I Had a Home In 1982 Chapter 314

I Had a Home In 1982 Chapter 314

   Chapter 314 313. A teacher who really knows how to write poetry

   This supper is really fragrant, so fragrant.

   Peanut oil, eggs, shallots, and diced cucumbers are just four kinds of side dishes, but they have a strong fragrance.

   is mainly in large quantities.

   A pot of egg fried rice is just a pot. The fragrance of fried eggs is really irresistible. This is the original fragrance, pure fragrance.

  The commune members lined up to pick up the food. They were so confused and shirtless that they served a bowl or half a bowl. When it was raining, they covered the bowl with clothes and hurried to the house.

   The line of people is increasing, and the laughter has been floating on the top of the mountain.

  There are also people from the outside team who can't stand it anymore. After watching the movie, they came to the top of the mountain and asked, "What are you eating? How can it be so delicious?"

   Some people said enviously: "Is your team eating a big pot of rice again? But this big pot of rice is well served, and two catties of vegetable oil are poured into one pot?"

   Colander laughed when he heard this: "Two catties of lard!"

  Wang Yi found a pot in the big stove to clean up the clams and white clams.

  They collected a lot of small shellfish tonight, Wang Xianghong asked him to choose some, and the rest were not allowed to be sold. Except for some cold dishes, the others were made into dried clams.

  This clam meat is not going to be sold either, but is waiting to be dried as a gift for Wang Yi.

  Wang Xianghong used a flashlight in the cabin of Tianya 2 to help him find good shells, and said, "The clams in our team are good, and they are famous in the outer islands."

   "It's sun-dried in the autumn sun and blown out by the autumn wind. The color is bright and yellow, and it's dry and wet. It can be used to make soup, make dumplings and buns, and eat it dry."

  Wang Xiang, who came to help out on the boat, said with a high smile, "Yes, when the time comes, Mr. Wang will choose the same size and neat shape, and send his classmates and friends to try the dried clams from our outer islands."

Wang Xianghong said: "Especially if you have classmates and friends who love to drink, you must get some. When drinking, grab a handful of clams and chew them slowly in your mouth. It has both the umami taste of fish and the meaty taste. Fragrance; soft and chewy."

   "This flavor is the king of all flavors, fresh!" Wang Xianggao continued to help.

   "Huh." The old man Wang Zhengang, who was squatting at the stern to smoke, suddenly stepped forward. He took a bite from the pair of little Berry and said, "Have clams? Teacher Wang, you can choose clams to eat, clams are fresher."

   "The best fresh food in the world!" Wang Xianggao exclaimed.

  Wang Yi gave him a thumbs up: He is really a little expert.

   He also saw the clams. The shells of this kind of shells are smoother than those of clams and white clams.

   The key is that after the clams are boiled, the soup is delicious. Now if there are clams in the outer islands, they will make a fresh soup and drink it as water. The inland relatives must be amazed when they drink it for the first time.

   The four of them started to pick and choose, and specially picked the clams to cook for Wang Yi as a late-night snack.

  Qiuweishui wanted to help, Wang Yi waved his hand: "You just washed up, rest, go to my house to find a bottle of wine, tonight I will invite the secretary and the young master to drink."

   Wang Xianghong smiled and said, "What wine to drink? I'll just go over and eat a bowl of egg fried rice later."

  Wang Yi said: "Don't worry about egg fried rice. I made a lot of egg fried rice tonight. It is estimated that it will be fried until ten o'clock. After drinking, we will eat something to cushion our stomach."

  Because there was egg fried rice in the evening, the members went to catch the evening tide on an empty stomach. Wang Yi knew everyone's appetite and moved a few bags of rice to the big stove.

   I saw it when he came back.

  The rice was stewed, but cold rice was used to make egg fried rice, so when they got off the boat, the first pot was fried, and the next one lasted for more than an hour.

  Since you want to drink, you can't just take clams. Mud clams, conch, scallops, white clams, razors and the like are what they have. They picked some and brought them to Tingtaoju.

  Wang Xianghong went and called Xiufang over to wash the clams, and said, "Xiufang works very carefully. She has a good hand in washing the shells, and she washes them cleanly. No matter what she does, she doesn't have any teeth."

  Xiufang quickly brought several large basins with seawater in them, and put all kinds of seashells into them to make them spit out sand.

