Hisshou Dungeon Unei Houhou Chapter 44

Hisshou Dungeon Unei Houhou Chapter 44

Chapter 44 – Doppelganger.

Side: Aslin

Today again, I worked hard with onii-chan.
For my reward, onii-chan gave me my favorite strawberry flavored ice cream for dinner.

(Aslin)「It’s good huh~.Don’t you say, Labiris-chan.」


(Philia)「It’s delicious.Nii-sama!!」

I was surprised yesterday when Labiris-chan slapped Ellis onee-chan’s cheek. But I was sure. She had her reason.

Ellis onee-chan didn’t understand either, but she apologized to us.
I thought that nothing bad happened, however.

But wasn’t it good now since everyone became good friends?
I was delighted to eat dinner.

Yup, the dinner I worked hard to make!!

But after this was something called arithmetic? Even though I persevered, it was hard, but I will try my hardest.

That’s what Labiris-chan said!「A good woman can do a broad range of things.」So I was going to try my best and become a lovely lady.

Since my body hadn’t matured, for the time being, Yuki-san’s sexual desire had yet to fawn over me. I was not worried because I would soon go Boin Boin1) like Labiris-chan!!

While I was thinking, Lulu talked in a loud voice that everyone could hear.

(lulu)「Everyone, will you hear me?」

Everyone’s eyes gathered around Lulu, around her voice.

(Lulu)「I’d like… To return to my country, the Holy Ritea. I think that it’s really rude coming from me toward everyone since I asked for your protection. But I realized something. I am still a citizen of Ritea. And I am a Holy Woman. Even if in the end, it means my death, I need to return to the Holy Country Ritea and correct my mistakes. Please, allow me to go out from here.」

I didn’t understand difficult things, but if Lulu wanted to go back to Ritea? Then I think she should return.
Because she was not like us, she had a place to go back, and that’s probably for the better.

But everyone was silent.
Millie had a very scary face. I wondered why?

(Aslin)「Hey, onii-chan. Is there a place where Lulu can return? If she can go home, isn’t it better to go? Everyone is indeed worried.」

I asked onii-chan while pulling his sleeves.

(Yuki)「That’s right. It’s as you said, Aslin. How about it everyone?」

Onii-chan patted my head and asked to all of them.

(Aslin)「No~, if the person herself wants to go, I don’t see any reason to stop her.」

(Millie)「…… At most, it will use some luggage.」

(Lutz)「I won’t stop you. What I need to know is your intention.」
(Kaya)「… Nothing particular」

Everyone2) was favorable toward Lulu’s return.
However, her good friend, Herge onee-chan seemed a bit lonely.

(Herge)「Lulu-sama.But, then…」

(Oriel)「Herge-sama, it’s useless. Lulu-sama is going to live for her beliefs.」

(Lulu)「Herge-sama. The probability that I will die is high. Nonetheless, I have to do it. It’s something not anyone can be entrusted with. Holy woman, I think that I received this power purposely for this. It’s all right. I won’t die without fighting.」

(Aslin)「Eh!? Lulu-sama can’t die!? It’s not good!! Even though we could get along well!! Onii-chan, do help!?」

Hearing the word 「Die」 twice from Lulu, my eyes became filled with tears.

(Yuki)「That’s right. I can go to great lengths but, I would be bothered if you died. Can you picture this? But if you accept my proposal, I don’t mind helping?」

(Aslin)「Onii-chan!! Don’t mess with Lulu!!」

He should have given help normally, instead he acted maliciously.

(Labiris)「Aslin, it’s ok. Yuki is talking to Lulu so that he can protect her.」

(Aslin)「Is that so?」

Replying to Labiris-chan, I examined onii-chan’s face.

(Yuki)「…… Waah, Aslin’s distress is an unusual sight. Lulu, If you succeed in restoring your position, you’ll have to stop the invasion toward the Dungeon. And you will have to help with foreign diplomacy at the same time. More precisely, I want you to follow my plan, and I need you to remain safe, I will provide with an escort and a trump card.」

In the end, onii-chan craved in to help Lulu.

