Doomsday Pillars Chapter 349

Doomsday Pillars Chapter 349

Published at 11th of April 2023 09:53:49 AM

Chapter 349: Missing
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Not seeing the presence of his beloved daughter made Alex fall into a panic, almost hysterical state.

"What happened?! Where did she go!?" Alex asked, his voice rising. The anxiousness in his voice was apparent, as Alex was truly worried about the safety of his daughter.

Alex had left Tiffany in Burj Al Arab Hotel 4 days ago, as he went ahead and did other matters at that time. He thought while he was occupied with his business, Tiffany could have her own vacation here in the world's 7-star hotel.

The reason Alex could feel assured was because Tiffany was guarded by two of his elite fighters and the prince's bodyguards for extra pacification. She also had the Garuda, a tier 4 mutated beast, protecting her. He could not imagine how in the world she was harmed or kidnapped.

From the guard's information, it was said Tiffany was last seen in the pool this morning, playing happily and energetically. The hotel's workers and executives also did not know how it was possible.

The news of Alex's daughter gone missing was turning into such a shock that even Prince Salem himself sent all of his bodyguards to look for her. The hotel was put into high alert state, as the bodyguards swept the entire floors of the hotel thoroughly.

Despite all of this, Alex still could not stop to be worried. He truly hoped Tiffany was only bored and went flying and she would be back to the hotel or home by herself with the flying beast.

Initially, Alex prohibited her to do that, as he couldn't imagine letting her fly at high speed across the ocean by herself. But now, he only wished that was what she did.

Alex did not remain still as well. While the others were busy with their own tasks of finding Tiffany, he contacted Bali's Doomsday Pillar through the pillar network and asked about this matter. Unfortunately, he only received an earful of scolding from his wife.

"I don't know what to say anymore, Alex. You need, no, you must bring her back. Do not let anything happen to her." Devita said, while angry at first then worried in the end.

Looking at the expression on his wife's face, Alex fell silent and said, "...Don't worry. I will. I definitely will."

The day almost passed, as the sun made its way to the west horizon, but still there was no sign of Tiffany at all. That afternoon, Ardeth had returned from his mission to eradicate the last remnants of the Heavenly Gate in the Middle East region. Upon hearing about the disappearance of Alex's daughter, he immediately went to find Alex.

The man with the tattoo on his face was the guardian of Egypt. He knew almost everything regarding the surrounding states. Therefore, when Alex saw the arrival of Ardeth, the gloomy expression on his face slowly turned for the better.

"Ardeth? It's good you're here, come. Let's talk." Alex said, as he beckoned Ardeth to sit opposite of him. "Ardeth…" Alex said with a sigh, "I am truly hoping she was only being disobedient and playing around with her bird, but what do you reckon? Is there any threat I should worry about? Any other state? Or, any other terrorist organization here? Or is it the Heavenly Gate? Could this be their work? As a form of revenge to me?"Alex said gave voice to all his speculations and suspicions, no matter how absurd.

Ardeth sighed as he saw Alex, the usual calm and brave warrior ended up in such a state.

"Mr Alex, there are no longer terrorist organizations in the Middle East. The Heavenly Gate and the apocalypse have helped us in this matter. As for the other states… currently, the Middle East region is mainly led by us, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Iran and Israel. Hence, the other states will not be so easily involved. Moreover, even if they really did it, what is their purpose? They will only be gifted with your wrath." Ardeth explained his logic in this matter.

Upon hearing Ardeth's words, Alex seemed to be enlightened, "You're right... There is no way she could be taken without a fight with the Garuda guarding her. No one could easily win against a tier 4 mutated beast, let alone without leaving a trace. So... this should be her leaving on her own accord." Alex spoke to himself, nodding his head.

But then, Alex understood, even though there was no one as carefree as Tiarra was, she wouldn't just leave without a word. Alex realized Ardeth seemed to have something to say, but could not blurt it out. It looked like what he wanted to say was not comfortable for him to say.

"What's wrong, Ardeth?" Alex asked, puzzled. "You can freely say it, if it's something regarding this matter."

Ardeth was silent for a second before he opened his mouth, "Here's the thing, Mr Alex. if there are indeed other forces or states involved in this, there is actually one possibility. But..."

"What do you mean with but? What is it? Which organization? Who?"

Hesitating for a while, Ardeth made up his mind, "Mr Alex, as one of the Medjai warriors, the patron army of the kingdom. It is indeed my responsibility to know many things, especially regarding the Middle East region."

Before Alex could ask what was the connection between his status and Tiffany's disappearance, Ardeth beat him to it, "To be honest, we have been clashing with this group of people for quite some time, even before Doomsday began. Although they didn't do much harm, their activities gave us concern."

Hearing that, Alex stood up from his seat, "Who is it? Which group?"

"I'm sure you have heard of them, Mr Alex. The Ahnenerbe organization. Hanz and his men were part of the expedition in Bali." Ardeth said calmly.

"Ahnenerbe organization? The group consisted of Nazi remnats?" Alex asked for confirmation.

