After Rebirth, I returned to Miaojiang to inherit my family business Chapter 35

After Rebirth, I returned to Miaojiang to inherit my family business Chapter 35

There are two soundtracks for today's chapter, don't miss it! (click on TN's note, two big sentences!)

Title is the sound of a chicken 

[Day one task completed]

When the task completion message conveyed by the Tiankeng consciousness appeared in Wu Rong's mind, the dormitory he was in also became extraordinarily quiet and peaceful. The electric fan turned slowly and steadily, the white and green walls were clean, and the air was filled with the fragrance of toilet water. All the yin and ghosts disappeared, and the dormitory was even a little hot in the midsummer night.



“I'm a little scared.”

The girl on bed 1 whispered: “Let's go to bed.” 

“Ha, ha ha ha, people can't be judged by appearances. I didn't expect Wú Róng to know such a scary ghost story. Ha, ha ha.”


The girl on bed 2 laughed a bit stiffly.

“Can we stop talking about it?”

The girl on bed 3 cried: “I'm afraid I won't see the sun tomorrow.”


“Wú Róng, stop talking, stop talking, everyone is scared.”

The girl on the 4th bed let out a cry, completely admitting her cowardice.

The girls in beds 5 and 6 were silent, and there was a snoring sound from the bulging quilt, as if they fell asleep in seconds, but the snoring sound was a bit fake.



On bed No. 8, Chi Fangfang got out of the bed, walked quickly to Wu Rong's side, took his hand, and kept him behind, whispering firmly: “Rong, Róngróng, you, don't be afraid, if something happens, I will protect you!”

“Go to sleep.”

Wu Rong said calmly, looking out the window, just in time to meet Fu Qing downstairs. The two looked at each other, Fu Qing nodded. Ignoring the vigilant dormitory aunt who was staring at him like a tiger, he bypassed the dormitory area and headed towards the west. He had been walking for a long time, but Wu Rong could still feel the hot and warm fire. He was so hot that his nerves were tense and it was difficult to fall asleep.

The women's dormitory was overcast, and when the temperature dropped in the middle of the night, Wu Rong layed down on the bed, closed his eyes, but did not fall asleep. 

On the side next to the bed, behind the wall, scratching sounds were faintly heard from the position below. It wasn't loud, but there was a sound, like someone scratching the wall with long nails, or like long and hard anthropod limbs stuck to the wall while walking. The tip should be very sharp, so that the wall can be scratched enough to make such a sound. But dormitory No. 444 is the last dormitory on the fourth floor, and the wall Wu Rong is leaning against is the outer wall of the dormitory building, so there should be no people there.

Unless there is something that climbed up the outer wall of the dormitory building in the dead of night, stuck to the wall, and scratched the wall with its fingers and claws, it would make such a sound. And the sound was gradually approaching the height where Wu Rong was. At first, it was from downwards, now becoming more and more upward. The subtle scratching sounds pierced the eardrum like a wire, which could not be ignored at all.

Finally, when the scratching sound from outside the wall reached Wu Rong's level, the sound disappeared.

Silence, silence, there is a deeper fear in the silence. There seemed to be something lying there outside the wall, motionless, peeping inward through the wall viciously. There was an inconspicuous hole on the wall next to Wu Rong, it was not big, thinner than a finger. It was unknown who poked it out, it was extremely cold, as if there were gusts of wind blowing from outside. 

Swish swish.

The little green snake yawned, glanced at the wall, and tilted his head, not knowing what it was that disturbed the people so much. It crawled to Wu Rong's pillow, curled up in a circle, flicked its tongue and slept soundly.


The dormitory became quieter. The original sound of the roommates turning over due to the heat had disappeared, and they all lay quietly on the bed, very peaceful.

Swish swish. 

The black rock tarantula crawled out of the clay pot, climbed onto the wall that Wu Rong was leaning against, and resolutely scratched the wall twice with its forelimbs, then tapped the wall with its tip threateningly. It crawled up and down the wall, looking for a comfortable place to spin its net. Finally, it settled on the small hole in the wall that was constantly catching the wind. The black rock tarantula originally liked dark and cold places, just like the Old Miao Cave.

