Kuma Kuma Kuma Bear Chapter 215

Kuma Kuma Kuma Bear Chapter 215

Chapter 215: 215
Chapter 215 – Bear-san And The Picture Book Negotiation
「I'm willing to pay however much you want for it . 」

The old man said something unbelievable . That answer was the hardest one to reply to . I didn't even need the money, so I was partly joking when I asked .

「Letobell-sama, that's…」

「Master, I think it's best for you to state the price . We don't know how much the seller will ask for, after all . 」

Dogrude-san and Rodis-san both tried to get Letobell-san to take back what he said . If I had been a corrupt merchant, it would have been possible for me to state some insane price for it . Even so, Letobell-san refused, and wanted me to name my price .

「I said I don't care how much it costs . How much will it take for you to sell it to me, Young Bear Lady?」

He looked straight into my eyes . The situation had been reversed as I now felt like I was the one being evaluated . Was he trying to test me? Should I give him the regular price of a picture book, or charge him a bit extra?

「What will it be?」

Hmm, before I realized it, I had been dragged into the old man's territory . Had it been a mistake to take out the picture book? It was impossible to haggle against a merchant of his level . It felt like I would immediately lose if I just stated a price at random . If it was truly meant for his granddaughter, then I was more than happy to just give it to him for free . Still, at this point just handing it over would be annoying .

「No matter the cost, huh . In that case, I'll receive the payment from your granddaughter . 」

「Come again?」

Letobell-san was surprised by my unexpected answer . I felt a sense of accomplishment at seeing his surprised expression .

「I don't plan to make money off of these books . I drew them so that the children (basically Florhime) will be happy reading it . Therefore, please let me decide on its price after seeing how happy your granddaughter will be after she receives the book . 」
「Don't be stupid, who decides on the price of something based on that?!」
「Rodis, can you be quiet . 」
「If your granddaughter's smile doesn't satisfy me, I won't give it to her no matter how much money you're willing to spend . Likewise, if she shows me a wonderful smile, I will give it to her as a present . 」
「Hoh, are you sure about that? Do you think you can win against my granddaughter's smile?」
「I don't plan on making money off of these books . I drew them so that children (or rather, Florhime) would be happy reading it . That's why I ask you to let me decide on its price after seeing how happy your granddaughter is after she receives the book . 」

「Don't be stupid, who decides the price of something based on that?!」



「If your granddaughter won't be happy to receive it then I won't give it to her no matter how much money you're willing to spend . Likewise, if she shows me a wonderful smile, I'll give it to her as a present . 」

「Hohoho, are you sure about that? My granddaughter's smile is second to none!」

Letobell-san smirked, seemingly fascinated by my proposal . His strong appraising gaze had completely disappeared at this point . Even if I saw his granddaughter's smile, I had no intention of wavering if it didn't look genuine .

「A child will never show you their true smile if you simply throw money at them . 」

「That's true . 」

Letobell-san laughed at my comment . He then turned to me and bowed lightly .

「I apologize . I was testing you . 」

Letobell-san apologized to me . So, he really was evaluating me like I had thought .

「I wanted to know what kind of person you were . You're acquainted with His Majesty, and you have connections to the guild master of the capital's Adventurer Guild . Not to mention the fact that you're an adventurer, yet you are an artist who can also draw picture books . As a merchant, I've met many types of people, but I've never met a girl like you . 」

Well, I was probably the first one wearing a Bear Suit to come around .

「You can tell what kind of person I am just from my answer?」

「At the very least, I could tell whether you're good or bad . 」

Did he see me as a good person, then?

「If I had named an absurdly high price, what would you have done?」

「If it was an affordable amount, I would have bought it regardless . If not, I would have simply refused . Still, your answer surprised me . It's been a while since I laughed like that . I never thought you'd base the price on my granddaughter's smile . 」

「It needs to be a good one, or it will be a no go . 」

She had to give me a real smile .

「My granddaughter will pay you many times over, don't worry . 」

That isn't a grand doting parent, but a doting grandparent! The feeling of having to win or lose was completely gone now, but Letobell-san probably still thought it would be his victory when his granddaughter showed me her smile . For me, it would also be a win whenever I saw someone genuinely smile when they read my picture book, and if by chance the granddaughter showed no interest in my book, I would have to consider it a loss .

「Anyways, it seems like His Majesty is quite interested in you . 」

Yes, that did seem to be the case . Though I had said it without much thought at the time, it seemed their promise not to reveal my identity had been kept . It looked like many merchants wanted to get their hands on my book, but they couldn't get it because of His Majesty's protection . Yeah, His Majesty must have sent out an order to not spread any information about me around for sure .

「This picture book was originally made for Florhime, but His Majesty saw it and got it duplicated for a few more people . 」

「I see, that explains why it comes from the castle itself . 」

Letobell-san said with a nod, finally understanding the full situation .

「Can I ask you one thing, though?」


「Why don't you sell more? This book would surely sell . Not to mention it has the backing of the royal family . 」

「I don't need the money, and I don't really want the contents of the book spreading around too much . 」

After hearing my explanation, Letobell-san looked me over again .

「That's funny, considering your outfit . 」

「No, that's exactly why . 」

After that, I asked everyone in the room to keep quiet about the picture book, and then all agreed . It was per His Majesty's orders, so nobody wanted to oppose him . Also, if I was going to give the book to the old man's granddaughter, she would have to do the same .

Finished with the picture book negotiations, Dogrude-san finally remembered he still had to give us the bracelet back . Sanysan immediately took various gemstones out from her item bag and placed them on the table . I didn't know how valuable they were, but Dogrude-san picked them up one by one to examine them . 「This should be enough . 」 he said, and took a couple, returning the rest to Sanysan .

