Star Rank Hunter Chapter 262

Star Rank Hunter Chapter 262

Chapter 262: Welcome to the World, Vege-Fritter!

Despite answering some of their questions occasionally, Fleka hadn’t participated in the design process or voiced his opinion regarding the specifics. He wanted to know what kind of flying car the two young men would come up with.

Honestly, Fleka had been looking forward to this. Sometimes he would think of Cillin and Naimi’s car design even while he was working. But when he actually held their final design papers and looked at them, he discovered that all of his fantasies and expectations were silenced at once.

How should he put it? Knowing Naimi, and knowing that Cillin was providing input and suggestions, he was expecting the final design to look a little newish. After all, a lot of youngsters preferred flamboyantly styled flying cars, such as big spoilers, wings, fin-shaped wings and so on. They even wanted it to look as bright and colorful and possible. However, the final design Fleka was holding was completely different from what he had imagined.

This car had an exterior that would be considered exotic on the streets, but here in the “Winds of Freedom” it was a completely outdated design because the first version of the car came to existence at least tens of years ago. The car had also raced multiple times in the “Winds of Freedom”, but the final result was less than ideal.

Although flying cars with this design had achieved some good results when they first came out, the design soon became outstripped by other strange, original or eye-catching designs. The moment it passed its peak, it became a nostalgifilled ‘parent’ that led to the creation of many other designs such as the crescent-shaped flying car and the bullet-shaped flying car. So, Fleka couldn’t deny that he was disappointed upon discovering that this was what Cillin and Naimi came up with after spending days researching and designing.

The design papers in his hand displayed the 3d image of a round-shaped object. It was the fruits of effort both Cillin and Naimi spent days to create. Many car hobbyists loved to call a car that was designed this way a “vegetable fritter”, and if this was how someone commented on your car, you could imagine that they were totally mocking you. It was no compliment for sure.

The reason “The Winds of Freedom” was famous wasn’t completely because it had an exciting and very challenging racing circuit. It was also where concepts were proven.

What exactly does “proof of concept” mean in “The Winds of Freedom”? It was the culmination of car manufacturer’s skills and technological development. Since the design that wasn’t restricted by the production process, racers and designers were allowed to fully unleash their talents to the point of ridiculousness and display the a car’s unique charm to the max. It was a kind of avant-garde, an “art” that was birthed at the intersect point where the present, the future; the dream and the reality lay.

Judging from the exterior alone, lots of people were going to sell it after it officially enters full production. This was his view as a member of the Sizer Family at least. But would Naimi, also a member of the family not know about this? Of course not! He was the kind of guy who got very excited every time a flying car with an unusual shape came out.

Both Cillin and Naimi looked like they knew that Fleka would look like this since a long time ago. Instead of worrying, they simply beamed at him, so Fleka stopped himself from whatever he was going to say and read further. After all, the first part of the design was focused on introducing the exterior. Maybe he would be pleasantly surprised after this?

Well, the latter parts of the design had definitely gave him an entirely different feeling. However, the ‘surprise’ was far bigger than the ‘pleasant’.

The further he read, the more serious Fleka looked. When he was finally done reading the whole thing, Fleka let out a long sigh before looking at Cillin and Naimi, “Are you sure this is what you want to design? Just because a race encourages innovation doesn’t mean you should squander the opportunity, take risks and imagine something that exceeds the rules and the bottomline!”

“No, uncle, this is definitely the best flying car I currently have in my mind right now. I believe that this design is perfectly capable of replacing spaceplanes, or should I say it is a culmination between a triphibian flying car and a small-sized spaceplane. It has some of the functions of a triphibian flying car and a spaceplane, and other than the fact it doesn’t have a warp drive it’s practically not much different from a spaceplane. Of course, it is entirely possible to fit in a warp drive with a bit of spending…”

The more Naimi spoke, the more excited he grew. Soon, he was overflowing with it.

