I Am Troubled That My Fiance Is a Villain Chapter 2 part2

I Am Troubled That My Fiance Is a Villain Chapter 2 part2

For the time being, if the Hero sticks to Prince Edwin it would place me in danger.
Bernhard's younger sister, the villainess Katerina and Edwin fiancée, would suddenly appear in front of the Hero who as attracted the Prince attention and tease him in the street.
She would bully him by making unreasonable and impossible demand and would then slap him. Rather than flatly harass the Hero, she was a very passionate and straightforward person who would go directly to him.
You see, the name of the game is “Lilac no Kun” so naturally, the name of the Hero is Lilac. So I should be safe, right?
Well leaving that aside.
Naturally, Edwin and the others capture targets would confront Katerina and it would result in her engagement being canceled.
In response to this, Duke Brunswick who doted on his daughter planned to have Edwin assassinated, the plan was to have the second prince who was younger and easier to manipulate become the next king.
In reality, the true mastermind is someone everyone knows, Bernhard.*
At the academy where the game takes place, he was two years older than the Hero just like Edwin. He would appear as a support character who could not be captured and he would always be a perfect gentleman.

As Edwin's friend in the prince route, he would calmly listen to the stories of the Hero who is worrying about the difference in status and the misconception people have, he would sometimes offer advice. They would celebrate at the beginning when they start dating and who also help the Hero to associate with Edwin, like entering banquet and other events.
As for why Bernhard was trying to assassinate Edwin, it was because he had always liked the Hero.

You are so gentle, it is already decided that I like you! And that dull Hero in my memory made me angry so many times.**

Having his father as the main culprit in case of failure, he thought of assassinating Edwin and take the Hero for himself. The bad ending end with the Hero's death and I did not understand why, but with the happy ending, where the assassination is avoided, Bernhard will be exposed and with everything revealed he will be sent to prison in an isolated island for the rest of is life.

The first time I played I didn't think much and this was the route I ended up with because I thought that Bern was a nice guy, he was so carefree. Wha!? What!? And I threw the controller away.

He does not have a route, it seems like he was the one who would closely support the Hero. On other routes, he would appear every time, Bern~! I would scream while feeling like I just met a friend. I think he may have been one of my favorite characters.

With my stupid memories, I can't be sure if he had a fiancée.

But I wonder if there was one because even if he had a fiancée and even if he were to kill Edwin, it would not be easy to get married to the Hero. Oh, but it may have been mentioned once in the game, a long time ago, that he had a fiancée…
“Gya!! No way! Trying to repay my parent with a nice marriage will make me die!”
“Although we are going to the mansion of your wonderful fiancé, how did you do it Lizisama? I did think that you were different from before, but did you finally go crazy?”
“I did not!”
I glared at Tia who was being rude to me and then I calmed myself since my emotions were rampaging. I tightly closed my mouth to be sure that my thoughts would not slip out again.

Tia is my milk-sister, she has big cat eyes and two splendid and hateful mountains, and the only friend I have of my age.

“Lizisama do you dislike Bernhard-sama?”
“It's not like that.”
“Since the engagement was decided you have been anxious and why did you shout that you did not want to die?”
“That's… I…, somehow.”
How can I say that I know he is gay from my previous world memory..?

I escaped Tia gentle stare by looking at the scenery through the window.
What should I do?
It would be easy to cancel the engagement by being hated by Bernhard and to live my life as a simple bystander.
But is that okay? Somehow it feels like cowardice.
But I have no duty, I don't have a will of steel who can beat any obstacle like heroes do and none of the innocence that fascinate peoples.

“… I wonder if we can get along.”

To befriend the selfish Katerina and the scheming Bernhard so that I can help them notice their mistakes. I will be outside of the prepared scenario and we can search for their own happiness together.
Or isn't it arrogance to think like that?

“You can do it.”
Tia confidently responded to me.
“I wonder.”
“If you are unable to, I will punish them.”

While saying this Tia proudly stick out her big breast, somehow watching her put me at ease.
Tia as always encouraged me. I am sure I can make friends! I will make friends!

…… Maybe.

“You are Lizia? Fu~un. Well, you are quite plain. Ma~a, it's good. You are not interested in his Highness! I can not understand how you, as a woman, have no interest in such a great gentleman, I simply can not. As long you do not approach his Highness we may be friends but I will not lose to anyone!”

The one to welcome us at the entrance of the Brunswick mansion was not a butler or a maid but a beautiful silver-haired girl that was quite familiar. The shock was like meeting face-to-face with a tiger and the only thing I could do was to make a stupid expression while she spoke loudly as if we were on a windy bridge.

To the Me from before. Right now, it may be impossible to make friends…!
Eh, my stomach hurt!?

Tl: I'm not too sure about the hero name the game say Lilac but next she says it's Lilara, so I'll stick with Lilac for now.
*Bernhard being the mastermind is obvious what I'm not sure is if it is someone everyone knows or everyone knows it is him…
**I don't know what that suppose to mean… The entire sentence barely makes sense. I think it's the reason Bernhard love the Hero but even then, it's a one-liner followed by what I think is a complaint from Lizia…


Chapter end

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