Hunters Moon Black And White 52 Death awakening.

Hunters Moon Black And White 52 Death awakening.

Kishra came out of the shadows and sighed placing her fingers against Derrick's neck, she felt no heartbeat, and he was already cold.

"Your time was indeed up Derrick, but now, you need to give him his turn... she did mark you after all, why do you think she came back?" Kishra smiled and reached up, taking the chains firmly she broke them making Derrick's corpse collapse to the ground, she then started dragging him out the door, in the hallway leading to the exit she stopped, two figures with glowing eyes stood waiting for her.

"Hello" she calmly said "young hellcats"

"You intend to give him a death awakening?" Guinevere asked.

"Yes indeed"

"Its against the law" Chane said.

"Seriously now? You were here since before he died, why didn't you help him then?"

"Because his fate has been decided"

Kishra approached them.

"Then what of Seth? You cant stop him... no matter how strong you are, how were you planning to kill him?"

Guinevere and Chane stepped aside so Kishra could pass them.

"We got a common enemy, lets put laws and diffrences aside and form and alliance, this world needs more forces of good right now" Kishra said stopping infront of them.

"Intresting change of heart, what of Cleopatra?" Guinevere asked.

"My mother will live forever, and so will i, i do not wish to live in her shadow all my life, therefore I've taken my own steps, even if it means putting aside my dreams of ruling this world as a queen, and teaming up with you hellcats"

Guinevere nodded "Very well, you can proceed, under one condition"


"We need aid against a fleet of warships approaching from the north west"

Kishra threw her head back and laughed.

"Help you how? What do you think the soldiers of the South African army will do if suddenly werewolves appear and move in between them? Even if our intentions are to attack the demons, they will freak out and fire upon us"

"Demons, as in more than one?"

"Yes, a demon called Senjin created an army, and ill tell you all about him as soon as im finished here" Kishra said continuing to the exit.

"You know Senjin?"

"I do in fact, i was once joined in force with him, but he backstabbed me aswell, so now i stand alone"

Outside Kishra made sure Derrick's corpse was well in the moonlight, it didn't take long for the first of his limbs to twitch, then suddenly his eyes opened wide.

The pain in his forehead where the bullet struck him still aching, the cuts burning, he remembered dying, whats going on!? Derrick gasped as his already dried out throat started reproducing siliva his collapsed lungs refilled with air, heat returned to his body as his heart started pounding again. Pins and needles all over as fresh blood reactivated nerve endings, then as the feeling returned the pain redoubled, and he screamed.

"It will all be over soon" Kishra said making him turn to her, he saw Guinevere aswell.

"What the fuck is going on here!? What have you done to me!?"

"I gave you a second chance, or rather, i gave him his long awaited chance"


"The werewolf in you"

"No! Bullshit!" Derrick screamed but the escalating pain in his body wasn't from his wounds, he noticed that much, the cuts healed already, the hole in his head was sealed. His already large muscles grew even larger, black hair started growing all over.

"Listen to me wolf! I have set you free, and i will grant you your freedom, but you keep to your boundaries, one wrong move from you and i will kill you" Kishra talked to the surfacing beast within him.

"Shutup you bitch! Im not a...!" Derrick took a dip in and out of consciousness, he realised that this was happening, it was real, this thing wanted out, no matter how hard he tried he wasn't going to win. Then it went red, looking into this film from a first person point of view, Derrick couldnt beleive he's seeing himself become a werewolf, there was no pain anymore, he could just watch as the grownt move further down, his shadow in the moonlight misforming and growing, thsre was a slight twitch, asif the wolf gave him a taste of being what it is, it was crisp and rusty, the scent of blood was in the air, he smelled it, copper, he hated this smell, but the wolf gave him the freedom to inhale it 'Why!?' he yelled in his mind, but the wolf didnt listen, instead it gave him some of its mind, that blood scent, it smelled familiar now, he knows who's blood that is!

