Exodus: The Assassin's Path 90 Nexus

Exodus: The Assassin's Path 90 Nexus

Quinn opened the door to the VR chamber and stepped into his bedroom. He walked into the bathroom and slid out of the VR suit. "That was definitely her... but how much." He walked back into his room and grabbed some jeans and a fresh shirt. The framed picture of his mom stared at him. Her last words nearly a decade ago had crushed him... Even though he knew her condition was a result of the implants. In that last six months, she had said things that crushed a nine-year-old boy. It had been the two of them for his whole life, in less than a year he'd become a hindrance and a bother.

He left the room and trotted down the stairs, Tal was sitting at the table using the hud to speak with someone. She had a plate of sandwiches in front of her.

"This is him now, Quinn come here and meet my friend." Tal patted the seat next to her and gave him a quick kiss when he sat down. "This is Dr. Naomi Gajendra, she's an expert in software and AI development."

Quinn looked at the person in the hud, she was an Indian woman, probably mid-thirties, she gave off the same super-smart vibe that Tal had. "How can you be a doctor at your age? What are you twenty? " he grabbed a sandwich off the plate and took a bite.

"Oh my... he is very dangerous Talia." Naomi had an easy smile, like someone who used it often.

"Don't worry, I'll keep him in check." Tal slid her half drank coke over to him, "I've told her everything Quinn, even the events of last night."

Naomi leaned forward, her eyes bright with interest. "Talia must have explained my Core & Specials theory."

Quinn nodded, "I can tell you without a doubt, it was mom's voice, and there was recognition there. She wasn't surprised to see me."

"So interesting, she doesn't have control of the core, but she can override it for short moments. That means they are sharing, also she seems aware of what's going on when she's not in control... that isn't the same for the other right?"

"Right, Lara had no idea what happens, she completely blacks out." Quinn was worried about his operative, the pressure on her from the last few days had to be getting to her.

Tal placed a warm hand on his shoulder, "tell him the rest Naomi."

"I may have been wrong in my initial assessment, using her specials along with the implants and saved memory shell, it might have been possible to restore her." Naomi's dark eyes watched his face change.

"You are talking past tense. No longer possible?" Quinn didn't like the sound of that.

"Are you willing to sacrifice the host core to restore her?"

"No... I would never let that happen." Quinn stared at the hud in front of him, "I will protect Lara Sy."

Dr. Gajendra smiled, "I can why you like him, Talia."

Quinn nodded, "it's that and the incredible sex."

Naomi burst into laughter, her dark brown skin making her white teeth look even whiter. Quinn could feel Tal's eyes staring at him.

"...." Tal.

Naomi took a minute to calm down, "I'm sorry if this isn't the news you wanted to hear Quinn."

Quinn's face grew somber, "it's a loss, but I'm still ahead. What do you do for a living Doctor?"

"Hmm? Well, I just published a paper on LAIs or Lower Artificial Intelligences. Now I need to get another grant to further my research."

"We will fund your research, on the condition that you accept a position at the Academy we just built in TAP." Quinn gave her an innocent smile. "You could study LAIs first hand in an environment where they coexist with us."

Naomi pursed her lips, "damn... I owe you 10 bucks, Talia."

Tal nodded, "I know my Little Q."

"Little Q? Now that's cute."

"I'll have Anna research grant proposals and we will make you an offer." Quinn finished off his sandwich and drank the last of Tal's coke.

"Okay Quinn, no promises but I will keep an open mind."


Quinn flew in through the upper entrance of the Eyrie, he dropped Ba'Avriel and walked down the long hallway to the inner nest.

"Quinn!!" Maia was sitting behind the service window reading a thick book. She jumped up and slid through the window when she saw him.

"Hey Monkeybutt," he hugged Maia close. "Your wings are really looking good!"

Maia nodded while turning slightly red, he had fixed her wings, brought her to someplace nice and given her an important job. In her mind, he was a hero. "I really missed you, Quinn."

