Reincarnated as an Aristocrat with an Appraisal Skill Chapter 227

Reincarnated as an Aristocrat with an Appraisal Skill Chapter 227

Published at 13th of June 2023 11:16:12 AM

Chapter 227
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~3rd Person Perspective~



“By the way, what happened to Zat?” (Braham)



 Braham asked the soldier who had infiltrated the fortress with Zat.



“The deputy -captain went to kill the leader of the fortress, Buigo.” (Soldier)


“How long ago did he go?” (Braham)


“He went as soon as he took out the sentry. It seems to be taking him quite a while.” (Soldier)


“I have a bad feeling about this. All right, let’s go to the place where this Buigo person is first!” (Zat)



 He gave an order to the soldiers.


 The soldiers who had infiltrated the castle knew where Buigo was, so after hearing the location first, Braham and his men rushed into the fortress.


 After hearing the location, Braham and his men rushed into the fortress.


 After waking up and seeing Braham and his men, one of the bandits ran away with a rather surprised look on their faces.


 He probably thought that there were too many of them to win by himself and was about to go and report to their leader.



“Don’t miss! Shoot him!” (Braham)



 Immediately, Braham ordered the soldiers with bows to snipe.


 The elite troops were not only skilled with swords and spears, but also with bows.


 He hurriedly readied his bow and fired at the bandit.


 The shot pierced the back of the head, killing the bandit instantly.



“Good job.” (Braham)



 Braham and his men moved rapidly through the castle.


 They were moving forward, taking out the bandits as they arose in order to slow down their advance as much as possible so that the bandits would not be aware of their presence.



 The archers were in very good shape and did not miss a single shot.


 They continued to make their way smoothly through the castle and arrived in front of Buigo and his men’s room.



“You persistent son of a bitch! I’ll kill you painlessly, so give up now! If you continue like this, you’ll only get hurt for nothing!” (Buigo)



 Such voices could be heard from inside the room.


 Then the sound of sword fights echoed through the room.


 It seems they are fighting inside.


 Distracted by the battle with Zat, Buigo seems completely unaware of Braham’s invasion.



 Braham opens the door wildly.




 He sees Zat and the bandit, who are wounded from the battle.



 The bandits had a shocked look on their faces when they saw Braham and the soldiers behind him.


 They don’t seem to understand the situation at all.



“Haaaaaaa!” (Braham)



 Braham immediately stabbed Buigo in the heart with his spear.


 Buigo, who was unable to react at all due to the suddenness, was unable to avoid it and his heart was pierced in an instant.



“WhGaha…” (Buigo)



 Unable to comprehend the exact situation, he fell to the floor coughing up blood.



 After that, soldiers rushed into the room one after another from behind Braham, taking out the other bandits one after another.



“Are you okay Zat!?” (Braham)




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 Braham rushed up to the wounded Zat with concern.



“I’m fine. Just a shallow wound.” (Zat)



 He looked unconcerned.


 As he said, each wound was shallow.


 He must have been able to avoid and survive the attacks.


 However, he had wounds all over his body and was bleeding quite a bit. He did not seem to be alright.



“You’re so reckless!” (Braham)


“I was not reckless at all. We’ve defeated the enemy leader, Buigo, so now the battle can proceed with ease. It would be troublesome if the bandits escaped, so let’s resume the battle as soon as possible.” (Zat)


“Fine, thanks to your pulling them back, I was able to take them out easily! Now let’s take care of the rest of the bandits!” (Braham)



 Bramham ordered his men and the battle against the remaining bandits in the castle began.



 Even if it was called a battle, it was without Buigo’s presence, so it’s impossible to respond to a night attack, and without any decent resistance, Braham and his men used their advantage.



“You don’t stand a chance! Surrender now and I will spare your lives!” (Braham)



 He advised them when their numbers had dwindled to the point where victory was almost assured.


 Braham decided that it would be better to urge them to surrender in the end, because if he pushed them too hard, they might resist too violently and cause unexpected damage.