「Thank you for keeping your promise . 」

「With this, I also kept my promise with Mirandsan, so I'm glad we were able to do it this way . Promises are very important to us merchants . 」

Hearing Dogrude-san's words, Letobell-san laughed out loud, probably since he had said the same thing just earlier .

「Thank you, Yunchan . Without you, we wouldn't have even made it here in time, much less be able to procure the painting . 」

It was thanks to Swaying Bear and Hugging Bear that we had gotten here so early . Had we gone by horse or carriage, we wouldn't even have reached the city yet .

「Please give your thanks to Swaying Bear and Hugging Bear next time we ride them . 」

「Of course . 」

Finished with our task here, we now just had to return the bracelet to Ruimin . That way she would leave no regrets behind here, and we could head straight for the Elf Village . We thanked Dogrude-san and were about to head back to the inn when Letobell-san stopped us .

「Well then, Young Bear Lady, could you meet with my granddaughter now?」

「Right now?」

Wasn't this a bit to quick?

「I would like to see my granddaughter's smile as soon as possible . 」

His face had “Don't run” written all over it . Well, I guess there was nothing for me to do once I got back to the inn anyway .

「Okay, I'm fine with going now . 」


「Sanysan, you can return to the inn first, so Ruimin can be at ease . 」

We had spent a long time out here already, so she was probably already worried at this point .

「Will you be okay going by yourself?」

She asked, even though she should know that I can take care of myself by now . What could she possibly be worried about?
Well, I was happy she was worried about me, though .

「I'll be fine . 」

「Well, if someone tries to pick a fight with you, don't fight them, okay?」

Oh, that was what she was worried about, huh . I couldn't promise her that, unfortunately . It was a habit I had picked up back in my gaming days . Still, I did choose who to fight and who not to, so she didn't have to worry that much .
I parted ways with Sanysan, who headed straight back to the inn, and got into Letobell-san's carriage to meet with his granddaughter by myself . The sky was still cloudy, but at least the rain had stopped, so the carriage moved quite smoothly . Rodis-san sat in the coach seat while Letobell-san and I sat inside .

「Your name is Yuna, right? Why do you wear an outfit like that?」

Everyone wondered about that, didn't they? I decided to just respond as usual .

「It's a long story, you see . 」

「I still find it hard to believe that you're an adventurer . Not to mention that you're rank C . You're stronger than most of the adventurers in this area . 」

「It just happened by chance . 」

I was sure he wouldn't believe me even if I had told him the truth, so I just made something up . I started thinking about it recently, but maybe it would be better if I just lived in peace so that my rank didn't go up any further? Or wait, maybe it was possible to demote my rank?

「I won't probe too much into it if you aren't willing to share . I'll also let you know right now that you also don't want to hear about my life experiences up until now . 」

There wasn't any deep reason behind not sharing it; I just didn't want to talk about it . As for his end of the story…

「By the way, how old is your granddaughter, Letobell-san?」

Even though he asked me questions about myself, I had nothing to talk about, so I changed the topic to his granddaughter .

「She's turning five this year . She's so cute! She looks just like her grandpa!」

Are you sure about the cute part? If she was similar to an old man, she could hardly be called cute, right? Had he said something like the bridge of her nose looks similar to his, that would be believable, but just saying she was cute and looked like him… Without me asking further, he then began to talk about just how cute his grandchild was . Hmm, I had changed the topic, but he was still annoying . If we didn't arrive at our destination soon, I would lose my mind on the way .

As I let his boasting go in through one ear and out the other, the carriage finally stopped . Thank god, we arrived before I lost it .

「Oh, we arrived already? There's still so much to talk about . 」

It was okay, I had heard enough . We got off the carriage, and I finally noticed that we stopped in front of a tall building . It looked like it was about five storeys tall .

「The bottom part is my shop, and the top is my home . 」

In other words, the entire building belonged to Letobell-san .

「Rodis, I leave the carriage to you . 」

「Understood . 」

Letobell-san proceeded to lead me up the stairs into his home .

「I'm sorry, but could you wait in here? I'll bring my granddaughter over . 」

Letobell-san left me in a wide room, and rushed off to fetch his granddaughter . I decided to take a look around the room while I waited for them . The room was decorated with various paintings and vases, but I couldn't tell whether they were good or bad . Maybe it would be a good idea to decorate the Bear Houses with stuff like this . Hmm, would it maybe be better if I decorated them with bear-related things? I felt like Fina and Shuri would most likely like that better . In that case, should I draw some stuff myself to hang it up? Eh, I didn't really want to decorate my own place with my own drawings . Maybe I could get Fina and Shuri to draw something instead? As I keep checking the room, pondering on what to do, the door opened, and Letobell-san returned .

「Thank you for waiting . 」

Hiding behind Letobell-san was a small girl . I took a look at her and thought to myself: yeah, they looked nothing alike .

Author's Notes:
At least they got back the bracelet successfully now .

