I Had a Home In 1982 Chapter 494

I Had a Home In 1982 Chapter 494

   Chapter 494 493. The China Construction Team is coming in (happy weekend)

  The old comrades are very strong in action.

  Wang Xianghong announced on the loudspeaker that the entire production team had to go to night school in the evening, and Zhu Zhenxue prepared the study plan and preliminary courses in the afternoon.

   He was in charge of literacy work in the 1950s and 1960s, so his work style is full of the style of the 1950s and 1960s:

   First of all formulate an educational policy to eradicate illiteracy, which is called one sweeping, two blocking and three improving.

  Sweeping is the key point.

   It is necessary to basically eliminate illiteracy between the ages of 15 and 55, so that teenagers, young people, and adults, the main working group, get rid of their illiteracy status first.

  The second block is a supplement.

Children and teenagers under   15 must go to school, and illiteracy can no longer be produced. As long as this source problem is solved, then the literacy work can end.

  Three boosts are boosts.

  The members who have been literate should continue to adopt various forms of learning methods to further consolidate and improve their knowledge level, because many people who are literate are only transformed from illiterate to semi-literate, which is not enough.

Secondly, he made changes on the basis of the previous "Regulations on Eradication of Illiteracy", and formulated the "Regulations on the Eradication of Illiteracy in the Wangjia Production Team of Tianya Island (New, which was then copied by a printer and bound into a book, and distributed to each households.

   This is to use publicity tools to increase the attention of the members to this literacy work, so as to form a good situation in which everyone learns the culture.

   Once again, he also developed a two-line responsibility system for literacy work:

   One line is that the leader, deputy leader, party member and member representatives of each group should sign a responsibility letter with the brigade committee. They have the responsibility to assist the night school in ideological education and practical supervision of the students.

  Illiteracy work involves studying every day, so they have to conduct assessments and inspections for the members under their jurisdiction every day. There are rewards and punishments for this.

Another line of    is that the little gentlemen of the children at home should take responsibility. They will learn simple literacy courses in the afternoon activity class, and use some scattered time after returning home to teach parents about culture.

   Of course, from this point of view, it seems that the work is done by the cadres, representatives of the commune members, and the students, and the teachers have nothing to do.

actually not.

  Teachers have to teach at night schools, and the teaching methods used are different from those used to teach elementary school students. Take Chinese literacy as an example, Zhu Zhenxue will use the accelerated literacy method to teach them.

   This is a literacy method created by Qi Jianhua, a cultural instructor of the People's Liberation Army. It is very powerful. The army awarded him a special merit!

   The night school became unprecedentedly lively that night.

   Originally there was only one classroom used for classes, but now all five classrooms are used, and the classrooms are overcrowded and full of parents.

  The students felt novel and stopped doing their homework. They were all looking in from the door and window.

The    period was interspersed with talking, laughter and crying.

   The reason for crying is because a student teased his parents and was beaten!

  Other adults watched the fun with relish.

   Anyway, the one who was beaten was not his own child.

   They even wish they could have a better fight...

   But the good days are limited to tonight.

  Starting tomorrow, the class starts for the little gentlemen.

  Parents are not good at studying, most of them are not serious, just scold them!

  Some children come home with pointers.

   The humiliation I have suffered since childhood, revenge is on this day!

  Wang Yi helped teachers improve the lesson plans for evening school teaching during the day. He printed the Shi Fengshou algorithm from 22 years ago and brought it over to teachers to teach to students.

   This quick algorithm is a quick calculation method developed by the quick calculation master Shi Fengshou after 10 years of research and development.

   He concluded that there are 26 formulas, compare the formulas and then start the calculation, start from the high position, and then cooperate with the finger calculation, which can speed up the calculation speed and can calculate the correct result in an instant.

  This set of calculation methods is not pseudoscience, it is really powerful. In 1990, it was officially named by the state as "Shi Fengshou Speed ​​Algorithm", and was later incorporated into the textbook of "Modern Primary School Mathematics" for China's nine-year compulsory education.

   The advantage of using the Shi Fengshou algorithm is that there is no need for calculation tools or calculation procedures. After learning the formula, you can directly report the correct answer when you see the formula.

   Of course, the members of the club have a very low level of education. They have learned this fast algorithm and can only use it to perform simple arithmetic.

   Of course, this is enough. Wang Yi and the teachers expect them to be able to read and write, read numbers, and count.

