I Became the King of Villains In the Game Chapter 393

I Became the King of Villains In the Game Chapter 393

  Chapter 393 In-depth exploration and the end of the campaign

  The "giant" has been dead for a long time, but still stands in the depths of this sea of ​​blood. The skin of his corpse was covered with mildew, and there were even countless areas of decay. Mythical worms that were as wide and long as a city street burrowed and gnawed in his body.

  On the side of its neck, there is also a "tumor", which is extremely scarlet.

  However, this "tumor" is actually a fruit made of flesh and blood, with clusters of roses growing around it, and vines covered with barbed thorns are wrapped around the "giant", like a shackle or a parasite.

  And that strange light emanates from this fruit!

  Chen Lun stood in the distance. Although he blocked his sense of smell, he suddenly discovered that he could "smell" the breath of knowledge! The strange fragrance emanating from that fruit contains extremely strong pollution, and is mixed with the extraordinary knowledge of the flesh and blood path!

  Through the continuous prompts from the panel, he knew that his sanity value was crazily decreasing.

   And the extraordinary knowledge of the Flesh and Flesh faction is also constantly instilled into his mind!

  [Sequence 9-Butcher], [Sequence 8-Gourmet], [Sequence 7-Ghoul], [Sequence 6-Bloods] and [Sequence 5-Boneman]...all under his control!

   Then more esoteric knowledge of mythology followed.

  Chen Lun felt a dull pain in his brain, as if the knowledge he could bear had almost reached the limit. But this time, he decided to grit his teeth and hold on for a while, trying to get more.

   At the same time, the pollution source in front also changed!

  I saw those fat and thick giant worms, as if they had discovered the existence of Chen Lun, they got out of the body of the "giant" corpse, jumped into the sea of ​​blood, and swam towards him at high speed.


  The worms burst out of the water, like dark brown stone pillars covered with ring-shaped lines, overturning the river and the sea, and smashed down on Chen Lun. This terrifying déjà vu is like standing in front of a high-rise building with hundreds of floors, and this sky-high building is falling towards you immediately!


   Bang bang bang!

   There was an earth-shattering noise in the sea of ​​blood.

  Countless blood sprays were dozens of hundreds of meters high, and Chen Lun had to block his hearing so as not to be disturbed by the loud noise due to the heavy beating.

  In order to avoid these terrifying worms, he had to use teleportation several times in a row to gain enough distance... After all, these worms are really too big! Just one of them is comparable to the "degenerate body" that was besieged by Ginsberg and other consuls before!

  Boom boom boom!

  Chen Lun kept shuttling in this space, struggling to dodge the blows that block the sky and the sun.

  His body was inevitably covered with blood, and he looked in a mess.

  'Hold on a little longer...'

  Chen Lun gritted his teeth, endured the growing pain in his head, and concentrated on watching the worms flapping from all directions.

   Time passed two minutes again.

  He finally felt that the high-level knowledge in his mind had been successfully collected.

  So Chen Lun no longer hesitated, immediately communicated with the wooden house in the initial area, and teleported away directly.


  The vast and terrifying sea of ​​blood, the giant corpses parasitized by flesh fruits and rose flowers, and those terrifyingly huge worms all disappeared. Instead, there is a quiet and peaceful interior layout of the wooden house.

  Chen Lun let out a long breath, and collapsed directly on the wooden bed, his chest and abdomen violently moved.

   Sweat soaked his clothes, but he didn't pay attention. With trembling hands, he took out two enhanced versions of the "Quiet Elixir" and "Thirst Elixir", and poured them down.

   After that, it took more than ten minutes to slow down.

  Chen Lun sat up with difficulty, and then began to sort out his harvest.

  'Same as the previous tree and the white cocoon on the mountain of corpses, I got all the extraordinary knowledge of the sequence in the corresponding flesh and blood pathway from the giant of the blood sea...'

   There was a smile on his pale face.

