After Rebirth, I returned to Miaojiang to inherit my family business Chapter 9

After Rebirth, I returned to Miaojiang to inherit my family business Chapter 9

Ch9 – Calamity Ghost

Wu Rong once went to an amusement park with Xun An's sister a long time ago, and was dragged by the tyrannical girl to the drop tower.

He never knew that he was afraid of heights, until he felt the weightlessness of the moment when he fell from the high air. It was like a steel hand clutching his heart, and everyone else was screaming, but he couldn't make a sound, closing his eyes, he looked pale, and almost suffocated. 

The cliff was even higher than the drop tower. The sharp wind made Wu Rong's skin ache, and his shoulder hurt even more. The ghost boy bit it off with a greedy bite. The intense pain was not from his body, but from a deeper, more vulnerable place, his soul. But before the ghost boy bit it, a purple light came on and suddenly broke it.




The sharp and piercing howling sound shocked Wu Rong with a headache and hot chest. It was the amulet with paper crane seal characters that was burning. The defeated ghost qi quickly gathered again. Compared with the appearance of the ghost boy before, it was more ferocious and terrible. Now it was like a mass of flowing oil. The thick, nearly liquid black slurry was stained with wisps of blood-like red. It kept pulsing, like the capillaries of some monster, dirty and disgusting.

“Eat you, I will eat you!” 

The cloud of dirt crashed into Wu Rong's chest and knocked him away. Wu Rong, who was pale when he fell from the sky, suddenly felt light all over, and when he lowered his head, he could see the rapidly approaching scarlet earth through his body. Wu Rong saw that 'he' was falling not far away, his eyes were closed and he was paralyzed.


Wu Rong's soul was unstable, and the ghost boy knocked him out of his body.


The thunder sounded through the sky, and the originally clear sky suddenly became overcast, as black as ink. The dark and gloomy air was connected between the rolling thick clouds, just like a black pig crossing a river. There was a faint touch of dark scarlet, which was extremely thick. It was a sign of the rising ghost spirit and the birth of a Calamity Ghost!


The wind howled, the lightning flashed and the thunder struck. The ghost boy who arrogant moments ago suddenly shivered. The fear and awe from instinct made him panic and tremble, but the thought of greed made him crazy. It was just a pause, then the ghost boy continued to pounce on Wu Rong, and the thick black ghost plasma opened like a big mouth to swallow him!

On Wu Rong's body, the runes and seal characters were like the most attractive food before its eyes.

The danger and murder were shrouded in Wu Rong's eyes. He was really angry.



In the shrill cry, the black ghost slurry around the ghost boy who just rushed to the front suddenly broke up, as if he was crushed by a higher level of force. The little black face retreated greedily, leaving only endless fear, and even dared not struggle – Wu Rong grabbed its throat at some time.

Ordinary people were totally powerless, but it was easy for the soul to get out of the body. He felt indescribably happy in his present state, just like a fierce animal that broke free from his shackles. Wu Rong was cold and sharp like a knife straight into the ghost boy's chest, and quickly grabbed the pale child's finger bone with blood stains.

Destroy the original keepsake, and the ghost will really die. Wu Rong clearly remembers what Zhou Xun said. Just listen to a crack. Wu Rong's hands were hard, like crushing a humble worm.

“Ah ah ah ah ah!!!” 

“It hurts, it hurts, King begging you to forgive me, please forgive me! I dare not, I dare not -”

We're sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we're going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Pc atf qjlc jcv vfrqjlg bo atf utbra ybs, Qe Ebcu klatvgfk tlr tjcv jcv rjk atf ygbxfc olcufg ybcf. Qtja j afgglyif atlcu la kjr ab mgert atf bglulcji xffqrjxf bo fnli rqlglar klat yjgf tjcvr. Snfc atbrf qbkfgoei tfjnfcis wjrafgr mbeivc'a vb la fjrlis.

Qe Ebcu vlvc'a xcbk. Lf pera atbeuta atja tf kjr nfgs tjqqs lc atf rajaf bo tlr rbei. Lf kjr lcnlcmlyif. Ktf bwclqbafca qifjregf mjc rlcx atf wbra vfafgwlcfv qfgrbc lc atf kbgiv. Dea ja atf rjwf alwf, tf kjr nfgs tecugs. Lf kjr rb tecugs atja tf mbeiv cba gfragjlc tlwrfio. Llr rbei rffwfv ab yf ifjxlcu bea bo atf klcv, jcv ogbw atf vffqfra qijmf mjwf j rfcrf bo ecyfjgjyif fwqalcfrr.