However, the results of elementary school students will be different after learning this fast algorithm. Their knowledge level will increase in the future, and they can use it in the addition, subtraction, multiplication and division of multi-digit data, as well as mathematical operations such as exponentiation, square root, trigonometric functions, and logarithms. ,

   And the best part is:

  In 1979, with the support and help of the school, Comrade Shi Fengshou had written and published his first monograph "Quick Calculation Method". In the same year, CCTV also invited him to hold a TV lecture on "Quick Calculation Method".

   In this way, although Wang Yi brought the formula of the speed algorithm and the specific operation routine and learning method, he did not count as plundering the brainchild of others.

  Evening school studies are on track. On Saturday in the middle of the month, the final exams for the last semester of the 82-83 school year began.

  The current students of Jinlan Elementary School and Duobao Elementary School came to Tianya Island by boat to take exams, and the island became lively all of a sudden.

   The most lively is the sales department.

   The living standards of families are relatively poor these days, and every household has no surplus food or money, so students do not have pocket money on weekdays.

   When the final exam comes, because they have to go to the commune, the parents will be generous for a while, and they will give the students 10 or 20 cents as pocket money.

  The students dressed in new clothes were like visiting relatives. After arriving at Tianya Island, they went to the sales department in groups of three or five:

   "I want to buy white rabbit toffee to eat, this one is fragrant and sweet the best..."

   "I bought spicy skins, bought me two spicy skins, I ate them when my dad and I were watching TV, it was the best..."

"Er Mao and Wei Guo, let's get together to buy a pound of popcorn. I've calculated it, it's not appropriate to buy them separately. It sells for 1 cent per bag, but it sells for 8 cents a pound. Let's buy a pound and get a cent. , you can get more than what you can buy in pieces..."

  Wang Yi was busy printing test papers in the color steel tile workshop.

   This thing is very tricky.

  The education system in the county was worried that their school would be secretive, so they sent the test papers this morning and printed them temporarily.

  Li Yanjing got in like a happy bird and shouted, "Principal, I'm here to report to you!"

   He will be officially transferred to Tianya Elementary School as a teacher next semester, but he can't wait.

   Today's final exam, it can barely be said that his teaching career at Duobao Elementary School has ended, so he is considered a member of Tianya Elementary School.

  Wang Yi liked this sincere young man very much, and greeted him: "Okay, I accept your report, and now I will arrange a job for you and print the test paper with me."

  Li Yanjing smelled the scent of ink, rolled up his sleeves and wiped his hands, and started busy with opening the test paper.

  The test papers printed by the printing machine now have traces of fresh ink, which cannot be directly stacked together. They have to be separated and dried first. Therefore, many people are needed to print the test papers, and the teachers are busy.

  Li Yanjing was busy and asked: "Mr. Wang, there is still an hour before the exam, why did the exam paper start to be printed?"

  Wang Yi said: "Because the test papers were delivered in the morning, the county was afraid that we would guard and steal them, so they could not send us the test papers in advance."

  Li Yanjing said: "The leaders of the county are too unaware of the crisis. The printing machine is prone to problems. What if the machine fails during the printing of the test paper?"

   The cadre from the county flicked off the soot and said lightly, "It's okay, then copy the test questions on the blackboard, and let the students do the questions on the blackboard."

   This kind of thing was very common in the 1960s and 1970s, when paper was used for printing propaganda materials and books such as anthologies of leaders, so that there was no extra paper for printing textbooks and exam papers.

  Fortunately, the printing press is very durable, and the language test papers required for the first exam were printed first.

   The bell rang for the start of the first exam, and the invigilators picked up the exam papers that had been counted and entered their classrooms to begin invigilation.

  Wang Yi is the principal and does not need to invigilate the examination. He is responsible for the examination order together with the leaders from the county.

  Students straddle the table.

There are juniors and seniors in each classroom, and each desk has a junior on this side and a senior on the other, with a folded newspaper in between to avoid cheating .

   The invigilator ordered the test papers and distributed them to the students in the front row. One paper was passed on to the students in the front row. Those who got the paper began to write their names and test numbers.

   The examiner recites the exam discipline as usual to deter students from cheating.

  Wang Yi and the leaders went into each classroom to see.

  Students are answering questions with peace of mind.