  The lighting on the boat is not good, Wang Yi and the others just picked some, so it is inevitable that there are empty shells, mud shells and dead shells inside.

  Because we are going to eat clams later, we have to make them spit out the sand and pick out the bad clams quickly.

  Xiufang grabbed a dozen seashells and beat them up and down between her hands, and then carefully listened to the sound of the shells colliding, and picked out some shells and thrown them away.

   Qiuwei went up to the water to help.

Xiufang then taught her to pick clams: "Listen to the sound, the sound of thumping is dead, the sound of coughing and coughing is empty shell, and the scallops are muddy shells - they are filled with mud and sand, so they are heavy, and good clams are ka Click, the sound is crisp, you feel comfortable listening to it..."

   Qiu Weishui tried it and said with a wry smile, "Why can't I tell the difference?"

   Xiufang said: "There is no trick to this. It is much simpler than studying and learning knowledge. You just need to have experience. Anyway, as long as you are serious and don't be afraid of trouble, you can do it a few more times."

   "Just take what you have in your hand..."

   She took it, shook it and knocked again, and then muttered, "It's all good, no wonder you can't tell the difference."

  Wang Yi went to get a bottle of Little Muddleheaded Immortal, which is a little-known drink in the Jiangnan arebecause its brand only appeared in 1997.

   So Wang Yi directly took it out and said it was a wine from a small factory.

   He bought a 52-degree white bottle of Puxian, a good wine that has been selling well for 22 years. It is produced in the same place as Maotai, but it is not soy sauce but strong.

  This bottle has a simple packaging, just a piece of gold paper with the brand name and some information written on it.

  Wang Yi poured wine for them on the big table under the tree and said, "This rain is really bad, you can't feel it under the tree."

   Wang Xianghong knocked on the table and took the wine glass, saying, "It would be nice to have the soil wet, but it won't help relieve the drought."

   He looked at the wine bottle curiously again: "Little Confused Immortal? What's the name of the wine?"

   Several people have no culture, and don't know Zheng Banqiao's sentence "rare to be confused", Wang Xianggao gave his unique understanding:

   "Little Confused Immortal, this is to warn us to drink less alcohol. The more you drink alcohol, the more confused you become. If you drink too much, you will become confused."

  Wang Yi brought out common things such as dried tofu, ham, and luncheon meat, and explained the theory of "rare and confused".

   The three of them couldn't understand it, but the more the topic was, the more discussable it became, and they chatted around it.

   After drinking a little wine for a while, Wang Yi went to roast the conch first.

   He prepared an oven for the restaurant for barbecue, and a large stove, so he lit the charcoal to grill the conch.

  The conch is baked and sliced ​​and dipped in mustard soy sauce. There is no mustard for sale in the outer islands at all. It is only sold during the Chinese New Year.

  Wang Xianghong dipped the conch meat in some mustard soy sauce and ate it in his mouth, and he kept winking: "Mr. Wang, you have put too much food on it, you can't stand it, you can't stand it, it's my nose, my grass, my nose!"

  Wang Zhen just ate a slice too, he blinked his eyes hard, and finally said, "Enthusiastic!"

  Other seashells are also grilled in an oven, without stewing or steaming, an iron plate is placed on the oven, and the clams and white clams open their shells with the sound of chirping.

  Boiled seashells are fresher than stewed and steamed, but the smell is also heavier. I can't say which cooking method is better. Anyway, drinking is the atmosphere.

  Roasted seashells on iron plate is a novelty, and a few people are amazed while eating, the seashells are baked with soup inside.

  This soup is really fresh, sip off the soup in the shells and then pick out the shellfish meat with a sip of wine, a few people nodded again and again.

   Someone came over from behind, Wang Yi kept adding chairs, and finally, twenty or thirty people came to drink under the shade of the tree.

  Wang Yi has a lot of wine on hand, and he is not stingy. Anyway, there are many people who don't drink bottled wine and drink bulk wine. Everyone has no opinion.

   Eat and drink enough.

   At this time, one person grabbed half a bowl of rice, packed up his belongings, pulled his shoes home, and threw himself on the bed to sleep all night.

   There is wind and rain at night.

   Good night's sleep!

   The rain was very light, and the next day woke up to a sunny day.

   After Wang Yi came out, he played a set of Tai Chi and met Wang Xianghong. Wang Xianghong said, "Well, I said that the rain is at most wet the ground, right?"