The small hole in the wall made it feel very welcomed. It beat on the hole for a long time, confirming that it was already a big spider. After it couldn't get in, the big spider still refused to give up.

It spun silk and piled it under the small hole, weaving a small platform of silk. Then, lying in the silk pocket, he slowly explored the entrance of the cave with his hind limbs. After exploring for a while, the little spider backed up slowly and cautiously like a lady, and finally sat down in the small cave with satisfaction. Tucking in both hind legs and the tip of the butt.

The scratching outside the wall disappeared. 

But after such a toss, Wu Rong lost his sleepiness. He looked at his left arm, unconsciously thinking of the method Su Xiaomi taught him in the ghost market.

The gold needle and gold thread to seal the five senses was a secret method of Longhushan School that was not widely known. It was specially used to target the terrifying ghosts and spirits. It takes a lot of energy. The golden needle and thread used are consecrated in front of the founder for a long time, and refined with secret methods. It was extremely precious. A gold needle can stop evil spirits, not to mention the five senses. Gold is stable and pure. It is the best container for trapping ghosts. Ghosts newly captured by ghost hunters in the Ghost Land will be put into pure gold boxes, sealed with gold and vermilion, and wound with ink ropes, leaving no gaps.

The golden needle and golden thread sealed the five senses, the damage to the big ghost was not immediately fatal, but relying on the stability of the gold, it is slowly grinded down over a long period of time, until finally the ghost energy is completely lost, and his soul flies away. Giving up. In the same way, the five senses can be kept sealed while not dying, and even being able to crush the thunder with one hand when he was born was enough to show how strong the big ghost was in his era of complete victory.

Even though he doesn't even have ghost and yin energy now, and can't even solidify his appearance, like a cloud of smoke that is about to dissipate, a skinny camel was bigger than a horse. Now, the big ghost can stay on Wu Rong's left arm at ease, but it may not be so after the seal is released. Maybe a good guest will become an evil host, and many troubles will arise. Although the two had already signed a blood contract, the blood contract itself was the most barbaric and simple contract, and the ghost breeder was most likely to be influenced by ghosts. 

Although most of the ghost raisers would be assimilated by evil ghosts in the end, and eventually die of backlash, the blood pact can affect a living person to be bloodthirsty, cruel, and ruthless. But the ghost raiser can't feel his abnormality. When they are outside, they are no different from ordinary people, but they can calmly, smile and commit tragic situations such as insane massacres.

“Blood pact contracters, most of them will become demons in human skin”

Vb Qe Ebcu qijccfv ab mbwweclmjaf klat atf ylu utbra lc tlr jgw olgra ab pevuf lar jaalaevf. Po atf ylu utbra lr abb mgefi jcv vfwfcafv, la klii atgfjafc tlr ilof. Ktfc rlwqis ifjnlcu la jibcf, ibbxlcu ja atf meggfca rlaejalbc, la wjs cba yf ibcu yfobgf tf klii mbiijqrf cjaegjiis.

After repeating Su Xiaomi's method several times silently in his mind, Wu Rong knew it well. He pressed the blood-stained paper crane under the pillow. This was the first talisman paper crane that Fu Qing gave him before he fell off the cliff, and it was also the one he picked up on his own initiative when the ghost at the bottom of the cliff first came into contact with Wu Rong. A paper crane. With the paper crane on his pillow, Wu Rong bit the tip of his tongue, took the blood from the tip of his tongue, and smeared a spot of blood on the upper and lower sections of the ghost pattern on his left arm. 

The cold feeling seeped from his left arm, it was as cold as ice in a few seconds. The temperature in the dormitory dropped suddenly, and it seemed like a huge and terrible force was about to wake up. Then Wu Rong pillowed his left arm, closed his eyes and recited silently.

According to the normal procedure, the name of the ghost should be recited silently here. But Wu Rong didn't know his name yet, so he only sketched his appearance when they first met in his mind.

His black hair was like a waterfall, his face was like ice and snow, he was dressed in blood, and his body was covered in scars.