(Lulu)「… Yes, that’s obvious. But that’s if I’m rehabilitated. But who’s going to escort me? And this situation, what will you do, will you be able to overturn it quickly?」

Full of disbeliefs, Lulu-sama watched onii-chan with round eyes.

(Yuki)「Well, that’s surprising. My purpose isn’t to only guard Lulu. There’s various things along.」

Onii-chan made that face he sometimes did when he was about to play a prank.

When onii-chan made a prank, everyone was able to smile.
This face was like the one he did when he gave us ice cream for the first time.

(Yuki)「First of all, the escort then I want to gather pieces of information. For that job I selected Mauve, Raija and Curse.」

(Mauve)「Oh, leave it to me.」

(Raija)「Is it a long journey?」


So onii-chan called out; and Mauve, Curse, and Raija answered.
Those men were really strong. Lulu now everything was all right!!

(Yuki)「And now, about our trump card. Rather, I will introduce a fellow3) who has many interesting cards up his sleeve to play.」


Lulu-sama made a face.
Accompanying her, I didn’t know. Because what we had here were only human shaped beings.

Then, was it the strong and kind Goblins? Or the bouncing slimes?
Well no, for certain!! It was the brave, the strong, the friendly cow, the blood minotaurs!!

(???)「Hello, pleased to meet you.」

The door of the room opened, and one man came in.

His hair was blond. But somehow, he had something similar to onii-chan.

…… What?

「Onii-chan…is it? That man」

Everyone displayed surprise all over their face but mine came through words instead.
Because, of course, that’s my onii-chan. His moves and atmosphere are exactly like onii-chan!

(Yuki)「Whoa, hey Labiris. Has Aslin found out?」

In front of me, the second and new onii-chan patted my head while he asked.
This way of stroking was definitely the one from onii-chan.!

(Lulu)「… What do you mean?」

It was Lulu-sama. She gave a glance to the older onii-chan.
But the genuine older brother didn’t move. Instead, his eyes were shut.

(Herge)「Ah, perhaps it is a doppelganger!?」

The voice of Herge onee-chan increased as she remembered something.


Onii-chan clapped his hands as if to praise.
I did the same as him, I clapped.

(Aslin)「Herge onee-chan, fantastic!!」

(Herge)「Yes.Yes! Your onee-chan is amazing!!」

Herge onee-chan embraced me, spinning me around.
Recently, Herge onee-chan, onii-chan and me often slept together.

(Yuki)「Now, can you explain? First, what is a doppelganger? Mauve and friends, you guys are the most versed regarding the monsters. Can you share your knowledge?」

(Mauve)「Oh, ah. It really is you Yuki. I understand. The Doppelganger are monsters that live in some particular Dungeon or special area with a high degree of difficulty. Generally, those monsters impersonate your friends after they fall for a trap. Then they come to attack you by surprise. However, a doppelganger can mimic only the shape but not the memory. Usually, if you are a diver 4), you notice soon that something is wrong with your friend. What makes it possible? It seems that the abilities and the ways of moving are slightly on par with the original, but that’s it. The rank of a doppelganger according to our guild was… around 4?」

(Curse)「Yeah, there is no doubts.I fought with a doppelganger too. It’s not a mighty monster.」

Uh, doppelgangers were demons good at imitating others.
Huh? But onii-chan’s doppelganger wasn’t like that at all?

「Fumufumu5), that’s a good explanation you had there. Then, let us talk about the characteristics of this doppelganger I experimented. And my conclusion. When the level reaches high enough heights, it’s possible for a perfect imitation and transformation. In other words, the memory can be replicated perfectly. However, I didn’t dare to do it. Because when you replicate all the memory of an individual, most of the time, you end up betrayed. More precisely, he will forget that he was himself a demon, to begin with. That’s why I was sure not to replicate my memories. Let’s consider, what would happen if a false, higher leveled than Mauve appeared?」

(Mauve)「No, isn’t it convenient?」

Mauve oji-san6) said it was convenient.
I also thought so. Because with someone stronger than me, wouldn’t it be easier and fun?