“Stop! Right now I don’t care if your car has a warp drive function or the speed of a spaceplane. My question is, can you two really finish this project on your own? I told you before I won’t be lending you a hand in the design process, and don’t tell me you’re going to hire a scholar from the RAS Engineering Department to finish this project?! If that’s the case, then this car is just a money burning failure that’s inferior to a normal spaceplane!”

Fleka’s tone was a little heavier than usual. After all, he wasn’t the kind of person who normally throw words like ‘failure’ right in the face of a designer and a racer. However, when he looked at the design that was more idealistic than realistic, and then at the two young men whom he had high hopes for, the word had spilled out of his mouth before he realized.

“Also, you should know that the cars are normally introduced before they make their debut, and this includes a rough estimate of the construction cost. According to the rules, the amount of money spent to make the car cannot exceed one hundred million, and the sweet spot is between ten million to fifteen million because it means higher investment value. But!” Fleka picked out two of the papers before continuing, “I estimate that it’ll take at least two hundred million MB* to complete this design, and don’t try to lie about this, there are no idiots in the organizing committee. I’ve already helped you once, and I won’t allow you to break the rules again!”

*after some consideration, I removed the ‘coin’ behind ‘MB coin’ because… this is sci-fi no one’s actually using coins. The reason I put coin in the first place is because I was worried that people won’t get what MB is, but on second thought what the hell was I thinking back then? 

“Relax, relax, uncle, you need to control your emotions. Take a deep breath…”

“Relax, my fart!”

Fleka was seriously regretting his decision to allow them to participate in the race. He’s just making his own life difficult, isn’t he?!

A deep breath later, Fleka pressed a palm to his head. He had no idea if he should call these two kids arrogant or ignorant. After putting a hand to his heart as if trying to push away the irritation in his heart, he continued, “Alright, let’s not talk about construction cost for the moment, money isn’t that important to you to begin with. Let’s talk about the tech issue, shall we? This project is so big that not even our family’s designers and the builders dare claim that they can definitely finish it in such a short time, much less me! Maybe you can find a legendary Black Viper member or hire a professional from the RAS to teach you, but even then you can’t possibly build it in just ten days, can you? We’re only fifteen days away from the grand race now, and you need the last five days to familiarize yourselves with the car, the environment and the terrain! You don’t have time to finish this thing!”

“Er…” Naimi scratched his head, “Cillin said he can probably build it in ten days.”

“Cillin!” Fleka looked at Cillin. He nodded, “If there are no shortage of materials, ten days is probably enough.”

Fleka’s eyes twitched once, twice. He sucked in a deep breath once more. He couldn’t exactly find an angle here because Cillin’s assembling ability was clear for all to see, not to mention that it was the most efficient assembling skills he had ever seen with his own eyes.

After thinking for a moment, Fleka said, “I’ll get you the materials you need as quickly as I can. Just give me a list. All the materials you need must go through me, and I’ll get them at the current lowest price point in the empire. If the total price exceeds the limit set by the rules, I will declare forfeit immediately on your behalf.”

Both Cillin and Naimi were aware that this was Fleka’s final concession. They agreed to his demands completely.

“I’ll also find you an assembly field to build your car in, and until you’re done you’re not allowed to leave that place. If you have an additional demands, tell them to me directly. I can’t be supervising both of you all the time. Be conscientious, it’s all I ask.”

“Ah? Isn’t this like a detention? Can we at least have visitors?” Naimi complained.

“No!” Fleka was very firm on this matter. After all, who knows if they might ask someone to bring in some illegal goods?

“Fine, it’s not like we have time to walk around once the assembly begins,” Naimi said.

“What about you, Cillin?” Fleka looked at the young man. If Cillin planned to object to this, he would bar him from participation right now.

“I’m okay with this.” Cillin had no objections to offer.

“Alright. I’ll take you two to the assembly field right now.”

The assembly field Fleka led them to was his own. After he was done cleaning out some items, he conceded the place to Cillin and Naimi temporarily.