Suddenly, Wu Rong's body fell downwards, as if the bed had turned into a bottomless abyss. The feeling of weightlessness surrounded him, and the piercing cold wind rushed in like a sea tide, as if someone was screaming and roaring in his ears, and the noise of ravings sounded. When it reached the extreme, it was like white noise buzzing. A sense of gloom and cold permeated from the cracks in his bones, and the vague smell of blood lingered in his nose. 

Wu Rong couldn't help it and let out a trembling breath. The blood rushed to his face, engulfing him in an instant. With a firm footing, the fall finally came to an end. Wu Rong opened his eyes.

He came to the world of the big ghost.


Even Wu Rong was surprised by the sight after opening his eyes, the big ghost was not in front of him, and what he saw was a devastated land. The tall buildings were collapsed and decayed, broken steel bars were exposed, twisted and ferociously pointed towards the blood-colored sky. Human beings had multiplied for thousands of years, and the modern civilization created by them had been destroyed. The concrete pavement cracked, exposing the crimson and turbulent soil underground. Pale bone claws protruded from the ground, and skeletons crawled out of hell and came to the world.

Wu Rong didn't expect to see such a scene, and even doubted Su Xiaomi for a moment. After all, what he taught should be the method of communicating with big ghosts. This method is actually very common, especially ghost raisers who raise wild ghosts will use this method. 

Wanting to raise a ghost was to some extent equivalent to finding a cohabitant. People who raise family ghosts are like inviting their sons and daughters to live with them at home, and generally they will not be rejected. The ghost raisers raise ghosts from the rich yin qi after the supernatural recovery, and they will not refuse as long as they promise to feed enough ghost qi to the ghosts.

And those rare ghosts and evil spirits that are condensed with resentment after death have the highest potential and are the most difficult to raise. These ghosts usually have obsessions before death, and they still have obsessions after death. At this time, the ghost raiser needs to communicate with the ghost, enter the deepest part of the ghost's memory, and figure out what its obsession is. After solving it, they can raise the ghost smoothly.

For Wu Rong, this is equivalent to getting on the bus first and then buying the ticket. The order is reversed, but it's not bad.

The biggest problem at present was that Wu Rong couldn't see what the big ghost's obsession was, and he hadn't even found the big ghost. 

Walking through this blood-stained land, it seems to be the early days of the supernatural recovery. Wu Rong saw that the ground was full of turbulent blood-mud and bones sticking out, and Wu Rong noticed that the bones in the soil would retract into the soil when he passed by, very agile.

In the memory of most ghosts, there are only scenes or things that they have the deepest obsession with, and everything else is a blurred outline. But when Wu Rong looked around, he could see the blood-eyed crows circling in the sky, polluted by Yin Qi, the rolling and gloomy mountains in the distance, guarding the dilapidated town in front of him, the silent soldiers in the trenches, looking tired and ashen, and several tanks slowly coming out.

This is just like the real world. At the beginning of the supernatural recovery, the tragic scene of human beings confronting ghosts vividly stood out on the paper. The stronger the ghost, the clearer his memory will be, but it is too exaggerated to be like the big ghost. Wu Rong thought that the deepest obsession of the big ghost was either the source of his lingering wounds or the time when he was blocked by the golden needles and threads.

But he didn't expect that the memory of the big ghost would be a whole world. 


Deafening thunder came from the eastern sky. The thick and dense clouds seemed to have opened a hole. The cold wind blowed away the hot and oppressive air, and raindrops fell.

It rained blood from all over the sky.

As the blood rained down, Wu Rong found that his figure was fading. The ghostly yin qi contained in the blood rain was too strong, it would arouse the yin qi in Wu Rong's body, and make him leave this dream state, he would be repelled after a while. Wu Rong didn't want to leave yet, so with a second thought, he appeared in the ruins of the town. This is a dream, so he can come and go freely. 

It was said to be a small town, but its development is similar to that of a city, with central shopping malls and skyscrapers. But the broken and collapsed buildings stretched from the edge of the town to the center. The ground where Wu Rong was standing now had collapsed and subsided, and the ground faults formed a huge, irregular ellipse. It was as if some terrifying giant had passed through the town, leaving behind a series of giant footprints that sank deep enough to hold a hundred people.

