Naruto Hiden Vol 3 Chapter 1.4

Naruto Hiden Vol 3 Chapter 1.4

Page 31

RAW English 翌日、あうんの門をくぐる、サクラといのは砂障れの里に向けて出発した。 The next day, they passed through the entrance gates. Sakura and Ino had departed for Sunagakure Village. 風の国・砂隠れの里は、火の国・木ノ葉隠れの里の西方に位置している。里を出て、荒野と樹海を抜けた先に、砂隠れの里はあった。 Sunagakure Village in the Wind Country was located westward from Konohagakure Village in the Fire Country. Exiting the village, they passed through the wilderness and a sea of trees. Beyond that would be Sunagakure Village. 飛ばせば三日で着くが、今回は緊急時ではない。高速移動をするつもりはなかった。 砂隠れの担当者には、四日後の到着予定だと伝えてある。 If they hurried, they could arrive there in three days; but as for now, it wasn’t an emergency. They did not intend to travel with high-speed movements. They had conveyed to the formal personnel within Sunagakure that they were planning to arrive four days later. 天候も穏やかで、移動は楽だった。任務服の二人は、雑談しながら快調に荒野を駆けた。 Since the weather was also calm, they moved comfortably at ease. The two of them were wearing mission clothes. They were idly chatting while smoothly dashing through the wilderness. 「テマリさんとシカマルがどうも怪しいんだよね」 “Temari-san and Shikamaru have been quite suspicious, haven’t they?” と、いのが言い出したのは、里を出て二時間ほど駆けた頃だった。 Ino started to speak. They had left the village and had been running for approximately two hours. サクラはいのの顔を見た。いたずらっぽい笑みを浮かべている。腰まである綺麗な髪を、 今は束ねていた。 Sakura looked at Ino’s face. She was expressing an impish smile. Her beautiful, waist-length hair was now tied into a bundle. 「怪しいって、それ…」 “(When you said) ‘suspicious’, that’s….“ 「付き合ってんじゃないかってこと」 “ (Don’t you get the impression of something like:) ‘They’re going out, right?’ ” 「ほんとに!?」 “Really!?” 「うん。ていうか、あれは付き合ってるね」 “Yup. I mean that they’re going out. ” 「断言しちゃうんだ」 “That’s a bold assertion” 駆けながら会話しているが、二人とも呼吸は乱れていない。 They were conversing while running, but their breathing was unaffected.


The entrance gates to Konoha have hiragana written on them: ‘ あ’ and ‘ん’. The author wrote あうん. I think it’s a typo with the extra ‘う’…? (Unless the う functions are some kind of particle that I’m unaware of o__o’;;~~). I just called them the ‘entrance gates’ anyway.