 In a normal war, there would be those who would fight for their lord or the land they were defending until the end of their lives, but bandits did not have that kind of will.



 They simply laid down their weapons and surrendered.



 The bandits who settled in the fortress were destroyed in a single night.





 Braham and his men captured the surrendered bandits and returned to Canale Castle.



“Captain, thank you for saving us this time. It was just in the nick of time.” (Zat)



 Zat received first aid for his wounds and had bandages all over his body.



 But he did not appear to be in any pain and seemed unperturbed.



“It’s only natural for a captain to go help his subordinates! Anyway, I’m glad we won this time!” (Braham)



 Braham said with a happy expression.



“But will I get a special reward this time…?” (Zat)


“I don’t know… Is that why you went there to kill Buigo?” (Braham)


“I’m going to ignore what you’re saying. Of course, it’s to make the battle easier and prevent damage to the squad. I’m just hoping to get paid for it.” (Zat)


“Really…?” (Braham)


“It’s true.” (Zat)



 Zat insisted with a straight face, but Bramham was not sure if it was true.



“It’s true that you played an active role, so I will report it properly to Master Ritsu and the county mayor.” (Braham)


“Thank you.” (Zat)



 Zat thanked him with a clear expression.



“Ah, that’s right. I have one more piece of information that I wanted to bring to your attention, so please pass this on to Sir Ritsu as well.” (Zat)


“What is it?” (Braham)


“Apparently, the bandit Buigo was originally from Sights army, but it seems that he was fired, and at that time, the noble who had hired Buigo told him about the fortress, so he decided to use the castle as his base.” (Zat)


“Haa… That nobleman must be a good guy, thinking about the future of his dismissed vassals.” (Braham)


“Um… If he’s just being just a good guy, then that’s fine, but… Sights and us were recently at war, right? Don’t you feel something is tampered?” (Zat)


“Hmm…? So, you’re saying that the Sights nobles told them where the fortress was located with the intention of having Buigo live in the Canale fortress and act as a bandit to inflict damage domestically?” (Braham)



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“It’s a possibility.” (Zat)


“I see… Maybe you’re thinking too much… But if that’s true, then Sights is readying itself to attack Canale again.” (Braham)


“Yes, I don’t know what Sir Ritsu will think about it, but we should report it just in case.” (Zat)


“Right. Okay. Let’s report it.” (Braham)



 Braham nodded.





 Then, Braham and his men returned to Canale.



 The captured bandits were put in jail.


 They were to be punished according to the laws of Canale.


 Since they were bandits who quietly surrendered, there is a high possibility that they won’t be sentenced to death, but they will probably be forced to work as a labor force for a while.



 Braham went to his office at Canale Castle and reported to Reetz about the entire operation to defeat the bandits.



“You subdued them with almost zero injuries…?” (Ritsu)



 Ritsu looked flabbergasted.



“When Lord Ars entrusted you with the task of taking down the bandits, I was worried about you, but you’ve really matured. Good job.” (Ritsu)


“Yes!” (Braham)



 Reetz, who is often harsh to everyone except Ars, does not give unreserved praise to others, but this time he honestly praised Bradham.


 Braham was so happy that his cheeks loosened.



“I will talk to Lord Ars about the special reward. You really did a good job this time.” (Ritsu)


“Yes! I will continue to do my best!” (Braham)



 Braham replied cheerfully and left the office. 


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~3rd Person Perspective~



“By the way, what happened to Zat?” (Braham)



 Braham asked the soldier who had infiltrated the fortress with Zat.



“The deputy -captain went to kill the leader of the fortress, Buigo.” (Soldier)


“How long ago did he go?” (Braham)


“He went as soon as he took out the sentry. It seems to be taking him quite a while.” (Soldier)


“I have a bad feeling about this. All right, let’s go to the place where this Buigo person is first!” (Zat)



 He gave an order to the soldiers.


 The soldiers who had infiltrated the castle knew where Buigo was, so after hearing the location first, Braham and his men rushed into the fortress.


 After hearing the location, Braham and his men rushed into the fortress.