One second, Wu Rong was still wondering how the soul could return to the body. The next second, he was driven by instinct and swallowed the broken finger bones. 


The ghost boy's screams suddenly stopped, and the world in Wu Rong's eyes shook violently. The blue sky and the white sun were darkened, the sky and the earth were spinning. His vision changed, as if he saw another world.


Mountains collapsed, rivers ran out of water, and vigorous forests turnef into desolate and dead scorched earth in a flash. The world had become a monotonous black and white. The ghost fire was burning forever on the cracked earth. The river was red with blood, which was the only bright color in this black and white world. The world had become a hell.

He heard the wailing of countless people and the crying and shouting of despair. There were thousands of ghosts floating in the sky. Ghosts and evil spirits creeped out of the cracks in the earth. The white skeleton came out from the rivers, lakes and seas, and many skeletons cut off the rivers. All the ghosts in the world rushed to him, but Wu Rong was not afraid. 

Wearing a bone crown, he sat on a throne of white bones, overlooking the coming of thousands of ghosts.

Boom Boom——

The deafening thunder came from the sky, and the strong ghost qi suddenly rose in the ancient battlefield, which shook the world. At the moment, the illusion disappeared. Wu Rong, who was about to fall to the bottom, saw that in the center of the battlefield ruins, the blood mud rolled with the dense white bones surged like a wave, setting off a hundred meter-tall wave. The blood mud attracted by Wu Rong's breath was like a greedy and horrible monster about to swallow him.

All the blood mud poured into the air, revealing a scarlet skeleton, which was not very tall. It was red, shiny, and full of blood. It emitted a strong evil qi thousands of times stronger than the ghost boy. 

Just then!


The purple thunder fell from the sky and hit the blood mud. The thunder, which could clean up all the evil forces in the world, fell down one after another in the ground due to the ghost qi. The blood mud split by the thunder was depressed, and the air was suddenly clear. Wu Rong shivered. The fear of the extreme danger brought by the annihilation of thunder made him wake up instantly. Instinctively, he knew that the thunder was the killer of all gods and spirits, and his soul would disappear immediately if he touched a trace of it.

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Without hesitation, Wu Rong pounced on the body that was about to fall to the ground. The stinging feeling like needles came from behind him, and the thunder caused by the ghost was out of control. In addition, there was the site of Master Fu's thunder nearby, which made the thunders not stop. 

Hurry up, hurry up, Wu Rong's soul was automatically sucked in when it got close to his body. Before he got rid of his dizziness, a creepy sense of silence enveloped him.

Living people would be killed by the thunder, not to mention ghosts. From ghosts to people, he was as cold as ice, only his chest rune was warm, even hot. The thunder was like a flash in his back. There was blood and mud in front of Wu Rong. He didn't know whether he would be killed first or fall to death.

The nausea and dizziness of weightlessness spread. Wu Rong closed his eyes and waited for death.

Suddenly, an extremely cold breath gushed from below and held him, as if the ground was not blood mud but an icy chest. The rumble of thunder suddenly stopped, and time was frozen. Before Wu Rong opened his eyes, his throat suddenly tightened. 

A unknown cold force strangled his neck and he could not resist. The extremely horrible ghost energy made Wu Rong's hair tremble, and the other ghost spirit disappeared completely. It was like a young fierce animal meeting a natural enemy. His instinct made him want to hide as hard as he could, pretending to be dead.

But he had been caught, and there seems to be a pair of eyes without any feelings staring at him, examining him, full of crazy emotions, violent and cold. The unprecedented death crisis shrouded Wu Rong, who had been strangled by the neck, and could not even turn back. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw a slender, pale and inhuman translucent hand passing by his ear, and then——

The thunder was crushed carelessly.

A Calamity Ghost 

All ghosts were afraid of thunder. Few of them were fearless and had no taboos. No doubt they were not on the level of ferocious ghosts. Wu Rong remembered that he had seen the red skeleton and the remains of the white bone ghost king under the blood mud just now, but he had no time to think about it. The sky swirled and the earth whirled. Wu Rong was thrown to the ground, and his back fell heavily into the smelly blood mud. The pain came. He clenched his teeth and finally saw the real face of the ghost.