   It can be seen that the students of Tianya Elementary School have a higher level of knowledge. When they got the test paper, they started to write quickly, and they wrote very vigorously.

   The students of the outer team elementary school bit the end of their pencils after they got the test papers.

The    question left them at a loss.

   Among them, the first grade exam is the most interesting, with the most invigilators, but not to monitor whether they will cheat, but to teach students how to take the exam...

   They are all first brothers.

   Walking through the five invigilated classrooms, Wang Yi and the leaders were very satisfied with the discipline.

  An officer named Yu Qianqiu asked: "Principal Wang, I heard that your school is planning to build a large-scale construction and rebuild the school?"

  Wang Yi said: "Yes, it's not that the bricks, cement, sand and some steel materials are ready, just waiting for the construction team to enter the venue."

   "To build a school for the Fisheries Technical School?" another officer asked.

   Wang Yi said: "It is to sponsor the bricks used by the main body of the aquatics technical school, not to help the aquatics technical school build the school."

   Yu Qianqiu said happily: "This is enough, it can help the county relieve a lot of burden."

   "If you wait for the construction team to come to the island to build the school, then when the exam is over, the county can help you contact the construction team to come over and start construction."

  Wang Yi was very excited to hear the news and said, "This is great."

   They chatted around the school construction work for a while, and Yu Qianqiu and his colleagues had to continue to patrol the examination room.

  Wang Yi didn't need to be with him all the time, he just walked around on his own.

   It was cloudy two days ago, he thought it would rain or snow, but today the weather is fine again.

  The warm orange sun gently shines on the sea and the islands, dazzling everything and softening the cold and stiff winter.

  In such good weather, the northwesterly wind is not so cold, it just blows the mountains and makes the sea choppy.

   He led Lao Huang down from the top of the mountain, looking into the distance, there were more fishing boats moored on the pier than usual.

   This is the boat that each team of schools has arranged to transport students.

   There are five-star red flags hanging on it, and the red flags fluttering with the sea breeze, they add a bit of enthusiasm to the island.

  The wind blew the waves, the fishing boats swayed gently, and the bright red flags made the sound of hunting.

  The ship swaying in the wind smashed the sea surface, so that the sun shattered in the splash of water, and thousands of spots of light were stunned.

  The island began to bask again.

  The large and small golden pomfret are spread out flat, and the sun shines on it. It is really golden and golden, and there is a bit of extravagance in the steaming life!

  Golden pomfret can be fished for a few days, so in recent days, golden pomfret has been sent to the island and sent to every household.

  Wang Yi went to find Wang Xianghong. At this time, Wang Xianghong was leading the members to reclaim the wasteland.

  There is a piece of land in the west of Shanxi where the stones have been picked up, revealing a yellowish-brown land.

  This land has been pressed by stones for thousands of years, and it has become very strong. In the past, it took laborers a lot of time and effort to loosen the soil. Now, with the rotary tiller, the work efficiency has increased sharply——

  The rotary tiller goes back and forth, and the ground becomes fluffy.

   Seeing Wang Yi coming, Wang Xianghong handed the rotary tiller to someone else and draped the clothes he had picked up from the field over his shoulders and asked, "Mr. Wang, why did you come here when you didn't go to invigilate the exam?"

Wang Yi said: "I'm not invigilating the exam today, my task is to cooperate with the county leaders to take charge of the order of the examination room, and then the county leaders told me that the county can arrange the construction team to come to us tomorrow and the day after tomorrow, so I asked for it. Discuss the start of construction at the top of the mountain."

   Wang Xianghong showed an interested expression when he heard this.

   He took out his cigarette bag and put some tobacco leaves into the cigarette bag pot. He said, "This matter needs to be well prepared. We have to arrange food and lodging for others, and we have to arrange small workers to help. Let's go back to the office and talk."

  Wang Yi said: "Let's walk and chat all the way. Now our production team is drying fish and food, and it is very lifelike."

   "Do you like this kind of atmosphere?" Wang Xianghong asked with a smile.

   Wang Yi nodded.

   He really likes the vibe the most.

The two of them walked back from the west end of the mountain. On the road, they looked at the gates of the members' houses. More or less, they would hang fishing ropes, some four or five, and one or two, and they were heavily decorated with fish. .

  Wang Yi looked at these fish and saw only the golden pomfret when he was walking down the top of the mountain, because this fish is big and golden, so it is the most conspicuous.