Chapter 215 – Bear-san And The Picture Book Negotiation. 「I'm willing to pay however much you want for it . 」 The old man said something unbelievable . That answer was the hardest one to reply to . I didn't even need the money, so I was partly joking when I asked . 「Letobell-sama, that's…」 「Master, I think it's best for you to state the price . We don't know how much the seller will ask for, after all . 」 Dogrude-san and Rodis-san both tried to get Letobell-san to take back what he said . If I had been a corrupt merchant, it would have been possible for me to state some insane price for it . Even so, Letobell-san refused, and wanted me to name my price . 「I said I don't care how much it costs . How much will it take for you to sell it to me, Young Bear Lady?」 He looked straight into my eyes . The situation had been reversed as I now felt like I was the one being evaluated . Was he trying to test me? Should I give him the regular price of a picture book, or charge him a bit extra? 「What will it be?」 Hmm, before I realized it, I had been dragged into the old man's territory . Had it been a mistake to take out the picture book? It was impossible to haggle against a merchant of his level . It felt like I would immediately lose if I just stated a price at random . If it was truly meant for his granddaughter, then I was more than happy to just give it to him for free . Still, at this point just handing it over would be annoying . 「No matter the cost, huh . In that case, I'll receive the payment from your granddaughter . 」 「Come again?」 Letobell-san was surprised by my unexpected answer . I felt a sense of accomplishment at seeing his surprised expression . 「この絵本でお金儲けをしようとは考えていません。子供(フローラ姫)たちが喜んで貰うために描いたんです。だから、この絵本を孫娘さんに渡したとき、喜んでもらえるかで決めさせてもらいます」. 「ふざけるな、そんなことで金額を決めると言うのか!」. 「ロディスは少し黙っておれ」. 「…………」. 「もし、孫娘さんが喜んでもらえないようだったら、どんなにお金を積まれてもお渡ししません。でも、最高の笑顔を見せてくれたら、プレゼントします」. 「ほぉ、そんなことを言って良いのか。わしの孫娘の笑顔に勝てると」. 「I don't plan to make money off of these books . I drew them so that the children (basically Florhime) will be happy reading it . Therefore, please let me decide on its price after seeing how happy your granddaughter will be after she receives the book . 」. 「Don't be stupid, who decides on the price of something based on that?!」. 「Rodis, can you be quiet . 」. 「…………」. 「If your granddaughter's smile doesn't satisfy me, I won't give it to her no matter how much money you're willing to spend . Likewise, if she shows me a wonderful smile, I will give it to her as a present . 」. 「Hoh, are you sure about that? Do you think you can win against my granddaughter's smile?」. 「I don't plan on making money off of these books . I drew them so that children (or rather, Florhime) would be happy reading it . That's why I ask you to let me decide on its price after seeing how happy your granddaughter is after she receives the book . 」 「Don't be stupid, who decides the price of something based on that?!」 「Rodis…」 「…」 「If your granddaughter won't be happy to receive it then I won't give it to her no matter how much money you're willing to spend . Likewise, if she shows me a wonderful smile, I'll give it to her as a present . 」 「Hohoho, are you sure about that? My granddaughter's smile is second to none!」 Letobell-san smirked, seemingly fascinated by my proposal . His strong appraising gaze had completely disappeared at this point . Even if I saw his granddaughter's smile, I had no intention of wavering if it didn't look genuine . 「A child will never show you their true smile if you simply throw money at them . 」 「That's true . 」 Letobell-san laughed at my comment . He then turned to me and bowed lightly . 「I apologize . I was testing you . 」 Letobell-san apologized to me . So, he really was evaluating me like I had thought . 「I wanted to know what kind of person you were . You're acquainted with His Majesty, and you have connections to the guild master of the capital's Adventurer Guild . Not to mention the fact that you're an adventurer, yet you are an artist who can also draw picture books . As a merchant, I've met many types of people, but I've never met a girl like you . 」 Well, I was probably the first one wearing a Bear Suit to come around . 「You can tell what kind of person I am just from my answer?」 「At the very least, I could tell whether you're good or bad . 」 Did he see me as a good person, then? 「If I had named an absurdly high price, what would you have done?」 「If it was an affordable amount, I would have bought it regardless . If not, I would have simply refused . Still, your answer surprised me . It's been a while since I laughed like that . I never thought you'd base the price on my granddaughter's smile . 」 「It needs to be a good one, or it will be a no go . 」 She had to give me a real smile . 「My granddaughter will pay you many times over, don't worry . 」 That isn't a grand doting parent, but a doting grandparent! The feeling of having to win or lose was completely gone now, but Letobell-san probably still thought it would be his victory when his granddaughter showed me her smile . For me, it would also be a win whenever I saw someone genuinely smile when they read my picture book, and if by chance the granddaughter showed no interest in my book, I would have to consider it a loss . 「Anyways, it seems like His Majesty is quite interested in you . 」 Yes, that did seem to be the case . Though I had said it without much thought at the time, it seemed their promise not to reveal my identity had been kept . It looked like many merchants wanted to get their hands on my book, but they couldn't get it because of His Majesty's protection . Yeah, His Majesty must have sent out an order to not spread any information about me around for sure . 「This picture book was originally made for Florhime, but His Majesty saw it and got it duplicated for a few more people . 」 「I see, that explains why it comes from the castle itself . 」 Letobell-san said with a nod, finally understanding the full situation . 「Can I ask you one thing, though?」 「What?」 「Why don't you sell more? This book would surely sell . Not to mention it has the backing of the royal family . 」 「I don't need the money, and I don't really want the contents of the book spreading around too much . 」 After hearing my explanation, Letobell-san looked me over again . 「That's funny, considering your outfit . 」 「No, that's exactly why . 