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Takarakuji De 40-oku Atattandakedo Isekai Ni Ijuu Suru Manga

17 Votes
Kazura was selected as the winner on a lottery that he bought on a whim, and received 4,000,000,000 (billion) yen.To evade the hyenas that smelled the scent of his money, Kazura took refuge at an old residence that had been handed down from generation to generation in his family.When Kazura was investigating the place that would become his shelter, he stumbled on a certain room where it was possible to go into and back from another world.The culture and technology level of that world was relatively low. The protagonist sometimes brought goods, sometimes brought technological knowledge.At that world, he would find his true value as a person.Source: ComicWalker
17 Votes
Kazura was selected as the winner on a lottery that he bought on a whim, and received 4,000,000,000 (billion) yen.To evade the hyenas that smelled the scent of his money, Kazura took refuge at an old residence that had been handed down from generation to generation in his family.When Kazura was investigating the place that would become his shelter, he stumbled on a certain room where it was possible to go into and back from another world.The culture and technology level of that world was relatively low. The protagonist sometimes brought goods, sometimes brought technological knowledge.At that world, he would find his true value as a person.Source: ComicWalker

Takarakuji De 40-oku Atattandakedo Isekai Ni Ijuu Suru Manga


Takarakuji De 40-oku Atattandakedo Isekai Ni Ijuu Suru Manga

(17 Votes)
宝くじで40億当たったんだけど異世界に移住する; 복권으로 40억에 당첨됐지만 이세계로 이주한다; I Won 4 Billion in a Lottery But I Went to Another World; Я выиграл 4 миллиарда в лотерее и попал в другой мир
Suzunoki Kuro
Action;  Adventure;  Drama;  Fantasy;  Romance;  Monster;  
Kazura was selected as the winner on a lottery that he bought on a whim, and received 4,000,000,000 (billion) yen.To evade the hyenas that smelled the scent of his money, Kazura took refuge at an old residence that had been handed down from generation to generation in his family.When Kazura was investigating the place that would become his shelter, he stumbled on a certain room where it was possible to go into and back from another world.The culture and technology level of that world was relatively low. The protagonist sometimes brought goods, sometimes brought technological knowledge.At that world, he would find his true value as a person.Source: ComicWalker
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Chapters 74
Kazura was selected as the winner on a lottery that he bought on a whim, and received 4,000,000,000 (billion) yen.To evade the hyenas that smelled the scent of his money, Kazura took refuge at an old residence that had been handed down from generation to generation in his family.When Kazura was investigating the place that would become his shelter, he stumbled on a certain room where it was possible to go into and back from another world.The culture and technology level of that world was relatively low. The protagonist sometimes brought goods, sometimes brought technological knowledge.At that world, he would find his true value as a person.Source: ComicWalker
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Mar 10, 2024
The series Takarakuji De 40-oku Atattandakedo Isekai Ni Ijuu Suru Manga contain intense violence, blood/gore,sexual content and/or strong language that may not be appropriate for underage viewers thus is blocked for their protection. So if you're above the legal age of 18.
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