Doomsday Pillars Chapter 290

Doomsday Pillars Chapter 290

Published at 11th of April 2023 09:56:28 AM

Chapter 290: The Battalion
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Dday #423

New Sydney, New South Wales, Australia

Inside the command center of the Sydney military and government headquarter.

A soldier's transmission was heard over one of the radios as the soldiers that were tasked to watch and pay attention to the horde's movement reported their findings.

"The horde is on the move, sir. They are approaching the area just before the Iron Cove bridge!"

Not long after, another report came from the front line of scouts.

"The horde is coming, sir. They quickly approached Endeavor bridge!"

Two other similar reports echo simultaneously in the room as the other front line scouts, reporting the horde's movement as the massive horde split up and headed for the 4 bridges at once, intending to seize these important choke points.

An anxious voice of the Prime Minister could be heard in the room.

"Have the evacuation process finished? When will the citizens reach the second layer?"

One of the officials in the room quickly opened his mouth, "Evacuation is still in progress, sir. Unfortunately, the evacuation speed of residents outside the second layer was slowed down due to the panic caused by the zombies."

Colonel Angus quickly looked at the map on the table, and used the new intel to calculate the time they had before the zombie hordes could cross the distance between their assembly point and the border of second layer defense.

He slowly said his calculation to others in the room, "We only have a maximum of 45 mi-, no, 30 minutes at max before the hordes reach the border." Colonel Angus paused for a moment before he continued his words with a sigh "And the worst news is the evacuation is still ongoing."

Malcolm felt a lump in his throat, making him hard to breath when he heard the colonel's words.

Hands shaking, the stressed minister quickly spoke, "We need to do something, now!"

The other people in the room could only stand there dumbfounded, not having any ideas. Exasperated, frustrated, and depressed, all of these emotions swirled through Malcolm's minds as his eyes wandered across others in the room.

Finding nothing but the same expression he had plastered across their faces, Malcolm could only sigh helplessly and say. "As the wise old man said, drastic situations require drastic measure."

He then turned towards Colonel Angus. "Colonel, I grant you my permission to blow up the Iron Cove Bridge and the Canterbury Bridge, making only Endeavor Bridge to the south and Sydney Harbour bridge to the north our focal defense point."

Someone in the room interjected the minister's decision. "But, Mr Prime Minister, those are our proud bridges! The pride of our city!"

Irritated, Malcolm slammed his hand against the table again as he angrily turned his gaze towards the person who spoke earlier. "Then tell me your damn brilliant idea!"

"I-I…" The man quickly fell silent, shutting his mouth.

Seeing his reaction, Malcolm ignored him and turned to Colonel Angus again. Calming his rising heart rate, he then spoke. "We can then focus our defense on those two choke points with the Sydney Gate as our last and most important line of defense. As for troop arrangements, I will leave all of it to your judgment, Colonel. "

"I understand, sir. Then we will be going because we need to immediately arrange the defenses."

"Please protect our citizens, Colonel." Malcolm said seriously.

"We will do our best, sir." Colonel Angus nodded then brought his officers and quickly left the room

The meeting room was rather quiet as Colonel Angus and his officers left, leaving Malcolm, Arief, and government officials in the room. Malcolm shifted his gaze towards Arief as he watched the man closely.

"As for you Colonel Arief, I hope you can help us to set up the barrier that we get from the pillar."

Previously, Arief had explained the key element that might be a crucial factor for them to successfully defend the city. Since Arief and his team have cleared the 40th floor of the Doomsday Pillar, they can now access and use the Spirit Monolith as a means to further strengthen their defenses.

Arief nodded. "I would be glad to do it but I would need some manpower."

"Of course!" Malcolm hurriedly said. "Don't hesitate and just say it. My officials here will help you with whatever you need to make it happen. I'm counting on you, Colonel."

"Very well then .. If you say so, Mr. Malcolm." Arief then turned to the officials and said. "I will need 5 thousand civilians to mobilize and 50 thousand spirit stones now." He paused for a moment before saying, "I also need 5 hundred of your Earth realm fighters,"

Malcolm and his officers were stunned by Arief's request, one of the officers who was about to open his mouth when Malcolm swiftly waved his hand, silencing the man. "Yes, Colonel. You can have it. "He then turned to the officials who were still dumbfounded." Please cooperate with Colonel Arief to ensure the smooth running of the plan. "

Malcolm and the officials were stunned by Arief's request, one of the officials could not help but say. "Sorry, Colonel Arief. Is what I just heard was right? Can you repeat that again?" the man said carefully.

"That's what I said." Arief nodded with a faint smile, clearly not knowing how extraordinary his request was. That man had just asked for a tenth of Sydney citizens and a third of their spirit stone reserves! Excluding the request for 5 hundred Earth realm fighters. Malcolm and the others could only smile wryly.

The other officials just about to open his mouth when Malcolm swiftly waved his hand, silencing the man. "I understand, Colonel. You can have it." He then looked at the officials who were still dumbfounded. "Please cooperate with Colonel Arief to ensure the smooth running of the plan."