」 After that, I asked everyone in the room to keep quiet about the picture book, and then all agreed . It was per His Majesty's orders, so nobody wanted to oppose him . Also, if I was going to give the book to the old man's granddaughter, she would have to do the same . Finished with the picture book negotiations, Dogrude-san finally remembered he still had to give us the bracelet back . Sanysan immediately took various gemstones out from her item bag and placed them on the table . I didn't know how valuable they were, but Dogrude-san picked them up one by one to examine them . 「This should be enough . 」 he said, and took a couple, returning the rest to Sanysan . 「Thank you for keeping your promise . 」 「With this, I also kept my promise with Mirandsan, so I'm glad we were able to do it this way . Promises are very important to us merchants . 」 Hearing Dogrude-san's words, Letobell-san laughed out loud, probably since he had said the same thing just earlier . 「Thank you, Yunchan . Without you, we wouldn't have even made it here in time, much less be able to procure the painting . 」 It was thanks to Swaying Bear and Hugging Bear that we had gotten here so early . Had we gone by horse or carriage, we wouldn't even have reached the city yet . 「Please give your thanks to Swaying Bear and Hugging Bear next time we ride them . 」 「Of course . 」 Finished with our task here, we now just had to return the bracelet to Ruimin . That way she would leave no regrets behind here, and we could head straight for the Elf Village . We thanked Dogrude-san and were about to head back to the inn when Letobell-san stopped us . 「Well then, Young Bear Lady, could you meet with my granddaughter now?」 「Right now?」 Wasn't this a bit to quick? 「I would like to see my granddaughter's smile as soon as possible . 」 His face had “Don't run” written all over it . Well, I guess there was nothing for me to do once I got back to the inn anyway . 「Okay, I'm fine with going now . 」 「Yunchan?」 「Sanysan, you can return to the inn first, so Ruimin can be at ease . 」 We had spent a long time out here already, so she was probably already worried at this point . 「Will you be okay going by yourself?」 She asked, even though she should know that I can take care of myself by now . What could she possibly be worried about?. Well, I was happy she was worried about me, though . 「I'll be fine . 」 「Well, if someone tries to pick a fight with you, don't fight them, okay?」 Oh, that was what she was worried about, huh . I couldn't promise her that, unfortunately . It was a habit I had picked up back in my gaming days . Still, I did choose who to fight and who not to, so she didn't have to worry that much I parted ways with Sanysan, who headed straight back to the inn, and got into Letobell-san's carriage to meet with his granddaughter by myself . The sky was still cloudy, but at least the rain had stopped, so the carriage moved quite smoothly . Rodis-san sat in the coach seat while Letobell-san and I sat inside . 「Your name is Yuna, right? Why do you wear an outfit like that?」 Everyone wondered about that, didn't they? I decided to just respond as usual . 「It's a long story, you see . 」 「I still find it hard to believe that you're an adventurer . Not to mention that you're rank C . You're stronger than most of the adventurers in this area . 」 「It just happened by chance . 」 I was sure he wouldn't believe me even if I had told him the truth, so I just made something up . I started thinking about it recently, but maybe it would be better if I just lived in peace so that my rank didn't go up any further? Or wait, maybe it was possible to demote my rank? 「I won't probe too much into it if you aren't willing to share . I'll also let you know right now that you also don't want to hear about my life experiences up until now . 」 There wasn't any deep reason behind not sharing it; I just didn't want to talk about it . As for his end of the story… 「By the way, how old is your granddaughter, Letobell-san?」 Even though he asked me questions about myself, I had nothing to talk about, so I changed the topic to his granddaughter . 「She's turning five this year . She's so cute! She looks just like her grandpa!」 Are you sure about the cute part? If she was similar to an old man, she could hardly be called cute, right? Had he said something like the bridge of her nose looks similar to his, that would be believable, but just saying she was cute and looked like him… Without me asking further, he then began to talk about just how cute his grandchild was . Hmm, I had changed the topic, but he was still annoying . If we didn't arrive at our destination soon, I would lose my mind on the way . As I let his boasting go in through one ear and out the other, the carriage finally stopped . Thank god, we arrived before I lost it . 「Oh, we arrived already? There's still so much to talk about . 」 It was okay, I had heard enough . We got off the carriage, and I finally noticed that we stopped in front of a tall building . It looked like it was about five storeys tall . 「The bottom part is my shop, and the top is my home . 」 In other words, the entire building belonged to Letobell-san . 「Rodis, I leave the carriage to you . 」 「Understood . 」 Letobell-san proceeded to lead me up the stairs into his home . 「I'm sorry, but could you wait in here? I'll bring my granddaughter over . 」 Letobell-san left me in a wide room, and rushed off to fetch his granddaughter . I decided to take a look around the room while I waited for them . The room was decorated with various paintings and vases, but I couldn't tell whether they were good or bad . Maybe it would be a good idea to decorate the Bear Houses with stuff like this . Hmm, would it maybe be better if I decorated them with bear-related things? I felt like Fina and Shuri would most likely like that better . In that case, should I draw some stuff myself to hang it up? Eh, I didn't really want to decorate my own place with my own drawings . Maybe I could get Fina and Shuri to draw something instead? As I keep checking the room, pondering on what to do, the door opened, and Letobell-san returned . 「Thank you for waiting . 」 Hiding behind Letobell-san was a small girl . I took a look at her and thought to myself: yeah, they looked nothing alike . Author's Notes:. At least they got back the bracelet successfully now .

