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The Broken Ring : This Marriage Will Fail Anyway

9 Votes
When six-year-old Ins laid eyes on the handsome heir to House Escalante, she promptly made the boy her fianc. Since noble men are all the same, she figured she might as well choose a pretty one. But Lord Crcel isn't ready for this sort of commitment just yet, and he spends the next decade and a half avoiding the marriage at all costs! Luckily, that's no trouble for Ins, as this marriage failing is exactly what she wants. In fact, he has her blessing to sow his wild oats as long as he stays out of her business. Unfortunately, being a playboy isn't as fun when your fiance gives you permission. And doesn't this mean she's cheating on him too? Now, Crcel is determined to change Ins' mind about him and prove he can be the husband she's always wanted.
9 Votes
When six-year-old Ins laid eyes on the handsome heir to House Escalante, she promptly made the boy her fianc. Since noble men are all the same, she figured she might as well choose a pretty one. But Lord Crcel isn't ready for this sort of commitment just yet, and he spends the next decade and a half avoiding the marriage at all costs! Luckily, that's no trouble for Ins, as this marriage failing is exactly what she wants. In fact, he has her blessing to sow his wild oats as long as he stays out of her business. Unfortunately, being a playboy isn't as fun when your fiance gives you permission. And doesn't this mean she's cheating on him too? Now, Crcel is determined to change Ins' mind about him and prove he can be the husband she's always wanted.

The Broken Ring : This Marriage Will Fail Anyway


The Broken Ring : This Marriage Will Fail Anyway

(9 Votes)
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When six-year-old Ins laid eyes on the handsome heir to House Escalante, she promptly made the boy her fianc. Since noble men are all the same, she figured she might as well choose a pretty one. But Lord Crcel isn't ready for this sort of commitment just yet, and he spends the next decade and a half avoiding the marriage at all costs! Luckily, that's no trouble for Ins, as this marriage failing is exactly what she wants. In fact, he has her blessing to sow his wild oats as long as he stays out of her business. Unfortunately, being a playboy isn't as fun when your fiance gives you permission. And doesn't this mean she's cheating on him too? Now, Crcel is determined to change Ins' mind about him and prove he can be the husband she's always wanted.
Comments 9
Chapters 102
When six-year-old Ins laid eyes on the handsome heir to House Escalante, she promptly made the boy her fianc. Since noble men are all the same, she figured she might as well choose a pretty one. But Lord Crcel isn't ready for this sort of commitment just yet, and he spends the next decade and a half avoiding the marriage at all costs! Luckily, that's no trouble for Ins, as this marriage failing is exactly what she wants. In fact, he has her blessing to sow his wild oats as long as he stays out of her business. Unfortunately, being a playboy isn't as fun when your fiance gives you permission. And doesn't this mean she's cheating on him too? Now, Crcel is determined to change Ins' mind about him and prove he can be the husband she's always wanted.
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The series The Broken Ring : This Marriage Will Fail Anyway contain intense violence, blood/gore,sexual content and/or strong language that may not be appropriate for underage viewers thus is blocked for their protection. So if you're above the legal age of 18.
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