   He added: "But it's fine if it's sunny. Today is the day to dry the clams. You should be busy. When you come back, there will be clams and clams that you can eat."

   Drying clam meat is technically simple, but it is quite troublesome and laborious in terms of process.

   First let the clams sit and spit out sand - this is simple, Wang Xianghong already distributed the seashells to every household last night, and spit up the silt all night and spit it out in the morning.

  The next step is to cook in a pot. The time is very short. After the pot is boiled in cold water, it will be rolled and then the seashells will be removed and shelled.

  The old people and children in the team come to do this work. Usually, the shellfish can be peeled and dried, but because it is a gift for Wang Yi's classmates and friends, it is a gift for a distinguished guest, so it must be made into a top-quality product.

  The shellfish is most afraid of the teeth.

  In order to prevent King Yagao Xianghong, he arranged for people to repeatedly wash the picked clam meat with the clam soup, rub one by one, at least three or four times, and then spread it on a cover pad and take it out to dry.

  Early in the morning, the island is filled with umami, which is the busy work of the elderly and children.

  Wang Yi was going to take Qiuwei water to the county this time. He brought medicine and nourishing supplements for Ye Changan, and before that, they had to go to Changlong Commune Primary School.

   Qiu Weishui's friend Mr. Cui Hong who met in the county's No. 1 middle school is a language teacher in this elementary school. This female teacher is quite literary and fascinated with poetry, but she has never achieved any grades.

   Then she learned that several poems written by Wang Yi were published in the big newspapers. She wanted to learn to write poems with Wang Yi out of motivation, and she wanted to communicate with Wang Yi wholeheartedly.

   It is not easy for Qiu Weishui to make friends, and now her friends of the same age are actually only Xiufang.

   Xiufang is not a teacher. In this case, Wang Yi cherishes the kindness that Cui Hong gave to Qiu Weishui, so it is obligatory to come to help after learning about this.

   He also prepared a gift for Cui Hong, not a very precious thing, but a few poetry collections that have been published on the market now.

  The publication information of these poetry collections has been torn up, and in terms of content, they can also be bought at the Xinhua Bookstore in 1982.

   But what Wang Yi wants to send is a new edition of the 22-year-old book, which can definitely beat the publications of this era in terms of typesetting, paper quality, and printing quality.

   The two packed up their things and walked to the pier to set off. They passed several houses and saw that the yard was covered with shellfish.

   No wonder Wang Xianghong said that he would be able to eat clams when he came back. Indeed, it was very efficient.

  In order to prevent over-drying, fishermen should avoid the scorching sun at noon and constantly change the drying place.

   There must be sunshine but the sunshine cannot be blazing, and there must be wind but the wind cannot be violent.

   It takes time to post some good shellfish.

   Not to mention, there are many flies in August. In order to prevent the flies from contaminating the shellfish, the people who are drying the shellfish will arrange for the elderly to stay on the cover or beside the bedding to drive away the flies.

   When passing by the ancestral hall, Wang Yi went in and took a look. The women in the costume team were making the deck of the deck chair.

   He said, "This time I'm going to the city to prepare a batch of semi-finished shirts and trousers, both big and small, so please hurry up. We will make shirts and trousers first when I bring the goods back."

  After the summer heat, the weather is cold, so Wang Yi has to prepare some long clothes and trousers for the team members, and then sell them at a cheaper price.

  The other one also prepares a set of spring and autumn uniforms for the students, which is one of their school opening gifts.

  The women agreed to come down and really speeded up their work. Suddenly, the 'dda' of the sewing machine sounded in the ancestral hall.

  The old man outside was talking about the ancients, and the voice of rhetoric inevitably came in.

  Wang Yi thought about it for a while and decided to bring a voice-producing gift to each production team.

   is not a radio.

  The radio is about to be assembled by himself. He wants to bring a tape recorder. Qiu Danian has already bought him several tape recorders and a Walkman.

  Wang Xianggao's carpenter team and the costume team in the ancestral hall can put a tape recorder to play songs and plays, which can improve the working environment, improve work mood, and improve work efficiency.

  He and Qiuwei took a boat on the water and swayed to the county by himself.

   Qiu Weishui was sitting in front of him combing his hair that had been blown away by the sea breeze. Just as a boat came back, Fengya on the boat said with a smile, "Mr. Wang, are you sending your daughter-in-law back to her mother's house? Haha."