Chapter end

C726 (END) – Ultimate True God, the Pioneer of the Era of Gods (Ending)
C724 – There's No Such Thing as a God in this World
C723 – The Last Trial!
C717 – The Critical Step to Lighting the Divine Fire
C700 – Fall of an Archmage
C699 – Endless Bloodshed
C698 – What A Shame
C697 – Nemesis After Hundred Years
C696 – You're My Only Hope
C695 – Darkness Does Not Rule, I Rule Darkness
C694 – I Now Proclaim You Ruler Over All!
C693 – Unwilling to be a Slave
C692 – An Unwavering Spirit
C691 – The Dark Omen that Destroys the Sun and Stars
C690 – A Memory That Stood the Test of Time
C689 – Lead the Hero to Bow
C688 – The Lonely Dragon Queen
C687 – Crushed!
C686 – A Peerless Swordswoman
C685 – Ferde's Calamity
C682 New
C681 New
C677 – Endless Curse
C675 – Link, You've Gone on the Road of No Return
C673 – The Aggressive Power of Lava
C672 – The First Curse of the Divine Fragment
C669 – Time to Risk Lives!
C667 – Temptation of the Celestial Stone
C665 – Target: Shadow Divine Fragment
C664 – An Unexpected Visitor
C663 – The Prophecy Becomes True
C654 – No Pain, No Gain
C653 – Haha, He's Dead Now!
C652 – It's Just Survival of the Fittest
C647 – You're Great, but You Talk Too Much
C645 – Is It Really Over Now?
C643 – Turn and Run
C641 – Sovereign of Light?
C640 – Have I Summoned a God?
C639 – Magician, I Can Smell the Fear in Your Heart
C638 – Realm Protector
C637 – Starting Today, You Must Serve Me
C636 – Mortal, Are You the One Who Summoned Me?
C635 – This Time, I'll Fight Personally!
C634 – A Brush with Death
C633 – He's Looking for Death
C631 – No Choice
C629 – Dragon King of Light
C628 – The Past Shapes Us All
C627 – Your Majesty, What are You Doing?
C626 – Savior of the Realm
Chapter 624
C623 – Deceiver
C622 – A Completely New Magical System!
C621 – Visitor from the Void
C620 – A Blue–Skinned Intruder
C619 – Celine's Bloodline Talent
C618 – Take Care, Kid
C617 – Each with Their Own Plans
C616 – Mortal, You Will Be Judged Soon!
C615 – Don't Worry, I Still Have Strength!
C613 – Judgement from a True God!
C612 – Legendary Magic and Divine Retribution
C611 – Will We Succeed?
C610 – The Army of Destruction's Scheme
C609 – Dragon Race Divides
C608 – Is There a New Person in Charge?
C607 – Dragon Allies
C606 – Time to Take On Ferde!
Chapter 605
Chapter 604
Chapter 603
C602 – The Dark Magician's Rebirth
C601 – Can I Still Call You Duke?
C599 – Young Man, Wish You a Beautiful Life
C598 – Only One will Walk Out of Here Alive
C597 – Instant Battle of Life or Death
C596 – An Unjust Treatment
C595 – The True Ruthlessness Begins
C594 – I Don't Know What You're Thinking
C593 – Moment of Testing One's Heart
Chapter 592
C591 – First Challenge in the Tundra
Chapter 590
C589 – Water of Miracles
Chapter 588
C587 – Time Passes, Magic Puppet Heart
Chapter 586
C585 – A Strange Person
Chapter 584
C583 – Book of Creation's Pieces
Chapter 582
C581 – The High Elves Are Crazy!
C580 – A Wretched End to a Glorious Life
Chapter 579
Chapter 578
Chapter 577
Chapter 576
Chapter 575
Chapter 574
C573 – The Prophecy's Reminder
Chapter 572
C571 – The Foundation of Cooperation
Chapter 570
C569 – There's Somewhere This Magical in the World
C568 – Ferde Lord, Prepare to Pay
C567 – Conquer Some, Destroy Some
C566 – Do You Think It's Safe?
C565 – Direct Breakdown from Torment
Chapter 564
C563 – Is it Really God's Punishment?
Chapter 561
Chapter 560
C559 – Cicada, Praying Mantis, Oriole
Chapter 558 – Bear–san, Participates In The Two's Birthday Party (Part 1)
C558 – Glorious Warlord Avatar
C557 – Plague of Mara City
C556– Things Were Becoming Complicated
C555– Pearls Should Be Treasured
C554– An Incurable Poison!
C553– Strange Beastmen on the Plains
C552– A Sword's Symphony under a Moonlit Sky
Chapter 551 – Bear–san, Brings Mylene–san
C550 – Escaped From Bear–san
C549– More Importantly, It's Growing
C548– Only One Rule in This World
C547– Battle Invitation at the Cliff
C546– It Was Just Impossible
C545– A Big Sewing Needle
C544– Ariel Newmoon
C543– The Fire of War Has Been Lit
C542– Capturing the Ethereal Prince
C541– Maintain Balance of Power
C540 – Bear–san, Attends Birthday Party
C539 – Bear–san, Goes To Cereille's Residence To Talk
C538 – Bear–san's Blunder
C537 – Bear–san, Explains
C536– Profit beyond One's Imagination
C535– Too Embarrassing
C522 – Bear–san, Makes Bears
Chapter 520 – Bear–san, Cheering for Shia. Part 2
Chapter 516
Chapter 515