  'And, unlike the previous two times, I obtained a complete knowledge of mythology! [Sequence 4 - Sin Eater], this is the sequence that Rafa is in! '

   This is also the only complete high-level knowledge he has mastered so far.

   Immediately afterwards, Chen Lun checked the consumption of this trip again.

  During this period, players were busy participating in the Scarlet Battle, and rarely entered the fairyland to make a bet, so that the harvesting efficiency of sanity points dropped significantly... The sanity value reserves that had just risen to 9000+ dropped directly to around 6000.

  'But it's all worth it, after all, I have never mastered the flesh and blood knowledge of Sequence Six, Five, and high-level Sequence Four...'

  He seemed to think of something again, and sighed.

  'Unfortunately, the current sub-profession [recorder] cannot copy knowledge above the middle sequence, otherwise I can use this to reproduce the precious extraordinary knowledge in my mind in exchange for more resources to improve myself. '

  Chen Lun in his previous life was still too low-level, and he had never seen a more advanced sub-profession.

  But he knows that there is definitely a power in this world that can reproduce extraordinary knowledge above the middle sequence... Otherwise, the knowledge inheritance of those big forces and the few high-level books that have been handed down outside the world would not exist.

  'When the speaker comes back, find a chance to ask him...'

   Chen Lun thought to himself.

  Next, he first withdrew from the fairyland and took a rest in this world.

   Waited until that night, and entered again.

  This time, he started from the top of the ivory tower on the easternmost side of the Crystal Mountains, and explored in depth from east to west.

  Black barren rocks can be seen everywhere, and mountains stand one after another.

   Along the way, he encounters a variety of sculptural creatures, animal-like, human-like, and even more grotesque statues whose nature is hard to discern. Their respective powers are also strange and strange, and none of them are the same.

  And these are the differences of each mountain area.

  At the same time, it also confirmed Chen Lun's initial conjecture... On the top of every mountain, there is a school of magician dead souls, and these statues are their creations.

The difference between schools starts from [Sequence 6 - Mystic Mage]. The "secret methods" of each school are different, each forming a system... As far as Chen Lun knows, most of the supernatural beings of the magic school are based on The pattern of master-student inheritance is of course similar to the school pattern of the Madman School or the Kingdom of Byron.

  But there is one thing in common, that is, no matter which school or force, they will cherish the "secret method" they have mastered, and will not easily spread it to the outside world. After waiting for [Sequence Five - Sculptor], this distinction becomes even more obvious.

   Among them, the magicians of the School of All Things, their sculptures are mostly animals, plants, and insects that exist in nature, while the sculptures of the School of Madmen are some "things that do not exist in this world" created by imagination.

   Unconstrained style, strange appearance.

  If you don't know the information, you will most likely suffer a big loss when you face a magician from the Madman School for the first time.

  As for the school of idols that Carmen belongs to, it focuses on people. The sculptures of this school are often based on a high-ranking person in a mysterious field, or a saint or an angel, or even a god! Then borrow their images to gain part of their power.

  By fighting against the dead souls of magicians from different schools, Chen Lun gained a deeper understanding of the way of magic.

  Eight or nine hours passed like this.

  Chen Lun has already explored six mountains.

  Although there were only two cabins to be found, and the extraordinary knowledge left by Philip was also a remnant of the "useless" juggler, but he continued to go deeper.

   After all, if you want to upgrade [Juggling Artist] to the full level, you still need a lot of experience points... The Deceitful Avatar is leading a team to hunt down the Red Apple Church, and his body can't slack off either.

   Just take advantage of the opportunity to kill those souls of magicians and get tens of thousands of experience points. Although not many, but the wins are steadily accumulating.

   In this way, a week passed.

  In addition to his daily meal and rest, Chen Lun spent all his time in the Crystal Mountain Area of ​​Wonderland.

  He has visited almost all the mountains, destroyed statues, and killed countless souls of magicians. Although he was very tired, he also gained a lot.

  First of all, experience points, with a total of 125W+, followed by the supernatural material "Wisdom Dust" left by the soul of the magician, there are about 30 copies, as for the "Zhanhui Stone" obtained from the statue creature, there is also a pile.