His black hair was like a waterfall, he was dressed in red, his face was like ice and snow, his eyes were closed, and his lips looked pale. Wu Rong could not see the real face of the big ghost. He was very pale and ethereal. It seemed that he would be blown away by the wind in the next second. The thunder and lightning all hit his back, and he stood still like a rock. The lightning reflected the blood that fell on Wu Rong and poured out a circle of deep red.


He was dripping blood all over, and his hair, face and clothes were dyed red with blood. There was no intact place on the body. There were numerous scars everywhere, as if they had been delayed. The ghost who died of inhuman torture was the most dangerous and full of resentment. His red clothes were dyed red by blood.

The thunder and lightning finally stopped, leaving only the rumbling thunder in the air. Cold came from the place where Wu Rong was in contact with the ghost. The other side was looking at him, just like a giant looking down on an ant, cold and indifferent. His sixth sense was frantically clamoring danger, but was completely deterred. Wu Rong watched the ghost bend down and embrace him. 

It was like falling into a ice hole. Even his soul was frozen. Only the amulet on the chest was still warm. Wu Rong's teeth trembled and his cheeks cooled. He only knew later.

The ghost was licking his blood.

The bruises on his face scraped by gravel, the blood prints bitten on the lips, and the scratches exposed on the outer skin when falling. The cold feeling like a snake scratched the wound. It didn't hurt because it was already cold and unconscious. There was no beauty or ambiguity, just like a wild animal drinking a mouthful of blood before devouring its prey.

It seemed that this blood was too little, and the cold place moved to Wu Rong's chest, just above the heart. The hand that had just torn the thunder fell there, fingers long and pale, nails neat and tidy, translucent and very clean, completely unable to fathom that he had just torn a thunderstrike. 

Suddenly, the finger knocked and pulled something from Wu Rong's chest.

It was an amulet.

The big ghost tore it up, took out the paper crane inside, and paused for a long time. The loss of the last heat source, the excessive cold and the tiredness and pain of just getting out of the body force made Wu Rong struggle and fall into a coma.


He didn't know how long it took, Wu Rong suddenly woke up.

Wu Rong was stunned for a while that he didn't die, but the pain in his arm brought him back to his senses. He now seemed to be in a simple rural medical room, with a bandage wrapped around his left arm from wrist to upper arm. Wu Rong felt his chest first, and the amulet was no longer there. He was in a moment of confusion and wondered whether he was dead or not.

He was still warm, but if he didn't die, why didn't the ghost kill him?

Where did it go? 

“Wu Rong, you finally woke up!”

Zhou Xun's excited voice could be heard from a long distance. This time, he didn't wear a mask and wore a thick bandage around his neck. It was very funny. Zhou Xun fell over Wu Rong's bedside like a big dog and said without concealing his worry, “Shit, I thought you were gone. You didn't know at the time that the ghost boy caused the revival of the ancient battlefield. Fortunately, Master Fu Lei Wei was still there. He cracked dozens of thunder and killed all the ghost.”

Zhou Xun couldn't stop with his mouth open. Wu Rong roughly understood the process. Although he was dragged down the cliff by the ghost boy, he seemed pretty much dead, but when the thunder disappeared, Zhou Xun and the middle-aged Taoist priest did not give up and carefully went down the cliff to search in the ancient battlefield. Finally, Wu Rong, who was still breathing, was found beside the train wreck.

“If the ghosts and thunder had not consumed most of the aura accumulated in the ancient battlefield, Taoist Priest Cheng and I would not have gotten off.” 

Speaking of the scene at that time, Zhou Xunxin had lingering fears. Finally, he cheered up and said with a smile: “Wu Rong, it's also a blessing if you survive a disaster. I haven't congratulated you yet!”

“Congratulations on becoming a ghost raiser!”


The author has something to say:
The number one ghost boy of the rebirth has brought the bento~
Carry it away, and the next rebirth is ready!

Rongrong is not a white bone. He is much higher than the white bone ghost king =w= 

TL note: (when an actor ends its scenes it'll carry a bento box and leave the studio)
Idk why but author changed it's resentful ghost (Li Gui) to evil spirit (大凶鬼煞). Maybe it's a higher class of resentful ghosts?
(大凶) the pinyin is dà xiōng, which means (1) the year of the great famine; (2) the calamity, which means death.
(鬼煞) it's ghost. So it's like a calamity ghost? It does sound cooler than great evil spirit so I'll use this term.


I hope you enjoyed these chapters, I was having so much fun on this rollercoaster XD

Chapter end

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