"Yes. They have been lurking around Egypt, more precisely around Ancient Egypt's important ruins since World War One. So yeah, we have been having problems with them."

Alex recalled the same thing happened when he went to the ruins in Mexico along with the professor. This organization had a hidden and inexplicable agenda, they also had some of the best fighters in the world, as shown by their Doomsday Pillar's challenge score. However, he couldn't find any connection between all of this and Tiffany's disappearance."

"Why are you thinking about them?" Alex asked, sitting down again, "Is there any particular reason?"

"Actually, we had our suspicions before, Mr Alex. Now, after we destroyed the Heavenly Gate organization, we found proof the Ahneherbe was in relation with the Heavenly Gate. It appeared they have been involved in the rise of the Heavenly Gate."

The revelation was quite shocking for Alex, but after contemplating it for a while, it made a lot of sense. After all, the speed of the rise of Heavenly Gate was too abnormal.

Ardeth then added, "Mr Alex, the recent discovery we had found strongly implies both groups had one cooperation project, one that was closely related. It's about a certain place, which said to be a ruin left by the Ancient Messapotamian civilization."

Alex knew this place was mentioned in the scriptures given by the chemist. The place where they found the "God Essence". He gave the suspicion a lot of thought, as he also didn't like the Ahnenerbe organization that much.

"Ardeth, let's say both groups indeed have a connection. But I can't seem to find the relation between this and the disappearance of my daughter. It seems that they have nothing to do with each other at all."

"Correct, there is indeed no specific connection between the two matters. However, if there is a group capable or brave enough to do this sort of thing, I can only think of them."

The notion sounded far fetched, but it was the only thing Alex had at the moment and seeing the sun was about to set, he might as well follow the only lead he had.

"Thank you, Ardeth. For the information and your concern." Alex said with a smile, before swiftly leaving the room.

Once again, Alex went to the Doomsday Pillar to speak with the Doomsday Pillars in Germany. His intention was to find Hanz or their leader Heinrich. But unfortunately, it appeared none of them could be reached.

Alex was probably only being paranoid, but he truly didn't like the fact the higher ups of the Ahnenerbe organization were away in some kind of business 4 days before the tribulation began. 

The sun rose in the air, signifying morning came and only 3 days remained before the tribulation. There were still no news about Tiffany at all, despite Alex and Prince Salem's effort searching the entire Dubai City. Therefore, Alex decided to follow the only clue he had.

"Ardeth, where is this ruin located?" Alex immediately asked when he met Ardeth.

"Just a few kilometers from the city of Eridu, Iraq. We can reach the place in 5 to 6 hours."

"Alright, let's go."

Anything was better than just sitting and doing nothing. Alex does remember Christina who needed him, but he couldn't just leave his daughter missing like this. Moreover, the tribulation day was near.

Alex told his elite fighters to contact him as soon as they heard the news of Tiffany if she returned. Meanwhile, he would go to Eridu City.


Dear Reader,

Thank your for supporting the novel, as promise this April I have written 10 chapters of the novel. I apologize 8 of them are within the privilege chapters. Don't worry tomorrow I will let out 4 of them for you all to read. 

I apologize for the slow update. FOr next month I will also publish 5-10 chapters. meanwhile please support my other Novel: Earth Greatest Magus or the new Blood Elf Monarch who is on spirit competition. all are within the same universe of doomsday pillars.