   The commune on the dock said, "Yes, now Mr. Wang is exactly the same as our ordinary people, carrying gifts and shaking the oar to send his daughter-in-law back to her mother's house."

   Qiu Weishui giggled, she enjoyed this feeling very much.

   She also felt that this was the living condition of the couple.

  Wang Yiying walked away with a few words and said, "Xiaoqiu, how about we find a good day to get engaged?"

   Qiu Weishui immediately raised his head and looked at him happily: "Okay, okay, okay."

  Wang Yi said: "Then when I go back this time, I will let the secretary pick a few good days for your grandfather to take a look at, and then I will engage you according to the rules of our outer islands!"

   "Let's start building houses in our team, we have to have a new house, let's build a two-story building!"

   Qiu Weishui stroked the long braid and said, "Don't worry about Mr. Wang building the house. I have seen our homestead. If you build a second-story building, it will block the sunlight behind Wang Xinxin's house. It's not good-looking."

   This is really a headache.

   Qiu Weishui said, "I heard from the party secretary that now the team needs to save money to build a house for the whole team. Do you want to build a building for the whole team?"

   Wang Yi smiled and said, "Lu Yao knows Ma Li, and Xiao Qiu knows Xiao Wang."

   Qiu Weishui laughed and said, "In this case, let's not rush to build a new house, let's save some money for the production team first."

   "Now the production team has a lot of business, and there will be a restaurant opening soon. I think you will definitely be able to bring the production team to make money for building a house soon."

   "Anyway, once the house is built, it will start from our house. When the time comes, it will be faster. Just wait for a while. Don't let the members have a lump in their hearts, which is not conducive to your prestige."

  Wang Yi sighed after listening to her analysis.

   Having a wife like this, what more does a husband want?

  The outer island girl in 1982 is too suitable to be a daughter-in-law.

   Qiu Weishui didn't just help him think about it. After he was sweating from the oars, he rolled up his sleeves and replaced him. He went up and shook the oars for a while to let him rest.

   Shaking the oars to the pier, Wang Yi asked Laobian Zhao to drive them to the commune. Cui Hong's family lives in the commune, and the family conditions are quite good. Her father-in-law is a loan officer of the commune credit union.

   As a result, Cui Hong was not at home, she said she was at school.

  Wang Yi wondered that the school hasn't started yet, so why is it at school?

  The answer is: The students of Commune Elementary School returned to school today.

   This is an era feature that Wang Yi is not familiar with.

   These days, the school is full of dirt, so a lot of weeds will grow in a summer vacation, so one week or ten days before the start of the school, the students have to go back to the school to remove the grass and clean the sanitation.

   Zhao Lao whip flicked his whip and they went to the primary school in the commune.

   Coincidentally, when they arrived at the school gate, they saw a fat, short, dark-skinned woman standing in the doorway with a frowning expression:

   It is Cui Hong!

   After seeing this Qiu Wei got under the car, he ran over and asked with concern: "Mr. Cui, Mr. Cui, I'm Xiao Shui, are you okay? I don't think your face is very good."

Cui Hong was reading a letter when she saw Qiu Weishui coming, she hurriedly put away the letter and forced a smile: "It's okay, I'm fine—hey, Teacher Xiaoqiu, why are you here? Oh, Teacher Wang is here too, welcome. Welcome, you are welcome."

   She shook hands with Wang Yi warmly, with a polite tone, a little admiration.

  Wang Yi showed a kind smile like a veteran cadre, and said, "Hello, Mrs. Cui, Xiaoqiu said you wanted to talk to me about poetry. It just so happened that we were coming to the main island today, so I came to you, but time..."

   He looked at the school playground.

   A group of students are waving shovels and hoes, chanting horns and singing songs to work:

   "Liberated areas, ah ah ah, mass production, ah ah ah ah, the army and the people, Siri, slap la la la, babble hello..."

   The singing of "Military and Civilian Production" is loud and clear, directly piercing the sky.

   This is a school labor scene that I will never see again in 22 years. Back to school in 1982 was a big event. Wang Yi thought that she could organize a return to school.

  Cui Hong understood what he meant and hurriedly said: "The time is very suitable, Mr. Wang and Mr. Qiu, please come in."