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RAW English いのが続ける。 Ino continued. 「ほら、テマリさんてさ、たまに木ノ葉に来るでしょ。仕事で」 “Hey, about Temari-san, she occasionally comes to Konoha for business, right?” 「まあ、あの人は砂の外交担当だからね」 “Well that’s because she’s in charge of diplomacy for Suna, right?” 「でね、私、こないだ見ちゃったんだー。シカマルとテマリさんが並んで歩いてるとこ」 “But the other day, I saw them….Shikamaru and Temari were walking side-by-side.” 「そんなの」とサクラは笑う。 “That sort thing?” Sakura laughed. 「別にフツーじゃない?仕事の話してたのかもしれないし」 “That’s not particularly unusual, right? Perhaps they were talking about work” シカマルも里での立場が重くなり、他国の外交担当者とも密に連絡をとっている。実際サクラも、二人が一緒に歩いているところを里で何度か見かけたことがあった。 Shikamaru also had an important position for Konoha. In addition to being in charge of diplomacy to the other countries, he was to be secretly in contact (with their personnel). Actually, Sakura even happened to see the two of them walking together through the village on several occasions. 「それはそうなんだけどさ、なんていうか、恋人同士っぽいフンイキってあるじゃん。別に腕を組んでるとかじゃないんだけどさ、表情とか、漂わせてるムードっていうの?私がこないだ見たとき、二人がまさにそれだったんだよね。いつもだったら私、二人に声かけるけど、そのときはためらっちゃって、結局声かけなかったもん」 “But that sort of thing (isn’t the only incident). How should I put it? The atmosphere felt like they were a pair of lovers, right? But it wasn’t as if they were linking arms in particular. It was their facial expressions. And then didn’t (you feel some sort of romantic) mood floating about them? When I saw them the other day, they two of them were certainly like that. I would have called out to them like I always do, but I hesitated at the time. In the end, I didn’t call out to them at all.” 「そうなんだ……。テマリさんとシカマルがね」 “I see…..Temari-san with Shikamaru, eh?” だが、 組み合わせとしては、そんなに意外じゃないな、というのが正直な気持ちだった。 But as a combination, it wasn't so unexpected, right? She could say that she honestly felt that way. なにかと縁のある二人なのだ。中忍選抜試験のときは対戦相手として顔を合わせ、またサスケ奪還任務のときは、音隠れの多由也と戦うシカマルのもとへ助太刀に現れたのがテマリだった。 One way or another, it was fate for the two of them. During the Chuunin Selection Exam, they had faced each other as opponents. And then again during Sasuke’s retrieval mission, when Shikamaru had fought against Otogakure’s Tayuya: Temari had appeared in order to assist him. その後も、里は違えど見知った仲としてそれなりの交流はあっただろうし、任務や仕事、そしてあの大戦を経て、 二人の気持ちが友情とは違うものに傾いていったとしても不思議 ではない。 Even after that, you wouldn’t know that the village had changed just by looking at it. Their relationship itself was from intermingling: it seemed as though with the missions and work, and in addition to experiencing that great war…. the mood between the two of them was different than just friendship. It was inclined towards something else. Even so, it wasn’t strange at all. 「向こうに着いたら、テマリさんにその辺のこと聞いてみようかな」 “When we arrive, should I try to ask Termari-san about those circumstances?” いのが言って、ふふっと笑う。 As Ino was talking, she was giggling and laughing. 「やめときなよ。あのでっかい扇子で叩かれるわよ」 “That’s when (you should) stop. She’ll strike you with that gargantuan folding fan” 「あはは、確かにー」 “Ahhaha, she certainly would—“ 他愛のない会話が楽しかった。 Their silly conversation was quite enjoyable. 「みんな春だね。でも、シカマルはそうでも、チョウジはさすがにまだ色気より食い気なんじゃない?」 “Everyone’s at their prime, right? But aside from Shikamaru, isn’t Chouji still the same? As expected, he’s still putting his appetite before romance, right?” サクラは聞いてみた。 Sakura tried to ask her. 「いやいや、それがそうでもないんだよねー」と、いの。 “No, no…That’s not really (the case at all)” Ino replied. まだ秘密情報があるのよ、という顔でいのが続ける。 Ino’s (facial expression) indicated that it was still confidential information. Ino then continued. 「雲隠れのカルイさん」 “It’s Karui-san from Kumogakure” 「嘘!」 “You’re lying!”


Though 春 is “spring” or “prime”, when you use it in this instance, the nuance means more like…sex, lust, budding sexuality, etc. lol~~ For example, when written like 春をひさぐ it literally means that you’re “selling springtime”. But it actually means “Engaging in prostitution”. So the nuance here is like “Everyone’s urges are peaking”, when I say “Everyone’s at their prime”………..lol~~~ (If you wanted to keep it super literal, she actually said “It’s springtime everywhere”. But we all know what she means now, right? :P

The expression referring to Chouji also needs some explaining, I think. 色気より食い気 is a bit like “Fair words fill not the belly” and “Food before romance”. The 色気 isn’t the literal definition for ‘a colour’. It’s actually about being interested in the opposite sex, passionate romantic feelings, etc. It’s related to the expression 花より団子 (hana yori dango= Dumplings rather than flowers). It means desiring practical things over aesthetic things.