The lounge and the workshop were kept apart, and there were some sports equipment and first aid equipment as well. All in all, it was a pretty complete and standard Fleka style work factory.

After receiving the material list from Cillin, Fleka said, “From now on, the two of you will stay here until you’ve finished assembling the car.”

“Got it. We will obey the rules you’ve set.” Cillin promised.

After Fleka left, Cillin ran over the tools for a bit. They were all practical and advanced tools, and they normally came in a complete set. At the very least, Cillin found everything he needed for the assembly.

“Are you done checking?” Naimi asked Cillin after circling the factory once himself.

“Mm. Everything’s here, and the tools are pretty complete.”

“I know right? This is uncle’s factory after all. Plus, any factory that belongs to uncle only allows a certain kind of people. For example, I’ve only ever entered uncle’s factory three times since I was born, and the first two times were when I was still a kid.”

As promised, Fleka ordered a transfer of all the materials Cillin had listed to the factory. Although he didn’t understand what Cillin was planning to do with many of the materials on the list, he had no reason not to fulfill Cillin’s request to his best.

Many of the parts Cillin requested weren’t the latest fabrications or models, but Fleka could see that their compatibility was the best. He still didn’t know what some of the parts were meant to do, but it wasn’t like he could turn around and ask Cillin without making things awkward. Never mind, I’ll ask after they’re done assembling their car. If they fail, well, then there’s no need to ask, is there?

Soon, Fleka had delivered more than ninety percent of the materials Cillin had requested, while the rest would take a day or two. There were some rarer materials mixed within the list, but he had the power to procure all of them.

Fleka made a rough count on the cost using the lowest price point and arrived at around fifty million or so. Of course, the number would be different if Cillin needed to replenish some materials.

Cillin started assembling the moment Fleka delivered the materials into the factory, but the first thing he made wasn’t something Fleka had ever seen before. He didn’t understand what Cillin was making, but it wasn’t like he had time to supervise them all the time.

As for Naimi, his assembling skills weren’t exactly up to par, so Cillin had no use of him. The young man simply grabbed a chair, sat down and watched Cillin work even though he understood none of the process. Basically, his only job was to run around and grab a tool for Cillin when necessary, but somehow it was still an enjoyable experience. It was a great pleasure to watch Cillin assemble because his movements had a strange way of guiding a person into a very inexplicable state: it was like he had forgotten the outside world and entered a state of empty mind.

If someone were to ask Naimi: can you describe how Cillin assembles his parts? He would definitely answer in a daze, “I don’t know.” It was because he couldn’t recall any detail at all. He would have a feeling that a certain process had definitely been completed in a certain way, but the actual details were blurry when he tried to recall.

At the same time, at the base of the second runner up racing team of last term’s “Winds of Freedom”.

After Tobia was back at the base, she informed the staff members that the car had been repaired at a repair station. At first she was worried that Cillin had done a poor work, but since the value never fell below 9 she ultimately stopped paying attention to it.

Today was Tobia’s rest day, and she was very tired because she had been test flying for the past several days. She had gone straight to the lounge after she returned. Tobia’s car was sent away for routine maintenance per the rules of the racing team. It was mandatory to perform a full overhaul even if the self-diagnosis number never fell below 9.

Tobia was sleeping comfortably in the lounge when suddenly, her older brother pushed her to wakefulness. PIssed off, she grabbed a lunch box on the table without even looking and threw it straight at the person who woke her like she had done this before. Unfortunately, she missed.

“Tobia, wake up. There’s something I need to ask you about!”

“...” Ignore.

“C’mon, Tobia, I really have something important to ask you.”

“What is it, you can’t strip me of my usual rest time even if you’re the captain of the team!” Tobia still refused to open her eyes. It would be very hard to fall asleep again if she did.

“It’s related to your beloved car!”

Tobia abruptly opened her eyes, “What’s wrong with my car?!”

“Just come with me… and put on your jacket first!”

Danny — her older brother and captain of the Spearhead racing team — immediately dragged Tobia towards the maintenance factory after she was done putting on her jacket.

