Exodus: The Assassin's Path 88 Heavy Halberd

Exodus: The Assassin's Path 88 Heavy Halberd

"With all due respect, we are not here to put down the Tuli rebellion. We are here to take care of the heroes who are backing it. Greenleaf or whoever is challenging your right to rule is still your problem." Quinn stood in front of the High Elf council once again, this time the council was armored up and ready for battle. Luca Chamyl had met them at the city portal and escorted them directly to the council.

"Of course Q, we will fix our own problems." Saffron had taken over the duties of the speaker, Prince Shae sat next to his father, the displeasure evident on his face.

"We'll hit the camp at nightfall if you wish to coordinate your own attack and hit the Greenleaf base, feel free to do so." Quinn glanced at the princess who was armored also. "Are you going into battle?"

Lucky nodded slightly, "with your permission, I will join the ranks of Silverleaf for this battle."

Shae stood up and slammed his hand down on the table, "you have no business fighting in this battle, Luca!"

Quinn smiled at Lucky, "you're a cleric right? Join us, if that is your wish."

King Chamyl nodded, "I'll allow it." He looked to the side where two council pages held a large box. "Bring it forward please."

The two young pages struggled with the container before sitting it down with a loud noise in front of Quinn. King Chamyl only stared at the box, "you left so quickly last time I didn't get the chance to give you a proper reward. Show him."

The two pages opened the box and then stepped away.

Quinn looked at the weapon inside, "wow, now that's nice."


Halberd: Primal

Prerequisite: Royal Blood.

Description: A black Halberd of extreme weight.

Effect: The first Strike stuns the target. Chance to break

armor. Chance to score a critical hit.

Shae laughed when they opened it, "father you can't be serious! This man probably can't even lift it off the ground." Shae was only able to swing it twice in past trials before being exhausted, it wasn't a weapon that he deemed usable.

Quinn stared at the weapon, his fingers itched to grab it. He bent slowly and gripped the long smooth handle. As soon as he did the weapon glowed brightly, energy shooting up his arm. It died down after a moment and returned to normal. It had a long black handle with a black blade, Quinn straightened out and gave it a few whips through the air.

The council gaped as the halberd cut through the air with a hissing noise. He handled the Kingmaker like it was a wooden practice sword. Saffron cleared her throat, "please accept this Halberd with our thanks."

Quinn nodded, "We will clear out this camp, and I will return Lucky back to you."

King Chamyl stood up and walked around the table to Quinn. "Good hunting Q." He shook hands with the young hero.


Quinn stood on the deck of the Zeppelin with Onion, he had his jetpack on and was taking Lucky through the basics of maneuvering. "You will really only have to fly straight since you'll be dropping in with the main force." He looked up as Jinn, Leah and Lara approached.

Jinn handed Quinn a small white stone. "I've handed these out to everyone. The one you had was complete overkill."

Soul Gem

Container: Common

Description: Can permanently

store the soul of an NPC or hero.


Quinn nodded and stored it away, he had recovered his original, but unless they ran into a demi-god or dragon, they probably wouldn't need it.

Leah immediately brought up her hud and displayed a map of the area. "The main structure is a bit more guarded then we thought, and there are two smaller Zeppelins docked close by.

Quinn looked at the layout. They were nestled nicely in a small valley, they would see Zeppelins coming from miles away. "Damn, too bad we don't have cloud cover."

Jinn reached over and zoomed in the map, "there are a series of ravines and gulleys to the east. A small team flying nap-of-the-earth could sneak in quickly and be on top of the main building before they could respond."

"Still have to deal with their Zeppelins before we can approach. Suggestions?" Leah glanced around at her platoon leaders, neither one offered a comment."

"We can add Ren and Angel to our group, both fly well enough to manage the ravines." Quinn removed two detonation devices from his inventory. Leah and Angel will be our demolition team. "We'll signal you when we're close, our demo team will wait at this point." Quinn marked the map on Leah's hud.

Lara nodded, "when our Zeppelin starts to move, theirs will intercept. They can sneak up underneath them and set the charges."

Angel and Ren approached as if on cue, the spider Queen grew larger every time Quinn saw her. She was nearly the size of Remmy already. "Quinn! You have a mission for us?"

Quinn handed one detonation device to Angel and the other to Ren. "The timer has a 20-second delay. Push the button and then haul ass out of there."

Ren nodded, "we will get it done Quinn."

"Yep... count on us." Angel was in her spider form, she had taken to using it more since the Ba'Avriel mission.

Jinn watched the two walk away. "Those two going to be alright?"

Lara smiled, she had been mad when she saw Ren in Ba'Avriel, but the youngest Songbird had made it up to her. "They snuck into Ba'Avriel in broad daylight and rescued Merci Quickill."

Quinn nodded to his team, "I'm sure they'll be fine."