The officials could only helplessly nod at Malcolm's instructions. They then finished the meeting as they immediately left to do their task.

At that time, under Colonel Angus' direction, the 12 thousand Australian troops were separated into 12 battalions and deployed to various areas.

The 1st and 2nd Battalions are stationed on the Sydney Harbor bridge to guard the north side of the city. The 3rd and 4th Battalions are stationed on the Endeavor bridge at the south to guard against the zombie hordes there. The 5th to 10th Battalions were assigned to defend the 3 kilometer line of the Sydney Gate buffer zone. With the 11th Battalion assigned to assist Arief's work of setting up the barrier while the last 12th Battalion would guard the command center.

Tanks and armored fighting vehicles owned by the military are stationed at 3 important points, the Sydney Harbor bridge, the Endeavor bridge and the Sydney Gate. The battle then began immediately, with the Battle of Sydney Harbor bridge starting first.

Tank cannons, assault rifles, artillery, and other firearms aimed and fired at the oncoming zombie hordes. The shower of bullets accompanied by the occasional blasts of explosive rounds fired by tanks and artillery raining down on the swarming zombies, killing and injuring the zombies. 

Unfortunately, these weapons are only effective against the stage 1 and stage 2 zombies. Because on the other hand, there are at least ten black zombies in each wave of a thousand zombies.

The soldiers continued firing their guns and firearms from the rear, unleashing every ammunition they had while the Sky realm fighters were fighting against the stage 3 zombie at the front.

Tretetetetetete Boom! Boom! Tretetetetete Booomm!!

Gunshots and explosions could be heard in the air as the situation turned chaotic due to the unfinished evacuation. Dozens of unlucky civilians die every minute, either from stray bullets or the zombies themselves because they can't escape the war zone.

At one of the posts within a 3 kilometer line of the Sydney Gate.

"Keep firing!! Keep firing at the damn zombies!!"

One young soldier noticed something in the distance and reported to the captain, shouting "There are survivors three hundred meters ahead of us, sir!!"

"Stand your ground and ignore them! We must hold the line!!"

"Permission to let my unit to save the survivor, sir!"

"Permission denied! Get back to your position and keep firing!"

"Please, sir. I beg you!"

"No! Get back to your damn position! They are already a lost cause!"

The soldier then turned around and shouted, "I need volunteers to come with me and save the survivors!"

The captain was annoyed. "Soldier! How dare you disobey my order?!"

"I'm sorry, sir. You can do whatever you want to me when I'm done!" 

The young soldier then rushed into the war zone with few other soldiers accompanying him. Due to the soldiers reckless charge, the captain was forced to stop the barrage of bullets. 


Written and Directed by Avans, Published by W.e.b.n.o.v.e.l, 

Any piracy is not advisable as it's a part of a crime. 