  In fact, the fish that every household is drying out is not only a kind of golden pomfret, but also windtail, eel, jade bald, large yellow croaker and cuttlefish, etc.

   The fisherman's house is full of fish and scorpions in winter, just like the barn of a farmer's house is full of grain, this kind of homely warmth makes people feel most at ease.

  Wang Yi and Wang Xianghong didn't say much when they passed by the door of these houses, they just watched quietly and casually.

  The sun casts the shadow of the fish on the wall behind, and the wind blows the fish and shakes the shadow of the fish.

  An old man was wiping the fish with a clean rag, wiping off the dust on the fish and keeping it clean and fresh.

   They greeted Wang Xianghong and Wang Yi when they saw Wang Xianghong, the two nodded in response, and walked back to the office contentedly.

   I saw Yu Kun on the way, and when the construction team came to the island and they took care of the meals for the family, they would definitely have to cook the fish.

  The two chatted freely and explained the arrangement. In the end, Wang Xianghong asked Wang Yi to lead the team to rush the sea work, and he was responsible for the construction work on the island.

   On the day of the exam on the 15th, the first production team at noon will take care of all the candidates, and they will not charge the students' fees and food——

   This is not Wang Yi's generosity, but Wang Xianghong's style to carry forward the advanced production team and manage the students on the outer islands to have a meal.

   With many students, this meal has to be simple and delicious.

  The production team steamed the big meat dragon in the big stove.

  Wang Yi deliberately killed a pig, mixed fresh pork with spring onion leaves and cabbage to make stuffing, and then shared a bowl of tomato and egg soup for each person.

  The big meat dragon is steamed white and fluffy. When you look at the cut surface, you can see layers of sauce meat. The meat filling uses a lot of soy sauce, which makes the chopped green onion and cabbage invisible, as if it were pure meat.

   The vast majority of students who came to take the test had not eaten the giant meat dragon, which is not a regular food in the outer islands.

  The big meat dragon is fragrant, the tomato and egg soup is sour and delicious, and the students are leaning on the south wall of the classroom in groups of three and five to eat and drink, adding more living atmosphere to the production team.

  Wang Yi began to prepare the living necessities for the members to use when rushing to the sea.

  Working at sea is not the same as the fishing flood battle.

  In Jiangnan Province, this project does not provide subsidies to individuals. Even after the reform and opening up, people from the outer islands still have to bring their own bedding sheets, prepare their own food, and take care of their own food rations.

  Because this matter is the same as handing over public grain, which is the responsibility of the common people since ancient times. In ancient times, it was called corvée.

   Therefore, the battle of fishing floods at sea is entirely based on voluntary participation, while rushing to the sea is an apportionment work.

  Tianya Island has to send out workers No. 50, which is called "a husband". The age of a husband is clearly defined, ranging from 18 to 45 years old.

  In the past, during the period of the fully planned economy, during the winter and spring seasons during the slack farming season, the production teams were the same as in the busy farming season. All male commune members between the ages of 18 and 45 worked on rivers and went to the construction sites of large-scale water conservancy projects established by the state.

   Female laborers and male members over the age of 50 will go to participate in the construction of small-scale farmland water conservancy infrastructure projects organized by the commune collectively.

  Now after the reform and opening up, it's fine, but it's just the beginning of the big cold, and then you can stop after five or six days. It wasn't so easy in the 1960s and 1970s.

   At that time, the time for catching sea workers was generally arranged in winter and spring, and the winter started from the frost and lasted until the end of the twelfth lunar month, which lasted for a long time.

Especially from 1967 to 1975, there was a tradition of studying Dazhai in agriculture and Daqing in industry, so when the river workers rushed to the sea, men and women, old and young, went into battle. Start with dumplings."

  The time to catch the sea is short but the work is very heavy, and this is working on the shore, which requires more tools, and the production team can carry out the preparation work in the collective name.

   This is not as good as the inland river workers. When they go to the river in the wealthy areas of the inland, they will take care of the laborers. Some members have relatives in the inland.

   Wengzhou should be short of food, so he doesn't care about the food tools, and the laborers should prepare it by themselves.

  Wang Xianghong led Wang Yi to prepare and let him familiarize himself with these tasks. In the future, if he wanted to be on his own, he would have to be responsible.

   But Wang Yi was not very concerned about catching the sea workers.