Under the footprints, the smashed buildings were stained with blood and mud, and an unknown number of people had died.

Wu Rong hid in a shop that was still in good condition, probably because of the rain of blood, his originally transparent and illusory figure became solid, with a layer of pearly color, like a newly dead ghost.

Suddenly, a hand stretched out from the ground, grabbed Wu Rong's ankle and pulled him into the ground. 

“Young man, why are you so reckless? You'll go crazy and turn into a ghost if you get drenched in blood!”

Wu Rong suppressed the thought of attacking with a backhand and looked behind him. He saw a pearl-colored old man with a concerned expression on his face. His upper body was normal, but his lower body was crushed into a puddle of blood.


The uncle was also a ghost, but he didn't have the resentment of a ghost on his body. He had kind eyebrows and kind eyes, and his expression was peaceful.

“It's been a long time since I've seen such a complete young man, he looks a bit unfamiliar.” 

The uncle shook his head regretfully: “It's a pity that he came to visit us. But since we are all ghosts, don't worry about so much.”

“If you have too much resentment, you will become like those irrational bloodthirsty monsters. Let's go, I'll take you to meet everyone.”

Along the way, the uncle said things, Wu Rong listened and figured out the current time.

This is estimated to be the initial stage of the spiritual recovery, the time when the seven tiankengs descended, and when the world's darkest energy was the thickest. During this period of time, even if there was no obsession and resentment after death, the soul would be infected by Yin Qi and become a ghost. 

Come and read on our website wuxia worldsite. Thanks

“The people in the town are dying, everyone is here.”

The uncle babbled: “When it's not raining, everyone will go out to help the People's Liberation Army. They are all good guys, and they really suffered for us.”

Ghosts can ignore most buildings and entities. The uncle led Wu Rong through the ground, and after walking for an unknown amount of time, he emerged upwards. Wu Rong estimated the route in his mind, this place should be the commercial square in the center of the town. Coming out of the ground, the place where ghosts were in was the most comfortable cold and dark place. Cardboard boxes full of goods occupied most of the space, only the central space had been cleared out.

This should be the cold storage of a large shopping mall. 

“Old Yang, you're finally back, and it's raining blood outside again, so you worried us—ah, why did someone disappear again? He's still such a young and handsome guy.”

“He died so completely!”

Chattering and bustling, thirty or forty pearl-colored ghosts gathered in the cold storage, sat or stood, ignoring most of their tattered and miserable bodies, just like when they were alive. A head in the ghost group was crushed and crushed. The ghost with unclear facial features rushed out, and flew anxiously to the old man. He said nervously, “Lao Yang, have you seen Jiayan? How is he? Is he still alive?”

“Of course, of course, he is still alive. Xiao Chen drives a tank. He is very handsome.” 

“That's good.”

The ghost breathed a sigh of relief, and the voice sounded like that of a woman in her fifties, and she recited Amitabha: “It's okay, it's okay…”

Suddenly, the aunt ghost changed her tone and threatened: “You didn't tell him I was dead, did you?!”

“No, no, why would I talk nonsense.” 

“If you die, you are dead, and if you hide it, you are dead.”

A resentful young male voice came: “I hate, I hate, I hate the goddamn ghost who ate my parents, I want to kill it too! Kill it!”


“Guoqing, why are you offending again?”

The aunt ghost immediately shifted her firepower: “Look at how dark you are. If it gets darker, everyone can only hand you over to Little Master Kuchan!” 

A ghost without resentment is pearly white, while a ghost infected by resentment will turn black, and finally become an irrational, crazy and bloodthirsty evil ghost. Everyone present died unexpectedly, and there was more or less black resentment on their bodies, but the young ghost who spoke just now had the thickest black, and his soul and body turned dark gray, which continued to deepen.

Seeing this, others came to persuade him by chirping, a young female ghost hugged him and coaxed him in a low voice: “Guoqing, don't complain, let's not complain, ah.”