Thank you very much

Chapter end

Chapter 373
Chapter 372
Chapter 371
Chapter 370
Chapter 369
Chapter 368
Chapter 367
Chapter 366
Chapter 365
Chapter 364
Chapter 363
Chapter 362
Chapter 361
Chapter 360
Chapter 359
Chapter 358
Chapter 357
Chapter 356
Chapter 355
Chapter 354
Chapter 353
Chapter 352
Chapter 351
Chapter 350
Chapter 349
Chapter 348
Chapter 347
Chapter 346
Chapter 345
Chapter 344
Chapter 343
Chapter 342
Chapter 341
Chapter 340
Chapter 339
Chapter 338
Chapter 337
Chapter 336
Chapter 335
Chapter 334
Chapter 333
Chapter 332
Chapter 331
Chapter 330
Chapter 329
Chapter 328
Chapter 327
Chapter 326
Chapter 325
Chapter 311
Chapter 310
Chapter 309
Chapter 308
Chapter 307
Chapter 306
Chapter 305
Chapter 304
Chapter 303
Chapter 302
Chapter 301
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Chapter 299
Chapter 298
Chapter 297
Chapter 296
Chapter 295
Chapter 294
Chapter 293
Chapter 292
Chapter 291
Chapter 290
Chapter 289
Chapter 288
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Chapter 285
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Chapter 283
Chapter 282
Chapter 281
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Chapter 279
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Chapter 277
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Chapter 270
Chapter 269
Chapter 268
Chapter 267
Chapter 266
Chapter 265
Chapter 264
Chapter 263
Chapter 262
Chapter 261
Chapter 260
Chapter 259
Chapter 258
Chapter 257
Chapter 256
Chapter 255
Chapter 254
Chapter 253
Chapter 252
Chapter 251
Chapter 250
Chapter 249
Chapter 248
Chapter 247
Chapter 246
Chapter 245
Chapter 244
Chapter 243
Chapter 242
Chapter 241
Chapter 240
Chapter 239
Chapter 238
Chapter 237
Chapter 236
Chapter 235
Chapter 234
Chapter 233
Chapter 232
Chapter 231
Chapter 230
Chapter 229
Chapter 228
Chapter 227
Chapter 226
Chapter 225
Chapter 224
Chapter 223
Chapter 222
Chapter 221
Chapter 220
Chapter 219
Chapter 218
Chapter 217
Chapter 216
Chapter 215
Chapter 214
Chapter 213
Chapter 212
Chapter 211
Chapter 210
Chapter 209
Chapter 208
Chapter 207
Chapter 206
Chapter 205
Chapter 204
Chapter 203
Chapter 202
Chapter 201
Chapter 200
Chapter 199
Chapter 198
Chapter 197
Chapter 196
Chapter 195
187 Voyage
186 Not for everyone
185 Deciding Day
184 Egyptian Doll
183 Space and Time
182 Giving Up
181 Final Evolution
180 Opportunity
179 Corpses
178 Surrounded
177 Secret Weapon
176 coming soon
175 Black Figure
174 Good Sho
173 Terror
172 Special Technique
171 Second Day
170 First Day
169 First Blood
168 Regiment Leaders
167 Alpha
166 The Safest Place
165 Star Army
164 The Wall
163 Supply warehouse
162 Choices
161 Developmen
160 Star Base
159 A different person
158 Die Bravely
157 RUN
156 Denpasar Moon
155 A Threa
154 Fierce Battle
153 The Secret of Hexagram Technique
152 The Eight Elemen
151 The Be
150 Characters Update
149 Final Match
148 The Power of Spirit Enhancer
147 Delta Force
146 Competition
145 Armada
144 Bali Arrival
143 Promise
142 Borrowed Time
141 Decision
140 Rescued
139 Asking for Miracle
138 The Experimen
137 The Pi
136 Captured
135 Escaped
134 Village Battle
133 Innocence
132 Purged
131 Dear Readers
130 Responsibility
129 Revelation
128 Indonesian pillars
127 The Map
126 The New Java
125 Choice
124 Reques
123 Rebuild
122 Clear Up
121 Age of Heroes
120 The Gathering
119 Central Java
118 Family Firs
117 Christina
116 Firebirds
115 The Lion City
114 The Fortitude
113 Olympus has fallen
112 Journey to the Wes
111 Scary Though
110 Tactic
109 Black Carnage
108 Compete
107 Sneak In
106 Battle of Surabaya
105 The Convicts
104 The Strategis
103 New Weapon
102 Dancing Cattle
101 Bangkalan City
100 The Coast Battle
99 What a Crab
98 Chalk Mines
97 Surabaya Coas
96 Father and Son
95 Street Mercenaries
94 Jakarta Base
93 The Cavalry
92 Daisy Flower
91 The Misfits
90 Unique Ability
89 The Marke
88 War Council
87 Life and Hope
86 Garuda
85 Huge Beas
84 The Cannon
83 Brave Hear
82 The Siege
81 Night Battle
80 It's the Eggs
79 Panacea
78 The Nes
77 Fierce Battle
76 Rattle the Cage
75 War of the Apes
74 Second Stage
73 Sacred Monkey Fores
72 Special Uni
71 Be The Very Bes
70 More Food
69 Muscle Memory
68 Peak Mortal Realm
67 Join Us
66 The Psychic
65 The Wrestler
64 7 Division
63 Starbase
62 Break the Party
61 Sea of Flames
60 Surrounded
59 Mutiny
58 The Bai
57 Last Duty
56 Execute the Plan
55 Dusk till Dawn
54 Doomsday restar
53 Commander in Chief
52 No Hope
51 Run and Run
50 Dead Rises
49 Red Eyes
48 It's Nonsense
47 Last Preperations
46 Christmas Presen
45 The Decision
44 Silent Nigh
43 The Doomsday Secre
42 The Doomsday Festival
41 Special Friend
40 Reaction
39 Make it Viral
38 The Duel
37 The Plant Whisperer
36 The Scenario
35 The Navy
34 Back Home
33 The Slaughter
32 The Amulet of Sun
31 1 vs 30
30 Mexico Ruins
29 The Professor
28 A Resolve
27 The Hexagram Steps
26 Martial Ar
25 Bullseye
24 Ice Queen
23 Death Squad
22 West Regen
21 Free Lunch
20 Breakou
19 Special Forces
18 The 9 Dragons
17 Not Enough
16 Spirit Enhancer
15 Black Snake Island
14 The Smugglers' Den
13 More Artifacts
12 Power Up
11 The Temple's Relic
10 The Main Base
9 Assembled
8 The Bay City
7 The Pries
6 The General
5 Shopping Lis
4 Money Money Money
3 The Land of God
2 Where to Star
1 A Second Chance
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