I Became the King of Villains In the Game Chapter 239

I Became the King of Villains In the Game Chapter 239

  Chapter 239 Plan to benefit players in an all-round way

   "Teacher, this...?!"

  Polaris was very surprised.

   Chen Lun saw his expression and knew it in his heart.

  'It seems that my assumption is correct... [Jingzhe] The bookmark contains "Philip's Adventures in Wonderland". As a medium, the seed can naturally link the holder to the fairyland. '

  He nods toward the North Star in affirmation.

  Polaris was overjoyed and chose "Yes" on the prompt box on the panel.


  The seeds bloomed a book phantom, and projected countless white lights.

  The next second, Polaris rolled his eyes, and his body slumped down on the sofa.

  He has entered Wonderland!

  Chen Lun closed his eyes and used his authority to observe the scene in the fairyland through his mind. Looking down, the Polaris is located on the lawn of the lake house.

  At this moment, Polaris looked blankly, looking around, and found that he had never been to this place.

  'Take another experiment with Polaris…'

   Chen Lun thought to himself.

  The next second, Polaris suddenly saw a golden exclamation mark pop up on the vine in front of the wooden house.

   "Huh? Grapevine sent out a mission?"

  Polaris looked confused.

  He steps forward and interacts with the vine.

  【Trigger D-level task: watering! 】

  Mission description: go to the lake to fetch water, return to the vines for watering.

  Mission reward: 250 experience points and 2 silver nobility.

   "What kind of mission is this..."

  Polaris complained, but still accepted the task honestly.

  Although there are very few rewards, this task is really simple, and it is no different from giving it for free.

   "If you have an advantage, don't take advantage of the bastard!"

  Polaris smiled.

  Chen Lun watched Polaris secretly, and found that his sanity points were being drawn all the time in this area and stored in the statue of Maggie.

   Apart from the need to maintain the fairyland, there is still a surplus.

   But after all, there is only one person, and the accumulation speed is very slow.

  'It is indeed possible to accept the task...'

  Chen Lun was a little happy.

  'Try again to see if it is possible to open exchange interactions to players... If it is possible, then every player who has the 'Seed of Wonderland' can use the lakeside hut as a quest hall, and come in to buy things and pick up quests anytime, anywhere.

  Even if players don't buy tickets to enter maps such as Natural Forest and Kazite Town, in this safe area, they still need to consume sanity points and contribute them to me.

   Not only is it convenient for them, but it can also bring me a huge amount of sanity value benefits. '

   Polaris, who came back from fetching water, carefully watered the vines.

  After the busy work is completed, a prompt box of task completion is received.

   "Isn't this better than fighting monsters... If you can do some small tasks like this here every day, the experience points required for leveling up will definitely be guaranteed, and it will save time and effort."

  Polaris sighed.

  The next second, he saw the golden word "exchange" pop up above the vines.


  Polaris froze again.

   "The vine can still be exchanged for things? Is it because I watered it, so it evolved?"

  He clicked on the "Exchange" panel, and was surprised to find that the above columns were all exclusive products of the circus, exactly the same as Mr. Jack's.

  Polaris tried to exchange for a piece of ammunition, and looked at his hand with some surprise, a small box appeared out of thin air.

  'It's really possible...! '

  Chen Lun opened his eyes in the living room, and the emotion of surprise flashed away.

   Immediately, he rested his chin in thought.

'if it is like this…'

  The North Star has returned to the present world.

  He was still immersed in the experience just now, and told Chen Lun with a sense of accomplishment that his hard work in watering the hut by the lake gave the vine a new function.

   "Oh? What is it... Good work, Polaris."

  Chen Lun did not expose the truth, but showed a polite smile, expressing his appreciation to Polaris.


  Polaris handed back the "Seed of Fairyland" to Chen Lun.

  His face showed reluctance, because this little thing had already shown him many conveniences.

  If you have it, even if you don't come to Jack's Manor, you can enter the fairyland anytime and anywhere, and exchange for what you want.

   Even directly buy "tickets" at the lakeside hut, enter the dark forest and the small town of Kazite, and fight monsters in the next book.

   "Polaris, as my student, you naturally have special treatment."

  Chen Lun smiled slightly.

   "Here, give me your official circus membership token."

  Polaris was taken aback, and then obediently took off the silver snake ring on his finger.

  Chen Lun clamped the silver snake ring with two fingers, and with the other hand, he brought the "Seed of Wonderland" closer to him, and at the same time cast the power of [Jingzhe].