Quinn checked his hud, "Lara Sy been here yet?"

"No, but she did call and ask to reserve a Gryphon for this afternoon." Maia leaned through the service window and checked her logbook, "another ten minutes."

"Hey... you interested in attending the Academy when it opens up?" Quinn was happy with her work, but Maia should spend time with kids her own age also.

"Could I?" Maia had seen the Academy floating in the sky before the stealth engines had been engaged, it looked amazing.

"Yes, in fact, let's get you a few assistants to help you out around here." Quinn had noted that there were a few younger Gryphon wings living in Ravenwood, Merci would be able to recommend someone. "Gotta check my mail quick, excuse me Monkeybutt."

Maia laughed and shook her head, "okay Quinn."

Quinn activated the blinking mail icon.


Subject: Thank you Q. Sender: Vandir Chamyl Attachment: Package

Subject: Pioneer Bounty Sender: TAP Admin Attachment: Currency, Legal Documents x2

Subject: VSP Acceptance Sender: Zara Deshi Attachment: None:

"Open First Mail."

System Message: A Phoenix Egg has been deposited into your inventory.


You have my unending gratitude for your part in eliminating the threat that has plagued our country for so long. I hope that our two nations will continue to work together in the future. I understand that Lady Saffron has taken a position in Fora, she is a fine person and a good friend. Please treat her kindly. My own daughter has asked to join Fora, of course, I can't approve of such a thing. I will, however, enroll her in the Academy that Fora is opening. Please accept this gift on behalf of my nation and its people.


"Wait... a real Phoenix Egg? What do I do with that? Open Second Mail."

System Message: Property deed has been deposited into your inventory.

System Message: Title of Duke has been deposited into your inventory.

System Message: 100 million credits have been deposited into your inventory

System Message: A new Hit List has been added to your inventory.


On behalf of Admin thank you for your service to TAP. In addition to this, you have also uncovered a new TAP Class: Pyromancer. The character in question is no longer playable. Given this fact, and your service, we've decided that the standard reward isn't suitable. Your prior title of Count has been upgraded to Duke. Your rank entitles you to a monthly stipend in the amount of 500 thousand credits. You have been granted the right to build an embassy in any TAP city. The property deed enclosed grants you 10,000 acres of any unclaimed lands in TAP territories. There are building materials and workers included in the land grant. You have been promoted to the 25 step in TAP. Do your best.

May you find your path.

Pioneer Bounty Inc. Admin

System Message: NPC Assassin Abilities have been upgraded.

"Hmm? Display NPC Assassin changes."

The Following NPC skill,

TAP: NPC Assassin

Skill Name: Hiding in Plain Site Level 3

Description: Enables character to assume 5

basic NPC identities, Guardsman, Shopkeeper,

Diplomat, Dock Worker, and Foreign Prince. Character cannot

initiate or take part in combat while using this skill.

While Diplomat is active, Charisma is

increased by +30.

Has been Upgraded to.

TAP: NPC Assassin

Skill Name: Perfect Imitation.

Description: You can assume the NPC

identity of any common worker. You can

assume the identity of any nobleman rank

up to the title of Prince. Restrictions no longer


The Following NPC skill,

TAP: NPC Assassin

Skill Name: The Quest Giver Level 2

Description: Enables character to give low

level quests to other characters.

Use of this skill is restricted to Hiding

in Plain site. You now have the ability

to create Mass Quests.

Has been Upgraded to,

TAP: NPC Assassin

Skill Name: The Quest King.

Description: You may now create single

and Mass Quests up to Legendary difficulty.

You may create chain quests. As long as your

quest doesn't violate prior quest parameters,

the nearest governing body assumes the cost

of your quests.

"Nice, I'll create some chain quests that will help the new halflings level up faster. Open Third Mail."


Congratulations on your Academy's acceptance into the VSP Community. We have sent your Dean, Dr. Benjamin Joki, a list of the current subjects that are required. This mandatory criteria only makes up about 10 percent of your curriculum. I look forward to seeing how many interesting classes the people of TAP will add. Do you best.