“Auntie, I hate it so much, I hate it so much. ”

Two lines of blood and tears flowed down the face of the ghost named Guoqing, weeping uncontrollably: “It was fine the day before yesterday, everything was fine, why did it suddenly become like this, why, exactly why.” 

“Don't hate, don't hate.”

There was a low weeping sound, and his words aroused the sadness of the ghosts. The young female ghost was also crying, she hugged him even tighter, and softly comforted him: “Don't hate him so badly, don't cause trouble for them.”

“Sooner or later, everyone will die.”

The young ghost said bitterly and was suddenly slapped. 

“Don't talk nonsense, the People's Liberation Army will protect us.”

A seemingly respectable old ghost hated iron for not becoming steel and said seriously: “They are risking their lives and still guarding outside, you are talking nonsense in frustration!”

Pure souls are the most coveted food for ghosts. Once the upper armed forces withdraw, these ghosts in the cold storage will immediately become food for the evil ghosts, torn apart and devoured.

Even though it is known that the people in this town are dead and gone, the armed police and soldiers above are still sticking to it. 

The spiritual recovery came, and the signals everywhere were interrupted. They were akin to being trapped on an isolated island, and they could only stick to their homes behind them until they died.

'Hee hee hee'

'Giggle giggle'


Faint laughter came from a distance, sad and sharp, obviously it was laughter, but it was more penetrating than howling, and made everyone's scalp numb. Uncle Yang's face changed when he heard this: “No, the blood rain has stopped, and the brats have come out again!”

“We have to help them!”


Wu Rong seemed to have strayed into history, witnessing the tragedy repeating itself. He followed the ghosts back to the ground in a hurry. After a rain of blood, the color of the land became more and more blood-red, and the yin energy was overwhelming. As soon as the ghosts rushed up, some of them couldn't bear the heavy yin energy and dissipated in the air. The remaining ghosts had no time to cry and mourn and rushed to the battlefield outside the town.

It was difficult to describe the cruel scene in front of him at this moment. The magic seemed to have fallen into reality. Thousands of pale bones crawled out of the ground, densely packed, and the bones rushed towards the town like waves. What greeted them was the sound of guns resounding through the sky and the earth, scorching flames tore through the thick fog, and their gushing tongues of flames engulfed the bones. Landmines went off one after another, the deafening explosions and dazzling flames not only shattered the bones, but also shattered the souls of innocent people. 

Ghosts were afraid of explosions and bright lights, but in front of the sea of ​​ghosts and skeletons coming one after another, the line of defense was as fragile as a layer of paper. Modern weapons were particularly weak at this time. Some of the soldiers at the front line had no time to evacuate and were torn apart, being swallowed by the swarming ghosts, leaving no souls behind.

The people of the town couldn't only be the thirty or forty in the cold storage. Most of them were eaten by ghosts.



The front of the tank cover moved backward, and the officer commanded with his heart broken and his voice hoarse. For three days and three nights, he did not rest for a moment. But now, the town behind him was about to lose its hold.


Ghost Aunt exclaimed, rushing up desperately. A young armed policeman in the trench who was covering the retreat of his teammates was grabbed by the ankle by the skeleton, and before he could raise his gun to shoot, four or five skeletons pounced on him, their bones and sharp claws gleaming coldly, trying to tear him apart and swallow him. The young armed policeman gritted his teeth, with a resolute expression on his dusty and distressed face, seeing that he could not escape, he simply pushed his teammates away, and rushed towards the skeletons to buy time for his companions.

But what he bumped into was not the bones and sharp claws, but a cloud of cold, but extraordinarily gentle wind. The freezing air resisted the skeleton, just like when he saved his teammates just now, and pushed the young armed policeman back. Where the young armed police could not see, the woman's ghost was torn to pieces by the bones, and at the last moment of annihilation, she was still worried and looked in his direction. 

The armed police, who had always been bloody, injured, land resolute, wept at this moment. Hot tears washed away the blood mud on his face, and the childness of his face under the ashes had not faded. Before he graduated from the Armed Police Academy, he had already carried a gun on the battlefield.