Leah adjusted her bracer, Remmy has supplied her with Kubrite pins for it. She closed her hud and looked at the group. "We will hit right before sundown. The advanced team should hit the target right before their Zeppelins go down. After that the I will bring the primary force wi.."

A deafening explosion blasted everyone to the ground. The entire Zeppelin rocked drastically.

Angel has suffered a mortal wound and has died.

Quinn lay on the deck for a moment, the ringing in his ears making him dizzy. "Shit..."


Quinn appeared on one knee next to the body of Angel.

Q has activated Yayia's Time Piece. *8 Second Rewind*

Quinn grabbed Angel's arm and prevented her from sitting the device face-down on the deck.


Quinn returned to his original location.

Everyone on the deck was staring at Angel. Ren's eyes were wide with shock, she had stepped away for only a moment.

Angel was staring at the device in her hand. "Oh I see, that's the top." She shot Quinn a smile, "thanks Quinn," and then scurried away, Ren followed her quickly.

Quinn gave the two girls a thumbs up as they retreated, "I'm sure they'll be fine."

"....." Leah.

"....." Lara.

"...." Jinn.


Two hours later Quinn and the Songbirds dropped silently off the Zeppelin, the team entered the first ravine just as daylight started to fade. Quinn was leading, the group behind him followed in single file, mirroring his exact course as he hugged the terrain. After five minutes Nightingale signaled the demo team. Ren and Angel pulled up to wait and both stealthed.

After ten minutes, the Allied Zeppelin came into view, as predicted the two Covenant Zeppelin's proceeded to head them off. Quinn signaled the team to go stealth, just before the last tight turn.



Quinn pulled his Halberd out as they approached the outer tents. It was a modified tent-city, with four smaller dome tents on the outside and a mid-sized one in the middle. They were all colored the same olive camouflage color.

The middle tent had two guards outside the door, Quinn climbed steeply and then dived at the top of the tent.

*Halberd Strike*

Quinn crashed through the tent roof, just managing to keep his footing as he landed on a large table. He heard fighting at the door, at least two of the Songbirds had taken the guards. Quinn had given Lara and Robin the Kubrite daggers, but he had several pins on his belt.

One man had been sitting at the table, he jumped up only to be slammed in the head by the butt of Quinn's Halberd.

Dark Thoughts has been stunned.

Quinn jumped at the downed Covenant leader.

*Halberd Strike*

Critical hit 46,200 damage, Bonus 46,200 damage.

Dark Thoughts has been stunned.

Quinn gripped his Halberd in one hand and stuck a pin into the Shade Priest's neck.

*Ly Serano has cast Nightmare*

You have been feared.

Quinn felt himself lose control of his body, as he fell to his knees screaming.


Nightingale has critically hit Dark Thoughts for 48,600 hit points.

Dark Thoughts has been slain.

System Message: You have Successfully assassinated a target on your Hit List.

Dark Thoughts

Level 90

*Ding* Level 71

System Message: You have been awarded 205 thousand credits for assassinating a target 20 levels higher than you.

You have resisted fear.

Quinn turned and spied the caster hiding behind a rogue that was fighting. He was holding one bleeding arm by his side.


Quinn appeared behind Ly.

*Backstab* Critical hit 61,210 damage, bonus damage 61,210.

Ly Serano has been slain.

System Message: You have Successfully assassinated a target on your Hit List.

Ly Serano

Level 71

System Message: You have been awarded 5 thousand credits for assassinating a target the same level as you.


Robin has critically hit Mako Turnbull for 38,500 hit points.

Mako Turnbull has been slain.

An explosion sounded off in the distance, followed closely by another.

"Three down inside, two outside, we are clear for now." Lara glanced at Quinn, "you okay Commander?"

Quinn nodded, "loot the bodies."

"Teams of two, break off and do your thing. Commander, if you don't mind, you're with me." Lara smiled at him and then quickly stealthed.

"Okay." Quinn peered through the tent walls, "two people approaching from the west side, another hiding behind the barrels next to the cooking fire. "We're gonna keep score right?"

The Songbirds all stared at him.

Quinn ducked through the door.


Quinn appeared behind the stealthed rogue hiding behind the barrels.

He slammed the butt of his dagger against the back of his skull. Then grabbed him by the shoulders stuck a pin into his neck.


Quinn returned to his original location with the rogue, he pushed him in the direction of Lara.


Nightingale has critically hit Jinba Macaw for 61,800 hit points.

*Backstab* Critical hit 56,400 damage, bonus damage 56,400.

Jinba Macaw has been slain.

"That's one for us," Lara called out.

The sound of fighting from the perimeter tents drew Quinn's attention. "Let's go!"

He powered his jetpack and skimmed the ground as he flew toward the noise. Quinn spotted the ambusher right before he jumped out. He pulled his Halberd and swung upward.