   Qiu Weishui is sensitive and meticulous. She asked worriedly, "Mr. Cui, what happened to you just now? I think you are in trouble."

   The old janitor in the delivery room said with a porcelain jar, "Mr. Cui's encounter is not difficult, haha, she encounters it once a month. Although she feels uncomfortable, she can withstand this blow."

   Wang Yi was taken aback.


   Pain, dysmenorrhea?

   As a result, Cui Hong smiled embarrassedly: "More than once a month, sometimes three or four times..."

   Wang Yi suddenly realized that he had guessed wrong.

  Cui Hong further said: "I have not submitted a manuscript to the editorial team of the publishing house, alas, I have not submitted it again."

The old man    said: "Look at what you said, Mr. Cui, when did you submit a manuscript for publication? Never!"

  Wang Yi was speechless when he heard this.

   Sir, you are really good at chatting. Your emotional intelligence can watch the gates of the school. There must be something hard about it, right?

   I guess you are background hard!

   Cui Hong was even more speechless.

   Originally, she was just a little depressed, but as the old gatekeeper said, her submissions have always been rejected for many years, and she has already resisted. This depression is just the temporary feelings of Wenqing women.

   But when the old janitor said that, things turned sour, and the atmosphere at the scene suddenly became embarrassing.

   But Cui Hong couldn't accuse old man Ding yet. First, he was an elder, and second, he was really good for her, but the old man's emotional intelligence was not high, and he didn't talk much.

   The most important thing is that this old man is the uncle of a leader of the county education bureau.

   What's more, this old man really can't speak.

   He also comforted Cui Hong: "Mr. Cui is fine, didn't you just miss the manuscript? It's not the first time for you, and you will pass it next time."

   "Besides, it doesn't matter if the manuscript is not passed. This is much lighter than that group of skin monkeys who failed the test. Look at the skin monkeys in your class, they are still living well if they fail the test?"

   He looked at Wang Yi again and asked, "Is that so, young man? Am I right?"

  What can Wang Yi say?

   He could only clasp his fists and say, "That's right, old man, you're right. People have to be open-minded in their whole life. No matter what happens, they should eat, drink, and don't take it to heart."

  Cui Hong couldn't help laughing and laughing, and kept pulling them to the office.

   Can't let the janitor intervene anymore.

  On the way, Wang Yi said, "Mr. Cui, I'm here today to discuss poetry, learn from each other and make progress together, so if you trust me, or I'll help you read your manuscript..."

   "Let me take a look. Although my education level is not high, but the old saying is good, are the three cobblers better than Zhuge Liang?" Qiu Weishui said.

   Cui Hong was instantly overjoyed when he heard the words of the two.

   She has heard of Wang Yi's level and seen Wang Yi's greatness: she has read "Long Aotian Global Adventure", this book is really extraordinary.

   And the protagonist's name is extremely domineering.

  Long Aotian!

   This was the most domineering name for a man she could think of.

   Recently, she sometimes dreamed back in the middle of the night. During the dream, a tall, burly, gentle man with iron eyes and a gentle tone said to her affectionately: "Red, I am Long Aotian..."

   Commune Primary School naturally has a teacher's office, which is divided into Chinese group, math group, sports group and so on.

There was no one in the office of the    language group. Except for the head teacher like Cui Hong, who came back to preside over the students returning to school, the other teachers did not come back.

  The teachers were leading the students to work, so Cui Hong threw the manuscript on the table after entering the door, picked up the big tea jar, and raised his head to pour:

   "ton ton ton ton, huhu-ka!"

She hiccupped and found two more cups to pour water for Wang Yi and Qiuwei: "Mr. Wang and Xiaoqiu, you can sit wherever you want, I won't hide it from you, my poems are in these envelopes. , you can just look at it."

   Qiu Weishui took out the paper cutter and opened an envelope to find the manuscript paper and hand it to Wang Yi.

  Wang Yi was watching when a teacher came in outside.

   He obviously heard Cui Hong's words, and smiled: "Mr. Cui is going to study poetry again? Who are these two young comrades? Do you know poetry? Teacher Cui writes modern poetry."

   Wang Yi said: "I don't understand modern poetry,


   Beauty is common,

I think,

   There is no shortage of beauty in the world,

   just lacks the eyes to find beauty.