Guinevere took a step back in slight uncomfort, of all the werewolves she has seen in her life, this was the biggest, even the Fenrirs, the Vikings who held the biggest of wolves, never had one this big. The red eyes sharp against the pitch black fur, its mouth foaming and dripping fluid, the deep rumbles comming from its throat was as intence as a large speaker emitting deep base.

"She needs your help now" Kishra said and it looked at her with emptiness in its eyes.

"Remember what i told you, you will follow the rules, but be free of an alpha, youre a rogue, free to do what you want, understood?" It snarled at her then turned towards the field where Kara was, it was her blood he smelled, to him like a call for help, to the wolf like an alarm trigger, a signal that, that which belongs to it is being threatened. With one swift jump it lept away high into the sky.

"He looked alittle crazy, you're sure ge got the message?"

Kishra nodded and started walking towards the field.

"Come young hellcat, tonight is the night the forces of evil wil take a hard knock, but at the same time, we need to be wary with him, there are alot of drawbacks with the death awakening method"


"How could you!" Shiva yelled looking at Elsje's ashes in the sky.

"A needed sacrifice" Seth smiled.

"Still! How could you just throw her to her death like that!?"

"Oh shutup Shiva, whats done is done, i needed both Kara and Luna alive, and you still have potential to grow stronger, Elsje was a little too soft to be a proper black wolf"

Shiva glared at him angered.

"Or whould you have prefered me to have thrown you instead?" Seth leered back.

Maxwell came out of the dark with his oldest son Damien and a few other pack members. Seth promised them all power, and they came to collect.

"I cant beleive your plan worked" Maxwell said grabbing Kara's arm.

"Yes, i told you, you just keep your end of the bargain" Seth said.

"Of course, you'll have all the funds you need for whatever you need" Maxwell laughed and took a bite out of Kara's arm, she roared and pulled away, but to her and her mother's horror she got repeatedly bitten by almost all the members of Maxwell's clan, with every bite she grew weaker, untill she couldn't even properly defend herself. Luna could do nothing, everytime she stood up Seth turned to her with a clear warning in his gaze, and there were no large water sources nearby for hwr to use the water element. When finally it was Shiva's turn a roar came that sent chills up her spine, making her freeze in her tracks. The monstrous werewolf landed next to Kara who tried to crawl away from it in fear, but the black wolf reached down and picked her up, she roared and slashed at him making him drop her again, fearing she pissed him off she prepared for the worst, yet instead it bent over and sniffed at her face, Kara smelled the blood comming from her slash on his cheek, it smelled familliar, so familliar it almost drew her to him, it was then that she realised, he was the one who's venom awoke her, he was her alpha. The black wolf smelled the spit of all those who bit her in her wounds, it had him boiling over with rage and turned to Seth.

"Who are you?" Seth asked suddey feeling challenged by this new wolf. The black wolf instead drew its lips back exposing its huge fangs in a clear display of offence. Derrick saw this other wolf through the rage red, his voice was Seths, that means Seth wasnt bluffing about being a werewolf... Good! Derrick saw eye to eye with his wolf side, this bastard is Dead!

"You think you can challenge me!? I sense no soul in you, which means you're a dumb animal, you stand no chance against me!" Seth roared making the black wolf charge him.

Again with a plume of smoke Seth was gone, it had the wolf confused only for a second untill it saw Maxwell and his pack. Roaring they were the next obvious target.

"Kill him!" Maxwell roared , his whole pack charged and engaged.

'Maxwell's voice?' Derrick heard it, so he was a wolf aswell... all this time... he Dies aswell!

It was a slaughter, the black wolf tore them apart one by one, untill only pieces remain, both Maxwell and Damien fled.

'No! Coward!' Derrick's yelled 'Dont let that fucker escape!'