Upon arrival, Tobia noticed that her partner and navigator, Qiu Xu was there too. The repair staff were surrounding the tail of her car, staring and discussing something.

“What’s going on?” Tobia asked Qiu Xu.

Qiu Xu shook her head, “I’m not sure about the details. They seem to have discovered some sort of problem while they were repairing, and they asked me what happened when the car was repaired at the public repair station. I told them everything, but they don’t believe me, so they asked to call you over.”

The person in charge noticed Tobia’s arrival, and he asked her to summarize and even provide a few details about the repair, just like what Qiu Xu had told her.

“What’s wrong? Is something wrong with my car? I knew that guy was playing a trick on me! Just tell me directly if something’s wrong, I’ll find him later and settle things with him! He may be wearing a work uniform and a cap at the time, but I still remember his voice. I’ll definitely be able to spot him if we go through their repair staff one by one, also every repair station has security cameras installed, right? If the first method doesn’t work, we can request to check out the recordings. I’m sure we’ll be able to drag him out then!” Tobia said angrily.

But the repair staff shot strange looks at Tobia, and the person in charge coughed once to break off her chain of complaints, “Actually, it’s the exact opposite of what you’re thinking. The guy who repaired your car did such a good job that this particular part won’t be needing any repairs for a while. However, what we really find hard to believe is this person’s ability to spot the defect and fix everything in such a short time. If what the two of you are saying is true, it means that you’ve run into a true expert this time. It’s amazing how many talented people there are in the Sizer Family!”

Tobia frowned, “I seriously doubt he’s as good as you claim. He was working pretty carelessly when I watched him.”

“That’s how a true expert works!” A repairman next to her said excitedly.

The person in charge nodded in agreement before pointing at the surface parts beneath the car’s exterior, “We dare not even touch these because we were afraid that we cannot return it back to what it was. This seriously isn’t something any of us can do.”

There is a saying which goes “an expert judges by the knack”. A staff in this field could easily identify an assembler’s skill just from the two simple, merged parts, and the parts at the tail end of the car were assembled so perfectly that they weren’t sure a machine could perform the same, much less a man.

“Tobia, Qiu Xu, can you take us to that person? There are some questions I’d like to consult him about.” The person in charge asked.

“Seriously? You’re going to consult him? He looks just like a young lad!” Tobia was very much in disagreement with his decision.

“You don’t understand, even if I’m overall a better repairman than him, my assembly skill is still far behind his.”

“I’m going too!”

“Wait for me!”

“There’s a minor problem with my car too. I may as well let him try fix it.”


Besides the person in charge, the racers and the rest of the repair staff were very curious about the mysterious repairman too. They all wanted to witness his work with their own eyes.

Unfortunately, when the racing team finally went to the repair station, they discovered that the person they were looking for was already gone. Moreover, Fleka’s subordinates weren’t so unscrupulous that they would divulge Cillin’s whereabouts carelessly, so they had no choice but to return in disappointment.

On the ninth day after Cillin and Naimi had entered the factory, a round-shaped fellow that looked nearly the same as the one that was drawn on paper floated above the ground. Naimi waved at it:

“Hi, Vege-Fritter! Welcome to the world!”

“Thank you!” A smiley face appeared on the exterior of the disc-shaped car.

