Hisshou Dungeon Unei Houhou Chapter 37

Hisshou Dungeon Unei Houhou Chapter 37

Chapter 37 – The importance of one’s own room.

side: Millie

After the conference with Seraria-sama ended, Yuki-san turned toward us.

(Yuki)「Well, I want you to listen, because everyone’s schedule is decided.I intend to prepare for a place where 400 people can live.What kind of home do you think will do the job?」

Without hesitation, as always; he who respect us, was seeking our cooperation.

Along with that, he seemed to have saved the holy women.

However, after I was bought by Mauve-san’s party and brought to Yuki-san, I was able to see a new age.

However, soon I understood easily.If the future he showed to us was to happen, unfortunate things like the ones which happened to us would decrease in the world.

What he said wasn’t irresponsible. Unlike someone who wouldn’t have his foot onto the ground.What he said felt real before our eyes.

Although he had power, he didn’t present himself as someone arrogant, nor did he showed up as someone self-righteous. For the success of his plan, he asked for our cooperation.

… Honestly, even if Yuki-san said that he wanted to make an army and he wanted to annex the country Gai, I would follow him.

… Was it fate?

For the time being, he thought that neither dictatorship nor monarchy was desirable. Tough what we want to do for now is to bear his children and raise an heir.

… Well, even though I wasn’t for it, Lulu-sama has been forced to conceive Yuki-san’s child.2)
I had a personal grudge. But regardless of that, she had a superior ability for this matter.

That’s why I accepted it.For the sake of raising a talented child, Lulu-sama will be used as a sexual tool. But please, do me as well.3)
I pray for the monogamy concept of Yuki-san to disappear, this way, it will be a good opportunity for all of us to become pregnant.

All the requirements for Lulu-sama were written on a paper. Seems like she will be able to bear children. But I will be the one to do it first and bear Yuki-san’s children. Even if we are sheltering this harmful animal, I was still thinking of murdering her.

Even if you can make a child, we will raise him. You don’t have to worry because the blood of Yuki-san will be flowing inside him, it’s important to raise the child diligently. Lulu-sama won’t have to worry about anything ok? However, I would like it if you could stay inside a room for the rest of your life.

While I was thinking about this dark things, Yuki-san asked me.

(Yuki)「…e, cause Lutz can do it in seven days,What kind of house would you like Millie?」

(Millie)「Me? When I was working at the guild, I shared a room with three coworkers.Although I had my family’s house too, it wasn’t that much different.」

(Yuki)「Did you three had separate rooms?」

(Millie)「No, only very wealthy merchants, nobles or royalty can have the privilege to own their own room.」

Yuki-san had a hard time thinking.

(Millie)「Ellis, what is difficult for Yuki-san?」

Because I was absent minded and didn’t listen to what Yuki-san said, I asked Ellis instead.

(Ellis)「What is… Oh, Herge-sama? Lulu-sama? I understand that you didn’t listen, but Yuki-san’s talk is important, okay?」

(Millie)「Sorry, I’ll be careful.Then, about Yuki-san?」

(Ellis)「The talk was about whether the slaves, the escort, and the guards should have their personal rooms. To say more specifically, they won’t probably have their family with them. That’s why he is thinking to give one room per person.」

(Millie)「Huh, no matter how much Yuki-san is gentle… The slaves shouldn’t push their luck…」

It was forbidden for Yuki-san to convey his generosity to the upcoming slaves.

Therefore, we must use the name of Dungeon Master. We needed to establish respect and fear into the slaves.

To have one’s own room is a privilege only received by those with higher status.
If you give such a treatment to the slaves, they won’t think like slaves anymore. Instead, they probably wouldn’t listen to you.

(Millie)「In the first place, weren’t the slaves used as a pretext to hire them? Plus, don’t we need them to eliminate discrimination? Will you be troubled if the slaves suddenly brought refugees?」

(Lutz)「Honestly, I understand ~… Well, assuming refugees will come here, won’t it become something usual in the future?」

(Ellis)「That’s right.The slaves are the lowest of this continent hierarchy. That way, if we give one room to each slave, wouldn’t it be a good thing to remove that sense of discrimination?」

(Lutz)「But I think, if we use the employment system to handle the slaves, won’t it be enough to remove the sense of discrimination onii-san?」

As Lutz said, the slaves couldn’t even think how paradise-like is this place.

Usually, they sleep curled on the floor and ate the leftovers.It’s normal for a slave.

(Millie)「Yuki-san, The slaves can just live like us, together in a mass. Why not create a big room for 400 people? Or 100 people? 50? Don’t you think it’s good? However, what does a private room even mean?」

(Yuki)「Oh, I see.You don’t understand the meaning behind a private room…That’s it, follow me.」

After he said that, Yuki-san walked away holding Labiris-chan like a mother.
To be honest, I envied Labiris-chan, Aslin and Philia.