Vice President, Virtual Schools Program

Zara Deshi,

"So nice, I'll have to get with Pops right away."

Lara arrived just as Quinn was closing his hud, she was dressed in her black leather armor and she smiled when she saw Quinn, "Commander!"

Quinn waited while she checked out a Gryphon, then lead her to the outer nests. "I have the approximate location of the Nexus on my map, we might have to do some searching."



Quinn jumped through the open wall of the nesting area and extended his wings, he soared upwards as the winds coming off the buffs created updrafts. "He looked behind him to see Lara was following closely."

"I like this better than my jetpack." Lara patted the Gryphon beneath her.

Quinn had his hud up as he glided in lazy circles, "it should be there." He pointed to a small plateau about 400 meters in diameter. It looked like someone had come along and sliced the tip of a mountain peak off. There was lush knee-high grass growing on the flat surface.

Quinn circled once and then landed in the deep grass, Lara set her gryphon right beside him.

"Commander, a word please." Lara slid off the saddle and approached him, her face was calm.

"Hmm? Want to talk Lara?"

The Songbird leader nodded, "I love you, Commander.

Quinn felt his face heat up. "Yes... I'm aware of that."

Lara sighed heavily, "you don't feel the same."

He shook his head, "no I don't. Sorry."

"I expected as much." Lara ran a hand through her pale blue hair, "why did you use your mother's soul gem to save me?"

"Because I'm the man you love." In Quinn's world, everything was black and white.

"Um... what?" Her fine features blushed slightly.

"Well... how crappy would it be if your life was on the line and the person you love, chose to let you die?" Quinn scratched his cheek, these kinds of conversations made him itch.

"So... you saved me because I love you." Lara shook her head in disbelief.

Quinn nodded, "yep, that's why."

"That makes no sense." Lara stared at the tall hero for a few seconds, he could be so puzzling at times. "Still..."

"Huh? Still what?"

"We could kiss... just one time." Lara couldn't look at his eyes when she said it.

Quinn laughed loudly, the sound of it echoing.

Lara stomped her foot, "Commander!"

Quinn held his hand up, "listen, I'm taken, like three times already. Want to know how complicated that gets? Don't even get me started."

"Well... Tal seems to only claim you while in the Outworld. Leah and Mojo are lovers, so it is natural that they share you." A small smile snuck through as she spoke, "is it too much?"

Quinn nodded, "of course it is too much." He opened his hud and checked the Nexus location, out of the corner of his eye he watched Lara cross her arms in front of her. "Okay tell you what, I'll kiss you one time."

Lara's face turned bright red, her smile widening. "You will?"

"Yep, you just have to get signed statements from Leah, Tal, and Mojo saying that it is okay. Also, make sure to note that this is completely your idea."

"Fine, I will do so." Lara dropped her arms and undid the harness on her Gryphon, letting the Gryphon fly free.

Quinn frowned at her. "Now... if we are done with the nonsense, help me look for the Nexus!"

"Of course, Commander."

They decided to do a grid search of the area, after looking for a few minutes Lara found a circular disk hidden in the grass. "Commander!"

It was made of stone, very smooth to the touch and about the size of a dinner plate. When Quinn tried picking it up, he discovered that it seemed to extend deep into the ground. It wasn't a disk, but the top of some sort of pole.

"Damn, why don't I have a pick or a shovel... I should have brought Grace, she's a miner." Q dug by hand, chipping away with one of his old daggers, and then using his hand to remove the excess dirt. It was difficult soil to dig in.

"Don't you have tools in your cottage?" Lara had only glimpsed the luxury accommodation a few times, the songbirds had secretly tried to get closer, but its security stopped them.

After nearly an hour of work, Q had managed to uncover a couple of feet of it. "I'm not going to be able to do much more unless I have tools."' Q smiled at the smirking songbird and cleared his throat, "I will take your suggestion and get some."

