Naruto Hiden Vol 1 Chapter 9

Naruto Hiden Vol 1 Chapter 9

Chapter 9:「綱手の決断」// Tsunade’s Decision


Pages 122-123

RAW English 木ノ葉隠れの里、 火影執務室では、綱手が三面六臂の働きで采配をふるっていた。 In the Hokage office in Konohagakure Village, Tsunade was in the midst of a flurry and rush of work, energetically issuing commands. 「シズネ、波の国からはまだ連絡がないのか! いのの報告では、リーダーは羅氷と華氷とかいうやつららしい。それを伝えて、このふたりの身元を洗わせろ!シカマル、鬼燈城のほうはどうなってる?囚人たちが不穏な動きを見せたら、構わん、 ただちに制圧! サクラは医療班を組織して、 ただちに鬼燈城へ向かえ!シズネ、暗部を待機させておけ!」 Shizune, is there still no contact from the Wave Country? With Ino’s report, it seems that those guys are the leaders: Rahyo and Kahyo. Convey that (to them), and investigate into the identities of those two! How is Shikamaru, who’s at the Houzukijyou (Blood Prison)? If the prisoners (show signs of) unrest, it won’t matter, immediately keep them completely under control! Sakura will organize a medical team, and immediately head towards Houzukijyou! Shizune, put the ANBU on standby! それから眼を閉じ、心の中で念じた。 Afterwards, (Tsunade) closed her eyes, thinking in her head. ”いの、カカシはいまどうなってる!” “Ino, how is Kakashi right now?” ”サイからの報告では、 また飛鯱丸へ潜入したそうです” “From Sai’s report, I have the impression that they are still infiltrating aboard the Tobishachimaru” 執務室のドアが、バンッ、と開き、サイの肩を借りたガイが飛び込んできた。 The door of the office opened with a ‘bun!’ sound. Leaning on Sai’s shoulder, Guy leapt inside. 「綱手様!マイト・ ガイ、ただいま帰還いたしまし。。。」 “Tsunade-sama! (It’s me), Might Guy has just now returned… ゴンッ! Gonn! (Boom!) 綱手の剛拳が、ガイの脳天に炸裂した。 Tsunade’s strong fist exploded on the crown of Guy’s head. 「おお……おおおお…」 “Ooh…Ooooh…” 「ガイ、貴様ぁ……」綱手は、頭を押さえて悶絶するガイの胸ぐらを摑んで、 ユッサユッサとゆさぶった。 「任務をほったらかして、飛鯱丸に乗ってたそうだな!」 “ Guy, you ******…..” Guy was grasping his head and fainting in agony. (Tsunade) grasped him by the collar and shook him with a ‘yussayussa’ sound. “It seems that you neglected a mission (because you wanted to) board the Tobishachimaru!” 「いえ、そんな……め、め、滅相もない!じ、じつは……えー、じつはですね……あっ、 そうそう、足の具合が悪くてですね……かかりつけの医者が波の国にいるもんですから ……そうそうそうそう!で、たまたま病院への通り道に飛鯱丸が。。。」 “No, such a…tha-, tha-, that’s nonsense! A-, Actually…… eh~, Actually it’s……Oh, yeahyeah, the condition of my leg is awful, right?……Because my personal physician is in the Wave Country?…Yeahyeahyeahyeah! So, coincidentally, the Tobishachimaru was along the route to the hospital…” 「貴様ぁ……そんな嘘をぬけぬけと」 “You *****….shamelessly saying such a lie” 「綱手様、いまはそれどころではありません!」拳を固めて、 ガイの頭に二発目を見舞おうとした綱手を、シズネが後ろから羽交い絞めにした。 「岩隠れのオオノキ様より無線が入っております!」 “Tsunade-sama, that’s not what it is about for now!” Making a fist, Tsunade was preparing to punch Gai in the head for a second time. From behind, Shizune bound (Tsunade’s arms) behind her back. “From Iwagakure, Oonoki-sama is coming on the wireless radio!” 「そ、そうですぞ、綱手様!」ホッと胸を撫で下ろすガイ。「いまは飛鯱丸のことが先決ですぞ!」 “Tha- That’s right, Tsunade-sama!” Guy heaved a sigh of relief. “Now, we have to make a decision about the Tobishachimaru!” 「うぬぬぬ……ガイ、お前は敵の人相を描いておけ」それから、執務机に置かれた無線機に向き合った。「なんだ、土影?」 “You ****...Guy, describe the appearance of the enemies” After that, the radio was placed on the official desk, and they were facing one another. “What is it, Tsuchikage?”