Chapter end

C70: Arrival At Asteroid C–N976
C397– You Look Like An Old Friend Of Mine
C395– Deserved To Be Kidnapped
Chapter 394
Chapter 393
Chapter 392
Chapter 391
Chapter 390.2
Chapter 390.1
Chapter 389.2
Chapter 389.1
C389– Retaking Control of the Starship
C388– Watch Out For Worms
Chapter 387.2
Chapter 387.1
Chapter 386.2
Chapter 386.1
Chapter 385
Chapter 384
Chapter 383
Chapter 382
C381– You May Join The Squad
Chapter 380
C379– Say What Again?
Chapter 378
Chapter 377
Chapter 376
Chapter 375
Chapter 374
Chapter 373
Chapter 372
C371– Going To Mist Bodhisattva
Chapter 370
Chapter 365.2
Chapter 365.1
Chapter 364.2
Chapter 364.1
Chapter 363.2
Chapter 363.1
Chapter 362.2
Chapter 362.1
Chapter 362
Chapter 361.2
Chapter 361.1
Chapter 360.2
Chapter 360.1
Chapter 360
Chapter 359.2
Chapter 359.1
Chapter 358.2
Chapter 358.1
Chapter 358
Chapter 357
Chapter 356.2
Chapter 356– Who Are They Part 1
Chapter 355– The Virus Descends
Chapter 354– Inferior Test Subjec
Chapter 353
Chapter 352
Chapter 351– Flies Are Very Toxic
Chapter 350– Master and Student Part 2
Chapter 350.1
Chapter 350– Master and Studen
Chapter 349: Our Squad Has an Affair with the Smiley–Face Company
Chapter 348– Our Commander is Good With Technology Too?
Chapter 347– Long Time No See
Chapter 346– I Am a Man With a Disciple
Chapter 345– Decode
Chapter 344– Drag 'Em In
Chapter 343– Told You We're Not Popular
Chapter 342– If They Fail to Meet Expectations, We'll Throw Them Ou
Chapter 341– It Needs Replenishmen
Chapter 340– The Lightning in Space
Chapter 339
Chapter 338
Chapter 337
Chapter 336
Chapter 335
Chapter 334
Chapter 333
Chapter 332– Food King Hara
Chapter 331– He Will Return With a Flee
Chapter 330– He Can Save Him
Chapter 329– Arrogance Is Unbecoming of a Cat!
Chapter 328– Do Mind Your Manners, Young Master!
Chapter 327– Do You Have Cat Lice? Part 2
Chapter 327– Do You Have Cat Lice? Part 1
Chapter 326– I Was Thinking
Chapter 325– Killers
Chapter 324– Not Again!
Chapter 323– Massacre
Chapter 322.1
Chapter 322– Dad, Your Shame
Chapter 321– Show of Strength Part 2
Chapter 321– Show of Strength Part 1
Chapter 320– The New Eleventh B Squadron Part 2
Chapter 320– The New Eleventh B Squadron Part 1
Chapter 319– Time to Go Home
Chapter 318– The Black Box's Signals
Chapter 317– The Odd Father and Son
Chapter 316– Damn Fatty! Part 2
Chapter 316– Damn Fatty! Part 1
Chapter 315– Do You Dare Accept My Apology? Part 2
Chapter 315– Do You Dare Accept My Apology? Part 1
Chapter 314– Which Wheeze and Cillin, Exactly? Part 2
Chapter 314– Which Wheeze and Cillin, Exactly? [Part 1]
Chapter 313
Chapter 312– Pinpointing Targets Part 2
Chapter 312: Pinpointing Targets Part 1
Chapter 312
Chapter 311: Anyone Who's With That Cat Can't Be Good News Part 2
Chapter 311: Anyone Who's With That Cat Can't Be Good News Part 1
Chapter 311
Chapter 310: The Five Brothers
Chapter 309: The Academia Storm
Chapter 308: How Could He? Part 2
