Reincarnated as an Aristocrat with an Appraisal Skill Chapter 218

Reincarnated as an Aristocrat with an Appraisal Skill Chapter 218

Published at 13th of June 2023 11:16:12 AM

Chapter 218
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 Canale Castle, Lecture Room.


 As Verge said, Thomas’ study session was taking place in the lecture room.



“I don’t mind participating, but …… it’s a little too much work.” (Verge)



 When I offered to participate, I was given the affirmative.


 Well, I don’t think they welcomed me wholeheartedly.



 The lecture room is fairly large, and it looks like it can seat about a hundred people, but there were only a few dozen people here.



 Lithia is sitting right next to me.


 She looks quite enthusiastic. She must be feeling quite motivated.


 I don’t know yet whether Thomas will be able to teach me any useful knowledge in this study, but I have to learn from him.



 In the seat in front of me is Braham. He is leading an elite unit, but his intellect is not quite there yet, so he should take the lead in his studies.



 However, the person in question seems to want to do combat training, so he protested, saying, “Hey, why don’t you teach combat training instead of doing this?”



“People will get mad if you keep being selfish…!” (Zat)



 Zat, who was sitting next to Braham, hurriedly reminded him.


 Zat has been assigned to support Braham, but it seems to be causing him a lot of worries.




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“There are a lot of promising individuals in Canale, but too many of them are not well educated. As a leader, it’s only natural that they should study. Take it like a man.” (Thomas)



 Thomas, who had heard Braham’s words, said so with a firm attitude.



 There is no doubt that there is a lack of education.


 Since they are hired regardless of social status, many of them are from commoner backgrounds. No matter how talented you are, there will be a difference in education between aristocrats and commoners. If they are taught like this, there will be no problem.



“Surely, Braham and the others need to learn more.” (Charlotte)



 And it is Charlotte who is sitting to my left who is saying such things.


 I shove it behind my mind, wondering which mouth she is talking with.



 Incidentally, Charlotte had originally planned to skip classes, but when she saw me and Lithia participating, she said she would attend the class as well.


 She is still the same my-own-pace person.



 By the way, Musha is sitting to the left of Charlotte.


 Since she is serious, she seems to have been willing to participate from the beginning.



“You and Braham have to study especially hard.” (Thomas)



 Thomas pointed out mercilessly.




“W-What? Do I have to study too? I may look like this, but I know a lot.” (Charlotte)



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“Huh? You know a lot of things. Then here’s a question. I want you to tell me all the counties in Messiaen except for Canale County.” (Thomas)


“…let’s see, the one near the ocean…… Si-Simpla, right? Then there’s Al-Al… Alcantis, right?” (Charlotte)


“It’s Sempler and Alcantes… do you even know the capital?” (Thomas)


“You don’t need to know that to win a battle!” (Charlotte)



 Charlotte declared confidently.



 In fact, Thomas, who had been crushed by Charlotte in the defense of Beltud, seemed to have no room to object, and was at a loss for words. Thomas looks at Charlotte with an expression that questions how he was defeated by this girl.



“You know, there may come a time when you’ll have to pay for your lack of knowledge. You know all about magic and its attributes, don’t you?” (Thomas)


“Why, of course.” (Charlotte)



 Charlotte begins to speak with a smug look on her face when Thomas asks her about it.



“There’s one that makes fire and the one that makes water. Then there’s the one that lights places up. Um, there’s also the one that makes things explode. Then there’s the one that makes dirt. Oh, there’s also the one that makes noise!” (Charlotte)


“There are still more!” (Thomas)


“Huh!?” (Charlotte)


“It is said that there are a total of twenty different magical attributes.” (Thomas)



 Saying this, Thomas began to write down the different types of magic.


 Sound, Fire, Water, Shadow, Explosion, Steel, Power, Lightning, Darkness, Earth, Light, Recovery, Ice, Wind, Curse, Time, Illusion, Spirit, Wood, And Knowledge.




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 I had studied them all, I should have known them all, but it was so long ago that I had forgotten some of them.



“Is there that many? But I only use about five of them.” (Charlotte)


“It doesn’t mean that all attributes are available in Messiaen. Ether is necessary to use the magic. The raw material for the Ether is an ore called magic stone and depending on the region, some magic stones can be mined and others cannot. In Messiaen, it is the magic stone of explosion. Every state is strictly regulating the use of their monopolized magic stone so that it will not be passed on to other states. Incidentally, although I said there are 20 types of magic stones, it is said that the number is actually much larger. I’m sure there are a fair number of attributes whose existence itself is hidden and information is not circulated.” (Thomas)



 The last part was new to me.