  Glittering green, the fairyland seed was actually split into two, directly inlaid on the "snake eyes" of the silver snake ring.

  The emerald green snake pupils became brighter and more mysterious, dazzling!

   "Your token has been fused with the 'Seed of Fairyland'. If you contact me in the future, you can use it to achieve it... and it also has a 'healing' effect. It only needs to consume sanity to recover from injuries."

  Chen Lun handed back the upgraded silver snake ring to Polaris.

  The latter had a look of surprise on his face.

  After Polaris put on the silver snake ring, he tried to slash himself, and then urged its power.

  With the input of sanity points, the silver snake's eyes glowed green, and the wound on his arm slowly stopped bleeding and scabbed. Although the effect is not strong, not even comparable to the "blood bottle", but it cannot be denied that this is a very practical function.

   This is equivalent to carrying a "healing technique" with you!

  Chen Lun quietly observed from the side.

  He discovered that the vitality of the "Jingzhe Seed" was actually transmitted from the [Jingzhe] bookmark, and the effect was only 1%.

  But the sanity value that Polaris "pays" is as much as it should be.

  Equals to the remaining 99%, which was taken away by Chen Lun as "profit".

  'Wonderful...I am indeed a great kind person! With the new version of the Silver Snake Ring, players no longer have to worry about being injured and cannot afford potions. They only need to consume a little sanity to heal their injuries.

  And it can also be used as an exclusive voucher for the circus, allowing players to go to the lakeside cabin in the mission hall, and provide one-stop service for receiving missions, shopping and downloading copies.

   I have paid too much for the players. '

  Chen Lun secretly sighed.

  He turned to look at Polaris, pretended to be tired, and said in a deep voice:

   "Polaris, in fact, every 'Seed of Wonderland' is extremely precious and will consume a lot of my power..."

  Polaris stood up immediately, bowed to him and saluted, and said respectfully:

   "Thank you teacher for your gift!"


  Chen Lun nodded with satisfaction, and then said:

   "So if the tokens of other official members want to get the upgrade and optimization of the 'Seed of Wonderland' like you, then they must make due contributions..."

  Polaris listened to Chen Lun's words, and suddenly received a mission reminder.

  【Trigger D-level mission: call! 】

  Mission description: Mr. Jack has researched a new mysterious power, which can upgrade and optimize the silver snake ring, so that every official member can enter the fairyland anytime and anywhere, and go to a "transfer station" - the lakeside hut.

   There, it can provide many functions such as "task acceptance", "item exchange" and "deep into fairyland".

   But this ability has yet to be developed and tested, so your help is needed!

  Mission Objective: Convey the news to every official member of the circus, and ask them to select 10 undead strangers as "experimenters" to enter the "lakeside cabin" and stay for 30 minutes in total to complete the mission.

  Mission rewards: 2000 experience points, 5 gold pounds and Jack's favorability. Other regular members: The Silver Serpent Ring received an upgrade.

   "Teacher, make sure to complete the task!"

  Polaris said solemnly.

   Chen Lun looked at the back of Polaris leaving.

  He had a gratified smile on his face.

  Although it is a win-win thing for Dongyang Chenxi and the others to upgrade the Silver Snake Ring, the Sanity Point of Maggie's statue reserve is only in the early 300s, which is not enough to support him to create too many "Awakening Seeds".

  That's why he needs to ask Polaris to call other high-level players, and send players from their respective guilds to enter the cabin by the lake in Wonderland to provide himself with sanity points.

  In name, it is "testing" and "research", but in fact, it is to prostitute the player's sanity without spending a penny.

  'Although the number of people requested is a bit more, it is very embarrassing for me to charge more for the cost of production. '

  Chen Lun stroked his chin.

  After the previous task of "destroying the three branches of the Red Apple Church", dozens of "mature" players accumulated enough contribution points, got the silver snake ring, and became new members of the circus.

  However, if you want to upgrade all of these players' tokens, it will cost at least three or four thousand sanity points, and Chen Lun can't do it for the time being.

   But he believed.

  With Polaris' task of conveying the past, in order to upgrade tokens, these high-level players will definitely “call friends”, “coerce and lure” or even “sell their lust” to lure...to persuade other players to go to the lakeside hut and help them complete their performance.

  'The plan to benefit circus players in an all-round way will be successfully completed soon. '

   Chen Lun thought so.

   After dinner.