Chapter 514
C513 – Bear–san, Goes To Cereille's House
Chapter 512 – Bear–san, Wins The Match
Chapter 511 – Bear–san, Having A Match With Cereille
Chapter 510
Chapter 509
Chapter 508
Chapter 507
Chapter 506
Chapter 505
Chapter 504
Chapter 503
Chapter 502
Chapter 501 – Bear–san, Brings Souvenirs From The Land Of Harmony
Chapter 500
Chapter 499
Chapter 498
Chapter 497
Chapter 496
Chapter 495
Chapter 494 – Bear–san, Goes To Eat Breakfast
Chapter 493 – Bear–san, Heads To The City
Chapter 492 – Bear–san, Goes To Bed
Chapter 491 – Bear–san Enters The Hot Spring
Chapter 490 – Bear–san, Plays In The Lake
Chapter 489 – Bear–san, Having A Barbecue Party
Chapter 488 – Bear–san, Calls Fina And Friends
Chapter 487 – Bear–san, Looks Around The Room
Chapter 486 – Bear–san, Enters The Mansion
Chapter 485 – Bear–san, Gets A Thank You
Chapter 484 – Bear–san, Gets A Mysterious Crystal
Chapter 483 – Bear–san, Returns To The Land Of Harmony
Chapter 482 – Bear–san, Takes A Break
Chapter 481 – Bear–san Returns To Crimonia
Chapter 480 – Bear–san, Talks To The King, Part 2
Chapter 479 – Bear–san, Talks To The King, Part 1
Chapter 478 – Bear–san, Puts Out A Bear House
Chapter 477 – The King, Heads For The Island
Chapter 476 – Bear–san, Explains To Fina and Shinobu
Chapter 475   – Bear–san Pushing Credit To Others
Chapter 474 – Fina, Taking Care Of Shinobu
Chapter 473 – Bear–san, Defeats The Orochi
Chapter 472 – Sakura, Crying
Chapter 471 – Bear–san, Learns Kagali–san's secret
Chapter 470 – Bear–san, Fights The Orochi, Part 2
Chapter 469 – Bear–san, Fights The Orochi, Part 1
Chapter 468 – The King Makes His Move
Chapter 467 – Bear–san, The Battle With Orochi Begins
Chapter 466 – Bear–san, Watching Over
Chapter 465 – Bear–san, Contacts Mumroot–san
Chapter 464 – Bear–san, Heads To The Buildings With Seals
Chapter 463 – Bear–san and Shinobu's respective battles
Chapter 462
Chapter 461 – Shinobu and Sakura's Thoughts
Chapter 460 – Swaying Bear and Hugging Bear's Battle
Chapter 459 – Bear–san, Protects The Seal
Chapter 458 – Bear–san, Sensing The Signs Of The Serpent's Resurrection
Chapter 457 – Bear–san, Checks The Seal
Chapter 456
Chapter 455 – Bear–san, Explains To Mumroot–san
Chapter 454 – Bear–san, Makes A Promise
Chapter 453 – Bear–san, Talks to Kagali–sama
Chapter 452 – Bear–san, Heads To The Island Of Reenes
Chapter 451
Chapter 450 – Bear–san, Meets The King
Chapter 449
Chapter 448 – Bear–san, Talks To Sakura–sama
Chapter 447 – Bear–san, Meets Sakura–sama
Chapter 446 – Bear–san, Listens To Shinobu's Story “Part 2”
Chapter 446
Chapter 446
Chapter 445 – Bear–san, Listens To Shinobu's Story. [Part 1]
Chapter 445
Chapter 445
Chapter 444
Chapter 444
Chapter 443
Chapter 443
Chapter 442
Chapter 442
Chapter 441 – 441 Bear–san, Buying Candy Crafts
Chapter 440 – 440 Bear–san, Improves Hugging Bear's Mood
Chapter 439 – 439 Bear–san, Listens To Shinobu's Story
Chapter 438 – 438 Bear–san, Eats Wagyū Beef
Chapter 437 – 437 Bear–san, Fights Kamaitachi, Part 2
Chapter 436 – 436 Bear–san, Fights Kamaitachi, Part 1
Chapter 435 – 435 Bear–san, Heads To The Village
Chapter 434 – 434 Bear–san, Receives A Request
Chapter 433 – 433 Bear–san, Buys Tatami Mats
Chapter 432 – 432 Bear–san, Enters The Hot Spring
Chapter 431 – 431 Bear–san, Discovers A New Land
Chapter 430 – 430 Bear–san, Serves Fruit Parfait
Chapter 429 – 429 Bear–san, Ends The Match
Chapter 428 – 428 Bear–san, Participates In A Match
Chapter 427 – Bear–san, Reunites With A Knight
Chapter 426 – 426 Bear–san Gets Caught By The Student Group
Chapter 425 – 425 Bear–san, Goes Out With Noa Part 2
Chapter 424 – Bear–san, Goes Out With Noa Part 1
Chapter 423 – 423 Bear–san, Goes Out With Shuri
Chapter 422 – Bear–san, Equips Bearmonite
Chapter 421 – Bear–san, Asks About Bearmonite
Chapter 420 – Bear–san, Becomes A Bear Cupid. Part 2
Chapter 419 – Bear–san, Returns to the Elf Village
Chapter 418 – Bear–san, Got Asked By Rikka–san
Chapter 417
Chapter 416 – Bear
Chapter 415 – Toya, Do Your Best. Part 3
Chapter 414 – Toya, Do Your Best. Part 2
Chapter 413 – Toya, Do Your Best. Part 1
Chapter 412 – Bear
Chapter 411 – Bear
Chapter 410
Chapter 409
Chapter 408
Chapter 407
Chapter 406
Chapter 405 – Bear–san Talks to Guildmaster
Chapter 404 – Bear–san, Goes To Watch The Trials
Chapter 403 – Bear–san, Goes For House Hunting
Chapter 402 – Bear–san, Slashes The Sword Once More
Chapter 401 – Bear–san, Taking A Social Studies Tour