Join Avan's Discord server: discord.gg/7ngn7yN9xN

Chapter end

Chapter 373
Chapter 372
Chapter 371
Chapter 370
Chapter 369
Chapter 368
Chapter 367
Chapter 366
Chapter 365
Chapter 364
Chapter 363
Chapter 362
Chapter 361
Chapter 360
Chapter 359
Chapter 358
Chapter 357
Chapter 356
Chapter 355
Chapter 354
Chapter 353
Chapter 352
Chapter 351
Chapter 350
Chapter 349
Chapter 348
Chapter 347
Chapter 346
Chapter 345
Chapter 344
Chapter 343
Chapter 342
Chapter 341
Chapter 340
Chapter 339
Chapter 338
Chapter 337
Chapter 336
Chapter 335
Chapter 334
Chapter 333
Chapter 332
Chapter 331
Chapter 330
Chapter 329
Chapter 328
Chapter 327
Chapter 326
Chapter 325
Chapter 311
Chapter 310
Chapter 309
Chapter 308
Chapter 307
Chapter 306
Chapter 305
Chapter 304
Chapter 303
Chapter 302
Chapter 301
Chapter 300
Chapter 299
Chapter 298
Chapter 297
Chapter 296
Chapter 295
Chapter 294
Chapter 293
Chapter 292
Chapter 291
Chapter 290
Chapter 289
Chapter 288
Chapter 287
Chapter 286
Chapter 285
Chapter 284
Chapter 283
Chapter 282
Chapter 281
Chapter 280
Chapter 279
Chapter 278
Chapter 277
Chapter 276
Chapter 275
Chapter 274
Chapter 273
Chapter 272
Chapter 271
Chapter 270
Chapter 269
Chapter 268
Chapter 267
Chapter 266
Chapter 265
Chapter 264
Chapter 263
Chapter 262
Chapter 261
Chapter 260
Chapter 259
Chapter 258
Chapter 257
Chapter 256
Chapter 255
Chapter 254
Chapter 253
Chapter 252
Chapter 251
Chapter 250
Chapter 249
Chapter 248
Chapter 247
Chapter 246
Chapter 245
Chapter 244
Chapter 243
Chapter 242
Chapter 241
Chapter 240
Chapter 239
Chapter 238
Chapter 237
Chapter 236
Chapter 235
Chapter 234
Chapter 233
Chapter 232
Chapter 231
Chapter 230
Chapter 229
Chapter 228
Chapter 227
Chapter 226
Chapter 225
Chapter 224
Chapter 223
Chapter 222
Chapter 221
Chapter 220
Chapter 219
Chapter 218
Chapter 217
Chapter 216
Chapter 215
Chapter 214
Chapter 213
Chapter 212
Chapter 211
Chapter 210
Chapter 209
Chapter 208
Chapter 207
Chapter 206
Chapter 205
Chapter 204
Chapter 203
Chapter 202
Chapter 201
Chapter 200
Chapter 199
Chapter 198
Chapter 197
Chapter 196
Chapter 195
187 Voyage
186 Not for everyone
185 Deciding Day
184 Egyptian Doll
183 Space and Time
182 Giving Up
181 Final Evolution
180 Opportunity
179 Corpses
178 Surrounded
177 Secret Weapon
176 coming soon
175 Black Figure
174 Good Sho
173 Terror
172 Special Technique
171 Second Day
170 First Day
169 First Blood
168 Regiment Leaders
167 Alpha
166 The Safest Place
165 Star Army
164 The Wall
163 Supply warehouse
162 Choices
161 Developmen
160 Star Base
159 A different person
158 Die Bravely
157 RUN
156 Denpasar Moon
155 A Threa
154 Fierce Battle
153 The Secret of Hexagram Technique
152 The Eight Elemen
151 The Be
150 Characters Update
149 Final Match
148 The Power of Spirit Enhancer
147 Delta Force
146 Competition
145 Armada
144 Bali Arrival
143 Promise
142 Borrowed Time
141 Decision
140 Rescued
139 Asking for Miracle
138 The Experimen
137 The Pi
136 Captured
135 Escaped
134 Village Battle
133 Innocence
132 Purged
131 Dear Readers
130 Responsibility
129 Revelation
128 Indonesian pillars
127 The Map
126 The New Java
125 Choice
124 Reques
123 Rebuild
122 Clear Up
121 Age of Heroes
120 The Gathering
119 Central Java
118 Family Firs
117 Christina
116 Firebirds
115 The Lion City
114 The Fortitude
113 Olympus has fallen
112 Journey to the Wes
111 Scary Though
110 Tactic
109 Black Carnage
108 Compete
107 Sneak In
106 Battle of Surabaya
105 The Convicts
104 The Strategis
103 New Weapon
102 Dancing Cattle
101 Bangkalan City
100 The Coast Battle
99 What a Crab
98 Chalk Mines
97 Surabaya Coas
96 Father and Son
95 Street Mercenaries
94 Jakarta Base
93 The Cavalry
92 Daisy Flower
91 The Misfits
90 Unique Ability
89 The Marke
88 War Council
87 Life and Hope
86 Garuda
85 Huge Beas
84 The Cannon
83 Brave Hear
82 The Siege
81 Night Battle
80 It's the Eggs
79 Panacea
78 The Nes
77 Fierce Battle
76 Rattle the Cage
75 War of the Apes
74 Second Stage
73 Sacred Monkey Fores
72 Special Uni
71 Be The Very Bes
70 More Food
69 Muscle Memory
68 Peak Mortal Realm
67 Join Us
66 The Psychic
65 The Wrestler
64 7 Division
63 Starbase
62 Break the Party
61 Sea of Flames
60 Surrounded
59 Mutiny
58 The Bai
57 Last Duty
56 Execute the Plan
55 Dusk till Dawn
54 Doomsday restar
53 Commander in Chief
52 No Hope
51 Run and Run
50 Dead Rises
49 Red Eyes
48 It's Nonsense
47 Last Preperations
46 Christmas Presen
45 The Decision
44 Silent Nigh
43 The Doomsday Secre
42 The Doomsday Festival
41 Special Friend
40 Reaction
39 Make it Viral
38 The Duel
37 The Plant Whisperer
36 The Scenario
35 The Navy
34 Back Home
33 The Slaughter
32 The Amulet of Sun
31 1 vs 30
30 Mexico Ruins
29 The Professor
28 A Resolve
27 The Hexagram Steps
26 Martial Ar
25 Bullseye
24 Ice Queen
23 Death Squad
22 West Regen
21 Free Lunch
20 Breakou
19 Special Forces
18 The 9 Dragons
17 Not Enough
16 Spirit Enhancer
15 Black Snake Island
14 The Smugglers' Den
13 More Artifacts
12 Power Up
11 The Temple's Relic
10 The Main Base
9 Assembled
8 The Bay City
7 The Pries
6 The General
5 Shopping Lis
4 Money Money Money
3 The Land of God
2 Where to Star
1 A Second Chance
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