  He called Connie and asked her to find a sculpture shop with a good reputation in the inner city, and then come back with a marble statue customized for herself.

  The template is based on the portrait Noah drew for himself.

   In addition, let the craftsmen in the manor make a few metal identification plates for themselves.

  Connie nodded in response, but before she left, she blushed and asked in a low voice:

   "Mr. Jack, is it that kind of **** art statue... Ah, although it is not ladylike to say so, Mr. Noah's paintings can indeed show your figure."


  Chen Lun frowned, feeling that Connie's words were not right.

  He immediately put on a straight face and asked Connie a few questions. When the latter saw this, she immediately panicked and told the story of Maggie taking her to "appreciate the painting".

   "Noah this guy..."

  Chen Lun covered his face with one hand and took a deep breath.

  Connie on the side was trembling. Seeing Mr. Jack's appearance, she thought he was angry.

   But Chen Lun was not angry, he was just depressed.

Because he knew that Noah was not malicious, it was just Noah's character of pursuing beauty, and it could also be said to be the painter's paranoia... What's more, in the eyes of Noah, and even the eyes of people in this era, **** portraits are not shocking. thing.

   Appreciate art, not shabby...

  Chen Lun could understand it, but it was somewhat unacceptable.

   "Okay, Connie, go ahead and finish what I said as soon as possible."

  Chen Lun waved his hand lightly.

  Connie lifted the hem of her skirt, bowed her head and curtseyed, and left in a hurry.

   "What are the things..."

  Chen Lun sighed helplessly.

   "It's a good thing to ask, otherwise when every player goes to the lakeside hut, the first thing they see is my naked statue...Grandma's."

   It is necessary to wait patiently for Polaris and Connie.

  Chen Lun came to the backyard of the manor alone.

   Next he wants to test his new skills and equipment.

  After completing Mr. Byers' mission [Wolf and Youlan], I obtained a sword skill that is very powerful just by its name—[Byers Ultimate Sword - Youlan]!

   And his most convenient weapon, the silver cane, has also been forged and strengthened by Arnold, and has been upgraded from the original [C-level monster] to [B-level monster].

  He is looking forward to whether the combination of the two will produce any wonderful surprises.

  【Byles Ultimate Sword-Youlan LV1】

  Skill description: The extraordinary sword skill created by Moonlight Black Knight Byerswolf is the ultimate sword skill that he has fought for many years and combined with his own sequence path.

  It can attach the power of death to the sword, continuously increase the sharpness and power of the sword technique, and endow it with the power to slash the soul.

  Lang named Jianshu after his late wife in memory of Youlan.

  If it is said that lovesickness can also become sleep, then the oath will be cut off and forgotten.

  'A kind of 'enchanting' sword skill? Increase the power of swordsmanship, and be able to slash the soul... It really deserves the word "ultimate sword". '

  Chen Lun flicked the silver cane in his hand.


   Sparks fly.

  The head of the viper on the crank opened its mouth suddenly, revealing two fangs, and its eyes were shining brightly.

  The silver cane transformed into a straight and slender silver sword in an instant. It was **** wide and one meter long.

  Chen Lun immediately cast [Ultimate Sword - Youlan], and the entire silver sword was dyed purple. He himself could even feel the slightest threat from above. If he was cut by this sword, he might suffer irreversible injuries.

'add a bit! '

  Chen Lun opened the panel and said silently in his heart.

   There are five levels of this sword skill, but each level needs to consume 2 skill points, and it is worthy of the word "ultimate" in its name.

   Fortunately, Chen Lun had reserved 23 skill points, and after consuming 8 points, [Ultimate Sword - Youlan] reached the full level.


  The purple light on the silver sword was even more brilliant, even rising up like a raging fire, swaying constantly, with a terrifying momentum!

  Chen Lun's eyes narrowed, he took a step forward, and entered the spirit world.

  The scene around him was suddenly covered with a blue blurred mask, and he could finally swing his sword unscrupulously.


  The silver sword in his hand suddenly extended, from the original length of 1.2 meters, it instantly turned into a "silver snake" of 4 to 5 meters, with a purple flame, winding across a big tree.

   There was a soft chirp.

  The two embraced the thick tree, which was cut off in half.

   With a bang, the big tree fell and began to wither and blacken at a speed visible to the naked eye, eventually turning into black grains of fine sand.

  Chen Lun's eyes froze.