(Yuki)「Mauve, what would happen if your level was so low that you weren’t of any use to the fake?」

(Mauve)「Well, you’d get in the way… Getting rid of a hindrance, something like that.」

(Yuki)「Yes, with his will becoming genuine, the counterfeit will try to get rid of you. Well, even if you call him a fake, he’s still the real deal who will outperform you. Even if you don’t have a reason to part with each other, you definitely wouldn’t have a reason to stay together. Have you ever heard of a story where someone lives in harmony with a doppelganger?」

(Mauve)「No, definitely not.」

(Yuki)「I suppose. In the case where you had an imitation. And in the case you’re the real thing, Curse and Raija will have to choose between you. Even if you talk about an imitation, it’s still a perfect one. And if you don’t have enough willpower, you can’t endure this for a long time. In the case you are his friends, it’s hard to swallow that he might be merely an imitation.」


(Yuki)「This is the reason why they aren’t perfect copies. The memories are purposely not copied, and it’s convenient to give a single order. Like Mauve said, to impersonate and eliminate the invaders. Or something on the line. With an order, I would be able to put one under my command even when the memories are perfectly imitated. However, he will become unstable and unreliable since he would have my memories.」

I don’t quite understand. If I had an imitation, even if stronger, she would not be more suitable for onii-chan than me!! Would she try to push me aside?
Uh~, it wouldn’t bother me to become her friend~.

(Yuki)「And another feature of the doppelganger is that he isn’t aware of his dependency toward his consciousness. Bluntly speaking, a direct control is possible. However, I can’t move while I operate him. Herge’s counterfeit was performed this way too.」

(Mauve)「Oh, I see. However, what about this one appearance? It’s widely different from Yuki-san?」

(Yuki)「If you think simply, a doppelganger can mimic anything.v Basically, you can transform the parts as you like. Well, the exact same body could move without any discomfort. However, since my body is small I had a hard time raising my level.」

So when onii-chan’d moved this body, he couldn’t move!!
Huh? But even when you come down to it, another onii-chan came…

(Lulu)「Well, perhaps.Is that Yuki-san’s trump card?」

Lulu-sama was surprised, her eyes round.

(Yuki)「No no, this body is one of my hand. And the back of this hand is the trump card. Because its effect will depend on your performance. If this body was to die, no problem would arise. They won’t be able to tell that the Dungeon was involved. Mauve’s party will only be tasked to collect basics information. When Lulu moves toward Ritea, I will be the escort.」
(Lulu)「Hey!? But, a demon in a holy place, you can compromise my position!!」

(Yuki)「Well, I’ve already understood this problem, I’m the one behind that fellow. We can do a little test, do you not have a technique to uncover a demon with holy magic?」

(Lulu)「I have one…」

(Yuki)「Try at once, if you discover anything I will protect you from the shadows. Otherwise, I will openly become your escort.」

(Lulu)「Can you enlight me? Sacred light which can reveal the devil’s figure!! Light shower!!」

When Lulu advocated the magic, beautiful lights overflowed the room.

(Yuki)「Humm, there is no problem at all.」


(Yuki)「Well, there are various reasons, but the main thing should be the level difference?」

(Lulu)「Level, how high on earth is yours!? I am a level 44 Arc bishop!? I’m still the third in power from Ritea!?」

(Yuki)「Uhー,… Yeah.I’m sorry, I’m seemingly ahead.」

My brother answered, and brought down the doppelganger’s status.

Name: Yuki

Status: Possessed Demon.

Occupations: The ones which satisfy interest.
Age: O years




Agi(Quickness): 3032

Well, an adequate amount.