(Lutz)「Oh! Isn’t this the place with the Dungeon core?」

Lutz said so.Certainly, this should be the place with the Dungeon core.

Though I didn’t understand the meaning beforehand, now I don’t think that I would touch the Dungeon core.

(Yuki)「Yes, it’s a Dummy.Anyway, come over here.」

(Lutz)「Haa!? Onii-san, is this core fake!?」

(Yuki)「Well, I doubt this place would be so easy to find.It’s a real core but it’s irrelevant to this Dungeon tough.」

(Lutz)「… Real but not real, it’s unusual…」

Lutz passed to an amazed state from a surprised state…. She really is a shrewd person.

… This room was already like a hidden room…And there’s another room hidden too?

As far as I heard, this Dungeon had more brutal traps than any other Dungeon.

(Yuki)「Yes. This is my private room with my personal things.Welcome in.」

Yuki-san opened the door and invited us inside.

(Girls)「Yes, excuse me for intruding.」

We said that while passing the door.

(Yuki)「Ah, please take off your shoes there.It’s the same as the inn.Please wear the slippers.」

In that way, we were let inside Yuki-san’s room.
… It was beyond our understanding.

(Millie)「Heh, ah, ah… This place…」

(Lutz)「What, well, is onii-san’s private room a copy of the hotel?

Though the area is narrower than the banquet hall, how can I say this, it’s beautiful.

What to say about our baptism. None of the furnitures were luxurious, but they had a lean shape.

When we turned our eyes to the wall, we could see colorful bookshelves with many books.
For decoration, there was also a drawn landscape and the map of the Dungeon displayed at the hall in a corner of the room.

(Yuki)「Well, even if there are various unusual things, please sit. I guess 15 guests are too many … 8 can sit on the sofa.The table has enough chairs for 8 people.For the remaining, I’m sorry but you’ll have to sit on the floor…. It might be a good thing to expand this room.」

Although we were looking at the various things, we were urged to sit on the sofa by Yuki-san.
The youngsters waited for Yuki-san and followed him.

(Yuki)「That reminds me, does any of you can’t drink milk?」

Nobody said no.

(Yuki)「Well, that’s good. Do you want to try cocoa4)? 」

“Cocoa”? What is that?
After waiting for a little while, Labiris and the others took the glasses places on the tray.

(Yuki)「Are you alright?」

(Aslin)「Please sit onii-chan!! Aslin wants to be useful!!」


(Labiris)「… Yuki, give up.」5)

For a little moment, I became insecure but we received “cocoa”? When I got a hold of the cup,
I was surprised… The content was a brown and warm water… Mud water?

(Yuki)「Regardless of its look, try to drink it.It’s not poisonous.」

Because Yuki-san said that, I tried to put it up to my mouth…


(Lutz)「Fua!? Wha-what is this!? It’s terribly delicious!? Does it contain sugar!?」

While the others made round eyes, Lutz and me were the only one expressing ourselves. I took yet another mouthful of cocoa.

(Yuki)「Oh, perhaps sugar is a luxury?」

(Millie)「Of course it is…」


We didn’t know how deep Yuki-san was.6)

(Lutz)「O-onii-san.For what reason have you brought us here? Was it because you wanted us to drink cocoa?」

(Yuki)「Well, it’s a part of the reason.What did you think when you saw this room?」

(Lutz)「How can I say it, this room is very much like you, onii-san.」

This was Lutz-san answer.I thought the same.Although it’s not overly luxurious, it’s a clean and friendly place.

Strangely, this room gave a good feeling.

(Yuki)「Really? When I have a private room, I can fill it with my things and use it for my hobbies. Millie, do you mind if I hold you like a Princess for a bit?」

(Millie)「Eh? Eh?」

(Yuki)「The time is short, so I will apologize later if you want.」

Before I could even answer, I was already carried by Yuki-san.

In such a way that I stood dreamy. But when I heard him congratulate me, something like a 「Kasha」7) could be heard.

(Yuki)「Thank you.Are you ok? If it’s unpleasant, I’m sorry?」

(Millie)「No!! You’re welcome at any time!!」

After he released me, I think that my cheeks were dyed red.

The box under the desk spat out something like a paper.8)

(Yuki)「Here, Millie.This is called a photo, you take them when you find something or someone beautiful.」

Saying so, he showed me the photo.

(Millie)「Ah, thi-this is Yuki-san and me!?」

What Yuki-san and me did a bit earlier was reflected in the picture.
As I looked at the picture where time seemed frozen, I could see my nervous looking face and Yuki-san’s calming one.

(Lutz)「Once again, this is amazing~」

(Labiris)「… I’m jealous. I want a photo too.」

Everyone looked at the photo, some said their admirations while others expressed their wishes.