  'This power...is very strong! Moreover, in the form of the snake sword, the sword moves unexpectedly, and it is easy for the opponent to hit the sword... Even if it is a tower shield and armor, my sword can bypass the defense, and it can be used when there is a need for it! '

  He exhaled a mouthful of foul air, sweating slightly on his forehead.

  'It's just that the ultimate sword consumes too much physical strength. With my 900 physical strength, it can last for a few minutes at most. '


   The silver sword was recovered and returned to its original state.

  Chen Lun brushed a sword flower, and immediately held the sword in both hands and raised it.


  The viper head on the crank extended violently, spiraling around the hilt of the sword, and finally opened its big mouth, biting the body of the sword with one bite.

  The silver sword, which was **** wide, suddenly became the width of a palm. The blade seemed to be spit out from the mouth of a viper, and it grew to a length of 1.8 meters.

  Giant sword form!

  Chen Lun held the sword in both hands. He looked at the purple flame rising from the sword, and remembered what Arnold had said to him... The silver sword in this form can temporarily fuse multiple extraordinary powers.

   Next second.

  The leather glove on the right hand suddenly spit out extraordinary flames, climbed up the giant sword, merged with the "Sword of Youlan", and turned into a purple-red flame!

   Chen Lun's eyes widened.

  'This kind of flame...is very similar to the 'Moon Flame' that Rafa used, but it is slightly weaker than that. '

  Physical strength was crazily passing away, Chen Lun felt the purple fire on the giant sword in his hand, and slashed horizontally, aiming at the villa in the spirit world.


  Amidst the loud bang.

  The entire villa was split down the middle, and the collapsed ruins ignited a purple flame. In just a few minutes, it was burned into a pile of black and unsmooth wreckage.

  Chen Lun dispelled the purple fire, and squatted down with a giant sword.

  His forehead was dripping with sweat, but the expression on his face was very happy.

   "This power...surprises me!"

  Chen Lun stared straight at the pile of dark villa ruins.

   "This move is called-"Death Burning Sword"!"

  (end of this chapter)

Chapter end

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Chapter 712
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Chapter 710
Chapter 709
Chapter 708
Chapter 707
Chapter 706
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Chapter 704
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Chapter 698
Chapter 697
Chapter 696
Chapter 695
Chapter 694
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Chapter 692
Chapter 691
Chapter 690
Chapter 689
Chapter 688
Chapter 687
Chapter 686
Chapter 685
Chapter 680
Chapter 679
Chapter 678
Chapter 677
Chapter 676
Chapter 675
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Chapter 673
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Chapter 670
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Chapter 668
Chapter 667
Chapter 666
Chapter 665
Chapter 664
Chapter 663
Chapter 662
Chapter 661
Chapter 660
Chapter 659
Chapter 658
Chapter 657
Chapter 656
Chapter 655
Chapter 654
Chapter 653
Chapter 652
Chapter 651
Chapter 650
Chapter 649
Chapter 648
Chapter 647
Chapter 646
Chapter 645
Chapter 644
Chapter 643
Chapter 642
Chapter 641
Chapter 640
Chapter 639
Chapter 638
Chapter 637
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Chapter 635
Chapter 634
Chapter 633
Chapter 632
Chapter 631
Chapter 630
Chapter 629
Chapter 628
Chapter 627
Chapter 626
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Chapter 623
Chapter 622
Chapter 621
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Chapter 619
Chapter 618
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Chapter 615
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Chapter 613
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Chapter 605
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Chapter 603
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Chapter 598
Chapter 597
Chapter 596
Chapter 595
Chapter 594
Chapter 593
Chapter 592
Chapter 591
Chapter 590
Chapter 589
Chapter 588
Chapter 587
Chapter 586
Chapter 585
Chapter 584
Chapter 583
Chapter 582
Chapter 581
Chapter 580
Chapter 579
Chapter 578
Chapter 577
Chapter 576
Chapter 575
Chapter 574
Chapter 573
Chapter 572
Chapter 571
Chapter 570
Chapter 569
Chapter 568
Chapter 567
Chapter 566
Chapter 565
Chapter 564
Chapter 563
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Chapter 561
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Chapter 559
Chapter 558
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Chapter 31
Chapter 30
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Chapter 25
Chapter 24
Chapter 23
Chapter 22
Chapter 21
Chapter 20
Chapter 19
Chapter 18
Chapter 17
Chapter 16
Chapter 15
Chapter 14
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Chapter 12
Chapter 11
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