Chapter 400 – Bear–san, Jumps Off
Chapter 399 – Bear–san, Heads To The Gate Of Trials
Chapter 398 Bear–san, Goes Shopping
Chapter 397 Bear–san, Buys Cooking Utensils
Chapter 396 – Bear–san, Shows Her Knife
Chapter 395 – Bear–san, Talks About Gordo–san and Ghazal–san
Chapter 394 – Bear–san Meets Rojina–san
Chapter 393 – Bear
Chapter 393 – Bear
Chapter 392 – Bear
Chapter 391 – Bear
Chapter 390 – Bear
Chapter 389 – Bear–san Talks to Jade
Chapter 388 – Bear
Chapter 387 – Bear
Chapter 386 – Bear–san got caught by Talia
Chapter 385 – Bear
Chapter 384 – Bear
Chapter 383 – Bear
Chapter 382 – Bear–san, Talks to Tirumina
Chapter 381 – Bear
Chapter 380 – Bear
Chapter 379 – 379 Bear
Chapter 378 – 378 Bear
Chapter 377 – Bear
Chapter 376 – Bear
Chapter 375 – 375 Bear
Chapter 374
Chapter 373
Chapter 372
Chapter 371
Chapter 370
Chapter 369
Chapter 368
Chapter 367
Chapter 366
Chapter 365
Chapter 364
Chapter 363
Chapter 362
Chapter 361
Chapter 360
Chapter 359
Chapter 358
Chapter 357
Chapter 356
Chapter 355 Bear–san goes around for greetings Part 2 Day 3
Chapter 355
Chapter 354 Bear–san, Goes Around for Greetings Part 1 Day 3
Chapter 354
Chapter 353
Chapter 352
Chapter 351
Chapter 350
Chapter 349
Chapter 348
Chapter 347 – Bear
Chapter 346 – Bear
Chapter 345 – Bear
Chapter 344 – Bear–san Invites Lurina
Chapter 343 – Bear–san, eats Bear
342 Bear-san measures Misa's sizes
341 Bear-san Holds A Solo Swimsuit Fashion Show.
340 Bear-san Checks the Swimsuits
339 Bear-san, Sleeps Twice.
338 Bear-san Holds Ice Cream Tasting Party.
337 Bear-san, Making Ice Cream.
336 Bear-san Goes to the Orphanage and Noa's House
335 Bear-san Heads to Anzu's shop.
Chapter 334
Chapter 333
Chapter 332 – Bear
331 Bear-san's Report Ends.
330 Bear-san, Goes to the Castle to Report.
Chapter 329
328 Bear-san, Buys a House.
Chapter 327 – 327 Bear
Chapter 326: Bear-san, Reports to Balima Part 2
Chapter 326 – Bear
Chapter 325
Chapter 324
Chapter 323
322 Bear-san, Makes A Deal.
Chapter 321: Bear-san, Reports to Balima Part 1
321 Bear-san, Reports to Balima Part 1
Chapter 320
319 I'm Worried About Bear-san. Karina's Point of View.
318 Bear-san, Makes Use of the Cheat Skills.
317 Bear-san, Fights the Big Scorpion.
316 Bear-san finds where currently the crystal plate map is.
315 Bear-san Fights the Scorpion.
Chapter 314
313 Bear-san, Enters the Pyramid.
312 Bear-san, Makes Karina Cry.
311 Bear-san, Contacts Fina & Departs for the Pyramid.
Chapter 310
Chapter 309
Chapter 308
Chapter 307
Chapter 306
305 Bear-san, Listens to the Tales of the Labyrinth.
Chapter 304
Chapter 303
302 Bear-san, Makes A Detour.
301 Bear-san Arrives in Dezerto City.
300 Bear-san Refuses Because It Cannot Be Dismantled.
299 Bear-san Meets Another Familiar Adventurers
Chapter 298
297 Bear-san, Switched Swaying Bear
Chapter 296
Chapter 295
Chapter 294
Chapter 293
Chapter 292
Chapter 291
Chapter 290.5
Chapter 290
Chapter 289
Chapter 288
Chapter 287
Chapter 286
Chapter 285
Chapter 284
Chapter 283
Chapter 282-283
Chapter 281 – Bear-san Finds Out What Happened After She Got Taken Away
Chapter 280 – Bear-san Gets Taken Away, Fina's Perspective
Chapter 279
Chapter 278
Chapter 277 – Bear-san Fights The Knigh
Chapter 276 – Bear-san Prepares for Battle
Chapter 275 – Bear-san Does Her Best for the Forscheroze Family
Chapter 274 – Bear-san Watches Practice Matches
Chapter 273 – Bear-san Watches Students Perform Magic
Chapter 272
Chapter 271-272
Chapter 270
Chapter 269
Chapter 268-270
Chapter 267 – Bear-san Changes Into A Uniform
Chapter 266
Chapter 265-266
Chapter 264 – Bear-san, Once Again, Learns About Fina's Real Dismantling Abilities
Chapter 263 – Bear-san Enjoys the School Festival, Part 2
Chapter 263
Chapter 262 – Bear-san Enjoys the School Festival, Part 1
Chapter 262
Chapter 261-262
Chapter 260 – Bear-san Meets a Princess
Chapter 259-260
Chapter 258 – Bear-san Gets Surrounded By Bear-sans
Chapter 257-258
Chapter 256 – Bear-san Fights Over Fina and Shuri
Chapter 255 – Bear-san Arrives at the Capital
Chapter 254
Chapter 253
Chapter 252
Chapter 251
Chapter 250 – Bear-san Persuades Cliff?
Chapter 249
Chapter 248 – Bear-san is Troubled by Princess Flora's Question
Chapter 247
Chapter 246
Chapter 245 – Bear-san Gets Her Picture Book Examined
Chapter 244 – Bear-san Does Some Taste-Testing
Chapter 243
Chapter 242 – Bear-san Rushes to the Capital
Chapter 241
Chapter 240
Chapter 239