(Aslin)「Oh, oh, onii-chan, you are unbelievable!! You look like a hero from the legends!!」

(Labiris)「Ohー, don’t be surprised. Indeed, he’s a Dungeon Master. Well, the people from earlier, there’s no way they can win against Yuki the Dungeon Master.」

(Lulu)「Ahh, ahhh, by what means… such legendary level…」

(Yuki)「No, because I had some free time before joining with everyone, I’ve sent my doppelganger to try and capture the Dungeon. Of course, without including any of the traps. Also, without including the members I raised. I wanted to see how I could increase the levels and thus I did normal battles with goblins and lesser dragons with a high-powered weapon. The levels rose more smoothly than I thought. It felt as if I absorbed something from the defeated monsters. Therefore, if Labiris and the others were to experience this, their levels should rise rapidly?」

Eh, then me too, I could immediately raise my level to 100, wasn’t that strong?

(Lulu)「…… What the hell do you think my life was…」

Somehow, Lulu-sama looked depressed. I was wondering why?


And finally, Lulu made up her mind!!
And he will eventually be unleashed outside. The Dungeon Master!!

For the typo thank you8)

Chapter end

Chapter 176
Chapter 175
Chapter 174
Chapter 173
Chapter 172
Chapter 171
Chapter 170
Chapter 169
Chapter 168
Chapter 167
Chapter 166
Chapter 165
Chapter 164
Chapter 163
Chapter 162
Chapter 161
Chapter 160
Chapter 159
Chapter 158
Chapter 157
Chapter 156
Chapter 155
Chapter 154
Chapter 153
Chapter 152
Chapter 151
Chapter 150
Chapter 149
Chapter 148
Chapter 147
Chapter 146
Chapter 145
Chapter 144
Chapter 143
Chapter 142
Chapter 141
Chapter 140
Chapter 139
Chapter 138
Chapter 137
Chapter 136
Chapter 135
Chapter 134-135
Chapter 133
Chapter 132
Chapter 131
Chapter 130
Chapter 129
Chapter 128
Chapter 127
Chapter 126
Chapter 125
Chapter 124
Chapter 123
Chapter 122
Chapter 121
Chapter 120
Chapter 119
Chapter 118
Chapter 117
Chapter 116
Chapter 115
Chapter 114
Chapter 113
Chapter 112
Chapter 111
Chapter 110
Chapter 109
Chapter 108
Chapter 107
Chapter 106
Chapter 105
Chapter 104
Chapter 103
Chapter 102
Chapter 101
Chapter 100
Chapter 99
Chapter 98
Chapter 97
Chapter 96
Chapter 95
Chapter 94
Chapter 93
Chapter 92
Chapter 91
Chapter 90
Chapter 89
Chapter 88
Chapter 87
Chapter 86
Chapter 85
Chapter 84
Chapter 83
Chapter 82
Chapter 81
Chapter 80
Chapter 79
Chapter 78
Chapter 77
Chapter 76
Chapter 75
Chapter 74
Chapter 73
Chapter 72
Chapter 71
Chapter 70
Chapter 69
Chapter 68
Chapter 67
Chapter 66
Chapter 65
Chapter 64
Chapter 63
Chapter 62
Chapter 61
Chapter 60
Chapter 59
Chapter 58
Chapter 57
Chapter 56
Chapter 55-56
Chapter 54
Chapter 53
Chapter 52
Chapter 51
Chapter 50
Chapter 49
Chapter 48
Chapter 47
Chapter 46
Chapter 45
Chapter 44
Chapter 43
Chapter 42
Chapter 41
Chapter 40
Chapter 39
Chapter 38
Chapter 37
Chapter 36
Chapter 35
Chapter 34
Chapter 33
Chapter 32
Chapter 31
Chapter 30
Chapter 29
Chapter 28
Chapter 27
Chapter 26
Chapter 25
Chapter 24
Chapter 23
Chapter 22
Chapter 21
Chapter 20
Chapter 19
Chapter 18
Chapter 17
Chapter 16
Chapter 15
Chapter 14
Chapter 13
Chapter 12
Chapter 11
Chapter 10
Chapter 9
Chapter 8
Chapter 7
Chapter 6
Chapter 5
Chapter 4
Chapter 3
Chapter 2
Chapter 1
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