  Some people's eyes are burned with smoke,

   And the peasant's eyes are always clear,

I think,

   Clear eyes are more likely to discover pure beauty. "

   This teacher was holding a cigarette between his fingers. After listening to Wang Yi's words, he looked down at the cigarette and blinked: I suspect that you are sarcastic at me but I have no evidence.

   Qiuweishui has already applauded: "Mr. Wang made a poem casually!"

  Cui Hong also applauded and praised: "What a talent is really a good talent, as expected to be the teacher Wang who can teach all the communes in the county with the highest average score in all grades!"

The    male teacher was frightened when he heard this: "Ah? This is Teacher Wang from Tianya Elementary School? Oh, I have been looking forward to it for a long time."

   This 'long-awaited' sentence is sincere, and Wang Yi's name has already spread in the outer island school.

  Wang Yi shook hands with him, picked up the letter and looked at it, it read:


you left,

   lost your promise,

   was thrown on the field ridge in the wilderness,

   promises to lie in the soft earth,



   it is a darling,

   is just a short moment,

   became an outcast again,

   its fate,

   is like a lump of dirt,

   by the peasants,

   to throw, to throw. "

   After reading this poem, Wang Yi was stunned.

   He underestimated Cui Hong's level. He didn't expect that this little black and fat teacher was really talented. In terms of his appreciation level, this poem is quite charming.

   Then he felt strange again, are poets blowing out these days?

   He picked up the envelope and looked at it.

  Cui Hong voted for a publication called "Ocean Tide Literature".

   But whether in 1982 or 2022, Wang Yi had never heard of this publication. It stands to reason that this publication should have little weight, so the level of articles it publishes should not be very demanding.

  There is also a manuscript in the envelope. Wang Yi took it out and looked at it again. This is the author's self-introduction.

  Cui Hong kept her posture very low, and then introduced her identity and background clearly.

  The dream of a pseudonym will last forever, who has a low primary school education but has a longing for the palace of literature, who is born and raised in the countryside but loves writing, and who is questioned by people around him because of his poor appearance and temperament, but always has a firm belief in poetry creation, etc.

   Below the introduction letter is the reply from the editor of "Ocean Tide Literature". It is also simple. It is said that this poem lacks vitality and does not have the charm of words, and temporarily fails to meet the acceptance criteria.

   Wang Yi scolded her mother in her heart after seeing the reply.

   Isn't this draft nonsense? What lacks vitality? This is modern poetry and not RAP. Does it have to have elements of singing, dancing and basketball?

   He read another poem written by Cui Hong called "Waiting":

   "I'm waiting for you outside the theater

   Theater, waiting for Godot

  Dream is my shoes for walking at night

   What about you, stranger

   smirked at me, Wutong was speechless

  It's raining, and the raindrops fall in a pile of melancholy

   The familiar river surges on the bank of the heart

   up to your heels

   Theater, waiting for Godot

  I'll be waiting for you outside the theater"

   After reading this poem, Wang Yi felt sweat on his forehead.

  I am a little swollen, and anyone dares to give pointers. Although this little black and fat teacher has a rough image, his literary attainments are not low.

   Not to be underestimated!

  The poem draft is followed by a letter of introduction and editorial comments from Cui Hong, as usual.

  Wang Yi is a bit confused about the market here.

   He asked in awe: "Mr. Cui, do you have Haichao Literature and Jiangnan Youth here? Let me see what level of poetry is published on it."

   These things are simple, and there is no shortage of these publications in the language group, and Cui Hong turned out a few copies at will.

  Wang Yi opened it and saw that there were poems and a brief introduction to the poet.

   Then he looked at it and slowly understood in his heart: "The medicine can't be stopped, no, it's the right medicine, I know what's going on."

  Cui Hong was surprised and asked, "Really? Do you know how I can improve myself?"

  Wang Yi said: "Mr. Cui, you don't need to improve yourself. In fact, your poetry level is already very high, reaching a level that can be published, but your writing is too local. You belong to the local poet. This is called farming poetry!"

   In order to publish his poems, he studied the literary world for 1982 years, so he recalled the information he saw at that time and said:

   "Now our Chinese literary world is popular with the misty poetry culture, right? Bei Dao, Shu Ting - oh, I also brought you their poetry collection."

   As a result, Cui Hong asked suspiciously: "Is that so? Are the poems of the Misty School popular now? Isn't the Misty School the title given by the writer Zhang Ming's satire on Teacher Bei Dao's poems?"