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RAW English これは意外だった。 That was unexpected. 「あの、なんていうか、激しい感じの人?」 “Well, how should I say it…. Is it someone that he has intense feelings for?” 「そう。なんかチョウジがさ、最近やたらと理由つけて雲隠れに行きたがるからさ、 飯しいと思って間い詰めたんだよね。そしたら――『んーとね、なんかね、カルイさんとご飯の約束があって』とかモジモジしながら言うんだもん」 “That’s right. Somehow, Chouji has recently and excessively (been finding) reasons to go to Kumogakure. Because he anxiously wants to go there. He’s been working out the details while thinking in between meals. And then he said――『Really, that’s how it is… I promised Karui-san to meet up for a meal』. He said so while he was fidgeting.” あれは時間の問題だね、と、いのは言って、一人でうなずいている。 ‘It would just be a matter of time, right?’ Ino had said it while nodding intuitively. 「そうかあ」とサクラもうなずく。 ふと思いついて、聞いてみる。 “Is that so?” Sakura also nodded. Suddenly, something came to mind. She wanted to try asking about it. 「それより、いののほうはどうなの?最近、その、レンアイ方面は」 “Aside from that, how are things going for you, Ino? Nowadays… what’s happening in your love life?” 子どもの頃は、ともにサスケをめぐってライバル心をむき出しにしていたサクラといのだが、成長とともに、いのはそのレースから降りた感じになっていた。 Since childhood, Sakura and Ino were frankly both rivals at heart over Sasuke. However, as they matured together, it felt as though Ino had stepped down from that race. いのが今、誰を想っているのか、それとも誰のことも想っていないのか、知りたくなっ た。 For now, who was Ino thinking about? Or who was she even not thinking about? (Sakura) wanted to know. 「つーん……まあ、いるよ」 “Mmm…..Well, there is someone (whom I’m interested in)” と、いのは恥ずかしそうに答えた。 Ino replied in an embarrassed and shy manner. 「え、彼氏できたの?」 “Eh, you have a boyfriend?” 「ううん。じゃなくて。いいなって思ってる人なら、いるよってこと」 “Err…No, I don’t. It’s because I think of him well, so there is someone (whom I’m interested in). ” 「へー!」 “Ehh~!” 思わずサクラはいののほうに寄った。 Unintentionally, Sakura approached beside Ino. 「全然知らなかった。なになに?誰なの?」 “I didn’t know at all. What? Who is it?” 「すごい食いつくじゃん、サクラ」 “You’re really sinking your teeth into this, aren’t you, Sakura? “ 「だって気になるよ。ヒントちょうだい、ヒント」 “But it’s on my mind. I want a hint. A hint!” 「ヒントぉ?」 “ A hint, eh?” いのは少し考えると、頬をうっすら染めて、 Ino thought about it for a little bit. Her face was slightly flushed. 「……絵のうまい人」 “….it’s someone who’s skilled at drawing” 「いや、それもう答えじゃん!」 “No, that’s still not an answer!” サクラはつっこんだ。 Sakura then retorted. 「ふうん、そっか、サイか」 “Humph, I see….so it’s Sai?” 「でも、意外じゃないでしょ?」 “But it’s not surprising, right?” 「まあ、ね」 “Well…(not really)” サイがサスケの代わりに第七班に編入された当初から、いのはサイに気があるそぶりを見せていたのだ。サスケくんにちょっと似ててカッコいいね、と。 Sai was Sasuke’s replacement within Team 7. When Sai was first incorporated into their team, Ino had an interest in him. She showed (that sort of ) attitude towards him. Ino had said that he resembled Sasuke-kun a little bit with his attractiveness.