三面六臂 is an expression that is literally like “three faces, six arms”. Like the feeling of someone in the middle of doing a variety of tasks (hardcore multitasking?).

Gai’s gibberish while he’s stalling Tsunade is my best approximation…lol~~~ Like “そうそうそうそう” is kinda like repeating “that’s right!” over and over again in quick succession. So the best I can really make of it into an exasperated English translation is like if he says something like “Yeahyeahyeahyeah”. A bit like if you’re in another scenario and you got too excited and said “omgomgomgomgomg”. That’s what he’s doing.

もんですから is hard to explain. This is a suffix appended to the end of a sentence that means that you’re asking a rhetorical question. But the nuance is that the person who’s saying it knows that they are making an excuse/lying. (So the converse of their sentence is actually what’s true).

Pages 124-125

RAW English 「挨拶もなしか、綱手姫?」無線機がオオノキの声を吐き出す。「まあ、いい……それより、 お前の国の上空にぽっかり浮かんどるもん、ありゃ波の国が極秘に開発しとった船じゃろ?」 ”Not even a greeting, Tsunade-hime?” Oonoki’s voice was emitting from the radio. “Well, that’s fine……Apart from that, there’s something lightly floating in the skies of your country. Isn’t that the ship that was developed in absolute secrecy by the Wave Country? 綱手は言葉に詰まった。 Tsunade was speechless. 「おいおい、ワシらも忍じゃぜ。綱手姫ともあろう者が、まさかあんなドでかいもんを、 隠しおおせるとは思っとらんかったじゃろ?」 “Well, we’re also shinobi. As someone like Tsunade-hime, of course with such a large thing, did you think that you would be successful in hiding it? 「岩隠れから……見えてるのか?」 “From Iwagakure… you can see it?” 「岩隠れだけじゃない。ほかの里も、気づいとるはずじゃぜ。ただ、第四次忍界大戦をともに戦った仲間に敬意を表して、どこも見て見ぬふりをしとるだけよ。あの船の警護は、 木ノ葉の極秘任務らしいからのお」 “Not only Iwagakure. Other countries should have noticed as well. However, in wanting to respect (eachother) as comrades who fought together in the Fourth Shinobi World War, we only pretended to not see it everywhere. Because it seems as though it was Konoha’s confidential mission, with those escorts for that ship. “ 「この両天秤じじいが…」 “This indecisive old man…” 「しかしワシも、まさかあんなでかいもんとは、思いもせんかったわ」 “However, even for me, of course such (a situation) is huge thing. (But) I didn’t think about it. 「こっちはいま忙しいんだ!」綱手が怒鳴りつけた。「さっさと用件を言ったらどうだ!」 “Here, now it’s hectic!” Tsunade shouted. “How about quickly saying (what pertains) to this business!” 「やれやれ、若いもんはせっかちでいかん」無線機からため息が漏れた。「それじゃ、 言おう。数日前、 狼哭の里に見慣れぬやつらが現れ、青火粉を大量に仕入れていったそうじ ゃぜ」 “Well goodness. How impatient of a young person.” A sigh emitted through the radio. “Well then, let’s talk about it. A few days ago, some unfamiliar guys appeared in the Howling Wolf Village. It seems that they were buying up large stocks of Aobiko (/Blue Fire Powder)” 「!?」 「!?」 「知ってのとおり、狼哭の里は、 薬師の里……やつらが練成する青火粉の爆発力は、 起爆札の数倍はあるんじゃぜ」 “The way I understand it, Roukoku (/Howling Wolf) Village is a village of doctors……those guys are trained in the explosive powers of the Aobiko. Aobiko is more than several times (more potent) than exploding tags." 「なにが言いたい?」 “What do you want to say?” 「ワシらは、その青火粉を追っとった。あんなもんを岩隠れに持ち込まれたら、たまったもんじゃないからな……まあ、それはさておき、どうやらいま空の上にぷかぷか浮かんどる船に、その青火粉が積み込まれたようじゃぜ」 “We pursued that Aobiko. If such a thing was brought into Iwagakure, since it’s not something (one ought to) accumulate….Well, aside from that, now it seems as though it’s onboard the ‘pukapuka’ (/sound of flying) floating ship in the sky. That Aobiko appears to be stowed cargo." 「!」 「!」 「波の国は、あの船を使って、運輸業界に旋風を巻き起こそうとしとる」土影は声をあらためた。「しかしな、綱手姫、技術の革新には、いつだって裏の面があるんじゃぜ。だれ かが麻酔薬を作ったら、だれかがそれを麻薬に作りかえる。だれかが料理包丁を作ったら、 だれかがそれを使って人を斬ってみようとする。。。」 “The Wave Country used that ship to try to create a commotion within the transportation industry” The Tsuchikage altered his voice. “However, Tsunade-hime, as for the innovative technology, there’s always a hidden surface. If somebody produces anesthetics, somebody will manufacture that into narcotic drugs. If somebody produces a kitchen knife for cooking, someone will use that for trying to kill people... ” 「だれかが空飛ぶ船を作ったら、だれかがそれを使って空からの戦を仕掛ける…か」 “If somebody produces a ship that flies in the sky, somebody will use that to wage war from the sky…?” 「ほかの忍び里が、いまのところ黙っとるのは、あの船の進路を見きわめようとしとるからじゃぜ。 もし、あの船が岩隠れの方角へ鼻面を向けとらんかったら、 ワシだって黙っとったわ」 “However, as for other shinobi villages, they are silent for now. It’s because they are trying to see and thoroughly investigate the route of that ship. However, if the snout of that ship is aimed in the direction of Iwagakure, even we will not be silent.”