Chapter 308: How Could He? Part 1
Chapter 308
Chapter 307: I Am
Chapter 306: Meeting Old Acquaintances Part 2
Chapter 306: Meeting Old Acquaintances Part 1
Chapter 306
Chapter 305: Golden Thread Turtle Part 2
Chapter 305: Golden Thread Turtle Part 1
Chapter 305
Chapter 304: San Calombo Part 2
Chapter 304: San Calombo Part 1
Chapter 304
Chapter 303: Why Is He Here
Chapter 302: Honorary Scholar of the Royal Academy of Sciences
Chapter 301: The Zebra Summi
Chapter 300: You're Lying Again Part 2
Chapter 300: You're Lying Again! Part 1
Chapter 300
Chapter 299: So Worried Meow Could Die!
Chapter 298 part2
Chapter 298 part1
Chapter 298
Chapter 297 part2
Chapter 297: Up Close and Personal With The Zebra Virus Part 1
Chapter 297
Chapter 296
Chapter 295 part2
Chapter 295 part1
Chapter 295: The Zebra Virus
Chapter 294: Prince… Cillin?!
Chapter 293: That Rental Car Driver
Chapter 292: Another Brat That Shouldn't Be Offended Part 2
Chapter 292 part1
Chapter 292
Chapter 291
Chapter 290 part2
Chapter 290: Free Meal Part 1
Chapter 290
Chapter 289 part2
Chapter 289: Those Whose Souls Were Eaten by The Devil Part 1
Chapter 289
Chapter 288: Meeting The “Primogenitor” Part 2
Chapter 288: Meeting The “Primogenitor” Part 1
Chapter 288
Chapter 287 part2
Chapter 287: The Top Decision Maker? Part 1
Chapter 287
Chapter 286 part2
Chapter 286 part1
Chapter 286
Chapter 285 part2
Chapter 285 part1
Chapter 285
Chapter 284: Underground Web
Chapter 283: That Nutcase
Chapter 282: Integration
Chapter 281 part2
Chapter 281 part1
Chapter 281
Chapter 280
Chapter 279: R-B13
Chapter 278: What a Formidable Cat! Part 2
Chapter 278 part1
Chapter 278
Chapter 277 part2
Chapter 277 part1
Chapter 277
Chapter 276
Chapter 275 part2
Chapter 275: Bunch of Weirdos Part 1
Chapter 275
Chapter 274
Chapter 273 part2
Chapter 273 part1
Chapter 273: It Can't be Her?
Chapter 272 part2
Chapter 272 part1
Chapter 272
Chapter 271
Chapter 270
Chapter 269
Chapter 268 part2
Chapter 268 part1
Chapter 268: A Few Strangers and Two Animals
Chapter 267
Chapter 266
Chapter 265 part2
Chapter 265 part1
Chapter 265: Match Begin! Untraceable!
Chapter 264
Chapter 263
Chapter 262
Chapter 261
Chapter 260
Chapter 259 part2
Chapter 259 part1
Chapter 259: Meeting Fleka Again
Chapter 258
Chapter 257
Chapter 256
Chapter 255
Chapter 254
Chapter 253 part2
Chapter 253 part1
Chapter 253
Chapter 252
Chapter 251 part2
Chapter 251 part1
Chapter 251
Chapter 250
Chapter 249
Chapter 248
Chapter 247 part2
Chapter 247 part1
Chapter 247: The Ten
Chapter 246 part2
Chapter 246 part1
Chapter 246
Chapter 245 part2
Chapter 245 part1
Chapter 245
Chapter 244
Chapter 243 part2
Chapter 243 part1
Chapter 243
Chapter 242 part2
Chapter 242 part1
Chapter 242
Chapter 241 part2
Chapter 241 part1
Chapter 241
Chapter 240 part2
Chapter 240 part1
Chapter 240
Chapter 239: The Five Tests of AF1 [Part 1]
Chapter 239
Chapter 238
Chapter 237 part2
Chapter 237 part1
Chapter 237
Chapter 236 part2