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RAW English 「最初の頃はさ、まあまあイケメンだなーぐらいだったんだけど、わかんないね、気持ちって。今は完全にもってかれてる…ってなにコレ!? 私、すごい恥ずかしいこと言ってない?わー!ひー!」 "At first, wasn’t he a rather good-looking guy at least? But I don’t know how to explain the feeling. Now, I’m completely (into him)…Eh, what is this!? Didn’t I just…. say so many dreadfully embarrassing things? Wha--!, Hi---! “ 「落ち着いて、落ち着いて」 “Calm down, calm down....” と、いのをなだめて、サクラは聞く。 Sakura then asked while soothing Ino: 「で、ちなみに…告白とかは?」 “Well, by the way… did you confess your love?” 「それは、うん、まだ…」 “About that….well, I still…” いのの声が小さくなる。その反応が、サクラには意外だった。 Ino’s voice became small. That reaction was surprising to Sakura. 異性関係では割とさばけたところがあって、思い立ったら即行動、みたいなイメージが、 いのにはあったが、今回はどうも違うらしい。 In relationships with another person, it’s a relatively straightforward situation: If you make up your mind (to do something), you could immediately carry out your plans. Ino had an image (of what she intended to do). But now in Ino’s case, it somehow seemed to be a different scenario. 「ラベンダーか、ハナミズキか……迷ってんだよね」 “ (Should I give him) lavender? Or a flowering dogwood?.....I’m indecisive. “ いのが言った。 Ino had said. 「ラベンダーか、ハナミズキ?」 “Lavender? Flowering dogwood?” 「うん……。ラベンダーの花言葉は、”あなたを待っています”、ハナミズキの花言葉は、 ”私の想いを受け止めて”。サイに気のある雰囲気出して、あいつのこと待ってればいいのか、それとも、こっちからバシッと告白しちゃうのがいいのか……今、悩み中なんだ」 ” Yup…..In the language of flowers, lavender means ‘I will be waiting for you’. As for the flowering dogwood, it means ‘accept my feelings’ in the language of flowers. When should I show Sai the atmosphere of my feelings?…Am I supposed to be waiting on him? Or maybe like this…. Should I do my confession with a ‘bashii’(/sudden whack) ?........It’s worrisome right now (for me). “ 「そっか」 “(Oh, I see what you mean)” 花言葉で説明してくれる辺り、いかにも花屋の娘だ。 Ino was indeed the daughter of a florist, since she was giving the explanations for the language of flowers. 「いのは……ハナミズキのイメージだけどな、私は」 “But Ino.... I think that your image is (more like the) flowering dogwood. “ サクラは言ってみた。いのもうなずく。 Sakura was trying to say it. Ino then also nodded. 「だよねー、私のキャラ的にはねー」 “Isn’t it?…. It’s like my personality, right?….” うー悩むぜ、と、額に手を当てるいのが、 なんだか少し可愛らしく見えた。 Well….she said that she was worried. Ino had put her hand against her (her own) forehead. Somehow, it seemed a little sweet (to see her acting like this). 私の場合は、とサクラはふと思った。 ‘As for my situation’….Sakura was suddenly thinking: ――ラベンダー、なのかな、やっぱり……。 ――It’s lavender, I suppose…Of course it is….. 私の想いを受け止めて、と言おうにも、サスケは旅の空だ。 ‘Accept my feelings’….No matter (how much) she tried to say it, Sasuke was away from home. サクラには、今のところ待つことしかできなかった。 As for Sakura, she could only wait for now. でも、と思う。 However, she was then thinking: ――いつまで待てば…? ―― How long will I be waiting…?


The language of flowers in Japan is called ‘Hanakotoba’. It’s pretty cool! The connotation of lavender is also like ‘faithfulness’ and ‘You will always and forever be in my heart’.

//End Translation

//Section 4 completed.

Chapter end

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