Lara nodded, "I will await your return Commander."

Q sprinted for the edge of the plateau and then launched himself into the air. He quickly found several thermals as he continued his climb, in the thin air he moved quickly. It took less than an hour to arrive at his cottage.

Security Alert: Cottage Owner recognized, you may pass.

"Hmm, I should just move the entire thing. He accessed the Cottage interface.

System Message: Do you wish to Recover: Luxury Cottage?

"Yes." Q watched in fascination as the entire property slowly imploded until only the deed was left floating in the air. He grabbed the deed and stowed it, "that was cool as hell."

When Quinn arrived back at the plateau, he could see Lara laying on the soft grass, her eyes closed in the warm sun. "Damn... I want to do that too."

Lara's senses warned her of his approach, she sat up when he landed nearby. "You get the tools Commander?"

"Hmm.. kinda, I actually brought the entire cottage." He walked away from the disc, "I need to give myself enough space to dig."

"Wait... you brought the cottage?" Lara didn't let herself smile, finally, she'd get to go inside.


System Message: Do you wish to activate Luxury Cottage.

Q opened his hand that grasped the deed. "Yes." He watched in fascination as the entire process was repeated, completely in reverse. The objects and colors exploded outward. "Some sort of spatial magic perhaps?"

It took about ten minutes to set up completely.

System Message: Please set security measures.

"Access is granted to Leah Fintree, Mora Jol, Tal, Lara Sy, Rembrandt, and myself."

System Message: Security Measures have been set, structure must remain in place for the next 24.


Q found a small storage shed in the back of the house, close to the hot springs. He grabbed several tools, including a pick and shovel.

Cottage Pick

Unique: Tool

Description: Remains in

perfect condition as

long as it stays on Cottage

Property. Normal occurs wear

when removed.

Lara stood by the disc, "I'm a rogue Commander, manual labor would wreck my hands."

"...." Quinn.

"I'll sing while you dig." Lara had access to all different kinds of music now that Exodus had opened up.

Quinn nodded and started digging, she sang an old classic ballad while he used the pick and shovel to slowly expose more of the pole, he had uncovered about four feet when he noticed engravings. "This looks kinda like a totem." He continued for another thirty minutes. "How come I haven't got a damn shovel or pick skill yet?"

The Cottage interface popped up when he spoke.

Cottage Interface: Please designate the area where you would like to excavate.

"....." Q.

"Bastard ass.." Quinn glared at the interface.

Lara patted him on the back, "it's fine Commander, hard work is good for you anyway."

Q brought up the interface hud and quickly discovered that he could do many things as long as it was within the Cottage boundaries. 'Excavation' was located under the Cellar menu.

"Damn it, I hadn't looked at this interface one time since I placed it."

Lara smiled innocently, trying not to laugh, "sometimes you have to look at the directions Commander."

Cottage Interface: Do you wish to place a cellar here?


Q watched as the area he had been digging in, slowly evolved. "Hope it doesn't destroy that thing." A few minutes later, a small circular building made of red brick was placed where he had been digging. The cellar only extended a few feet out of the ground, but when he approached it he discovered that there were stairs going down to the door. "It's almost all underground."

They walked down the brick steps and opened the heavy wooden door. As he swung it open, several lamps lit up. In the middle of the room, the totem was completely uncovered. There was a square access panel on one side. "Had I dug another 2 feet, I would have found it."

The panel opened when Q touched it.

System Message: You've completed the quest: Nexus Introduction

System Message: You may now access the Nexus.

Lara had followed him into the cellar, careful not to touch anything. "You should pay attention to the system menu on this place, I bet it does a ton of things you don't know about yet."

"Sounds like good advice," Quinn agreed.

"Now this looks interesting." Lara stood next to him as he looked at the screen.

Nexus Available Menus: Companion Quests

Q selected Companion Quests and a long list of companions was displayed. He recognized the ones near the top. The top five Names were lit up, while the rest were grayed out.