   He knew that it had been a few years since it was a fishing battle or a river-going or segoing job.

  In the mid-1980s, the state seldom requisitioned civilian power to carry out projects. When there were more construction teams, the projects would be outsourced.

  Unfortunately, Wang Xianghong didn't know about this. He also told Wang Yi to work hard and try to lead the members to get another certificate of award.

   Then he led Wang Yi to arrange for the preparations:

  Repair unicycles, repair tires, pump air, change outriggers, and tie baskets.

  The shovel was replaced with a new wooden handle, the head of the shovel was sharpened, rolled up the bed, dried the straw mat, rubbed the dry tobacco leaves and put them in the tobacco bag...

   Also, the production team has to prepare the stove, food, fish and pickles, and even firewood for cooking!

   There is a warehouse as a temporary dormitory for the fishing battle, which is not such a good condition for sea workers.

   After all, the fishing battle is closely related to the seaside dock. There is a warehouse at the dock. When the fishing battle is over, the warehouse is vacated and used by the fishermen participating in the battle.

  Going to the river and catching the sea is to work around the river and the estuary of the river. How can there be buildings in such a place?

   So whenever they went to the river or the sea, the common people would dig nests in the ground and pack them out as their own nests.

  In this way, the production team has to prepare wooden sticks for shacks, warm and clean soft grass, tarpaulins and plastic sheets for shelter from wind and rain.

  Wang Yi saw that the head of this thing is big, can I live in this thing?

   He prepared a tent directly from 22 years ago, and then a sleeping bag, a sleeping bag and a warm water bag for each member of the crew who are rushing to the sea!

   In their active and intense preparations, a transport ship began to arrive at Tianya Island on the 17th.

   Construction engineering team is here!

  This team is very formal. A big red flag is raised on the bow of the boat, and the flag is hunting and dancing in the wind. There are two rows of characters on it: China Construction 24th Bureau Group, Jiangnan Engineering Co., Ltd.!

  The national team is here!

  Wang Yi was really happy to see this team.

   He said to Wang Xianghong, "Well, I'll say it's a good thing for us to build an aquatic technical school on Tianya Island. Look, the county has invited the China Construction 24th Bureau to come here!"

  Wang Xianghong cares about the news. He reads newspapers and listens to the radio every day. Now that he has TV, he also watches "News Network", so he has a good understanding of the current situation of politics, economy and people's livelihood.

   He was also happy when he saw the 24th Bureau of China Construction, and said, "It turned out that China Construction, which was only established last May, came to build buildings. Now it's good. Can we leave them responsible for building small buildings for every family?"

  Wang Yi said: "Enough is enough, the 24th Bureau of China Construction should be very fast now."

   "But we can find a way to find a way to keep them as a team, and then cooperate with their construction team, which is enough to build the buildings we need."

   He has always refused to trouble Ye Changan and Zhuang Mancang, and he will solve everything by himself instead of going through the back door.

   Because good steel is used on the blade.

   Now, their production team is going to build a blade!

   Now, they have to go through the back door of the leaders!

  Wang Xianghong showed unusual enthusiasm for the construction team of China Construction 24th Bureau, and arranged for the welcome engineering team to go to the island with women beating gongs and drums.

   The heart of the engineering team was very warm.

   It gets even hotter when it's time to eat.

  Tianya Island is really a pleasure to kill pigs and sheep - I went to buy a sheep and came back after killing the stewed mutton soup to entertain the engineering team.

   Not to mention roast chicken and duck, this thing is available every day!

The chief engineer of the    engineering team is Chang Danian, an intellectual in his fifties.

  Wang Yi is very sorry, it would be great if Qiu Danian was also in 1982. With the name Qiu Danian, he can get closer to Chang Danian.

  Chang Danian was in charge of planning and designing the architectural layout of the aquatics technical school, and Wang Yi showed him the design drawings of Tianya Primary School and asked them to help build the primary school together.

   The county has already greeted their engineering team about this.

  Tianya Dao sponsored the aquatic technical school to use the land free of charge and sponsored the bricks needed to build the building, then the county would help them contact the engineering team to build a primary school by the way.

   It is even necessary to build a primary school before building a fishery technical school.

   This is called reciprocation.

  Chang Danian is a professional. He was surprised when he saw the design drawing Wang Yi took out: "Who made this design? Professional!"

  The design drawings are thick and thick, and each parameter is written clearly.