*Power Strike*

You have struck your assailant for 77,300 damage.

Teo Dunbi has been stunned.


Nightingale has critically hit Teo Dunbi for 59,200 hit points.

Teo Dunbi has been slain.


The fighting was over in a matter of minutes, once Leah had arrived with Silverleaf and Raven, the Covenant members went into full retreat. Unfortunately for them, the Fora fighters weren't letting anyone get away.

Quinn walked side-by-side with Lara, "that was seven right?"

"Nine if you count the beasts." Lara slowly gathered her team as they headed toward the largest cookfire. Leah was there giving directions.

"Stow all these tents, don't burn anything we can use or sell. Make sure to loot the bodies." Leah saw Quinn out of the corner of her eye, her smile seemed to light up the night. "Quinn!"

Quinn could tell she wanted to throw herself at him, but since everyone was watching. "Report Captain."

"Both Zeppelins down, we have people combing the wreckage looking for anything we can use. We are repurposing five tents and have looted several boxes of gear. Three casualties on our part, they are already rezzed. 39 kills, 31 of those are permanent. The ones killed on the Zeppelins are the only ones that can be rezzed."

"Great job Leah." Quinn glanced around and spotted Ren and Angel just before Leah threw herself at him and kissed him. Leah was after all... still Leah.

All the Songbirds were smiling, but for once no one said anything. Yaya was standing next to Lucky, they were both smiling as they talked with the other Silverleaf fighters.

"Made it through unscathed? It's like I keep saying, you are lucky." Quinn approached the High Elf group, the Silverleaf platoon were all smiles.

The Princess bowed slightly, "yes, I'm beginning to see that."

Quinn's hud blinked at him and he immediately answered. It was the High Elf King. Quinn could hear the sounds of fighting, "we have the main Tuli force on the run. Unfortunately, they are retreating directly toward our rearguard, Lady Saffron, and her people. If you are in a position to help..."

"On our way!" Quinn quickly cut comm and brought up his hud map. "They are directly West of us, I'll take Raven and the Songbirds to assist the rearguard. Leah, you bring the Silverleaf platoon and the Zeppelin to assist the King."

"Yes sir," She turned toward the Silverleaf fighters, "on the Zeppelin now, we're heading out."

Quinn stored his armor and weapons in his inventory. "Gear up, jetpacks on."



Chapter end

97 The Three Ps
96 Coltrane
94 A Look Ahead...
93 Ella
92 Three Signatures
91 Gathering Staff
90 Nexus
89 Face to Face
88 Heavy Halberd
87 Gathering Allies
86 Companion Quest: Lara Sy
85 Missing Songbird
84 Seeing is Believing
83 Belle
82 Covenan
81 Mata Ru Conclusion
80 Mata Ru part two
79 Mata Ru part one
78 Lani's Reques
77 Dinner Quiz
76 Assassin Queen part three
75 Assassin Queen part two
74 Assassin Queen part one.
73 Rescue Pre-Op
72 Gryphon Wing
71 Nemesis
70 The Lost City of Ba'Avriel
69 Quick Draw
68 Money Trail
67 On Deck
66 The Silver King
65 Zi'Fendyl
64 Ravenwood Halflings
63 Dominoes
61 A Quick Death
60 Ravenwood part 3
59 Ravenwood part 2
58 Ravenwood part 1
57 Luxury Cottage
56 A Growing Family part 2
55 A Growing Family part 1
54 Exodus Tournamen
53 Talon Station
52 Exodus Platform
51 The Black Ches
50 The Infinity Well
49 The Heis
48 Prepping for the Heis
47 Excursion to Exodus
46 Family Tree
45 Back into TAP
44 One more Day
43 The Gathering
42 A good deal
41 Nature
40 Banished
39 Zohai
38 Travel Day
37 The Spider Queens
36 The Spider Cave
35 Dead Tycoon
34 A Family Reunited
33 Prodigal Musician
32 Setting the Stage
31 Pioneer Bounty
30 Under New Managemen
29 Nightingale part 2
28 Nightingale part 1
27 NPC Assassin
26 The Booted Path part 2
25 The Booted Path part 1
24 Raven Squad
23 Building HQ
22 Madam Leilani
21 Red Horse & Red Lipstick part 2
20 Red Horse & Red Lipstick part 1
19 A short ride and a long fall
18 Fora Development Group
17 Watching and Waiting
16 Allies
15 Shielded Assassin
14 Hot Springs
13 Neural Ghos
12 Gnome Inheritance
11 Quarry Raid
10 A Flute Favor
9 Time Ticks Away
8 Prepping for the Future
7 Late Night Swim
6 Teaching Temptress
5 The Painted Lady
4 Coin of Fate
3 Legacy Pack
2 A family of Geniuses
1 The Exodus Platform
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