Iwagakure is the Hidden Rock (/Hidden Stone) Village.

Kusagakure is the Hidden Grass Village

The青火粉 (Aobiko/ Blue Fire Powder) is a reference from the author’s other Naruto light novel that was published from around 2012, called Jinraiden: Ookami no Naku Hi. This novel was really well received among fans in Japan, so inside references like this are generally understood. The light novel follows Sasuke’s adventures into investigating where Itachi’s eye medicine comes from, thinking through his thoughts about what has transpired after killing him, etc. Anyway, this powder is a weapon that is exclusively used by the Howling Wolf village and has massive explosive power. So even inexperienced/ non-shinobi can use it and cause some serious damage. (PS. That novel was quite well-written too. I just don’t have to translate it in depth~ OTL)

This is the little excerpt from page 87 of Sasuke Jinraiden light novel that explains the gist :

「(…) 青火粉は水に触れると爆発するんだ (…)人の吐く息に含まれている水分で爆発させて(…)」

“(...) When Aobiko comes into contact with water, it detonates (…) the moisture that comprises the breath of a person (can also cause) an explosion(...)”

Hence, Kahyo’s manipulation of moisture into ice means easy activation of the Aobiko. Or someone could just breathe on it…

Pages 126-127

RAW English 「……」 「……」 「よく聞け、綱手姫」オオノキが言った。「いま、あの船の中でなにが起こっとるのか、 ワシは詮索するつもりはない……だがな、もしあの船がこのまま進路を変えずに、まっすぐ岩隠れの里に飛んでくるようなら、ワシは撃ち落とすぜ」 “Listen well, Tsunade-hime” Oonoki said. “ As for whatever happened inside of that ship, we have no intention to inquire about it… However, if that ship doesn’t change it’s route, I will shoot it down if it flies directly into Iwagakure village.” カカシの読みが正しければ、飛鯱丸は草隠れの里の鬼燈城へ向かっている……綱手は考えた。そして、その鬼燈城は、草隠れと岩隠れの境にある。 If Kakashi’s readings were correct, it’s going towards Kusagakure’s Houzukijyou....Tsunade thought. And thus, Houzukijyou is on the border between Kusagakure and Iwagakure. 「船は草隠れに向かっている」綱手は無線機をにらみつけた。 「万一、草隠れを通過するようなら、私が撃ち落とす」 “The ship is going towards Kusagakure”. Tsunade scowled at the radio. “If by any chance, it seems to be passing through Kusagakure, I’ll shoot it down.” 執務室に緊張が走った。 Tension traveled throughout the office. 「それを聞いて、安心したぜよ」通信を切りあげる前に、土影が言った。「青火粉をどっ さり積んだ船に、頭の上でうろちょろされるのは、あまり気持ちのいいもんじゃないからな」 ”Hearing that, I’m relieved.” Before ending communications, the Tsuchikage spoke. “Because the ship is fully loaded with Aobiko, having it hanging upon your head is not a comfortable feeling to have at all.” あの両天秤じじいのことだ、これしきのことで安心などするはずがない……沈黙した無線を前に、綱手はしばし思案した。おそらく、ただちに草隠れとの境に、手練れを配置するだろう。 As for that indecisive old man, I shouldn’t be relieved and such by trifling matter……In front of the silent radio, Tsunade considered it all. Perhaps, immediately at the border of Kusagakure, it seems that I should station skilled (shinobi). ガイ、サイ、サクラ、シズネ、キバ、シノ、それに暗部の面々ー。。。口を開く者は、だれもいなかった。 Guy, Sai, Sakura, Shizune, Kiba, Shino, and furthermore each of the ANBU…No one opened his or her mouth. ザ。。。ザザ。。。ザ。。。 Za…Zaza…Za…. 雑音を長々と響かせたあとで、無線が息を吹きかえす。 A drawn-out, jarring noise resounded. A tone returned. 「火影!」苛立たしげな男の声が、執務室に響き渡った。 「我龍様はまだ釈放されんのか!?」 “Hokage! “ It was the voice of a peeved man. It resounded through the office. “Garyo-sama is still not released!?” 「……羅氷か?」 ”…Rahyo?” 一拍の間のあとで、羅氷が鼻で笑った。「もうバレちまったのか…」 After a beat of pause, Rahyo laughed scornfully. “I’ve already been exposed, eh?...” 「進路を変えろ、羅氷」綱手は声を張った。「このままだと、飛鯱丸は撃ち落とされるぞ ……木ノ葉がやらなくても、ほかの里が黙っちゃいない。いまなら、まだ間に合う。波の国に引きかえせ」 “Change the route, Rahyo” Tsunade strained her voice. “At this rate, the Tobishachimaru will be shot down……Even if Konoha doesn’t do it, other villages will not be silent. If (you agree to change the route) now, there’s still enough time. Return to the Wave Country.” 「飛鯱丸の行先は、オレが決める」 “The route of the Tobishachimaru is for us to decide” 「話を聞け。。。」 “Listen to the discussion…” 「黙れ!」 “Shut up!” 「……!」 「……!」


Oops, I forgot to write this note the first time I wrote this about 両天秤じじい, which I translated as “indecisive old man”. Literally, it is “two alternatives” or “both scales”. So for something that can go either way (like a decision or argument), it refers to someone who kinda stalls and is not completely of one mindset (like someone who’s perpetually on the fence about something) . IIRC, in the manga, it’s because he’s neutral on most issues, so progress goes irritatingly slow because he’s indecisive.


