I Am Troubled That My Fiance Is a Villain Chapter 2 part1

I Am Troubled That My Fiance Is a Villain Chapter 2 part1

Tl: I'm going to start putting some note here that have to do with the series in general.

I'll do my best to answer comment but last time wasn't a very good time still I read all of them so I don't hold back if you see something wrong.

Made a change to Bernhard name I put Bernard since it's an actual French name but google keep putting the ”h” and it does flow better in English.

Chaka poko, chaka poko.

The sounds of hooves hitting the ground and of wheels turning was all that accompanied a horse-drawn carriage slow journey through the country.

And, inside the carriage, completely gloomy, there is me.

I was not gloomy due to car sickness but because of the destination. The place the carriage was headed to was quite dangerous. It was not a Demon King castle, but the Brunswick family's mansion and watching over me was my maid Tia.

The day we received the engagement request from the Duke, my father and mother were incredibly pleased.
Because the other party is the heir of a famous family that easily fall into the five most important family in the country, and they were the one who had nominated me.

Ma~a, it's good, isn't it? I am not pleased at all ! !

Looking at my parent rejoicing from the new, I can't refuse, right…? The reason I find this unpleasant is because this word is that of an Otome game I played in my previous life and Bernhard was a villain, but I wouldn't admit that even if my mouth was torn. If only Bernhard was a nasty guy, but he took care of me during the tea party and he honestly told everyone about it, that idiot.
Mother was overjoyed when she heard the engagement offer.
“Well! Certainly, it was the other day at the tea party when I met Lizia it was love at first sight! It was destiny!”
How do I say this?
For better or worse, my mother was raised as a noble lady and as such romantic stories are her favorite.

That's why the discussions about the engagement advanced by leap and bound and after a single month, the engagement between me and Bernhard was official.

Whenever someone in the mansion would see me they would congratulate me and I would tell them that they do not have to do so every time. Every time! I would always let a smile float on my face while screaming in my mind.

I really don't know what that stupid handsome boy is thinking!

By chance, I told Mother that I did not believe it was love at first sight. I won't apologize to myself since I know I am not very impressive.

I can not help it without knowing the reason for the engagement. First, let's organize the situation!
I thought about the information that was squeezed in my head a month ago.
Unfortunately, my memories of the game are quite obscure.
What I can remember are the appearance and the likes of the character, also a few of the game endings.
It can't be helped! It's not that I messed up, it's my memories of similar games that are mixed together and are getting fuzzy.
Also, in this game, the system was a little troublesome.

It was not simple, you had to choose the option that would raise the favorability of the character you wanted to capture in the first half of the game. In the second half, you would enter that individual route and you could change the character you were trying to capture or you could stick with the one you had chosen, but those choice were bad.

For example, if you only raise Edwin's favorability in his route, you would reach a bad end were both Edwin and the Hero were killed by Bernhard trap. However, if you had raised the favorability of other characters to a certain extent they could notice the trap and help you reach a good ending. The good ending changed according to apparently trivial choices and there were many different scenarios making it confusing.

The system was troublesome and would drag on but I did not hate it, but still, in the end, I could not find any of the hidden characters. The site web was frustrating and I wasn't looking at it, also, I had no friend who could spoil me since I was hiding the fact that I liked gay otome game.

Damn!! If I had known such a thing would happen I wouldn't have been so stubborn and would have looked at the site without caring if it was known.

Tl: Tia is a servant, a maid, but the kanji for it are Samurai and Woman… I'm curious to see if it's mean something or that just one way to write it.

I'd like some idea on how to deal with Lizia random thought should I put them in “Thought” or a simple   —Thought  or maybe something fancy {Tought} ??

Anyone realized it was a yaoi otome game?!?! The title “Lilac no Kun” feel like a total give away now… I feel a bit stupid now but on the bright side I'll experiance a Yaoi novel. Brrr…


Chapter end

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