The wolf roared and set after them, but Seth re-engaged the wolf, he got in a few slashes, but to his dismay his claws barely did any damage, the only way Seth could stay ahead of this giant wolf was to use his shadow element, but, even with his new found strength he could only avoid the giant slashing claws for so long, untill finally one landed sending him tumbling. Before Seth could recover the black wolf was on top of him again, clawing through his flesh.

"How does it feel!?" Derrick's voice in the wolf's subconscious finaly came out of its mouth, bewildered and still defendkng seth looked up at him.

"You, finally, get what you, deserve" The wolf spoke.

"How are you talking!? Youre just a normal wolf in a werewolf body! Who sent you pet mut!" Seth yelled.

'Drag him to Kara, let her have her revenge' Derrick said,The wolf obeyed.

Both Kara and Seth were lost at what his intentions were.

"New found strength isn't the key to the world Seth, you should have gotten used to it first before you bragged about being the ultimate being" Kishra said comming over with Guinevere.

"You, bitch, you sent this beast to me! I thought you and i were aligned!?" He said gurgling blood.

"That was when i was in my mother's pack, now i move alone"

"You bitch!" He roared but the black wolf stomped him hard making him weeze.

"Now Kara, its up to you to decide Seth's fate" Kishra said.

"What do you mean? Who is this wolf? Why did he help me?"

"And how is he this strong? Seth just became a full Amarok, this wolf, i cant even sense his rank, it was as Seth said, hes just basically an animal" Luna added to Kara's question.

"Yes, the only wolf similar to this one in our history was Jasper Black... this is why the Black clan was said to be cursed" Kishra said coming over and petting the large hunched wolf, it remained still allowing her.

"Awakening into a wolf through death, has its ups and downs, the advantage is you skip years of training and feeding to grow your rank, you fully awaken into a true Amarok, Seth only dipped his finger in that pool of power"

"You!" Seth grunted "you say this isnt the full Amarok's power!?"

"No, in terms of sheer strength, this big boy over here has the full brunt of it, but thanks to his awakening method, he lacks brains and elemental power"

'Lacks brains?' Derrick asked inside the mind.

"Who is he?" Luna asked.

Kishra smiled at her slyly "This is Derrick Black"

"What!?" Seth roared. Kara looked up at him, it made sense, she tasted his blood in the past, thats why the smell was familliar, but he wasn't a werewolf then?

"You broke the ultimate law, yet that blasted hellcat just stands there doing nothing!" Seth said.

"I do nothing because i owe you for throwing me into a fucking container full of glass, i hope you suffer well before you die, you dogshit scum" Guinevere said.

Kara looked into Derrick's eyes, but all she saw was an empty stare.

"I, i don't beleive this is him" Kara said unsure.

"Youll see in the morning, for now, you can ask him anything you like"

Kara frowned at Kishra.


"Like kill Seth, get it over with"

'Yes, put an end to him'

Kara looked down at the maimed wolf on the ground, his ears sagged. Kara looked up.

"Derrick" she said and the wolf responded to her, a signal of hope, he remembers his name atleast "Kill this piece of shit that calls himself a wolf"

Without hesitation Derrick lifted his claws, Seth was still holding his paws up to defend but it was futile, Derrick tore at him taking his arms off first.

"How does it feel!? To be at the mercy of someone stronger than you!? Hey Seth!" Kara roared in bloodthirst, it was over in seconds, Seths body was ripped up in so many pieces that he could never regenerate ever again. A heavy weight felt lifted from Kara's shoulders, finally the one who saught to kill her for so long, got taken out of the picture, and by who else than the one she wanted to kill so badly in the beginning. She looked at Derrick who was licking the blood off his lips.

"Derrick?" He turned to her, she reached out and took his head on her paws "Do you know who i am?"

It looked closely at her, but then a sence of the killing intent came out of his aura, asif Derrick's soul returned but hated her instantly. Kishra used her shadow jump to get Kara out of the way just in time as his claw barely hit her.

"Whats going on!?" Luna yelled.