 After waking up and seeing Braham and his men, one of the bandits ran away with a rather surprised look on their faces.


 He probably thought that there were too many of them to win by himself and was about to go and report to their leader.



“Don’t miss! Shoot him!” (Braham)



 Immediately, Braham ordered the soldiers with bows to snipe.


 The elite troops were not only skilled with swords and spears, but also with bows.


 He hurriedly readied his bow and fired at the bandit.


 The shot pierced the back of the head, killing the bandit instantly.



“Good job.” (Braham)



 Braham and his men moved rapidly through the castle.



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 They were moving forward, taking out the bandits as they arose in order to slow down their advance as much as possible so that the bandits would not be aware of their presence.



 The archers were in very good shape and did not miss a single shot.


 They continued to make their way smoothly through the castle and arrived in front of Buigo and his men’s room.



“You persistent son of a bitch! I’ll kill you painlessly, so give up now! If you continue like this, you’ll only get hurt for nothing!” (Buigo)



 Such voices could be heard from inside the room.


 Then the sound of sword fights echoed through the room.


 It seems they are fighting inside.


 Distracted by the battle with Zat, Buigo seems completely unaware of Braham’s invasion.



 Braham opens the door wildly.



 He sees Zat and the bandit, who are wounded from the battle.



 The bandits had a shocked look on their faces when they saw Braham and the soldiers behind him.


 They don’t seem to understand the situation at all.



“Haaaaaaa!” (Braham)



 Braham immediately stabbed Buigo in the heart with his spear.


 Buigo, who was unable to react at all due to the suddenness, was unable to avoid it and his heart was pierced in an instant.



“WhGaha…” (Buigo)



 Unable to comprehend the exact situation, he fell to the floor coughing up blood.



 After that, soldiers rushed into the room one after another from behind Braham, taking out the other bandits one after another.



“Are you okay Zat!?” (Braham)



 Braham rushed up to the wounded Zat with concern.



“I’m fine. Just a shallow wound.” (Zat)



 He looked unconcerned.


 As he said, each wound was shallow.


 He must have been able to avoid and survive the attacks.


 However, he had wounds all over his body and was bleeding quite a bit. He did not seem to be alright.



“You’re so reckless!” (Braham)


“I was not reckless at all. We’ve defeated the enemy leader, Buigo, so now the battle can proceed with ease. It would be troublesome if the bandits escaped, so let’s resume the battle as soon as possible.” (Zat)


“Fine, thanks to your pulling them back, I was able to take them out easily! Now let’s take care of the rest of the bandits!” (Braham)



 Bramham ordered his men and the battle against the remaining bandits in the castle began.



 Even if it was called a battle, it was without Buigo’s presence, so it’s impossible to respond to a night attack, and without any decent resistance, Braham and his men used their advantage.



“You don’t stand a chance! Surrender now and I will spare your lives!” (Braham)



 He advised them when their numbers had dwindled to the point where victory was almost assured.


 Braham decided that it would be better to urge them to surrender in the end, because if he pushed them too hard, they might resist too violently and cause unexpected damage.



 In a normal war, there would be those who would fight for their lord or the land they were defending until the end of their lives, but bandits did not have that kind of will.



 They simply laid down their weapons and surrendered.



 The bandits who settled in the fortress were destroyed in a single night.





 Braham and his men captured the surrendered bandits and returned to Canale Castle.


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“Captain, thank you for saving us this time. It was just in the nick of time.” (Zat)



 Zat received first aid for his wounds and had bandages all over his body.


 But he did not appear to be in any pain and seemed unperturbed.



“It’s only natural for a captain to go help his subordinates! Anyway, I’m glad we won this time!” (Braham)



 Braham said with a happy expression.



“But will I get a special reward this time…?” (Zat)


“I don’t know… Is that why you went there to kill Buigo?” (Braham)


“I’m going to ignore what you’re saying. Of course, it’s to make the battle easier and prevent damage to the squad. I’m just hoping to get paid for it.” (Zat)


“Really…?” (Braham)


“It’s true.” (Zat)



 Zat insisted with a straight face, but Bramham was not sure if it was true.