  Wang Yi secretly said that the design must be very professional. This is the drawing he asked the Provincial Design Institute to produce according to the architectural style of the 1990s.

   He paid a huge sum of money just to produce the drawings!

   After all, what he wanted was a comprehensive modern village based on Tianya Island.

  Wang Yi used the name of his classmate to vaguely respond.

  Chang Danian looked at the drawings and said, "This design concept is very advanced, and the architectural design is very rigorous and ingenious."

   "Okay, now that I have this blueprint, I don't need to work hard, just let the team build according to this blueprint."

  Wang Yi and Wang Xianghong were overjoyed to hear the news, which is great.

  The engineering team first prepared to demolish the primary school building, and the construction team went to start.

  Wang Xianghong knew that the building of the primary school was in a hurry. He gritted his teeth and prepared to stop the work of the offshore operation team. First, he placed laborers to work as small workers on the construction site, and built the primary school as quickly as possible!

   With the construction of a professional unit such as China Construction 24th Bureau, it is not difficult to build a primary school in a winter vacation.

   In particular, the top of the mountain is a hard stone ground, and the main body of the building can be built directly without laying a foundation, which is very fast.

  Wang Yi felt that the offshore operation team still had to continue to work. He looked at the list of offshore workers at hand and crossed out ten people with a stroke of a pen.

  Wang Xianghong quickly squeezed his wrist and said, "What are you doing? Looking for death? This is a task assigned to us by the organization, but you don't dare to do anything in private!"

  Wang Yi said: "It's not fair in the organization. I've inquired about it. There are only 20 people in Jinlan Island next door. Why should we provide 50 laborers?"

  Wang Xianghong said helplessly: "Doing work for the country, this must be a big effort, and a small effort to save breath."

   "How many people is there in the production team next door? There are four hundred people at full capacity, which is half less than us, so there must be less labor."

  Wang Yi said: "Don't worry about it so much, Captain, don't worry, I'll be responsible for this."

   "I've thought about it, this sea catcher can't just look at the number of people, but how many things can be done!"

   "We are ten less laborers, but when the time comes, we will eat meat and refined grains all the way to fullness. The members of the commune have the strength and are willing to use their strength. One can be used by the other production teams!"

   Wang Xianghong shook his head and said, "It's not necessarily that simple."

   Wang Yi comforted him and said: "Captain, don't worry, you leave this matter to me, I will definitely not let the organization suffer."

   "These ten laborers are left as small laborers. We have to build as soon as possible, but we can't delay the start of school next year!"

   The construction team of the engineering team and the production team is ready to demolish the primary school.

   Before that, Wang Yi hurriedly organized students and teachers to take pictures.

   The camera in his hand is fully activated, and the film is used in boxes.

  Students can take pictures with their own classrooms, their desks, or take pictures with their friends in groups of three or five.

   There are also members. If members are willing to take photos with the school, they can also take photos.

   He held a digital camera in his hand, and he carried ten memory cards with him.

   No matter the quality, only the quantity.

   He wants to leave enough memories for the students and Tianya Island.

  Memories are things that seemed worthless at the time, but become more and more precious as time goes by.

   In the future, when the old cannot move, these memories can enhance the happiness!

  The large stove of the production team had to be demolished and rebuilt.

   On a cold day, the colander wears a summer chef outfit to take pictures.

  Huang Yougong exclaimed when he saw it: "Mr. Leo, are you crazy? This is three nines, not three volts!"

  The colander stroked the wall of the big stove with a wry smile: "Mr. Huang, you don't know what this big stove means to me, you haven't seen me before last summer!"

   "You think this big kitchen is my work place, but it is actually my mother's womb, the second mother's womb, and I was reborn here!"

   "When I first came to work, one of the happiest things was that the principal rewarded me with a chef's attire. What does this mean? It means that my work is very effective, and it means that the school recognizes me as a chef!"

   "I have to wear this dress to take a photo with Dazao, I have to let myself always remember the first time I lived like a human being!"

   He looked at the smoky and dark walls in the big stove, the low and sturdy stovetop, and the rows of hooks on the wall, and his tears almost fell!

   This big stove was not built by him, but he poured the most serious efforts in his life.

  The large stove has two stoves built by him, the walls are blackened under his hands, and the hooks are all knocked out by himself with iron bars.