  Wang Yi's heart skipped a beat.

   And what about this?

   His understanding of the literary world in 1982 was relatively rough, and he learned it in 22 years. He may have misunderstood the current era.

   But he reacted quickly and asked Cui Hong first: "Why do you say that?"

   Cui Hong said: "The year before last, the eighth issue of "Poetry Magazine" in 1980 published a critical article by Zhang Ming, called, "The Depressing "Hazy"."

"I have read this article, and the writer Zhang Ming criticized Mr. Bei Dao for writing their poems so obscurely and eccentrically that after reading it several times, they could not get a clear impression. I don't understand it at all, I can't understand it.”

   "After this article, the poet Ai Qing and the others also responded to the writer Zhang Ming, and then called Mr. Bei Dao's poems the Misty School."

  Wang Yi said: "Yes, it is true, but the poems of the Misty School are well written and have become popular among urban literary youth."

   There is no problem with this. He read the materials at the time, and the materials said that the poems of the Hazy School took the lead in popularizing among literary youths in major cities and universities in the 1980s.

   After hearing his words, Cui Hong was very happy and said: "That's great, it seems that the eyes of the masses are sharp, and the comrades have already discovered the beauty of the hazy school."

"Especially Mr. Bei Dao, his poems are the most outstanding, he is a young man, Bai Xue is also a native of Liba, especially the sentence in "Answer" 'The despicable is the pass of the despicable, and the noble is the epitaph of the noble', which directly touches people's souls !"

   "Comrade Shu Ting's "To the Oak Tree" is the best." Qiu Weishui glanced at Wang Yi quickly, full of affection.

   This is her second favorite poem, and she plans to recite it to guests at a wedding later to express her view of love.

  Wang Yi waved his hand and said, "Let's ignore this for now. In short, local schools are not popular now, so your poetry level is fine, but there are some details that need to be revised."

   He unfolded the letter and pointed to the contents and said:

"Mr. Cui, please remember, you can change these places. "Throw it on the field ridge in the wild suburbs, promising to lie in the soft soil". Change it to - change it to "Throw it in the jadeite in the streets, promising to lie on cold marble tiles'."

   "There is also this sentence, 'Like a piece of dirt, by farmers' changed to 'Like a snowball, by children'."

  Wang Yi picked up the second letter and continued to point: "The second poem also needs to be changed, um, um..."

He browsed and pondered for a while, then clapped his hands and said, "This way, 'Dream is my leather shoes for walking at night, what about you, a stranger' should be changed to 'Dream is a little red umbrella I hold up at night, What about you, the model in the window'."

   "If you go down, change it here too - 'Up to your heels' is changed to 'Up to your purple lace skirt'!"

   Putting down the two pieces of letter paper, Wang Yi looked at her and said, "These details are small problems. Next, I want to tell you that you have to fix a big problem!"

   "If this big problem is changed, then your chances of publishing these two poems will greatly increase to 98%!"

   (end of this chapter)