"Another bad thing about the death awakening, its other name is the birth of revenge" Kishra said watching the hate in Derrick's eyes "The first thing its mind will remember is the one it hates most, in Derrick's case that was Seth, after that it will move down a list of things it didnt like and attempt to kill it"

"And how does this 'List' work?" Luna asked?

"Not entirely sure, but as his memories slowly return his list wil grow, only when he remembers all the things he hates, will he remember the good instead of the bad done to him"
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"Fuck" Shiva said finally after being quiet, she knew she would definitly be on Derrick's agenda now "This is bad, Derrick had a large line of enemies in his life, this could take forever" She said backing away.

"If you run, you die first" Derrick finally spoke clearly and looked at Shiva.

"D, Derrick?" Kara asked carefully, he looked back at her.

"You couldn't just dissapear could you? You just had to come back!?"

Kara was speechless, Derrick scanned from face to face, earlier it was all red, all rage, killing was what he wanted to do, nothing more. But now atleast he could keep his pose, although it felt like the slightest thing could set him off again, he breathed out slowly, he could feel he and the wolf had an understanding.

"Where is Sasha?" He asked not seeing her.

"She went to italy to the rest of our pack" Luna said.

"Then why didn't you two go as well!?"

"I needed to train Kara to control her wolf form, and i couldn't do it in Italy"

"Then why not go there after she managed to learn?"


"Because i needed to come see you first" Kara said.


"I, dont know" She said looking down.

"Thats simple" Kishra said "His venom awakened you Kara, you were drawn to him"

"How cloud my venom have done that when i only became a werewolf now?" Derrick asked.

"That massive amounts of adrenaline you put out when you get anger is mixed with a very low dose of wolf venom. Its not enough to make you shift, but it gives you a huge power boost, but because you were only human your body would burn out from it very quickly, it could even have killed you, that being said, Kara must have somehow induced some of your blood whilst you were very angry at something" Kishra said, making Kara remember that night Derrick killed Jason.

"That night in the abandonded petting zoo" Kara said. Derrick remembered it.

"Yes, i was in that situation thanks to you in the first place" he snarled and sprung his claws, Kara backed away.

"I know yourr angry, but.. but.."

"No excuses, payback time" He said and swung a claw at her, in a flash his arm got sethered and dropped to the ground, Derrick roared backing off. Kara looked at the arm, then at her mother who shrugged, then Kishra? Who was also clueless.

"You bastard! I have no businesses with you, dont get involved" Derrick growled in another direction, the saw Chane standing one side, his hand full of blood.

"Im sorry, those of you left here should stop fighting, we have a common enemy, and its time to unite" Chane said.

"How did you do that!? Seth could barely break his skin, you sethered his arm completely" Luna yelled.

"I was created by doctor Ezbar, to kill amaroks"

Kishra was bewildered, she knew how tough an amarok is, she knew how hard a complete one is to kill, yet this hellcat tore Derricks arm off in one claw.

"Its not that simple" she said eventually. "Derrick wont just listen to you hellcat, his mind is still fogged by rage"

"Not necessarily" Derrick said "I think quite clearly right about now... Chane, give me one good reason i shouldn't kill Kara?"

Chane smiled "Ill give you two, the first is obvious man, you like her don't you remember?"

"That was when i was human!"

"Very well, then there's the case with the fleet of monsters coming to Capetown"

Derrick frowned "A fleet of monsters?"

"Yes, maybe Kishra over there can explain better"

Kishra suddenly in the spotlight cleared her throat.

"Yes, i did promise i would tell you guys about the demon"

"Senjin?" Guinevere asked?

"Yes, who told you about him?"

"My parents, but they didn't go into detail"

"Senjin is a conqueror, just like us Anubis, he wants to rule the world. But he came from another dimention entirely, how he did it and where that is is beyond me, now just like us, who wants the whole world turned into werewolves, so Senjin can turn people into demons, diffrence is the human he turns needs to have some darkness in the heart, hate, vengeance, murderous intent, even fear can allow him to turn someone into a demon. And what Senjin planned was to turn as much of the American population into demons, then move over to Africa and work his way up to Asia and so forth"

"Fuck, so he's on his way here with more than a million demons?" Guinevere asked.

