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Shin Lupin III

1 Votes
Lupin the Third and his motley crew return in Shin Lupin III! This time, several of the stories are either brand new or adapted from or to the Lupin Part 2 anime, and the beginning story was even animated by itself several years later! Lupin the Third is the grandson of the famous literary thief Arsène Lupin, and his partners in crime include the sharpshooter Jigen Daisuke, the stoic samurai Goemon Ishikawa the Thirteenth, and the on-again-off-again lover/rival Fujiko Mine. Their object is to steal the most valuable and important items while evading the guard of Inspector Koichi Zenigata, the ever-vigilant ICPO chief whose life goal is to capture Lupin, but when it's fulfilled, he's lost his purpose! What kids of exciting adventures will they get themselves into in...Shin Lupin III!
1 Votes
Lupin the Third and his motley crew return in Shin Lupin III! This time, several of the stories are either brand new or adapted from or to the Lupin Part 2 anime, and the beginning story was even animated by itself several years later! Lupin the Third is the grandson of the famous literary thief Arsène Lupin, and his partners in crime include the sharpshooter Jigen Daisuke, the stoic samurai Goemon Ishikawa the Thirteenth, and the on-again-off-again lover/rival Fujiko Mine. Their object is to steal the most valuable and important items while evading the guard of Inspector Koichi Zenigata, the ever-vigilant ICPO chief whose life goal is to capture Lupin, but when it's fulfilled, he's lost his purpose! What kids of exciting adventures will they get themselves into in...Shin Lupin III!

Shin Lupin III


Shin Lupin III

(1 Votes)
Monkey Punch
Action;  Adventure;  Comedy;  Crime;  Mystery;  Romance;  
Lupin the Third and his motley crew return in Shin Lupin III! This time, several of the stories are either brand new or adapted from or to the Lupin Part 2 anime, and the beginning story was even animated by itself several years later! Lupin the Third is the grandson of the famous literary thief Arsène Lupin, and his partners in crime include the sharpshooter Jigen Daisuke, the stoic samurai Goemon Ishikawa the Thirteenth, and the on-again-off-again lover/rival Fujiko Mine. Their object is to steal the most valuable and important items while evading the guard of Inspector Koichi Zenigata, the ever-vigilant ICPO chief whose life goal is to capture Lupin, but when it's fulfilled, he's lost his purpose! What kids of exciting adventures will they get themselves into in...Shin Lupin III!
Comments 1
Chapters 167
Lupin the Third and his motley crew return in Shin Lupin III! This time, several of the stories are either brand new or adapted from or to the Lupin Part 2 anime, and the beginning story was even animated by itself several years later! Lupin the Third is the grandson of the famous literary thief Arsène Lupin, and his partners in crime include the sharpshooter Jigen Daisuke, the stoic samurai Goemon Ishikawa the Thirteenth, and the on-again-off-again lover/rival Fujiko Mine. Their object is to steal the most valuable and important items while evading the guard of Inspector Koichi Zenigata, the ever-vigilant ICPO chief whose life goal is to capture Lupin, but when it's fulfilled, he's lost his purpose! What kids of exciting adventures will they get themselves into in...Shin Lupin III!
The way you talk about your passions ignites a fire within me. Perhaps the night is young enough to explore that heat a little further, with you by my side. f1nd me on albertabraden_mooo_com change _ to dot
Jul 17, 2024
The series Shin Lupin III contain intense violence, blood/gore,sexual content and/or strong language that may not be appropriate for underage viewers thus is blocked for their protection. So if you're above the legal age of 18.
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