 Is it possible that there are attributes that only the Messiaen Governor knows about?


 But if there is such a thing, then either Clan or Basamark would have used it in the last battle.


 If it’s not that strong, there seems to be no need to keep it a secret, right…?



“Which state has a monopoly on each of the magic stones?” (Lithia)



 Lithia, who was standing next to me, asked that question.



“Messiaen is Explosion, Sights is Steel. They didn’t seem to use them in the last battle. They probably didn’t use them during the offensive because they have a lot of magic for defense. Paradise is Recovery. Ansel is Time and Spirit, Shoots is Curse. Lowfile is illusion and power, and Cansheep is ice and knowledge.” (Thomas)


“So it’s not like the other ten are monopolized?” (Lithia)


“Oh, but there is no magic stone that can be mined in every state. It may or may not be available depending on the area. In Messiaen, Lightning and Wood cannot be mined.” (Thomas)



 Lithia was listening to Thomas with great interest.


 She is very eager to learn. Charlotte, on the other hand, who should be familiar with magic, was lying on her desk and snoring before I knew it. I wish Charlotte should take a page from Lithia’s enthusiasm for studying.



 Thomas looked at the sleeping Charlotte and sighed, more in disgust than anger.



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“Well, maybe I shouldn’t waste my knowledge and stuff on that girl, on the contrary. Instead, it’s you next to her! Your name is Musha, right?” (Thomas)


“Yi-yis, yes!?” (Musha)



 Thomas picked out Musha, who was listening to the conversation seriously on Charlotte’s left side. Thomas’s sharp eyes stared at her, and Musha tensed up.



“You will support Charlotte with your knowledge. As the second in command of the mage squad.” (Thomas)


“Huh… what? Me!? The Second-in-command!?” (Musha)


“What are you surprised about?” (Thomas)


“Well, of course, I’m surprised! I’m a new recruit! How can I be second-in-command?” (Musha)


“You’re the second best, aren’t you? Maybe not now, but you will be, so study now.” (Thomas)


“Whaaaaaaaat!?” (Musha)



 Suddenly, Musha was told that she would be the second-in-command, which surprised her.


 Well, if things go well, it will happen sooner or later.


 She is very talented and her abilities are growing rapidly day by day. Above all, she likes Charlotte.



 Ritsu is making the personnel decisions for the army.


 I make the final decision, but I don’t generally disagree. So, it is up to Ritsu, but he thinks highly of Musha, and with more experience, I think it will happen eventually.



 The lesson on magic has come to an end.



 Musha was told to study and lamented, “I have to practice magic too…”

Chapter end

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Reincarnated as an Aristocrat with an Appraisal Skill Chapter 82
Reincarnated as an Aristocrat with an Appraisal Skill Chapter 81
Chapter 80
Chapter 79
Chapter 78
Chapter 77
Chapter 76
Chapter 75
Chapter 74
Chapter 73
Chapter 72
Chapter 71
Chapter 70
Chapter 69
Chapter 68
Chapter 67
Chapter 66
Chapter 65
Chapter 64
Chapter 63
Chapter 62
Chapter 61
Chapter 60
Chapter 59
Chapter 58
Chapter 57
Chapter 56
Chapter 55
Chapter 54
Chapter 53
Chapter 52
Chapter 51
Chapter 50
Chapter 49
Chapter 48
Chapter 47
Chapter 46
Chapter 45
Chapter 44
Chapter 43
Chapter 42
Chapter 41
Chapter 40
Chapter 39
Chapter 38
Chapter 37
Chapter 36
Chapter 35
Chapter 34
Chapter 33
Chapter 32
Chapter 31
Chapter 30
Chapter 29
Chapter 28
Chapter 27
Chapter 26
Chapter 25
Chapter 24
Chapter 23
Chapter 22
Chapter 21
Chapter 20
Chapter 19
Chapter 18
Chapter 17
Chapter 16
Chapter 15
Chapter 14
Chapter 13
Chapter 12
Chapter 11
Chapter 10
Chapter 9
Chapter 8
Chapter 7
Chapter 6
Chapter 5
Chapter 4
Chapter 3
Chapter 2
Chapter 1
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