Chapter 238
Chapter 237
Chapter 236
Chapter 235
Chapter 234
Chapter 233
Chapter 232
Chapter 231
Chapter 230
Chapter 229
Chapter 228 – Bear-san Fights the Cockatrice, Part 2
Chapter 228
Chapter 227 – Bear-san Fights The Cockatrice, Part 1
Chapter 227
Chapter 226
Chapter 225
Chapter 224
Chapter 223
Chapter 222
Chapter 221
Chapter 220 – Bear-san Reaffirms That Elves Are Indeed A Long-Living Race, Part 2
Chapter 220
Chapter 219 – Bear-san Reaffirms That Elves Are Indeed A Long-Living Race, Part 1
Chapter 219
Chapter 218
Chapter 217
Chapter 216
Chapter 215
Chapter 214
Chapter 213
Chapter 212 – Bear-san Negotiates with the Merchant – Part 2
Chapter 212
Chapter 211 – Bear-san Negotiates with the Merchant – Part 1
Chapter 211
Chapter 210
Chapter 209
Chapter 208
Chapter 207
Chapter 206
Chapter 205
Chapter 204
Chapter 203
Chapter 202
Chapter 201
Chapter 200
Chapter 199
Chapter 198
Chapter 197
Chapter 196
Chapter 195
Chapter 194-195
Chapter 193
Chapter 192
Chapter 191
Chapter 190
Chapter 189
Chapter 188
Chapter 187
Chapter 186
Chapter 185
Chapter 184
Chapter 183
Chapter 182
Chapter 181
Chapter 180
Chapter 179
Chapter 178
Chapter 177
Chapter 176
Chapter 175
Chapter 174
Chapter 173
Chapter 172
Chapter 171
Chapter 170
Chapter 169
Chapter 168
Chapter 167
Chapter 166
Chapter 165
Chapter 164
Chapter 163
Chapter 162
Chapter 161-162
Chapter 160
Chapter 159-160
Chapter 158
Chapter 157-158
Chapter 156
Chapter 155
Chapter 154 – Bear-san And The Cake Taste-Test, Part 2
Chapter 154
Chapter 153 – Bear-san And The Cake Taste-Test, Part 1
Chapter 153
Chapter 152
Chapter 151
Chapter 150
Chapter 149-150
Chapter 148
Chapter 147
Chapter 146 – Bear-san Dives Into The Mine, Part 6 – Mithril Golem Part
Chapter 146
Chapter 145
Chapter 144
Chapter 143 – Bear-san Dives Into The Mine, Part 4
Chapter 143
Chapter 142 – Bear-san Dives Into The Mine, Part 3
Chapter 142
Chapter 141 – Bear-san Dives Into The Mine, Part 2
Chapter 141
Chapter 140 – Bear-san Dives Into The Mine, Part 1
Chapter 140
Chapter 139
Chapter 138
Chapter 137
Chapter 136
Chapter 135
Chapter 134
Chapter 133
Chapter 132
Chapter 131.1
Chapter 131
Chapter 130
Chapter 129.2
Chapter 129.1
Chapter 129
Chapter 128.1
Chapter 128
Chapter 127
Chapter 126
Chapter 125
Chapter 124
Chapter 123
Chapter 122
Chapter 121-122
Chapter 120
Chapter 119
Chapter 118
Chapter 117
Chapter 116
Chapter 115 - Bear-san And The Two Children Take A Stroll, Part 2
Chapter 115
Chapter 114 - Bear-san And The Two Children Take a Stroll, Part 1
Chapter 114
Chapter 113
Chapter 112
Chapter 111
Chapter 110
Chapter 109
Chapter 108
Chapter 107
Chapter 106
Chapter 105
Chapter 104
Chapter 103
Chapter 102
Chapter 101
Chapter 100
Chapter 99
Chapter 98
Chapter 97
Chapter 96
Chapter 95
Chapter 94
Chapter 93
Chapter 92
Chapter 91
Chapter 90
Chapter 89
Chapter 88
Chapter 87
Chapter 86
Chapter 85
Chapter 84
Chapter 83
Chapter 82
Chapter 81
Chapter 80
Chapter 79
Chapter 78
Chapter 77
Chapter 76
Chapter 75
Chapter 74
Chapter 73 – Bear-san, Baker GET | Part 2
Chapter 73
Chapter 72 – Bear-san, Baker GET | Part 1
Chapter 72
Chapter 71
Chapter 70
Chapter 69
Chapter 68
Chapter 67
Chapter 66
Chapter 65
Chapter 64
Chapter 63
Chapter 62
Chapter 61
Chapter 60
Chapter 59
Chapter 58
Chapter 57
Chapter 56
Chapter 55
Chapter 54
Chapter 53
Chapter 52
Chapter 51
Chapter 50
Chapter 49
Chapter 48
Chapter 47
Chapter 46
Chapter 45
Chapter 44
Chapter 43
Chapter 42
Chapter 41
Chapter 40
Chapter 39
Chapter 38
Chapter 37
Chapter 36
Chapter 35
Chapter 34
Chapter 33
Chapter 32
Chapter 31
Chapter 30
Chapter 29
Chapter 28
Chapter 27
Chapter 26
Chapter 25
Chapter 24
Chapter 23
Chapter 22
Chapter 21
Chapter 20
Chapter 19
Chapter 18
Chapter 17
Chapter 16 – Bear-san's Rainy Day Off | Part 2 Author note:
Chapter 16
Chapter 15 – Bear-san's Rainy Day Off | Part 1
Chapter 15
Chapter 14
Chapter 13
Chapter 12
Chapter 11
Chapter 10
Chapter 9
Chapter 8
Chapter 7
C146 – Bear-san Dives Into The Mine, Part 6 – Mithril Golem Part
Chapter 6
C151– The Flaming Hand (Part 5)
Chapter 5
C143 – Bear-san Dives Into The Mine, Part 4
Chapter 4
C142 – Bear-san Dives Into The Mine, Part 3
C355 Bear–san goes around for greetings Part 2 Day 3
C354 Bear–san, Goes Around for Greetings Part 1 Day 3
Chapter 3
C16 – Bear-san's Rainy Day Off | Part 2 Author note:
Chapter 2
C15 – Bear-san's Rainy Day Off | Part 1
Chapter 1
CH Kuma
CH Kuma
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