“It’s true that you played an active role, so I will report it properly to Master Ritsu and the county mayor.” (Braham)


“Thank you.” (Zat)



 Zat thanked him with a clear expression.



“Ah, that’s right. I have one more piece of information that I wanted to bring to your attention, so please pass this on to Sir Ritsu as well.” (Zat)


“What is it?” (Braham)


“Apparently, the bandit Buigo was originally from Sights army, but it seems that he was fired, and at that time, the noble who had hired Buigo told him about the fortress, so he decided to use the castle as his base.” (Zat)


“Haa… That nobleman must be a good guy, thinking about the future of his dismissed vassals.” (Braham)


“Um… If he’s just being just a good guy, then that’s fine, but… Sights and us were recently at war, right? Don’t you feel something is tampered?” (Zat)


“Hmm…? So, you’re saying that the Sights nobles told them where the fortress was located with the intention of having Buigo live in the Canale fortress and act as a bandit to inflict damage domestically?” (Braham)


“It’s a possibility.” (Zat)


“I see… Maybe you’re thinking too much… But if that’s true, then Sights is readying itself to attack Canale again.” (Braham)


“Yes, I don’t know what Sir Ritsu will think about it, but we should report it just in case.” (Zat)


“Right. Okay. Let’s report it.” (Braham)



 Braham nodded.





 Then, Braham and his men returned to Canale.



 The captured bandits were put in jail.


 They were to be punished according to the laws of Canale.


 Since they were bandits who quietly surrendered, there is a high possibility that they won’t be sentenced to death, but they will probably be forced to work as a labor force for a while.



 Braham went to his office at Canale Castle and reported to Reetz about the entire operation to defeat the bandits.



“You subdued them with almost zero injuries…?” (Ritsu)



 Ritsu looked flabbergasted.



“When Lord Ars entrusted you with the task of taking down the bandits, I was worried about you, but you’ve really matured. Good job.” (Ritsu)


“Yes!” (Braham)



 Reetz, who is often harsh to everyone except Ars, does not give unreserved praise to others, but this time he honestly praised Bradham.


 Braham was so happy that his cheeks loosened.



“I will talk to Lord Ars about the special reward. You really did a good job this time.” (Ritsu)


“Yes! I will continue to do my best!” (Braham)



 Braham replied cheerfully and left the office. 

Chapter end

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Reincarnated as an Aristocrat with an Appraisal Skill Chapter 83
Reincarnated as an Aristocrat with an Appraisal Skill Chapter 82
Reincarnated as an Aristocrat with an Appraisal Skill Chapter 81
Chapter 80
Chapter 79
Chapter 78
Chapter 77
Chapter 76
Chapter 75
Chapter 74
Chapter 73
Chapter 72
Chapter 71
Chapter 70
Chapter 69
Chapter 68
Chapter 67
Chapter 66
Chapter 65
Chapter 64
Chapter 63
Chapter 62
Chapter 61
Chapter 60
Chapter 59
Chapter 58
Chapter 57
Chapter 56
Chapter 55
Chapter 54
Chapter 53
Chapter 52
Chapter 51
Chapter 50
Chapter 49
Chapter 48
Chapter 47
Chapter 46
Chapter 45
Chapter 44
Chapter 43
Chapter 42
Chapter 41
Chapter 40
Chapter 39
Chapter 38
Chapter 37
Chapter 36
Chapter 35
Chapter 34
Chapter 33
Chapter 32
Chapter 31
Chapter 30
Chapter 29
Chapter 28
Chapter 27
Chapter 26
Chapter 25
Chapter 24
Chapter 23
Chapter 22
Chapter 21
Chapter 20
Chapter 19
Chapter 18
Chapter 17
Chapter 16
Chapter 15
Chapter 14
Chapter 13
Chapter 12
Chapter 11
Chapter 10
Chapter 9
Chapter 8
Chapter 7
Chapter 6
Chapter 5
Chapter 4
Chapter 3
Chapter 2
Chapter 1
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