Pages 128-129

RAW English 「いますぐ我龍様を釈放しろ!三分だ……三分経っても、我々の要求が聞き入れられぬ場合は、処刑を開始する!」 “Release Garyo-sama immediately! In three minutes…When three minutes have elapsed, if it’s the case that our request is still not fulfilled, the executions will commence!” 無線が、ガチャッ、と乱暴に切れた。 The radio made a ‘kachaa’ sound, (and the signal) was violently terminated. 三分……綱手はギリリと奥歯を噛み締めた。そのあいだに、 カカシひとりに、いったいなにができる? Three minutes….Tsunade roughly ground her back molars. During that time, what the heck can Kakashi do alone? かといって、我龍を釈放するわけにはいかない。羅氷のような、 ならず者どもの要求に屈したら、木ノ葉は五大国の中での立場を失う。仕事の依頼が減り、里の者が餓えることになる。 On the other hand, we cannot release Garyo. If we relent to the demands of scoundrels like Rahyo, Konoha will lose it’s standing among the Five Great Countries. Employment requests will decrease, and then the people of the village will starve. くそ、いったいどうすればいいんだ…? Damn it, what the heck should I do?... 重苦しい静寂の立ち込める執務室に、外のどよめきが届く。 A heavy silence hung over the office. Then, a commotion from outside occurred. 「おい、見ろよ!」窓辺へ駆け寄ったキバが、空を指さして声を張りあげた。「飛続丸が見えるぜ!」 “Oi, look out! “ Kiba rushed towards the window. He pointed a finger at the sky and raised his voice. “Look at the Tobishachimaru!” いつの間にか、 空には暗雲が垂れ込めている。その下を、巨大な鯱が、ゆっくりと西へ向かっていた。 Before they all knew it, dark clouds were looming low in the sky. Beneath them, a gigantic Orca was slowly heading westwards. な、なんだ、あれは!?往来をゆく里の者たちが、びっくり仰天して叫んだ。でっかい魚が空を飛んでるぞ! ‘Wha-, what’s that!?’ The people in the village shouted in astonishment, heading to into the streets. ‘A gargantuan fish is flying in the sky!’ 「サイ」綱手は組んだ両手に顎を乗せ、眼を閉じた。「飛続丸は、あとどれくらいで鬼燈城に着く?」 “Sai” Tsunade crossed both of her hands and placed her chin upon them. She closed her eyes. “About how long until the Tobishachimaru reaches Houzukijyou?” 「上空は追い風でしたので……」サイが言った。「このままだと、二十分ほどで」 “Since there’s a tailwind in the sky……” Sai said. “As it is now, about twenty minutes” 「綱手様……本気ですか?」サクラがおずおずと切り出した。「飛鯱丸を撃ち落とすって ……まだカカシ先生が中にいるんですよ!?」 “Tsunade-sama…are you serious?” Sakura nervously broke the ice, and beginning to speak. “Shooting down the Tobishachimaru……But Kakashi-sensei is still onboard!?” 永遠とも思えるほどの沈黙が流れた。 It even seemed like an eternity of silence had elapsed. カッと眼を見開くと、綱手は毅然と命じた。 Suddenly, Tsunade opened her eyes, and resolutely issued commands. 「サイは上空で待機!いのに、土影が言ったことをカカシに伝えさせろ!それから、 ナルトに気取られぬよう、全員ただちに鬼燈城へ向かえ!」そして、言った。「万一、飛鯱丸が鬼燈城を素通りするようなら……たとえ風に流されただけでも、即刻撃ち落とせ!」 “Sai, standby from the skies! For Ino, report to Kakashi what the Tsuchikage had spoken about! And then afterwards, such that Naruto is not suspicious (of the plans), everyone head towards the Houzukijyou immediately! “ And so, (Tsunade continued to) speak. “If by any chance, if the Tobishachimaru seems to pass by the Houzukijyou, even if it’s merely blown by the wind, immediately shoot it down!”

//End Translation

//End Chapter 9

Chapter end

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