Lara Sy: Completed

Leah Fintree: (Completed)

Silver Princess: (&8$56 Data Corrupted ompleted)

Mora Jol: (Completed)

Rembrandt: (Completed)

Lara saw her name on the screen. "What happens if you choose one of them?"

Quinn shrugged and clicked on her name.

Companion Quest Interface: Lara Sy. (Nightingale)

Quest: Nightingale's Day job. (Completed)

Quest: The Songbird perch. (Completed)

Quest: The Diva Unchained. (Completed)

Quest: Someone to Count on. (Completed)

The affection rating for this companion is maxed out.

Lara bit her lip, "maxed out? No, it isn't!"

Quinn laughed at her, "it's fine Lara."

Nexus Terminal: You have completed the Lara Sy Companionship tree.

System Message: Lara's Nightingale Ring has been added to your inventory.

"Did you get something for me?" Lara smiled at the message.

Quinn nodded, "sure looks that way."

System Message: Do you wish to equip the Nexus Ring?

"Yes." The Nexus ring he had shown Leah earlier had changed slightly, now the five empty settings were filled with five black stones carved with the image of a raven.

Leah stared at it. "It's pretty."

Q shrugged, " kinda nice I guess. Oh, wait." He reached inside his pack and handed Lara the Nightingale Ring.

Lara smiled and tried to take it, then she frowned unhappily. "I can't pick it up, Commander."

"Really?" He held it up and took a closer look.

Lara's Nightingale Ring

Description: This ring must be

placed on Lara's finger by

the person who earned it.

"....." Q.

"What is it, Commander?" Lara's light brown eyes were staring at the ring. It was engraved platinum and had an obsidian stone carved into the shape of a nightingale, mounted onto it.

Q shook his head, "hold out your hand please."

Lara smiled prettily, her pale face blushing as she held out her hand.

Q placed the ring on her hand, immediately it started pulsing with a strange black light. The ring on Q's finger started pulsing in sync with it.

Lara's eyes widened.."I'm supposed to choose."

"Choose what?" Q Didn't see any kind of display.

"I'm supposed to choose a skill of yours, to learn."

Quinn quickly brought up his skill list. "You are supposed to choose one of my skills?" Q browsed his skills carefully. "What could you use?... I wonder." He pointed to one of his skills.

"Okay... If you say so.." Leah said. "I choose Ba'Avriel: Winged Assassin!"

The moment she said the word, the pulsing stopped and the lights swapped places. Both of them closed their eyes as the light from their rings changed to white and grew unbearably bright. Finally, the light faded.

Quinn blinked a few times, "damn, that should come with a warning." He looked at his ring. The second from the right setting had changed into the image of a Nightingale.

Nexus Ring

Unique: Bonded Hearts

Description: Summons

a spirit companion

to your side.

Bond: Lara Sy

Lara held up her ring to show him. The finely engraved platinum ring had a black raven stone mounted onto it.

Lara's Ring of the Raven

Unique: Bonded Heart

Description: You have exchanged

bonds with someone.

Additional Effect: Ba'Avriel: Winged Assassin

Lara's lips seemed like they might split she was smiling so big. "I'm so happy right now, I don't even know what to say."

"Oh god... just look at it as equipment." He brought up the main menu on the Nexus Interface Screen.

Nexus Available Menus: Companion Quests

Leah Fintree: (Completed)

Silver Princess: (&8$56 Data Corrupted ompleted)

Mora Jol: (Completed)

Rembrandt: (Completed)

"Oh, my name is gone." Lara was still smiling as she looked at the screen.

Quinn chose the Silver Princess option.

Companion Quest Interface: Silver Princess

Quest: Unavailable. (Completed)

Quest: Unavailable. (Completed)

Quest: Unavailable. (Completed)

Quest: Unavailable. (Completed)

The affection rating for this companion is maxed out.

"Affection is maxed out... I haven't done any of the quests though.

