
Chapter 261
Chapter 260
Chapter 259 part2
Chapter 259 part1
Chapter 259: Meeting Fleka Again
Chapter 258
Chapter 257
Chapter 256
Chapter 255
Chapter 254
Chapter 253 part2
Chapter 253 part1
Chapter 253
Chapter 252
Chapter 251 part2
Chapter 251 part1
Chapter 251
Chapter 250
Chapter 249
Chapter 248
Chapter 247 part2
Chapter 247 part1
Chapter 247: The Ten
Chapter 246 part2
Chapter 246 part1
Chapter 246
Chapter 245 part2
Chapter 245 part1
Chapter 245
Chapter 244
Chapter 243 part2
Chapter 243 part1
Chapter 243
Chapter 242 part2
Chapter 242 part1
Chapter 242
Chapter 241 part2
Chapter 241 part1
Chapter 241
Chapter 240 part2
Chapter 240 part1
Chapter 240
Chapter 239: The Five Tests of AF1 [Part 1]
Chapter 239
Chapter 238
Chapter 237 part2
Chapter 237 part1
Chapter 237
Chapter 236 part2
Chapter 236 part1
Chapter 236
Chapter 235 part2
Chapter 235 part1
Chapter 235
Chapter 234 part2
Chapter 234 part1
Chapter 234
Chapter 233 part2
Chapter 233 part1
Chapter 233
Chapter 232 part2
Chapter 232 part1
Chapter 232
Chapter 231 part2
Chapter 231 part1
Chapter 231
Chapter 230 part2
Chapter 230 part1
Chapter 230
Chapter 229 part2
Chapter 229 part1
Chapter 229
Chapter 228 part2
Chapter 228 part 1
Chapter 228
Chapter 227 part2
Chapter 227 part 1
Chapter 227
Chapter 226 part2
Chapter 226 part1
Chapter 226
Chapter 225 part2
Chapter 225 part1
Chapter 225
Chapter 224 part2
Chapter 224 part1
Chapter 224
Chapter 223 part2
Chapter 223 part1
Chapter 223
Chapter 222 part2
Chapter 222 part1
Chapter 222
Chapter 221 part2
Chapter 221 part1
Chapter 221
Chapter 220 part2
Chapter 220 part1
Chapter 220
SRH Chapter 219 [Part 2]
Chapter 219 part1
Chapter 219
Chapter 218 part2
Chapter 218 part1
Chapter 218
Chapter 217 part2
Chapter 217 part1
Chapter 217
Chapter 216 part2
Chapter 216 part1
Chapter 216
Chapter 215 part2
Chapter 215 part1
Chapter 215
Chapter 214 part2
Chapter 214 part1
Chapter 214
SRH Chapter 213 [Part 2]
Chapter 213 part1
Chapter 213
Chapter 212 part2
Chapter 212 part1
Chapter 212
SRH Chapter 211 [Part 2]
Chapter 211 part1
Chapter 211
Chapter 210 part2
Chapter 210 part1
Chapter 210
Chapter 209 part2
Chapter 209 part1
Chapter 209
Chapter 208 part2
Chapter 208 part1
Chapter 208
Chapter 207 part2
Chapter 207 part1
Chapter 207
Chapter 206 part2
Chapter 206 part1
Chapter 206
Chapter 205 part2
Chapter 205 part1
Chapter 205
Chapter 204 part2
Chapter 204 part1
Chapter 204
Chapter 203 part2
Chapter 203 part1
Chapter 203
Chapter 202 part2
Chapter 202 part1
Chapter 202
Chapter 201 part2
Chapter 201 part1
Chapter 201
Chapter 200 part2
Chapter 200 part1
Chapter 200
Chapter 199 part2
Chapter 199 part1
Chapter 199
Chapter 198 part2
Chapter 198 part1
Chapter 198
Chapter 197 part2
Chapter 197 part1
Chapter 197
Chapter 196
Chapter 195
Chapter 194
Chapter 193
Chapter 192
Chapter 191 part2
Chapter 191 part1
Chapter 191
Chapter 190 part2
Chapter 190 part1
Chapter 190
Chapter 189 part2
Chapter 189 part1
Chapter 189
Chapter 188 part2
Chapter 188
Chapter 188
Chapter 187
Chapter 187
Chapter 187
Chapter 186 part2
Chapter 186
Chapter 186
Chapter 185
Chapter 185
Chapter 185
Chapter 184: The Co
Chapter 184: The Co
Chapter 184: The Co
Chapter 183
Chapter 183
Chapter 183
Chapter 182 part2
Chapter 182
Chapter 182
Chapter 181 part2
Chapter 181
Chapter 181
Chapter 180
Chapter 180
Chapter 180
Chapter 179: Stay–at
Chapter 179: Stay–at
Chapter 179: Stay–at