Chapter 236 part1
Chapter 236
Chapter 235 part2
Chapter 235 part1
Chapter 235
Chapter 234 part2
Chapter 234 part1
Chapter 234
Chapter 233 part2
Chapter 233 part1
Chapter 233
Chapter 232 part2
Chapter 232 part1
Chapter 232
Chapter 231 part2
Chapter 231 part1
Chapter 231
Chapter 230 part2
Chapter 230 part1
Chapter 230
Chapter 229 part2
Chapter 229 part1
Chapter 229
Chapter 228 part2
Chapter 228 part 1
Chapter 228
Chapter 227 part2
Chapter 227 part 1
Chapter 227
Chapter 226 part2
Chapter 226 part1
Chapter 226
Chapter 225 part2
Chapter 225 part1
Chapter 225
Chapter 224 part2
Chapter 224 part1
Chapter 224
Chapter 223 part2
Chapter 223 part1
Chapter 223
Chapter 222 part2
Chapter 222 part1
Chapter 222
Chapter 221 part2
Chapter 221 part1
Chapter 221
Chapter 220 part2
Chapter 220 part1
Chapter 220
SRH Chapter 219 [Part 2]
Chapter 219 part1
Chapter 219
Chapter 218 part2
Chapter 218 part1
Chapter 218
Chapter 217 part2
Chapter 217 part1
Chapter 217
Chapter 216 part2
Chapter 216 part1
Chapter 216
Chapter 215 part2
Chapter 215 part1
Chapter 215
Chapter 214 part2
Chapter 214 part1
Chapter 214
SRH Chapter 213 [Part 2]
Chapter 213 part1
Chapter 213
Chapter 212 part2
Chapter 212 part1
Chapter 212
SRH Chapter 211 [Part 2]
Chapter 211 part1
Chapter 211
Chapter 210 part2
Chapter 210 part1
Chapter 210
Chapter 209 part2
Chapter 209 part1
Chapter 209
Chapter 208 part2
Chapter 208 part1
Chapter 208
Chapter 207 part2
Chapter 207 part1
Chapter 207
Chapter 206 part2
Chapter 206 part1
Chapter 206
Chapter 205 part2
Chapter 205 part1
Chapter 205
Chapter 204 part2
Chapter 204 part1
Chapter 204
Chapter 203 part2
Chapter 203 part1
Chapter 203
Chapter 202 part2
Chapter 202 part1
Chapter 202
Chapter 201 part2
Chapter 201 part1
Chapter 201
Chapter 200 part2
Chapter 200 part1
Chapter 200
Chapter 199 part2
Chapter 199 part1
Chapter 199
Chapter 198 part2
Chapter 198 part1
Chapter 198
Chapter 197 part2
Chapter 197 part1
Chapter 197
Chapter 196
Chapter 195
Chapter 194
Chapter 193
Chapter 192
Chapter 191 part2
Chapter 191 part1
Chapter 191
Chapter 190 part2
Chapter 190 part1
Chapter 190
Chapter 189 part2
Chapter 189 part1
Chapter 189
Chapter 188 part2
Chapter 188
Chapter 188
Chapter 187
Chapter 187
Chapter 187
Chapter 186 part2
Chapter 186
Chapter 186
Chapter 185
Chapter 185
Chapter 185
Chapter 184: The Co
Chapter 184: The Co
Chapter 184: The Co
Chapter 183
Chapter 183
Chapter 183
Chapter 182 part2
Chapter 182
Chapter 182
Chapter 181 part2
Chapter 181
Chapter 181
Chapter 180
Chapter 180
Chapter 180
Chapter 179: Stay–at
Chapter 179: Stay–at
Chapter 179: Stay–at
Chapter 178
Chapter 178
Chapter 178
Chapter 177 part2
Chapter 177
Chapter 177
Chapter 176 part2
Chapter 176
Chapter 176
Chapter 175 part2
Chapter 175
Chapter 175
Chapter 174 part2
Chapter 174
Chapter 174
SRH Chapter 173 [Part 2]
Chapter 173
Chapter 173
Chapter 172 part2
Chapter 172
Chapter 172
Chapter 171 part2
Chapter 171
Chapter 171
Chapter 170 part2
Chapter 170