(Yuki)「Millie, I want to hear from you, what did you think about this room. Did you feel something different?」


(Yuki)「As for this, you can secretly display this in your private room. Or rather, do you want everyone to see it?」

(Millie)「… I don’t want to show it to someone who isn’t my friend.」

Because I was fascinated by the picture, I lost to Yuki-san.
It was a shame, but I was happy. A picture of us… It’s wonderful!!

(Yuki)「Inside a private room, one can decorate it with photos. After collecting materials for his hobby as well, won’t his salary circulate inside the Dungeon?」

(Lutz)「Oh, that’s the idea? If we want to keep them employed, and as we are supplying them with the money, it will most likely dry up otherwise. Now, I’m convinced as for the utility of a private room.」

(Yuki)「Milie, what about you?」

(Millie)「I don’t have any objection!! Later, I want to receive more of this photos! I want a private room too!!」

(Yuki)「No, having more than one of the same photo is useless, well it can’t be helped… There are private rooms for you all in the hotel. I was going to have you live in private rooms from the beginning. When we return to the hotel, you can choose which room is good for you.」

After that, Yuki-san took a picture with everyone. They will display their photos in their own rooms.
A photo taken with everyone was used as a decoration at the front door of the inn.

Still, I think that Yuki-san’s goal is really good.

Therefore, I pray that this sweet face of yours doesn’t get distorted by something…

Of course, after that was the bookshelf of Yuki-san.Nude women were reflected in the large book. Before we could judge his preference, he took the book back and threw it away.


This was Millie’s first time.Lulu-san’s sex plan was to deal with her resentment.
Did you find the small worship I expressed?

When I say it’s from a net game? It’s Gundam online!!

Tomorrow is Alex!! However, I want a Japanese night seeker!!
The phrase 「Yuki no Sakasuki」some people who know about it are okay with it.9)

As usual, thank you for reporting the errors.

Chapter end

Chapter 176
Chapter 175
Chapter 174
Chapter 173
Chapter 172
Chapter 171
Chapter 170
Chapter 169
Chapter 168
Chapter 167
Chapter 166
Chapter 165
Chapter 164
Chapter 163
Chapter 162
Chapter 161
Chapter 160
Chapter 159
Chapter 158
Chapter 157
Chapter 156
Chapter 155
Chapter 154
Chapter 153
Chapter 152
Chapter 151
Chapter 150
Chapter 149
Chapter 148
Chapter 147
Chapter 146
Chapter 145
Chapter 144
Chapter 143
Chapter 142
Chapter 141
Chapter 140
Chapter 139
Chapter 138
Chapter 137
Chapter 136
Chapter 135
Chapter 134-135
Chapter 133
Chapter 132
Chapter 131
Chapter 130
Chapter 129
Chapter 128
Chapter 127
Chapter 126
Chapter 125
Chapter 124
Chapter 123
Chapter 122
Chapter 121
Chapter 120
Chapter 119
Chapter 118
Chapter 117
Chapter 116
Chapter 115
Chapter 114
Chapter 113
Chapter 112
Chapter 111
Chapter 110
Chapter 109
Chapter 108
Chapter 107
Chapter 106
Chapter 105
Chapter 104
Chapter 103
Chapter 102
Chapter 101
Chapter 100
Chapter 99
Chapter 98
Chapter 97
Chapter 96
Chapter 95
Chapter 94
Chapter 93
Chapter 92
Chapter 91
Chapter 90
Chapter 89
Chapter 88
Chapter 87
Chapter 86
Chapter 85
Chapter 84
Chapter 83
Chapter 82
Chapter 81
Chapter 80
Chapter 79
Chapter 78
Chapter 77
Chapter 76
Chapter 75
Chapter 74
Chapter 73
Chapter 72
Chapter 71
Chapter 70
Chapter 69
Chapter 68
Chapter 67
Chapter 66
Chapter 65
Chapter 64
Chapter 63
Chapter 62
Chapter 61
Chapter 60
Chapter 59
Chapter 58
Chapter 57
Chapter 56
Chapter 55-56
Chapter 54
Chapter 53
Chapter 52
Chapter 51
Chapter 50
Chapter 49
Chapter 48
Chapter 47
Chapter 46
Chapter 45
Chapter 44
Chapter 43
Chapter 42
Chapter 41
Chapter 40
Chapter 39
Chapter 38
Chapter 37
Chapter 36
Chapter 35
Chapter 34
Chapter 33
Chapter 32
Chapter 31
Chapter 30
Chapter 29
Chapter 28
Chapter 27
Chapter 26
Chapter 25
Chapter 24
Chapter 23
Chapter 22
Chapter 21
Chapter 20
Chapter 19
Chapter 18
Chapter 17
Chapter 16
Chapter 15
Chapter 14
Chapter 13
Chapter 12
Chapter 11
Chapter 10
Chapter 9
Chapter 8
Chapter 7
Chapter 6
Chapter 5
Chapter 4
Chapter 3
Chapter 2
Chapter 1
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