"Of course it is Quinn, she is your mother."

Nexus Terminal: You have completed the Silver Princess Companionship tree.

System Message: Silver Princess Diamond Ring has been added to your inventory.

"Please excuse me this one time Lara." Quinn bowed in apology.

Lara sighed, "of course."

"Come out Mom."

Lara's pale blue hair slowly turned silver, her eyes darkened and her pointed ears rounded slightly.

"Quickly, your hand please." Quinn waited until his mom extended her hand, then he slid the ring on her finger. Immediately it started pulsing with a strange black light. The ring on Q's finger matched its pulse with a bright silver light.

"Choose Ba'Avriel: Winged Assassin Mom."

The Silver Princess nodded and followed his directions, he had called her this time, she was scared to look at him. "Ba'Avriel: Winged Assassin."

Quinn couldn't stop the lump in his throat, her voice was just as he remembered. The moment she said the word, the pulsing stopped and the lights swapped places. This time Quinn was ready and shielded his eyes. The lights again changed to white and grew unbearably bright. Finally, they both faded.

Quinn blinked a few times, then looked up. The light brown eyes of Lara looked back at him. The Silver Princess had left again. He glanced down at his ring.

Nexus Ring

Unique: Bonded Hearts

Description: Summons

a spirit companion

to your side.

Bond: Lara Sy

Bond: Silver Princess

Quinn brought up his faction hud.

Faction Announcement: I need Tal, Rembrandt, Mojo, and Leah to come to my location immediately.

Chapter end

97 The Three Ps
96 Coltrane
94 A Look Ahead...
93 Ella
92 Three Signatures
91 Gathering Staff
90 Nexus
89 Face to Face
88 Heavy Halberd
87 Gathering Allies
86 Companion Quest: Lara Sy
85 Missing Songbird
84 Seeing is Believing
83 Belle
82 Covenan
81 Mata Ru Conclusion
80 Mata Ru part two
79 Mata Ru part one
78 Lani's Reques
77 Dinner Quiz
76 Assassin Queen part three
75 Assassin Queen part two
74 Assassin Queen part one.
73 Rescue Pre-Op
72 Gryphon Wing
71 Nemesis
70 The Lost City of Ba'Avriel
69 Quick Draw
68 Money Trail
67 On Deck
66 The Silver King
65 Zi'Fendyl
64 Ravenwood Halflings
63 Dominoes
61 A Quick Death
60 Ravenwood part 3
59 Ravenwood part 2
58 Ravenwood part 1
57 Luxury Cottage
56 A Growing Family part 2
55 A Growing Family part 1
54 Exodus Tournamen
53 Talon Station
52 Exodus Platform
51 The Black Ches
50 The Infinity Well
49 The Heis
48 Prepping for the Heis
47 Excursion to Exodus
46 Family Tree
45 Back into TAP
44 One more Day
43 The Gathering
42 A good deal
41 Nature
40 Banished
39 Zohai
38 Travel Day
37 The Spider Queens
36 The Spider Cave
35 Dead Tycoon
34 A Family Reunited
33 Prodigal Musician
32 Setting the Stage
31 Pioneer Bounty
30 Under New Managemen
29 Nightingale part 2
28 Nightingale part 1
27 NPC Assassin
26 The Booted Path part 2
25 The Booted Path part 1
24 Raven Squad
23 Building HQ
22 Madam Leilani
21 Red Horse & Red Lipstick part 2
20 Red Horse & Red Lipstick part 1
19 A short ride and a long fall
18 Fora Development Group
17 Watching and Waiting
16 Allies
15 Shielded Assassin
14 Hot Springs
13 Neural Ghos
12 Gnome Inheritance
11 Quarry Raid
10 A Flute Favor
9 Time Ticks Away
8 Prepping for the Future
7 Late Night Swim
6 Teaching Temptress
5 The Painted Lady
4 Coin of Fate
3 Legacy Pack
2 A family of Geniuses
1 The Exodus Platform
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