"No, millions is more like it"

And what does this have to do with me?" Derrick asked.

"We only have the SANDF on our side Derrick. Me, my sister, my mother and father, Chane and Sylvester are the only 'Supernatural' force to go up against him" Guinevere said.

"Then what of all you werewolves? You going to help" Derrick asked.

"No, not the other packs atleast, but the wolves you see here might, its all about volunteering really, me, im not going" Kishra said. Derrick scanned the faces then remembered Shiva behind him, he turned to her.

"Come here!" He said

"Yes" She almost yelped.

"I'm not done with you, so dont you dare run!"

"I wont" She said ears sagging.

"So... you want me to go?" He asked Guinevere.

"I was hoping"

"From human trapped in a world of werewolves, now i got turned into the very beast i despised so much. Only to be asked to go face an army of fucking demons!? Forget it!"

"Then ill go" Luna said.

"What?" Kara asked.

"Its the least i can do Kara... to tell you the truth, if it wasn't for Quintin, you would never have come into my life, i owe him"

"What do you mean?" Kara asked.

Luna sighed "I guess it was only a matter of time before i had to tell you this, you're not my real daughter Kara, youre from the Fenrir clan, and Quintin was the one who brought you to me"

To Kara it didn't really matter, what did matter was...

"Why would he bring me to you? Where are my original clan members? Did they abandon me?"

"No, Kara, they're all dead, youre the last known Fenrir alive"

Again, it didnt really bother Kara.

"Its ok ma, so im from that clan hey? Thats why i have the lightning element?"

"Yes, and it explains why you have a slightly larger frame than me and Sasha"

Kara smiled proudly.

"How did they all die?" Kishra asked mockingly, and a cramp got into Luna's heart.

"They, were all, killed by Quintin himself"

Kara's smile dissapeared,.

"He, killed them all!? Then why spare me!?"

"He couldn't get it over himself to kill a newborn baby"

Kara wasn't sure how to take this in, sure she didn't know her clan, but to be able to single handedly kill all of them!? What kind of monster is he!? Out of fear for him she decided to hate him in a rightfull fashion, werewolf versus hellcat.

"I would never help him" she coldy said, making Luna's head drop.

"This Quintin sounds like a beast not to be messed with, maybe he wont need our help after all" Derrick said.

"No, im still going" Luna said.

"No you're not" He stressed making her look up at him.

"I get a certain feeling that i have some sort of say now that im a wolf right? And i say all of you are in my pack now, and ill be the alpha... that includes you Shiva!"

The female wolves looked at him stunned, Shiva nodded in relief. Derrick didn't know why he threw himself into this, it might be this wolf slowly growing on him, silently teaching him the ways of the wolf in his subconscious.

"And my first order as your alpha, no one goes to Capetown, ill go instead"

Again the females looked at him in disbelief, Luna couldn't help but laugh "Seriously? You're barely a few hours a werewolf, and now you want to order me around? With all due respect Derrick, go fuck yourself I'm going to aid Quintin, you might be a powerfull Amarok now, but im still older and wiser than you"

She hissed at him, Derrick could feel the sincerity in her words like ice in his face, he had no choice but to allow her.

"You" he looked at Kishra.

"That thing you do where you disappear into the shadows, can i do it aswell?"

"Technically yes, and my name is Kishra, not 'you'

"Can you teach me?"

She shrugged "Suppose i could, but my method of using the shadows are diffrent from that of the black clan, i can show you the basics but the rest is up to you"

Derrick nodded "Good... how long till those demons arrive?" He asked Guinevere.

"Tomorrow afternoon"

"We have till then, teach me" He said and Kishra nodded.

End chapter.

Chapter end

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