Chen Lun has entered the deepest part of the Crystal Mountain Range at this moment, and found that it is a canyon-like structure... The ground not far in front of him is cracked, bottomless, pitch black and deep, and he can feel the constant There was a terrible breath.

  The source of spiritual intuition always warning seems to come from the abyss under this mountain range!

  'The crazy mural **** Clarenso is likely to live under the abyss of the Crystal Mountains... Perhaps the most valuable place in this area is also here. '

   Chen Lun frowned and looked at the entrance. After thinking about it for a while, he finally gave up the idea of ​​going down.

'Now is not the time, the risk of facing the mad **** is too great, the gain outweighs the gain...and the 1.0 version is coming to an end, when the player will collectively go offline due to the version update, the sanity point reserve of the Maggie statue has lost its source, I can no longer be like before Splurge like that... save yourself some time. '

He turned his eyes to look farther away. Above the abyss, there was a broken and floating path. It seemed that there were traces of artificial excavation, and it spread all the way to the top of the mountain. He just crossed the last ridge through it. What a scene.

Chen Lun thought for a while, first found a black rock nearby and sat down, then spent all the experience points on the panel, upgraded to six levels, and after using up the attribute points, the four-dimensional attribute reached a unified 165 points , he soared into the air, and flew along the path to the highest point of the mountain range.


  The small figure soared up the steep rock wall and path at an extremely fast speed. It took nearly a minute or so before he reached the top...

  Standing on the top of the mountain, it is surprisingly calm here, and you can't even feel any breeze.

   There was silence all around.

  Chen Lun looked at the other side, but his expression changed dramatically.

"What it is?!"

  He couldn't help murmuring.

Behind the Crystal Mountains, there is a vast and boundless area of ​​nothingness, the whole body is dark and deep, and even stars are shining... It seems that the earth no longer exists, and it is replaced by a stage similar to the universe, which loses space such as up, down, left, and right, and front and rear depths. concept.

As far as the eye can see, there seems to be a continuous ancient "high wall" that goes straight to the sky, like a curtain in the cosmic starry sky, blocking the "truth" at the end of the world, making it impossible for Chen Lun to know what is happening at the end of the world. Beyond the high wall, there is something.

  Chen Lun stood there hesitantly, secretly guessing in his heart.

'Perhaps...Philip only came here when he was exploring the dream world. Beyond those voids and high walls, there are areas that he has not touched...so that the reproduced fairyland lacks this part of the area. It's like an air zone without specific modeling and textures in the game. '

  Although he was curious about what was ahead, he would not try rashly.

  Because spiritual intuition told him that it was very likely to have terrible and unknown results.

  'Let's go here first... Except for the abyss under the Crystal Mountains, I have basically been to the areas that can be explored in the fairyland. '

   Chen Lun thought to himself.

  'Perhaps the next area of ​​the abyss link is the end of the fairyland in Philip's mouth, the dark world where Arnold is... It's just the mythical knowledge of the fourth sequence of fate, and there is still no trace. '

   Another half a month has passed.

  Finally good news from the Avatar of Deceit.

  The remaining nine theaters of Gem State and Yan State have all been declared breached!

   At the same time, the Faceless Servant also sent the latest information.

  Under the influence of Chen Lun taking advantage of the prophetic advantage and providing important official information, apart from the two state cities in charge of the Generous Parliament, the other four state cities attacked by the official asylum, the Church of the Sun and the Church of the Moon have also achieved remarkable results.

  The three base fortresses, plus seventeen node fortresses, were all destroyed!

  Although the remaining five node fortresses could not be removed due to various accidents, they also lost their function... The super-high standard ceremony "Scarlet Ceremony" originally secretly arranged by the Red Apple Church was destroyed in pieces.

  They may still be very confused, whether there is an inner ghost in the church, or the empire used some secret divination method to predict their plan.

  In short, the Red Apple Church belongs to the side that lost miserably this time.

