What should I do to become an adult? Akane Amou, who grew up with her parents forbidding any kind of entertainment, is a little bad with \stimulating\ stuff, to the point she can\t even watch a kissing scene in a drama. Now that she's a highschool student, she somehow wants to overcome it! Those are her intentions, but it's not that easy. Meanwhile, she got acquainted with a movie otaku named Fuyumine. Will she be able to watch an R15 movie…?
What should I do to become an adult? Akane Amou, who grew up with her parents forbidding any kind of entertainment, is a little bad with \stimulating\ stuff, to the point she can\t even watch a kissing scene in a drama. Now that she's a highschool student, she somehow wants to overcome it! Those are her intentions, but it's not that easy. Meanwhile, she got acquainted with a movie otaku named Fuyumine. Will she be able to watch an R15 movie…?
What should I do to become an adult? Akane Amou, who grew up with her parents forbidding any kind of entertainment, is a little bad with \stimulating\ stuff, to the point she can\t even watch a kissing scene in a drama. Now that she's a highschool student, she somehow wants to overcome it! Those are her intentions, but it's not that easy. Meanwhile, she got acquainted with a movie otaku named Fuyumine. Will she be able to watch an R15 movie…?
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Chapters 30
What should I do to become an adult? Akane Amou, who grew up with her parents forbidding any kind of entertainment, is a little bad with \stimulating\ stuff, to the point she can\t even watch a kissing scene in a drama. Now that she's a highschool student, she somehow wants to overcome it! Those are her intentions, but it's not that easy. Meanwhile, she got acquainted with a movie otaku named Fuyumine. Will she be able to watch an R15 movie…?
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The series R15+ Ja Dame Desu Ka contain intense violence, blood/gore,sexual content and/or strong language that may not be appropriate for underage viewers thus is blocked for their protection. So if you're above the legal age of 18.
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