Chapter end

Chapter 545
Chapter 544
Chapter 543
Chapter 542
Chapter 541
Chapter 540
Chapter 539
Chapter 538
Chapter 537
Chapter 536
Chapter 535
Chapter 534
Chapter 533
Chapter 532
Chapter 531
Chapter 530
Chapter 529
Chapter 528
Chapter 527
Chapter 526
Chapter 525
Chapter 524
Chapter 523
Chapter 522
Chapter 521
Chapter 520
Chapter 519
Chapter 518
Chapter 517
Chapter 516
Chapter 515
Chapter 514
Chapter 513
Chapter 512
Chapter 511
Chapter 510
Chapter 509
Chapter 508
Chapter 507
Chapter 506
Chapter 505
Chapter 504
Chapter 503
Chapter 502
Chapter 501
Chapter 500
Chapter 499
Chapter 498
Chapter 497
Chapter 496
Chapter 495
Chapter 494
Chapter 493
Chapter 492
Chapter 491
Chapter 490
Chapter 489
Chapter 488
Chapter 487
Chapter 486
Chapter 485
Chapter 484
Chapter 483
Chapter 482
Chapter 481
Chapter 480
Chapter 479
Chapter 478
Chapter 477
Chapter 476
Chapter 475
Chapter 474
Chapter 473
Chapter 472
Chapter 471
Chapter 470
Chapter 469
Chapter 468
Chapter 467
Chapter 466
Chapter 465
Chapter 464
Chapter 463
Chapter 462
Chapter 461
Chapter 460
Chapter 459
Chapter 458
Chapter 457
Chapter 456
Chapter 455
Chapter 454
Chapter 453
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Chapter 451
Chapter 450
Chapter 449
Chapter 448
Chapter 447
Chapter 446
Chapter 445
Chapter 444
Chapter 443
Chapter 442
Chapter 441
Chapter 440
Chapter 439
Chapter 438
Chapter 437
Chapter 436
Chapter 435
Chapter 434
Chapter 433
Chapter 432
Chapter 431
Chapter 430
Chapter 429
Chapter 428
Chapter 427
Chapter 426
Chapter 425
Chapter 424
Chapter 423
Chapter 422
Chapter 421
Chapter 420
Chapter 419
Chapter 418
Chapter 417
Chapter 416
Chapter 415
Chapter 414
Chapter 413
Chapter 412
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Chapter 401
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Chapter 391
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Chapter 387
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Chapter 381
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Chapter 274
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Chapter 270
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Chapter 203
Chapter 202
Chapter 201
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Chapter 194
Chapter 193
Chapter 192
Chapter 191
Chapter 190
Chapter 189
Chapter 188
Chapter 187
Chapter 186
Chapter 185
Chapter 184
Chapter 183
Chapter 182
Chapter 181
Chapter 180
Chapter 179
Chapter 178
Chapter 177
Chapter 176
Chapter 175
Chapter 174
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Chapter 172
Chapter 171
Chapter 170
Chapter 169
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Chapter 163
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Chapter 161
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Chapter 154
Chapter 153
Chapter 152
Chapter 151
Chapter 150
Chapter 149
Chapter 148
Chapter 147
Chapter 146
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Chapter 143
Chapter 142
Chapter 141
Chapter 140
Chapter 139
Chapter 138
Chapter 137
Chapter 136
Chapter 135
Chapter 134
Chapter 133
Chapter 132
Chapter 131
Chapter 130
Chapter 129
Chapter 128
Chapter 127
Chapter 126
Chapter 125
Chapter 124
Chapter 123
Chapter 122
Chapter 121
Chapter 120
Chapter 119
Chapter 118
Chapter 117
Chapter 116
Chapter 115
Chapter 114
Chapter 113
Chapter 112
Chapter 111
Chapter 110
Chapter 109
Chapter 108
Chapter 107
Chapter 106
Chapter 105
Chapter 104
Chapter 103
Chapter 102
Chapter 101
Chapter 100
Chapter 99
Chapter 98
Chapter 97
Chapter 96
Chapter 95
Chapter 94
Chapter 93
Chapter 92
Chapter 91
Chapter 90
Chapter 89
Chapter 88
Chapter 87
Chapter 86
Chapter 85
Chapter 84
Chapter 83
Chapter 82
Chapter 81
Chapter 80
Chapter 79
Chapter 78
Chapter 77
Chapter 76
Chapter 75
Chapter 74
Chapter 73
Chapter 72
Chapter 71
Chapter 70
Chapter 69
Chapter 68
Chapter 67
Chapter 66
Chapter 65
Chapter 64
Chapter 63
Chapter 62
Chapter 61
Chapter 60
Chapter 59
Chapter 58
Chapter 57
Chapter 56
Chapter 55
Chapter 54
Chapter 53
Chapter 52
Chapter 51
Chapter 50
Chapter 49
Chapter 48
Chapter 47
Chapter 46
Chapter 45
Chapter 44
Chapter 43
Chapter 42
Chapter 41
Chapter 40
Chapter 39
Chapter 38
Chapter 37
Chapter 36
Chapter 35
Chapter 34
Chapter 33
Chapter 32
Chapter 31
Chapter 30
Chapter 29
Chapter 28
Chapter 27
Chapter 26
Chapter 25
Chapter 24
Chapter 23
Chapter 22
Chapter 21
Chapter 20
Chapter 19
Chapter 18
Chapter 17
Chapter 16
Chapter 15
Chapter 14
Chapter 13
Chapter 12
Chapter 11
Chapter 10
Chapter 9
Chapter 8
Chapter 7
Chapter 6
Chapter 5
Chapter 4
Chapter 3
Chapter 2
Chapter 1
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