Chapter 170
Chapter 169 part2
Chapter 169
Chapter 169
Chapter 168 part2
Chapter 168 part1
Chapter 168
Chapter 167 part2
Chapter 167 part1
Chapter 167
Chapter 166 part2
Chapter 166 part1
Chapter 166
Chapter 165 part2
Chapter 165 part1
Chapter 165
Chapter 164 part2
Chapter 164 part1
Chapter 164
Chapter 163 part2
Chapter 163 part1
Chapter 163
Chapter 162 part2
Chapter 162 part1
Chapter 162
Chapter 161 part2
Chapter 161 part1
Chapter 161
Chapter 160 part2
Chapter 160 part1
Chapter 160
Chapter 159 part2
Chapter 159 part1
Chapter 159
Chapter 158 part2
Chapter 158 part1
Chapter 158
Chapter 157 part2
Chapter 157 part1
Chapter 157– The Two Scourges
Chapter 156 part2
Chapter 156 part1
Chapter 156
Chapter 155 part2
Chapter 155 part1
Chapter 155: Flaring Spectator's Grandstand
Chapter 154 part2
Chapter 154 part1
Chapter 154
Chapter 153 part2
Chapter 153 part1
Chapter 153
Chapter 152 part2
Chapter 152 part1
Chapter 152
Chapter 151
Chapter 150
Chapter 149
Chapter 148
Chapter 147
SRH Chapter 146
SRH Chapter 145
SRH Chapter 144
SRH Chapter 143
Chapter 142
Chapter 141
Chapter 140
Chapter 139
Chapter 138
Chapter 137
Chapter 136
Chapter 135
Chapter 134
Chapter 133
Chapter 132
Chapter 131
Chapter 130
Chapter 129
Chapter 128
Chapter 127
Chapter 126
Chapter 125
Chapter 124
Chapter 123
Chapter 122
Chapter 121
Chapter 120
Chapter 119
Chapter 118
Chapter 117
Chapter 116
Chapter 115
Chapter 114
SRH Chapter 113 [Sponsored]
SRH Chapter 112 [Sponsored]
Chapter 111
Chapter 110
Chapter 109
Chapter 108
Chapter 107
Chapter 106
Chapter 105
Chapter 104
Chapter 103
Chapter 102
Chapter 101
Chapter 100: Red–And
Chapter 99
Chapter 98
Chapter 97
Chapter 96
Chapter 95
Chapter 94
Chapter 93
Chapter 92
Chapter 91
Chapter 90
Chapter 89
Chapter 88
Chapter 87
Chapter 86
Chapter 85
Chapter 84
Chapter 83
Chapter 82
Chapter 81
Chapter 80
Chapter 79
Chapter 78
Chapter 77
Chapter 76
Chapter 75
Chapter 74
Chapter 73
Chapter 72
Chapter 71
Chapter 70: Arrival At Asteroid C
Chapter 69
SRH Chapter 68 [Free!]
SRH Chapter 67 [Sponsored]
Chapter 66
Chapter 65
Chapter 64
Chapter 63
Chapter 62
Chapter 61
Chapter 60
Chapter 59
Chapter 58
Chapter 57
Chapter 56
Chapter 55
Chapter 54
Chapter 53
Chapter 52
Chapter 51
Chapter 50
Chapter 49
Chapter 48
Chapter 47
Chapter 46
Chapter 45
Chapter 44
Chapter 43
Chapter 42
Chapter 41
Chapter 40
Chapter 39
Chapter 38
Chapter 37
Chapter 36
Chapter 35
Chapter 34
Chapter 33
Chapter 32
Chapter 31
Chapter 30
Chapter 29
Chapter 28 The Star Who Walks Out Of The Darkness
Chapter 27
Chapter 26
Chapter 25
Chapter 24
Chapter 23
Chapter 22
Chapter 21
Chapter 20
Chapter 19
Chapter 18
Chapter 17
Chapter 16
Chapter 15
Chapter 14
Chapter 13
Chapter 12
Chapter 11
Chapter 10
Chapter 9
Chapter 8
Chapter 7
Chapter 6
Chapter 5
Chapter 4
Chapter 3
C152– Three Years Time of Man and Things [Part 2]
Chapter 2
C152– Three Years Time of Man and Things [Part 1]
Chapter 1
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