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The Only Job Changer In The World~ I, A Job Hopper, Decided To Master All The Jobs In Another World

1 Votes
Tsukasa, a company employee who repeatedly changes jobs in search of better conditions, challenges the final interview of a major corporation. But as soon as he went past the door, he found himself in another world. His past career seems completely irrelevant, leading to a sense of discouragement. But, the \Job Changer\ bestowed upon him grants him a unique ability! With the power to freely switch between jobs like swordsman, mage, spear user, alchemist, appraiser, pharmacist, and more, he begins a leisurely life in this different world. Whether dealing with monsters or making use of abundant knowledge from herbs to items, he adapts effortlessly, engaging in everything from helping people to earning money. Unstoppable with his versatile skills, the powerful corporate slave leaps into a fantasy of career advancement!
1 Votes
Tsukasa, a company employee who repeatedly changes jobs in search of better conditions, challenges the final interview of a major corporation. But as soon as he went past the door, he found himself in another world. His past career seems completely irrelevant, leading to a sense of discouragement. But, the \Job Changer\ bestowed upon him grants him a unique ability! With the power to freely switch between jobs like swordsman, mage, spear user, alchemist, appraiser, pharmacist, and more, he begins a leisurely life in this different world. Whether dealing with monsters or making use of abundant knowledge from herbs to items, he adapts effortlessly, engaging in everything from helping people to earning money. Unstoppable with his versatile skills, the powerful corporate slave leaps into a fantasy of career advancement!

The Only Job Changer In The World~ I, A Job Hopper, Decided To Master All The Jobs In Another World


The Only Job Changer In The World~ I, A Job Hopper, Decided To Master All The Jobs In Another World

(1 Votes)
The Only Job Changer in the World
Monsters;  Action;  Survival;  Adventure;  Magic;  Isekai;  Fantasy;  
Tsukasa, a company employee who repeatedly changes jobs in search of better conditions, challenges the final interview of a major corporation. But as soon as he went past the door, he found himself in another world. His past career seems completely irrelevant, leading to a sense of discouragement. But, the \Job Changer\ bestowed upon him grants him a unique ability! With the power to freely switch between jobs like swordsman, mage, spear user, alchemist, appraiser, pharmacist, and more, he begins a leisurely life in this different world. Whether dealing with monsters or making use of abundant knowledge from herbs to items, he adapts effortlessly, engaging in everything from helping people to earning money. Unstoppable with his versatile skills, the powerful corporate slave leaps into a fantasy of career advancement!
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Chapters 6
Tsukasa, a company employee who repeatedly changes jobs in search of better conditions, challenges the final interview of a major corporation. But as soon as he went past the door, he found himself in another world. His past career seems completely irrelevant, leading to a sense of discouragement. But, the \Job Changer\ bestowed upon him grants him a unique ability! With the power to freely switch between jobs like swordsman, mage, spear user, alchemist, appraiser, pharmacist, and more, he begins a leisurely life in this different world. Whether dealing with monsters or making use of abundant knowledge from herbs to items, he adapts effortlessly, engaging in everything from helping people to earning money. Unstoppable with his versatile skills, the powerful corporate slave leaps into a fantasy of career advancement!
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Aug 26, 2024
The series The Only Job Changer In The World~ I, A Job Hopper, Decided To Master All The Jobs In Another World contain intense violence, blood/gore,sexual content and/or strong language that may not be appropriate for underage viewers thus is blocked for their protection. So if you're above the legal age of 18.
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