  Wang Yi said to him, "Okay, okay, Miss Director, there is no such thing as a banquet in the world. It is like this between people and between people and buildings."

   "You say goodbye to Dazao. I'll take some more pictures for you. I'll take it out and take a look when you miss this Dazao in the future."

  Wang Xianghong took a puff and said, "Mr. Lei is definitely full of affection for Dazao and the school. Teacher Huang and other teachers don't know. In the past, Teacher Lei had a bad reputation in our production team."

   "Later, he came to work in Dazao, and he suddenly changed his image and built a reputation!"

   "But I guess you won't be so sentimental when you see the school's new cafeteria. The new cafeteria is a two-story building, okay."

   Colander smiled and shook his head: "It can't be better than a large stove, there is no better building than a large stove."

  Huang Yougong sighed and said, "I can understand your feelings very well. For example, this big stove is your wife, your wife of filthy chaff, and the wife of chastened chaff should not be forgotten."

   "Now that you are prosperous, the widow's wife is going to die, and there will be other wives behind, no matter how beautiful they are, they can't replace the image of the widow's wife in your heart!"

  Zhong Yaoyao became anxious when she heard this: "I'm so stupid, Mr. Huang, what nonsense are you talking about!"

   (end of this chapter)

Chapter end

Chapter 545
Chapter 544
Chapter 543
Chapter 542
Chapter 541
Chapter 540
Chapter 539
Chapter 538
Chapter 537
Chapter 536
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Chapter 532
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Chapter 529
Chapter 528
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Chapter 516
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Chapter 273
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Chapter 214
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Chapter 202
Chapter 201
Chapter 200
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Chapter 195
Chapter 194
Chapter 193
Chapter 192
Chapter 191
Chapter 190
Chapter 189
Chapter 188
Chapter 187
Chapter 186
Chapter 185
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Chapter 183
Chapter 182
Chapter 181
Chapter 180
Chapter 179
Chapter 178
Chapter 177
Chapter 176
Chapter 175
Chapter 174
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Chapter 172
Chapter 171
Chapter 170
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Chapter 163
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Chapter 157
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Chapter 155
Chapter 154
Chapter 153
Chapter 152
Chapter 151
Chapter 150
Chapter 149
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Chapter 147
Chapter 146
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Chapter 143
Chapter 142
Chapter 141
Chapter 140
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Chapter 138
Chapter 137
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Chapter 134
Chapter 133
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Chapter 122
Chapter 121
Chapter 120
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Chapter 114
Chapter 113
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Chapter 111
Chapter 110
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Chapter 107
Chapter 106
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Chapter 104
Chapter 103
Chapter 102
Chapter 101
Chapter 100
Chapter 99
Chapter 98
Chapter 97
Chapter 96
Chapter 95
Chapter 94
Chapter 93
Chapter 92
Chapter 91
Chapter 90
Chapter 89
Chapter 88
Chapter 87
Chapter 86
Chapter 85
Chapter 84
Chapter 83
Chapter 82
Chapter 81
Chapter 80
Chapter 79
Chapter 78
Chapter 77
Chapter 76
Chapter 75
Chapter 74
Chapter 73
Chapter 72
Chapter 71
Chapter 70
Chapter 69
Chapter 68
Chapter 67
Chapter 66
Chapter 65
Chapter 64
Chapter 63
Chapter 62
Chapter 61
Chapter 60
Chapter 59
Chapter 58
Chapter 57
Chapter 56
Chapter 55
Chapter 54
Chapter 53
Chapter 52
Chapter 51
Chapter 50
Chapter 49
Chapter 48
Chapter 47
Chapter 46
Chapter 45
Chapter 44
Chapter 43
Chapter 42
Chapter 41
Chapter 40
Chapter 39
Chapter 38
Chapter 37
Chapter 36
Chapter 35
Chapter 34
Chapter 33
Chapter 32
Chapter 31
Chapter 30
Chapter 29
Chapter 28
Chapter 27
Chapter 26
Chapter 25
Chapter 24
Chapter 23
Chapter 22
Chapter 21
Chapter 20
Chapter 19
Chapter 18
Chapter 17
Chapter 16
Chapter 15
Chapter 14
Chapter 13
Chapter 12
Chapter 11
Chapter 10
Chapter 9
Chapter 8
Chapter 7
Chapter 6
Chapter 5
Chapter 4
Chapter 3
Chapter 2
Chapter 1
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