The bone skeleton that was blocked did not hesitate for a moment, and rushed towards him again. No matter how fast a person retreated, it was no match for a ghost. Not only the young armed policemen, but also countless young or old soldiers who were at the rear gritted their teeth and turned around resolutely at this moment, sacrificing themselves and using their flesh and blood to fight for even a second of time for their companions.

Walls built of flesh. 

“Om Mani Padme Hum!”

At this moment, the solemn Buddha's chant sounded from behind the army! The brilliant golden Buddha's radiance soared, like a Buddha descending into the world, spreading in all directions. The Buddha's light brushed over Wu Rong, even though he did not really come to this world, at this moment, he seemed to see a golden Buddha with a smile, pity and compassion appearing in the air at this moment. The golden Buddha's light spread like the waves, this must be an eminent monk with extremely deep cultivation, in order to exert the power of the six-character mantra to the extreme.

Little Master Kuchan.

Wu Rong remembered what the ghosts said just now, Kuchan, with the same title, the master was probably still a child in this era, but he had already achieved such profound attainments. 

The Buddha's light enveloped this place, and the skeletons stood in place one by one, no longer moving. Suddenly they fell like crops of cut wheat, and the bones broke and turned into piles of bone balls. It was as if all the wronged souls inside had been saved, and they had all turned into ordinary bones.

But it wasn't a victory.

Thick and foul-smelling blood suddenly filled the sky, and the scarlet blood radiated through the sky. Immediately afterwards, a huge, bleeding blood-red bone claw brazenly confronted the Buddha's light, and then— crushed the golden Buddha.


The blood that had just been purged by the Buddha's light surged up again, and a bloody skeleton could be vaguely seen standing in the blood mist. Its body was terrifying and dangerous to the extreme, and its bones were carved like ruby. It was just a skeleton standing there, yet it was powerful and mighty like the ocean's deep abyss! An unprecedented sense of trembling surged from Wu Rong's heart and spread to all limbs.

Ghost king. 

This is the ghost king!

Even if this is just the memory of the big ghost and not real, the terrifying power of that scarlet skeleton should not be underestimated despite the space of time. No wonder there would be a rain of blood and an endless army of bones. The whole town and the army had all fallen into the haunted domain of the ghost king! If it wasn't for Kuchan's attack, it wouldn't be too far to say that the ghost king would still be teasing and playing like a cat catching a mouse and would only swallow it all in one gulp when all the souls fell into despair.

Wu Rong curled his fingers unconsciously, clenched his fists, stood up straight, and looked in the direction of the ghost king. He was now in the state of a soul body, which was similar to the existence that came out of his body when he fell off the cliff that day. The moment the Skeleton Ghost King appeared, an unstoppable, morbid hunger gushed out from the depths of Wu Rong's soul.

Hungry, very hungry. 

He didn't know if it's an illusion, but the crimson skull in the blood mist seemed to be looking at him.

“Bone Ghost King, this is not the place for you to wreak havoc.”

A childish and majestic voice came from the rear of the army, and a young monk in gray robes stepped out of the crowd. He held a string of prayer beads in his hand, his lips were red and his teeth were white, just like Suddhana's. It's just that the young monk's face turned pale. Obviously, the shredded Buddha's light caused him a lot of backlash. 

Even so, facing the ghost king, he didn't take half a step back, and said loudly: “Grandmaster Fu has left the border and is about to arrive at Qingwu Cliff. If you don't fade away, this is where you will be buried today!”

“Jie Jie, yellow-mouthed child hasn't even grown har, but is quite wild.”

Bone Ghost King laughed, his tone dark and venomous. At the level of the ghost king, the cunning and wisdom of ghosts were no less than that of humans. Even so, seeing the blood mist that shrouded the small town shrink and gather, returning to the Bone Ghost King, it could be seen that he was particularly afraid of Master Fu whom Kuchan said.

“Do you think I don't have a backup while you have backup?” 

The Bone Ghost King was arrogant, and suddenly pointed in Wu Rong's direction.

“Come out!”

TL got goosebumps from the immersion while listening to the soundtrack

Hopefully it worked okay for you guys! 

Editor: Cloud Chip Cake



Chapter end

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