I'm Selena, a daughter born to a family well-known for their fertile women. I was all but sold off in a marriage to a sickly duke whose life hung in the balance, all for the sake of producing an heir for his family. They provided me a medicine purported to aid in pregnancy, and the astrologist advised me good days for sleeping together, but... there was no child.
“So, are there any signs of pregnancy?”
“Ah, I-Im sorry.”
“You're useless. What luck do you think won you the position of the dukes wife?”
I couldnt say a word.
'No, excuse me. I only have to look at the sky to pluck a star. Thats how I attained this position.' *
[(metaphor) Lit. Plucking a star from the sky: something thats difficult to get/achieve)
A husband who doesn't like touching me in the least.
But hes still pitiful so lets at least make him healthy by feeding him nutritious food, getting him to exercise, and I'll taste test any doubtful food first personally. Once he recovers from my extensive efforts, I'll sign an annulment paper and flee, but...
“You agreed to a contract to bear me an heir. But to think you would go back on your words...”
Although he's in good health now, my “former” husband has become a bit too healthy.
“Youre healthy now!”
“The duties of marriage are sacred. I will collect my dues.”
“Wait. Wait! But we're divorced? We're no longer husband and wife...”
He smirked then took a piece of paper from his breast pocket and tossed it to me.
“We arent divorced yet.”
I'm Selena, a daughter born to a family well-known for their fertile women. I was all but sold off in a marriage to a sickly duke whose life hung in the balance, all for the sake of producing an heir for his family. They provided me a medicine purported to aid in pregnancy, and the astrologist advised me good days for sleeping together, but... there was no child.
“So, are there any signs of pregnancy?”
“Ah, I-Im sorry.”
“You're useless. What luck do you think won you the position of the dukes wife?”
I couldnt say a word.
'No, excuse me. I only have to look at the sky to pluck a star. Thats how I attained this position.' *
[(metaphor) Lit. Plucking a star from the sky: something thats difficult to get/achieve)
A husband who doesn't like touching me in the least.
But hes still pitiful so lets at least make him healthy by feeding him nutritious food, getting him to exercise, and I'll taste test any doubtful food first personally. Once he recovers from my extensive efforts, I'll sign an annulment paper and flee, but...
“You agreed to a contract to bear me an heir. But to think you would go back on your words...”
Although he's in good health now, my “former” husband has become a bit too healthy.
“Youre healthy now!”
“The duties of marriage are sacred. I will collect my dues.”
“Wait. Wait! But we're divorced? We're no longer husband and wife...”
He smirked then took a piece of paper from his breast pocket and tossed it to me.
“We arent divorced yet.”
I'm Selena, a daughter born to a family well-known for their fertile women. I was all but sold off in a marriage to a sickly duke whose life hung in the balance, all for the sake of producing an heir for his family. They provided me a medicine purported to aid in pregnancy, and the astrologist advised me good days for sleeping together, but... there was no child.
“So, are there any signs of pregnancy?”
“Ah, I-Im sorry.”
“You're useless. What luck do you think won you the position of the dukes wife?”
I couldnt say a word.
'No, excuse me. I only have to look at the sky to pluck a star. Thats how I attained this position.' *
[(metaphor) Lit. Plucking a star from the sky: something thats difficult to get/achieve)
A husband who doesn't like touching me in the least.
But hes still pitiful so lets at least make him healthy by feeding him nutritious food, getting him to exercise, and I'll taste test any doubtful food first personally. Once he recovers from my extensive efforts, I'll sign an annulment paper and flee, but...
“You agreed to a contract to bear me an heir. But to think you would go back on your words...”
Although he's in good health now, my “former” husband has become a bit too healthy.
“Youre healthy now!”
“The duties of marriage are sacred. I will collect my dues.”
“Wait. Wait! But we're divorced? We're no longer husband and wife...”
He smirked then took a piece of paper from his breast pocket and tossed it to me.
“We arent divorced yet.”
Comments 1
Chapters 115
I'm Selena, a daughter born to a family well-known for their fertile women. I was all but sold off in a marriage to a sickly duke whose life hung in the balance, all for the sake of producing an heir for his family. They provided me a medicine purported to aid in pregnancy, and the astrologist advised me good days for sleeping together, but... there was no child.
“So, are there any signs of pregnancy?”
“Ah, I-Im sorry.”
“You're useless. What luck do you think won you the position of the dukes wife?”
I couldnt say a word.
'No, excuse me. I only have to look at the sky to pluck a star. Thats how I attained this position.' *
[(metaphor) Lit. Plucking a star from the sky: something thats difficult to get/achieve)
A husband who doesn't like touching me in the least.
But hes still pitiful so lets at least make him healthy by feeding him nutritious food, getting him to exercise, and I'll taste test any doubtful food first personally. Once he recovers from my extensive efforts, I'll sign an annulment paper and flee, but...
“You agreed to a contract to bear me an heir. But to think you would go back on your words...”
Although he's in good health now, my “former” husband has become a bit too healthy.
“Youre healthy now!”
“The duties of marriage are sacred. I will collect my dues.”
“Wait. Wait! But we're divorced? We're no longer husband and wife...”
He smirked then took a piece of paper from his breast pocket and tossed it to me.
“We arent divorced yet.”
Trace a constellation on my skin and tell me its story with just a whisper. Perhaps I can decipher it with a touch that speaks volumes? f1nd me on patsyrolon_mooo_com change _ to dot
The series Sickly? Husband's Contractual Wife Manga contain intense violence, blood/gore,sexual content and/or strong language that may not be appropriate for underage viewers thus is blocked for their protection. So if you're above the legal age of 18.
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