Chapter 178
Chapter 178
Chapter 178
Chapter 177 part2
Chapter 177
Chapter 177
Chapter 176 part2
Chapter 176
Chapter 176
Chapter 175 part2
Chapter 175
Chapter 175
Chapter 174 part2
Chapter 174
Chapter 174
SRH Chapter 173 [Part 2]
Chapter 173
Chapter 173
Chapter 172 part2
Chapter 172
Chapter 172
Chapter 171 part2
Chapter 171
Chapter 171
Chapter 170 part2
Chapter 170
Chapter 170
Chapter 169 part2
Chapter 169
Chapter 169
Chapter 168 part2
Chapter 168 part1
Chapter 168
Chapter 167 part2
Chapter 167 part1
Chapter 167
Chapter 166 part2
Chapter 166 part1
Chapter 166
Chapter 165 part2
Chapter 165 part1
Chapter 165
Chapter 164 part2
Chapter 164 part1
Chapter 164
Chapter 163 part2
Chapter 163 part1
Chapter 163
Chapter 162 part2
Chapter 162 part1
Chapter 162
Chapter 161 part2
Chapter 161 part1
Chapter 161
Chapter 160 part2
Chapter 160 part1
Chapter 160
Chapter 159 part2
Chapter 159 part1
Chapter 159
Chapter 158 part2
Chapter 158 part1
Chapter 158
Chapter 157 part2
Chapter 157 part1
Chapter 157– The Two Scourges
Chapter 156 part2
Chapter 156 part1
Chapter 156
Chapter 155 part2
Chapter 155 part1
Chapter 155: Flaring Spectator's Grandstand
Chapter 154 part2
Chapter 154 part1
Chapter 154
Chapter 153 part2
Chapter 153 part1
Chapter 153
Chapter 152 part2
Chapter 152 part1
Chapter 152
Chapter 151
Chapter 150
Chapter 149
Chapter 148
Chapter 147
SRH Chapter 146
SRH Chapter 145
SRH Chapter 144
SRH Chapter 143
Chapter 142
Chapter 141
Chapter 140
Chapter 139
Chapter 138
Chapter 137
Chapter 136
Chapter 135
Chapter 134
Chapter 133
Chapter 132
Chapter 131
Chapter 130
Chapter 129
Chapter 128
Chapter 127
Chapter 126
Chapter 125
Chapter 124
Chapter 123
Chapter 122
Chapter 121
Chapter 120
Chapter 119
Chapter 118
Chapter 117
Chapter 116
Chapter 115
Chapter 114
SRH Chapter 113 [Sponsored]
SRH Chapter 112 [Sponsored]
Chapter 111
Chapter 110
Chapter 109
Chapter 108
Chapter 107
Chapter 106
Chapter 105
Chapter 104
Chapter 103
Chapter 102
Chapter 101
Chapter 100: Red–And
Chapter 99
Chapter 98
Chapter 97
Chapter 96
Chapter 95
Chapter 94
Chapter 93
Chapter 92
Chapter 91
Chapter 90
Chapter 89
Chapter 88
Chapter 87
Chapter 86
Chapter 85
Chapter 84
Chapter 83
Chapter 82
Chapter 81
Chapter 80
Chapter 79
Chapter 78
Chapter 77
Chapter 76
Chapter 75
Chapter 74
Chapter 73
Chapter 72
Chapter 71
Chapter 70: Arrival At Asteroid C
Chapter 69
SRH Chapter 68 [Free!]
SRH Chapter 67 [Sponsored]
Chapter 66
Chapter 65
Chapter 64
Chapter 63
Chapter 62
Chapter 61
Chapter 60
Chapter 59
Chapter 58
Chapter 57
Chapter 56
Chapter 55
Chapter 54
Chapter 53
Chapter 52
Chapter 51
Chapter 50
Chapter 49
Chapter 48
Chapter 47
Chapter 46
Chapter 45
Chapter 44
Chapter 43
Chapter 42
Chapter 41
Chapter 40
Chapter 39
Chapter 38
Chapter 37
Chapter 36
Chapter 35
Chapter 34
Chapter 33
Chapter 32
Chapter 31
Chapter 30
Chapter 29
Chapter 28 The Star Who Walks Out Of The Darkness
Chapter 27
Chapter 26
Chapter 25
Chapter 24
Chapter 23
Chapter 22
Chapter 21
Chapter 20
Chapter 19
Chapter 18
Chapter 17
Chapter 16
Chapter 15
Chapter 14
Chapter 13
Chapter 12
Chapter 11
Chapter 10
Chapter 9
Chapter 8
Chapter 7
Chapter 6
Chapter 5
Chapter 4
Chapter 3
C152– Three Years Time of Man and Things [Part 2]
Chapter 2
C152– Three Years Time of Man and Things [Part 1]
Chapter 1
CH Chaper
CH Star
CH Chaper
CH Star
CH Star
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