Countless clergymen died in battle, and even the ten-core archbishop of the Scarlet Monastery lost six of them, and the remaining four were more or less wounded and went into hiding... As for the current pope, Luisa, she was even attacked by two imperial judges. The siege of the five saints, Pope Tiferney of the Church of the Sun, Pope Viola of the Church of the Moon, and Azgielo, the speaker of the Generous Council.

If it weren't for the powerful self-protection ability of [Sequence 3-Fallen Grand Duke], Lu Yisha would have fallen already... In the end, he also desperately lost most of his life, frightened five people with [S-level monster-Rose Bible], and fled with serious injuries .

  The five besieged saints, none of them were willing to be dragged into the water, even serious injuries were considered worthless... They knew very well that if Louisa really wanted to die, she would most likely bring one of them to die with her.

   This battle was fought in darkness, from the shallow layer of the spirit world to the second layer, and even the dark world, all set off strong storms and turmoil...

  But this big incident finally ended in the defeat of the Red Apple Church.

  Countless priests followed the high-level officials and fled through the pre-arranged spiritual passage, directly across the United Kingdom of Anlong in the west, and went to the territory of the Kingdom of Beelzebub in the far west.

  Chen Lun was silent while listening to the faceless waiter's report.

  In the original world line, the turmoil caused by the Red Apple Church lasted until the end of 4420 in the solar calendar...but now just in early February, the turmoil has been subsided.

His involvement in this is extremely strong. First, he promoted the Murder Club to be on the seat of the Orthodox Church, adding a powerful force to the Scarlet Battle. Then, with the help of the prophet's information, he minimized the role of the Fortress of Hatred, and directly destroyed the Red Apple The secret of the church's "Scarlet Ceremony" ceremony was revealed, which completely disrupted the opponent's arrangement.

Even the guardian of one of the three most important base fortresses, the bottom boss Rafa in version 1.0, was drawn out by his design, and was killed by the speaker Azgirlo himself, which affected the overall situation and caused the Red Apple Church to speed up. defeat.

   So far, all kinds of fate lines have been disrupted by Chen Lun personally using unconventional means, and the main plot of this version has ended more than half a year in advance.

  'The next step is the settlement of the third round of the main task... Afterwards, the version will be updated, and the players will go offline collectively. '

   Chen Lun thought to himself.

  'But before that, let's harvest their wallets and sanity again. Who knows how long the version update will take in this world... If it's a few years, my life will be tight. '

   Today I was in a daze, dozed off all the time, my head hurts, and my condition is very bad... I originally planned to finish it today, but it seems that I can't.

  (end of this chapter)

Chapter end

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Chapter 704
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Chapter 696
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Chapter 690
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Chapter 687
Chapter 686
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Chapter 678
Chapter 677
Chapter 676
Chapter 675
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Chapter 669
Chapter 668
Chapter 667
Chapter 666
Chapter 665
Chapter 664
Chapter 663
Chapter 662
Chapter 661
Chapter 660
Chapter 659
Chapter 658
Chapter 657
Chapter 656
Chapter 655
Chapter 654
Chapter 653
Chapter 652
Chapter 651
Chapter 650
Chapter 649
Chapter 648
Chapter 647
Chapter 646
Chapter 645
Chapter 644
Chapter 643
Chapter 642
Chapter 641
Chapter 640
Chapter 639
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Chapter 636
Chapter 635
Chapter 634
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Chapter 632
Chapter 631
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Chapter 629
Chapter 628
Chapter 627
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Chapter 621
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Chapter 603
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Chapter 592
Chapter 591
Chapter 590
Chapter 589
Chapter 588
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Chapter 584
Chapter 583
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Chapter 581
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Chapter 579
Chapter 578
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Chapter 572
Chapter 571
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Chapter 31
Chapter 30
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Chapter 25
Chapter 24
Chapter 23
Chapter 22
Chapter 21
Chapter 20
Chapter 19
Chapter 18
Chapter 17
Chapter 16
Chapter 15
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